def __init__(self, pickle_model="", datadir=None): self.maxlen = 100 self.n_words = 100000 parser = NeonArgparser(__doc__) self.args = parser.parse_args() self.args.batch_size = self.batch_size = 2048 # self.args.deterministic = None self.args.rng_seed = 0 print extract_valid_args(self.args, gen_backend) = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(self.args, gen_backend)) embedding_dim = 100 init_emb = Uniform(-0.1 / embedding_dim, 0.1 / embedding_dim) init_glorot = GlorotUniform() self.layers = [ LookupTable(vocab_size=self.n_words, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, init=init_emb, pad_idx=0, update=True, name="LookupTable"), Dropout(keep=0.5), BiLSTM(100, init=init_glorot, activation=Tanh(), gate_activation=Logistic(), reset_cells=True, split_inputs=False, name="BiLSTM"), RecurrentMean(), Affine(1, init_glorot, bias=init_glorot, activation=Identity(), name="Affine") ] self.wordbatch = wordbatch.WordBatch(normalize_text, n_words=self.n_words, extractors=[(wordbatch.WordSeq, { "seq_maxlen": self.maxlen })]) if datadir == None: self.model = Model(self.layers) self.model.load_params(pickle_model) self.wordbatch = pkl.load( + ".wb", 'rb')) else: self.train(datadir, pickle_model)
def initialize_neon(): # for now, we don't trust the mkl backend if Config.options.backend == 'mkl': print('Resetting mkl backend to cpu') Config.options.backend = 'cpu' be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(Config.options, gen_backend)) # patch a fix to stabilize the CPU version of Neon's logistic function fix_logistic(be) Config.initialized = True
def main(): # Collect the user arguments and hyper parameters args, hyper_params = get_args_and_hyperparameters() np.set_printoptions(precision=8, suppress=True, edgeitems=6, threshold=2048) # setup the CPU or GPU backend be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) # load the training dataset. This will download the dataset from the web and cache it # locally for subsequent use. train_set = MultiscaleSampler( 'trainval', '2007', samples_per_img=hyper_params.samples_per_img, sample_height=224, path=args.data_dir, samples_per_batch=hyper_params.samples_per_batch, max_imgs=hyper_params.max_train_imgs, shuffle=hyper_params.shuffle) # create the model by replacing the classification layer of AlexNet with # new adaptation layers model, opt = create_model(args, hyper_params) # Seed the Alexnet conv layers with pre-trained weights if args.model_file is None and hyper_params.use_pre_trained_weights: load_imagenet_weights(model, args.data_dir) train(args, hyper_params, model, opt, train_set) # Load the test dataset. This will download the dataset from the web and cache it # locally for subsequent use. test_set = MultiscaleSampler( 'test', '2007', samples_per_img=hyper_params.samples_per_img, sample_height=224, path=args.data_dir, samples_per_batch=hyper_params.samples_per_batch, max_imgs=hyper_params.max_test_imgs, shuffle=hyper_params.shuffle) test(args, hyper_params, model, test_set) return
def main(): # Collect the user arguments and hyper parameters args, hyper_params = get_args_and_hyperparameters() np.set_printoptions( precision=8, suppress=True, edgeitems=6, threshold=2048) # setup the CPU or GPU backend be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) # load the training dataset. This will download the dataset from the web and cache it # locally for subsequent use. train_set = MultiscaleSampler('trainval', '2007', samples_per_img=hyper_params.samples_per_img, sample_height=224, path=args.data_dir, samples_per_batch=hyper_params.samples_per_batch, max_imgs = hyper_params.max_train_imgs, shuffle = hyper_params.shuffle) # create the model by replacing the classification layer of AlexNet with # new adaptation layers model, opt = create_model( args, hyper_params) # Seed the Alexnet conv layers with pre-trained weights if args.model_file is None and hyper_params.use_pre_trained_weights: load_imagenet_weights(model, args.data_dir) train( args, hyper_params, model, opt, train_set) # Load the test dataset. This will download the dataset from the web and cache it # locally for subsequent use. test_set = MultiscaleSampler('test', '2007', samples_per_img=hyper_params.samples_per_img, sample_height=224, path=args.data_dir, samples_per_batch=hyper_params.samples_per_batch, max_imgs = hyper_params.max_test_imgs, shuffle = hyper_params.shuffle) test( args, hyper_params, model, test_set) return
args = parser.parse_args() # hyperparameters hidden_size = 128 embedding_dim = 128 vocab_size = 20000 sentence_length = 128 batch_size = 32 gradient_limit = 5 clip_gradients = True num_epochs = args.epochs embedding_update = True # setup backend be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) # get the preprocessed and tokenized data fname_h5, fname_vocab = build_data_train(filepath=args.review_file, vocab_file=args.vocab_file, skip_headers=True) # play around with google-news word vectors for init if args.use_w2v: w2v_file = args.w2v vocab, rev_vocab = cPickle.load(open(fname_vocab, 'rb')) init_emb, embedding_dim, _ = get_google_word2vec_W(w2v_file, vocab, vocab_size=vocab_size, index_from=3) print "Done loading the Word2Vec vectors: embedding size - {}".format(embedding_dim) embedding_update = True else:
# through the data return_sequences = False # Note that when the time series has higher or lower frequency, it requires different amounts # of data to learn the temporal pattern, the sequence length and the batch size for the # training process also makes a difference on learning performance. seq_len = 30 npoints = 10 ncycles = 100 num_predict = 200 seed_seq_len = 30 # ================= Main neon script ==================== be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) # a file to save the trained model if args.save_path is None: args.save_path = 'timeseries.pkl' if args.callback_args['save_path'] is None: args.callback_args['save_path'] = args.save_path if args.callback_args['serialize'] is None: args.callback_args['serialize'] = 1 # create synthetic data as a whole series time_series = TimeSeries(npoints, ncycles=ncycles, curvetype=args.curvetype)
def main(): parser = NeonArgparser(__doc__) args = parser.parse_args(gen_be=False) #mat_data = sio.loadmat('../data/timeseries/02_timeseries.mat') #ts = V1TimeSeries(mat_data['timeseries'], mat_data['stim'], binning=10) seq_len = 30 hidden = 20 be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend)) kohn = KohnV1Dataset(path='../tmp/') kohn.gen_iterators(seq_len) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() train_spike_set = V1IteratorSequence(ts.train, seq_len, return_sequences=False) valid_spike_set = V1IteratorSequence(ts.test, seq_len, return_sequences=False) init = GlorotUniform() # dataset = MNIST(path=args.data_dir) # (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), nclass = dataset.load_data() # train_set = ArrayIterator([X_train, X_train], y_train, nclass=nclass, lshape=(1, 28, 28)) # valid_set = ArrayIterator([X_test, X_test], y_test, nclass=nclass, lshape=(1, 28, 28)) # # weight initialization # init_norm = Gaussian(loc=0.0, scale=0.01) # # initialize model # path1 = Sequential(layers=[Affine(nout=100, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()), # Affine(nout=100, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin())]) # path2 = Sequential(layers=[Affine(nout=100, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin()), # Affine(nout=100, init=init_norm, activation=Rectlin())]) # layers = [MergeMultistream(layers=[path1, path2], merge="stack"), # Affine(nout=10, init=init_norm, activation=Logistic(shortcut=True))] spike_rnn_path = Sequential( layers = [ LSTM(hidden, init, activation=Logistic(), gate_activation=Logistic(), reset_cells=False), Dropout(keep=0.5), LSTM(hidden, init, activation=Logistic(), gate_activation=Logistic(), reset_cells=False), #Dropout(keep=0.85), RecurrentLast(), Affine(train_set.nfeatures, init, bias=init, activation=Identity(), name='spike_in')]) stim_rnn_path = Sequential( layers = [ LSTM(hidden, init, activation=Logistic(), gate_activation=Logistic(), reset_cells=False), Dropout(keep=0.5), RecurrentLast(), Affine(1, init, bias=init, activation=Identity(), name='stim')]) layers = [ MergeMultiStream( layers = [ spike_rnn_path, stim_rnn_path], merge="stack"), Affine(train_set.nfeatures, init, bias=init, activation=Identity(), name='spike_out'), Round() ] model = Model(layers=layers) sched = ExpSchedule(decay=0.7) # cost = GeneralizedCost(SumSquared()) cost = GeneralizedCost(MeanSquared()) optimizer_two = RMSProp(stochastic_round=args.rounding) optimizer_one = GradientDescentMomentum(learning_rate=0.1, momentum_coef=0.9, schedule=sched) opt = MultiOptimizer({'default': optimizer_one, 'Bias': optimizer_two, 'special_linear': optimizer_two}) callbacks = Callbacks(model, eval_set=valid_set, **args.callback_args) callbacks.add_hist_callback(filter_key = ['W']) #callbacks.add_callback(MetricCallback(eval_set=valid_set, metric=FractionExplainedVariance(), epoch_freq=args.eval_freq)) #callbacks.add_callback(MetricCallback(eval_set=valid_set,metric=Accuracy(), epoch_freq=args.eval_freq)), optimizer=opt, num_epochs=args.epochs, cost=cost, callbacks=callbacks) train_output = model.get_outputs( train_set).reshape(-1, train_set.nfeatures) valid_output = model.get_outputs( valid_set).reshape(-1, valid_set.nfeatures) train_target = train_set.y_series valid_target = valid_set.y_series tfev = fev(train_output, train_target, train_set.mean) vfev = fev(valid_output, valid_target, valid_set.mean) neon_logger.display('Train FEV: %g, Valid FEV: %g' % (tfev, vfev)) # neon_logger.display('Train Mean: %g, Valid Mean: %g' % (train_set.mean, valid_set.mean)) plt.figure() plt.plot(train_output[:, 0], train_output[ :, 1], 'bo', label='prediction') plt.plot(train_target[:, 0], train_target[:, 1], 'r.', label='target') plt.legend() plt.title('Neon on training set') plt.savefig('neon_series_training_output.png') plt.figure() plt.plot(valid_output[:, 0], valid_output[ :, 1], 'bo', label='prediction') plt.plot(valid_target[:, 0], valid_target[:, 1], 'r.', label='target') plt.legend() plt.title('Neon on validation set') plt.savefig('neon_series_validation_output.png')
) parser.add_argument('--plot_log', action="store_true", help='Plot weights on log scale') parser.add_argument('--plot_save_path', type=str, default='', help='Path to save weight plots instead of displaying') # parse the command line arguments (generates the backend) args = parser.parse_args(gen_be=False) print('emneon / neon options:') print(args) # setup backend be_args = extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend) # mutiple gpus accessing the cache dir for autotuning winograd was causing crashes / reboots #be_args['cache_dir'] = tempfile.mkdtemp() # create temp dir be_args['deterministic'] = None # xxx - why was this set? be = gen_backend(**be_args) # xxx - this doesn't work, interrupt is caught by neon for saving the model which then raises KeyboardInterrupt #def signal_handler(signal, frame): # #print('You pressed Ctrl+C!') # shutil.rmtree(be_args['cache_dir']) # delete directory #signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # this function modified from cuda-convnets2 def make_filter_fig(filters, filter_start,
help='How many backend buffers to use, 1 for no double buffering (saves gpu memory, slower)') parser.add_argument('--plot_weight_layer', type=int, default=-1, help='Plot weights for specified layer (must specify model_file)') parser.add_argument('--plot_norm_per_filter', action="store_true", help='With plotting weights, normalize each filter over range') parser.add_argument('--plot_combine_chans', action="store_true", help='With plotting weights, make plot that combines first three channels into colors') parser.add_argument('--plot_log', action="store_true", help='Plot weights on log scale') parser.add_argument('--plot_save_path', type=str, default='', help='Path to save weight plots instead of displaying') # parse the command line arguments (generates the backend) args = parser.parse_args(gen_be=False) print('emneon / neon options:'); print(args) # setup backend be_args = extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend) # mutiple gpus accessing the cache dir for autotuning winograd was causing crashes / reboots #be_args['cache_dir'] = tempfile.mkdtemp() # create temp dir be_args['deterministic'] = None # xxx - why was this set? be = gen_backend(**be_args) # xxx - this doesn't work, interrupt is caught by neon for saving the model which then raises KeyboardInterrupt #def signal_handler(signal, frame): # #print('You pressed Ctrl+C!') # shutil.rmtree(be_args['cache_dir']) # delete directory #signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # this function modified from cuda-convnets2 def make_filter_fig(filters, filter_start, fignum, _title, num_filters, combine_chans, FILTERS_PER_ROW=None, plot_border=0.0): MAX_ROWS = 24