예제 #1
  {command} build chromosome pos1 pos2 [tolerant]

  build: Human Genome reference build, e.g. 'hg19'.
  chromosome: Chromosome name, e.g. 'chr12'.
  pos1: Beginning of chromosomal region, e.g. 230838269.
  pos2: End of chromosomal region, e.g. 230938269.
  tolerant: Optionally set region matching to be tolerant, e.g. 1.

The transcript information is retrieved from the Mutalyzer SOAP web service
and printed to standard output.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from mutalyzer.util import monkey_patch_suds; monkey_patch_suds()

import sys
from suds.client import Client

from mutalyzer.util import format_usage


def main(build, chromosome, pos1, pos2, tolerant=0):
    Get extended transcript information and print this to standard output.
    service = Client(WSDL_LOCATION, cache=None).service
예제 #2
  {command} transcript variant [build]

  transcript: Transcript accession number, e.g. 'NM_001008541.1'.
  variant: Variant to map, e.g. 'g.112039014G>T'.
  build: Human genome build, 'hg18' or 'hg19' (default: 'hg19').

The mapping information is retrieved from the Mutalyzer SOAP web service and
printed to standard output.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from mutalyzer.util import monkey_patch_suds; monkey_patch_suds()

import sys
from suds.client import Client

from mutalyzer.util import format_usage


def main(transcript, variant, build='hg19'):
    Get mapping information and print it to standard output.
    service = Client(WSDL_LOCATION, cache=None).service
예제 #3
Run the Mutalyzer syntaxchecker on a variant description.

  {command} description

  description: Variant description to check.

The syntaxchecker results are retrieved from the Mutalyzer SOAP web service
and printed to standard output.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from mutalyzer.util import monkey_patch_suds

import sys
from suds.client import Client

from mutalyzer.util import format_usage


def main(description):
    Run the Mutalyzer syntaxchecker and print results to standard output.
    service = Client(WSDL_LOCATION, cache=None).service
    result = service.checkSyntax(description)
예제 #4
  {command} transcript

  transcript: Transcript accession number, e.g. 'NM_002001.2'.

The transcript information is retrieved from the Mutalyzer SOAP web service
and printed to standard output.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from mutalyzer.util import monkey_patch_suds


import sys
from suds.client import Client

from mutalyzer.util import format_usage


def main(transcript):
    Get transcript information and print it to standard output.
    service = Client(WSDL_LOCATION, cache=None).service