예제 #1
def getInfo(graph, vaccination_list):
    :param graph:
    :param vaccination_list:
    :return: list,[整个网络平均度,接种集合点的平均度,所有节点的品据聚类系数,接种集合点的平均聚类系数,所有点的平均k_shell,接种点的平均k-shell]
    info_list = []
    count_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes()
    count_degree = 0
    for i in nx.degree(graph).values():
        count_degree += i
    info_list.append(double(count_degree) / double(count_nodes))
    count_degree = 0
    count_clustering = 0.0
    for i in vaccination_list:
        count_degree += nx.degree(graph, i)
        count_clustering += nx.clustering(graph, i)
    info_list.append(double(count_degree) / double(len(vaccination_list)))
    info_list.append(double(count_clustering) / double(len(vaccination_list)))
    total = 0
    index = 0
    shell = 1
    while True:
        if 0 == nx.k_shell(graph, shell).number_of_nodes():
        total += nx.k_shell(graph, shell).number_of_nodes() * shell
        for j in vaccination_list:
            if j in nx.k_shell(graph, shell):
                index += shell
        shell += 1
    info_list.append(double(total) / double(count_nodes))
    info_list.append(double(index) / double(len(vaccination_list)))
    return info_list
예제 #2
 def getInfo(self):
     info_list = []
     count_nodes = self.graph.number_of_nodes()
     count_degree = 0
     for i in nx.degree(self.graph).values():
         count_degree += i
     info_list.append(double(count_degree) / double(count_nodes))
     count_degree = 0
     count_clustering = 0.0
     for i in self.vaccination_list:
         count_degree += nx.degree(self.graph, i)
         count_clustering += nx.clustering(self.graph, i)
         double(count_degree) / double(len(self.vaccination_list)))
         double(count_clustering) / double(len(self.vaccination_list)))
     total = 0
     index = 0
     shell = 1
     while True:
         if 0 == nx.k_shell(self.graph, shell).number_of_nodes():
         total += nx.k_shell(self.graph, shell).number_of_nodes() * shell
         for j in self.vaccination_list:
             if j in nx.k_shell(self.graph, shell):
                 index += shell
         shell += 1
     info_list.append(double(total) / double(count_nodes))
     info_list.append(double(index) / double(len(self.vaccination_list)))
     return info_list
예제 #3
 def test_k_shell(self):
     # k=0
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=2)
     assert_equal(sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [2, 4, 5, 6])
     # k=1
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=1)
     assert_equal(sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [1, 3])
     # k=2
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=0)
     assert_equal(sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [0])
예제 #4
 def test_k_shell(self):
     # k=0
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=2)
     assert_equal(sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [2, 4, 5, 6])
     # k=1
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=1)
     assert_equal(sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [1, 3])
     # k=2
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=0)
     assert_equal(sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [0])
예제 #5
 def test_k_shell(self):
     # k=0
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=2)
     assert sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()) == [2, 4, 5, 6]
     # k=1
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=1)
     assert sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()) == [1, 3]
     # k=2
     k_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H, k=0)
     assert sorted(k_shell_subgraph.nodes()) == [0]
예제 #6
def calculate_kshell(
    G, max_k
):  ####  k-shell decomposition   (i need to make a copy and remove the self-loops from that before i can proceed)

    G_for_kshell = nx.Graph(G.subgraph(G.nodes()))

    list_edges_to_remove = []
    for edge in G_for_kshell.edges():
        if edge[0] == edge[1]:

    for edge in list_edges_to_remove:
        G_for_kshell.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1])

    cont_zeros = 0
    for i in range(
    ):  # k_max is the absolute upper boundary for max kshell index
        kshell = nx.k_shell(
            G_for_kshell, k=i,
            core_number=None)  # it returns the k-shell subgraph
        size_shell = len(kshell)
        # print  "    ",i, size_shell, kshell.nodes()
        for node in kshell.nodes():
            G.node[node]["kshell"] = i

        if size_shell == 0:
            cont_zeros += 1
        if cont_zeros >= 7:  # to stop calculating shells after a few come back empty ones
def calculate_k_shell_node_num(s_parent_dir, file):
    r_list = []
    g = get_nw(s_parent_dir + file)
    max_num = max(nx.core_number(g).values())
    for k in range(max_num + 1):
        r_list.append(str(k) + "\t" + str(nx.k_shell(g, k).number_of_nodes()))
    del (r_list[0])
    return r_list
def calculate_K_Shell_measure(G,i):		#for coreness score
	global K_Shell_measure
	global DN
	while True:
		if len(temp)==0:
		for node in temp:
	for node in G.nodes():
		if node not in K_Shell_measure[i]:
예제 #9
def get_kshell_dict(g, df_feat):
     K-Core 是最大的实体组,所有实体都至少与组中的 k 个其他实体相连
     The k-shell is the subgraph of nodes in the k-core but not in the (k+1)-core
    MAX_KSHELL = 44
    df_temp = pd.DataFrame(data=g.nodes(), columns=["qid"])
    # 初始化k-shell为1
    df_temp['kshell'] = 1
    for k in range(2, MAX_KSHELL + 1):
        sk = nx.k_shell(g, k=k).nodes()
        df_temp.loc[df_temp.qid.isin(sk), "kshell"] = k

    return df_temp.kshell.to_dict()
def calculate_K_Shell_measure(G, i):  #for coreness score
    global K_Shell_measure
    global DN
    ks = 1
    for j in range(len(nodes)):
        temp = nx.k_shell(G, j + 1).nodes()
        #		if len(temp)==0:
        #			break
        for node in temp:
            K_Shell_measure[i][node] = j + 1
            ks = j + 1
    for node in G.nodes():
        if node not in K_Shell_measure[i]:
            K_Shell_measure[i][node] = 0
def getData(network):
    nodes = network.nodes()
    degree = np.array([nx.degree(network)[x] for x in nodes])
    bc = np.array([nx.betweenness_centrality(network)[x] for x in nodes])
    closeness = np.array([nx.closeness_centrality(network)[x] for x in nodes])
    strength = np.array(
        [nx.degree(network, nodes, weight="weight")[x] for x in nodes])
    cc = np.array([nx.clustering(network, nodes)[x] for x in nodes])
    kshell = nx.degree(network)
    for k in range(1, max(degree) + 1):
        curShell = nx.k_shell(network, k)
        for i in range(0, len(curShell)):
            kshell[curShell.nodes()[i]] = k
    kshell = np.array([kshell[x] for x in nodes])
    return kshell, cc, degree, strength, bc, closeness
예제 #12
def getShellConnectedComponents(graph, cnumber, candidates=None):
    nodes = {}
    if candidates is None:
        cvals = list(set(cnumber.values()))
        cvals = list(set(cnumber[u] for u in candidates))

    for c in cvals:
        sg = nx.k_shell(graph, c, cnumber)
        cc = nx.connected_components(sg)
        for c in cc:
            for u in c:
                nodes[u] = c

    return nodes
def  calculate_kshell(G, max_k): ####  k-shell decomposition   
    #G_for_kshell = remove_self_loops(G)   # there shouldnt be any self loops already

    for node in G.nodes():

    for i in range(max_k):   # k_max is the absolute upper boundary for max kshell index
        kshell= nx.k_shell(G, k=i, core_number=None)  # it returns the k-shell subgraph
           # print  "    ",i, size_shell, kshell.nodes()
        for node in kshell.nodes():

        if size_shell==0:
            cont_zeros +=1       
        if cont_zeros >=7:  # to stop calculating shells after a few ones come back empty 
예제 #14
a) Number of nodes in the k-corona where k is the max k-val (main core kval)
print("\nNumber of nodes in the k-corona: " +
      str(len(nx.k_corona(G, k=maxKValue).nodes())))
coronaGraph = nx.Graph()
coronaEdges = nx.k_corona(G, k=maxKValue).edges()
for edge in coronaEdges():
    coronaGraph.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])

Step 6 output:
a) Number of nodes in the main shell
mainShell = nx.k_shell(G).nodes()
mainShellEdges = nx.k_shell(G).edges()
print("\nNumber of nodes in main shell: " + str(len(mainShell)))

#Create subgraph that contains just the main shell
mainShellGraph = nx.Graph()
for edge in mainShellEdges:
    mainShellGraph.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
Step 7 output:
a) Display graph with red main core and blue main crust, no labels
crustNodes = nx.k_crust(G).nodes()
coreNodes = mainCore
예제 #15
 def test_main_shell(self):
     main_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H)
     assert_equal(sorted(main_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [2, 4, 5, 6])
예제 #16
def main():
    #Reading in the graph
    G = nx.read_edgelist("GameOfThrones.txt",
                         data=(('strength', int), ('season', int)))

    #Displaying the graph
    pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, with_labels=True)

    #Outputting info

    #Outputting highest degree node name & degree
    nodes = list(G.degree())
    print("\nHighest degree node is:", nodes[0][0], "with degree", nodes[0][1])

    #Outputting num of connected components
    print("\nNumber of connected components:",

    #Outputting the num of maximal cliques
    print("\nNumber of maximal cliques:", len(list(nx.find_cliques(G))))

    #Outputting num of nodes in main core and k val
    core_num = list(nx.k_core(G).nodes())
    for x in range(len(core_num)):
        if core_num == list(nx.k_core(G, k=x)):
            k_val = x
    print("\nNumber of nodes in main core:", len(core_num), "with k val:",

    #Outputting num of nodes in main crust
    print("\nNumber of nodes in main crust:", len(list(nx.k_crust(G).nodes())))

    #Output num of nodes in the k corona
    print("\nNumber of nodes in k corona:",
          len(list(nx.k_corona(G, k=k_val).nodes())))

    #Output num of nodes in main shell
    print("\nNumber of nodes in main shell:", len(list(nx.k_shell(G).nodes())))

    #Display graph, main core - red, main crust - blue
    color_map = []
    for node in G:
        if node in list(nx.k_core(G).nodes()):
        elif node in list(nx.k_crust(G).nodes()):
    nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=pos, node_color=color_map, with_labels=False)

    #Louvain Method, output num of communities, size or largest commnunity, size of smallest community, modularity of partition
    partition = community.best_partition(G)
    com_num = partition[max(partition, key=partition.get)]
    print("\nLouvain Method:")
    print("Number of communities:", com_num + 1)
    count = []
    comm_list = list(partition.values())
    for x in range(com_num):
    print("The largest community has count:", max(count))
    print("The smallest community has count:", min(count))
    print("The modularity of this partitioning:",
          community.modularity(partition, G))

    #Display graph using Louvain, with nodes in diff colors per partition
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('viridis', max(partition.values()) + 1)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, alpha=0.5)

    #Girvan-Newman Method, output num of communities, size or largest commnunity, size of smallest community, modularity of partition
    print("\nGirvan-Newman Method:")
    components = c.girvan_newman(G)
    i = 0
    for row in components:
        if (i == 0):
            finalResult = row
        i = i + 1
    partitions = dict()
    L = list(finalResult)
    p = 0
    for comp in L:
        for entry in comp:
            partitions[entry] = p
        p = p + 1
    com_num = partitions[max(partitions, key=partitions.get)]
    print("Number of communities:", com_num + 1)
    count = []
    comm_list = list(partition.values())
    for x in range(com_num):
    print("The largest community has count:", max(count))
    print("The smallest community has count:", min(count))
    print("The modularity of this partitioning:",
          community.modularity(partitions, G))

    #Display graph using Girvan-Newman, with nodes in diff colors per partition
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('viridis', max(partitions.values()) + 1)
def main():

    initial_period = 1
    final_period = 250

    filename3 = "../Results/Time_evol_network_metrics_monthly___.dat"
    file3 = open(filename3, 'wt')

    #header:  period N L GC avg_degree std_degree max_k avg_pos_w std_pos_w avg_neg_w std_neg_w max_pos_w min_pos_w max_neg_w min_neg_w
    ##           1     2 3  4  5            6         7    8          9        10         11       12        13         14        15
    #    max_shell  avg_shortest_path max_clique avg_betweenness std_betweenness
    #       16        17               18              19           20

    list_network_month_files = []
    period = initial_period
    while period <= final_period:

            "../Results/Supply_network_slicing_monthly_period_" + str(period) +
        period += 1


    ########## i read input pickle network
    for filename in list_network_month_files:
        G = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))

        if len(G.nodes()) > 1:
            print "\n\nloaded pickle file for the network:", filename

                period = filename.split("period_")[1].split(
            except IndexError:
                period = filename.split("Supply_network_")[1].split(

        # print G.nodes(data=True)

            N = len(G.nodes())
            L = len(G.edges())

            GC = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G)[0]

            print "period", period
            print "  N:", N, "L:", L, "GC:", len(GC.nodes())

            ####### degree
            print "degrees:"

            list_k = []
            for node in G.nodes():

            avg_degree = numpy.mean(list_k)
            std_degree = numpy.std(list_k)

            print "  <k>:", avg_degree, "+/-", std_degree

            path_name_h = "../Results/degree_distribution_period" + str(
                period) + ".dat"
            histograma_gral.histogram(list_k, path_name_h)

            max_k = max(list_k)
            print "  max_k:", max_k

            ######### weights
            print "weights:"

            list_pos_w = []
            list_neg_w = []
            for edge in G.edges():
                list_neg_w.append(-1. *

            avg_pos_w = numpy.mean(list_pos_w)
            std_pos_w = numpy.std(list_pos_w)

            print "  pos. weight:", avg_pos_w, "+/-", std_pos_w
            #        print >> file3, numpy.mean(list_pos_w), numpy.std(list_pos_w),

            avg_neg_w = numpy.mean(list_neg_w)
            std_neg_w = numpy.std(list_neg_w)

            print "  neg. weight:", numpy.mean(list_neg_w), "+/-", numpy.std(

            path_name_h = "../Results/weight_pos_trans_distribution_period" + str(
                period) + ".dat"
            histograma_gral.histogram(list_pos_w, path_name_h)

            path_name_h = "../Results/weight_neg_trans_distribution_period" + str(
                period) + ".dat"
            histograma_gral.histogram(list_neg_w, path_name_h)

            max_pos_w = max(list_pos_w)
            min_pos_w = min(list_pos_w)

            max_neg_w = max(list_neg_w)
            min_neg_w = min(list_neg_w)

            print "  max_pos_w:", max_pos_w, "    min_pos_w:", min_pos_w
            print "  max_neg_w:", -1. * max_neg_w, "    min_neg_w:", -1. * min_neg_w

            #########  k-shell decomposition
            print "k-shell structure:"

            # i need to make a copy and remove the self-loops from that before i can proceed
            G_for_kshell = nx.Graph(G.subgraph(G.nodes()))

            list_edges_to_remove = []
            for edge in G_for_kshell.edges():
                if edge[0] == edge[1]:

            for edge in list_edges_to_remove:
                G_for_kshell.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1])

            max_shell = 0
            cont_zeros = 0
            for i in range(max_k):
                size_shell = len(
                    nx.k_shell(G_for_kshell, k=i, core_number=None))
                print "  ", i, size_shell

                if size_shell == 0:
                    cont_zeros += 1
                    max_shell = i
                if cont_zeros >= 10:


            print "max shell:", max_shell

            #########  connected components
            print "connected components:"
            max_con_comp = 0
            list_sizes = []
            for item in sorted(nx.connected_components(G),
                size = len(item)
                if size > max_con_comp:
                    max_con_comp = size

            # print "list sizes of connected components:",list_sizes
            path_name_h = "../Results/connected_components_distribution_period" + str(
                period) + ".dat"
            histograma_gral.histogram(list_sizes, path_name_h)

            ##########  avg. path lenght
            avg_shortest_path = nx.average_shortest_path_length(GC)
            print "average shortest path within GC:", avg_shortest_path

            ########  max. clique size
            absolute_max = 1
            for i in G.nodes():

                maximo = 1
                list2 = nx.cliques_containing_node(G, i)
                # print i, list2

                for elem in list2:
                    # print elem,len(elem,)
                    if len(elem) > maximo:
                        maximo = len(elem)
                        # print "\n",maximo
                G.node[i]['max_clique_size'] = maximo

                if absolute_max < maximo:
                    absolute_max = maximo

            lista = list(nx.find_cliques(
                G))  # crea una lista de cliques (lista de listas)
            max_clique = nx.graph_clique_number(G)  #finds out max size clique
            num_tot_clique = nx.graph_number_of_cliques(
                G)  #finds out total number of cliques

            print "max. clique size:", max_clique

            print "calculating betweenness centrality..."
            #for item in  nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=None, normalized=True, weight=None, endpoints=False, seed=None):
            dict_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G,

            list_betweenness = []
            for node in G.nodes():
                betw = dict_betweenness[node]

            avg_betweenness = numpy.mean(list_betweenness)
            std_betweenness = numpy.std(list_betweenness)

            print "avg centrality:", avg_betweenness, std_betweenness

            path_name_h = "../Results/betweenness_distribution_period" + str(
                period) + ".dat"
            histograma_bines_gral.histograma_bins_norm(list_betweenness, 10,


            file3 = open(filename3, 'at')
            print >> file3, period, N, L, len(
            ), avg_degree, std_degree, max_k, avg_pos_w, std_pos_w, -1. * avg_neg_w, std_neg_w, max_pos_w, min_pos_w, -1. * max_neg_w, -1. * min_neg_w, max_shell, avg_shortest_path, max_clique, avg_betweenness, std_betweenness

    print "written:", filename3
예제 #18
def main():

    ####### time window i am currently looking at
    initial_year = 85
    final_year = 95

    list_network_year_files = []
    y = initial_year
    while y <= final_year:

        list_network_year_files.append("../Results/Supply_network_year_" +
                                       str(y) + ".pickle")
        y += 1


    ########## i read input pickle network

    for filename in list_network_year_files:
        G = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
        print "\n\nloaded pickle file for the network:", filename

            y = filename.split("year_")[1].split(".pickle")[0]
        except IndexError:
            y = filename.split("network_")[1].split(".pickle")[0]

        N = len(G.nodes())
        L = len(G.edges())
        print "N:", N, "L:", L

        ####### degree
        print "degrees:"

        list_k = []
        for node in G.nodes():

        print "    <k>:", numpy.mean(list_k), "+/-", numpy.std(list_k)

        path_name_h = "../Results/degree_distribution_y" + str(y) + ".dat"
        histograma_gral.histogram(list_k, path_name_h)

        max_k = max(list_k)
        print "    max_k:", max_k

        ######### weights
        print "weights:"

        list_w = []
        for edge in G.edges():

        print "    w:", numpy.mean(list_w), "+/-", numpy.std(list_w)

        # histograma_gral.histogram(list_w, path_name_h)

        max_w = max(list_w)
        min_w = min(list_w)

        print "    max_w:", max_w, "    min_w:", min_w

        #########  k-shell decomposition
        print "k-shell structure:"

        # i need to make a copy and remove the self-loops from that before i can proceed
        G_for_kshell = nx.Graph(G.subgraph(G.nodes()))

        list_edges_to_remove = []
        for edge in G_for_kshell.edges():
            if edge[0] == edge[1]:

        for edge in list_edges_to_remove:
            G_for_kshell.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1])

        cont_zeros = 0
        for i in range(max_k):
            size_shell = len(nx.k_shell(G_for_kshell, k=i, core_number=None))
            print "    ", i, size_shell

            if size_shell == 0:
                cont_zeros += 1

            if cont_zeros >= 10:

        ######### connected components
        print "connected components:"
        list_sizes = []
        for item in sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True):

        # print "list sizes of connected components:",list_sizes
        path_name_h = "../Results/connected_components_distribution_y" + str(
            y) + ".dat"
        histograma_gral.histogram(list_sizes, path_name_h)



    print "calculating betweenness centrality..."
    #for item in  nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=None, normalized=True, weight=None, endpoints=False, seed=None):
    dict_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G,

    list_betweenness = []
    for node in G.nodes():
        betw = dict_betweenness[node]

    print "avg centrality:", numpy.mean(list_betweenness)

    path_name_h = "../Results/betweenness_distribution" + file_info + "_" + name + ".dat"
    histograma_bines_gral.histograma_bins_norm(list_betweenness, 10,

    ##### for comparison with ER and SF, same size
    print "\n\nk-shell structure of the BA synthetic with:"
    p = 2. * L / (N * N * (N - 1))
    m = 2  #int(L/(N*(N-1)))+1
    print "p:", p, " m:", m, "\n"
    graph = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N,
                                     m)  #ER_graph=nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, p)

    #########  k-shell decomposition
    cont_zeros = 0
    for i in range(max_k):
        size_shell = len(nx.k_shell(graph, k=i, core_number=None))
        print i, size_shell

        if size_shell == 0:
            cont_zeros += 1

        if cont_zeros >= 10:

    ######## I separate into subgraphs for drs with mostly controlled or uncontrolled patients ### to create subgraph :   H = G.subgraph([0,1,2])

    G_high_ratio = nx.Graph(
    )  # this way i make sure their attributes are indepented from the original!!!!
    G_low_ratio = nx.Graph(G.subgraph(list_low_rate_drs))

    print "Subgraphs:"

    gml_filename = "../Results/Physician_referral_network_by_dr_rates_HIGH_dates_" + str(
        initial_date).split(" ")[0] + "_to_" + str(final_date).split(
            " ")[0] + "_" + num_lines + "lines.gml"
    nx.write_gml(G_high_ratio, gml_filename)
    print "   written:", gml_filename
    print "   high ratio:  N:", len(G_high_ratio.nodes()), " L:", len(

    filename_network_pickle = "../Results/Physician_referral_network_by_dr_rates_HIGH_dates_" + str(
        initial_date).split(" ")[0] + "_to_" + str(final_date).split(
            " ")[0] + "_" + num_lines + "lines.pickle"
    pickle.dump(G_high_ratio, open(filename_network_pickle, 'wb'))
    print "   written", filename_network_pickle

    gml_filename = "../Results/Physician_referral_network_by_dr_rates_LOW_dates_" + str(
        initial_date).split(" ")[0] + "_to_" + str(final_date).split(
            " ")[0] + "_" + num_lines + "lines.gml"
    nx.write_gml(G_low_ratio, gml_filename)
    print "   written:", gml_filename
    print "   low ratio:  N:", len(G_low_ratio.nodes()), " L:", len(

    filename_network_pickle = "../Results/Physician_referral_network_by_dr_rates_LOW_dates_" + str(
        initial_date).split(" ")[0] + "_to_" + str(final_date).split(
            " ")[0] + "_" + num_lines + "lines.pickle"
    pickle.dump(G_low_ratio, open(filename_network_pickle, 'wb'))
    print "   written", filename_network_pickle
예제 #19





list(nx.k_shell(network1, k=1))

list(nx.k_shell(network1, k=2))

list(nx.k_shell(network1, k=3))

# community detection
# python setup.py install
# cmd: pip install -U python-louvain
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import community
N = 16
예제 #20
# layout = g.layout('kk')
ig.plot(g, target=fig_name, layout=layout, vertex_size=7, vertex_color='gray', vertex_label_size=10, vertex_label_dist=2, mark_groups=group_markers) #vertex_label=None

print 'ΟΡΙΣΜΟΣ: Το k-κέλυφος είναι ο υπογράφος των κόμβων του k-πυρήνα που δεν περιέχονται στον (k+1)-πυρήνα.'
# print 'DEFINITION: The k-shell is the subgraph of nodes in the k-core but not in the (k+1)-core.'
print str(" ")

for i in set(degree_sequence):
    if len(nx.k_shell(G,k=i).nodes()) > 0:
    # print "i =", i
        print 'Οι κόμβοι του', str(i)+'-κελύφους:'
        # print 'The nodes of the', str(i)+'-shell:'
        print ksGi.nodes()
        # print 'Οι ακμές του', str(i)+'-κελύφους:'
        # # print 'The edges of the k-shell of G are:'
        # print ksGi.edges()
        # print 'Η ακολουθία βαθμών των κόμβων του', str(i)+'-κελύφους:'
        # # print 'The degree sequence of the nodes of the', str(i)+'-shell:'
        # print list(nx.degree(ksGi).values())
        # # # print 'The order of the main k-shell of G is:'
        # # # print 'k =', min(list(nx.degree(ksGi).values()))
        print str(" ")
예제 #21
 def test_main_shell(self):
     main_shell_subgraph = nx.k_shell(self.H)
     assert_equal(sorted(main_shell_subgraph.nodes()), [2, 4, 5, 6])
예제 #22
import networkx as nx
import plot_multigraph
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

n = 80
k = int(.2 * n)
p = 10. / n
G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, seed=42)

def set_to_list(set_, G):
  return [1. * (k in set_) for k in G.nodes()]

graph_colors = [
  ("center", set_to_list(nx.center(G), G)),
  ("periphery", set_to_list(nx.periphery(G), G)),
  ("k_core", set_to_list(nx.k_core(G), G)),
  ("k_shell", set_to_list(nx.k_shell(G), G)),
  ("k_crust", set_to_list(nx.k_crust(G), G)),
  ("k_corona", set_to_list(nx.k_corona(G, k), G)),

fig = plot_multigraph.plot_color_multigraph(G, graph_colors, 2, 3, node_size=50)
plt.savefig('graphs/sets.png', facecolor=fig.get_facecolor())
예제 #23
# https://networkx.github.io/documentation/networkx-2.0/auto_examples/graph/plot_karate_club.html
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

G = nx.karate_club_graph()
print("Node Degree")
for v in G:
    print('%s %s' % (v, G.degree(v)))

nx.draw_circular(G, with_labels=True)

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import community

G = nx.karate_club_graph()
partition = community.best_partition(G)
print("Louvain Modularity: ", community.modularity(partition, G))

preds = nx.jaccard_coefficient(G)
for u, v, p in preds:
    print('(%d, %d) -> %.8f' % (u, v, p))

list(nx.k_shell(G, k = 2))
예제 #24
def compute_summaries(G):
    """ Compute network features, computational times and their nature.
    Evaluate 54 summary statistics of a network G, plus 4 noise variables,
    store the computational time to evaluate each summary statistic, and keep
    track of their nature (discrete or not).
            G (networkx.classes.graph.Graph):
                an undirected networkx graph.
            resDicts (tuple): 
                a tuple containing the elements:
                - dictSums (dict): a dictionary with the name of the summaries
                as keys and the summary statistic values as values;
                - dictTimes (dict): a dictionary with the name of the summaries
                as keys and the time to compute each one as values;
                - dictIsDist (dict): a dictionary indicating if the summary is 
                discrete (True) or not (False).

    dictSums = dict()  # Will store the summary statistic values
    dictTimes = dict()  # Will store the evaluation times
    dictIsDisc = dict()  # Will store the summary statistic nature

    # Extract the largest connected component
    Gcc = sorted(nx.connected_components(G), key=len, reverse=True)
    G_lcc = G.subgraph(Gcc[0])

    # Number of edges
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_edges"] = G.number_of_edges()
    dictTimes["num_edges"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_edges"] = True

    # Number of connected components
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_of_CC"] = nx.number_connected_components(G)
    dictTimes["num_of_CC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_of_CC"] = True

    # Number of nodes in the largest connected component
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_nodes_LCC"] = nx.number_of_nodes(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["num_nodes_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_nodes_LCC"] = True

    # Number of edges in the largest connected component
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_edges_LCC"] = G_lcc.number_of_edges()
    dictTimes["num_edges_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_edges_LCC"] = True

    # Diameter of the largest connected component
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["diameter_LCC"] = nx.diameter(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["diameter_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["diameter_LCC"] = True

    # Average geodesic distance (shortest path length in the LCC)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_geodesic_dist_LCC"] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["avg_geodesic_dist_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_geodesic_dist_LCC"] = False

    # Average degree of the neighborhood of each node
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_deg_connectivity"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["avg_deg_connectivity"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_deg_connectivity"] = False

    # Average degree of the neighbors of each node in the LCC
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_deg_connectivity_LCC"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["avg_deg_connectivity_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_deg_connectivity_LCC"] = False

    # Recover the degree distribution
    start_degree_extract = time.time()
    degree_vals = list(dict(G.degree()).values())
    degree_extract_time = time.time() - start_degree_extract

    # Entropy of the degree distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_entropy"] = ss.entropy(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_entropy"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_entropy"] = False

    # Maximum degree
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_max"] = max(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_max"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_max"] = True

    # Average degree
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_mean"] = np.mean(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_mean"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_mean"] = False

    # Median degree
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_median"] = np.median(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_median"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_median"] = False

    # Standard deviation of the degree distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_std"] = np.std(degree_vals)
    dictTimes["degree_std"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_std"] = False

    # Quantile 25%
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_q025"] = np.quantile(degree_vals, 0.25)
    dictTimes["degree_q025"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_q025"] = False

    # Quantile 75%
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["degree_q075"] = np.quantile(degree_vals, 0.75)
    dictTimes["degree_q075"] = time.time() - start + degree_extract_time
    dictIsDisc["degree_q075"] = False

    # Average geodesic distance
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_shortest_path_length_LCC"] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(
    dictTimes["avg_shortest_path_length_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_shortest_path_length_LCC"] = False

    # Average global efficiency:
    # The efficiency of a pair of nodes in a graph is the multiplicative
    # inverse of the shortest path distance between the nodes.
    # The average global efficiency of a graph is the average efficiency of
    # all pairs of nodes.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_global_efficiency"] = nx.global_efficiency(G)
    dictTimes["avg_global_efficiency"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_global_efficiency"] = False

    # Harmonic mean which is 1/avg_global_efficiency
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["harmonic_mean"] = nx.global_efficiency(G)
    dictTimes["harmonic_mean"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["harmonic_mean"] = False

    # Average local efficiency
    # The local efficiency of a node in the graph is the average global
    # efficiency of the subgraph induced by the neighbors of the node.
    # The average local efficiency is the average of the
    # local efficiencies of each node.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_local_efficiency_LCC"] = nx.local_efficiency(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["avg_local_efficiency_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_local_efficiency_LCC"] = False

    # Node connectivity
    # The node connectivity is equal to the minimum number of nodes that
    # must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial.
    # Only on the largest connected component here.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["node_connectivity_LCC"] = nx.node_connectivity(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["node_connectivity_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["node_connectivity_LCC"] = True

    # Edge connectivity
    # The edge connectivity is equal to the minimum number of edges that
    # must be removed to disconnect G or render it trivial.
    # Only on the largest connected component here.
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["edge_connectivity_LCC"] = nx.edge_connectivity(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["edge_connectivity_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["edge_connectivity_LCC"] = True

    # Graph transitivity
    # 3*times the number of triangles divided by the number of triades
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["transitivity"] = nx.transitivity(G)
    dictTimes["transitivity"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["transitivity"] = False

    # Number of triangles
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_triangles"] = np.sum(list(nx.triangles(G).values())) / 3
    dictTimes["num_triangles"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_triangles"] = True

    # Estimate of the average clustering coefficient of G:
    # Average local clustering coefficient, with local clustering coefficient
    # defined as C_i = (nbr of pairs of neighbors of i that are connected)/(nbr of pairs of neighbors of i)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_clustering_coef"] = nx.average_clustering(G)
    dictTimes["avg_clustering_coef"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_clustering_coef"] = False

    # Square clustering (averaged over nodes):
    # the fraction of possible squares that exist at the node.

    # We average it over nodes
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["square_clustering_mean"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["square_clustering_mean"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["square_clustering_mean"] = False

    # We compute the median
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["square_clustering_median"] = np.median(
    dictTimes["square_clustering_median"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["square_clustering_median"] = False

    # We compute the standard deviation
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["square_clustering_std"] = np.std(
    dictTimes["square_clustering_std"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["square_clustering_std"] = False

    # Number of 2-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_2cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=2))
    dictTimes["num_2cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_2cores"] = True

    # Number of 3-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_3cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=3))
    dictTimes["num_3cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_3cores"] = True

    # Number of 4-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_4cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=4))
    dictTimes["num_4cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_4cores"] = True

    # Number of 5-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_5cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=5))
    dictTimes["num_5cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_5cores"] = True

    # Number of 6-cores
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_6cores"] = len(nx.k_core(G, k=6))
    dictTimes["num_6cores"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_6cores"] = True

    # Number of k-shells
    # The k-shell is the subgraph induced by nodes with core number k.
    # That is, nodes in the k-core that are not in the k+1-core

    # Number of 2-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_2shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 2))
    dictTimes["num_2shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_2shells"] = True

    # Number of 3-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_3shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 3))
    dictTimes["num_3shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_3shells"] = True

    # Number of 4-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_4shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 4))
    dictTimes["num_4shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_4shells"] = True

    # Number of 5-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_5shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 5))
    dictTimes["num_5shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_5shells"] = True

    # Number of 6-shells
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["num_6shells"] = len(nx.k_shell(G, 6))
    dictTimes["num_6shells"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["num_6shells"] = True

    start = time.time()
    listOfCliques = list(nx.enumerate_all_cliques(G))
    enum_all_cliques_time = time.time() - start

    # Number of 4-cliques
    start = time.time()
    n4Clique = 0
    for li in listOfCliques:
        if len(li) == 4:
            n4Clique += 1
    dictSums["num_4cliques"] = n4Clique
    dictTimes["num_4cliques"] = time.time() - start + enum_all_cliques_time
    dictIsDisc["num_4cliques"] = True

    # Number of 5-cliques
    start = time.time()
    n5Clique = 0
    for li in listOfCliques:
        if len(li) == 5:
            n5Clique += 1
    dictSums["num_5cliques"] = n5Clique
    dictTimes["num_5cliques"] = time.time() - start + enum_all_cliques_time
    dictIsDisc["num_5cliques"] = True

    # Maximal size of a clique in the graph
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["max_clique_size"] = len(approximation.clique.max_clique(G))
    dictTimes["max_clique_size"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["max_clique_size"] = True

    # Approximated size of a large clique in the graph
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["large_clique_size"] = approximation.large_clique_size(G)
    dictTimes["large_clique_size"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["large_clique_size"] = True

    # Number of shortest path of size k
    start = time.time()
    listOfPLength = list(nx.shortest_path_length(G))
    path_length_time = time.time() - start

    # when k = 3
    start = time.time()
    n3Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n3Paths += tmp.count(3)
    dictSums["num_shortest_3paths"] = n3Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_3paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_3paths"] = True

    # when k = 4
    start = time.time()
    n4Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n4Paths += tmp.count(4)
    dictSums["num_shortest_4paths"] = n4Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_4paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_4paths"] = True

    # when k = 5
    start = time.time()
    n5Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n5Paths += tmp.count(5)
    dictSums["num_shortest_5paths"] = n5Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_5paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_5paths"] = True

    # when k = 6
    start = time.time()
    n6Paths = 0
    for node in G.nodes():
        tmp = list(listOfPLength[node][1].values())
        n6Paths += tmp.count(6)
    dictSums["num_shortest_6paths"] = n6Paths / 2
    dictTimes["num_shortest_6paths"] = time.time() - start + path_length_time
    dictIsDisc["num_shortest_6paths"] = True

    # Size of the minimum (weight) node dominating set:
    # A subset of nodes where each node not in the subset has for direct
    # neighbor a node of the dominating set.
    start = time.time()
    T = approximation.min_weighted_dominating_set(G)
    dictSums["size_min_node_dom_set"] = len(T)
    dictTimes["size_min_node_dom_set"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["size_min_node_dom_set"] = True

    # Idem but with the edge dominating set
    start = time.time()
    T = approximation.min_edge_dominating_set(G)
    dictSums["size_min_edge_dom_set"] = 2 * len(
        T)  # times 2 to have a number of nodes
    dictTimes["size_min_edge_dom_set"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["size_min_edge_dom_set"] = True

    # The Wiener index of a graph is the sum of the shortest-path distances
    # between each pair of reachable nodes. For pairs of nodes in undirected graphs,
    # only one orientation of the pair is counted.
    # (On LCC otherwise inf)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["wiener_index_LCC"] = nx.wiener_index(G_lcc)
    dictTimes["wiener_index_LCC"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["wiener_index_LCC"] = True

    # Betweenness node centrality (averaged over nodes):
    # at node u it is defined as B_u = sum_i,j sigma(i,u,j)/sigma(i,j)
    # where sigma is the number of shortest path between i and j going through u or not

    start = time.time()
    betweenness = list(nx.betweenness_centrality(G).values())
    time_betweenness = time.time() - start

    # Averaged across nodes
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["betweenness_centrality_mean"] = np.mean(betweenness)
    dictTimes["betweenness_centrality_mean"] = time.time(
    ) - start + time_betweenness
    dictIsDisc["betweenness_centrality_mean"] = False

    # Maximum across nodes
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["betweenness_centrality_max"] = max(betweenness)
    dictTimes["betweenness_centrality_max"] = time.time(
    ) - start + time_betweenness
    dictIsDisc["betweenness_centrality_max"] = False

    # Central point dominance
    # CPD = sum_u(B_max - B_u)/(N-1)
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["central_point_dominance"] = sum(
        max(betweenness) - np.array(betweenness)) / (len(betweenness) - 1)
    dictTimes["central_point_dominance"] = time.time(
    ) - start + time_betweenness
    dictIsDisc["central_point_dominance"] = False

    # Estrata index : sum_i^n exp(lambda_i)
    # with n the number of nodes, lamda_i the i-th eigen value of the adjacency matrix of G
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["Estrata_index"] = nx.estrada_index(G)
    dictTimes["Estrata_index"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["Estrata_index"] = False

    # Eigenvector centrality
    # For each node, it is the average eigenvalue centrality of its neighbors,
    # where centrality of node i is taken as the i-th coordinate of x
    # such that Ax = lambda*x (for the maximal eigen value)

    # Averaged
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["avg_eigenvec_centrality"] = np.mean(
    dictTimes["avg_eigenvec_centrality"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["avg_eigenvec_centrality"] = False

    # Maximum
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["max_eigenvec_centrality"] = max(
    dictTimes["max_eigenvec_centrality"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["max_eigenvec_centrality"] = False

    ### Noise generation ###

    # Noise simulated from a Normal(0,1) distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_Gauss"] = ss.norm.rvs(0, 1)
    dictTimes["noise_Gauss"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_Gauss"] = False

    # Noise simulated from a Uniform distribution [0-50]
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_Unif"] = ss.uniform.rvs(0, 50)
    dictTimes["noise_Unif"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_Unif"] = False

    # Noise simulated from a Bernoulli B(0.5) distribution
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_Bern"] = ss.bernoulli.rvs(0.5)
    dictTimes["noise_Bern"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_Bern"] = True

    # Noise simulated from a discrete uniform distribution [0,50[
    start = time.time()
    dictSums["noise_disc_Unif"] = ss.randint.rvs(0, 50)
    dictTimes["noise_disc_Unif"] = time.time() - start
    dictIsDisc["noise_disc_Unif"] = True

    resDicts = (dictSums, dictTimes, dictIsDisc)

    return resDicts
def cal_all_k_shells(g):
    max_num = max(nx.core_number(g).values())
    for k in range(max_num + 1):
        print(k, end="\t")
        print(nx.k_shell(g, k).number_of_nodes())
예제 #26
        mark_groups=group_markers)  #vertex_label=None

print 'ΟΡΙΣΜΟΣ: Το k-κέλυφος είναι ο υπογράφος των κόμβων του k-πυρήνα που δεν περιέχονται στον (k+1)-πυρήνα.'
# print 'DEFINITION: The k-shell is the subgraph of nodes in the k-core but not in the (k+1)-core.'
print str(" ")

kshells = []
for i in set(degree_sequence):
    if len(nx.k_shell(G, k=i).nodes()) > 0:
        # print "i =", i
        ksGi = nx.k_shell(G, k=i)
        print 'Οι κόμβοι του', str(i) + '-κελύφους:'
        # print 'The nodes of the', str(i)+'-shell:'
        print ksGi.nodes()
        # print 'Οι ακμές του', str(i)+'-κελύφους:'
        # # print 'The edges of the k-shell of G are:'
        # print ksGi.edges()
        # print 'Η ακολουθία βαθμών των κόμβων του', str(i)+'-κελύφους:'
        # # print 'The degree sequence of the nodes of the', str(i)+'-shell:'
        # print list(nx.degree(ksGi).values())
        # # # print 'The order of the main k-shell of G is:'
        # # # print 'k =', min(list(nx.degree(ksGi).values()))
        print str(" ")
예제 #27
def get_link_measures(net):
    Compute weights and edges betweenness centralities

    :param net:  network
    :return: w: list of weights
             eb: list of edge betweeenness centralities
    w, eb, eb_w, eb_w2, eb_pr, eb_cl, eb_ev, eb_s = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

    # Edge weight and unweighted betweenness centrality
    edges = net.edges(data=True)
    betweenness_centr = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(net, normalized=True)
    for e in edges:
        eb.append(betweenness_centr[(e[0], e[1])])

    # Create a copy of the graph with inverse weights, square root is used to reduce the impact of high weights
    net1 = net.copy()
    edges1 = net1.edges(data=True)

    for e in edges1:
        w_e = e[2]['weight']
        net1[e[0]][e[1]]['weight'] = 1 / (w_e**(1 / 3))

    # Weighted betweenness centrality on net1
    betweenness_centr_w = nx.edge_betweenness_centrality(net1,

    for e in edges1:
        eb_w.append(betweenness_centr_w[(e[0], e[1])])

    # Node dictionary for k-shells
    dict_k_shell = {}
    max_degree = max([net.degree(n) for n in net.nodes])

    for k in reversed(range(max_degree + 1)):
        k_shell = nx.k_shell(net1, k=k)
        k_shell_nodes = k_shell.nodes()
        for i in k_shell_nodes:
            if i not in dict_k_shell:
                dict_k_shell[i] = k

    # node dict for pagerank
    dict_page_rank = nx.pagerank(net1, weight='weight')

    # closeness centrality
    closeness_centr = nx.closeness_centrality(net, distance='weight')
    closeness_centr = dict(
               key=lambda pair: list(nodes).index(pair[0])))
    # eigenvector centrality
    eigenvector_centr = nx.eigenvector_centrality(net,
    eigenvector_centr = dict(
               key=lambda pair: list(nodes).index(pair[0])))
    # strengths of nodes
    strengths = dict(nx.degree(net1, weight='weight'))

    # For each edge, take lower value of centrality measureof the two nodes and use it to normalize previously
    # computed weighted betweenness
    j = 0
    for e in edges:
        eb_w2.append(eb_w[j] / min(dict_k_shell[e[0]], dict_k_shell[e[1]]))
        eb_pr.append(eb_w[j] / min(dict_page_rank[e[0]], dict_page_rank[e[1]]))
        eb_cl.append(eb_w[j] /
                     min(closeness_centr[e[0]], closeness_centr[e[1]]))
        eb_ev.append(eb_w[j] /
                     min(eigenvector_centr[e[0]], eigenvector_centr[e[1]]))
        eb_s.append(eb_w[j] / min(strengths[e[0]], strengths[e[1]]))
        j = j + 1

    return w, eb, eb_w, eb_w2, eb_pr, eb_cl, eb_ev, eb_s