예제 #1
def encodeMessage(message, overhead, uncompressedFragmentPrefix="",
    """Given a message, compress it, fragment it into individual payloads,
       and add extra fields (size, hash, etc) as appropriate.  Return a list
       of strings, each of which is a message payload suitable for use in

              message: the initial message
              overhead: number of bytes to omit from each payload,
                        given the type ofthe message encoding.
                        (0 or ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD)
              uncompressedFragmentPrefix: If we fragment the message,
                we add this string to the message after compression but
                before whitening and fragmentation.
              paddingPRNG: generator for padding.

       Note: If multiple strings are returned, be sure to shuffle them
       before transmitting them to the network.
    assert overhead in (0, ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD)
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    origLength = len(message)
    payload = compressData(message)
    length = len(payload)

    if length > 1024 and length*20 <= origLength:
        LOG.warn("Message is very compressible and will look like a zlib bomb")

    paddingLen = PAYLOAD_LEN - SINGLETON_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD - overhead - length

    # If the compressed payload fits in 28K, we're set.
    if paddingLen >= 0:
        # We pad the payload, and construct a new SingletonPayload,
        # including this payload's size and checksum.
        payload += paddingPRNG.getBytes(paddingLen)
        p = SingletonPayload(length, None, payload)
        return [ p.pack() ]

    # Okay, we need to fragment the message.  First, add the prefix if needed.
    if uncompressedFragmentPrefix:
        payload = uncompressedFragmentPrefix+payload
    # Now generate a message ID
    messageid = Crypto.getCommonPRNG().getBytes(FRAGMENT_MESSAGEID_LEN)
    # Figure out how many chunks to divide it into...
    p = mixminion.Fragments.FragmentationParams(len(payload), overhead)
    # ... fragment the payload into chunks...
    rawFragments = p.getFragments(payload)
    fragments = []
    # ... and annotate each chunk with appropriate payload header info.
    for i in xrange(len(rawFragments)):
        pyld = FragmentPayload(i, None, messageid, p.length, rawFragments[i])
        rawFragments[i] = None
    return fragments
예제 #2
def encodeMessage(message, overhead, uncompressedFragmentPrefix="",
    """Given a message, compress it, fragment it into individual payloads,
       and add extra fields (size, hash, etc) as appropriate.  Return a list
       of strings, each of which is a message payload suitable for use in

              message: the initial message
              overhead: number of bytes to omit from each payload,
                        given the type ofthe message encoding.
                        (0 or ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD)
              uncompressedFragmentPrefix: If we fragment the message,
                we add this string to the message after compression but
                before whitening and fragmentation.
              paddingPRNG: generator for padding.

       Note: If multiple strings are returned, be sure to shuffle them
       before transmitting them to the network.
    assert overhead in (0, ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD)
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    origLength = len(message)
    payload = compressData(message)
    length = len(payload)

    if length > 1024 and length*20 <= origLength:
        log.warn("Message is very compressible and will look like a zlib bomb")

    paddingLen = PAYLOAD_LEN - SINGLETON_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD - overhead - length

    # If the compressed payload fits in 28K, we're set.
    if paddingLen >= 0:
        # We pad the payload, and construct a new SingletonPayload,
        # including this payload's size and checksum.
        payload += paddingPRNG.getBytes(paddingLen)
        p = SingletonPayload(length, None, payload)
        return [ p.pack() ]

    # Okay, we need to fragment the message.  First, add the prefix if needed.
    if uncompressedFragmentPrefix:
        payload = uncompressedFragmentPrefix+payload
    # Now generate a message ID
    messageid = Crypto.getCommonPRNG().getBytes(FRAGMENT_MESSAGEID_LEN)
    # Figure out how many chunks to divide it into...
    p = mixminion.Fragments.FragmentationParams(len(payload), overhead)
    # ... fragment the payload into chunks...
    rawFragments = p.getFragments(payload)
    fragments = []
    # ... and annotate each chunk with appropriate payload header info.
    for i in xrange(len(rawFragments)):
        pyld = FragmentPayload(i, None, messageid, p.length, rawFragments[i])
        rawFragments[i] = None
    return fragments
예제 #3
def _buildReplyBlockImpl(path, exitType, exitInfo, expiryTime=0,
                         secretPRNG=None, tag=None):
    """Helper function: makes a reply block, given a tag and a PRNG to
       generate secrets. Returns a 3-tuple containing (1) a
       newly-constructed reply block, (2) a list of secrets used to
       make it, (3) a tag.

              path: A list of ServerInfo
              exitType: Routing type to use for the final node
              exitInfo: Routing info for the final node, not including tag.
              expiryTime: The time at which this block should expire.
              secretPRNG: A PRNG to use for generating secrets.  If not
                 provided, uses an AES counter-mode stream seeded from our
                 entropy source.  Note: the secrets are generated so that they
                 will be used to encrypt the message in reverse order.
              tag: If provided, a 159-bit tag.  If not provided, a new one
                 is generated.
    if secretPRNG is None:
        secretPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if expiryTime is None:
        # XXXX This is dangerous, and should go away; the user should
        # XXXX *always* specify an expiry time.
        LOG.warn("Inferring expiry time for reply block")
        expiryTime = min([s.getValidUntil() for s in path])

    checkPathLength(None, path, exitType, exitInfo, explicitSwap=0)

    LOG.debug("Building reply block for path %s",
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path])
    LOG.debug("  Delivering to %04x:%r", exitType, exitInfo)

    # The message is encrypted first by the end-to-end key, then by
    # each of the path keys in order. We need to reverse these steps, so we
    # generate the path keys back-to-front, followed by the end-to-end key.
    secrets = [ secretPRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in range(len(path)+1) ]
    headerSecrets = secrets[:-1]
    sharedKey = secrets[-1]

    # (This will go away when we deprecate 'stateful' reply blocks
    if tag is None:
        tag = _getRandomTag(secretPRNG)

    header = _buildHeader(path, headerSecrets, exitType, tag+exitInfo,

    return ReplyBlock(header, expiryTime,
                     path[0].getMMTPHostInfo().pack(), sharedKey), secrets, tag
예제 #4
def _buildReplyBlockImpl(path, exitType, exitInfo, expiryTime=0,
                         secretPRNG=None, tag=None):
    """Helper function: makes a reply block, given a tag and a PRNG to
       generate secrets. Returns a 3-tuple containing (1) a
       newly-constructed reply block, (2) a list of secrets used to
       make it, (3) a tag.

              path: A list of ServerInfo
              exitType: Routing type to use for the final node
              exitInfo: Routing info for the final node, not including tag.
              expiryTime: The time at which this block should expire.
              secretPRNG: A PRNG to use for generating secrets.  If not
                 provided, uses an AES counter-mode stream seeded from our
                 entropy source.  Note: the secrets are generated so that they
                 will be used to encrypt the message in reverse order.
              tag: If provided, a 159-bit tag.  If not provided, a new one
                 is generated.
    if secretPRNG is None:
        secretPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if expiryTime is None:
        # XXXX This is dangerous, and should go away; the user should
        # XXXX *always* specify an expiry time.
        log.warn("Inferring expiry time for reply block")
        expiryTime = min([s.getValidUntil() for s in path])

    checkPathLength(None, path, exitType, exitInfo, explicitSwap=0)

    log.debug("Building reply block for path %s",
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path])
    log.debug("  Delivering to %04x:%r", exitType, exitInfo)

    # The message is encrypted first by the end-to-end key, then by
    # each of the path keys in order. We need to reverse these steps, so we
    # generate the path keys back-to-front, followed by the end-to-end key.
    secrets = [ secretPRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in range(len(path)+1) ]
    headerSecrets = secrets[:-1]
    sharedKey = secrets[-1]

    # (This will go away when we deprecate 'stateful' reply blocks
    if tag is None:
        tag = _getRandomTag(secretPRNG)

    header = _buildHeader(path, headerSecrets, exitType, tag+exitInfo,

    return ReplyBlock(header, expiryTime,
                     path[0].getMMTPHostInfo().pack(), sharedKey), secrets, tag
예제 #5
def buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, userKey, expiryTime=None, secretRNG=None):
    """Construct a 'state-carrying' reply block that does not require the
       reply-message recipient to remember a list of secrets.
       Instead, all secrets are generated from an AES counter-mode
       stream, and the seed for the stream is stored in the 'tag'
       field of the final block's routing info.   (See the spec for more

               path: a list of ServerInfo objects
               exitType,exitInfo: The address to deliver the final message.
               userKey: a string used to encrypt the seed.

       NOTE: We used to allow another kind of 'non-state-carrying' reply
       block that stored its secrets on disk, and used an arbitrary tag to
       determine which set of secrets to use.
    if secretRNG is None:
        secretRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()

    # We need to pick the seed to generate our keys.  To make the decoding
    # step a little faster, we find a seed such that H(seed|userKey|"Validate")
    # ends with 0.  This way, we can detect whether we really have a reply
    # message with 99.6% probability.  (Otherwise, we'd need to repeatedly
    # lioness-decrypt the payload in order to see whether the message was
    # a reply.)
    while 1:
        seed = _getRandomTag(secretRNG)
        if Crypto.sha1(seed + userKey + "Validate")[-1] == "\x00":

    prng = Crypto.AESCounterPRNG(Crypto.sha1(seed + userKey + "Generate")[:16])

    replyBlock, secrets, tag = _buildReplyBlockImpl(path, exitType, exitInfo, expiryTime, prng, seed)
    STATUS.log("GENERATED_SURB", formatBase64(tag))
    return replyBlock
예제 #6
def buildEncryptedForwardPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,
                                 key, paddingPRNG=None, secretRNG=None):
    """Construct a forward message encrypted with the public key of a
       given user.
            payload: The payload to deliver.  Must be 28K-42b long.
            exitType: The routing type for the final node. (2 bytes, >=0x100)
            exitInfo: The routing info for the final node, not including tag.
            path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
            path2: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
            key: Public key of this message's recipient.
            paddingPRNG: random number generator used to generate padding.
                  If None, a new PRNG is initialized.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if secretRNG is None: secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    LOG.debug("Encoding encrypted forward message for %s-byte payload",
    LOG.debug("  Using path %s/%s",
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path1],
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path2])
    LOG.debug("  Delivering to %04x:%r", exitType, exitInfo)

    # (For encrypted-forward messages, we have overhead for OAEP padding
    #   and the session  key, but we save 20 bytes by spilling into the tag.)
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN - ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD

    # Generate the session key, and prepend it to the payload.
    sessionKey = secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN)
    payload = sessionKey+payload

    # We'll encrypt the first part of the new payload with RSA, and the
    # second half with Lioness, based on the session key.
    rsaDataLen = key.get_modulus_bytes()-OAEP_OVERHEAD
    rsaPart = payload[:rsaDataLen]
    lionessPart = payload[rsaDataLen:]

    # RSA encryption: To avoid leaking information about our RSA modulus,
    # we keep trying to encrypt until the MSBit of our encrypted value is
    # zero.
    while 1:
        encrypted = Crypto.pk_encrypt(rsaPart, key)
        if not (ord(encrypted[0]) & 0x80):
    # Lioness encryption.
    k= Crypto.Keyset(sessionKey).getLionessKeys(Crypto.END_TO_END_ENCRYPT_MODE)
    lionessPart = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(lionessPart, k)

    # Now we re-divide the payload into the part that goes into the tag, and
    # the 28K of the payload proper...
    payload = encrypted + lionessPart
    tag = payload[:TAG_LEN]
    payload = payload[TAG_LEN:]
    exitInfo = tag + exitInfo
    assert len(payload) == 28*1024

    # And now, we can finally build the message.
    return _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,paddingPRNG)
예제 #7
def buildEncryptedForwardPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,
                                 key, paddingPRNG=None, secretRNG=None):
    """Construct a forward message encrypted with the public key of a
       given user.
            payload: The payload to deliver.  Must be 28K-42b long.
            exitType: The routing type for the final node. (2 bytes, >=0x100)
            exitInfo: The routing info for the final node, not including tag.
            path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
            path2: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
            key: Public key of this message's recipient.
            paddingPRNG: random number generator used to generate padding.
                  If None, a new PRNG is initialized.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if secretRNG is None: secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    log.debug("Encoding encrypted forward message for %s-byte payload",
    log.debug("  Using path %s/%s",
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path1],
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path2])
    log.debug("  Delivering to %04x:%r", exitType, exitInfo)

    # (For encrypted-forward messages, we have overhead for OAEP padding
    #   and the session  key, but we save 20 bytes by spilling into the tag.)
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN - ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD

    # Generate the session key, and prepend it to the payload.
    sessionKey = secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN)
    payload = sessionKey+payload

    # We'll encrypt the first part of the new payload with RSA, and the
    # second half with Lioness, based on the session key.
    rsaDataLen = key.get_modulus_bytes()-OAEP_OVERHEAD
    rsaPart = payload[:rsaDataLen]
    lionessPart = payload[rsaDataLen:]

    # RSA encryption: To avoid leaking information about our RSA modulus,
    # we keep trying to encrypt until the MSBit of our encrypted value is
    # zero.
    while 1:
        encrypted = Crypto.pk_encrypt(rsaPart, key)
        if not (ord(encrypted[0]) & 0x80):
    # Lioness encryption.
    k= Crypto.Keyset(sessionKey).getLionessKeys(Crypto.END_TO_END_ENCRYPT_MODE)
    lionessPart = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(lionessPart, k)

    # Now we re-divide the payload into the part that goes into the tag, and
    # the 28K of the payload proper...
    payload = encrypted + lionessPart
    tag = payload[:TAG_LEN]
    payload = payload[TAG_LEN:]
    exitInfo = tag + exitInfo
    assert len(payload) == 28*1024

    # And now, we can finally build the message.
    return _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,paddingPRNG)
예제 #8
def buildReplyPacket(payload, path1, replyBlock, paddingPRNG=None):
    """Build a message using a reply block.  'path1' is a sequence of
       ServerInfo for the nodes on the first leg of the path.  'payload'
       must be exactly 28K long.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()

    LOG.debug("Encoding reply message for %s-byte payload", len(payload))
    LOG.debug("  Using path %s/??", [s.getNickname() for s in path1])

    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN

    # Encrypt the payload so that it won't appear as plaintext to the
    #  crossover note.  (We use 'decrypt' so that the message recipient can
    #  simply use 'encrypt' to reverse _all_ the steps of the reply path.)
    k = Crypto.Keyset(replyBlock.encryptionKey).getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
    payload = Crypto.lioness_decrypt(payload, k)

    return _buildPacket(payload, None, None, path1=path1, path2=replyBlock)
예제 #9
def buildReplyPacket(payload, path1, replyBlock, paddingPRNG=None):
    """Build a message using a reply block.  'path1' is a sequence of
       ServerInfo for the nodes on the first leg of the path.  'payload'
       must be exactly 28K long.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()

    LOG.debug("Encoding reply message for %s-byte payload",
    LOG.debug("  Using path %s/??",[s.getNickname() for s in path1])

    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN

    # Encrypt the payload so that it won't appear as plaintext to the
    #  crossover note.  (We use 'decrypt' so that the message recipient can
    #  simply use 'encrypt' to reverse _all_ the steps of the reply path.)
    k = Crypto.Keyset(replyBlock.encryptionKey).getLionessKeys(
    payload = Crypto.lioness_decrypt(payload, k)

    return _buildPacket(payload, None, None,
                         path1=path1, path2=replyBlock)
예제 #10
def buildForwardPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2, paddingPRNG=None, suppressTag=0):
    """Construct a forward message.
            payload: The payload to deliver.  Must be exactly 28K.  If the
                  payload is None, 28K of random data is sent.
            exitType: The routing type for the final node. (2 bytes, >=0x100)
            exitInfo: The routing info for the final node, not including tag.
            path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
            path2: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
            paddingPRNG: random number generator used to generate padding.
                  If None, a new PRNG is initialized.
            suppressTag: if true, do not include a decodind handle in the
                  routingInfo for this packet.

        Neither path1 nor path2 may be empty.  If one is, MixError is raised.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if not path1:
        raise MixError("First leg of path is empty")
    if not path2:
        raise MixError("Second leg of path is empty")

    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN

        "  Building packet with path %s:%s; delivering to %04x:%r",
        ",".join([s.getNickname() for s in path1]),
        ",".join([s.getNickname() for s in path2]),

    # Choose a random decoding tag.
    if not suppressTag:
        tag = _getRandomTag(paddingPRNG)
        exitInfo = tag + exitInfo
    return _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2, paddingPRNG, suppressTag=suppressTag)
예제 #11
def buildReplyBlock(path, exitType, exitInfo, userKey,
                    expiryTime=None, secretRNG=None):
    """Construct a 'state-carrying' reply block that does not require the
       reply-message recipient to remember a list of secrets.
       Instead, all secrets are generated from an AES counter-mode
       stream, and the seed for the stream is stored in the 'tag'
       field of the final block's routing info.   (See the spec for more

               path: a list of ServerInfo objects
               exitType,exitInfo: The address to deliver the final message.
               userKey: a string used to encrypt the seed.

       NOTE: We used to allow another kind of 'non-state-carrying' reply
       block that stored its secrets on disk, and used an arbitrary tag to
       determine which set of secrets to use.
    if secretRNG is None:
        secretRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()

    # We need to pick the seed to generate our keys.  To make the decoding
    # step a little faster, we find a seed such that H(seed|userKey|"Validate")
    # ends with 0.  This way, we can detect whether we really have a reply
    # message with 99.6% probability.  (Otherwise, we'd need to repeatedly
    # lioness-decrypt the payload in order to see whether the message was
    # a reply.)
    while 1:
        seed = _getRandomTag(secretRNG)
        if Crypto.sha1(seed+userKey+"Validate")[-1] == '\x00':

    prng = Crypto.AESCounterPRNG(Crypto.sha1(seed+userKey+"Generate")[:16])

    replyBlock, secrets, tag = _buildReplyBlockImpl(path, exitType, exitInfo,
                                                    expiryTime, prng, seed)
    STATUS.log("GENERATED_SURB", formatBase64(tag))
    return replyBlock
예제 #12
def buildForwardPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,
                       paddingPRNG=None, suppressTag=0):
    """Construct a forward message.
            payload: The payload to deliver.  Must be exactly 28K.  If the
                  payload is None, 28K of random data is sent.
            exitType: The routing type for the final node. (2 bytes, >=0x100)
            exitInfo: The routing info for the final node, not including tag.
            path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
            path2: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
            paddingPRNG: random number generator used to generate padding.
                  If None, a new PRNG is initialized.
            suppressTag: if true, do not include a decodind handle in the
                  routingInfo for this packet.

        Neither path1 nor path2 may be empty.  If one is, MixError is raised.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if not path1:
        raise MixError("First leg of path is empty")
    if not path2:
        raise MixError("Second leg of path is empty")

    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN

    LOG.trace("  Building packet with path %s:%s; delivering to %04x:%r",
                   ",".join([s.getNickname() for s in path1]),
                   ",".join([s.getNickname() for s in path2]),
                   exitType, exitInfo)

    # Choose a random decoding tag.
    if not suppressTag:
        tag = _getRandomTag(paddingPRNG)
        exitInfo = tag + exitInfo
    return _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,
예제 #13
def _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0, suppressTag=0):
    """Helper method to create a message.

    The following fields must be set:
       payload: the intended exit payload.  Must be 28K.
       (exitType, exitInfo): the routing type and info for the final
              node.  (Ignored for reply messages; 'exitInfo' should
              include the 20-byte decoding tag.)
       path1: a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node on
          the first leg of the path.
             a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node
             on the second leg of the path.
             a ReplyBlock object.

    The following fields are optional:
       paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator used to pad the headers.
         If not provided, we use a counter-mode AES stream seeded from our
         entropy source.

       paranoia: If this is false, we use the padding PRNG to generate
         header secrets too.  Otherwise, we read all of our header secrets
         from the true entropy source.
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
    reply = None
    if isinstance(path2, ReplyBlock):
        reply = path2
        path2 = None
        if len(exitInfo) < TAG_LEN and not suppressTag:
            raise MixError("Implausibly short exit info: %r" % exitInfo)
        if exitType < MIN_EXIT_TYPE and exitType != DROP_TYPE:
            raise MixError("Invalid exit type: %4x" % exitType)

    checkPathLength(path1, path2, exitType, exitInfo, explicitSwap=(reply is None), suppressTag=suppressTag)

    ### SETUP CODE: let's handle all the variant cases.

    # Set up the random number generators.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if paranoia:
        nHops = len(path1)
        if path2:
            nHops += len(path2)
        secretRNG = Crypto.getTrueRNG()
        secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    # Determine exit routing for path1.
    if reply:
        path1exittype = reply.routingType
        path1exitinfo = reply.routingInfo
        path1exittype, path1exitinfo = path1[-1].getRoutingFor(path2[0], swap=1)

    # Generate secrets for path1.
    secrets1 = [secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in path1]

    if path2:
        # Make secrets for header 2, and construct header 2.  We do this before
        # making header1 so that our rng won't be used for padding yet.
        secrets2 = [secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in range(len(path2))]
        header2 = _buildHeader(path2, secrets2, exitType, exitInfo, paddingPRNG)
        secrets2 = None
        header2 = reply.header

    # Construct header1.
    header1 = _buildHeader(path1, secrets1, path1exittype, path1exitinfo, paddingPRNG)

    return _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload)
예제 #14
def buildRandomPayload(paddingPRNG=None):
    """Return a new random payload, suitable for use in a DROP packet."""
    if not paddingPRNG:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    return paddingPRNG.getBytes(PAYLOAD_LEN)
예제 #15
def _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo,
                 path1, path2, paddingPRNG=None, paranoia=0,
    """Helper method to create a message.

    The following fields must be set:
       payload: the intended exit payload.  Must be 28K.
       (exitType, exitInfo): the routing type and info for the final
              node.  (Ignored for reply messages; 'exitInfo' should
              include the 20-byte decoding tag.)
       path1: a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node on
          the first leg of the path.
             a sequence of ServerInfo objects, one for each node
             on the second leg of the path.
             a ReplyBlock object.

    The following fields are optional:
       paddingPRNG: A pseudo-random number generator used to pad the headers.
         If not provided, we use a counter-mode AES stream seeded from our
         entropy source.

       paranoia: If this is false, we use the padding PRNG to generate
         header secrets too.  Otherwise, we read all of our header secrets
         from the true entropy source.
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
    reply = None
    if isinstance(path2, ReplyBlock):
        reply = path2
        path2 = None
        if len(exitInfo) < TAG_LEN and not suppressTag:
            raise MixError("Implausibly short exit info: %r"%exitInfo)
        if exitType < MIN_EXIT_TYPE and exitType != DROP_TYPE:
            raise MixError("Invalid exit type: %4x"%exitType)

    checkPathLength(path1, path2, exitType, exitInfo,
                    explicitSwap=(reply is None),

    ### SETUP CODE: let's handle all the variant cases.

    # Set up the random number generators.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if paranoia:
        nHops = len(path1)
        if path2: nHops += len(path2)
        secretRNG = Crypto.getTrueRNG()
        secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    # Determine exit routing for path1.
    if reply:
        path1exittype = reply.routingType
        path1exitinfo = reply.routingInfo
        path1exittype, path1exitinfo = path1[-1].getRoutingFor(path2[0],swap=1)

    # Generate secrets for path1.
    secrets1 = [ secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in path1 ]

    if path2:
        # Make secrets for header 2, and construct header 2.  We do this before
        # making header1 so that our rng won't be used for padding yet.
        secrets2 = [ secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN) for _ in range(len(path2))]
        header2 = _buildHeader(path2,secrets2,exitType,exitInfo,paddingPRNG)
        secrets2 = None
        header2 = reply.header

    # Construct header1.
    header1 = _buildHeader(path1,secrets1,path1exittype,path1exitinfo,

    return _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload)
예제 #16
def buildRandomPayload(paddingPRNG=None):
    """Return a new random payload, suitable for use in a DROP packet."""
    if not paddingPRNG:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    return paddingPRNG.getBytes(PAYLOAD_LEN)