예제 #1
    def __init__(self, offline=False):
        """Instantiate DarkPrep object.

        offline : bool
            If True, the check for the existence of the MIRAGE_DATA
            directory is skipped. This is primarily for Travis testing
        self.offline = offline

        # Locate the module files, so that we know where to look
        # for config subdirectory
        self.modpath = pkg_resources.resource_filename('mirage', '')

        # Get the location of the MIRAGE_DATA environment
        # variable, so we know where to look for darks, CR,
        # PSF files, etc later
        self.env_var = 'MIRAGE_DATA'
        datadir = utils.expand_environment_variable(self.env_var,

        # Check that CRDS-related environment variables are set correctly
        self.crds_datadir = crds_tools.env_variables()
예제 #2
def confirm_gridded_properties(filename,
    """Examine the header of the gridded PSF model file to confirm that
    the properties of the data match those expected.

    filename : str
        Base name of the PSF library file to be checked

    instrument : str
        Name of instrument the PSFs are from

    detector : str
        Name of the detector within ```instrument```

    filtername : str
        Name of filter used for PSF library creation

    pupilname : str
        Name of pupil wheel element used for PSF library creation

    wavefront_error_type : str
        Wavefront error. Can be 'predicted' or 'requirements'

    wavefront_error_group : int
        Wavefront error realization group. Must be an integer from 0 - 9.

    file_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    extname : str
        Name of the extension within ``filename`` to check

    full_filename : str
        Full path and filename if the file properties are as expected.
        None if the properties do not match.

    # Determine if the PSF path is default or not
    mirage_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA')
    default_psf = file_path == os.path.join(
        mirage_dir, '{}/gridded_psf_library'.format(instrument.lower()))

    full_filename = os.path.join(file_path, filename)
    with fits.open(full_filename) as hdulist:
        header = hdulist[extname.upper()].header

    inst = header['INSTRUME']
        det = header['DETECTOR']
    except KeyError:
        det = header['DET_NAME']
    filt = header['FILTER']
        pupil = header['PUPIL']
    except KeyError:
        # If no pupil mask value is present, then assume the CLEAR is
        # being used
        if instrument.upper() == 'NIRCAM':
            pupil = 'CLEAR'
        elif instrument.upper() == 'NIRISS':
            pupil = 'CLEARP'

    # NIRISS has many filters in the pupil wheel. WebbPSF does
    # not make a distinction, but Mirage does. Adjust the info
    # to match Mirage's expectations
    if inst.upper() == 'NIRISS' and filt in NIRISS_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
        save_filt = copy(filt)
        if pupil == 'CLEARP':
            filt = 'CLEAR'
            raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                              'CLEARP, but the filter being used is '
                              'in the pupil wheel.'))
        pupil = save_filt

    # Same for NIRCam
    if inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM' and filt in NIRCAM_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
        save_filt = copy(filt)
        if pupil == 'CLEAR':
            if save_filt[0:2] == 'F4':
                filt = 'F444W'
            elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F3':
                filt = 'F322W2'
            elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F1':
                filt = 'F150W2'
            raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                              'CLEAR, but the filter being used is '
                              'in the pupil wheel.'))
        pupil = save_filt

    opd_file = header['OPD_FILE']
    if default_psf:
        if 'predicted' in opd_file:
            wfe_type = 'predicted'
        elif 'requirements' in opd_file:
            wfe_type = 'requirements'
        realization = header['OPDSLICE']

    # make the check below pass for FGS
    if instrument.lower() == 'fgs':
        pupil = 'N/A'
        pupilname = 'N/A'
        filt = 'N/A'
        filtername = 'N/A'

    match = inst.lower() == instrument.lower() and \
            det.lower() == detector.lower() and \
            filt.lower() == filtername.lower() and \
            pupil.lower() == pupilname.lower()
    if match and not default_psf:
        return full_filename
    elif match and wfe_type == wavefront_error_type.lower() and \
        realization == wavefront_error_group:
        return full_filename
        return None
예제 #3
def get_library_file(instrument,
    """Given an instrument and filter name along with the path of
    the PSF library, find the appropriate library file to load.

    instrument : str
        Name of instrument the PSFs are from

    detector : str
        Name of the detector within ```instrument```

    filt : str
        Name of filter used for PSF library creation

    pupil : str
        Name of pupil wheel element used for PSF library creation

    wfe : str
        Wavefront error. Can be 'predicted' or 'requirements'

    wfe_group : int
        Wavefront error realization group. Must be an integer from 0 - 9.

    library_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    wings : bool, optional
        Must the library file contain PSF wings or PSF cores? Default is False.

    segment_id : int or None, optional
        If specified, returns a segment PSF library file and denotes the ID
        of the mirror segment

    matches : str
        Name of the PSF library file for the instrument and filter name
    logger = logging.getLogger('mirage.psf.psf_selection.get_library_file')

    psf_files = glob(os.path.join(library_path, '*.fits'))

    # Determine if the PSF path is default or not
    mirage_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA')
    gridded_dir = os.path.join(
        mirage_dir, '{}/gridded_psf_library'.format(instrument.lower()))
    if wings:
        gridded_dir = os.path.join(gridded_dir, 'psf_wings')
    default_psf = library_path == gridded_dir

    # Create a dictionary of header information for all PSF library files
    matches = []

    instrument = instrument.upper()
    detector = detector.upper()
    filt = filt.upper()
    pupil = pupil.upper()
    wfe = wfe.lower()

    # set default
    file_wfe = ''

    # handle the NIRISS NRM case
    if pupil == 'NRM':
        pupil = 'MASK_NRM'

    # Handle the DHS for Coarse Phasing - this is a workaround for webbpsf not
    # implementing this. We're going to load an ITM image in any case in this mode
    # so the PSF is entirely unused, but we need to load something or else MIRAGE errors.
    if pupil == 'GDHS0' or pupil == 'GDHS60':
        pupil = 'CLEAR'

    for filename in psf_files:
            header = fits.getheader(filename)

            # Determine if it is an ITM file
            itm_sim = header.get('ORIGIN', '') == 'ITM'

            # Compare the header entries to the user input
            file_inst = header['INSTRUME'].upper()
                file_det = header['DETECTOR'].upper()
            except KeyError:
                file_det = header['DET_NAME'].upper()
            file_filt = header['FILTER'].upper()

                file_pupil = header['PUPIL'].upper()
            except KeyError:
                # If no pupil mask value is present, then assume the CLEAR is
                # being used
                if file_inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM':
                    file_pupil = 'CLEAR'
                elif file_inst.upper() == 'NIRISS':
                        file_pupil = header['PUPIL'].upper(
                        )  # can be 'MASK_NRM'
                    except KeyError:
                        file_pupil = 'CLEARP'

            # NIRISS has many filters in the pupil wheel. WebbPSF does
            # not make a distinction, but Mirage does. Adjust the info
            # to match Mirage's expectations
            if file_inst.upper(
            ) == 'NIRISS' and file_filt in NIRISS_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
                save_filt = copy(file_filt)
                if file_pupil == 'CLEARP':
                    file_filt = 'CLEAR'
                    raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                                      'CLEARP, but the filter being used is '
                                      'in the pupil wheel.'))
                file_pupil = save_filt

            # Same for NIRCam
            if file_inst.upper(
            ) == 'NIRCAM' and file_filt in NIRCAM_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
                save_filt = copy(file_filt)
                if file_pupil == 'CLEAR':
                    if save_filt[0:2] == 'F4':
                        file_filt = 'F444W'
                    elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F3':
                        file_filt = 'F322W2'
                    elif save_filt[0:2] == 'F1':
                        file_filt = 'F150W2'
                    raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                                      'CLEAR, but the filter being used is '
                                      'in the pupil wheel.'))
                file_pupil = save_filt

            if segment_id is None and not itm_sim:
                opd = header['OPD_FILE']
                if 'requirements' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'requirements'
                elif 'predicted' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'predicted'

                file_wfe_grp = header['OPDSLICE']

            if segment_id is not None:
                segment_id = int(segment_id)
                file_segment_id = int(header['SEGID'])

            if segment_id is None and itm_sim:
                # If we have an ITM library, then wfe is
                # meaningless, so force it to match
                file_wfe = 'predicted'
                wfe = 'predicted'

            # allow check below to pass for FGS
            if instrument.lower() == 'fgs':
                file_filt = 'N/A'
                filt = 'N/A'
                file_pupil = 'N/A'
                pupil = 'N/A'

            # Evaluate if the file matches the given parameters
            match = (file_inst == instrument and file_det == detector
                     and file_filt == filt and file_pupil == pupil
                     and file_wfe == wfe)

            if not wings and segment_id is None and not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe_grp == wfe_group
            if segment_id is not None:
                match = match and file_segment_id == segment_id
            elif not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe == wfe

            # If so, add to the list of all matches
            if match:
        except KeyError as e:
                'While searching for PSF file, error raised when examining {}:\n{}\nContinuing.'
                .format(os.path.basename(filename), e))

    # Find files matching the requested inputs
    if len(matches) == 1:
        return matches[0]
    elif len(matches) == 0:
            'Requested parameters:\ninstrument {}\ndetector {}\nfilt {}\npupil {}\nwfe {}\n'
            'wfe_group {}\nlibrary_path {}\n'.format(instrument, detector,
                                                     filt, pupil, wfe,
                                                     wfe_group, library_path))
        raise ValueError(
            "No PSF library file found matching requested parameters.")
    elif len(matches) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "More than one PSF library file matches requested parameters: {}".
예제 #4
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Create test RA, Dec data to be used in test_ra_dec_to_x_y.py. Travis does
not have access to the reference files, so this must be done manually, and
the results placed into test_ra_dec_to_x_y.py.
import asdf
import glob
import os
import numpy as np
import pysiaf

from mirage.seed_image import catalog_seed_image
from mirage.utils import siaf_interface
from mirage.utils.utils import expand_environment_variable

data_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA', offline=False)
instruments = ['nircam', 'niriss', 'fgs']
xyvals = {}

# Create list of points at which to calculate x, y
pointing_ra = 12.0
pointing_dec = 12.0
rotation = 0.0
ra_list = []
dec_list = []
delta_pix = np.array([0, 10, 20, 40, 75, 180, 500, 1000])
delta_deg = delta_pix * 0.031 / 3600.
for delta in delta_deg:
    ra_entry = pointing_ra + delta
    dec_entry = pointing_dec + delta
예제 #5
def get_library_file(instrument,
    """Given an instrument and filter name along with the path of
    the PSF library, find the appropriate library file to load.

    instrument : str
        Name of instrument the PSFs are from

    detector : str
        Name of the detector within ```instrument```

    filt : str
        Name of filter used for PSF library creation

    pupil : str
        Name of pupil wheel element used for PSF library creation

    wfe : str
        Wavefront error. Can be 'predicted' or 'requirements'

    wfe_group : int
        Wavefront error realization group. Must be an integer from 0 - 9.

    library_path : str
        Path pointing to the location of the PSF library

    wings : bool, optional
        Must the library file contain PSF wings or PSF cores? Default is False.

    segment_id : int or None, optional
        If specified, returns a segment PSF library file and denotes the ID
        of the mirror segment

    matches : str
        Name of the PSF library file for the instrument and filter name
    psf_files = glob(os.path.join(library_path, '*.fits'))

    # Determine if the PSF path is default or not
    mirage_dir = expand_environment_variable('MIRAGE_DATA')
    default_psf = library_path == os.path.join(
        mirage_dir, '{}/gridded_psf_library'.format(instrument.lower()))

    # Create a dictionary of header information for all PSF library files
    matches = []

    instrument = instrument.upper()
    detector = detector.upper()
    filt = filt.upper()
    pupil = pupil.upper()
    wfe = wfe.lower()

    # handle the NIRISS NRM case
    if pupil == 'NRM':
        pupil = 'MASK_NRM'

    for filename in psf_files:
            header = fits.getheader(filename)

            # Determine if it is an ITM file
            itm_sim = header.get('ORIGIN', '') == 'ITM'

            # Compare the header entries to the user input
            file_inst = header['INSTRUME'].upper()
            file_det = header['DETECTOR'].upper()
            file_filt = header['FILTER'].upper()

                file_pupil = header['PUPIL_MASK'].upper()
            except KeyError:
                # If no pupil mask value is present, then assume the CLEAR is
                # being used
                if file_inst.upper() == 'NIRCAM':
                    file_pupil = 'CLEAR'
                elif file_inst.upper() == 'NIRISS':
                        file_pupil = header['PUPIL'].upper(
                        )  # can be 'MASK_NRM'
                    except KeyError:
                        file_pupil = 'CLEARP'

            # NIRISS has many filters in the pupil wheel. WebbPSF does
            # not make a distinction, but Mirage does. Adjust the info
            # to match Mirage's expectations
            if file_inst.upper(
            ) == 'NIRISS' and file_filt in NIRISS_PUPIL_WHEEL_FILTERS:
                save_filt = copy(file_filt)
                if file_pupil == 'CLEARP':
                    file_filt = 'CLEAR'
                    raise ValueError(('Pupil value is something other than '
                                      'CLEARP, but the filter being used is '
                                      'in the pupil wheel.'))
                file_pupil = save_filt

            if segment_id is None and not itm_sim:
                opd = header['OPD_FILE']
                if 'requirements' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'requirements'
                elif 'predicted' in opd:
                    file_wfe = 'predicted'

                file_wfe_grp = header['OPDSLICE']

            if segment_id is not None:
                segment_id = int(segment_id)
                file_segment_id = int(header['SEGID'])

            # allow check below to pass for FGS
            if instrument.lower() == 'fgs':
                file_filt = 'N/A'
                filt = 'N/A'
                file_pupil = 'N/A'
                pupil = 'N/A'

            # Evaluate if the file matches the given parameters
            match = (file_inst == instrument and file_det == detector
                     and file_filt == filt and file_pupil == pupil)
            if not wings and segment_id is None and not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe_grp == wfe_group
            if segment_id is not None:
                match = match and file_segment_id == segment_id
            elif not itm_sim and default_psf:
                match = match and file_wfe == wfe

            # If so, add to the list of all matches
            if match:
        except KeyError:

    # Find files matching the requested inputs
    if len(matches) == 1:
        return matches[0]
    elif len(matches) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "No PSF library file found matching requested parameters.")
    elif len(matches) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "More than one PSF library file matches requested parameters: {}".