예제 #1
def buildEncryptedForwardPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,
                                 key, paddingPRNG=None, secretRNG=None):
    """Construct a forward message encrypted with the public key of a
       given user.
            payload: The payload to deliver.  Must be 28K-42b long.
            exitType: The routing type for the final node. (2 bytes, >=0x100)
            exitInfo: The routing info for the final node, not including tag.
            path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
            path2: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
            key: Public key of this message's recipient.
            paddingPRNG: random number generator used to generate padding.
                  If None, a new PRNG is initialized.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if secretRNG is None: secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    LOG.debug("Encoding encrypted forward message for %s-byte payload",
    LOG.debug("  Using path %s/%s",
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path1],
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path2])
    LOG.debug("  Delivering to %04x:%r", exitType, exitInfo)

    # (For encrypted-forward messages, we have overhead for OAEP padding
    #   and the session  key, but we save 20 bytes by spilling into the tag.)
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN - ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD

    # Generate the session key, and prepend it to the payload.
    sessionKey = secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN)
    payload = sessionKey+payload

    # We'll encrypt the first part of the new payload with RSA, and the
    # second half with Lioness, based on the session key.
    rsaDataLen = key.get_modulus_bytes()-OAEP_OVERHEAD
    rsaPart = payload[:rsaDataLen]
    lionessPart = payload[rsaDataLen:]

    # RSA encryption: To avoid leaking information about our RSA modulus,
    # we keep trying to encrypt until the MSBit of our encrypted value is
    # zero.
    while 1:
        encrypted = Crypto.pk_encrypt(rsaPart, key)
        if not (ord(encrypted[0]) & 0x80):
    # Lioness encryption.
    k= Crypto.Keyset(sessionKey).getLionessKeys(Crypto.END_TO_END_ENCRYPT_MODE)
    lionessPart = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(lionessPart, k)

    # Now we re-divide the payload into the part that goes into the tag, and
    # the 28K of the payload proper...
    payload = encrypted + lionessPart
    tag = payload[:TAG_LEN]
    payload = payload[TAG_LEN:]
    exitInfo = tag + exitInfo
    assert len(payload) == 28*1024

    # And now, we can finally build the message.
    return _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,paddingPRNG)
예제 #2
def buildEncryptedForwardPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,
                                 key, paddingPRNG=None, secretRNG=None):
    """Construct a forward message encrypted with the public key of a
       given user.
            payload: The payload to deliver.  Must be 28K-42b long.
            exitType: The routing type for the final node. (2 bytes, >=0x100)
            exitInfo: The routing info for the final node, not including tag.
            path1: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the first leg of the path
            path2: Sequence of ServerInfo objects for the 2nd leg of the path
            key: Public key of this message's recipient.
            paddingPRNG: random number generator used to generate padding.
                  If None, a new PRNG is initialized.
    if paddingPRNG is None:
        paddingPRNG = Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
    if secretRNG is None: secretRNG = paddingPRNG

    log.debug("Encoding encrypted forward message for %s-byte payload",
    log.debug("  Using path %s/%s",
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path1],
                   [s.getNickname() for s in path2])
    log.debug("  Delivering to %04x:%r", exitType, exitInfo)

    # (For encrypted-forward messages, we have overhead for OAEP padding
    #   and the session  key, but we save 20 bytes by spilling into the tag.)
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN - ENC_FWD_OVERHEAD

    # Generate the session key, and prepend it to the payload.
    sessionKey = secretRNG.getBytes(SECRET_LEN)
    payload = sessionKey+payload

    # We'll encrypt the first part of the new payload with RSA, and the
    # second half with Lioness, based on the session key.
    rsaDataLen = key.get_modulus_bytes()-OAEP_OVERHEAD
    rsaPart = payload[:rsaDataLen]
    lionessPart = payload[rsaDataLen:]

    # RSA encryption: To avoid leaking information about our RSA modulus,
    # we keep trying to encrypt until the MSBit of our encrypted value is
    # zero.
    while 1:
        encrypted = Crypto.pk_encrypt(rsaPart, key)
        if not (ord(encrypted[0]) & 0x80):
    # Lioness encryption.
    k= Crypto.Keyset(sessionKey).getLionessKeys(Crypto.END_TO_END_ENCRYPT_MODE)
    lionessPart = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(lionessPart, k)

    # Now we re-divide the payload into the part that goes into the tag, and
    # the 28K of the payload proper...
    payload = encrypted + lionessPart
    tag = payload[:TAG_LEN]
    payload = payload[TAG_LEN:]
    exitInfo = tag + exitInfo
    assert len(payload) == 28*1024

    # And now, we can finally build the message.
    return _buildPacket(payload, exitType, exitInfo, path1, path2,paddingPRNG)
예제 #3
def _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload):
    """Helper method: Builds a message, given both headers, all known
       secrets, and the padded payload.

       If using a reply block for header2, secrets2 should be null.
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
    assert len(header1) == len(header2) == HEADER_LEN

    if secrets2:
        # (Copy secrets2 so we don't reverse the original)
        secrets2 = secrets2[:]

        # If we're not using a reply block, encrypt the payload for
        # each key in the second path, in reverse order.
        for secret in secrets2:
            ks = Crypto.Keyset(secret)
            key = ks.getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
            payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, key)

    # Encrypt header2 with a hash of the payload.
    key = Crypto.lioness_keys_from_payload(payload)
    header2 = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(header2, key)

    # Encrypt payload with a hash of header2.  Now tagging either will make
    # both unrecoverable.
    key = Crypto.lioness_keys_from_header(header2)
    payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, key)

    # Copy secrets1 so we don't reverse the original.
    secrets1 = secrets1[:]

    # Now, encrypt header2 and the payload for each node in path1, reversed.
    for secret in secrets1:
        ks = Crypto.Keyset(secret)
        hkey = ks.getLionessKeys(Crypto.HEADER_ENCRYPT_MODE)
        pkey = ks.getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
        header2 = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(header2, hkey)
        payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, pkey)

    return Packet(header1, header2, payload).pack()
예제 #4
def _constructMessage(secrets1, secrets2, header1, header2, payload):
    """Helper method: Builds a message, given both headers, all known
       secrets, and the padded payload.

       If using a reply block for header2, secrets2 should be null.
    assert len(payload) == PAYLOAD_LEN
    assert len(header1) == len(header2) == HEADER_LEN

    if secrets2:
        # (Copy secrets2 so we don't reverse the original)
        secrets2 = secrets2[:]

        # If we're not using a reply block, encrypt the payload for
        # each key in the second path, in reverse order.
        for secret in secrets2:
            ks = Crypto.Keyset(secret)
            key = ks.getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
            payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, key)

    # Encrypt header2 with a hash of the payload.
    key = Crypto.lioness_keys_from_payload(payload)
    header2 = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(header2, key)

    # Encrypt payload with a hash of header2.  Now tagging either will make
    # both unrecoverable.
    key = Crypto.lioness_keys_from_header(header2)
    payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, key)

    # Copy secrets1 so we don't reverse the original.
    secrets1 = secrets1[:]

    # Now, encrypt header2 and the payload for each node in path1, reversed.
    for secret in secrets1:
        ks = Crypto.Keyset(secret)
        hkey = ks.getLionessKeys(Crypto.HEADER_ENCRYPT_MODE)
        pkey = ks.getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
        header2 = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(header2,hkey)
        payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload,pkey)

    return Packet(header1, header2, payload).pack()
예제 #5
def _decodeReplyPayload(payload, secrets, check=0):
    """Helper function: decode a reply payload, given a known list of packet
         master secrets. If 'check' is true, then 'secrets' may be overlong.
         Return values are the same as decodePayload.
      [secrets must be in _reverse_ order]
    # Reverse the 'decrypt' operations of the reply mixes, and the initial
    # 'decrypt' of the originating user...
    for sec in secrets:
        k = Crypto.Keyset(sec).getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
        payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, k)
        if check and _checkPayload(payload):
            return parsePayload(payload)

    # If 'check' is false, then we might still have a good payload.  If
    # 'check' is true, we don't.
    if check or not _checkPayload(payload):
        raise MixError("Invalid checksum on reply payload")

    return parsePayload(payload)
예제 #6
def _decodeReplyPayload(payload, secrets, check=0):
    """Helper function: decode a reply payload, given a known list of packet
         master secrets. If 'check' is true, then 'secrets' may be overlong.
         Return values are the same as decodePayload.
      [secrets must be in _reverse_ order]
    # Reverse the 'decrypt' operations of the reply mixes, and the initial
    # 'decrypt' of the originating user...
    for sec in secrets:
        k = Crypto.Keyset(sec).getLionessKeys(Crypto.PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE)
        payload = Crypto.lioness_encrypt(payload, k)
        if check and _checkPayload(payload):
            return parsePayload(payload)

    # If 'check' is false, then we might still have a good payload.  If
    # 'check' is true, we don't.
    if check or not _checkPayload(payload):
        raise MixError("Invalid checksum on reply payload")

    return parsePayload(payload)