예제 #1
def translate(text):
    gengo = MyGengo(
    counter = 0
    to_lang = 'en'
    from_lang = 'ja'
    while counter < 4:  # even number = English result
        translation = gengo.postTranslationJob(job={
            'type': 'text',
            'slug': 'the_game',
            'body_src': text,
            'lc_src': to_lang,
            'lc_tgt': from_lang,
            'tier': 'machine'
        text = translation['response']['job']['body_tgt']
        swap = to_lang
        to_lang = from_lang
        from_lang = swap
        counter += 1
    return text
예제 #2
파일: gengo_tm.py 프로젝트: gengo/avalon
def gengo_tm(text, sl, tl, tier='standard', auto_approve=True, public_key='', private_key='', sandbox = False, comment='', machine=True, ttl=300, callback_url=''):
    tt = cacheGet('/gengo/' + sl + '/' + tl + '/' + text)
    if tt is not None:
        return tt
    # I didn't want to make this utility too App Engine specific, however, this is a place where the task queues come in handy.
    # You can use taskqueue.add(url=worker_url, params=p) to initiate a background task that queries the Gengo API and requests
    # a callback when the translation is done. The request handler that processes the callback would, in turn, write to the cache
    # so subsequent cacheGet() calls would return the now completed translation. I'll add this option in an update in the next week
    # or so, but am sticking with synchronous polling for now (its simple and doesn't depend on an App Engine specific resources). 
    if auto_approve:
        auto_approve = 1
        auto_approve = 0
    if machine:
        machine = 1
        machine = 0
    gengo = MyGengo(
        public_key = public_key,
        private_key = private_key,
        sandbox = sandbox, # possibly false, depending on your dev needs
    if string.count(callback_url, 'http://') < 1 and string.count(callback_url, 'https://') < 1:
        response = gengo.postTranslationJob(job = {
            'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
            'slug': 'Single :: Text Translation', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
            'body_src': text, # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
            'lc_src': sl, # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)  
            'lc_tgt': tl, # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
            'tier': tier, # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")
            'machine': machine, # OPTIONAL. allow machine translation
            'auto_approve': 1, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
            'comment': comment, # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
            #'callback_url': '', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
            #    'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL
        response = gengo.postTranslationJob(job = {
            'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
            'slug': 'Single :: Text Translation', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
            'body_src': text, # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
            'lc_src': sl, # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)  
            'lc_tgt': tl, # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
            'tier': tier, # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")
            'machine': machine, # OPTIONAL. allow machine translation
            'auto_approve': 1, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
            'comment': comment, # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
            'callback_url': callback_url, # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
            #    'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL
    tt = utf8(response['response']['job']['body_tgt'])
    if len(tt) > 0:
        cacheSet('/gengo/' + sl + '/' + tl + '/' + text, tt, ttl)
        text = tt
    return tt
        #    tt = text
    #    return text
예제 #3
class TestTranslationJobFlow(unittest.TestCase):
		Tests the flow of creating a job, updating it, getting the details, and then 
		deleting the job. This is the thick of it!
		Flow is as follows:
			1: Create a mock job and get an estimate for it (setUp)
			2: Create three jobs - 1 single, 2 batched
			3: Update the first job with some arbitrary information or something
			4: Post a comment on the first job
			6: Perform a hell of a lot of GETs to the myGengo API to check stuff
			7: Delete the job if all went well (teardown phase)
	def setUp(self):
			Creates the initial batch of jobs for the other test functions here to operate on.
		# First we'll create three jobs - one regular, and two at the same time...
		self.myGengo = MyGengo(public_key = public_key, private_key = private_key, sandbox = SANDBOX)		
		self.created_job_ids = []
		single_job = {
			'type': 'text',
			'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese',
			'body_src': 'Test%ding myGe%dngo A%dPI li%dbrary calls.' % (int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1))),
			'lc_src': 'en',
			'lc_tgt': 'ja',
			'tier': 'standard',
			'auto_approve': 0,
		multiple_jobs = {
			'job_1': {
				'type': 'text',
				'slug': 'Multiple :: English to Japanese',
				'body_src': 'H%dow i%ds th%de weather?' % (int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1))),
				'lc_src': 'en',
				'lc_tgt': 'ja',
				'tier': 'standard',
			'job_2': {
				'type': 'text',
				'slug': 'Multiple :: Japanese To English',
				'body_src': '天%d気%dはど%dうですか' % (int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1))),
				'lc_src': 'ja',
				'lc_tgt': 'en',
				'tier': 'ultra',
		# Now that we've got the job, let's go ahead and see how much it'll cost.
		cost_assessment = self.myGengo.determineTranslationCost(jobs = {'jobs': multiple_jobs})
		self.assertEqual(cost_assessment['opstat'], 'ok')
		# If that method worked, sweet. Move on and create three jobs, store their IDs. Make sure we got an ID
		# back, since these methods are otherwise largely useless without that returned data. These tests walk a fine
		# line between testing myGengo and the myGengo API functionality as a whole - watch yourself if you add to this. :)
		job = self.myGengo.postTranslationJob(job = single_job)
		self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')
		jobs = self.myGengo.postTranslationJobs(jobs = {'jobs': multiple_jobs})
		self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')
		# This is a fairly ugly way to check for and retrieve job IDs; in an ideal system you know the keys, and... well,
		# truthfully we do here too. I suppose this is moreso here as an example of how to get IDs in a situation where you
		# don't know the keys. May or may not be useful to some.
		for job_obj in jobs['response']['jobs']:
			for job in job_obj:
	@unittest.skip("We don't test myGengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage() because it's potentially resource heavy on the myGengo API.")
	def test_getTranslationJobPreviewImage(self):
			This test could be a bit more granular, but I'm undecided at the moment - testing the response stream
			of this method is more of a Unit Test for myGengo than myGengo. Someone can extend if they see fit, but I 
			currently see no reason to mess with this further.
		img = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
	def test_postJobDataMethods(self):
			Tests all the myGengo methods that deal with updating jobs, posting comments, etc. test_getJobDataMethods() checks things,
			but they need to exist first - think of this as the alcoholic mother to _getJobDataMethods().
		# The 'update' method can't really be tested, as it requires the translator having actually done something before
		# it's of any use. Thing is, in automated testing, we don't really have a method to flip the switch on the myGengo end. If we
		# WERE to test this method, it'd look a little something like this:
		#	updated_job = self.myGengo.updateTranslationJob(id = self.created_job_ids[0], action = {
		#		'action': 'purchase',
		#	})
		#	self.assertEqual(updated_job['opstat'], 'ok')
		posted_comment = self.myGengo.postTranslationJobComment(id = self.created_job_ids[0], comment = {
			'body': 'I love lamp oh mai gawd',
		self.assertEqual(posted_comment['opstat'], 'ok')
	def test_getJobDataMethods(self):
			Test a ton of methods that GET data from the myGengo API, based on the jobs we've created and such.
			These are separate from the other GET request methods because this might be a huge nuisance to their API,
			and I figure it's worth separating out the pain-point test cases so they could be disabled easily in a 
			distribution or something.
		# Pull down data about one specific job...
		job = self.myGengo.getTranslationJob(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')
		# Pull down the 10 most recently submitted jobs.
		jobs = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobs()
		self.assertEqual(jobs['opstat'], 'ok')
		# Test getting the batch that a job is in...
		job_batch = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobBatch(id = self.created_job_ids[1])
		self.assertEqual(job_batch['opstat'], 'ok')
		# Pull down the comment(s) we created earlier in this test suite.
		job_comments = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobComments(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(job_comments['opstat'], 'ok')
		# Pull down feedback. This should work fine, but there'll be no feedback or anything, so... meh.
		feedback = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobFeedback(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(feedback['opstat'], 'ok')
		# Lastly, pull down any revisions that definitely didn't occur due to this being a simulated test.
		revisions = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobRevisions(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(revisions['opstat'], 'ok')
		# So it's worth noting here that we can't really test getTranslationJobRevision(), because no real revisions
		# exist at this point, and a revision ID is required to pull that method off successfully. Bai now.
	def tearDown(self):
			Delete every job we've created for this somewhat ridiculously thorough testing scenario.
		for id in self.created_job_ids:
			deleted_job = self.myGengo.deleteTranslationJob(id = id)
			self.assertEqual(deleted_job['opstat'], 'ok')
예제 #4
class TestTranslationSingleJobFlow(unittest.TestCase):
		Tests the flow of creating a job, updating it, getting the details, and then
		deleting the job. This is the thick of it!

		Flow is as follows:

			1: Create a mock job and get an estimate for it (setUp)
			2: Create three jobs - 1 single, 2 batched
			3: Update the first job with some arbitrary information or something
			4: Post a comment on the first job
			6: Perform a hell of a lot of GETs to the Gengo API to check stuff
			7: Delete the job if all went well (teardown phase)
	def setUp(self):
			Creates the initial batch of jobs for the other test functions here to operate on.
		# First we'll create three jobs - one regular, and two at the same time...
		self.myGengo = MyGengo(public_key = public_key, private_key = private_key, sandbox = SANDBOX)
		self.created_job_ids = []

		single_job = {
			'type': 'text',
			'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese',
			'body_src': 'Test%ding myGe%dngo A%dPI li%dbrary calls.' % (int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1)), int(random.randrange(1,226,1))),
			'lc_src': 'en',
			'lc_tgt': 'ja',
			'tier': 'standard',
			'auto_approve': 0,

		job = self.myGengo.postTranslationJob(job = single_job)
		self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

	@unittest.skip("We don't test Gengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage() because it's potentially resource heavy on the Gengo API.")
	def test_getTranslationJobPreviewImage(self):
			This test could be a bit more granular, but I'm undecided at the moment - testing the response stream
			of this method is more of a Unit Test for Gengo than Gengo. Someone can extend if they see fit, but I
			currently see no reason to mess with this further.
		img = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage(id = self.created_job_ids[0])

	def test_postJobDataMethods(self):
			Tests all the Gengo methods that deal with updating jobs, posting comments, etc. test_getJobDataMethods() checks things,
			but they need to exist first - think of this as the alcoholic mother to _getJobDataMethods().
		# The 'update' method can't really be tested, as it requires the translator having actually done something before
		# it's of any use. Thing is, in automated testing, we don't really have a method to flip the switch on the Gengo end. If we
		# WERE to test this method, it'd look a little something like this:
		#	updated_job = self.myGengo.updateTranslationJob(id = self.created_job_ids[0], action = {
		#		'action': 'purchase',
		#	})
		#	self.assertEqual(updated_job['opstat'], 'ok')

		posted_comment = self.myGengo.postTranslationJobComment(id = self.created_job_ids[0], comment = {
			'body': 'I love lamp oh mai gawd',
		self.assertEqual(posted_comment['opstat'], 'ok')

	def test_getJobDataMethods(self):
			Test a ton of methods that GET data from the Gengo API, based on the jobs we've created and such.

			These are separate from the other GET request methods because this might be a huge nuisance to their API,
			and I figure it's worth separating out the pain-point test cases so they could be disabled easily in a
			distribution or something.
		# Pull down data about one specific job...
		job = self.myGengo.getTranslationJob(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

		# Pull down the 10 most recently submitted jobs.
		jobs = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobs()
		self.assertEqual(jobs['opstat'], 'ok')

		# Pull down the comment(s) we created earlier in this test suite.
		job_comments = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobComments(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(job_comments['opstat'], 'ok')

		# Pull down feedback. This should work fine, but there'll be no feedback or anything, so... meh.
		feedback = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobFeedback(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(feedback['opstat'], 'ok')

		# Lastly, pull down any revisions that definitely didn't occur due to this being a simulated test.
		revisions = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobRevisions(id = self.created_job_ids[0])
		self.assertEqual(revisions['opstat'], 'ok')

		# So it's worth noting here that we can't really test getTranslationJobRevision(), because no real revisions
		# exist at this point, and a revision ID is required to pull that method off successfully. Bai now.

	def tearDown(self):
			Delete every job we've created for this somewhat ridiculously thorough testing scenario.
		for id in self.created_job_ids:
			deleted_job = self.myGengo.deleteTranslationJob(id = id)
			self.assertEqual(deleted_job['opstat'], 'ok')
예제 #5
# Get an instance of MyGengo to work with...
gengo = MyGengo(
    sandbox=True,  # possibly false, depending on your dev needs

# Post over a job for translation.
        'text',  # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
        'Single :: English to Japanese',  # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
        'Testing myGengo API library calls.',  # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
        'en',  # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)  
        'ja',  # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
        'standard',  # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")
        0,  # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
        'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR',  # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
        'http://...',  # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
        'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.'  # OPTIONAL
예제 #6
class TestTranslationSingleJobFlow(unittest.TestCase):
		Tests the flow of creating a job, updating it, getting the details, and then
		deleting the job. This is the thick of it!

		Flow is as follows:

			1: Create a mock job and get an estimate for it (setUp)
			2: Create three jobs - 1 single, 2 batched
			3: Update the first job with some arbitrary information or something
			4: Post a comment on the first job
			6: Perform a hell of a lot of GETs to the Gengo API to check stuff
			7: Delete the job if all went well (teardown phase)
    def setUp(self):
			Creates the initial batch of jobs for the other test functions here to operate on.
        # First we'll create three jobs - one regular, and two at the same time...
        self.myGengo = MyGengo(public_key=public_key,
        self.created_job_ids = []

        single_job = {
            'Single :: English to Japanese',
            'Test%ding myGe%dngo A%dPI li%dbrary calls.' %
            (int(random.randrange(1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(
                1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(
                    1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(1, 226, 1))),

        job = self.myGengo.postTranslationJob(job=single_job)
        self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

        "We don't test Gengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage() because it's potentially resource heavy on the Gengo API."
    def test_getTranslationJobPreviewImage(self):
			This test could be a bit more granular, but I'm undecided at the moment - testing the response stream
			of this method is more of a Unit Test for Gengo than Gengo. Someone can extend if they see fit, but I
			currently see no reason to mess with this further.
        img = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage(

    def test_postJobDataMethods(self):
			Tests all the Gengo methods that deal with updating jobs, posting comments, etc. test_getJobDataMethods() checks things,
			but they need to exist first - think of this as the alcoholic mother to _getJobDataMethods().
        # The 'update' method can't really be tested, as it requires the translator having actually done something before
        # it's of any use. Thing is, in automated testing, we don't really have a method to flip the switch on the Gengo end. If we
        # WERE to test this method, it'd look a little something like this:
        #	updated_job = self.myGengo.updateTranslationJob(id = self.created_job_ids[0], action = {
        #		'action': 'purchase',
        #	})
        #	self.assertEqual(updated_job['opstat'], 'ok')

        posted_comment = self.myGengo.postTranslationJobComment(
                'body': 'I love lamp oh mai gawd',
        self.assertEqual(posted_comment['opstat'], 'ok')

    def test_getJobDataMethods(self):
			Test a ton of methods that GET data from the Gengo API, based on the jobs we've created and such.

			These are separate from the other GET request methods because this might be a huge nuisance to their API,
			and I figure it's worth separating out the pain-point test cases so they could be disabled easily in a
			distribution or something.
        # Pull down data about one specific job...
        job = self.myGengo.getTranslationJob(id=self.created_job_ids[0])
        self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Pull down the 10 most recently submitted jobs.
        jobs = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobs()
        self.assertEqual(jobs['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Pull down the comment(s) we created earlier in this test suite.
        job_comments = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobComments(
        self.assertEqual(job_comments['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Pull down feedback. This should work fine, but there'll be no feedback or anything, so... meh.
        feedback = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobFeedback(
        self.assertEqual(feedback['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Lastly, pull down any revisions that definitely didn't occur due to this being a simulated test.
        revisions = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobRevisions(
        self.assertEqual(revisions['opstat'], 'ok')

        # So it's worth noting here that we can't really test getTranslationJobRevision(), because no real revisions
        # exist at this point, and a revision ID is required to pull that method off successfully. Bai now.

    def tearDown(self):
			Delete every job we've created for this somewhat ridiculously thorough testing scenario.
        for id in self.created_job_ids:
            deleted_job = self.myGengo.deleteTranslationJob(id=id)
            self.assertEqual(deleted_job['opstat'], 'ok')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from mygengo import MyGengo

# Get an instance of MyGengo to work with...
gengo = MyGengo(
    public_key = 'your_public_key',
    private_key = 'your_private_key',
    sandbox = True, # possibly false, depending on your dev needs

# Post over a job for translation.
gengo.postTranslationJob(job = {
    'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
    'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
    'body_src': 'Testing myGengo API library calls.', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
    'lc_src': 'en', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)  
    'lc_tgt': 'ja', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
    'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")
    'auto_approve': 0, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
    'comment': 'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR', # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
    'callback_url': 'http://...', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
	'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL
예제 #8
class TestTranslationJobFlow(unittest.TestCase):
		Tests the flow of creating a job, updating it, getting the details, and then 
		deleting the job. This is the thick of it!
		Flow is as follows:
			1: Create a mock job and get an estimate for it (setUp)
			2: Create three jobs - 1 single, 2 batched
			3: Update the first job with some arbitrary information or something
			4: Post a comment on the first job
			6: Perform a hell of a lot of GETs to the myGengo API to check stuff
			7: Delete the job if all went well (teardown phase)
    def setUp(self):
			Creates the initial batch of jobs for the other test functions here to operate on.
        # First we'll create three jobs - one regular, and two at the same time...
        self.myGengo = MyGengo(public_key=public_key,
        self.created_job_ids = []

        single_job = {
            'Single :: English to Japanese',
            'Test%ding myGe%dngo A%dPI li%dbrary calls.' %
            (int(random.randrange(1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(
                1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(
                    1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(1, 226, 1))),

        multiple_jobs = {
            'job_1': {
                'Multiple :: English to Japanese',
                'H%dow i%ds th%de weather?' % (int(random.randrange(
                    1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(
                        1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(1, 226, 1))),
            'job_2': {
                'Multiple :: Japanese To English',
                '天%d気%dはど%dうですか' % (int(random.randrange(
                    1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(
                        1, 226, 1)), int(random.randrange(1, 226, 1))),

        # Now that we've got the job, let's go ahead and see how much it'll cost.
        cost_assessment = self.myGengo.determineTranslationCost(
            jobs={'jobs': multiple_jobs})
        self.assertEqual(cost_assessment['opstat'], 'ok')

        # If that method worked, sweet. Move on and create three jobs, store their IDs. Make sure we got an ID
        # back, since these methods are otherwise largely useless without that returned data. These tests walk a fine
        # line between testing myGengo and the myGengo API functionality as a whole - watch yourself if you add to this. :)
        job = self.myGengo.postTranslationJob(job=single_job)
        self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

        jobs = self.myGengo.postTranslationJobs(jobs={'jobs': multiple_jobs})
        self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

        # This is a fairly ugly way to check for and retrieve job IDs; in an ideal system you know the keys, and... well,
        # truthfully we do here too. I suppose this is moreso here as an example of how to get IDs in a situation where you
        # don't know the keys. May or may not be useful to some.
        for job_obj in jobs['response']['jobs']:
            for job in job_obj:

        "We don't test myGengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage() because it's potentially resource heavy on the myGengo API."
    def test_getTranslationJobPreviewImage(self):
			This test could be a bit more granular, but I'm undecided at the moment - testing the response stream
			of this method is more of a Unit Test for myGengo than myGengo. Someone can extend if they see fit, but I 
			currently see no reason to mess with this further.
        img = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobPreviewImage(

    def test_postJobDataMethods(self):
			Tests all the myGengo methods that deal with updating jobs, posting comments, etc. test_getJobDataMethods() checks things,
			but they need to exist first - think of this as the alcoholic mother to _getJobDataMethods().
        # The 'update' method can't really be tested, as it requires the translator having actually done something before
        # it's of any use. Thing is, in automated testing, we don't really have a method to flip the switch on the myGengo end. If we
        # WERE to test this method, it'd look a little something like this:
        #	updated_job = self.myGengo.updateTranslationJob(id = self.created_job_ids[0], action = {
        #		'action': 'purchase',
        #	})
        #	self.assertEqual(updated_job['opstat'], 'ok')

        posted_comment = self.myGengo.postTranslationJobComment(
                'body': 'I love lamp oh mai gawd',
        self.assertEqual(posted_comment['opstat'], 'ok')

    def test_getJobDataMethods(self):
			Test a ton of methods that GET data from the myGengo API, based on the jobs we've created and such.
			These are separate from the other GET request methods because this might be a huge nuisance to their API,
			and I figure it's worth separating out the pain-point test cases so they could be disabled easily in a 
			distribution or something.
        # Pull down data about one specific job...
        job = self.myGengo.getTranslationJob(id=self.created_job_ids[0])
        self.assertEqual(job['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Pull down the 10 most recently submitted jobs.
        jobs = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobs()
        self.assertEqual(jobs['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Test getting the batch that a job is in...
        job_batch = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobBatch(
        self.assertEqual(job_batch['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Pull down the comment(s) we created earlier in this test suite.
        job_comments = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobComments(
        self.assertEqual(job_comments['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Pull down feedback. This should work fine, but there'll be no feedback or anything, so... meh.
        feedback = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobFeedback(
        self.assertEqual(feedback['opstat'], 'ok')

        # Lastly, pull down any revisions that definitely didn't occur due to this being a simulated test.
        revisions = self.myGengo.getTranslationJobRevisions(
        self.assertEqual(revisions['opstat'], 'ok')

        # So it's worth noting here that we can't really test getTranslationJobRevision(), because no real revisions
        # exist at this point, and a revision ID is required to pull that method off successfully. Bai now.

    def tearDown(self):
			Delete every job we've created for this somewhat ridiculously thorough testing scenario.
        for id in self.created_job_ids:
            deleted_job = self.myGengo.deleteTranslationJob(id=id)
            self.assertEqual(deleted_job['opstat'], 'ok')