import monkey import os def datacb(vhost, url, get, get_len, post, post_len, header): os._exit(1) def urlch(string): return 0 monkey.init(None, 0, 0, None) monkey.set_callback('data', datacb) monkey.set_callback('url', urlch) monkey.start() os.system('wget -q -t2 -O /dev/null localhost:2001') monkey.stop()
global content content = "<html><body><center><h2>I'm a sad puppy.</h2>\n</center></body></html>" def listf(vhost, url, get, get_len, post, post_len, header): global content global image ret = {} if url == '/image.png': ret['content'] = image ret['content_len'] = len(ret['content']) ret['return'] = 1 return ret if post is None: front() elif 'q1=who' in post or 'q1=yes' in post: points() else: wrong() ret['content'] = content ret['content_len'] = len(ret['content']) ret['return'] = 1 return ret monkey.init(None, 0, 0, None) monkey.set_callback('data', listf) monkey.start() raw_input("Press enter to stop the server...") monkey.stop()
ret['return'] = 1 ret['content'] = content ret['content_len'] = len(content) return ret class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, num_requests): super(WorkerThread, self).__init__() self.num_requests = num_requests def run(self): for r in range(self.num_requests):'curl localhost:2001 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null', shell=True) if __name__ == '__main__': monkey.init(None, 0, 0, None) monkey.set_callback('data', datacb) monkey.start() threads = [] for t in range(NUM_THREADS): t = WorkerThread(REQ_PER_THREAD) threads.append(t) [t.start() for t in threads] [t.join() for t in threads] workers = monkey.scheduler_workers_info() for w in workers: w.print_info() monkey.stop()
import monkey import os import subprocess content = "\0" * 50000 def datacb(vhost, url, get, get_len, post, post_len, header): ret = {} ret["return"] = 1 ret["content"] = content ret["clen"] = len(ret["content"]) return ret monkey.init(None, 0, 0, None) monkey.set_callback("data", datacb) monkey.start()"curl localhost:2001 >/tmp/tmpfile 2>/dev/null", shell=True) if "a68b2482a6c645a9738329909861afb3" not in subprocess.check_output("md5sum /tmp/tmpfile", shell=True): os._exit(1) monkey.stop()
import monkey import os def datacb(vhost, url, get, get_len, post, post_len, header): os._exit(1) def ipch(string): return 0 monkey.init(None, 0, 0, None) monkey.set_callback('data', datacb) monkey.set_callback('ip', ipch) monkey.start() os.system('wget -q -t2 -O /dev/null localhost:2001') monkey.stop()
def listf(vhost, url, get, get_len, post, post_len, header): global content global image ret = {} if url == '/image.png': ret['content'] = image ret['content_len'] = len(ret['content']) ret['return'] = 1 return ret if post is None: front() elif 'q1=who' in post or 'q1=yes' in post: points() else: wrong() ret['content'] = content ret['content_len'] = len(ret['content']) ret['return'] = 1 return ret monkey.init(None, 0, 0, None) monkey.set_callback('data', listf) monkey.start() raw_input("Press enter to stop the server...") monkey.stop()