예제 #1
def test_compute_proj_epochs():
    """Test SSP computation on epochs"""
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.3

    raw = Raw(raw_fname, preload=True)
    events = read_events(event_fname)
    bad_ch = 'MEG 2443'
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False,
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                    baseline=None, proj=False)

    evoked = epochs.average()
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=1)
    write_proj(op.join(tempdir, 'proj.fif.gz'), projs)
    for p_fname in [proj_fname, proj_gz_fname,
                    op.join(tempdir, 'proj.fif.gz')]:
        projs2 = read_proj(p_fname)

        assert_true(len(projs) == len(projs2))

        for p1, p2 in zip(projs, projs2):
            assert_true(p1['desc'] == p2['desc'])
            assert_true(p1['data']['col_names'] == p2['data']['col_names'])
            assert_true(p1['active'] == p2['active'])
            # compare with sign invariance
            p1_data = p1['data']['data'] * np.sign(p1['data']['data'][0, 0])
            p2_data = p2['data']['data'] * np.sign(p2['data']['data'][0, 0])
            if bad_ch in p1['data']['col_names']:
                bad = p1['data']['col_names'].index('MEG 2443')
                mask = np.ones(p1_data.size, dtype=np.bool)
                mask[bad] = False
                p1_data = p1_data[:, mask]
                p2_data = p2_data[:, mask]
            corr = np.corrcoef(p1_data, p2_data)[0, 1]
            assert_array_almost_equal(corr, 1.0, 5)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    epochs.info['projs'] += projs
    evoked = epochs.average()
    evoked.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo.fif'))

    projs = read_proj(proj_fname)

    projs_evoked = compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
    assert_true(len(projs_evoked) == 2)
    # XXX : test something

    # test parallelization
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=2)
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj_par, _, _ = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])
    assert_allclose(proj, proj_par, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-16)
예제 #2
def test_compute_proj_raw():
    """Test SSP computation on raw"""
    # Test that the raw projectors work
    raw_time = 2.5  # Do shorter amount for speed
    raw = Raw(raw_fname, preload=True).crop(0, raw_time, False)
    for ii in (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2):
        with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
            projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=ii - 0.1, stop=raw_time,
                                     n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
            assert_true(len(w) == 1)

        # test that you can compute the projection matrix
        projs = activate_proj(projs)
        proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])

        assert_true(nproj == 2)
        assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

        # test that you can save them
        raw.info['projs'] += projs
        raw.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo_%d_raw.fif' % ii), overwrite=True)

    # Test that purely continuous (no duration) raw projection works
    with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, stop=raw_time,
                                 n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    raw.info['projs'] += projs
    raw.save(op.join(tempdir, 'foo_rawproj_continuous_raw.fif'))

    # test resampled-data projector, upsampling instead of downsampling
    # here to save an extra filtering (raw would have to be LP'ed to be equiv)
    raw_resamp = cp.deepcopy(raw)
    raw_resamp.resample(raw.info['sfreq'] * 2, n_jobs=2)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw_resamp, duration=None, stop=raw_time,
                                 n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj_new, _, _ = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names, bads=[])
    assert_array_almost_equal(proj_new, proj, 4)

    # test with bads
    raw.load_bad_channels(bads_fname)  # adds 2 bad mag channels
    with warnings.catch_warnings(True) as w:
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, n_grad=0, n_mag=0, n_eeg=1)

    # test that bad channels can be excluded
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, raw.ch_names,
    assert_array_almost_equal(proj, np.eye(len(raw.ch_names)))
예제 #3
def test_compute_proj():
    """Test SSP computation"""
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.3

    raw = Raw(raw_fname)
    events = read_events(event_fname)
    exclude = []
    bad_ch = 'MEG 2443'
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False,
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                        baseline=None, proj=False)

    evoked = epochs.average()
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)

    projs2 = read_proj(proj_fname)

    assert_true(len(projs) == len(projs2))

    for p1, p2 in zip(projs, projs2):
        assert_true(p1['desc'] == p2['desc'])
        assert_true(p1['data']['col_names'] == p2['data']['col_names'])
        assert_true(p1['active'] == p2['active'])
        # compare with sign invariance
        p1_data = p1['data']['data'] * np.sign(p1['data']['data'][0, 0])
        p2_data = p2['data']['data'] * np.sign(p2['data']['data'][0, 0])
        if bad_ch in p1['data']['col_names']:
            bad = p1['data']['col_names'].index('MEG 2443')
            mask = np.ones(p1_data.size, dtype=np.bool)
            mask[bad] = False
            p1_data = p1_data[:, mask]
            p2_data = p2_data[:, mask]
        corr = np.corrcoef(p1_data, p2_data)[0, 1]
        assert_array_almost_equal(corr, 1.0, 7)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    epochs.info['projs'] += projs
    evoked = epochs.average()

    projs = read_proj(proj_fname)

    projs_evoked = compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
예제 #4
def test_compute_proj():
    """Test SSP computation"""
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.3

    raw = Raw(raw_fname, preload=True)
    events = read_events(event_fname)
    exclude = []
    bad_ch = 'MEG 2443'
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=False, eog=False,
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                        baseline=None, proj=False)

    evoked = epochs.average()
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=1)
    write_proj('proj.fif.gz', projs)
    for p_fname in [proj_fname, proj_gz_fname, 'proj.fif.gz']:
        projs2 = read_proj(p_fname)

        assert_true(len(projs) == len(projs2))

        for p1, p2 in zip(projs, projs2):
            assert_true(p1['desc'] == p2['desc'])
            assert_true(p1['data']['col_names'] == p2['data']['col_names'])
            assert_true(p1['active'] == p2['active'])
            # compare with sign invariance
            p1_data = p1['data']['data'] * np.sign(p1['data']['data'][0, 0])
            p2_data = p2['data']['data'] * np.sign(p2['data']['data'][0, 0])
            if bad_ch in p1['data']['col_names']:
                bad = p1['data']['col_names'].index('MEG 2443')
                mask = np.ones(p1_data.size, dtype=np.bool)
                mask[bad] = False
                p1_data = p1_data[:, mask]
                p2_data = p2_data[:, mask]
            corr = np.corrcoef(p1_data, p2_data)[0, 1]
            assert_array_almost_equal(corr, 1.0, 5)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    epochs.info['projs'] += projs
    evoked = epochs.average()

    projs = read_proj(proj_fname)

    projs_evoked = compute_proj_evoked(evoked, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)
    # XXX : test something

    # test parallelization
    projs = compute_proj_epochs(epochs, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0, n_jobs=2)
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj_par, _, _ = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])
    assert_array_equal(proj, proj_par)

    # Test that the raw projectors work
    for ii in (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24):
        raw = Raw(raw_fname)
        projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=ii-0.1, n_grad=1, n_mag=1,

        # test that you can compute the projection matrix
        projs = activate_proj(projs)
        proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

        assert_true(nproj == 2)
        assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

        # test that you can save them
        raw.info['projs'] += projs
        raw.save('foo_%d_raw.fif' % ii)

    # Test that purely continuous (no duration) raw projection works
    raw = Raw(raw_fname)
    projs = compute_proj_raw(raw, duration=None, n_grad=1, n_mag=1, n_eeg=0)

    # test that you can compute the projection matrix
    projs = activate_proj(projs)
    proj, nproj, U = make_projector(projs, epochs.ch_names, bads=[])

    assert_true(nproj == 2)
    assert_true(U.shape[1] == 2)

    # test that you can save them
    raw.info['projs'] += projs