def startderping(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480), 0) screensize = screen.get_size() center = [320,240] centership = [288,226] pygame.display.set_caption("Raspberroids") font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) fps = 100 clock = pygame.time.Clock() black = [0,0,0] white = [255,255,255] background = pygame.Surface(screensize) background = background.convert() backgroundimg = pygame.image.load("bg.png") background.blit(backgroundimg,(0,0)) logo = "rptlogo.png" logoload = pygame.image.load(logo) running = True playtime = 0.0 bgmusic ="backgroundmusic.mp3") pygame.mixer.init() #Display the ship #player = player_info.Player(screen) alien = player_info.Alien(screen, clock) move = moveable_dude.MoveableDude() #allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(player) moveable_dude.addDudes(15) #Creds to Cakez0r for helping me out with this gunnew = gun.Gun(screen) pygame.display.init() while running: screen.blit(background,(0,0)) # comment pygame.display.flip() # comment milliseconds = clock.tick(fps) # comment hp = 100 playtime += milliseconds / 1000.0 # comment text = font.render("Frame rate: %.2f Playtime: %.2fs HP: %.2f" % (clock.get_fps(),playtime,hp), 1, white) # comment background.blit(backgroundimg,(0,0)) background.blit(text, (0,0)) # comment, (0,0,255), (320,240),25) #background.blit(player.image, player.rect) background.blit(alien.image, alien.rect) moveable_dude.updateAndDrawDudes(background) move.timer() gunnew.update(float(milliseconds) / 1000) gunnew.draw(background) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() if hp == 0: pygame.quit() #On keypress keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keystate[pygame.K_RIGHT]: gunnew.turnRight() if keystate[pygame.K_LEFT]: gunnew.turnLeft() if keystate[pygame.K_z]: if keystate[pygame.K_SPACE]: if keystate[pygame.K_q]: pygame.quit()
guntest = gun.Gun() while running: screen.blit(background,(0,0)) # comment pygame.display.flip() # comment milliseconds = clock.tick(fps) # comment hp = player.hp playtime += milliseconds / 1000.0 # comment text = font.render("Frame rate: %.2f Playtime: %.2fs HP: %.2f" % (clock.get_fps(),playtime,hp), 1, white) # comment background.fill(black) # comment background.blit(text, (0,0)) # comment, (0,0,255), (320,240),25) background.blit(player.image, player.rect) background.blit(alien.image, alien.rect) moveable_dude.updateAndDrawDudes(background) alien.add() alien.update(1) guntest.update(float(milliseconds) / 1000) guntest.draw(background) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit()
def startGame(screen): #Reset all dudes #moveable_dude.reset() screensize = screen.get_size() score = 0 center = [320,240] centership = [288,226] pygame.display.set_caption("Raspberroids | A collaborative Project | " + rand) # Divinite added randomised titles. lifeimg = pygame.image.load("life.gif").convert_alpha() pygame.display.set_icon(lifeimg) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) fps = 600 clock = pygame.time.Clock() black = [0,0,0] white = [255,255,255] background = pygame.Surface(screensize) background = background.convert() backgroundimg = pygame.image.load("bgCompress.gif") background.blit(backgroundimg,(0,0)) logo = "rptlogo.png" logoload = pygame.image.load(logo) pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100,-16) pygame.mixer.init() running = True playtime = 0.0 pygame.mixer.set_num_channels(4) bgmusic ="backgroundmusic.mp3") sfx = pygame.mixer.Channel(1) explode = pygame.mixer.Sound("explode.ogg") explode.set_volume(1.0) shot = pygame.mixer.Sound("8bit1up.ogg") shot.set_volume(1.0) gameover = pygame.mixer.Sound("game_over.ogg") gameover.set_volume(1.0) #Display the ship #player = player_info.Player(screen) move = moveable_dude.MoveableDude() #allSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(player) #moveable_dude.addDudes(1) #Creds to Cakez0r for helping me out with this dead = 0 gunnew = gun.Gun(screen) pygame.display.init() screen.blit(background,(0,0)) pygame.display.update() fpsLast = 0.00 counter = 0 while running: if(clock.get_fps()>fpsLast): print clock.get_fps() fpsLast = clock.get_fps() screen.blit(background,(0,0)) # comment pygame.display.update() milliseconds = clock.tick() # comment hp = gunnew.hp playtime =0 # comment text = font.render("Frame rate: %.2f Playtime: %.2fs Lives: %d" % (clock.get_fps(),playtime,hp), 1, white) # comment scoretext = font.render("Score: %d" % (score), 1, white) background.blit(backgroundimg,(0,0)) background.blit(text, (10,15)) # comment background.blit(scoretext, (240,450)) #pygame.display.update([10,15,450,25]) moveable_dude.updateAndDrawDudes(background) effects.update() effects.draw(background) move.timer() gunnew.update(float(milliseconds) / 1000) gunnew.draw(background) toremove = [] if len(moveable_dude.dudes) > 0: for y in range(len(moveable_dude.dudes)): remove = False if len(gunnew.bullets) > 0: for i in range(len(gunnew.bullets)): if gunnew.bullets[i].alive: posx = gunnew.bullets[i].position.left posy = gunnew.bullets[i] pozx = moveable_dude.dudes[y-1].position.left pozy = moveable_dude.dudes[y-1] difx = pozx - posx dify = pozy - posy magn = sqrt((difx*difx) + (dify*dify)) if (magn < 15): pygame.init() remove = True effects.Explosion(posx, posy) score = score + 50 #else: #Blah if gunnew.hp > 0: posx = gunnew.position.left posy = pozx = moveable_dude.dudes[y-1].position.left pozy = moveable_dude.dudes[y-1] difx = pozx - posx dify = pozy - posy magn = sqrt((difx*difx) + (dify*dify)) if (magn < 15): gunnew.hp -= 1 remove = True effects.Explosion(pozx, pozy) else: if dead != 1: dead = 1 running = False pygame.time.wait(2000) if remove: toremove.append(y-1) for i in range(len(toremove)): moveable_dude.dudes.pop(toremove[i]) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: running = False #On key press keystate = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keystate[pygame.K_RIGHT]: gunnew.turnRight() if keystate[pygame.K_LEFT]: gunnew.turnLeft() if keystate[pygame.K_z]: if keystate[pygame.K_SPACE]: if keystate[pygame.K_q]: running = False