def create_account(self): # use this as a simple way to create a command instead of some gui just for now print 'Please create a new customer first!' first_name = raw_input('First Name: ') last_name = raw_input('Last Name: ') m = Message() m.first_name = first_name m.last_name = last_name self._bus.publish(m, Command.CREATE_CUSTOMER) print 'finished command'
def errorMsg(self, message): """ Method used to check for error messages @param message: the message to be searched for in the banner returns: boolean reporting success """ self.startCoverage("errorMsg") m = Message(self) result = m._findMsg(message, "error") self.endCoverage() return result
def auth(self): self.transport.send(Message.nick( data = self.transport.receive() try: msg = Message.parse(data) except MessageError: return False if msg.type == 'auth' and msg.payload == 'success': return True else: return False
def findResponse(self, successMsg, errorMsg): """ Method to check on the response of an action by looking at the message @param SuccessMsg: the message to be searched for in the banner upon success @param errorMsg: the message to be searched for in the banner upon failure returns: boolean reflecting the type of message found side effect: exception if neither message found """ self.startCoverage("findResponse") m = Message(self) result = m.findResponse(successMsg, errorMsg) self.endCoverage() return result
def test_terminate_on_unexpected_transport_finished(): with create_upstream_context() as ctxt: ctxt.send_msg(Message.ServiceDescription("AcceptanceTest", 2)) ctxt.expect_message("ServiceDescription") msg = Message.TransportFinished(TransferState.COMPLETE, "some_guid") ctxt.send_msg(msg) # other end has to close connection so check if socked is dead now, optionally a Notification can be sent before closing try: ctxt._socket.recv(0) uc.expect_message("Notification") ctxt.close() raise ValueError("TransportFinished erroneously accepted after handshake") except: pass
def finish(self, result, result_cmd, sub_budget_consumed): env = self.state result, env = env.contextualize(result) question = Message("Q: ") + self.message answer = Message("A: ") + result new_contents = self.register.contents + (question, answer) cmd = self.copy(result_cmd=result_cmd, budget_consumed=sub_budget_consumed) env = env.add_register(*new_contents, cmd=cmd, contextualize=False, n=self.n, replace=True) env = env.consume_budget(cmd.budget_consumed) return None, env, cmd
def test_terminate_on_unexpected_revoke_machine_ready(): with create_upstream_context() as ctxt: ctxt.send_msg(Message.ServiceDescription("AcceptanceTest", 2)) ctxt.expect_message("ServiceDescription") msg = Message.RevokeMachineReady() ctxt.send_msg(msg) # other end has to close connection so check if socked is dead now, optionally a Notification can be sent before closing try: ctxt._socket.recv(0) uc.expect_message("Notification") ctxt.close() raise ValueError("RevokeMachineReady erroneously accepted after handshake") except: pass
def use_staff(staff_usable, callback_cls, game_map, user): """Generic function for using a staff. Parameters ---------- staff_usable: Usable component. The usable component of the item entity. callback_cls: Class to use for the callback after the position to use the staff has been selected. game_map: GameMap The current game map. user: Entity The entity that used the staff. """ if staff_usable.owner.consumable.uses > 0: callback = callback_cls(staff_usable, game_map, user) return [{ ResultTypes.CURSOR_MODE: (user.x, user.y, callback, CursorTypes.RAY) }] else: message = Message( f"Cannot use {} with zero charges.") return [{ResultTypes.MESSAGE: message}]
def waterblast(game_map, center, *, radius=4, damage=6, user=None): """Create a blast of water centered at a position of a given radius. The waterblast both deals damage, and floods all tiles within a given radius. """ results = [] harmable_within_radius = (get_all_entities_with_component_within_radius( center, game_map, "harmable", radius)) for entity in (x for x in harmable_within_radius if x != user): text = f"The {} is caught in a waterblast!" message = Message(text, COLORS.get('white')) results.append({ ResultTypes.DAMAGE: (entity, None, damage, [Elements.WATER]), ResultTypes.MESSAGE: message }) blast_coordinates = coordinates_within_circle(center, radius) for coord in blast_coordinates: if game_map.walkable[coord]: entities = get_all_entities_of_type_within_radius( coord, game_map, EntityTypes.TERRAIN, 0) for entity in entities: results.append({ResultTypes.REMOVE_ENTITY: entity}) water = Water.make(game_map, coord[0], coord[1]) results.append({ResultTypes.ADD_ENTITY: water}) results.append( {ResultTypes.ANIMATION: (Animations.WATERBLAST, center, radius)}) return results
def hit(self, x, y, damage, name, map, entities, results): """Long range 'attack' for spells.""" target = map.get_entity(x, y, entities) if target: results.append({ 'message': Message( 'The {} hits {} for {} hitpoints.'.format( name,, damage), 'crimson') }) target.take_damage(damage, results) else: results.append({ 'message': Message('Oops, {} does nothing.'.format(name), 'white') })
def index(): code = request.args.get('code', '') if code: Code.objects.delete() Code.objects.insert(Code(code=code)) return redirect('') return render_template('index.html', messages=Message.objects())
def sendTweet(userInput): startIndex = userInput.find('\"') #the starting index of the tweet message #startIndexHash = userInput.find('#') #the starting index of the hashtags if startIndex != -1: #i.e. if the first quote was found endIndex = userInput.find('\"', startIndex + 1) if startIndex != -1 and endIndex != -1: #i.e. both quotes were found tweetMessage = userInput[startIndex + 1:endIndex] if len(tweetMessage) < 1: print("message format illegal.") elif len(tweetMessage) > 150: print("message length illegal, connection refused.") else: hashPart = userInput[ endIndex:] #search for hashtag after the tweet message startIndexHash = hashPart.find( '#') #the starting index of the hashtags if startIndexHash != -1: #hashtags found hashtags = hashPart[startIndexHash + 1:] hashtagList = hashtags.split("#") for hashtag in hashtagList: if not hashtag.isalnum() or len(hashtag) < 1: print( "hashtag illegal format, connection refused.") else: #Send the tweet to the server userTweet = Message(tweetMessage, username, hashtagList) request = Request(Method.TWEET, userTweet) clientSocket.send(pickle.dumps(request)) response = clientSocket.recv(1024) response = pickle.loads(response) if response.status == Status.ERROR: print(response.body)
def get(self, tab='info'): params = {} params['bigboard'] = self.request.get('bigboard') if tab == 'info': feed = [] for msg in Message.query(Message.show_in_day_of == True).order(-Message.added).fetch(limit=20): feed.append({"date": msg.added, "type": "message", "message": msg}) for post in Post.query(Post.feed == 'twitter/user/HackAtBrown', Post.is_reply == False).order( feed.append({"date":, "type": "tweet", "tweet": post}) feed.sort(key=lambda x: x['date'], reverse=True) params['feed'] = feed[:min(len(feed), 20)] elif tab == 'requests': def request_to_dict(req): return { "name": req.requester.get().name if req.requester else None, "issue": req.issue, "tags": req.tags, "location": req.location, "time": req.created } params['requests'] = map(request_to_dict, MentorRequest.query().order(-MentorRequest.created).fetch(limit=100)) content = template("day_of/{0}.html".format(tab), params) # TODO: security-ish stuff if self.request.get('ajax'): self.response.write(content) else: index_params = { "tab": tab, "tab_content": content, "bigboard": self.request.get('bigboard') } self.response.write(template("day_of/index.html", index_params))
def save_result_into_RS_db(message: Message): if isinstance(message, MsgTestSuiteReport): m_data = message.tc_results # this is a list m_type = "final" elif isinstance(message, MsgTestCaseVerdict): m_data = message.to_dict() m_type = "intermediate" else: raise TypeError("Expecting Report or TC verdict message") m = MsgReportSaveRequest( type=m_type, data=m_data, )"Sending %s results to RS" % m_type) try: reply = amqp_request( connection=pika.BlockingConnection(pika.URLParameters(AMQP_URL)), request_message=m, component_id=COMPONENT_ID, retries=3, use_message_typing=True, ) except AmqpSynchCallTimeoutError as tout: logger.warning("Request for %s timed out. Is RS up?" % type(m)) return if not reply or not reply.ok: logger.warning("Couldn't save results, got response: %s " % repr(reply)) return"Successful %s results save into RS" % m_type)
def fetchMintingKey(self, transport, denominations=None, keyids=None, time=None): denominations_str = [str(d) for d in denominations] protocol = protocols.fetchMintingKeyProtocol( denominations=denominations_str, keyids=keyids, time=time) transport.setProtocol(protocol) transport.start() protocol.newMessage(Message(None)) # Get the keys direct from the protcool. retreivedKeys = protocol.keycerts for key in retreivedKeys: try: cdd = self.cdds[key.currency_identifier] except KeyError: continue # try the other currencies if not self.keyids.has_key(key.key_identifier): if key.verify_with_CDD(cdd): self.keyids[key.key_identifier] = key else: raise Exception('Got a bad key')
class TopLevel: bg_filename = "nebula.png" def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.shipset = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() self.halt = 0 self.xmit_cntdown = xmit_subfreq self.main_sprite = PX74Sprite("b.png") self.shipset.add(self.main_sprite) # (try to) load background image try: self.bg_sfc = pygame.image.load(self.bg_filename).convert() except pygame.error, message: print "Foobar: " + message # blit up the background image onto the screen surface self.screen.blit(self.bg_sfc, (0, 0)) pygame.display.update() # required after initial blit before sprites self.netw = ClientNetWrangler(('', 9000), ('', 9001)) if not self.netw.startup(): print "ERROR: couldn't start; network init failed" self.halt = 1 return hellomsg = Message() hellomsg.type = ClientMessages.HELLO self.netw.enqueue_message(hellomsg) self.handle = 0
def process_selected_item(item, *, player=None, game_map=None, game_state=None, player_turn_results=None): # Check which inventory screen we are on and call the appropriate method. if game_state == GameStates.SHOW_INVENTORY: if item.usable: player_turn_results.extend(item.usable.use(game_map, player)) player_turn_results.extend(item.consumable.consume()) elif game_state == GameStates.THROW_INVENTORY: if item.throwable: # Cannot throw weapons that are equipped. if item.equipable and item.equipable.equipped: message = Message(f"Cannot throw equipped weapon {}") player_turn_results.append({ResultTypes.MESSAGE: message}) return player_turn_results.extend(item.throwable.throw(game_map, player)) player_turn_results.extend(item.consumable.consume()) elif game_state == GameStates.EQUIP_INVENTORY: if item.equipable and item.equipable.equipped: player_turn_results.extend(item.equipable.remove(player)) elif item.equipable: player_turn_results.extend(item.equipable.equip(player)) elif game_state == GameStates.DROP_INVENTORY: player_turn_results.extend(player.inventory.drop(item))
def main_loop(self): while True: self.took_turn = False self.timer, next_actor = heapq.heappop(self.event_queue) if isinstance(next_actor, Player): while True: self.draw_screen() try: c = self.main.getch() msg = self.keybindings[c]["function"]( **self.keybindings[c]["args"]) except KeyError: continue else: if msg: self.add_message(msg) self.add_event(next_actor) self.current_level.heatmap(self.player.x, self.player.y) break else: msg = next_actor.take_turn(self.current_level) if msg: if msg == "Game over.": self.save_game() self.msg_handler.new_message(Message(msg)) self.add_event(next_actor)
def abbreviate_textplan(textplan): """ recursive helper function that prints only the skeletton of a textplan (message types and RST relations but not the actual message content) :param textplan: a text plan, a constituent set or a message :type textplan: ``TextPlan`` or ``ConstituentSet`` or ``Message`` :return: a message (without the attribute value pairs stored in it) :rtype: ``Message`` """ if isinstance(textplan, TextPlan): score = textplan["title"]["book score"] abbreviated_textplan = abbreviate_textplan(textplan["children"]) return TextPlan(book_score=score, children=abbreviated_textplan) if isinstance(textplan, ConstituentSet): reltype = textplan[Feature("relType")] nucleus = abbreviate_textplan(textplan[Feature("nucleus")]) satellite = abbreviate_textplan(textplan[Feature("satellite")]) return ConstituentSet(relType=reltype, nucleus=nucleus, satellite=satellite) if isinstance(textplan, Message): msgtype = textplan[Feature("msgType")] return Message(msgType=msgtype)
def use(self, item_entity, **kwargs): results = [] item_component = item_entity.item if item_component.use_function is None: results.append({ 'message': Message('The {0} cannot be used'.format(, tcod.yellow) }) else: if item_component.targeting and not (kwargs.get('target_x') or kwargs.get('target_y')): results.append({'targeting': item_entity}) else: kwargs = {**item_component.function_kwargs, **kwargs} item_use_results = item_component.use_function( self.owner, **kwargs) for item_use_result in item_use_results: if item_use_result.get('consumed'): self.remove_item(item_entity) results.extend(item_use_results) return results
def test_typos_in_data_with_random_forest(self): classifier = RandomForest() model = self.pipeline.with_estimator(classifier).fit(self.X_train, self.y_train) error_generator = Typos() num_cols = 3 # Will fail if the number of columns is less than 3 columns = np.random.choice(self.features, num_cols, replace=False) corrupted_X_test =, columns=columns) # prediction = model.predict(X_test) # print(accuracy_score(y_test, prediction)) # suite = TestSuite() pipeline_profile = SklearnPipelineProfiler().on(model) tests, warnings = (self.automated_suite .with_profiles(self.data_profile, pipeline_profile) .on(corrupted_X_test)) for column, profile in zip(columns, self.data_profile.profiles): if profile.scale != DataScale.NOMINAL: continue self.assertIn(Test(Severity.CRITICAL).is_in_range(profile), tests) self.assertIn(Warning(ErrorType.NOT_IN_RANGE, Severity.CRITICAL, Message().not_in_range % (profile.column_name, str(profile.range))), warnings)
def process(self): # add new messages if 'new_message' in data = { 'user_id':, 'text':['new_message'].value } id = self.messages.add(data) # add like if 'like' in message_id = int(['like'].value) if message_id: message = Message(message_id) MessageLikes(message).toggle( # add comment for field in if field.startswith('new_comment_'): reference_id = field.split('_')[2] if reference_id: data = { 'user_id':, 'reference_id': reference_id, 'text':[field].value } id = self.messages.add(data) break # remember scroll if 'scroll_pos' in p =['scroll_pos'].value self.scroll_pos = int(round(float(p), 0))
def _WriteSharedVar(sharedVarType, name, data): w = str(data) if sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.BYTE_ARRAY: w = '0x' + ''.join([ "%02X" % x for x in data ]) elif sharedVarType in [SharedVarTypes.INT, SharedVarTypes.LONG]: w = str(int(data)) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.DOUBLE: w = str(float(data)) elif sharedVarType in [SharedVarTypes.INT_ARRAY, SharedVarTypes.LONG_ARRAY]: w = ' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in data]) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.DOUBLE_ARRAY: w = ' '.join([str(float(x)) for x in data]) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.STRING: w = Message._SerializeString(data) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.MATRIX: w = SharedVar._SerializeMatrix(data) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.RECOGNIZED_SPEECH: w = SharedVar._SerializeRecognizedSpeech(data) else: print 'pyRobotics - ERROR: Unhandled shared var type' return False r = BB.SendAndWait(Command('write_var', sharedVarType + ' ' + name + ' ' + w), 2000, 2) return (r and r.successful)
def __init__(self, group_id): self.group_id = group_id self.users = set ([]) self.user_photos = {} self.survey_data_filename = "c:/users/aaron/desktop/survey_data.txt" self.meetup_client = meetup.Meetup(conf.api_key) self.message_client = Message()
def test_terminate_on_illegal_message(): with create_upstream_context() as ctxt: msg_bytes = b"<Hermes Timestamp='2020-04-28T10:01:20.768'><ThisIsNotAKnownMessage /></Hermes>" ctxt.send_tag_and_bytes(None, msg_bytes) # other end has to close connection so check if socked is dead now, optionally a Notification can be sent before closing try: ctxt._socket.recv(0) uc.expect_message("Notification") ctxt.close() raise ValueError("illegal message erroneously accepted") except: # try the same after initial handshake ctxt.close() with create_upstream_context() as ctxt: ctxt.send_msg(Message.ServiceDescription("AcceptanceTest", 2)) ctxt.expect_message("ServiceDescription") ctxt.send_tag_and_bytes(None, msg_bytes) # other end has to close connection so check if socked is dead now, optionally a Notification can be sent before closing try: ctxt._socket.recv(0) uc.expect_message("Notification") ctxt.close() raise ValueError("illegal message erroneously accepted after handshake") except: pass
def _WriteSharedVar(sharedVarType, name, data): w = str(data) if sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.BYTE_ARRAY: w = '0x' + ''.join(["%02X" % x for x in data]) elif sharedVarType in [SharedVarTypes.INT, SharedVarTypes.LONG]: w = str(int(data)) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.DOUBLE: w = str(float(data)) elif sharedVarType in [ SharedVarTypes.INT_ARRAY, SharedVarTypes.LONG_ARRAY ]: w = ' '.join([str(int(x)) for x in data]) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.DOUBLE_ARRAY: w = ' '.join([str(float(x)) for x in data]) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.STRING: w = Message._SerializeString(data) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.MATRIX: w = SharedVar._SerializeMatrix(data) elif sharedVarType == SharedVarTypes.RECOGNIZED_SPEECH: w = SharedVar._SerializeRecognizedSpeech(data) else: print 'pyRobotics - ERROR: Unhandled shared var type' return False r = BB.SendAndWait( Command('write_var', sharedVarType + ' ' + name + ' ' + w), 2000, 2) return (r and r.successful)
async def client_read(reader, writer, connection): """ Utilized by the Telnet and SSH client_handlers. We want this coroutine to run while the client is connected, so we begin with a while loop We first await control back to the loop until we have received some input (or an EOF) Mark the connection to disconnected and break out if a disconnect (EOF) else we handle the input. Client input packaged into a JSON payload and put into the messages_to_game asyncio.Queue() """ while connection.state["connected"]: inp = await reader.readline()"Raw received data in client_read : {inp}") if not inp: # This is an EOF. Hard disconnect. connection.state["connected"] = False return payload = { "uuid": connection.uuid, "addr": connection.addr, "port": connection.port, "msg": inp.strip(), } msg = { "event": "player/input", "secret": WS_SECRET, "payload": payload, } asyncio.create_task( messages_to_game.put( Message("IO", message=json.dumps(msg, sort_keys=True, indent=4))))
def sendmessage(): input = request.get_json() messageobj = Message(input['username']) messageobj.readmessages() messageobj.addmessages(messageobj.username, input['messagetxt'], input['channelname']) messageobj.writemessages() resp = make_response(jsonify(status='success'), 200) return resp
def dataLine(self, name): self.__dataline_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['COLLECTOR'].send(Message( 'DATALINE', NAME=name)) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['DATALINE'].wait() self.__event['DATALINE'].clear() return self.__dataline_return[ 'LINE'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def logName(self): self.__logname_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['LOG'].send( Message('LOGNAME')) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['LOGNAME'].wait() self.__event['LOGNAME'].clear() return self.__logname_return[ 'NAME'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def summary(self): self.__summary_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['COLLECTOR'].send( Message('SUMMARY')) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['SUMMARY'].wait() self.__event['SUMMARY'].clear() return self.__summary_return[ 'SUMMARY'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def getMessage(id): try: message = Message(id) data = data['user'] = return jsonify(data) except Exception, e: return problem(e)
def snapshot(self): self.__snapshot_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['COLLECTOR'].send( Message('SNAPSHOT')) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['SNAPSHOT'].wait() self.__event['SNAPSHOT'].clear() return self.__snapshot_return[ 'SNAPSHOT'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def supportedCommands(self): self.__s_commands_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['WORKER'].send(Message( 'SUPPORTED_COMMANDS')) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['SUPPORTED_COMMANDS'].wait() self.__event['SUPPORTED_COMMANDS'].clear() return self.__s_commands_return[ 'SUPPORTED_COMMANDS'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def queues(self): self.__queues_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['ECU'].send( Message('GETQUEUES')) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['GETQUEUES'].wait() self.__event['GETQUEUES'].clear() return self.__queues_return[ 'QUEUES'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def val(self, name): self.__val_return = None # Stores the response from the callback self.__pipes['COLLECTOR'].send(Message( 'VAL', NAME=name)) # Send message for incomming request self.__event['VAL'].wait() self.__event['VAL'].clear() return self.__val_return[ 'VAL'] # Return the response from the callback to the caller
def send(self, message, payload=None): """Formats message and payload into packet and sends it to device. Args: command: Command to send. payload: Additional payload to send in packet. """ cmd = Command(message, payload) rospy.logdebug("Sending %s: %s", Message.to_string(message), payload) self.conn.write(cmd.serialize())
def post(self, message_type): message_dict = self._decoode_json_body() try: message = Message.from_dict(message_dict) except MessageParsingError as e: raise HTTPError(500, reason=e.message) if message_type != message.type: raise HTTPError(500, reason="Request message type {body_type} " "doesn't match URL {url_type}".format(body_type=message.type, url_type=message_type)) self.manager.message_router.put_message(message)
def auth(self): recv = None with Timeout(Player.auth_timeout, PlayerError("Authentication timed out")): try: msg = self.transport.receive() except PlayerError as e: print("error on receive") print(e) return False try: msg = Message.parse(msg) except MessageError: print("bad message") return False if msg.type == "nick": = msg.payload self.transport.send(Message.auth_success().pack()) return True return False
def __init__(self, group_id): """Initialize a Pair Data Science pairing system""" self.group_id = group_id self.users = set ([]) self.user_photos = {} ## Survey data filename is exclusively for SurveyMonkey text self.survey_data_filename = "c:/users/aaron/desktop/survey_data.txt" ## Survey api survey id is exclusively for the SurveyMonkey API self.survey_api_survey_id = u"67951656" self.meetup_client = meetup.Meetup(conf.meetup_api_key) self.message_client = Message() self.aaron_matches = False
def run_p2(self): while True: rec = self.p2.listen() try: msg = Message.parse(rec) except MessageError: continue if msg.type == 'punch' and msg.payload == '1': -= Game.damage print "player 1 health: " + str( if <= 0: self.end.set()
def get(self, message=None, wait=2): """Sends command and returns reply. Args: message: Message to expect (default: first to come in). wait: Seconds to wait until received if a specific message is required (default: 2). Returns: Reply. Raises: SonarNotInitialized: Attempt reading serial without opening port. TimeoutError: Process timed out while waiting for specific message. """ # Verify sonar is initialized. if not self.initialized: raise exceptions.SonarNotInitialized() expected_name = None if message: expected_name = Message.to_string(message) rospy.logdebug("Waiting for %s message", expected_name) # Determine end time. end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=wait) # Wait until received if a specific message ID is requested, otherwise # wait forever. while message is None or < end: try: reply = self.conn.get_reply() # Update state if mtAlive. if == Message.ALIVE: self.__update_state(reply) # If first was asked, respond immediately. if message is None: return reply # Otherwise, verify reply ID. if == message: rospy.logdebug("Found %s message", expected_name) return reply elif != Message.ALIVE: rospy.logwarn( "Received unexpected %s message", ) except exceptions.PacketCorrupted, serial.SerialException: # Keep trying. continue
def wait(self, msg_type): """ Waits for a specific message type, then returns the received message """ while True: rec = self.transport.receive() try: msg = Message.parse(rec) except MessageError: continue if msg.type == msg_type: return msg
def _SerializeRecognizedSpeech(cls, data): if not data: return None txt = StringIO() txt.write('{ ' + str(len(data)) + ' ') for t in data: txt.write(Message._SerializeString(t[0]) + ' ' + str(t[1]) + ' ') txt.write('}') return txt.getvalue()
def post(self, message_type): if config.RestServer.LOG_RECEIVED_MESSAGES: app_log.debug("Received message from controller:\n%s" % self.request.body) message_dict = self._decoode_json_body() try: message = Message.from_dict(message_dict) except MessageParsingError as e: raise HTTPError(500, reason=e.message) if message_type != message.type: raise HTTPError(500, reason="Request message type {body_type} " "doesn't match URL {url_type}".format(body_type=message.type, url_type=message_type)) self.manager.message_router.put_message(message)
def _process_message(self, log_entry): message = Message.create_message(log_entry) if message: # If a supported message is found if message.is_internal_message(): # (internal messages should always be sent then received, # not always case at beginning and end of logfile) if message.is_sent_message():['index'] = len(self.messages) self.messages.append(message) index = len(self.messages) - 1 self.internal_messages.append({'index': index, 'message': message}) # If an received message, try find sent message in list and merge extra info # If sent message not found update the message to say not found and append to list elif message.is_received_message(): for index, sent_message in enumerate(self.internal_messages): # Handle the case when duplicate messages are logged if Message.is_same_message(sent_message['message'], message): merged_message = Message.merge(sent_message['message'], message) self.messages[sent_message['index']] = merged_message self.internal_messages.pop(index) break else: # Externally received message['index'] = len(self.messages) self.messages.append(message) else:['index'] = len(self.messages) self.messages.append(message)
def _extract_transaction_info(self, snapshot_id, grouped_messages): self.transactions = [] for group in grouped_messages.itervalues(): self.transactions.append({ 'snapshot_id': str(snapshot_id), 'transaction_id': group[0].get_transaction_id(), 'request': group[0].get()['method'], 'status': group[-1].get()['status'], 'utc': group[0].get()['utc'], 'message_ids': Message.get_message_ids(group), 'call_id': self._get_group_call_id(group), 'local_tag': self._get_group_local_tag(group), 'remote_tag': self._get_group_remote_tag(group) })
def _DeserializeRecognizedSpeech(cls, data): '''Returns a list which contains tuples (2 elements each) with string and confidence.''' if data == '' or data == 'null': return None if data[0] != '{' or data[-1] != '}': return None data = data[1:-1].strip() count = 0 if data.find(' ') > -1: count, data = data.split(None, 1) else: return None count = int(count) l = [] for _ in range(count): if data[0] != '"': return None pos = 1 str_len = len(data) while pos < str_len: if data[pos] == '"': break elif data[pos] == '\\': pos += 1 pos += 1 if pos == str_len: return None currentText = Message._DeserializeString(data[:pos + 1]) data = data[pos+1:].strip() if data.find(' ') > -1: currentConfidence, data = data.split(None, 1) else: currentConfidence = data currentConfidence = float(currentConfidence) l.append((currentText, currentConfidence)) return l
def _run(self): print "game is starting" self.p1.transport.send(Message.opponent( self.p2.transport.send(Message.opponent( self.p1.transport.send(Message.start_game().pack()) self.p2.transport.send(Message.start_game().pack()) player1 = gevent.spawn(self.run_p1) player2 = gevent.spawn(self.run_p2) self.end.wait() gevent.killall([player1, player2]) if <= 0: print("player 1 won") self.p1.send( self.p2.send(Message.lose().pack()) else: print("player 2 won") self.p1.send(Message.lose().pack()) self.p2.send( self.exit()
def _ProcessReadVar(cls, var): try: if not return None if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.STRING: return Message._DeserializeString( if var.svType in [SharedVarTypes.INT, SharedVarTypes.LONG]: return int( if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.DOUBLE: return float( if var.svType in [SharedVarTypes.INT_ARRAY, SharedVarTypes.LONG_ARRAY]: return [int(x) for x in] if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.DOUBLE_ARRAY: return [float(x) for x in] if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.BYTE_ARRAY: return SharedVar._DeserializeByteArray( if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.RECOGNIZED_SPEECH: return SharedVar._DeserializeRecognizedSpeech( if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.MATRIX: return SharedVar._DeserializeMatrix( if var.svType == SharedVarTypes.VAR: if == 'null': return None return except: pass print 'Error parsing type: ' + var.svType return None
def handle_punch(self): while True: gevent.sleep(2) """ Record a few seconds of audio and save to a WAVE file. """ from import read, write from scipy.fftpack import rfft, irfft from scipy import * from pylab import * import numpy as np import pyaudio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import wave import sys last = 0. last2 = 0. cal = [] mean = 0. std = 0. hit = 0 chunk = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 44100 #RECORD_SECONDS = 0.1 WAVE_FILENAME = '/tmp/ashfs/output.wav' p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream = = FORMAT, channels = CHANNELS, rate = RATE, input = True, output = True, frames_per_buffer = chunk) init = True while True: #print "* recording" all = [] #for i in range(0, RATE / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS): i = 0 while i < 5: # ~120ms try: data = all.append(data) i = i + 1 except: pass #print "* done recording" #print data[0] #print type(data[0]) #print "%d" % ord(data[0]) #audio = numpy.fromstring(data) #print type(audio) #audio.shape = (audio.shape[0], 1) #print audio.shape #f = scipy.fft(audio[:,0]) # write data to WAVE file data = ''.join(all) wf =, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(CHANNELS) wf.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(data) wf.close() rate, input = read(WAVE_FILENAME) input_max = max(input) input = input / float(input_max) fmax = rate / 2 input_len = len(input) input_time = float(input_len) / float(rate) #print "%d samples @ %dHz, duration = %f seconds" % (input_len, rate, input_time) t = linspace(0, input_time, input_len); ft = rfft(input) mgft = abs(ft) df = fmax/float(input_len/2) f = linspace(0, fmax, input_len/2 + 1) if init: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(211) title('Time-Domain of Signal') tplot, = ax.plot(t, input) bx = fig.add_subplot(212) title('Fourier-Domain Magnitude of Signal') fplot, = bx.plot(f, mgft[0:input_len/2+1]) init = False #plot(t, input) tplot.set_ydata(input) fplot.set_ydata(mgft[0:input_len/2+1]) fig.canvas.draw() #show() sum = 0. # @50 22000, 25000 # @5 2200, 2500 # @4 1300, 1500 #print f[1300] #print f[1500] #print f[1800] #print f[2200] #print f[2500] sum_d = 0. for i in range(2200, 2500): sum += mgft[i] if i > 2300: sum_d += mgft[i] hitstr=""" # # ### ####### # # # # # # # # ####### # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # """ ratio = sum_d/sum #print sum if sum > 200: #print "ratio: %f, sum: %f" % (ratio * 100 , sum) last = ratio * 100 delta = last - last2 print "%f" % (delta) last2 = last #delta = ratio - last if abs(delta) > 6: hit = hit + 1 print hitstr print "Hits = %d" % (hit) print "Sending punch" self.transport.send(Message.punch().pack()) #if ratio > 7: #print sum #delta = last - sum; #if len(cal) < 21: # cal.append(sum) # print "Calibrating Delta = %f..." %(delta) # if len(cal) == 21: # mean = np.average(cal) # std = np.std(cal) # print "Done calibrating! STD=%f, MEAN=%f" % (std, mean) # print cal #else: # print "STD: %f" % (float(sum - mean)/std) #print "Delta (%f%%) : %f" % (sum/last * 100, delta); #if sum > 60000000: #last = sum #print sum #print sum2 #print "stability: %f, delta: %f, sum: %f" % (ratio * 100, ratio_d * 100, sum) stream.close() p.terminate() print "sending punch"
def close(self): self.transport.send(Message.exit().pack()) self.transport.close()
def handle_punch(self): while True: gevent.sleep(7) #print "sending punch" self.transport.send(Message.punch().pack())
class Main: """Run the Pair Data Science process""" conf = Config() def __init__(self, group_id): """Initialize a Pair Data Science pairing system""" self.group_id = group_id self.users = set ([]) self.user_photos = {} ## Survey data filename is exclusively for SurveyMonkey text self.survey_data_filename = "c:/users/aaron/desktop/survey_data.txt" ## Survey api survey id is exclusively for the SurveyMonkey API self.survey_api_survey_id = u"67951656" self.meetup_client = meetup.Meetup(conf.meetup_api_key) self.message_client = Message() self.aaron_matches = False def get_weekly_opt_ins(self): """Grab list interested in matching this week from Meetup event API""" arg_dict = {} arg_dict["group_id"] = self.group_id events = self.meetup_client.get_events(**arg_dict).results opt_ins = {} for x in events: if not "Pair Data Science" in print "Skipped", continue else: print "Calculating Pairs -", rsvps = x.get_rsvps(self.meetup_client) try: for rsvp in rsvps.results: opt_ins[rsvp.member["member_id"]] = rsvp.member["name"] try: self.user_photos[rsvp.member["member_id"]] = rsvp.member_photo["highres_link"] except: self.user_photos[rsvp.member["member_id"]] = None except: print "didn't get 'em" return opt_ins def get_users_parser(self,parser_type,survey_unique_identifier): """Use parser to grab data from relevant source""" parser = parser_type(survey_unique_identifier) if not parser.parse(): return None all_users = parser.get_users() ## Remember all previous matches ## TODO: Update analyze function to exclude previous pairs (Don't want the same person each week) ## TODO: Persist to a database instead of a file previous_pairs = set([]) previous_pairs_filename = "c:/users/aaron/desktop/previous_pairs.txt" if os.path.isfile(previous_pairs_filename): with open (previous_pairs_filename) as prev: for line in prev: usera, userb = line.strip().split(",") previous_pairs.add((usera,userb)) previous_pairs.add((userb,usera)) ## Grabs the list of people interested in being matched this week ## From the Meetup event API opt_ins = self.get_weekly_opt_ins() missing_surveys = set([str(u) for u in opt_ins.keys()]).difference(set([str(u.user_id) for u in all_users])) print "Missing Surveys", len(missing_surveys), missing_surveys ## Filter to just opted-in users print "Pre-filter # users", len(all_users) users = set([i for i in all_users if int(i.user_id) in opt_ins]) ## Filter out Aaron, as desired if not self.aaron_matches: for u in set(users): if u.user_id in ["87429312","185839888"]: users.remove(u) break print "Post-filter # users", len(users) return users def get_users(self): """Read in the survey data or simulate new data""" self.users = self.get_users_parser(APIParser, self.survey_api_survey_id) print self.users if self.users is None: if os.path.isfile(self.survey_data_filename): self.users = self.get_users_parser(TextParser, self.survey_data_filename) else: print "Simulating data" ## Simulate some number of survey responses sim = Simulator() sim.simulate(200) ## By adding a seed parameter, you can have reproducible sims self.users = sim.get_users() # ## Print some summaries # for user in users: # user.to_string() # Print some descriptive stats print "# Users", len(self.users), [ for u in self.users] def analyze_pairs(self): """Match pairs of users""" # Analyze pairs ## GeogMatcher is a very basic algorithm that only makes use of geography ## TODO: Update algorithm to incorporate more than geography analyze = GeogMatcher(self.users) match_results = analyze.get_best_matches() return match_results def send_missing_survey_messages(self,debug=True): """Send message to users that haven't taken survey yet""" msg_no_name = Text(self.group_id).take_survey opt_ins = self.get_weekly_opt_ins() user_ids = [u.user_id for u in self.users] for opt_in in opt_ins: if str(opt_in) not in user_ids: msg = msg_no_name % (opt_ins[opt_in]) if debug: print msg else: print "Starting Message:",msg.split("\n")[0] print self.message_client.send(msg,str(opt_in)) print msg def send_pair_assignment_messages(self,finish_date,pairs,debug=True): """Send message to pairs of users alerting them to their pairings""" msg_no_names = Text(self.group_id).assign_pair if raw_input('Continue Sending Messages - T or F : ') != "T": return for pair in pairs: msg = msg_no_names % (finish_date,pair[0].name,pair[1].name) if raw_input("Send Pair %s -- %s -- T or F: " % (pair[0].name,pair[1].name)) != "T": print "Skipping %s -- %s" % (pair[0].name,pair[1].name) continue else: if debug: print "DEBUG ONLY - NOT ACTUALLY SENDING" print msg else: self.message_client.send2(msg,[str(p.user_id) for p in pair])
def parse(self): """Parses packet into header, message ID, sequence and payload. This method also checks if the packet contains all relevant fields and has the correct size. Raises: PacketIncomplete: Packet is incomplete. PacketCorrupted: Packet is corrupted. """ try: # Parse message header and check for line feed. self.bitstream.bytepos = 0 if self.bitstream.endswith("0x0A"): header ="uint:8") else: raise PacketIncomplete("Packet does not end with line feed") # Verify message header is '@'. if header != 0x40: raise PacketCorrupted("Unexpected header: {}".format(header)) # Find package Hex Length from byte 6, excluding LF # as it is noted in packet bytes 2-5. self.bitstream.bytepos = 1 hex_list = ["hex:8") for i in range(4)] ascii_string = ''.join((chr(int(i, 16)) for i in hex_list)) self.size = int(ascii_string, 16) # Check if the size of the packet is correct, # by comparing packet's real size to self.size. real_size = (self.bitstream.len / 8) - 6 # 6 bytes if real_size < self.size: raise PacketIncomplete( "Packet is undersize: {} / {}" .format(real_size, self.size) ) elif real_size > self.size: raise PacketCorrupted( "Packet is oversize: {} / {}" .format(real_size, self.size) ) # Check if Bin Length equals Hex Length. # Note we read num as little-endian unsigned int. self.bitstream.bytepos = 5 bin_ln ="uintle:16") if bin_ln != self.size: raise PacketCorrupted( "Binary and hex size mismatch: bin: {}, hex: {}" .format(bin_ln, self.size) ) # Parse Packet Source Identification Node. self.bitstream.bytepos = 7 source_id ="uint:8") # Check Packet Destination Identification Node is 255. self.bitstream.bytepos = 8 dest_id ="uint:8") if dest_id != 255: raise PacketCorrupted( "Invalid Packet Destination Identification Node: {}" .format(dest_id) ) # Parse message ID and verify it's between 0-72. self.bitstream.bytepos = 10 ="uint:8") = Message.to_string( if not 0 <= <= 72: raise PacketCorrupted("Invalid message ID: {}".format( # Check for size following byte 10, excluding LF. self.bitstream.bytepos = 9 byte_count ="uint:8") if == Message.HEAD_DATA and byte_count == 0: # HEAD_DATA single-packet replies are different; always 0. # Could be used to confirm whether it's in single-packet mode. pass else: # For all other replies, verify size. # Byte count differs from self.size by 5 bytes. if byte_count != self.size - 5: raise PacketCorrupted( "Bytes left mismatch: recv: {}, exp: {}, id: {}" .format(byte_count, self.size - 5, ) # Parse message sequence bitset. self.bitstream.bytepos = 11 self.is_last ="bool") self.sequence ="uint:7") # Read bitset to determine number of packets. # Necessary for Multi-packet mode. pass # Verify TX Node number. Should be equal to Packet Source # Identification Node number. self.bitstream.bytepos = 12 tx_node ="uint:8") if tx_node != source_id: raise PacketCorrupted( "Node number mismatch: TX: {}, Source ID: {}" .format(tx_node, source_id) ) # Parse message payload (byte 14 to end, excluding LF). self.bitstream.bytepos = 13 size_payload = (self.size - 8) * 8 self.payload = except (ValueError, ReadError) as e: raise PacketCorrupted("Unexpected error", e)
class Main: conf = Config() def __init__(self, group_id): self.group_id = group_id self.users = set ([]) self.user_photos = {} self.survey_data_filename = "c:/users/aaron/desktop/survey_data.txt" self.meetup_client = meetup.Meetup(conf.api_key) self.message_client = Message() def get_weekly_opt_ins(self): arg_dict = {} arg_dict["group_id"] = self.group_id events = self.meetup_client.get_events(**arg_dict).results opt_ins = {} for x in events: if not "Pair Data Science" in print "Skipped", continue else: print "Calculating Pairs -", rsvps = x.get_rsvps(self.meetup_client) try: for rsvp in rsvps.results: opt_ins[rsvp.member["member_id"]] = rsvp.member["name"] try: self.user_photos[rsvp.member["member_id"]] = rsvp.member_photo["highres_link"] except: self.user_photos[rsvp.member["member_id"]] = None except: print "didn't get 'em" print "Missing Surveys", set(opt_ins.keys()).difference(set([str(u.user_id) for u in self.users])) return opt_ins def get_users(self): ## Read in the survey data or simulate new data if os.path.isfile(self.survey_data_filename): parser = Parser(self.survey_data_filename) all_users = parser.get_users() ## Remember all previous matches ## TODO: Update analyze function to exclude previous pairs (Don't want the same person each week) ## TODO: Persist to a database instead of a file previous_pairs = set([]) previous_pairs_filename = "c:/users/aaron/desktop/previous_pairs.txt" if os.path.isfile(previous_pairs_filename): with open (previous_pairs_filename) as prev: for line in prev: usera, userb = line.strip().split(",") previous_pairs.add((usera,userb)) previous_pairs.add((userb,usera)) ## Grabs the list of people interested in being matched this week ## From the Meetup event API opt_ins = self.get_weekly_opt_ins() ## Filter to just opted-in users self.users = set([i for i in all_users if int(i.user_id) in opt_ins]) else: print "Simulating data" ## Simulate some number of survey responses sim = Simulator() sim.simulate(200) ## By adding a seed parameter, you can have reproducible sims self.users = sim.get_users() # ## Print some summaries # for user in users: # user.to_string() # Print some descriptive stats print "# Users", len(self.users), [ for u in self.users] def analyze_pairs(self): # Analyze pairs ## This is a very basic algorithm that only makes use of geography ## TODO: Update algorithm to incorporate more than geography analyze = Analyze(self.users) analyze.analyze_easy_potentials() match_results = analyze.get_best_matches() potential_pairs = analyze.get_potential_pairs() return match_results # for user in users: # if user.user_id not in potential_pairs: # print "No Matches for:", # print user.user_id, def send_missing_survey_messages(self,debug=True): msg_no_name = Text(self.group_id).take_survey opt_ins = self.get_weekly_opt_ins() user_ids = [u.user_id for u in self.users] for opt_in in opt_ins: if str(opt_in) not in user_ids: msg = msg_no_name % (opt_ins[opt_in]) if debug: print msg else: print message_client.send(msg,str(opt_in)) def send_pair_assignment_messages(self,finish_date,pairs,debug=True): msg_no_names = Text(self.group_id).assign_pair for pair in pairs: msg = msg_no_names % (finish_date,pair[0].name,pair[1].name) if debug: print msg else: self.message_client.send2(msg,[str(p.user_id) for p in pair])