def analysis(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: friends = json.load(f) df = pandas.DataFrame(friends) df.to_csv(filename.replace('json','csv'),sep='\t',encoding='utf-8') # print(df.groupby(['City','Sex']).value_counts()) print(df['City'].value_counts()[:30]) # print df # for friend in friends: # print("%s: %s" % (friend.get('NickName'),friend.get('Sex'))) # Create a map on which to draw. We're using a mercator projection, and showing the whole world. m = Basemap(projection='merc',llcrnrlat=-80,urcrnrlat=80,llcrnrlon=-180,urcrnrlon=180,lat_ts=20,resolution='c') # Draw coastlines, and the edges of the map. m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmapboundary() # Convert latitude and longitude to x and y coordinates loc = convertgeo(df['City']) print loc x, y = m(loc[0], loc[1]) # list(airports["longitude"].astype(float)), list(airports["latitude"].astype(float))) # Use matplotlib to draw the points onto the map. m.scatter(x,y,1,marker='o',color='red') # Show the plot.
def Map(self): m = Basemap(projection='cyl', # stere, tmerc, lcc lat_0=39.828127, lon_0=-98.579404, urcrnrlon=-62.208289, urcrnrlat=51.342619, llcrnrlon=-128.936426, llcrnrlat=19.06875) m.drawcoastlines() # draw coastlines m.drawmapboundary() # draw a line around the map region m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 120., 30.), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0]) # draw parallels m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0., 420., 60.), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1]) # draw meridians m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() lon = list() lon.append(-80.633333) lon.append(-74.364684) lon.append(-75.387778) lon.append(-84.253333) lat = list() lat.append(28.116667) lat.append(40.715622) lat.append(40.043889) lat.append(30.455) m.scatter(lon, lat, latlon=True, c=np.random.rand(3)) #m.pcolor(lon, lat, latlon=True) plt.title('United States Fair Market Rent') # add a title
def el_plot(data, Map=False, show=True): """ Plot the elevation for the region from the last time series :Parameters: **data** -- the standard python data dictionary **Map** -- {True, False} (optional): Optional argument. If True, the elevation will be plotted on a map. """ trigrid = data['trigrid'] plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') plt.tripcolor(trigrid, data['zeta'][-1,:]) plt.colorbar() plt.title("Elevation") if Map: #we set the corners of where the map should show up llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon = plt.xlim() llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat = plt.ylim() #we construct the map. Note that resolution serves to increase #or decrease the detail in the coastline. Currently set to #'i' for 'intermediate' m = Basemap(llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, \ resolution='i', suppress_ticks=False) #set color for continents. Default is grey. m.fillcontinents(color='ForestGreen') m.drawmapboundary() m.drawcoastlines() if show:
def example_1(): orig_file = '/tmp/comp-tempo/' orig_dset = Dataset(orig_file, 'a') o_lat = orig_dset.variables['lat'][:].ravel() o_lon = orig_dset.variables['lon'][:].ravel() print(np.mean(o_lon)) # lon_0 is the central longitude of the projection. # resolution = 'l' means use low resolution coastlines. # optional parameter 'satellite_height' may be used to # specify height of orbit above earth (default 35,786 km). m = Basemap(projection='geos',lon_0=133,resolution='l') m.drawcoastlines() m.fillcontinents(color='coral',lake_color='aqua') # draw parallels and meridians. m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90.,120.,30.)) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0.,420.,60.)) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') x, y = m(o_lat[0:100] , o_lon[0:100]) #m.plot(x, y) plt.title("Full Disk Geostationary Projection") #plt.savefig('geos_full.png')
def draw_basic_map_of_toronto(axis): """Draw a basic map of Toronto. :param axis: where to draw the map :returns: Basemap with Toronto """ # These are the latitudes of the City of Toronto. # (Fiona can be better to find them, e.g., from the 'icitw_wgs84' Shapefile # below.) low_left_corner_longitude = -79.75 low_left_corner_latitude = 43.40 up_right_corner_longitude = -79.10 up_right_corner_latitude = 43.95 to_map = Basemap( llcrnrlon=low_left_corner_longitude, llcrnrlat=low_left_corner_latitude, urcrnrlon=up_right_corner_longitude, urcrnrlat=up_right_corner_latitude, ellps="WGS84", resolution="h", area_thresh=0.1, ax=axis, ) to_map.drawmapboundary(fill_color="white") return to_map
def WorkBook_plotPrisons(self, coords): lons = coords[0] lats = coords[1] print("Graphing image...") m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-119, llcrnrlat=22, urcrnrlon=-64, urcrnrlat=49, projection='lcc', lat_1=33, lat_2=45, lon_0=-95, resolution='h', area_thresh=10000) x, y = m(lons, lats) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white') m.fillcontinents(color='white',lake_color='white') m.scatter(x,y,10,marker='D',color='m') plt.figure(frameon=False) plt.title('US Prison Locations',fontsize=12) plt.savefig("USPrisons.png") background ="SocioEconomicBackground.png") overlay ="USPrisons.png") background = background.convert("RGBA") overlay = overlay.convert("RGBA") new_img = Image.blend(background, overlay, 0.5)"SocioEconomic_Prison.png","PNG")
def plot_map_twts(twts, title='default title'): """ Given an iterable of 'clean' tweets, make a dot map over North America. """ fig1 = plt.figure() ax = fig1.add_subplot(111) m = Basemap(projection='merc', resolution = 'l', llcrnrlon=-136.0, llcrnrlat=24.0, urcrnrlon=-67.0, urcrnrlat=60.0, ax=ax) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() m.drawstates() m.fillcontinents(color = 'coral', alpha=0.5) m.drawmapboundary() lons = [twt['coordinates'][0] for twt in twts] lats = [twt['coordinates'][1] for twt in twts] x,y = m(lons, lats) m.plot(x, y, 'bo', markersize=5) plt.title(title)
def plot_pnts(source, ra_0, dec_0, FOV='fullsky', grid_size=15.): ra, dec = np.genfromtxt(source, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True) ra *= 15. sky = Basemap(projection='ortho', lon_0=-ra_0, lat_0=dec_0, celestial=True) if FOV == 'fullsky': sky.drawmeridians(np.arange(0., 360., grid_size)) sky.drawparallels(np.arange(90, -90, -grid_size)) sky.drawmapboundary(fill_color='White') catx, caty = sky(ra, dec) sky.scatter(catx, caty, 3, marker='o', color='Black') elif isinstance(FOV, float): format_label = lambda deg: '{0:2.0f}h{1:2.0f}m'\ .format(np.floor(deg / 15.), np.remainder(deg, 15.) * 60. / 15.) cnreq = np.array([[ra_0 + FOV / 2., dec_0 - FOV / 2.], [ra_0 - FOV / 2., dec_0 + FOV / 2.]]) cnrxy = np.array(sky(cnreq[:, 0], cnreq[:, 1])).T cenxy = np.array(sky(ra_0, dec_0)) m = Basemap(projection='ortho', lon_0=-ra_0, lat_0=dec_0, celestial=True, llcrnrx=cnrxy[0, 0]-cenxy[0], llcrnry=cnrxy[0, 1]-cenxy[1], urcrnrx=cnrxy[1, 0]-cenxy[0], urcrnry=cnrxy[1, 1]-cenxy[1]) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(cnreq[0, 0], cnreq[1, 0], -grid_size), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fmt=format_label) m.drawparallels(np.arange(cnreq[0, 1], cnreq[1, 1], grid_size), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0]) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='White') catx, caty = m(ra, dec) m.scatter(catx, caty, 3, marker='o', color='Black')
def mapTut(): m = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=20,urcrnrlat=50,\ llcrnrlon=-130,urcrnrlon=-60,resolution='c') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() m.drawstates() m.fillcontinents(color='#04BAE3',lake_color='#FFFFFF') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#FFFFFF') # Houston, Texas lat,lon = 29.7630556,-95.3630556 x,y = m(lon,lat) m.plot(x,y, 'ro') lon, lat = -104.237, 40.125 # Location of Boulder xpt,ypt = m(lon,lat) m.plot(xpt,ypt, 'go') plt.title("Geo Plotting")
def ResearchRegion_surface(): """ 在地图上画出柱表面混合比图 :return: """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8), facecolor="white") # data = np.loadtxt('seasonAvr_data/SurfaceMixingRatio/1_seasonAvr.txt') data = np.loadtxt("allYearAvr_data/SurfaceMixingRatio/allYearAvr.txt") arr = np.zeros((180, 360)) for i in range(180): arr[i, :] = data[179 - i, :] longitude = np.loadtxt("lonlat_data/longitude.txt") latitude = np.loadtxt("lonlat_data/latitude.txt") m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=70, llcrnrlat=15, urcrnrlon=138, urcrnrlat=55, projection="mill", resolution="h") m.drawparallels(np.arange(5.5, 90.5, 1.0), color="w", linewidth=0.5, dashes=[1, 1], labels=[0, 0, 0, 0]) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(60.5, 181.5, 1.0), color="w", linewidth=0.5, dashes=[1, 1], labels=[0, 0, 0, 0]) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color="0.3") m.readshapefile("shp/CHINA", "CHINA", drawbounds=1, color="black") topo = maskoceans(longitude, latitude, arr) im = m.pcolormesh(longitude, latitude, topo, shading="flat",, latlon=True, vmin=0, vmax=500) m.drawlsmask(ocean_color="w", lsmask=0) cbar = m.colorbar()"SurfaceMixingRatio", color="black", fontsize="14", rotation=90)
def individual_ocean_map(eof = '1', phase = 'lanina', showplot = True): ### This function combines several others to make a map patterns, lats, lons, lams, pcs = combine_regions(phase = phase) data, lns, lts = create_full_map_individual(patterns, lats, lons, eof = eof) from numpy import linspace fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) m = Basemap(ax = ax, projection = 'robin', lon_0 = 180, resolution = 'i') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth = 0.25) m.drawcountries() m.fillcontinents(color='green',lake_color='aqua') parallels = np.linspace(m.llcrnrlat, m.urcrnrlat, 4) meridians = np.linspace(m.llcrnrlon, m.urcrnrlon, 4) m.drawparallels(parallels, linewidth = 1, labels = [0,0,0,0]) m.drawmeridians(meridians, linewidth = 1, labels = [0,0,0,0]) cmap = cm.RdBu_r im = m.pcolormesh(lns,lts,data, vmin = data[~isnan(data)].min(), \ vmax=data[~isnan(data)].max(), cmap = cmap, latlon=True) cb = m.colorbar(im,'bottom', size="5%", pad="2%") if showplot: return return fig, ax, m
def plot_world_sst(): # Read some NetCDF data import netCDF4 as nc ostia = nc.Dataset('') tmp = ostia.variables['analysed_sst'][0] ice = ostia.variables['sea_ice_fraction'][0] lon = ostia.variables['lon'][:] lat = ostia.variables['lat'][:] from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # Set up a map map = Basemap(projection='cyl') map.drawcoastlines() map.drawcountries() map.fillcontinents(color='lightgreen', lake_color='lightblue'); map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='lightblue') # Re-project the data onto the map image = map.transform_scalar(tmp,lon,lat,200,200) # Plot the data map.imshow(image);
def bb_map(lons, lats, projection='merc', resolution='i', drawparallels=True, drawmeridians=True, ax=plt.gca()): """ USAGE ----- m = bb_map(lons, lats, **kwargs) Returns a Basemap instance with lon,lat bounding limits inferred from the input arrays `lons`,`lats`. Coastlines, countries, states, parallels and meridians are drawn, and continents are filled. """ lons,lats = map(np.asanyarray, (lons,lats)) lonmin,lonmax = lons.min(),lons.max() latmin,latmax = lats.min(),lats.max() m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=lonmin, urcrnrlon=lonmax, llcrnrlat=latmin, urcrnrlat=latmax, projection=projection, resolution=resolution, ax=ax) plt.ioff() # Avoid showing the figure. m.fillcontinents(color='0.9', zorder=9) m.drawcoastlines(zorder=10) m.drawstates(zorder=10) m.drawcountries(linewidth=2.0, zorder=10) m.drawmapboundary(zorder=9999) if drawmeridians: m.drawmeridians(np.arange(np.floor(lonmin), np.ceil(lonmax), 1), linewidth=0.15, labels=[1, 0, 1, 0], zorder=12) if drawparallels: m.drawparallels(np.arange(np.floor(latmin), np.ceil(latmax), 1), linewidth=0.15, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], zorder=12) plt.ion() return m
def worldplot(self,kmeans=None,proj='merc'): """ plots customer GPS location on a map with state and national boundaries. IN kmeans (int) number of means for k-means clustering, default=None proj (string) the map projection to use, use 'robin' to plot the whole earth, default='merc' """ # create a matplotlib Basemap object if proj == 'robin': my_map = Basemap(projection=proj,lat_0=0,lon_0=0,resolution='l',area_thresh=1000) else: my_map = Basemap(projection=proj,lat_0=33.,lon_0=-125.,resolution='l',area_thresh=1000., llcrnrlon=-130.,llcrnrlat=25,urcrnrlon=-65., urcrnrlat=50) my_map.drawcoastlines(color='grey') my_map.drawcountries(color='grey') my_map.drawstates(color='grey') my_map.drawlsmask(land_color='white',ocean_color='white') my_map.drawmapboundary() #my_map.fillcontinents(color='black') x,y = my_map(np.array(['lon']),np.array(['lat'])) my_map.plot(x,y,'ro',markersize=3,alpha=.4,linewidth=0) if kmeans: # k-means clustering algorithm---see wikipedia for details data_in =['id','clv','level'],axis=1) # vq is scipy's vector quantization module output,distortion = vq.kmeans(data_in,kmeans) x1,y1 = my_map(output[:,1],output[:,0]) my_map.plot(x1,y1,'ko',markersize=20,alpha=.4,linewidth=0) return output
def map_interiorAK( width=1800000, height=1200000, water='lightskyblue', earth='snow', resolution='i'): """ Albers Equal Area map of interior Alaska, with some overridable presets. """ bmap = Basemap( width=width, height=height, resolution=resolution, projection='aea', lat_1=55., lat_2=75., lat_0=65., lon_0=-150.) bmap.drawcoastlines() bmap.drawrivers(color=water) bmap.drawcountries() bmap.fillcontinents(lake_color=water, color=earth) # labels = [left,right,top,bottom] bmap.drawmeridians( np.arange(-180, 180, 10), labels=[False, False, False, 1]) bmap.drawparallels( np.arange(0, 80, 5), labels=[1, 1, False, False]) bmap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water) return bmap
def map_trace(tr,ax='None',showpath=True,showplot=True,Lat_0=0.0,Lon_0=60.0): from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap if ax == 'None': m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=Lat_0,lon_0=Lon_0,resolution='l') m.drawmapboundary() m.drawcoastlines() m.fillcontinents(color='gray',lake_color='white') else: m = ax x1,y1 = m(tr.stats.sac['evlo'],tr.stats.sac['evla']) x2,y2 = m(tr.stats.sac['stlo'],tr.stats.sac['stla']) m.scatter(x1,y1,s=200.0,marker='*',facecolors='y',edgecolors='k',zorder=99) m.scatter(x2,y2,s=20.0,marker='^',color='b',zorder=99) if showpath == True: m.drawgreatcircle(tr.stats.sac['evlo'],tr.stats.sac['evla'], tr.stats.sac['stlo'],tr.stats.sac['stla'], linewidth=1,color='k',alpha=0.5) if showplot == True: else: return m
def sstMap(nipaPhase, phase = 'allyears', field = 'sst', fig = None, ax = None, monte = False): from numpy import linspace if fig == None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) m = Basemap(ax = ax, projection = 'robin', lon_0 = 270, resolution = 'i') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth = 0.25) m.drawcountries() m.fillcontinents(color='green',lake_color='aqua') parallels = np.linspace(m.llcrnrlat, m.urcrnrlat, 4) meridians = np.linspace(m.llcrnrlon, m.urcrnrlon, 4) m.drawparallels(parallels, linewidth = 1, labels = [0,0,0,0]) m.drawmeridians(meridians, linewidth = 1, labels = [0,0,0,0]) lons = nipaPhase.lon[field] lats =[field] if monte: data = nipaPhase.monte_grid[phase] levels = linspace(0, data.max(), data.max()) cmap = cm.Reds else: data = nipaPhase.corr_grid[field][phase] levels = linspace(-0.8,0.8,9) cmap = cm.RdBu lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons,lats) im1 = m.pcolormesh(lons,lats,data, vmin = np.min(levels), \ vmax=np.max(levels), cmap = cmap, latlon=True) cb = m.colorbar(im1,'bottom', size="5%", pad="2%") ax.set_title('%s, %s' % (phase, field)) return fig, ax, m
def plot_us(lats, lons, save_name=None): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) big_map = Basemap(resolution='h', lat_0=36, lon_0=-107.5, llcrnrlat=32, llcrnrlon=-125, urcrnrlat=43, urcrnrlon=-110) big_map.drawcoastlines() big_map.drawstates() big_map.drawcountries() big_map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#7777ff') big_map.fillcontinents(color='#ddaa66', lake_color='#7777ff', zorder=0) x, y = big_map(lons, lats) big_map.plot(x[0], y[0], 'ro', markersize=2) axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 20, loc=1) ll_lat, ll_lon = 37.8, -122.78 ur_lat, ur_lon = 38.08, -122.43 axins.set_xlim(ll_lon, ur_lon) axins.set_ylim(ur_lon, ur_lat) small_map = Basemap(resolution='h', llcrnrlat=ll_lat, llcrnrlon=ll_lon, urcrnrlat=ur_lat, urcrnrlon=ur_lon, ax=axins) small_map.drawcoastlines() small_map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#7777ff') small_map.fillcontinents(color='#ddaa66', lake_color='#7777ff', zorder=0) x, y = small_map(lons, lats) small_map.plot(x, y, 'ro', markersize=3) mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=2, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5") if save_name: fig.savefig(save_name)
def plot_map(lons, lats, c, legend_label, projection='mill', llcrnrlat=-80, urcrnrlat=90, llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, resolution='i'): ''' Optional Arguments: projection - map projection, default set as 'mill' llcrnrlat - lower left corner latitude value, default is -80 urcrnrlat - upper right corner latitude value, default is 90 llcrnrlon - lower left corner longitude value, default is -180 urcrnrlon - upper right corner longitude value, default is 180 resolution - the resolution of the plot, default is 'i' Required Arguments: lons - list of longitude values to be plotted lats - list of latitude values to be plotted c - the color of the points to be plotted legend_label - how this set of points will be labeled on the legend Returns: m - a basemap object defined by input bounds with input points included ''' # Creates a basic plot of a series of lat,lon points over a defined region m = Basemap(projection=projection, llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, resolution=resolution) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmapboundary() m.drawcountries() m.etopo() m.drawmeridians(np.arange(llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon, 5), labels=[0,0,0,1], fontsize=10) m.drawparallels(np.arange(llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat, 5), labels=[1,0,0,0], fontsize=10) x,y = m(lons, lats) m.scatter(x, y, color=c, label=legend_label, marker='o', edgecolor='none', s=10) return m
def displayWindMapPlot(vdata,udata, lons, lats,): """ TODO add a docstring! """ #plt.clf() #pc = plt.contourf(lons, lats, data, 20) #plt.colorbar(pc, orientation='horizontal') #plt.title(title) #plt.xlabel("longitude (degrees east)") #plt.ylabel("latitude (degrees north)") fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Do the plot code # make orthographic basemap. m = Basemap(projection='cyl',llcrnrlat=-40,urcrnrlat=0,\ llcrnrlon=-20,urcrnrlon=60,resolution='l') X,Y=np.meshgrid(lons, lats) x,y=m(X,Y) #Convert to map coordinates #m.barbs(x,y,vdata,udata,20) m.quiver(x,y,vdata,udata,10) plt.streamplot(x,y,vdata,udata,10) #plt.colorbar(pc,orientation='horizontal') m.drawmapboundary() m.drawcountries() m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=1.5) fig.savefig('myimage.svg', format='svg', dpi=1200) #m.drawparallels(parallels) #m.drawmeridians(meridians) """ Contains code for displaying data """
def mapper(image): fig = plt.figure() cmap = mpc.ListedColormap(palettable.colorbrewer.diverging.PiYG_5.mpl_colors) # cmap.set_bad('grey',1.) # ax = fig.add_subplot(1) plt.plot() plt.title("a. ((maxNDVI/mm AcuPrecip)/year)", loc= 'left') #set the spatial cordinates of the grid, mask the ocean and draw coastlines map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=112.0,llcrnrlat=-44.5,urcrnrlon=156.25,urcrnrlat=-10, resolution = 'h', epsg=4326) map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='grey') map.fillcontinents(color= 'none', lake_color='white') map.drawlsmask(land_color='none', ) map.drawcoastlines() map.imshow(np.flipud(image), cmap=cmap, vmin=-0.006, vmax=0.009,) # cb = plt.colorbar() #Tweaking the colorbar so the the ticks allign with the grid. cb = map.colorbar()#ticks= [-0.01, -0.0075, -0.0050, -0.00250, 0.0000, 0.0025, 0.0050, 0.0075, 0.010, 0.0125]) tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5) cb.locator = tick_locator cb.update_ticks() #add in the grid map.drawparallels(np.arange(-50, -10, 10),labels=[1,0,0,0], dashes=[1,2])#color= 'none') map.drawmeridians(np.arange(110, 156.25, 10),labels=[0,0,0,1], dashes=[1,2])
def drawNPole(self): #No es muy ortodoxo dibujar dentro de la clase my_map = Basemap(projection='npstere',boundinglat=50,lon_0=270,resolution='h', round=True) my_map.drawcoastlines() my_map.drawcountries() my_map.fillcontinents(color='coral') my_map.drawmapboundary() #print "tamano:", len(self) for measure in self: x,y = my_map(measure.getLon(), measure.getLat()) print measure.getLat(), measure.getLon(), measure.getSic() color = 'go' #print "color->", measure.getSic() if measure.getSic()>0 and measure.getSic()<=0.2: color = 'go' elif measure.getSic()>0.2 and measure.getSic()<=0.5: color = 'yo' else: color = 'ro' my_map.plot(y, x, color, markersize=12) my_map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30)) my_map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30)) #m.hexbin(x1,y1, C=sic[beam],gridsize=len(sic[beam]), plt.gcf().set_size_inches(18,10)
def draw_map_with_labels(labels, map_number): """ Draws a map once the labels substituting country names are given """ min_lon = -20. max_lon = 49. min_lat = 32. max_lat = 60. europe = Basemap( resolution='l', projection='aea', lon_0=0, lat_0=40, llcrnrlat=min_lat, urcrnrlat=max_lat, llcrnrlon=min_lon, urcrnrlon=max_lon, lat_ts=(min_lon+max_lon)/2) europe.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2, color=COUNTRY_COLOR) europe.drawmapboundary(linewidth=0.5, fill_color=SEA_COLOR) europe.fillcontinents(color=LAND_COLOR, lake_color=SEA_COLOR) europe.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.2) for label in labels: lon, lat = europe(label[1], label[2]) plt.text(lon, lat, label[0], color=TEXT_COLOR, fontweight='heavy', fontstyle='oblique', ha='center', clip_on=True) plt.tight_layout()'Saving into file: languages_{}.png'.format(map_number + 1)) plt.savefig('languages_{}.png'.format(map_number + 1))
def onpress(event): if event.button != 1: return x, y = event.x, event.y coord_lat = 40 coord_lon = -75 zoom_map = Basemap(projection='mill', llcrnrlat=coord_lat, llcrnrlon=coord_lon, urcrnrlat=43, urcrnrlon=-69.5, resolution='c') zoom_map.drawcoastlines() zoom_map.drawcountries() zoom_map.drawmapboundary() zoom_map.drawstates() for i in range(len(size)): if size[i] <= 5000: zoom_map.plot(x[i], y[i], 'go', markersize=size[i]/1000) elif size[i] >= 10000: zoom_map.plot(x[i], y[i], 'ro', markersize=size[i]/1000) else: zoom_map.plot(x[i], y[i], 'bo', markersize=size[i]/1000)
def plot(self,key='Re'): """ Create a plot of a variable over the ORACLES study area. Parameters ---------- key : string See names for available datasets to plot. clf : boolean If True, clear off pre-existing figure. If False, plot over pre-existing figure. Modification history -------------------- Written: Michael Diamond, 08/16/2016, Seattle, WA Modified: Michael Diamond, 08/21/2016, Seattle, WA -Added ORACLES routine flight plan, Walvis Bay (orange), and Ascension Island Modified: Michael Diamond, 09/02/2016, Swakopmund, Namibia -Updated flihgt track """ plt.clf() size = 16 font = 'Arial' m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=self.lon.min(),,urcrnrlon=self.lon.max(),\,projection='merc',resolution='i') m.drawparallels(np.arange(-180,180,5),labels=[1,0,0,0],fontsize=size,fontname=font) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,5),labels=[1,1,0,1],fontsize=size,fontname=font) m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=1.5) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() if key == 'Pbot' or key == 'Ptop' or key == 'Nd' or key == 'DZ': m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='steelblue') m.fillcontinents(color='floralwhite',lake_color='steelblue',zorder=0) else: m.fillcontinents('k',zorder=0) if key == 'Nd': m.pcolormesh(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],\ latlon=True,norm = LogNorm(vmin=self.v['%s' % key][0],vmax=self.v['%s' % key][1])) elif key == 'Zbf' or key == 'Ztf': levels = [0,250,500,750,1000,1250,1500,1750,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000] m.contourf(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],levels=levels,\ cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],latlon=True,extend='max') elif key == 'DZ': levels = [0,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,5500,6000,6500,7000] m.contourf(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],levels=levels,\ cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],latlon=True,extend='max') else: m.pcolormesh(self.lon,,self.ds['%s' % key],cmap=self.colors['%s' % key],\ latlon=True,vmin=self.v['%s' % key][0],vmax=self.v['%s' % key][1]) cbar = m.colorbar() cbar.set_label('[%s]' % self.units['%s' % key],fontsize=size,fontname=font) if key == 'Pbot' or key == 'Ptop': m.scatter(14.5247,-22.9390,s=250,c='orange',marker='D',latlon=True) m.scatter(-14.3559,-7.9467,s=375,c='c',marker='*',latlon=True) m.scatter(-5.7089,-15.9650,s=375,c='chartreuse',marker='*',latlon=True) m.plot([14.5247,13,0],[-22.9390,-23,-10],c='w',linewidth=5,linestyle='dashed',latlon=True) m.plot([14.5247,13,0],[-22.9390,-23,-10],c='k',linewidth=3,linestyle='dashed',latlon=True) plt.title('%s from MSG SEVIRI on %s/%s/%s at %s UTC' % \ (self.names['%s' % key],self.month,,self.year,self.time),fontsize=size+4,fontname=font)
def background_map(self, ax): llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat, llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon, lat_ts = (31, 44, -126, -113, 37.5) m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat, llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon, lat_ts=lat_ts, resolution='i', ax=ax) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='lightblue', zorder=0) m.fillcontinents(zorder=0) etopofn = '/home/behry/uni/data/etopo1_central_europe_gmt.grd' etopodata = Dataset(etopofn, 'r') z = etopodata.variables['z'][:] x_range = etopodata.variables['x_range'][:] y_range = etopodata.variables['y_range'][:] spc = etopodata.variables['spacing'][:] lats = np.arange(y_range[0], y_range[1], spc[1]) lons = np.arange(x_range[0], x_range[1], spc[0]) topoin = z.reshape(lats.size, lons.size, order='C') # transform to nx x ny regularly spaced 5km native projection grid nx = int((m.xmax - m.xmin) / 5000.) + 1; ny = int((m.ymax - m.ymin) / 5000.) + 1 topodat, x, y = m.transform_scalar(np.flipud(topoin), lons, lats, nx, ny, returnxy=True) ls = LightSource(azdeg=300, altdeg=15, hsv_min_sat=0.2, hsv_max_sat=0.3, hsv_min_val=0.2, hsv_max_val=0.3) # shade data, creating an rgb array. rgb = ls.shade( / 1000.0, 0.0), cm.gist_gray_r) m.imshow(rgb) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(6, 12, 2), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], color='white', linewidth=0.5, zorder=0) m.drawparallels(np.arange(44, 50, 2), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], color='white', linewidth=0.5, zorder=0) m.drawcoastlines(zorder=1) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1.5, zorder=1) m.drawstates() m.drawrivers(color='lightblue', zorder=1) return m
def basemap(): #basemap try: from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import numpy as np # use low resolution coastlines. map = Basemap(boundinglat=22,lon_0=0,projection='npaeqd',resolution='l') # draw coastlines, country boundaries, fill continents. map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.25) map.drawcountries(linewidth=0.25) map.fillcontinents(color='white') # draw the edge of the map projection region (the projection limb) map.drawmapboundary() plt.title('Contours of countries for orthographic basemap') return 0 except IOError as err: print "File error: " + str(err) except ValueError as err: print "Value Error: " + str(err)
def plot_hmap_ortho(h, cmap='jet', mode='log', mx=None, drng=None, res=0.25, verbose=False): m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=90,lon_0=180,rsphere=1.) if verbose: print 'SCHEME:', h.scheme() print 'NSIDE:', h.nside() lons,lats,x,y = m.makegrid(360/res,180/res, returnxy=True) lons = 360 - lons lats *= a.img.deg2rad; lons *= a.img.deg2rad y,x,z = a.coord.radec2eq(n.array([lons.flatten(), lats.flatten()])) ax,ay,az = a.coord.latlong2xyz(n.array([0,0])) data = h[x,y,z] data.shape = lats.shape data /= h[0,0,1] #data = data**2 # only if a voltage beam data = data_mode(data, mode) m.drawmapboundary() m.drawmeridians(n.arange(0, 360, 30)) m.drawparallels(n.arange(0, 90, 10)) if mx is None: mx = data.max() if drng is None: mn = data.min() # if min < (max - 10): min = max-10 else: mn = mx - drng step = (mx - mn) / 10 levels = n.arange(mn-step, mx+step, step) return m.imshow(data, vmax=mx, vmin=mn, cmap=cmap)
def example_2(): # retrieve data dir = "/homespace/gaubert/viirs/Mband-SDR" geo_file = h5py.File("%s/%s" %(dir,"GMODO_npp_d20030125_t0847056_e0848301_b00015_c20090513182937526121_gisf_pop.h5")) lats = geo_file['All_Data']['VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All']['Latitude'][:] lons = geo_file['All_Data']['VIIRS-MOD-GEO_All']['Longitude'][:] # draw map with markers for float locations #m = Basemap(projection='hammer',lon_0=180) lon_ref = lons[0][0]-lons[-1][-1]/2 lat_ref = 10 #m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=lat_ref,lon_0=lon_ref,resolution='l') m = Basemap(projection='nsper',lat_0=lat_ref,lon_0=lon_ref,satellite_height=2000*1000,resolution='l') #x, y = m(lons[0:10],lats[0:10]) x,y = m(lons,lats) #m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#99ffff') m.fillcontinents(color='#cc9966',lake_color='#99ffff') m.scatter(x,y,s = 1 ,color='k') #m.drawgreatcircle(lons[0][0],lats[0][0],lons[0][-1],lats[0][-1],linewidth=2,color='b') #m.drawgreatcircle(lons[-1][0],lats[0][0],lons[-1][-1],lats[0][-1],linewidth=2,color='b') plt.title('Locations of %s ARGO floats active between %s and %s' %\ (len(lats),'2002', '2003')) plt.savefig('/tmp/plotargo.png')
def GDELT_maplot(self, point_counts, centro_lat, centro_lon, llat, llon, ulat, ulon): #,centro_lat,centro_lon,llat,llon,ulat,ulon): # print point_counts # print centro_lat, centro_lon, llat, llon, ulat, ulon def get_size(count): ''' Convert a count to a point size. Log-scaled.''' scale_factor = 2 return np.log10(count + 1) * scale_factor # Note that we're drawing on a regular matplotlib figure, so we set the # figure size just like we would any other. plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # Create the Basemap event_map = Basemap(projection='merc', resolution='l', area_thresh=1000.0, # Low resolution lat_0= centro_lat, lon_0=centro_lon, # Map center llcrnrlon=llon, llcrnrlat=llat, # Lower left corner urcrnrlon=ulon, urcrnrlat=ulat) # Upper right corner # Draw important features event_map.drawcoastlines() event_map.drawcountries() event_map.fillcontinents(color='0.8') # Light gray event_map.drawmapboundary() # Draw the points on the map: for point, count in point_counts.iteritems(): x, y = event_map(point[1], point[0]) # Convert lat, long to y,x # print x , y marker_size = get_size(count) event_map.plot(x, y, 'ro', markersize=marker_size, alpha=0.3)
plt.rc('font', **{'family': 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif': ['Avant Garde']}) ### Set limits for contours and colorbars limit = np.arange(-6, 6.1, 0.5) barlim = np.arange(-6, 7, 2) cmap = label = r'\textbf{Temperature [$^{\circ}$C] Change [1991-2020]}' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4)) ########################################################################### ########################################################################### ########################################################################### var = var1 ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) m = Basemap(projection='moll', lon_0=0, resolution='l', area_thresh=10000) circle = m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='k') circle.set_clip_on(False) m.drawcoastlines(color='dimgrey', linewidth=0.35) var, lons_cyclic = addcyclic(var, lon) var, lons_cyclic = shiftgrid(180., var, lons_cyclic, start=False) lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lons_cyclic, lat) x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) circle = m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white', color='dimgrey', linewidth=0.7) circle.set_clip_on(False) cs = m.contourf(x, y, var, limit, extend='both')
#map = Basemap(projection ='cyl', llcrnrlat=-62, urcrnrlat=90,llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, resolution='c') map = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=-15, urcrnrlat=40, llcrnrlon=55, urcrnrlon=145, resolution='c') x, y = map(lona11, lat) aa = ((ma1 / gridarea * 10000) - (ma1i / gridarea * 10000)) / (ma1 / gridarea * 10000) * 100 aa = ma.masked_where(aa == 0.0, aa) map.drawcoastlines() map.drawcountries() map.drawmapboundary() cs1 = map.pcolormesh(x, y, aa, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.axis('off') cbar = map.colorbar(cs1, location='right', size="5%", pad="2%", ticks=bounds, extend='both') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(422) map = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=-15, urcrnrlat=40,
state_color = '#999999' meridian_color = '#eaeaea' marker_fill_color = '#df2d2d' marker_edge_color = 'None' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='#ffffff', frame_on=False) ax.set_title(map_title, fontsize=18, color='#333333') m = Basemap(projection='mill', resolution='i', llcrnrlat=14, urcrnrlat=55, llcrnrlon=70, urcrnrlon=140) m.drawmapboundary(color=border_color, fill_color=water_color) m.drawcoastlines(color=coastline_color) m.drawstates(color=state_color) m.drawcountries(color=border_color) m.readshapefile('resources/gadm36_CHN_shp/gadm36_CHN_1', 'provinces', drawbounds=True, color=state_color, linewidth=0.8) m.readshapefile('resources/gadm36_TWN_shp/gadm36_TWN_0', 'taiwan', drawbounds=True, color=state_color, linewidth=0.8) m.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color) m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 90., 10.),
def plot_the_data(data, units, start_time, end_time, wd, Output_Name, debug): print 'Plotting the data.' #set up plot # print data # print data.dimensions colourbar_tick_size = 20 colourbar_title = species + units colourbar_title_size = 25 colourbar_number_ticks = 5 X_axis_title = 'Longitude' X_axis_size = 25 Y_axis_title = 'Latitude' Y_axis_size = 25 Plot_title = "Surface " + species + ' average between '+ str(start_time) + ' and ' + str(end_time) # Chose the figure size fig=plt.figure(figsize=(20,12)) ax = fig.add_axes([.05, .1, .9, .8]) fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') # Add the basemap lat = np.arange(-88,90,4) lat = np.insert(lat,0,-90) lat = np.append(lat,90) lon = np.arange(-182.5,179,5) m = Basemap(projection='cyl',llcrnrlat=-90,urcrnrlat=90,\ llcrnrlon=-182.5,\ urcrnrlon=177.5,\ resolution='c') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmapboundary() parallels = np.arange(-90,91,30) meridians = np.arange(-180,151,30) plt.xticks(meridians) plt.yticks(parallels) m.drawparallels(parallels) m.drawmeridians(meridians) x, y = np.meshgrid(*m(lon, lat)) # #Add the map poly = m.pcolor(lon, lat, data) plt.xlabel(X_axis_title, fontsize = X_axis_size) plt.ylabel(Y_axis_title, fontsize = Y_axis_size) # Add colourbar title cb = plt.colorbar(poly, shrink=0.7)#,#orientation = 'horizontal') tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=colourbar_number_ticks) cb.locator = tick_locator cb.update_ticks() Colourbar_title = species +' ' + units plt.text(191,93,Colourbar_title,fontsize='25') # Add the title print species print units print start_time print end_time print Plot_title plt.title( Plot_title, fontsize='30' ) fig.savefig( Output_Name, transparent=True ) return ;
def plot_map(): global earth_radius_meters # setup Lambert Conformal basemap. # set resolution=None to skip processing of boundary datasets. m = Basemap(width=600000, height=450000, projection='lcc', lat_0=station_lat, lon_0=station_lon, resolution='c') m.drawmapboundary(zorder=-2) m.fillcontinents(zorder=-1) m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5) m.drawstates() m.drawcounties() m.drawrivers() m.scatter(station_lon, station_lat, latlon=True) elevation_angle = f.variables['elevationV_HI'][0] elevation_angle = np.mean(elevation_angle) rounded_elevation_angle = round(elevation_angle, 2) data_at_elevation = f.variables['RadialVelocity_HI'][0] data_at_elevation = np.array(data_at_elevation) data_at_elevation[data_at_elevation == 0] = np.nan data_at_elevation[data_at_elevation == 1] = np.nan # lowest_angle = (lowest_angle + f.variables['RadialVelocity'].add_offset) * f.variables['RadialVelocity'].scale_factor data_at_elevation = data_at_elevation / f.variables[ 'RadialVelocity_HI'].scale_factor # data_at_elevation = data_at_elevation.transpose() gates = np.array(f.variables['distanceV_HI']) gates = gates angles = np.array(f.variables['azimuthV_HI'][0]) min_index = np.argmin(angles) angles = np.roll(angles, min_index * -1) data_at_elevation = np.roll(data_at_elevation, min_index * -1, axis=1) radar_elevation_above_sea_level = getattr(f, 'StationElevationInMeters') radar_tower_height = 0 earth_radius_meters = 6378137 lon_points = [] lat_points = [] distances = [] for g in range(len(gates)): b = (earth_radius_meters + radar_tower_height) c = gates[g] a = math.sqrt(b**2 + c**2 - (2 * b * c * math.cos(math.radians(90 + elevation_angle)))) h = a - earth_radius_meters # heights_at_angle.append(h) theta_at_core = math.asin( (gates[g] * math.sin(math.radians(90 + elevation_angle)) / a)) distance = theta_at_core * earth_radius_meters distances.append(distance) distances = np.array(distances) data = [] count = 0 for theta in angles[::5]: for distance in distances[::10]: results = displace(station_lat, station_lon, theta, distance) lat = results[0] lon = results[1] lat_points.append(lat) lon_points.append(lon) angle_idx = angles.tolist().index(theta) distance_idx = distances.tolist().index(distance) data.append((data_at_elevation[angle_idx][distance_idx], lat, lon)) count += 1 print(count) data = np.array(data) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # im = ax.pcolormesh(angles[:], gates[:], data_at_elevation[:]) # if you want contour plot # title = "{:.2f}".format(rounded_elevation_angle) + " degrees" + " / HR" # ax.set_title(title) # ax.set_xlabel('Azimuth angle in degrees: 0 = true north, 90 = east') # ax.set_ylabel('Distance from radar in km') # bar = fig.colorbar(im, ticks=range(-70, 75, 5), orientation='horizontal') # bar.set_label('Radial velocity in m/s') lon_points = np.array(lon_points[::]) lon_points_s = np.sort(lon_points) lat_points = np.array(lat_points[::]) lat_points_s = np.sort(lat_points) shaped_data = [] for y in lat_points: row = [] for x in lon_points: point = np.nan for d in data: if d[1] == y and d[2] == x: point = d[0] row.append(point) shaped_data.append(row) shaped_data = np.array(shaped_data) X, Y = np.meshgrid(lon_points, lat_points) # plt.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z) # m.pcolormesh(X, Y, shaped_data, latlon=True) m.scatter(lon_points, lat_points, latlon=True)
def _plot_surface_data(lats, lons, data, time, lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max, output_filename='noname.png', title='', units='', cm_edge_values=None, cb_tick_fmt="%.0f", cb_labels=None, cb_label_pos=None, colormap_strategy='nonlinear', cmp_name='jet', colors=None, extend='both', fill_color='1.0', plotStyle='contourf', contourLines=True, contourLabels=True, smoothFactor=1, proj=self._DEFAULT_PROJ, product_label_str=None, vlat=None, vlon=None, u=None, v=None, draw_every=1, arrow_scale=10, resolution=None, area=None, boundaryInUse='True'): d_cmap, norm = from_levels_and_colors(cm_edge_values, None, cmp_name, extend=extend) m = Basemap(projection=proj, llcrnrlat=lat_min, llcrnrlon=lon_min, urcrnrlat=lat_max, urcrnrlon=lon_max, resolution='i') # Plot data x2, y2 = m(*np.meshgrid(lons, lats)) u = data[0][time] v = data[1][time] mag = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) img = m.pcolormesh(x2, y2, mag, shading='flat', cmap=d_cmap, norm=norm) img.set_clim(cm_edge_values.min(), cm_edge_values.max()) #plot vectors if area == 'pac': every = 50 scale = 10 else: every = 10 scale = 10 lons = lons[::every] lats = lats[::every] x2, y2 = m(*np.meshgrid(lons, lats)) u2 = u[::every, ::every] v2 = v[::every, ::every] rad = np.arctan2(v2, u2) m.quiver(x2, y2, np.cos(rad), np.sin(rad), scale=scale, zorder=3, scale_units='inches', pivot='middle') # Draw land, coastlines, parallels, meridians and add title m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=1.0, fill_color=fill_color) m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='#505050', zorder=8) m.fillcontinents(color='0.58', zorder=7) parallels, p_dec_places = get_tick_values(lat_min, lat_max) meridians, m_dec_places = get_tick_values(lon_min, lon_max) m.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[True, False, False, False], fmt='%.' + str(p_dec_places) + 'f', fontsize=6, dashes=[3, 3], color='gray') m.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[False, False, False, True], fmt='%.' + str(m_dec_places) + 'f', fontsize=6, dashes=[3, 3], color='gray') plt.title(title, fontsize=9) # Draw colorbar ax = plt.gca() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=0.2, pad=0.3) if cb_label_pos is None: tick_pos = cm_edge_values else: tick_pos = cb_label_pos if boundaryInUse == 'True': cb = plt.colorbar( img, cax=cax, # spacing='proportional', spacing='uniform', drawedges='False', orientation='vertical', extend=extend, ticks=tick_pos, boundaries=cm_edge_values) else: cb = plt.colorbar(img, cax=cax, spacing='uniform', drawedges='False', orientation='vertical', extend=extend, ticks=tick_pos) if cb_labels is None: cb.set_ticklabels([cb_tick_fmt % k for k in cm_edge_values]) else: cb.set_ticklabels(cb_labels) for tick in tick.set_fontsize(7) cb.set_label(units, fontsize=8) # Patch for graphics bug that affects label positions for # long/narrow plots lat_extent = np.float(lat_max) - np.float(lat_min) lon_extent = np.float(lon_max) - np.float(lon_min) aspect_ratio = abs(lon_extent / lat_extent) if aspect_ratio > 1.7: copyright_label_yadj = -0.25 else: copyright_label_yadj = -0.10 if aspect_ratio < 0.7: copyright_label_xadj = -0.2 product_label_xadj = 1.4 else: copyright_label_xadj = -0.1 product_label_xadj = 1.04 # Draw copyright and product labels box = TextArea(getCopyright(), textprops=dict(color='k', fontsize=6)) copyrightBox = AnchoredOffsetbox( loc=3, child=box, borderpad=0.1, bbox_to_anchor=(copyright_label_xadj, copyright_label_yadj), frameon=False, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(copyrightBox) if product_label_str is not None: box = TextArea(product_label_str, textprops=dict(color='k', fontsize=6)) copyrightBox = AnchoredOffsetbox( loc=4, child=box, borderpad=0.1, bbox_to_anchor=(product_label_xadj, copyright_label_yadj), frameon=False, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes) ax.add_artist(copyrightBox) # Save figure plt.savefig(output_filename, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.6) plt.close() pngcrush(output_filename)
def _plot_basemap(region, lats, lons, data, time, units='', cb_tick_fmt="%.0f", cb_labels=None, proj=self._DEFAULT_PROJ, **kwargs): m = Basemap(projection=proj, llcrnrlat=region['lat_min'], llcrnrlon=region['lon_min'], urcrnrlat=region['lat_max'], urcrnrlon=region['lon_max'], resolution='i') # Plot data m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=1.0, fill_color='0.02') x2, y2 = m(*np.meshgrid(lons, lats)) u = data[0][time] v = data[1][time] mag = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) #img = m.pcolormesh(x2, y2, mag, shading='flat', cmap=d_cmap, norm=norm) img = m.pcolormesh(x2, y2, mag, shading='flat', cmap=basemap_cmap, norm=basemap_norm) img.set_clim(cm_edge_values.min(), cm_edge_values.max()) plt.savefig(region['output_filename'], dpi=120, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0) # generate shape file gdal_process(region['output_filename'], region['lon_min'], region['lat_max'], region['lon_max'], region['lat_min']) pngcrush(region['output_filename']) #plot contouring labels if clabel: labels = plt.clabel(img, cm_edge_values[::4], inline=True, fmt='%.0f', colors='k', fontsize=5, zorder=2) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w", ec="w", alpha=0.9) for text in labels: text.set_linespacing(1) text.set_bbox(bbox_props) #plot vectors baseName = os.path.splitext(region['output_filename'])[0] plt.clf() m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=0.0) if regionName == 'pac': every = 50 scale = 10 else: every = 10 scale = 10 lons = lons[::every] lats = lats[::every] x2, y2 = m(*np.meshgrid(lons, lats)) u2 = u[::every, ::every] v2 = v[::every, ::every] # u2 = u[::every, ::every] # v2 = v[::every, ::every] rad = np.arctan2(v2, u2) m.quiver(x2, y2, np.cos(rad), np.sin(rad), scale=scale, zorder=3, scale_units='inches', pivot='middle') arrowFile = baseName + '_arrow.png' plt.savefig(arrowFile, dpi=120, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0, transparent=True) # generate shape file gdal_process(arrowFile, region['lon_min'], region['lat_max'], region['lon_max'], region['lat_min']) pngcrush(arrowFile) # m.drawmapboundary(linewidth=0.0) # m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.5, color='#505050', zorder=8) # m.fillcontinents(color='#F1EBB7', zorder=7) # m.fillcontinents(color='0.58', zorder=7) # Save figure # plt.savefig(region['output_filename'], dpi=120, # bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.0) plt.close()
#2.绘制房价地图 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np from matplotlib import cm %matplotlib inline map = Basemap(projection='stere',lat_0=31,lon_0=121, llcrnrlat=30,urcrnrlat=32, llcrnrlon=120,urcrnrlon=122, rsphere=6371200.,resolution='h',area_thresh=10) map.drawmapboundary() # 绘制边界 map.drawstates() # 绘制州 map.drawcoastlines() # 绘制海岸线 map.drawcountries() # 绘制国家 map.drawcounties() # 绘制县 parallels = np.arange(30.,32.,.5) map.drawparallels(parallels,labels=[1,0,0,0],fontsize=10) # 绘制纬线 meridians = np.arange(120.,122.,.5) map.drawmeridians(meridians,labels=[0,0,0,1],fontsize=10) # 绘制经线 lat = df_loc_group[“lat”] # 获取纬度值 lon = df_loc_group[“lng”] # 获取经度值 price = df_loc_group[“price”] # 获取平均房价 cm ='Reds') z = (price - price.min())/(price.max() - price.min()) # 绘制散点图时散点颜色深浅表示均价高低,颜色越深价格越高
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(7.66,6)) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) file = Files[0] nc = Dataset(file,'r') lats = nc.variables['LATITUDE'][:] lons = nc.variables['LONGITUDE'][:] depth = nc.variables['P50DEPTH'][:] depth = depth.squeeze() fig1 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=-80.,urcrnrlat=80.,projection='cyl',lon_0=200) depth_cyclic, lons_cyclic = addcyclic(depth[:,:], lons) #depth_cyclic, lons_cyclic = shiftgrid(20., depth_cyclic, lons_cyclic, start=True) x, y = m(*np.meshgrid(lons_cyclic, lats)) m.drawmapboundary() #fill_color='0.5' m.drawcoastlines() m.fillcontinents(color='grey', lake_color='0.5') m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90.,120.,30.),labels=[1,0,0,0]) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0.,420.,60.),labels=[0,0,0,0]) im1 = m.pcolor(x,y,depth, vmin=0, vmax=1100) #im2 = m.pcolor(a,b,depth,shading='flat',, vmin=0, vmax=1100) fig1.set_title(r'Low P50 and $-\Delta$H') file = Files[1] nc = Dataset(file,'r') lats = nc.variables['LATITUDE'][:] lons = nc.variables['LONGITUDE'][:] depth = nc.variables['P50DEPTH'][:] depth = depth.squeeze() fig2 = plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
fontsize=18, va='center', ha='center', clip_on=False) # INSET VIP MAP axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax1, 9.2, loc=1, borderpad=.06) axins.set_xlim(lons2[0], lons2[1]) axins.set_ylim(lats2[0], lats2[1]) m2 = Basemap(llcrnrlon=lons2[0], llcrnrlat=lats2[0], urcrnrlon=lons2[1], urcrnrlat=lats2[1], resolution='f') m2.drawmapboundary(fill_color='azure', linewidth=2.0) m2.pcolormesh(lons, lats, DHW_max, vmin=0, vmax=16, cmap=dhw_noaa, latlon=True) polygon_patch(m2, axins) axins.plot(121, 14.5, 'D', ms=8, mfc=dhw_noaa.colors[9, :], mec='k') axins.text(121.09, 14.5, 'Manila', style='italic', fontsize=11, va='center') axins.text(121.08, 13.1, 'Mindoro', fontsize=14, ha='center', va='center') axins.text(121.2, 14.08, 'Luzon', fontsize=14, ha='center', va='center') mark_inset(ax1, axins, loc1=2, loc2=3, fc="none", ec="0", lw=2) plt_box(axins) plt.savefig('Fig1_Max_DHW_98.png')
def plot_status(trk, hdr, status=None, lllat=None, urlat=None, lllon=None, urlon=None, mark_id=False, color='m', basemap=None, plot=True): ''' This module will plot tracks with colors depicting their status on the map. ''' lat_idx = hdr.index('LATITUDE') lon_idx = hdr.index('LONGITUDE') tran_idx = hdr.index('TRANSMITTER_NO') name_idx = hdr.index('VESSEL_NAME') gear_idx = hdr.index('REGISTERED_GEAR_TYPE') date_idx = hdr.index('REPORTDATE') # spd_idx=hdr.index('SPEED') lons = [] lats = [] for rec in trk: lons.append(float(rec[lon_idx])) lats.append(float(rec[lat_idx])) trans_no = trk[0][tran_idx] vessel_name = trk[0][name_idx] start_date = trk[0][date_idx].strftime('%Y%m%d') end_date = trk[-1][date_idx].strftime('%Y%m%d') gear_type = trk[0][gear_idx] if mark_id and 'ID_KEY' in hdr: idks = [] idk_idx = hdr.index('ID_KEY') for rec in trk: idks.append(rec[idk_idx]) if status is None or 'STATUS' not in hdr: if 'STATUS' not in hdr: print 'No status is provided.' raw_input() status = [] sta_idx = hdr.index('STATUS') for rec in trk: status.append(rec[sta_idx]) if basemap == None: if lllat == None or urlat == None or lllon == None or urlon == None: # urlat=math.ceil(max(lats)) # lllat=math.floor(min(lats)) # urlon=math.ceil(max(lons)) # lllon=math.floor(min(lons)) # print urlat,lllat,urlon,lllon # latran=urlat-lllat # lonran=urlon-lllon # latbuf=latran*0.1 # lonbuf=lonran*0.1 # print latbuf,lonbuf latbuf = 2 lonbuf = 2 urlat = math.ceil(max(lats)) + latbuf if math.ceil( max(lats)) < 90 - latbuf else 90 lllat = math.floor(min(lats)) - latbuf if math.floor( min(lats)) > -90 + latbuf else -90 urlon = math.ceil(max(lons)) + lonbuf if math.ceil( max(lons)) < 180 - lonbuf else 180 lllon = math.floor(min(lons)) - lonbuf if math.floor( min(lons)) > -180 + lonbuf else -180 # print urlat,lllat,urlon,lllon map = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlat=lllat, urcrnrlat=urlat, llcrnrlon=lllon, urcrnrlon=urlon, lat_ts=0, resolution='f') #, # suppress_ticks=False) # print urlat,lllat,urlon,lllon intvp = 1. intvm = 1. parallels = np.arange(lllat, urlat + intvp, intvp) meridians = np.arange(lllon, urlon + intvm, intvm) while len(parallels) < 3: intvp = intvp / 2. parallels = np.arange(lllat, urlat + intvp, intvp) while len(meridians) < 3: intvm = intvm / 2. meridians = np.arange(lllon, urlon + intvm, intvm) # print parallels # print meridians prar = map.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0]) meri = map.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1]) for m in meri: try: meri[m][1][0].set_rotation(45) except: pass map.drawcoastlines() map.fillcontinents(color='beige', lake_color='lightblue') map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='lightblue') plt.title(trans_no + '/' + vessel_name + '\n' + gear_type + '\n' + start_date + ' to ' + end_date) #status types #Fishing fsh RED #Stationary sta BLUE #Transit tra YELLOW #Landing lnd GREEN #find fishing tracks con = list(status) color = ['m'] * len(con) marker = ['v'] * len(con) alpha = [0.4] * len(con) alpha_status = ['Transit', 'Landing'] for i in range(0, len(con) - 1): if con[i] == 'Fishing': marker[i] = '+' if con[i] == 'Stationary': marker[i] = 'o' if con[i] == 'Transit': marker[i] = 'v' if con[i] == 'Landing': marker[i] = 'o' if con[i] == 'Non-Fishing': marker[i] = 'v' if con[i] == 'Fishing': color[i] = 'b' if con[i] == 'Stationary': color[i] = 'b' if con[i] == 'Transit': color[i] = 'r' if con[i] == 'Landing': color[i] = 'g' if con[i] == 'Non-Fishing': color[i] = 'r' if con[i] == 'Fishing' and 'Fishing' in alpha_status: alpha[i] = 0.1 if con[i] == 'Stationary' and 'Stationary' in alpha_status: alpha[i] = 0.1 if con[i] == 'Transit' and 'Transit' in alpha_status: alpha[i] = 0.1 if con[i] == 'Landing' and 'Landing' in alpha_status: alpha[i] = 0.1 if con[i] == 'Non-Fishing' and 'Transit' in alpha_status: alpha[i] = 0.1 marker[0] = 'H' marker[-1] = '*' marker[-2] = '*' for i in range(0, len(marker) - 1): x, y = map([lons[i], lons[i + 1]], [lats[i], lats[i + 1]]) map.plot(x, y, marker=marker[i], color=color[i], alpha=alpha[i], markerfacecolor='none') if mark_id: x1, y1 = map(float(lons[i]), float(lats[i])) plt.annotate(idks[i], xy=(x1, y1), xycoords='data', xytext=(x1, y1), textcoords='data', ha='left', va='bottom', rotation=25) print con print color # x,y=map(lons,lats) # map.plot(x,y,marker=marker,color=color) if plot == True: else: return map
### Select variable var = composites[i] varscat = pvals[i] m = Basemap(projection='npstere',boundinglat=66,lon_0=270, resolution='l',round =True) var, lons_cyclic = addcyclic(var, lons) var, lons_cyclic = shiftgrid(180., var, lons_cyclic, start=False) lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lons_cyclic, lats) x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) varscat,lons_cyclic = addcyclic(varscat, lons) varscat,lons_cyclic = shiftgrid(180.,varscat,lons_cyclic,start=False) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white') m.drawcoastlines(color='k',linewidth=0.2) parallels = np.arange(50,90,10) meridians = np.arange(-180,180,30) # m.drawparallels(parallels,labels=[False,False,False,False], # linewidth=0.35,color='k',fontsize=1) # m.drawmeridians(meridians,labels=[False,False,False,False], # linewidth=0.35,color='k',fontsize=1) m.drawlsmask(land_color='darkgrey',ocean_color='mintcream') ### Adjust maximum limits values = np.arange(-3,3.1,0.25) ### Plot filled contours cs = m.contourf(x,y,var, values,extend='both')
] fig, ax = plt.subplots() m = Basemap(projection='merc', lon_0=3.0, lat_0=52.0, resolution='h', llcrnrlon=3.0, llcrnrlat=50.0, urcrnrlon=8.0, urcrnrlat=54.0) # m.drawcountries(zorder=4) m.drawcoastlines(zorder=5) m.fillcontinents(color='tan', lake_color='lightblue', zorder=2) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='lightblue', zorder=1) parallels = np.arange(50, 54, 1) # labels = [left,right,top,bottom] m.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[False, True, True, False], dashes=[5, 5], color="gray", size=20) meridians = np.arange(3, 8, 1) m.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[True, False, False, True], dashes=[5, 5], color="gray", size=20)
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=100, llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlon=85, urcrnrlat=90, projection='robin', lon_0=180) x, y = m(lon, lat) # drawing the map fig = plt.figure() m.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='black') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.4) m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 90., 15.), labels=[1, 0, 0, 1], fontsize=8) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180., 181., 40.), labels=[0, 1, 0, 1], fontsize=8) m.drawmapboundary() # plotting data on the map plt.contourf(x, y, temp, cb = plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') cb.set_label(r'Sea Surface Temperature (deg C) Jan 1998', fontsize=14, style='italic') plt.savefig('SST_globeplot_Hw3.png') # Part 2: making pandas timeseries #setting up time for timeseries time = nc.variables['time'] temp_pac = nc.variables['temp'][:, 0, 200, 400]
def draw_kmeans_clusters(self, filename, figsize=(4, 3)): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, voronoi_plot_2d from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, cm, maskoceans #from matplotlib import style #import seaborn as sns #sns.set_style("white") #plt.rc('text', usetex=True) #plt.rc('font', family='serif') #plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor']='white' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) lllat = 24.396308 lllon = -124.848974 urlat = 49.384358 urlon = -66.885444 m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=lllat, urcrnrlat=urlat, llcrnrlon=lllon, urcrnrlon=urlon, resolution='c', projection='cyl') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2) ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) for spine in ax.spines.itervalues(): spine.set_visible(False) #fig = plt.figure() # figsize=(4,4.2) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) train_locs = self.df_train[['lat', 'lon']].values n_clusters = int(np.ceil(train_locs.shape[0] / self.bucket_size)) n_clusters = 128'n_cluster %d' % n_clusters) clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, n_jobs=10) centroids = clusterer.cluster_centers_ centroids[:, [0, 1]] = centroids[:, [1, 0]] mlon, mlat = m(*(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1])) centroids = np.transpose(np.vstack((mlon, mlat))) vor = Voronoi(centroids) #ax.set_xlim([-125, -60]) # pylab.xlim([-400, 400]) #ax.set_ylim([25, 50]) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) #plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=25) #ax.labelsize = '25' #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) voronoi_plot_2d(vor, show_points=False, show_vertices=False, ax=ax, line_width=0.7) m.drawlsmask(land_color='lightgray', ocean_color="#b0c4de", lakes=True) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) #plt.close() print("the plot saved in " + filename)
Description: use basemap """ # must set the path for proj library import os os.environ[ 'PROJ_LIB'] = r'C:\Users\chen_\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Library\share' from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt map = Basemap() map.drawcoastlines() #map.drawcounties(linewidth=1.5) plt.savefig('test.png') map = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=0, lon_0=0) #Fill the globe with a blue color map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') #Fill the continents with the land color map.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua') map.drawcoastlines()
def draw_kd_clusters2(self, filename, figsize=(4, 3)): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, cm, maskoceans class KDTree: """Simple KD tree class""" # class initialization function def __init__(self, data, mins, maxs): = np.asarray(data) # data should be two-dimensional assert[1] == 2 if mins is None: mins = data.min(0) if maxs is None: maxs = data.max(0) self.mins = np.asarray(mins) self.maxs = np.asarray(maxs) self.sizes = self.maxs - self.mins self.child1 = None self.child2 = None if len(data) > 1: # sort on the dimension with the largest spread largest_dim = np.argmax(self.sizes) i_sort = np.argsort([:, largest_dim])[:] =[i_sort, :] # find split point N =[0] split_point = 0.5 * ([N / 2, largest_dim] +[N / 2 - 1, largest_dim]) # create subnodes mins1 = self.mins.copy() mins1[largest_dim] = split_point maxs2 = self.maxs.copy() maxs2[largest_dim] = split_point # Recursively build a KD-tree on each sub-node self.child1 = KDTree([N / 2:], mins1, self.maxs) self.child2 = KDTree([:N / 2], self.mins, maxs2) def draw_rectangle(self, ax, depth=None): """Recursively plot a visualization of the KD tree region""" if depth == 0: rect = plt.Rectangle(self.mins, *self.sizes, ec='k', fc='none', lw=0.7) ax.add_patch(rect) if self.child1 is not None: if depth is None: self.child1.draw_rectangle(ax) self.child2.draw_rectangle(ax) elif depth > 0: self.child1.draw_rectangle(ax, depth - 1) self.child2.draw_rectangle(ax, depth - 1) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Create a set of structured random points in two dimensions np.random.seed(0) lllat = 24.396308 lllon = -124.848974 urlat = 49.384358 urlon = -66.885444 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=lllat, urcrnrlat=urlat, llcrnrlon=lllon, urcrnrlon=urlon, resolution='c', projection='cyl') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.4) m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.4) train_locs = self.df_train[['lon', 'lat']].values mlon, mlat = m(*(train_locs[:, 1], train_locs[:, 0])) train_locs = np.transpose(np.vstack((mlat, mlon))) ax = plt.gca() #fig = plt.figure() # figsize=(4,4.2) print(fig.get_size_inches()) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Use our KD Tree class to recursively divide the space KDT = KDTree(train_locs, [lllon - 1, urlon + 1], [lllat - 1, urlat + 1]) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Plot four different levels of the KD tree fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ''' fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.15, left=0.1, right=0.9, bottom=0.05, top=0.9) ''' level = 8 ax = plt.gca() #ax.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], s=9) KDT.draw_rectangle(ax, depth=level - 1) ax.set_xlim([-125, -60]) # pylab.xlim([-400, 400]) ax.set_ylim([25, 50]) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) #plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=25) #ax.labelsize = '25' #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) m.drawlsmask(land_color='lightgray', ocean_color="#b0c4de", lakes=True) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename)
def graph_cities(df, names=["Longitude", "Latitude", "City"], ax=None, linked=False, fLOG=None, loop=False, many=False, drawcoastlines=True, drawcountries=True, fillcontinents=True, drawparallels=True, drawmeridians=True, drawmapboundary=True, **params): """ plots the cities on a map @param df dataframe @param names names of the column Latitude, Longitude, City @param ax existing ax @param linked draw lines between points @param loop add a final line to link the first point to the final one @param fLOG logging function @param params see below @param many change the return @return *ax* or *fig, ax, m* if *many* is True Other parameters (see `basemap_api <>`_): * llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat * resolution * projection * color, lake_color * style * markersize * fontname, fontcolor, fontsize, fontweight, fontvalign * slon, slat: space between meridians and parellels * linestyle, linewidth, line_color, antialiased: lines * alpha: fill """ xx = list(df[names[0]]) yy = list(df[names[1]]) nn = list(df[names[2]]) if len(names) > 2 else [""] * len(xx) if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(**params) else: fig = None minx, maxx = min(xx), max(xx) miny, maxy = min(yy), max(yy) avex, avey = numpy.mean(xx), numpy.mean(yy) dx = (maxx - minx) / 10 dy = (maxy - miny) / 10 if fLOG: mes = "[graph_cities] Lon:[{0}, {1}] x Lat:[{2}, {3}] - mean={4}, {5} - linked={6}" fLOG(mes.format(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, avex, avey, linked)) minx -= dx maxx += dx miny -= dy maxy += dy from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=params.get('llcrnrlon', minx), llcrnrlat=params.get('llcrnrlat', miny), urcrnrlon=params.get('urcrnrlon', maxx), urcrnrlat=params.get('urcrnrlat', maxy), resolution=params.get('resolution', 'i'), projection=params.get('projection', 'merc'), lon_0=avex, lat_0=avey, ax=ax) if drawcoastlines: m.drawcoastlines(linestyle=params.get('linestyle', 'solid'), linewidth=params.get('linewidth', 0.5), color=params.get('line_color', 'k'), antialiased=params.get('antialiased', 1)) if drawcountries: m.drawcountries(linestyle=params.get('linestyle', 'solid'), linewidth=params.get('linewidth', 0.5), color=params.get('line_color', 'k'), antialiased=params.get('antialiased', 1)) if fillcontinents: m.fillcontinents(color=params.get('color', 'lightblue'), lake_color=params.get('lake_color', 'blue'), alpha=params.get('alpha', None)) if drawparallels: m.drawparallels(numpy.arange(miny, maxy, params.get('slat', 10.)), linestyle=params.get('linestyle', 'solid'), linewidth=params.get('linewidth', 0.5), color=params.get('line_color', 'k'), antialiased=params.get('antialiased', 1)) if drawmeridians: m.drawmeridians(numpy.arange(minx, maxx, params.get('slon', 10.)), linestyle=params.get('linestyle', 'solid'), linewidth=params.get('linewidth', 0.5), color=params.get('line_color', 'k'), antialiased=params.get('antialiased', 1)) if drawmapboundary: m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=params.get('fill_color', 'aqua'), linewidth=params.get('linewidth', 0.5), color=params.get('line_color', 'k')) style = params.get('style', 'ro') markersize = params.get('markersize', 6) fontname = params.get('fontname', 'Arial') fontsize = str(params.get('fontsize', '16')) fontcolor = params.get('fontcolor', 'black') fontweight = params.get('fontweight', 'normal') fontvalign = params.get('fontvalign', 'bottom') if linked: if "-" not in style: style += "-" xs, ys = [], [] i = 0 for lon, lat in zip(xx, yy): x, y = m(lon, lat) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) if nn[i] is not None and len(nn[i]) > 0: ax.text(x, y, nn[i], fontname=fontname, size=fontsize, color=fontcolor, weight=fontweight, verticalalignment=fontvalign) i += 1 if loop: xs.append(xs[0]) ys.append(ys[0]) m.plot(xs, ys, style, markersize=markersize) else: i = 0 for lon, lat in zip(xx, yy): x, y = m(lon, lat) m.plot(x, y, style, markersize=markersize) if nn[i] is not None and len(nn[i]) > 0: ax.text(x, y, nn[i], fontname=fontname, size=fontsize, color=fontcolor, weight=fontweight, verticalalignment=fontvalign) i += 1 return fig, ax, m if many else ax
sys.exit() markersize = float(sys.argv[1]) lats = [] lons = [] with open('data/GeoLiteCity-Location.csv', 'rb') as csvin: reader = csv.reader(csvin) next(reader) # copyright notice next(reader) # headings for row in reader: lats.append(float(row[5])) lons.append(float(row[6])) m = Basemap(projection='mill', lon_0=0, lat_0=0) # no visible border around map m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#ffffff', linewidth=0.0) x, y = m(lons, lats) m.scatter(x, y, markersize, marker='.', color='#325CA9') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_alpha(.7) fig.set_size_inches(36, 24) plt.savefig('img/world%s.png' % str(markersize), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def draw_kd_clusters(self, filename, figsize=(4, 3)): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, cm, maskoceans #from matplotlib import style #import seaborn as sns #sns.set_style("white") #plt.rc('text', usetex=True) #plt.rc('font', family='serif') #plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor']='white' fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) lllat = 24.396308 lllon = -124.848974 urlat = 49.384358 urlon = -66.885444 m = Basemap(llcrnrlat=lllat, urcrnrlat=urlat, llcrnrlon=lllon, urcrnrlon=urlon, resolution='c', projection='cyl') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='white') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=0.2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=0.2) ax = plt.gca() #fig = plt.figure() # figsize=(4,4.2) print(fig.get_size_inches()) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) clusterer = kdtree.KDTreeClustering(bucket_size=self.bucket_size) train_locs = self.df_train[['lat', 'lon']].values mlon, mlat = m(*(train_locs[:, 1], train_locs[:, 0])) train_locs = np.transpose(np.vstack((mlat, mlon))) clusters = clusterer.get_clusters() cluster_points = dd(list) for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters): cluster_points[cluster].append(train_locs[i]) corners = [] for i in clusters: points = np.vstack(cluster_points[i]) min_lat, min_lon = points.min(axis=0) max_lat, max_lon = points.max(axis=0) min_lon, min_lat = m(min_lon, min_lat) max_lon, max_lat = m(max_lon, max_lat) corners.append([min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon]) patches = [] for corner in corners: min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon = corner rect = mpatches.Rectangle((min_lon, min_lat), max_lon - min_lon, max_lat - min_lat, facecolor=None, fill=False, linewidth=0.7) patches.append(rect) ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches)) ax.set_xlim([-125, -60]) # pylab.xlim([-400, 400]) ax.set_ylim([25, 50]) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(size=0) #plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=25) #ax.labelsize = '25' #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) m.drawlsmask(land_color='gray', ocean_color="#b0c4de", lakes=True) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(filename) #plt.close() print("the plot saved in " + filename)
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset import numpy as np fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) map = Basemap(projection='cyl', lat_0=0, lon_0=0) map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#7777ff') map.fillcontinents(color='#ddaa66', lake_color='#7777ff', zorder=0) map.drawcoastlines() lons = np.array([-13.7, -10.8, -13.2, -96.8, -7.99, 7.5, -17.3, -3.7]) lats = np.array([9.6, 6.3, 8.5, 32.7, 12.5, 8.9, 14.7, 40.39]) cases = np.array([1971, 7069, 6073, 4, 6, 20, 1, 1]) deaths = np.array([1192, 2964, 1250, 1, 5, 8, 0, 0]) places = np.array([ 'Guinea', 'Liberia', 'Sierra Leone', 'United States', 'Mali', 'Nigeria', 'Senegal', 'Spain' ]) x, y = map(lons, lats) map.scatter(x, y, s=cases, c='r', alpha=0.5) axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 7, loc=1) axins.set_xlim(-20, 0) axins.set_ylim(3, 18)
def plotmap(lons, lats, labels=None, legendlabels=None, markers="o", colors="#FF4400", sizes=20, cmap=None, fontsize=None, fontweight='regular', fontcolor='k', labels_h_offset=0, labels_v_offset=0, mapmargins='0.5deg', figmargins=2, arcgis_service='World_Street_Map', arcgis_xpixels=1500, arcgis_dpi=96, urlfail='ignore', maxmeridians=5, maxparallels=5, legend_pos='bottom', legend_borderaxespad=1.5, legend_ncol=1, title=None, show=False, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable """ Makes a scatter plot of points on a map background using ArcGIS REST API. :param lons: (array-like of length N or scalar) Longitudes of the data points, in degreee :param lats: (array-like of length N or scalar) Latitudes of the data points, in degree :param labels: (array-like of length N or string. Default: None, no labels) Annotations (labels) for the individual data points on the map. If non-array (e.g. string), the same value will be applied to all points :param legendlabels: (array-like of length N or string. Default: None, no legend) Annotations (labels) for the legend. You can supply a sparse array where only some points will be displayed on the legend. All points with no legend label will not show up in the legend :param sizes: (array-like of length N or number. Default: 20) Sizes (in points^2) of the individual points in the scatter plot. :param markers: (array-like of length N, `MarkerStyle<>`_ or string. Default: 'o' - circle) The markers (shapes) to be drawn for each point on the map. See `markers <>`_ for more information on the different styles of markers scatter supports. Marker can be either an instance of the class or the text shorthand for a particular marker. :param colors: (array-like of length N, `matplotlib color <>`_, e.g. string. Default: "#FF4400") Colors for the markers (fill color). You can type color transparency by supplying string of 9 elements where the last two characters denote the transparency ('00' fully transparent, 'ff' fully opaque). Note that this is a feature not implemented in `matplotlib` colors, where transparency is given as the last element of the numeric tuple (r, g, b, a) :param fontsize: (numeric or None. Default: None) The fontsize for all texts drawn on the map (labels, axis tick labels, legend). None uses the default figure font size for all. Custom values for the individual text types (e.g. legend texts vs labels texts) can be supplied via the `kwargs` argument and a given prefix (see below) :param fontweight: (string or number. Default: 'regular') The font weight for all texts drawn on the map (labels, axis tick labels, legend). Accepts the values (see ``` [a numeric value in range 0-1000 | 'ultralight' | 'light' | 'normal' | 'regular' | 'book' | 'medium' | 'roman' | 'semibold' | 'demibold' | 'demi' | 'bold' | 'heavy' | 'extra bold' | 'black' ] ``` Custom values for the individual text types (e.g. legend texts vs labels texts) can be supplied via the `kwargs` argument and a given prefix (see below) :param fontcolor: (`matplotlib color <>`_ or string. Default: 'k', black) The font color for all texts drawn on the map (labels, axis tick labels, legend). Custom values for the individual text types (e.g. legend texts vs labels texts) can be supplied via the `kwargs` argument and a given prefix (see below) :param labels_h_offset: (string, number. Defaults None=0) The horizontal offset to be applied to each label on the map relative to its point coordinates. Negative values will shift the labels westward, positive values eastward. Useful for not overlapping markers and labels. If numeric, it is assumed to be the expressed in degrees. Otherwise, you can supply a string with a number followed by one of the units 'm', 'km' or 'deg' (e.g., '5km', '0.5deg'). Note that this value affects the `horizontalalignment` and `multialignment` properties of the labels (for info see Supplying `labels_horizontalalignment` or `labels_ha` as optional argument will override this behaviour (see `kwargs` below) :param labels_v_offset: (string, number. Defaults None=0) The vertical offset to be applied to each label on the map relative to its point coordinates. Negative values will shift the labels southhward, positive values northward. See notes on `labels_h_offset` for details Note that this value affects the `verticalalignment` property of the labels (for info see Supplying `labels_verticalalignment` or `labels_va` as optional argument will override this behaviour (see `kwargs` below) :param mapmargins: (array-like of 1,2,3,4 elements, numeric or string, or None=0. Default: '0.5deg'). The map margins, i.e. how much the map has to 'expand/shrink' in any direction, relative to the bounding box calculated to include all points. If array-like, it behaves like the css 'margin' property of html: 4 elements will denote [top, right, bottom, left], two elements will denote [top/bottom, left/right], three elements [top, right/left, bottom], a single element array (or a single number or a string) applies the value to all directions. Finally, elements of the array must be expressed as the arguments `labels_h_offset` or `labels_v_offset`: numbers denoting degrees or strings with units 'm', 'km', 'deg'. Negative values will shrink the map. If string, the argument will be first splitted using commas, semicolon or spaces as delimiters (if no delimiter is found, the string is taken as a single chunk) and converted to an array-like object. :param figmargins: (array-like of 1,2,3,4 elements, number or None=0. Default:2) The figure margins *in font height units* (e.g., 2 means: twice the font height). This argument behaves exactly as `mapmargins` but expands/shrinks the distances between map and figure (image) bounds. Useful to include axis tick labels or legend, if they overflow. Note also that strings are allowed only if they are parsable to float (e.g. "5,6; -12 1") :param arcgis_service: (string, default: 'World_Street_Map'). The map image type, or more technically the service for the map hosted on ArcGIS server. Other values are 'ESRI_Imagery_World_2D' (default in `Basemap.arcgisimage <>`_), 'World_Topo_Map', 'World_Terrain_Base'. For details, see: :param arcgis_xpixels: (numeric, default: 3000). Requested number of image pixels in x-direction (default is 400 in `Basemap.arcgisimage <>`_). The documentation is quite unclear but this parameter seems to set the zoom of the image. From this `link <>`_: A bigger number will ask a bigger image, so the image will have more detail. So when the zoom is bigger, `xsize` must be bigger to maintain the resolution :param urlfail: (string, 'raise' or 'ignore'. Default: 'ignore'). Tells what to do if the ArcGIS requet fails (URLError, no internet connection etcetera). By default, on failure a raw map with continents contour, and oceans will be plotted (good for debug). Otherwise, the exception resulting from the web request is raised :param maxmeridians: (numeric default: 5). The number of maximum meridians to be drawn. Set to <=0 to hide meridians. Note that also x-axis labels are drawn. To further manipulate meridians display, use any argument starting with 'mlabels_', 'mlines_' or 'meridians' (see `kwargs` below). E.g., to show only the labels and not the lines, supply as argument `meridians_linewidth=0` or 'mlines_linewidth=0'. :param maxparallels: (numeric default: 5). The number of maximum parallels to be drawn. Set to <=0 to hide parallels. Note that also y-axis labels are drawn. To further manipulate parallels display, use any argument starting with 'plabels_', 'plines_' or 'parallels' (see `kwargs` below). E.g., to show only the labels and not the lines, supply as argument `parallels_linewidth=0` or 'plines_linewidth=0'. :param legend_pos: (string in ['top'. 'bottom', 'right', 'left'], default='bottom'). The legend location with respect to the map. It also adjusts the bounding box that the legend will be anchored to. For customizing entirely the legend placement overriding this parameter, provide `legend_loc` (and optionally `legend_bbox_to_anchor`) in `kwargs` (see below) :param legend_borderaxespad: (numeric, default 1.5) The pad between the axes and legend border, in font units :param legend_ncol: (integer, default=1) The legend number of columns :param title (string or None. Default: None): Title above plot (Note: not tested) :param show (boolean, default: False): Whether to show the figure after plotting or not (Note: not tested). Can be used to do further customization of the plot before showing it. :param fig: (matplotlib figure or None, default: None). Note: deprecated, pass None as supplying an already existing figure with other axes might break the figure layout :param kwargs: any kind of additional argument passed to `matplotlib` and `Basemap` functions or objects. The name of the argument must be of the form ``` prefix_propertyname=propertyvalue ``` where prefix indicates the function/object to be called with keyword argument: ``` propertyname=propertyvalue ``` Current supported prefixes are (for available property names see links): Prefix Passes `propertyname` to ============ ================================================================================== arcgis `Basemap.arcgisimage <>_ used to retrieve the background map using ArgGIS Server REST API. See also basemap `Basemap <>`_ the object responsible of drawing and managing the map. Note that `basemap_resolution=h` and `basemap_epsg=4326` by default. labels All `texts <>`_ used to display the point labels on the map legend The `legend <>`_. See the already implemented arguments `legend_borderaxespad`, `legend_ncol` legendlabels All `texts <>`_ used to display the text labels of the legend meridians `Basemap.drawmeridians`. For more detailed settings on meridians, see `mlines` and `mlabels` parallels `Basemap.drawparallels`. For more detailed settings on parallels, see `plines` and `plabels` plines All `lines <>`_ used to display the parallels plabels All `texts <>`_ used to display the parallels labels on the y axis mlines All `lines <>`_ used to display the meridians mlabels All `texts <>`_ used to display the meridians labels on the x axis ============ ================================================================================== Examples -------- - `legend_title='abc'` will call `legend(..., title='abc', ...)` - `labels_path_effects=[PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2, foreground='white')]` will set the a white contour around each label text - `meridians_labelstyle="+/-"` will call `Basemap.drawmeridians(..., labelstyle="+/-", ...)` Notes: ------ The objects referenced by `plines`, `plabels`, `mlines`, `mlabels` and `legendlabels` cannot be initialized directly with the given properties, which will be set after they are created assuming that for any property `foo` passed as keyword argument in their constructor there exist a method `set_foo(...)` (which will be called with the given propertyvalue). This is most likely always true according to matplotlib api, but we cannot assure it works 100% of the times """ lons, lats, labels, sizes, colors, markers, legendlabels =\ _shapeargs(lons, lats, labels, sizes, colors, markers, legendlabels) # convert html strings to tuples of rgba values in [0.1] if the former are in string format, # because (maybe too old matplotlib version?) colors in the format '#RGBA' are not supported # Also, if cmap is provided, basemap.scatter calls matplotlib.scatter which # wants float sequenes in case of color map if colors.dtype.char in ('U', 'S'): # pylint: disable=no-member colors = np.array([torgba(c) for c in colors]) fig = plt.figure() map_ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) # set axes size the same as figure # setup handler for managing basemap coordinates and meridians / parallels calculation: handler = MapHandler(lons, lats, mapmargins) kwa = _joinargs( 'basemap', kwargs, llcrnrlon=handler.llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat=handler.llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon=handler.urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat=handler.urcrnrlat, epsg='4326', # 4326, # 3395, # 3857, resolution='i', # 'h', ax=map_ax) bmap = Basemap(**kwa) try: kwa = _joinargs("arcgis", kwargs, service=arcgis_service, xpixels=arcgis_xpixels, dpi=arcgis_dpi) # set the map image via a map service. In case you need the returned values, note that # This function returns an ImageAxis (or AxisImage, check matplotlib doc) bmap.arcgisimage(**kwa) except (URLError, HTTPError, socket.error) as exc: # failed, maybe there is not internet connection if urlfail == 'ignore': # Print a simple map offline bmap.drawcoastlines() watercolor = '#4444bb' bmap.fillcontinents(color='#eebb66', lake_color=watercolor) bmap.drawmapboundary(fill_color=watercolor) else: raise # draw meridians and parallels. From basemap.drawmeridians / drawparallels doc: # returns a dictionary whose keys are the meridian values, and # whose values are tuples containing lists of the # matplotlib.lines.Line2D and matplotlib.text.Text instances # associated with each meridian. Deleting an item from the # dictionary removes the correpsonding meridian from the plot. if maxparallels > 0: kwa = _joinargs("parallels", kwargs, linewidth=1, fontsize=fontsize, labels=[0, 1, 1, 0], fontweight=fontweight) parallels = handler.get_parallels(maxparallels) # Old basemap versions have problems with non-integer parallels. try: # Note: the method below # returns a list of text object # represeting the tick labels _dict = bmap.drawparallels(parallels, **kwa) except KeyError: parallels = sorted(list(set(map(int, parallels)))) _dict = bmap.drawparallels(parallels, **kwa) # set custom properties: kwa_lines = _joinargs("plines", kwargs) kwa_labels = _joinargs("plabels", kwargs, color=fontcolor) _mp_set_custom_props(_dict, kwa_lines, kwa_labels) if maxmeridians > 0: kwa = _joinargs("meridians", kwargs, linewidth=1, fontsize=fontsize, labels=[1, 0, 0, 1], fontweight=fontweight) meridians = handler.get_meridians(maxmeridians) _dict = bmap.drawmeridians(meridians, **kwa) # set custom properties: kwa_lines = _joinargs("mlines", kwargs) kwa_labels = _joinargs("mlabels", kwargs, color=fontcolor) _mp_set_custom_props(_dict, kwa_lines, kwa_labels) # fig.get_axes()[0].tick_params(direction='out', length=15) # does not work, check basemap fig.bmap = bmap # compute the native bmap projection coordinates for events. # from the docs (this is kind of outdated, however leave here for the moment): # Calling a Basemap class instance with the arguments lon, lat will # convert lon/lat (in degrees) to x/y map projection # coordinates (in meters). If optional keyword ``inverse`` is # True (default is False), the inverse transformation from x/y # to lon/lat is performed. # For cylindrical equidistant projection (``cyl``), this # does nothing (i.e. x,y == lon,lat). # For non-cylindrical projections, the inverse transformation # always returns longitudes between -180 and 180 degrees. For # cylindrical projections (self.projection == ``cyl``, # ``cea``, ``mill``, ``gall`` or ``merc``) # the inverse transformation will return longitudes between # self.llcrnrlon and self.llcrnrlat. # Input arguments lon, lat can be either scalar floats, # sequences, or numpy arrays. # parse hoffset and voffset and assure they are at least arrays of 1 elements # (for aligning text labels, see below) hoffset = np.array(parse_distance(labels_h_offset, lats), copy=False, ndmin=1) voffset = np.array(parse_distance(labels_v_offset), copy=False, ndmin=1) lbl_lons = lons + hoffset lbl_lats = lats + voffset # convert labels coordinates: xlbl, ylbl = bmap(lbl_lons, lbl_lats) # plot point labels max_points = -1 # negative means: plot all if max_points < 0 or len(lons) < max_points: # Set alignments which control also the corner point reference when placing labels # from (FIXME: add ref?) # horizontalalignment controls whether the x positional argument for the text indicates # the left, center or right side of the text bounding box. # verticalalignment controls whether the y positional argument for the text indicates # the bottom, center or top side of the text bounding box. # multialignment, for newline separated strings only, controls whether the different lines # are left, center or right justified ha = 'left' if hoffset[ 0] > 0 else 'right' if hoffset[0] < 0 else 'center' va = 'bottom' if voffset[ 0] > 0 else 'top' if voffset[0] < 0 else 'center' ma = ha kwa = _joinargs("labels", kwargs, fontweight=fontweight, color=fontcolor, zorder=100, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va, multialignment=ma) for name, xpt, ypt in zip(labels, xlbl, ylbl): # Check if the point can actually be seen with the current bmap # projection. The bmap object will set the coordinates to very # large values if it cannot project a point. if xpt > 1e25: continue map_ax.text(xpt, ypt, name, **kwa) # plot points x, y = bmap(lons, lats) # store handles to points, and relative labels, if any leg_handles, leg_labels = [], [] # bmap.scatter accepts all array-like args except markers. Avoid several useless loops # and do only those for distinct markers: # unique markers (sorted according to their index in markers, not their value): mrks = markers[np.sort(np.unique(markers, return_index=True)[1])] for mrk in mrks: # Note using masks with '==' (numpy==1.11.3): # # >>> a = np.array([1,2,3]) # >>> a == 3 # array([False, False, True], dtype=bool) # OK # >>> a == None # False # NOT AS EXPECTED! # >>> np.equal(a, None) # array([False, False, False], dtype=bool) # OK # # (Note also that a == None issues: # FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object # comparison in the future.) # # So the correct way is to write # mask = np.equal(array, val) if val is None else (a == val) m_mask = np.equal(markers, mrk) if mrk is None else markers == mrk # see above __x = x[m_mask] __y = y[m_mask] __m = mrk __s = sizes[m_mask] __c = colors[m_mask] __l = legendlabels[m_mask] # unique legends (sorted according to their index in __l, not their value): for leg in __l[np.sort(np.unique(__l, return_index=True)[1])]: l_mask = np.equal(__l, leg) if leg is None else __l == leg # see above _scatter = bmap.scatter(__x[l_mask], __y[l_mask], marker=mrk, s=__s[l_mask], c=__c[l_mask], cmap=cmap, zorder=10) if leg: leg_handles.append(_scatter) leg_labels.append(leg) if leg_handles: # if we provided `legend_loc`, use that: loc = kwargs.get('legend_loc', None) bbox_to_anchor = None # defaults in matplotlib legend # we do have legend to show. Adjust legend reference corner: if loc is None: if legend_pos == 'bottom': loc = 'upper center' bbox_to_anchor = (0.5, -0.05) elif legend_pos == 'top': loc = 'lower center' bbox_to_anchor = (0.5, 1.05) elif legend_pos == 'left': loc = 'center right' bbox_to_anchor = (-0.05, 0.5) elif legend_pos == 'right': loc = 'center left' bbox_to_anchor = (1, 0.5) else: raise ValueError('invalid legend_pos value:"%s"' % legend_pos) # The plt.legend has the prop argument which sets the font properties: # family, style, variant, weight, stretch, size, fname. See # # However, that property does not allow to set font color. So we # use the get_text method of Legend. Note that we pass font size *now* even if # setting it later works as well (the legend frame is resized accordingly) kwa = _joinargs("legend", kwargs, scatterpoints=1, ncol=legend_ncol, loc=loc, bbox_to_anchor=bbox_to_anchor, borderaxespad=legend_borderaxespad, fontsize=fontsize) # leg = map_ax.legend(leg_handles, leg_labels, **kwa) # set properties supplied via 'legend_' _setprop(leg.get_texts(), _joinargs("legendlabels", kwargs, color=fontcolor)) # re-position the axes. The REAL map aspect ratio seems to be this: realratio_h_w = bmap.aspect fig_w, fig_h = fig.get_size_inches() figratio_h_w = np.true_divide(fig_h, fig_w) if figratio_h_w >= realratio_h_w: # we have margins (blank space) above and below # thus, we assume: map_w = fig_w # and we calculate map_h map_h = map_w * realratio_h_w # assume there is the same amount of space above and below: vpad = (fig_h - map_h) / 2.0 # hpad is zero: hpad = 0 else: # we have margins (blank space) left and right # thus, we assume: map_h = fig_h # and consequently: map_w = map_h / realratio_h_w # assume there is the same amount of space above and below: hpad = (fig_w - map_w) / 2.0 # wpad is zero: vpad = 0 # calculate new fig dimensions EXACTLY as contour of the map new_fig_w = fig_w - 2 * hpad new_fig_h = fig_h - 2 * vpad # now margins: marginz = parse_margins( figmargins) # margins are in fontheight units. Get font height: fontsize_inch = 0 if len(np.nonzero(marginz)[0]): # Calculate the font size in pixels. # We want to be consistent with matplotlib way of getting fontsize. # inspecting matplotlib.legend.Legend.draw we end up with: # 1. Get the renderer rend = fig.canvas.get_renderer() # 2. get the fontsize in points. We might use `fontsize` but it might be None and we want # the default in case. There are several 'defaults' (rcParams['font.size'], # rcParams["legend.fontsize"])... we don't care for now, use the first. How to get # rcParams['font.size'] ? Either this: (see at matplotlib.Legend.__init__): # fontsize_pt = FontProperties(size=fontsize, weight=fontweight).get_size_in_points() # or simply do: fontsize_pt = fontsize or rcParams['font.size'] # Now use renderer to convert to pixels: # For info see matplotlib.text.Text.get_window_extent fontsize_px = rend.points_to_pixels(fontsize_pt) # finally inches: fontsize_inch = pix2inch(rend.points_to_pixels(fontsize_px), fig) # calculate insets in inches (top right bottom left) insets_inch = marginz * fontsize_inch # set to fig dimensions new_fig_w += insets_inch[1] + insets_inch[3] new_fig_h += insets_inch[0] + insets_inch[2] fig.set_size_inches(new_fig_w, new_fig_h, forward=True) # (forward necessary if fig is in GUI, let's set for safety) # now the axes which are relative to the figure. Thus first normalize inches: insets_inch /= [fig_h, fig_w, fig_h, fig_w] # pos1 = map_ax.get_position() # get the original position # NOTE: it seems that pos[0], pos[1] indicate the x and y of the LOWER LEFT corner, not # upper left! pos2 = [ insets_inch[3], insets_inch[2], 1 - (insets_inch[1] + insets_inch[3]), 1 - (insets_inch[0] + insets_inch[2]) ] map_ax.set_position(pos2) if title: plt.suptitle(title) if show: return fig
np.round(np.arange(0, 0.051, 0.01), 2), np.arange(0, 101, 25) ] datasetsq = [r'RANDOM'] * 3 colorbarendq = ['max', 'max', 'neither'] cmapq = [ cm.classic_16.mpl_colormap, cm.cubehelix2_16.mpl_colormap, ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2.5)) for i in range(len(dataq)): ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1) m = Basemap(projection='moll', lon_0=0, resolution='l', area_thresh=10000) circle = m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='k') circle.set_clip_on(False) m.drawcoastlines(color='darkgrey', linewidth=0.35) ### Colorbar limits barlim = barlimq[i] ### Take lrp mean over all years lrpstats = dataq[i] var, lons_cyclic = addcyclic(lrpstats, lon1) var, lons_cyclic = shiftgrid(180., var, lons_cyclic, start=False) lon2d, lat2d = np.meshgrid(lons_cyclic, lat1) x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) ### Make the plot continuous
urcrnrlat=geo_data['top_lat'], llcrnrlon=geo_data['left_lon'], urcrnrlon=geo_data['right_lon'], lat_ts=20, resolution='h', ax=ax0) # just to define colors: land_color = '#ffedcc' water_color = '#2980b9' m.drawcoastlines() m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() m.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color, zorder=0) m.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color) for item in geo['line']: lons = geo['line'][item]['coordinates'][0] lats = geo['line'][item]['coordinates'][1] x, y = m(lons, lats) lines_u = ax0.plot(x, y, 'k', lw=2.0, zorder=1) # scatter plot p_list = [] # colors list q_list = [] # colors list c_list = [] # colors list x_syms_list = [] # x positions list y_syms_list = [] # y positions list labels_syms = [] cm ='coolwarm') idx = 0'D:\Desktop\Thesis\ParcelsFigData\Data\North Atlantic\Animations/Trial2005.mp4', ### fps=10, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264']) #Pick the dimensions of the basin we want to cover #%% latmin, latmax = -5, 75 lonmin, lonmax = -100, 20 plt.figure(figsize=(10 * 1.5, 8 * 1.5)) my_map = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlon=lonmin, urcrnrlon=lonmax, llcrnrlat=latmin, urcrnrlat=latmax, resolution='l') #my_map.drawcoastlines() my_map.fillcontinents(color='gray') my_map.drawmapboundary() #my_map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30)) #my_map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30)) plt.title('Windage 1%', fontsize=14, weight='bold') plt.tight_layout() #text=plt.annotate('hi', xy=(0.5, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction') text = plt.text(-98.75, -3.1, '', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=12, bbox={ 'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 1, 'pad': 10
GLM = accumulate_GLM(get_GLM_files_for_ABI(ABI)) ## Make a new map object for the HRRR model domain map projection mH = Basemap(resolution='i', projection='lcc', area_thresh=5000, \ width=1800*3000, height=1060*3000, \ lat_1=38.5, lat_2=38.5, \ lat_0=38.5, lon_0=-97.5) ## Plot each GLM file on the map plt.figure(figsize=[15, 10]) print('Datetime Range:', GLM['DATETIME']) mH.scatter(GLM['longitude'], GLM['latitude'], marker='+', color='yellow', latlon=True) mH.drawmapboundary(fill_color='k') mH.drawcoastlines(color='w') mH.drawcountries(color='w') mH.drawstates(color='w') plt.title('GOES-16 GLM Flashes', fontweight='semibold', fontsize=15) plt.title('Start: %s\nEnd: %s' % (GLM['DATETIME'][0].strftime('%H:%M:%S UTC %d %B %Y'), GLM['DATETIME'][1].strftime('%H:%M:%S UTC %d %B %Y')), loc='right')
def detector_plot(self, radius=60.0, point=None, good=False, projection='moll', lat_0=0, lon_0=180, map=None, NaI=True, BGO=True, show_bodies=False): map_flag = False if map is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) map = Basemap(projection=projection, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, resolution='l', area_thresh=1000.0, celestial=True, ax=ax) else: map_flag = True if good and point: detector_list, fovs = self.get_good_fov(radius=radius, point=point, NaI=NaI, BGO=BGO) else: detector_list, fovs = self.get_fov(radius, NaI=NaI, BGO=BGO) if point: ra, dec = map(point.ra.value, point.dec.value) map.plot(ra, dec, '*', color='#f36c21', markersize=20.) for key in detector_list: ra, dec = fovs[self.detectors[key].name] ra, dec = map(ra, dec) map.plot(ra, dec, '.', color='#74787c', markersize=3) x, y = map(self.detectors[key].center.icrs.ra.value, self.detectors[key].center.icrs.dec.value) plt.text(x - 200000, y - 200000, self.detectors[key].name, color='#74787c', size=22) if show_bodies and self.sc_pos is not None: earth_points = self.get_earth_point() lon, lat = earth_points.ra.value, earth_points.dec.value lon, lat = map(lon, lat) map.plot(lon, lat, ',', color="#0C81F9", alpha=0.1, markersize=4.5) if self.time is not None: earth_r = get_body_barycentric('earth', self.time) moon_r = get_body_barycentric('moon', self.time) r_e_m = moon_r - earth_r r = self.sc_pos - np.array( [r_e_m.x.value, r_e_m.y.value, r_e_m.z.value]) * moon_point_d = cartesian_to_spherical(-r[0], -r[1], -r[2]) moon_ra, moon_dec = moon_point_d[2].deg, moon_point_d[1].deg moon_point = SkyCoord(moon_ra, moon_dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg') moon_ra, moon_dec = map(moon_point.ra.deg, moon_point.dec.deg) map.plot(moon_ra, moon_dec, 'o', color='#72777b', markersize=20) plt.text(moon_ra, moon_dec, ' moon', size=20) if show_bodies and self.time is not None: tmp_sun = get_sun(self.time) sun_position = SkyCoord(tmp_sun.ra.deg, tmp_sun.dec.deg, unit='deg', frame='icrs') sun_ra, sun_dec = map(sun_position.ra.value, sun_position.dec.value) map.plot(sun_ra, sun_dec, 'o', color='#ffd400', markersize=40) plt.text(sun_ra - 550000, sun_dec - 200000, 'sun', size=20) if not map_flag: if projection == 'moll': az1 = np.arange(0, 360, 30) zen1 = np.zeros(az1.size) + 2 azname = [] for i in az1: azname.append(r'${\/%s\/^{\circ}}$' % str(i)) x1, y1 = map(az1, zen1) for index, value in enumerate(az1): plt.text(x1[index], y1[index], azname[index], size=20) _ = map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30), dashes=[1, 0], color='#d9d6c3') _ = map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 15), dashes=[1, 0], labels=[1, 0, 0, 1], color='#d9d6c3', size=20) map.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#f6f5ec')
def draw_map(map_type, geo_dict, filename, headless, leg_choice): import matplotlib as mpl if headless: mpl.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap ## Map stuff ## plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9), dpi=100, frameon=False) lon_r = 0 lon_l = 0 if map_type == 'NA': m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-119, llcrnrlat=22, urcrnrlon=-54, urcrnrlat=55, projection='lcc', resolution='l', lat_1=32, lat_2=45, lon_0=-95) lon_r = 66.0 lon_l = -124.0 elif map_type == 'EU': m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-15., llcrnrlat=20, urcrnrlon=75., urcrnrlat=70, projection='lcc', resolution='l', lat_1=30, lat_2=60, lon_0=35.) lon_r = 50.83 lon_l = -69.03 elif map_type == 'World': m = Basemap(projection='robin', lat_0=0, lon_0=-100, resolution='l', area_thresh=100000.0) # m.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30)) # m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30)) lon_r = 180 lon_l = -180.0 # remove line in legend mpl.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = 0 m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#1F1F1F') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() m.drawlsmask(land_color='#3C3C3C', ocean_color='#1F1F1F') for key, values in geo_dict.items(): # add Accuracy as plot/marker size, change play count to del_s value. for data in values: if key == SERVER_FRIENDLY: color = '#FFAC05' marker = '*' markersize = 10 zord = 3 alph = 1 else: if data['platform'] in PLATFORM_COLORS: color = PLATFORM_COLORS[data['platform']] else: color = DEFAULT_COLOR print( 'Platform: {} is missing from PLATFORM_COLORS. Using DEFAULT_COLOR.' .format(data['platform'])) marker = '.' if data['play_count'] >= 100: markersize = (data['play_count'] * .1) elif data['play_count'] <= 2: markersize = 2 else: markersize = 2 zord = 2 alph = 0.4 px, py = m(float(data['lon']), float(data['lat'])) x, y = m( [float(data['lon']), float(SERVER_LON)], [float(data['lat']), float(SERVER_LAT)]) legend = 'Location: {}, {}, User: {}\nPlatform: {}, IP: {}, Play Count: {}'.format( data['city'], data['region'], key, data['platform'], data['ip'], data['play_count']) # Keeping lines inside the Location. Plots outside Location will still be in legend if float(data['lon']) != float(SERVER_LON) and float(data['lat']) != float(SERVER_LAT) and \ lon_l < float(data['lon']) < lon_r: # Drawing lines from Server location to client location if data['location_count'] > 1: lines = m.plot(x, y, marker=marker, color=color, markersize=0, label=legend, alpha=.6, zorder=zord, linewidth=2) # Adding dash sequence to 2nd, 3rd, etc lines from same city,state for line in lines: line.set_solid_capstyle('round') dashes = [ x * data['location_count'] for x in [5, 8, 5, 8] ] line.set_dashes(dashes) else: m.plot(x, y, marker=marker, color=color, markersize=0, label=legend, alpha=.4, zorder=zord, linewidth=2) m.plot(px, py, marker=marker, color=color, markersize=markersize, label=legend, alpha=alph, zorder=zord) if leg_choice: handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() idx = labels.index( 'Location: {}, {}, User: {}\nPlatform: {}, IP: {}, Play Count: {}' .format(SERVER_CITY, SERVER_STATE, SERVER_FRIENDLY, SERVER_PLATFORM, REPLACEMENT_WAN_IP, 0)) labels = labels[idx:] + labels[:idx] handles = handles[idx:] + handles[:idx] by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) leg = plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys(), fancybox=True, fontsize='x-small', numpoints=1, title="Legend", labelspacing=1., borderpad=1.5, handletextpad=2.) if leg: lleng = len(leg.legendHandles) for i in range(1, lleng): leg.legendHandles[i]._legmarker.set_markersize(10) leg.legendHandles[i]._legmarker.set_alpha(1) leg.get_title().set_color('#7B777C') leg.draggable() leg.get_frame().set_facecolor('#2C2C2C') for text in leg.get_texts(): plt.setp(text, color='#A5A5A7') plt.title(title_string) if filename: plt.savefig('{}.png'.format(filename)) print('Image saved as: {}.png'.format(filename)) if not headless: mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.window.state('zoomed')
def PlotCorrMapTS(TheFile,LandCover,TheLatList,TheLonList,TheCorrData, TheUnitee,TheLetter,TheNamee,TheMDI,YrStart,VarType): ''' Create a masked array of the correlations grids ''' ''' Plot corrs on map ''' ''' Add vertical latitude/corr scatter with average corr overlaid ''' ''' Add time series of CandTS and CompTS with overall correlation annotated ''' ''' Save as eps and png ''' # Create the masked array of corrss MSKTheCorrData=ma.masked_where(TheCorrData == TheMDI,TheCorrData) # Get Latitude Average Trend LatCorr=np.zeros(len(TheLatList)) LatCorr.fill(TheMDI) # For each latitude find average correlation (not sure this is strictly sound stats - better to correlate the lat average?' for ltt in range(len(TheLatList)): gots=np.where(TheCorrData[ltt,:] != TheMDI)[0] if (len(gots) > 0): LatCorr[ltt]=np.mean(TheCorrData[ltt,np.where(TheCorrData[ltt,:] != TheMDI)]) # make 2d arrays of lats and lons # nudge -2.5 degrees to make them south/west gridbox corners, not centres # add extra row/column to bound the data ArrLons,ArrLats=np.meshgrid(TheLonList,TheLatList) LngArrLons,LngArrLats=np.meshgrid(np.append(TheLonList-2.5,180.),np.append(TheLatList-2.5,90.)) # set up plot plt.clf() fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) #plt.figure(1,figsize=(10,3)) plt1=plt.axes([0.01,0.05,0.64,0.9]) # left, bottom, width, height # plot map without continents and coastlines m = Basemap(projection='kav7',lon_0=0) # draw map boundary, transparent m.drawmapboundary() m.drawcoastlines() # draw paralells and medians, no labels m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90.,30.)) m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180,180.,60.)) # make up a blue to red (reverse) colour map #cmaps=[,] #bluelist=[ for i in range(] #redlist=[ for i in range(] # cmap=plt.get_cmap('BrBG') # cmap=plt.get_cmap('coolwarm') # cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr') # cmap=plt.get_cmap('RdGy') # cmap=plt.get_cmap('RdBu') # cmap=plt.get_cmap('hot') if (VarType == 'Temperature'): # Colour for T T cmap=plt.get_cmap('YlOrRd') elif (VarType == 'Humidity'): # Colour for T /RH cmap=plt.get_cmap('bwr') cmaplist=[cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] if (VarType == 'Temperature'): # Only for T T for loo in range(30): cmaplist.remove(cmaplist[0]) cmap=cmap.from_list('this_cmap',cmaplist,cmap.N) #vmin=0.5 #vmax=1 #nsteps=11 #bounds=np.round(1-np.logspace(0.7,-1,num=15,endpoint='True')/10.,3) if (VarType == 'Temperature'): # bounds for T T bounds=np.array([0,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.95,0.97,0.99,0.995,0.999,1]) elif (VarType == 'Humidity'): # bounds for T q/RH bounds=np.array([-1,-0.9,-0.8,-0.7,-0.6,-0.5,0.0,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1]) #bounds=np.logspace(vmin,vmax,nsteps) # strbounds=["%4.1f" % i for i in bounds] strbounds=["%4.3g" % i for i in bounds] norm=mpl_cm.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds,cmap.N) # Only pcolor can do boxing on masked arrays, not really sure why we use pcolormesh at all grids=m.pcolor(LngArrLons,LngArrLats,MSKTheCorrData,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,latlon='TRUE') # extract the poorly correlating stations - reshape to a single array, index by lowest to highest, create a new zero array where 1:10 only have values # replot with boundaries. sortedlowhigh=np.argsort(np.reshape(MSKTheCorrData,np.size(MSKTheCorrData))) # Does this work on masks? #stop LowCorrs=np.zeros(np.size(TheCorrData)) TheCorrData=np.reshape(TheCorrData,np.size(TheCorrData)) LowCorrs[sortedlowhigh[0:10]]=TheCorrData[sortedlowhigh[0:10]] LowCorrs=np.reshape(LowCorrs,(len(TheLatList),len(TheLonList))) TheCorrData=np.reshape(TheCorrData,(len(TheLatList),len(TheLonList))) MSKLowCorrs=ma.masked_where(LowCorrs == 0,LowCorrs) grids=m.pcolor(LngArrLons,LngArrLats,MSKLowCorrs,cmap=cmap,norm=norm, edgecolor='0.2',linewidth=0.5,latlon='TRUE') # Output list of all 'worst' correlations bads=np.where(MSKLowCorrs > 0) print("Number of Low Corrs: ",len(bads[0])) print("Corrs GBCentre Longs GBCentre Lats") SubCorrs=LowCorrs[bads] SubLons=ArrLons[bads] SubLats=ArrLats[bads] SortingHat=np.argsort(SubCorrs) # stop for loo in range(len(bads[0])): print("%6.2f %8.3f %8.3f" % (SubCorrs[SortingHat[loo]],SubLons[SortingHat[loo]],SubLats[SortingHat[loo]])) cbax=fig.add_axes([0.03,0.08,0.59,0.03]) cb=plt.colorbar(grids,cax=cbax,orientation='horizontal',ticks=bounds) #, extend=extend plt.figtext(0.31,0.01,TheUnitee,size=12,ha='center') plt.figtext(0.05,0.9,TheLetter[0],size=16) # add labals and watermark # watermarkstring="/".join(os.getcwd().split('/')[4:])+'/'+os.path.basename( __file__ )+" "+dt.datetime.strftime(, "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M") # plt.figtext(0.01,0.01,watermarkstring,size=6) plt.figtext(0.5,0.95,TheNamee,size=16,ha='center') # Attempt to plot the latitude/ratio scatter ax2=plt.axes([0.73,0.12,0.24,0.76]) # map only ax2.set_ylim(-90,90) #ax2.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax2.set_yticks(list([-60,-30,0,30,60])) ax2.set_yticklabels(list(['-60$^{o}$N','-30$^{o}$S','Equator','30$^{o}$N','60$^{o}$N'])) #,rotation=90) ax2.set_xlabel(TheUnitee) # minx=np.min(TheCorrData[np.where(TheCorrData != TheMDI)])-0.1 # maxx=np.max(TheCorrData[np.where(TheCorrData != TheMDI)])+0.1 if (VarType == 'Temperature'): # min for T T minx=0. elif (VarType == 'Humidity'): # min for T q/RH minx=-1. maxx=1. ax2.set_xlim(minx,maxx) ax2.tick_params(axis='both',labelsize=10) # background fill the scatter plot with % land present (light grey) and % land with data (dark gre for ltt in range(len(TheLatList)): # First merge LandCover with Data coverage so that at least some small islands are counted initially LandCover[ltt,np.where(TheCorrData[ltt,:] > TheMDI)[0]]=100. landcount=len(np.where(LandCover[ltt,:] > 0)[0]) if (landcount > 0): pctland=float(landcount)/72. else: pctland=0 landpresent=len(np.where(TheCorrData[ltt,:] > TheMDI)[0]) # if (landpresent > landcount): # small islands not picked up in landcover file so have to add in those that have been observed - not ideal # landcount=landpresent # pctland=float(landcount)/72. if (pctland > 0) & (landpresent > 0): pctdata=landpresent/float(landcount) else: pctdata=0 # print(TheLatList[ltt],pctland,pctdata) # stop() if (pctland > 0): # fill row with appropriate amount of light grey newxmin=0 newxmax=maxx*pctland plt.fill_between(np.array([newxmin,newxmax]),TheLatList[ltt]-2.5,TheLatList[ltt]+2.5,facecolor='DimGrey',edgecolor='0.0',linewidth=0.0) if (pctdata > 0): # fill row with appropriate amount of dark grey newxmin=0 newxmax=(maxx*pctland)*pctdata plt.fill_between(np.array([newxmin,newxmax]),TheLatList[ltt]-2.5,TheLatList[ltt]+2.5,facecolor='Silver',edgecolor='0.0',linewidth=0.0) #ax.set_xmargin(0.01) plt.plot(np.zeros(2),np.array((-90,90)),color='black') plt.scatter(MSKTheCorrData,ArrLats,c=MSKTheCorrData,marker='o',cmap=cmap,norm=norm,edgecolor='0.0',linewidth=0.0) plt.plot(LatCorr[np.where(LatCorr != TheMDI)],TheLatList[np.where(LatCorr != TheMDI)],color='black',linewidth=2) plt.figtext(0.7,0.9,TheLetter[1],size=16) # # stop() plt.savefig(TheFile+".eps") plt.savefig(TheFile+".png") return #PlotTrendRatMap
def maplotC(pdata, colormax=1, mask='no', title='', precip='no'): """ Plots input grid with map of world overlaid Parameters ---------- plotdata: array data being plotted title: str optional title """ from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap, shiftgrid import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from netcdfread import ncread lon = ncread( '/network/aopp/hera/mad/bakerh/HAPPI/CAM4-2degree/All-Hist/mon/va/', 'lon') lat = ncread( '/network/aopp/hera/mad/bakerh/HAPPI/CAM4-2degree/All-Hist/mon/va/', 'lat') plt.figure() if mask == 'yes': lsm = ncread('/home/bakerh/Documents/DPhil/Python/', 'lsm') pdata =, mask=np.logical_not(lsm)) pdata, lon = shiftgrid(180., pdata, lon, start=False) meshlon, meshlat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) m = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=-90, urcrnrlat=90, llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180, resolution='c') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmapboundary() x, y = m(meshlon, meshlat) mycmap2 = mycmap1 = my_cmap = np.concatenate((mycmap1, mycmap2), axis=0) my_cmap[230:282, :] = 1 if precip == 'yes': my_cmap = my_cmap[::-1] newcmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("newjet", my_cmap) ctrs = np.linspace(-colormax, colormax, 17) plot = m.contourf(x, y, pdata, ctrs, cmap=newcmap, vmin=np.min(ctrs), vmax=np.max(ctrs), extend='both') b = plt.colorbar(plot, orientation='horizontal', aspect=50, shrink=0.75, spacing='proportional') b.set_label( label=r'-$\mathbf{v}_\chi\cdot\nabla\zeta$ (10$^{-12}$ s$^{-2}$)') parallels = m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90., 91., 15.)) meridians = m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180., 181., 30)) m.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[True, True, True, True]) m.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[True, True, True, True]) plt.title(title, y=1.08)