class TestNfsnAuth(object): def setup(self): self.auth = NfsnAuth('testlogin', 'testapikey123') def test_salt_length(self): """ salt must be 16 characters """ assert len(self.auth._salt()) == 16 def test_salt_is_unique(self): s1 = self.auth._salt() s2 = self.auth._salt() assert s1 != s2 def test_salt_characters(self): """ salt must be alphanumeric """ salt_characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits for c in self.auth._salt(): assert c in salt_characters def test_timestamp(self, monkeypatch): """ Check that timestamp uses time.time """ monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'time', lambda: 1000000) assert self.auth._timestamp() == '1000000' def test_header(self, monkeypatch): """ Check that X-NFSN-Authentication is set """ monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'time', lambda: '1000000') monkeypatch.setattr(self.auth, '_salt', lambda: 'yumsalty1234') url = '' r = requests.Request('GET', url, data='') expected = 'testlogin;1000000;yumsalty1234;d20e2ee4105b82060f4c0ea9c2d9a91a3b6cdd13' r_authenticated = self.auth(r.prepare()) assert r_authenticated.headers['X-NFSN-Authentication'] == expected
def setup(self): self.auth = NfsnAuth('testlogin', 'testapikey123')