def crashTest(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() sensor = Crash_sensor() motor = Motors() counter = 0 f_value = sensor.calculateFront() ir_command = sensor.calculateSides() while True: counter += 1 if counter >= 5: f_value = sensor.calculateFront() ir_command = sensor.calculateSides() counter = 0 if ir_command == "LEFT": motor.left(0.5, 0.1) elif ir_command == "RIGHT": motor.right(0.5, 0.1) elif ir_command == "BACKWARD": motor.backward(0.3, 0.5) else: motor.forward(0.3, 0.01) if f_value == 1000: motor.stop() break
class Motob: """ The motor object (motob) manifests an interface between a behavior and one or more motors (a.k.a. actuators). It contains (at least) the following instance variables: 1. motors - a list of the motors whose settings will be determined by the motob. 2. value - a holder of the most recent motor recommendation sent to the motob. Its primary methods are: 1. update - receive a new motor recommendation, load it into the value slot, and operationalize it. 2. operationalize - convert a motor recommendation into one or more motor settings, which are sent to the corresponding motor(s) """ def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() self.value = None def update(self, recommendation): self.value = recommendation self.operationalize() def operationalize(self): """ convert motor recommendation into motor setting send to motor format value: [direction, speed, duration] :return: """ for element in self.value: if element[0] == "f": self.motor.forward(element[1], element[2]) elif element[0] == "b": self.motor.backward(element[1], element[2]) elif element[0] == "l": self.motor.left(element[1], element[2]) elif element[0] == "r": self.motor.right(element[1], element[2])
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motors = Motors() self.value = None # Updates the motors value and sends direction further def update_motor(self, value): self.value = value print(self.value) self.operationalize() # Takes a recommendation and makes the motors do the operation. def operationalize(self): recom = self.value if recom[0] == 'F': self.motors.forward(speed=recom[1]*0.01, dur=1) # multiply the degrees with 0.01 to get percent for speed elif recom[0] == 'B': self.motors.backward(speed=recom[1]*0.01, dur=1) elif recom[0] == 'L': self.motors.left(speed=recom[1]*0.01, dur=1) elif recom[0] == 'R': self.motors.right(speed=recom[1]*0.01, dur=1) elif recom[0] == 'S': self.motors.stop() # Makes the robot rotate, vector [-1, 1], [L, R]. def rotate(self, vector): self.motors.set_value(vector) # Optional stop method, duplicate in operationalize() def stop(self): self.motors.stop()
class Motob(): """Motor object that manifests an interface between a behavior and motor(s)""" def __init__(self): self.motors = Motors() self.value = "" # nyeste motor anbefaling def update( self, recommendation ): # må snakke med arbitrator hvilken form denne parameteren har """Mottar ny anbefaling til motoren, legger det i value og gjør det til en operasjon""" if self.value != recommendation: self.value = recommendation self.motors.stop() self.operationalize() def operationalize(self): """konverterer en anbefaling til en eller flere motor instillinger, som sendes til korresponderende motor(er)""" if self.value[0] == "F": self.motors.forward(0.25, 0.6) elif self.value[0] == "B": self.motors.backward(0.25, 0.6) elif self.value[0] == "L": self.motors.left( 0.5, (int(self.value[1]) * 10 + int(self.value[2])) * 0.01) elif self.value[0] == "R": self.motors.right( 0.5, (int(self.value[1]) * 10 + int(self.value[2])) * 0.01) elif self.value[0] == "T": self.motors.set_value([-1, 1], 0.5) elif self.value[0] == "S": self.motors.stop()
def dancer(): m = Motors() m.forward(0.2, 3) m.backward(0.2, 3) m.right(0.5, 3) m.left(0.5, 3) m.backward(0.3, 2.5) m.set_value([0.5, 0.1], 10) m.set_value([-0.5, -0.1], 10)
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() m.forward(0.2, 3) m.backward(0.2, 3) m.right(0.5, 3) m.left(0.5, 3) m.backward(0.3, 2.5) m.set_value([0.5, 0.1], 10) m.set_value([-0.5, -0.1], 10)
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() m.forward(.2,3) m.backward(.2,3) m.right(.5,3) m.left(.5,3) m.backward(.3,2.5) m.set_value([.5,.1],10) m.set_value([-.5,-.1],10)
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() m.forward(.2, 3) m.forward(.3, 2) m.right(.5, 3) m.left(.5, 3) m.backward(.3, 2.5) m.set_value([.5, .1], 10) m.set_value([-.5, -.1], 10)
def explorer(dist=10): m = Motors() u = Ultrasonic() while u.update() > dist: m.forward(0.2, 0.2) m.backward(.1, 0.5) m.left(.5, 3) m.right(.5, 3.5) sleep(2) while u.update() < dist * 5: m.backward(.2, 0.2) m.left(.75, 5)
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() print("hei") m.forward(0.2, 3) m.backward(0.2, 3) m.right(0.5, 3) m.left(0.5, 3) m.backward(0.3, 2.5) m.set_value([0.5, 0.1], 10) m.set_value([-0.5, -0.1], 10) print("hei2")
def explorer(dist=10): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors(); u = Ultrasonic() while u.update() > dist: m.forward(.2,0.2) m.backward(.1,.5) m.left(.5,3) m.right(.5,3.5) sleep(2) while u.update() < dist*5: m.backward(.2,0.2) m.left(.75,5)
def test(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() ultra = Ultrasonic() m = Motors() ultra.update() tall = ultra.get_value() print("tall: ", tall) while tall < 5.0: m.backward(0.2, 1) print(tall) ultra.update() tall = ultra.get_value() print(tall)
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motors = Motors() self.values = [] self.drive_speed = 0.15 self.turn_speed = 0.5 def update(self, recommendation): self.values.append(recommendation) self.operationalize() def operationalize(self): """ L: left R: right F: forward B: backward S: stop """ print(self.values) for rec in self.values: direction = rec[0] print(direction) if len(rec) == 1: print(direction) if direction == 'F': self.motors.set_value([self.drive_speed, self.drive_speed]) elif direction == 'B': self.motors.set_value( [-self.drive_speed, -self.drive_speed]) elif direction == 'S': self.motors.stop() elif len(rec) == 2: second_param = (rec[1]) if direction == 'L': self.motors.left(self.turn_speed, Motob.degrees_to_time(second_param)) elif direction == 'R': self.motors.right(self.turn_speed, Motob.degrees_to_time(second_param)) elif direction == 'F': self.motors.forward(self.drive_speed, second_param) elif direction == 'B': self.motors.backward(self.drive_speed, second_param) self.values = [] @staticmethod def degrees_to_time(degrees): return (degrees / 360) * 6
class motob: """Motob klasse har en motor""" def __init__(self): """Create empty list as value""" self.motor = Motors() # ("l",45,+0.5) self.value_drive = ["l", 0, 0] # a list [direction, degrees, speed] self.value_halt = False # The value of the halt flag #self.dir_list = ['l','r','f','b'] def update(self, mot_roc): """sette en ny value""" self.value_drive = mot_roc[0] self.value_halt = mot_roc[1] def operationalize(self, dur=0.05): """apply value, r: Right, l:Left, f:Forward, b:Backward""" #dur = 3 turn_speed = self.value_drive[1] / 100 if turn_speed > 1: turn_speed = 1 # cond_left_right = False # if self.value_drive[1] == 0: # If we are turning 0 degrees, cond_left_right = True # cond_left_right = True #print("I am in loop") if self.value_drive[ 0] == 'l' and self.value_drive[1] > 0 and not self.value_halt: # turn left and we are turning, but why not call left? self.motor.set_value((-self.value_drive[2], self.value_drive[2]), turn_speed) # 10 eller dur #self.motor.left(self.value_drive[2], dur) elif self.value_drive[ 0] == 'r' and self.value_drive[1] > 0 and not self.value_halt: # turn right, and we are turning, try motors.right?? self.motor.set_value((self.value_drive[2], -self.value_drive[2]), turn_speed) # 10 eller dur #self.motor.right(self.value_drive[2], dur) elif self.value_drive[0] == 'f' and self.value_drive[ 1] == 0 and not self.value_halt: # Drive forward self.motor.forward(abs(self.value_drive[2]), dur) #self.motor.set_value((self.value_drive[2], self.value_drive[2]), self.value_drive[2]) elif self.value_drive[0] == 'b' and self.value_drive[ 1] == 0 and not self.value_halt: # Drive backwards self.motor.backward(abs(self.value_drive[2]), dur) #self.motor.set_value((-self.value_drive[2], -self.value_drive[2]), self.value_drive[2]) elif self.value_halt: # If we are done, the haltflag is True, stop self.motor.stop()
def dancer(): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() u = Ultrasonic() print(u.getvalue()) m.forward(.2, 3) m.backward(.2, 3) m.right(.5, 3) m.left(.5, 3) m.backward(.3, 2.5) m.set_value([.5, .1], 10) m.set_value([-.5, -.1], 10)
def explorer(dist=10): ZumoButton().wait_for_press() m = Motors() u = Ultrasonic() print(u.sensor_get_value()) while u.sensor_get_value() > dist: m.forward(.2, 0.2) print(u.value) m.backward(.1, .5) m.left(.5,3) m.right(.5, 3.5) sleep(2) while u.sensor_get_value() < dist*5: m.backward(.2, 0.2) m.left(.75, 5)
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motors = Motors() def update(self, motor_recommendation: MotorOperation): print(motor_recommendation) if motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.FORWARDS: self.motors.forward() elif motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.BACKWARDS: self.motors.backward() elif motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.TURN_LEFT: self.motors.left(1, 2.5) elif motor_recommendation == MotorOperation.TURN_RIGHT: self.motors.right(1, 2.5) else: self.motors.forward(0)
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.value = None self.motors = Motors() def update(self, v): self.value = v self.operate() def operate(self): if self.value[0] == 'S': self.motors.stop() elif self.value[0] == 'F': self.motors.forward(0.5, 0.3) elif self.value[0] == 'B': self.motors.backward(0.3, 0.3) elif self.value[0] == 'R': self.motors.right(0.5, 0.3) elif self.value[0] == 'L': self.motors.left(0.5, 0.3)
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() def update(self, action, sleep_time = 0.33): if action == "forward": self.motor.forward() sleep(sleep_time) elif action == "backward": self.motor.backward() sleep(sleep_time * 6) self.motor.left() sleep(sleep_time / 10) elif action == "left": self.motor.left() sleep(sleep_time / 10) elif action == "right": self.motor.right() sleep(sleep_time / 10) elif action == "charge": self.motor.set_value((400, 400)) elif action == "brake": self.motor.stop()
class Robot: # US sensors constants. US_SENSORS = [ { 'name': 'front_bottom', 'trigger_limit': 8, 'sensors': 0 }, { 'name': 'left', 'trigger_limit': 10, 'sensors': 2 }, { 'name': 'back', 'trigger_limit': 8, 'sensors': 4 }, { 'name': 'right', 'trigger_limit': 10, 'sensors': 3 }, { 'name': 'front_top', 'trigger_limit': 8, 'sensors': 1 }, ] # Take in count the obstacle dimension (assuming another robot) # + the robot size. OBSTACLES_DIMENSION = 50 def __init__(self): """ position: init position dict with keys: - "angle": a X-axis relative angle. - "point": the first position. """ # self._us_sensors = RangeSensor(4) self._motors = Motors(5) self._kinematic = Kinematics(6) self._us = RangeSensor(4)'Building the graph map.') # self._graph = build_graph(robot_diagonal)'Finished to build the graph map.') self._blocking_servo = -1 def reset_kinematics(self): self._kinematic.up_clamp() time.sleep(0.2) self._kinematic.open_clamp() time.sleep(0.2) self._kinematic.reset_funny() time.sleep(0.2) self._kinematic.push_back() time.sleep(1) def wait_motors(self, enable=True, timeout=0): first_time = time.time() while not self._motors.is_done(): if enable: if self._blocking_servo != -1: i = self._blocking_servo test = self._us.get_range(i) print(test) if test > self.US_SENSORS[i]['trigger_limit']: self._motors.restart() self._blocking_servo = -1 else: continue us_sensors = self._us.get_ranges() print(us_sensors) for i, us in enumerate(us_sensors): if 'front' in self.US_SENSORS[i][ 'name'] or 'back' in self.US_SENSORS[i]['name']: if us < self.US_SENSORS[i]['trigger_limit']: self._motors.stop() self._blocking_servo = i break if (time.time() - first_time) > timeout and timeout != 0: break time.sleep(0.1) def take_modules(self, number=1): for i in range(number): self._kinematic.open_clamp() self._kinematic.down_clamp() time.sleep(DELAY_UP_DOWN_CLAMP) self._motors.forward(9) self.wait_motors(enable=False, timeout=2) self._kinematic.close_clamp() time.sleep(1) # self._motors.set_speed(40) self._motors.backward(7) if number == 1: self._motors.forward(6) self.wait_motors(enable=False, timeout=2) self._motors.backward(6) self.wait_motors(enable=False, timeout=2) self.wait_motors(enable=False) self._motors.backward(8) self.wait_motors(enable=False) #SEULEMENT SI ON DECIDE DE RECULER POUR MIEUX PRENDRE LE MODULE --- self._kinematic.open_clamp() time.sleep(0.5) self._motors.forward(3) self.wait_motors(enable=False, timeout=2) self._kinematic.close_clamp() time.sleep(1) #--- self._motors.forward(3) self._kinematic.up_clamp() self.wait_motors(enable=False, timeout=3) time.sleep(0.5) self._kinematic.open_clamp() time.sleep(1) self._kinematic.down_clamp() time.sleep(0.5) self._kinematic.up_clamp() def eject_modules(self, number=1): for i in range(number): self._kinematic.push_out() time.sleep(1.5) self._kinematic.push_back() time.sleep(1.5) self._motors.forward(2) self.wait_motors(timeout=2) self._motors.backward(8) self.wait_motors(timeout=2) def get_kin(self): return self._kinematic def get_motors(self): return self._motors def finalize(self): self._motors.stop() self._kinematic.launch_funny() time.sleep(0.8) self._kinematic.reset_funny()
class Robot: _DELAY_OPEN_ClOSE_CLAMP = 0.7 _DELAY_UP_DOWN_CLAMP = 2.5 _DELAY_IN_OUT_BLOCK = 3 # US sensors constants. US_SENSORS = [ { 'name': 'front_bottom', 'trigger_limit': 10, 'sensors': [0, 1] }, { 'name': 'left', 'trigger_limit': 10, 'sensors': [2] }, { 'name': 'back', 'trigger_limit': 5, 'sensors': [4] }, { 'name': 'right', 'trigger_limit': 10, 'sensors': [3] }, { 'name': 'front_top', 'trigger_limit': 10, 'sensors': [0, 1] }, ] DIMENSION = {'length': 32.5, 'width': 19.2} # Take in count the obstacle dimension (assuming another robot) # + the robot size. OBSTACLES_DIMENSION = 50 def __init__(self, position): """ position: init position dict with keys: - "angle": a X-axis relative angle. - "point": the first position. """ self._position = position # self._us_sensors = RangeSensor(4) self._motors = Motors(5) self._kinematic = Kinematics(6)'Building the graph map.') robot_diagonal = math.sqrt(self.DIMENSION['length'] + self.DIMENSION['width']**2) self._graph = build_graph(robot_diagonal)'Finished to build the graph map.') def take_modules(self, number=1, distance=0): for i in range(number): self._kinematic.down_clamp() time.sleep(self._DELAY_UP_DOWN_CLAMP) self._motors.forward(distance) while not self._motors.is_done(self.__done_callback): time.sleep(0.5) self._kinematic.close_clamp() time.sleep(self._DELAY_OPEN_CLOSE_CLAMP) self._motors.backward(distance) while not self._motors.is_done(self.__done_callback): time.sleep(0.5) #SEULEMENT SI ON DECIDE DE RECULER POUR MIEUX PRENDRE LE MODULE --- self._kinematic.open_clamp() time.sleep(self._DELAY_OPEN_CLOSE_CLAMP) self._motors.forward(2.5) while not self._motors.is_done(self.__done_callback): time.sleep(0.5) self._kinematic.close_clamp() time.sleep(self._DELAY_OPEN_CLOSE_CLAMP) #--- self._kinematic.up_clamp() time.sleep(self._DELAY_UP_DOWN_CLAMP) self._kinematic.open_clamp() def eject_modules(self, number=1): for i in range(number): self._kinematic.push_out() time.sleep(self._DELAY_IN_OUT_BLOCK) if number == 4 and i == 2: self._kinematic.open_clamp() time.sleep(self._DELAY_OPEN_CLOSE_CLAMP) self._kinematic.push_back() time.sleep(self._DELAY_IN_OUT_BLOCK) def move_to(self, target): """ target: a dict with keys: - "angle": a X-axis relative constrain target angle. - "point": position of the target. """ while True: instructions = self._graph.get_path(self._position, target) status = self._motors.move_with_instructions( instructions, self.__move_callback, self.__done_callback) if status == 'ok': break def finalize(self): self._motors.stop() self._kinematic.launch_funny() time.sleep(1) self._kinematic.reset_funny() def __move_callback(self): """ Return a string giving the state if we need to stop or not the regulation because of an obstacle. """ # ranges = self._us_sensors.get_ranges() ranges = [20, 20, 20, 20, 20] for us_data in self.US_SENSORS: for i, sensor in enumerate(us_data['sensors']): if ranges[sensor] == 0: # Zero value means that we are too far from obstacles. continue if ranges[sensor] < us_data['trigger_limit']: logging.warn( 'Motors stopped becauce of the %s%i US sensors at %i cm', us_data['name'], i, ranges[sensor]) self._motors.stop() # TODO: avoid recalculation if we have the near same position. self._graph.reset_obstacles() self._graph.add_obstacle(self._position, self.DIMENSION, self.OBSTACLES_DIMENSION, us_data['name'], ranges[sensor]) return 'obstacle' return 'continue' def __done_callback(self, distance_travelled, status='ok'): """ Update the position and angle informations of the robots. """ self._move_target = None'Regulation is done!') self.__update_robot_position(distance_travelled) print(self._position) return status def __update_robot_position(self, distance_travelled): left = distance_travelled['left'] right = distance_travelled['right'] if self.__is_opposite_sign(left, right): # We finished a rotation regulation. angle = ((right - left) / 2) / Motors.ANGLE_CORRECTION self._position['angle'] += angle'Robot turned with an angle of %i', angle) else: # We finished a lead regulation. angle = self._position['angle'] distance = (left + right) / 2 self._position['point'][0] += distance * math.cos( math.radians(angle)) self._position['point'][1] += distance * math.sin( math.radians(angle)) def __is_opposite_sign(self, n, m): if n > 0 and m > 0: return False elif n < 0 and m < 0: return False return True
board.connect() print("Board connected") sleep(0.5) del1 = 5 # This is standard delay 1 in seconds del2 = 3 # This is standard delay 2 in seconds speed = 50 # This takes a value from 0 to 254 print("Will now go forward speed 50 for 1S") sleep(0.8) move.forward(50) sleep(1) move.stop() print("Will now go backwards speed 50 for 1S") sleep(1) move.backward(50) sleep(1) move.stop() print("robot will now move forward by 60 cm on button press") sleep(1) mission.startMission() sleep(1) move.position(60,100) sleep(5) move.stop() print("leftMotor(speed,direction) and rightMotor (speed,direction) on button press") sleep(1) mission.startMission() sleep(1)
class Motob: def __init__(self): self.motor = Motors() self.value = -1 self.speed = 0.35 self.funcs = { "left": self.left, "right": self.right, "random": self.random, "rewind": self.rewind } def update(self, recommendation): print ('operating',recommendation,'in motobs') self.operate(recommendation) def operate(self, recommended): if recommended == "None": self.wander() else: func, self.value = recommended.split(" ") self.value = int(self.value) if func in self.funcs: self.funcs[func]() else: self.wander() def wander(self): self.motor.forward(speed = self.speed, dur = 0.15) def degree_to_duration(self, degrees): # 0.75 per runde på full speed # anta halv speed, så ca 1.5 sec per runde time_per_round = 2.5 time_per_degree = time_per_round/360 return degrees*time_per_degree def get_degrees(self): return self.degree_to_duration(self.value) def left(self): self.motor.left(speed=self.speed*2, dur=self.get_degrees()) def right(self): self.motor.right(speed=self.speed*2, dur=self.get_degrees()) def random(self): # turn left or right by random # turn 90 degrees regardless self.value = 90 if randint(0,100)>50: self.right() else: self.left() def rewind(self): # run back for a while if self.value <= 0: self.value = 1 # set a default value self.motor.backward(speed=self.speed, dur = self.value)
print("Forward") move.forward(power_f) sleep(4) move.stop() print("turn left") move.leftMotor(power_f, 0) move.rightMotor(power_f, 1) sleep(1) move.stop() sleep(1) print("turn right") move.leftMotor(power_f, 1) move.rightMotor(power_f, 0) sleep(1) move.stop() sleep(1) print("Back") move.backward(power_f) sleep(4) move.stop() sleep(1)
class Motob: """Interface between a behavior and one or more motors.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize Motob object. Parameters ---------- action : Holder of the action whose settings will be determined by the motob. duration : Holder of the most recent duration the of the action. """ self.m = Motors() self.action = None self.duration = None def update(self, recommendation): # print('Motor recommendation:', recommendation) """Update object. Receive a new motor recommendation. Load it into the instance variables. Operationalize it. Example ------- recommendation = ('L', 1) """ self.m.stop() self.action = recommendation[0] self.duration = recommendation[1] self.operationalize(self.action, self.duration) def operationalize(self, action, duration): """Convert motor recommendation into motor setting and send to corresponding motor(s). Parameters ---------- action : Action the motors will perform. dur : Duration of the operation. Example of actions ------------------ F = Drive forward B = Drive backward Z = Boost forward X = Flee T = Turn around 180 degrees L = Turn left while driving forward R = Turn right while driving forward S = Stop """ if action == 'F': self.m.set_value((0.5, 0.5), duration) elif action == 'B': self.m.backward(0.25, duration) elif action == 'Z': self.m.set_value((1, 1), duration) elif action == 'X': self.m.flee() # Turn around, must be tuned for 180 degree turn. elif action == 'T': self.m.turn() elif action == 'L': self.m.left((0.1, 0.25), duration) elif action == 'R': self.m.right((0.25, 0.1), duration) elif action == 'S': self.m.stop()