예제 #1
    def Map(self, values, mini='not passed', maxi='not passed'):
        """Get colors corresponding to values in a colormap.
if mini or maxi are provided, self.mini and self.maxi are not
used and stay inchanged.
if mini or maxi are not provided or set to None, 
self.mini and self.maxi are used instead.
if mini or maxi are set to None, self.mini and self.maxi are
        #print "Map", mini, maxi, self.mini, self.maxi, values
        values = Numeric.array(values)

        if len(values.shape) == 2 and values.shape[1] == 1:
            values.shape = (values.shape[0], )
        elif len(values.shape) > 1:
            raise ValueError('ERROR! values array has bad shape')

        ramp = Numeric.array(self.ramp)
        if len(ramp.shape) != 2 or ramp.shape[1] not in (3, 4):
            raise ValueError('ERROR! colormap array has bad shape')

        if mini == 'not passed':
            mini = self.mini
        if maxi == 'not passed':
            maxi = self.maxi

        if mini is None:
            mini = min(values)
            # All the values < mini will be set to mini
            values = Numeric.maximum(values, mini)

        if maxi is None:
            maxi = max(values)
            values = Numeric.minimum(values, maxi)

        # mini and maxi are now set
        if mini >= maxi:
            txt = 'mini:%f must be < maxi:%f' % (mini, maxi)

        valrange = maxi - mini
        if valrange < 0.0001:
            ind = Numeric.ones(values.shape)
            colrange = ramp.shape[0]
            ind = (values - mini) * (colrange / float(valrange))
            ind = ind.astype(viewerConst.IPRECISION)
            ind = Numeric.minimum(ind, colrange - 1)

        col = Numeric.take(self.ramp, ind)

        self.lastMini = mini
        self.lastMaxi = maxi

        return col
예제 #2
    def Map(self, values, mini='not passed', maxi='not passed'):
        """Get colors corresponding to values in a colormap.
if mini or maxi are provided, self.mini and self.maxi are not
used and stay inchanged.
if mini or maxi are not provided or set to None, 
self.mini and self.maxi are used instead.
if mini or maxi are set to None, self.mini and self.maxi are
        #print "Map", mini, maxi, self.mini, self.maxi, values
        values = Numeric.array(values)

        if len(values.shape)==2 and values.shape[1]==1:
            values.shape = ( values.shape[0], )
        elif len(values.shape) > 1:
            raise ValueError('ERROR! values array has bad shape')

        ramp = Numeric.array(self.ramp)
        if len(ramp.shape) !=2 or ramp.shape[1] not in (3,4):
            raise ValueError('ERROR! colormap array has bad shape')

        if mini == 'not passed':
             mini = self.mini
        if maxi == 'not passed':
             maxi = self.maxi

        if mini is None:
            mini = min(values)
            # All the values < mini will be set to mini
            values = Numeric.maximum(values, mini)
        if maxi is None:
            maxi = max(values)
            values = Numeric.minimum(values, maxi)       

        # mini and maxi are now set
        if mini >= maxi:
            txt = 'mini:%f must be < maxi:%f'%(mini, maxi)
            warnings.warn( txt )

        valrange = maxi - mini
        if valrange < 0.0001:
            ind = Numeric.ones( values.shape )
            colrange = ramp.shape[0]
            ind = (values - mini) * (colrange/float(valrange))
            ind = ind.astype(viewerConst.IPRECISION)
            ind = Numeric.minimum(ind, colrange - 1)

        col = Numeric.take(self.ramp, ind )
        self.lastMini = mini
        self.lastMaxi = maxi

        return col
예제 #3
def concentricrings(x, y, white_thickness, gaussian_width, spacing):
    Concetric rings with the solid ring-shaped region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    # To have zero value in middle point this pattern calculates zero-value rings instead of
    # the one-value ones. But to be consistent with the rest of functions the parameters
    # are connected to one-value rings - like half_thickness is now recalculated for zero-value ring:
    half_thickness = ((spacing-white_thickness)/2.0)*greater_equal(spacing-white_thickness,0.0)

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

    distance_from_ring_middle = fmod(distance_from_origin,spacing)
    distance_from_ring_middle = minimum(distance_from_ring_middle,spacing - distance_from_ring_middle)

    distance_from_ring = distance_from_ring_middle - half_thickness

    ring = 0.0 + greater_equal(distance_from_ring,0.0)

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_ring*distance_from_ring, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(falloff,ring)
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, point1=None, point2=None, slab=None):
     # Huaicai 4/23/05: added some comments below to help understand the code.
     if slab:
         # convert from 2d (x, y) coordinates into its 3d world (x, y, 0)
         #coordinates(the lower-left and upper-right corner).
         #In another word, the 3d coordinates minus the z offset of the plane
         x = dot(A(point1), A(point2))
         # Get the vector from upper-right point to the lower-left point
         dx = subtract.reduce(x)
         # Get the upper-left and lower right corner points
         oc = x[1] + V(point2[0] * dot(dx, point2[0]),
                       point2[1] * dot(dx, point2[1]))
         # Get the four 3d cooridinates on the bottom crystal-cutting plane
         sq1 = cat(x, oc) + slab.normal * dot(slab.point, slab.normal)
         # transfer the above 4 3d coordinates in parallel to get that on
         #the top plane, put them together
         sq1 = cat(sq1, sq1 + slab.thickness * slab.normal)
         self.data = V(maximum.reduce(sq1), minimum.reduce(sq1))
     elif point2:
         # just 2 3d points
         self.data = V(maximum(point1, point2), minimum(point1, point2))
     elif point1:
         # list of points: could be 2d or 3d?  +/- 1.8 to make the bounding
         #box enclose the vDw ball of an atom?
         self.data = V(
             maximum.reduce(point1) + BBOX_MARGIN,
             minimum.reduce(point1) - BBOX_MARGIN)
         # a null bbox
         self.data = None
예제 #5
def Map(values, colorMap, mini=None, maxi=None):
    """Get colors corresponding to values in a colormap"""

    values = Numeric.array(values)
    if len(values.shape)==2 and values.shape[1]==1:
	values.shape = ( values.shape[0], )
    elif len(values.shape) > 1:
	print 'ERROR: values array has bad shape'
	return None

    cmap = Numeric.array(colorMap)
    if len(cmap.shape) !=2 or cmap.shape[1] not in (3,4):
	print 'ERROR: colorMap array has bad shape'
	return None

    if mini is None: mini = min(values)
    else: values = Numeric.maximum(values, mini)
    if maxi is None: maxi = max(values)
    else: values = Numeric.minimum(values, maxi)
    valrange = maxi-mini
    if valrange < 0.0001:
	ind = Numeric.ones( values.shape )
	colrange = cmap.shape[0]-1
	ind = ((values-mini) * colrange) / valrange
    col = Numeric.take(colorMap, ind.astype(viewerConst.IPRECISION))
    return col
예제 #6
    def function(self,params):
        """Archemidean spiral function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness/2.0
        spacing = size*2*pi

        distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
        distance_from_spiral_middle = fmod(spacing + distance_from_origin - size*arctan2(y,x),spacing)

        distance_from_spiral_middle = minimum(distance_from_spiral_middle,spacing - distance_from_spiral_middle)
        distance_from_spiral = distance_from_spiral_middle - half_thickness

        spiral = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_spiral,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_spiral*distance_from_spiral, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, spiral)
예제 #7
    def function(self,params):
        """Concentric rings."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

        distance_from_ring_middle = fmod(distance_from_origin,size)
        distance_from_ring_middle = minimum(distance_from_ring_middle,size - distance_from_ring_middle)

        distance_from_ring = distance_from_ring_middle - half_thickness

        ring = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_ring,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_ring*distance_from_ring, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, ring)
예제 #8
    def function(self,params):
        """Hyperbolic function."""

        aspect_ratio = params['aspect_ratio']
        x = self.pattern_x/aspect_ratio
        y = self.pattern_y
        thickness = params['thickness']
        gaussian_width = params['smoothing']
        size = params['size']

        half_thickness = thickness / 2.0

        distance_from_vertex_middle = fmod(sqrt(absolute(x**2 - y**2)),size)
        distance_from_vertex_middle = minimum(distance_from_vertex_middle,size - distance_from_vertex_middle)

        distance_from_vertex = distance_from_vertex_middle - half_thickness

        hyperbola = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_vertex,0.0)

        sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

        with float_error_ignore():
            falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_vertex*distance_from_vertex, 2.0*sigmasq))

        return maximum(falloff, hyperbola)
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, point1 = None, point2 = None, slab = None):
     # Huaicai 4/23/05: added some comments below to help understand the code.
     if slab:
         # convert from 2d (x, y) coordinates into its 3d world (x, y, 0) 
         #coordinates(the lower-left and upper-right corner). 
         #In another word, the 3d coordinates minus the z offset of the plane
         x = dot(A(point1), A(point2))
         # Get the vector from upper-right point to the lower-left point
         dx = subtract.reduce(x)
         # Get the upper-left and lower right corner points
         oc = x[1] + V(point2[0]*dot(dx,point2[0]), 
         # Get the four 3d cooridinates on the bottom crystal-cutting plane
         sq1 = cat(x,oc) + slab.normal*dot(slab.point, slab.normal)
         # transfer the above 4 3d coordinates in parallel to get that on
         #the top plane, put them together
         sq1 = cat(sq1, sq1+slab.thickness*slab.normal)
         self.data = V(maximum.reduce(sq1), minimum.reduce(sq1))
     elif point2:
         # just 2 3d points
         self.data = V(maximum(point1, point2), minimum(point1, point2))
     elif point1:
         # list of points: could be 2d or 3d?  +/- 1.8 to make the bounding 
         #box enclose the vDw ball of an atom?
         self.data = V(maximum.reduce(point1) + BBOX_MARGIN, 
                       minimum.reduce(point1) - BBOX_MARGIN)
         # a null bbox
         self.data = None
예제 #10
 def _point2ClientCoord(self, corner1, corner2):
     """Converts user point coords to client screen int coords x,y,width,height"""
     c1= _Numeric.array(corner1)
     c2= _Numeric.array(corner2)
     # convert to screen coords
     pt1= c1*self._pointScale+self._pointShift
     pt2= c2*self._pointScale+self._pointShift
     # make height and width positive
     pul= _Numeric.minimum(pt1,pt2) # Upper left corner
     plr= _Numeric.maximum(pt1,pt2) # Lower right corner
     rectWidth, rectHeight= plr-pul
     ptx,pty= pul
     return ptx, pty, rectWidth, rectHeight 
예제 #11
 def OnMouseLeftUp(self, event):
     if self._zoomEnabled:
         if self._hasDragged == True:
             self._drawRubberBand(self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2) # remove old
             self._zoomCorner2[0], self._zoomCorner2[1]= self._getXY(event)
             self._hasDragged = False  # reset flag
             minX, minY= _Numeric.minimum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
             maxX, maxY= _Numeric.maximum( self._zoomCorner1, self._zoomCorner2)
             self.last_PointLabel = None        #reset pointLabel
             if self.last_draw != None:
                 self._Draw(self.last_draw[0], xAxis = (minX,maxX), yAxis = (minY,maxY), dc = None)
         #else: # A box has not been drawn, zoom in on a point
         ## this interfered with the double click, so I've disables it.
         #    X,Y = self._getXY(event)
         #    self.Zoom( (X,Y), (self._zoomInFactor,self._zoomInFactor) )
     if self._dragEnabled:
         if self.canvas.HasCapture():
예제 #12
def smooth_rectangle(x, y, rec_w, rec_h, gaussian_width_x, gaussian_width_y):
    Rectangle with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    gaussian_x_coord = abs(x) - rec_w / 2.0
    gaussian_y_coord = abs(y) - rec_h / 2.0

    box_x = less(gaussian_x_coord, 0.0)
    box_y = less(gaussian_y_coord, 0.0)
    sigmasq_x = gaussian_width_x * gaussian_width_x
    sigmasq_y = gaussian_width_y * gaussian_width_y

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff_x=x*0.0 if sigmasq_x==0.0 else \
        falloff_y=y*0.0 if sigmasq_y==0.0 else \

    return minimum(maximum(box_x, falloff_x), maximum(box_y, falloff_y))
예제 #13
def smooth_rectangle(x, y, rec_w, rec_h, gaussian_width_x, gaussian_width_y):
    Rectangle with a solid central region, then Gaussian fall-off at the edges.

    gaussian_x_coord = abs(x)-rec_w/2.0
    gaussian_y_coord = abs(y)-rec_h/2.0

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff_x=x*0.0 if sigmasq_x==0.0 else \
        falloff_y=y*0.0 if sigmasq_y==0.0 else \

    return minimum(maximum(box_x,falloff_x), maximum(box_y,falloff_y))
예제 #14
def spiral(x, y, thickness, gaussian_width, density):
    Archemidean spiral with Gaussian fall-off outside the spiral curve.
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0
    spacing = density*2*pi

    distance_from_origin = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_from_spiral_middle = fmod(spacing + distance_from_origin - density*arctan2(y,x),spacing)

    distance_from_spiral_middle = minimum(distance_from_spiral_middle,spacing - distance_from_spiral_middle)
    distance_from_spiral = distance_from_spiral_middle - half_thickness

    spiral = 1.0 - greater_equal(distance_from_spiral,0.0)

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    with float_error_ignore():
        falloff = exp(divide(-distance_from_spiral*distance_from_spiral, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return maximum(falloff,spiral)
예제 #15
 def isin(self, pt):
     return (minimum(pt, self.data[1]) == self.data[1]
             and maximum(pt, self.data[0]) == self.data[0])
예제 #16
 def isin(self, pt):
     return (minimum(pt,self.data[1]) == self.data[1] and
             maximum(pt,self.data[0]) == self.data[0])