예제 #1
    def test_legvander(self) :
        # check for 1d x
        x = np.arange(3)
        v = leg.legvander(x, 3)
        assert_(v.shape == (3, 4))
        for i in range(4) :
            coef = [0]*i + [1]
            assert_almost_equal(v[..., i], leg.legval(x, coef))

        # check for 2d x
        x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
        v = leg.legvander(x, 3)
        assert_(v.shape == (3, 2, 4))
        for i in range(4) :
            coef = [0]*i + [1]
            assert_almost_equal(v[..., i], leg.legval(x, coef))
def test_legendre_val():
    """Test Legendre polynomial (derivative) equivalence
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    # check table equiv
    xs = np.linspace(-1., 1., 1000)
    n_terms = 100

    # True, numpy
    vals_np = legendre.legvander(xs, n_terms - 1)

    # Table approximation
    for fun, nc in zip([_get_legen_lut_fast, _get_legen_lut_accurate],
                       [100, 50]):
        lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('eeg', n_coeff=nc, force_calc=True)
        vals_i = fun(xs, lut)
        # Need a "1:" here because we omit the first coefficient in our table!
        assert_allclose(vals_np[:, 1:vals_i.shape[1] + 1], vals_i,
                        rtol=1e-2, atol=5e-3)

        # Now let's look at our sums
        ctheta = rng.rand(20, 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
        beta = rng.rand(20, 30) * 0.8
        lut_fun = partial(fun, lut=lut)
        c1 = _comp_sum_eeg(beta.flatten(), ctheta.flatten(), lut_fun, n_fact)
        c1.shape = beta.shape

        # compare to numpy
        n = np.arange(1, n_terms, dtype=float)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        coeffs = np.zeros((n_terms,) + beta.shape)
        coeffs[1:] = (np.cumprod([beta] * (n_terms - 1), axis=0) *
                      (2.0 * n + 1.0) * (2.0 * n + 1.0) / n)
        # can't use tensor=False here b/c it isn't in old numpy
        c2 = np.empty((20, 30))
        for ci1 in range(20):
            for ci2 in range(30):
                c2[ci1, ci2] = legendre.legval(ctheta[ci1, ci2],
                                               coeffs[:, ci1, ci2])
        assert_allclose(c1, c2, 1e-2, 1e-3)  # close enough...

    # compare fast and slow for MEG
    ctheta = rng.rand(20 * 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
    beta = rng.rand(20 * 30) * 0.8
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=10, force_calc=True)
    fun = partial(_get_legen_lut_fast, lut=lut)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=20, force_calc=True)
    fun = partial(_get_legen_lut_accurate, lut=lut)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
예제 #3
    def test_100(self):
        x, w = leg.leggauss(100)

        # test orthogonality. Note that the results need to be normalized,
        # otherwise the huge values that can arise from fast growing
        # functions like Laguerre can be very confusing.
        v = leg.legvander(x, 99)
        vv = np.dot(v.T * w, v)
        vd = 1/np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:,None] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        tgt = 2.0
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), tgt)
예제 #4
def approx(X0, Y0, X1, approx_type: ApproxType, dim):
    this method should perform approximation on [-1; 1] interval
    :param X0: X-values (1 x N0)
    :param Y0: Y-values (1 x N0)
    :param X1: approximation points (1 x N1)
    :param approx_type:
        0 - algebraic polynomes (1, x, x^2, ...)
        1 - legendre polynomes
        2 - harmonic
    :param dim: dimension
    :return Y1: approximated Y-values (1 x N1)
    :return a: vector (1 x dim) of approximation coefficients
    :return P: (for approx_type 0 and 1) coefficients of approximation polynome P (1 x dim)
    if approx_type is ApproxType.algebraic:
        Q = np.vander(X0, dim, increasing=True)
        mat = Q.T @ Q
        b = Q.T @ Y0
        P = np.linalg.solve(mat, b)
        y = polyval(X1, P)
        return y, [], P
    if approx_type is ApproxType.legendre:
        Q = legvander(X0, dim - 1)
        mat = Q.T @ Q
        b = Q.T @ Y0
        P = np.linalg.solve(mat, b)
        y = legval(X1, P)

        D = [[0 for i in range(dim)] for j in range(dim)]
        D[0][0] = 1
        D[0][1] = 0
        D[1][0] = 0
        D[1][1] = 1
        i = 2
        while i < (dim):
            D[i][0] = -(i - 1) / (i) * D[i - 2][0]
            j = 0
            while j <= i:
                D[i][j] = (2 * i -
                           1) / i * D[i - 1][j - 1] - (i - 1) / i * D[i - 2][j]
                j += 1
            i += 1
        D = np.array(D)
        G = P @ D

        return y, P, G
    raise Exception(f'approximation of type {approx_type} not supported yet')
def test_legendre_val():
    """Test Legendre polynomial (derivative) equivalence
    # check table equiv
    xs = np.linspace(-1., 1., 1000)
    n_terms = 100

    # True, numpy
    vals_np = legendre.legvander(xs, n_terms - 1)

    # Table approximation
    for fun, nc in zip([_get_legen_lut_fast, _get_legen_lut_accurate],
                       [100, 50]):
        lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('eeg', n_coeff=nc, force_calc=True)
        vals_i = fun(xs, lut)
        # Need a "1:" here because we omit the first coefficient in our table!
        assert_allclose(vals_np[:, 1:vals_i.shape[1] + 1], vals_i,
                        rtol=1e-2, atol=5e-3)

        # Now let's look at our sums
        ctheta = np.random.rand(20, 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
        beta = np.random.rand(20, 30) * 0.8
        lut_fun = partial(fun, lut=lut)
        c1 = _comp_sum_eeg(beta.flatten(), ctheta.flatten(), lut_fun, n_fact)
        c1.shape = beta.shape

        # compare to numpy
        n = np.arange(1, n_terms, dtype=float)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        coeffs = np.zeros((n_terms,) + beta.shape)
        coeffs[1:] = (np.cumprod([beta] * (n_terms - 1), axis=0) *
                      (2.0 * n + 1.0) * (2.0 * n + 1.0) / n)
        # can't use tensor=False here b/c it isn't in old numpy
        c2 = np.empty((20, 30))
        for ci1 in range(20):
            for ci2 in range(30):
                c2[ci1, ci2] = legendre.legval(ctheta[ci1, ci2],
                                               coeffs[:, ci1, ci2])
        assert_allclose(c1, c2, 1e-2, 1e-3)  # close enough...

    # compare fast and slow for MEG
    ctheta = np.random.rand(20 * 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
    beta = np.random.rand(20 * 30) * 0.8
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=10, force_calc=True)
    fun = partial(_get_legen_lut_fast, lut=lut)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=20, force_calc=True)
    fun = partial(_get_legen_lut_accurate, lut=lut)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
예제 #6
def leginterpol(x_coords, y_coords):
    deg = len(x_coords)
    A = np.ndarray((deg, deg))
    A_ = np.ndarray((deg, deg))

    B = y_coords

    # print(A)
    for i in range(deg):
        A[i] = leg.legval(x_coords, np.ones((i + 1, 1)))
    A = A.T
    A_ = leg.legvander(x_coords, deg - 1)
    # print('A=', A)
    # print('A_=', A_)
    # A*coefs = B
    coefs = np.linalg.solve(A_, y_coords)
    return coefs
예제 #7
def fitlegendre(wavepts, fluxpts, sigpts, order):
    from numpy.linalg import svd
    vander = L.legvander(wavepts, order)
    design = np.zeros(vander.shape)
    for i in range(len(wavepts)):
        design[i] = vander[i] / sigpts[i]
    U, s, v = svd(design, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True)
    V = v.transpose()
    solvec = np.zeros(order + 1)
    for i in range(order + 1):
        solvec += np.dot(U[:, i], fluxpts / sigpts) / s[i] * V[:, i]
    ### Build covariance matrix
    covmtx = np.zeros([order + 1, order + 1])
    for j in range(order + 1):
        for k in range(order + 1):
            covmtx[j, k] = sum(V[:, j] * V[:, k] / s)
    return solvec, covmtx
예제 #8
    def poles(self):
        orders = 4
        xi = self.xi
        r = self.r
        mu = self.mu
        Nr, Nmu = self.xi.shape
        v = legvander(mu, orders)
        poles = numpy.empty((len(r), orders+1))
        sym = (mu >= 0).all()
        for i in range(orders + 1):
            norm = simps(v[:, i] ** 2, mu)            
            if sym and i % 2 == 1:
                poles[:, i] = 0
                poles[:, i] = simps(xi * v[:, i][None, :], mu) / norm

        return poles
예제 #9
    def pose_postprocess(self, pose_3d):
        focus_time = None
        time_length = len(pose_3d)
        t_axis = np.linspace(0, time_length, time_length + 1)
        nsamples = self.end - self.start
        # The independent variable sampled at regular intervals
        xs = np.linspace(-1, 1, nsamples)
        # The Legendre Vandermonde matrix
        V = leg.legvander(xs, self.approx_deg)
        # Generate some data to fit
        ys = xs * np.pi
        # Do the fit for all 17 poses
        resampledpose = {}
        for ii in range(self.num_joints):
            respsoexyz = []
            for ij in range(3):
                jnt_coord = [pose_3d[i][ij, ii] for i in range(time_length)]
                coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(V,
                # Evaluate the fit for plotting purposes
                g = leg.legval(xs, coeffs)
                focus_val, _time = signal.resample(g,
                                                   len(g) * self.resamp,
                focus_val = list(focus_val)
                if focus_time == None:
                    focus_time = list(_time)
                    for ti in range(self.start):
                        focus_time.insert(0, ti)
                # adding the inactive times
                for ti in range(self.start):
                    focus_val.insert(0, focus_val[0])


            resampledpose.update({'joint_' + str(ii): np.array(respsoexyz)})

        return resampledpose, focus_time
예제 #10
    def detrend_poly(self, npol=20, istart=None, iend=None):
        flux = self.flux[istart:iend]
        covs = self.covariates[istart:iend, [2, 4, 5, 6]].copy()
        covs -= covs.mean(0)
        covs /= covs.std(0)
        x = (self.time - self.time[0]) / diff(self.time[[0, -1]]) * 2 - 1
        pol = legvander(x, npol)
        pol[:, 1:] /= pol[:, 1:].ptp(0)
        covs = concatenate([covs, pol], 1)

        c, _, _, _ = lstsq(covs, flux, rcond=None)
        cbl = c.copy()
        cbl[:4] = 0.
        css = c.copy()
        css[4:] = 0.
        fbl = dot(covs, cbl)
        fsys = dot(covs, css)
        fall = dot(covs, c)
        return self.time[istart:iend], flux - fall + 1, fsys, fbl
예제 #11
def culledLegForwardTransform(orders, locations, functionVals, threshold=None):
    # inspired by : A Simple Regularization of the Polynomial Interpolation For the Runge Phenomemenon
    if len(locations.shape)==1:
        vandermonde=leg.legvander(locations, orders[0])
    elif locations.shape[1]==2:
        vandermonde=leg.legvander2d(locations[:,0], locations[:,1], orders)
    elif locations.shape[1]==3:
        vandermonde=leg.legvander3d(locations[:,0],locations[:,1],locations[:,2], orders)
    elif locations.shape[1]==4:
    elif locations.shape[1]==5:
        raise NotImplementedError # there's a bad startup joke about this being good enough for the paper.

    # preconditioner = np.diag((0.94) ** (2* (np.arange(vandermonde.shape[0]))))
    # vandermonde=np.dot(preconditioner, vandermonde)

    if threshold is None:
        Eps= np.finfo(functionVals.dtype).eps
        Neps = np.prod(cmn.numpyze(orders)) * Eps * S[0] #truncation due to ill-conditioning
        Nt = max(np.argmax(Vh, axis=0)) #"Automatic" determination of threshold due to Runge's phenomenon
        threshold=min(Neps, Nt)
    while numTake<=0:
        if numTake>0:
            filtU=U[:,:numTake]; filtS=S[:numTake]; filtVh=Vh[:numTake, :]
            if threshold>1e-13:
                warnings.warn('cutting threshold for eigenvalues to '+str(threshold))
                warnings('seems all eigenvalues are zero (<1e-13), setting to zero and breaking')

    ret, _, _, _=npl.lstsq(truncVander, functionVals, rcond=None)
    return np.reshape(ret, np.array(orders).flatten()+1)
예제 #12
    def __init__(self,n,k,a,m):
        self.k2 = 2*k

        # Uniform grid points
        x = np.linspace(-1,1,n)

        # Legendre Polynomials on grid 
        self.V = legvander(x,m-1)

        # Do QR factorization of Vandermonde for least squares 
        self.Q,self.R = qr(self.V,mode='economic')

        I = np.eye(m)
        D = np.zeros((m,m))
        D[:-self.k2,:] = legder(I,self.k2)

        # Legendre modal approximation of differential operator
        self.A = I-a*D

        # Store LU factors for repeated solves   
        self.PLU = lu_factor(self.A[:-self.k2,self.k2:])
예제 #13
    def __init__(self, n, k, a, m):
        self.k2 = 2 * k

        # Uniform grid points
        x = np.linspace(-1, 1, n)

        # Legendre Polynomials on grid
        self.V = legvander(x, m - 1)

        # Do QR factorization of Vandermonde for least squares
        self.Q, self.R = qr(self.V, mode='economic')

        I = np.eye(m)
        D = np.zeros((m, m))
        D[:-self.k2, :] = legder(I, self.k2)

        # Legendre modal approximation of differential operator
        self.A = I - a * D

        # Store LU factors for repeated solves
        self.PLU = lu_factor(self.A[:-self.k2, self.k2:])
예제 #14
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 dfile: Path,
                 zero_epoch: float,
                 period: float,
                 nsamples: int = 10,
                 trdur: float = 0.125,
                 bldur: float = 0.3,
                 nlegendre: int = 2,

        tb = Table.read(dfile)
        self.bjdrefi = tb.meta['BJDREFI']
        zero_epoch = zero_epoch - self.bjdrefi

        df = tb.to_pandas().dropna(subset=['TIME', 'SAP_FLUX', 'PDCSAP_FLUX'])
        self.lc = lc = KeplerLC(df.TIME.values, df.PDCSAP_FLUX.values,
                                zeros(df.shape[0]), zero_epoch, period, trdur,

        self.nlegendre = nlegendre
                         period, ['TESS'],
                         pbids=lc.nt * [0],

        self.mtimes = [t - t.mean() for t in self.times]
        self.windows = window = concatenate(self.mtimes).ptp()
        self.mtimes = [t / window for t in self.mtimes]
        self.legs = [legvander(t, self.nlegendre) for t in self.mtimes]
        self.ofluxa = self.ofluxa.astype('d')
        self.lnlikelihood = self.lnlikelihood_nb
예제 #15
 def getVandermondeLegendre(self):
     from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legvander
     return legvander(self.Nodes, self.Order)
예제 #16
파일: test2.py 프로젝트: userjjb/DbX
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.polynomial.legendre as leg

n = 16

def f(x, y):
    return np.sin(2 * np.pi * x) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * y)

def curve(a, b, c, x):
    return a + b * x + c * x**2

Qx, Qw = leg.leggauss(n)
nx, ny = np.meshgrid(Qx, Qx)

Le = leg.legvander(Qx, n - 1)
#La = sp.interpolate.lagrange(n)

Q, R = np.linalg.qr(Le)
예제 #17
 def vandermonde(self, x):
     return leg.legvander(x, 1)
예제 #18
def _get_legen(x, n_coeff=100):
    """Get Legendre polynomials expanded about x"""
    return legendre.legvander(x, n_coeff - 1)
예제 #19
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: 1950/sawbuck
def legvander(x, deg) :
    from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legvander
    return legvander(x, deg)
예제 #20
def _get_legen(x, n_coeff=100):
    """Get Legendre polynomials expanded about x"""
    return legendre.legvander(x, n_coeff - 1)
예제 #21
def ortholegvander(x, deg):
    """See numpy.polynomial.legendre.legvander(). Uses an orthonormal basis."""
    result = leg.legvander(x, deg)
    factors = np.array([np.sqrt((2 * n + 1) / 2) for n in range(0, 1 + deg)])
    return result * factors
예제 #22
    def __init__(self,
                 target: str,
                 photometry: list,
                 tid: int,
                 cids: list,
                 filters: tuple,
                 aperture_lims: tuple = (0, inf),
                 use_opencl: bool = False,
                 n_legendre: int = 0,
                 radius_ratio: str = 'achromatic'):
        assert radius_ratio in ('chromatic', 'achromatic')

        self.use_opencl = use_opencl
        self.planet = None

        self.photometry_frozen = False
        self.with_transit = with_transit
        self.with_contamination = with_contamination
        self.chromatic_transit = radius_ratio == 'chromatic'
        self.radius_ratio = radius_ratio
        self.n_legendre = n_legendre

        self.toi = None
        if self.with_transit and 'toi' in target.lower() and use_toi_info:
            self.toi = get_toi(float(target.lower().strip('toi')))

        # Set photometry
        # --------------
        self.phs = photometry
        self.nph = len(photometry)

        # Set the aperture ranges
        # -----------------------
        self.min_apt = amin = min(max(aperture_lims[0], 0),
        self.max_apt = amax = max(
            min(aperture_lims[1], photometry[0].flux.aperture.size), 0)
        self.napt = amax - amin

        # Target and comparison star IDs
        # ------------------------------
        self.tid = atleast_1d(tid)
        if self.tid.size == 1:
            self.tid = tile(self.tid, self.nph)

        self.cids = atleast_2d(cids)
        if self.cids.shape[0] == 1:
            self.cids = tile(self.cids, (self.nph, 1))

        assert self.tid.size == self.nph
        assert self.cids.shape[0] == self.nph

        self.covnames = 'intercept sky airmass xshift yshift entropy'.split()

        times = [array(ph.bjd) for ph in photometry]
        fluxes = [
            array(ph.flux[:, tid, 1]) for tid, ph in zip(self.tid, photometry)
        fluxes = [f / nanmedian(f) for f in fluxes]
        self.apertures = ones(len(times)).astype('int')

        self.t0 = floor(times[0].min())
        times = [t - self.t0 for t in times]

        self._tmin = times[0].min()
        self._tmax = times[0].max()

        covariates = []
        for ph in photometry:
            covs = concatenate(
                [ones([ph._fmask.sum(), 1]),
                 array(ph.aux)[:, [1, 3, 4, 5]]], 1)

        self.airmasses = [array(ph.aux[:, 2]) for ph in photometry]

        wns = [ones(ph.nframes) for ph in photometry]

        if use_opencl:
            import pyopencl as cl
            ctx = cl.create_some_context()
            queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
            tm = QuadraticModelCL(klims=(0.005, 0.25),
            tm = QuadraticModel(interpolate=True,
                                klims=(0.005, 0.25),


        self.legendre = [
            legvander((t - t.min()) / (0.5 * t.ptp()) - 1,
                      self.n_legendre)[:, 1:] for t in self.times

        # Create the target and reference star flux arrays
        # ------------------------------------------------
        self.ofluxes = [
            array(ph.flux[:, self.tid[i], amin:amax + 1] /
                  ph.flux[:, self.tid[i], amin:amax + 1].median('mjd'))
            for i, ph in enumerate(photometry)

        self.refs = []
        for ip, ph in enumerate(photometry):
                pad(array(ph.flux[:, cid, amin:amax + 1]), ((0, 0), (1, 0)),
                    mode='constant') for cid in self.cids[ip]

x = Symbol("x")
u = (1.0 - x**2)**2 * cos(
    np.pi * 4 * x) * (x - 0.25)**3 + b * (1 + x) / 2. + a * (1 - x) / 2.
kx = np.sqrt(5)
f = -u.diff(x, 2) + kx**2 * u
fl = lambdify(x, f, "numpy")
ul = lambdify(x, u, "numpy")

n = 32
domain = sys.argv[-1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "C1"

# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
points, w = leg.leggauss(n + 1)

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = leg.legvander(points, n)

scl = 1.0
# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
D1[:-1, :] = leg.legder(np.eye(n + 1), 1, scl=scl)

Vx = np.dot(V, D1)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))

P[:, 0] = (V[:, 0] - V[:, 1]) / 2
P[:, 1:-1] = V[:, :-2] - V[:, 2:]
P[:, -1] = (V[:, 0] + V[:, 1]) / 2
예제 #24
def generate_Vandermonde_matrixu(x_coords):
    """ Returns the pseudo-Vandermonde matrix of degree len(x_coords) and sample points x_coords"""
    return legndr.legvander(x_coords, len(x_coords) - 1)
예제 #25
def named_target_matrix(name, size):
        name: name of the target matrix
        target_matrix: (n, n) numpy array for real matrices or (n, n, 2) for complex matrices.
    if name == 'dft':
        return LA.dft(size, scale='sqrtn')[:, :, None].view('float64')
    elif name == 'idft':
        return np.ascontiguousarray(LA.dft(size, scale='sqrtn').conj().T)[:, :, None].view('float64')
    elif name == 'dft2':
        size_sr = int(math.sqrt(size))
        matrix = np.fft.fft2(np.eye(size_sr**2).reshape(-1, size_sr, size_sr), norm='ortho').reshape(-1, size_sr**2)
        # matrix1d = LA.dft(size_sr, scale='sqrtn')
        # assert np.allclose(np.kron(m1d, m1d), matrix)
        # return matrix[:, :, None].view('float64')
        from butterfly.utils import bitreversal_permutation
        br_perm = bitreversal_permutation(size_sr)
        br_perm2 = np.arange(size_sr**2).reshape(size_sr, size_sr)[br_perm][:, br_perm].reshape(-1)
        matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(matrix[:, br_perm2])
        return matrix[:, :, None].view('float64')
    elif name == 'dct':
        # Need to transpose as dct acts on rows of matrix np.eye, not columns
        # return dct(np.eye(size), norm='ortho').T
        return dct(np.eye(size)).T / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'dst':
        return dst(np.eye(size)).T / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hadamard':
        return LA.hadamard(size) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hadamard2':
        size_sr = int(math.sqrt(size))
        matrix1d = LA.hadamard(size_sr) / math.sqrt(size_sr)
        return np.kron(matrix1d, matrix1d)
    elif name == 'b2':
        size_sr = int(math.sqrt(size))
        from butterfly import Block2x2DiagProduct
        b = Block2x2DiagProduct(size_sr)
        matrix1d = b(torch.eye(size_sr)).t().detach().numpy()
        return np.kron(matrix1d, matrix1d)
    elif name == 'convolution':
        x = np.random.randn(size)
        return LA.circulant(x) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hartley':
        return hartley_matrix(size) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'haar':
        return haar_matrix(size, normalized=True) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'legendre':
        grid = np.linspace(-1, 1, size + 2)[1:-1]
        return legendre.legvander(grid, size - 1).T / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hilbert':
        H = hilbert_matrix(size)
        return H / np.linalg.norm(H, 2)
    elif name == 'randn':
        return np.random.randn(size, size) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'permutation':
        perm = np.random.permutation(size)
        P = np.eye(size)[perm]
        return P
    elif name.startswith('rank-unnorm'):
        r = int(name[11:])
        G = np.random.randn(size, r)
        H = np.random.randn(size, r)
        M = G @ H.T
        # M /= math.sqrt(size*r)
        return M
    elif name.startswith('rank'):
        r = int(name[4:])
        G = np.random.randn(size, r)
        H = np.random.randn(size, r)
        M = G @ H.T
        M /= math.sqrt(size*r)
        return M
    elif name.startswith('sparse'):
        s = int(name[6:])
        # 2rn parameters
        mask = sparse.random(size, size, density=s/size, data_rvs=np.ones)
        M = np.random.randn(size, size) * (mask.toarray())
        M /= math.sqrt(s)
        return M
    elif name.startswith('toeplitz'):
        r = int(name[8:])
        G = np.random.randn(size, r) / math.sqrt(size*r)
        H = np.random.randn(size, r) / math.sqrt(size*r)
        M = toeplitz_like(G, H)
        return M
    elif name == 'fastfood':
        n = size
        S = np.random.randn(n)
        G = np.random.randn(n)
        B = np.random.randn(n)
        # P = np.arange(n)
        P = np.random.permutation(n)
        H = hadamard(n)
        # SHGPHB
        # print(H)
        # print((H*B)[P,:])
        # print((H @ (G[:,np.newaxis] * (H * B)[P,:])))
        F = S[:,np.newaxis] * (H @ (G[:,np.newaxis] * (H * B)[P,:])) / n
        return F
        # x = np.random.randn(batch_size,n)
        # HB = hadamard_transform(B)
        # PHBx = HBx[:, P]
        # HGPHBx = hadamard_transform(G*PHBx)
        # return S*HGPHBx
    elif name == 'butterfly':
        # n (log n+1) params in the hierarchy
        b = Butterfly(in_size=size, out_size=size, bias=False, tied_weight=False, param='odo', nblocks=0)
        M = b(torch.eye(size))
        return M.cpu().detach().numpy()

        assert False, 'Target matrix name not recognized or implemented'
# Some exact solution
x = Symbol("x")
u = (1.0-x**2)**2*cos(np.pi*4*x)*(x-0.25)**3 + b*(1 + x)/2. + a*(1 - x)/2.
kx = np.sqrt(5)
f = -u.diff(x, 2) + kx**2*u
fl = lambdify(x, f, "numpy")
ul = lambdify(x, u, "numpy")

n = 32
domain = sys.argv[-1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "C1"

# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
points, w = leg.leggauss(n+1)

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = leg.legvander(points, n)

# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
D1[:-1,:] = leg.legder(np.eye(n+1), 1, scl=scl)

Vx  = np.dot(V, D1)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))

P[:,0] = (V[:,0] - V[:,1])/2
P[:,1:-1] = V[:,:-2] - V[:,2:]
P[:,-1] = (V[:,0] + V[:,1])/2
 def setX(self, x):
     self.x = numpy.copy(x)
     self.x = xshift(self.x)
     self.vander = legendre.legvander(self.x, self.order)
예제 #28
print "[INFO] Yp_test.shape (E-DMD) " + repr(Yp_test.shape);
print "[INFO] Yf_test.shape (E-DMD) " + repr(Yf_test.shape);

Yp_final_train = Yp_train; # straight up quadratics training data 0,...,n-1 
Yf_final_train = Yf_train; # straight up quadratics training data 1 ,... n  1 step forward propagation of Yp_train
Yp_final_test = Yp_test; #straight up quadratics test data -
Yf_final_test = Yf_test; # straight up quadratics test data - 1-step forward propagation of Yp_test  

# # # - - - - - -  Legendre polynomial dictionary generation  - - - - -  # # # 

if use_legendre:
    #print Yp.shape
    deg_polynomial = poly_deg
    Yp_leg = legvander(Yp,deg_polynomial)
    n_points,n_channels,n_deg_polyp1=  Yp_leg.shape
    Yp_leg = np.reshape(Yp_leg,(n_deg_polyp1,n_points,n_channels));
    #print Yp_leg.shape

    Yf_leg = legvander(Yf,deg_polynomial)
    n_points,n_channels,n_deg_polyp1=  Yf_leg.shape
    Yf_leg = np.reshape(Yf_leg,(n_deg_polyp1,n_points,n_channels));
    #print Yf_leg.shape
    Yp_leg_stack = np.concatenate((Yp_leg[:,:,0],Yp_leg[:,:,1])) ;
    Yf_leg_stack = np.concatenate((Yf_leg[:,:,0],Yf_leg[:,:,1])) ;
    for i in range(2,n_channels):
        if i%1000==0:
                #print i
                #print Yp_leg_stack.shape
            print Yf_leg_stack.shape
예제 #29
def named_target_matrix(name, size):
        name: name of the target matrix
        target_matrix: (n, n) numpy array for real matrices or (n, n, 2) for complex matrices.
    if name == 'dft':
        return LA.dft(size, scale='sqrtn')[:, :, None].view('float64')
    elif name == 'idft':
        return np.ascontiguousarray(LA.dft(
            size, scale='sqrtn').conj().T)[:, :, None].view('float64')
    elif name == 'dft2':
        size_sr = int(math.sqrt(size))
        matrix = np.fft.fft2(np.eye(size_sr**2).reshape(-1, size_sr, size_sr),
                             norm='ortho').reshape(-1, size_sr**2)
        # matrix1d = LA.dft(size_sr, scale='sqrtn')
        # assert np.allclose(np.kron(m1d, m1d), matrix)
        # return matrix[:, :, None].view('float64')
        from butterfly.utils import bitreversal_permutation
        br_perm = bitreversal_permutation(size_sr)
        br_perm2 = np.arange(size_sr**2).reshape(
            size_sr, size_sr)[br_perm][:, br_perm].reshape(-1)
        matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(matrix[:, br_perm2])
        return matrix[:, :, None].view('float64')
    elif name == 'dct':
        # Need to transpose as dct acts on rows of matrix np.eye, not columns
        # return dct(np.eye(size), norm='ortho').T
        return dct(np.eye(size)).T / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'dst':
        return dst(np.eye(size)).T / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hadamard':
        return LA.hadamard(size) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hadamard2':
        size_sr = int(math.sqrt(size))
        matrix1d = LA.hadamard(size_sr) / math.sqrt(size_sr)
        return np.kron(matrix1d, matrix1d)
    elif name == 'b2':
        size_sr = int(math.sqrt(size))
        import torch
        from butterfly import Block2x2DiagProduct
        b = Block2x2DiagProduct(size_sr)
        matrix1d = b(torch.eye(size_sr)).t().detach().numpy()
        return np.kron(matrix1d, matrix1d)
    elif name == 'convolution':
        x = np.random.randn(size)
        return LA.circulant(x) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hartley':
        return hartley_matrix(size) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'haar':
        return haar_matrix(size, normalized=True) / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'legendre':
        grid = np.linspace(-1, 1, size + 2)[1:-1]
        return legendre.legvander(grid, size - 1).T / math.sqrt(size)
    elif name == 'hilbert':
        H = hilbert_matrix(size)
        return H / np.linalg.norm(H, 2)
    elif name == 'randn':
        return np.random.randn(size, size) / math.sqrt(size)
        assert False, 'Target matrix name not recognized or implemented'
예제 #30
    def _get_exp_coeffs(self, y: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray,
                        initial_guess: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
                        ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        r"""Calculate the exponential coefficients

        As a first step to fitting, calculate the exponential "rate" factors

            Function values corresponding to `x`.
            Independent variable values

            List of exponential coefficients
            Optimal coefficients of the ODE involved in calculating the
            exponential coefficients.

        Other parameters
            An initial guess for determining the parameters of the ODE (if you
            don't know what this is about, don't bother). The array is 1D and
            has `n_exp` + 1 entries. If `None`, use ``numpy.ones(n_exp + 1)``.
        if initial_guess is None:
            initial_guess = np.ones(self.n_exp + 1)

        s = _ODESolver(self.n_exp, self.poly_order)

        # Map x to [-1, 1]
        x_min = np.min(x)
        x_range = np.ptp(x)
        x_mapped = 2 * (x - x_min) / x_range - 1

        # Weights (trapezoidal)
        d_x = np.diff(x)
        w = np.zeros(len(x))
        w[0] = d_x[0]
        w[1:-1] = d_x[1:] + d_x[:-1]
        w[-1] = d_x[-1]
        w /= x_range

        leg = legvander(x_mapped, self.n_exp - 1)

        def residual(coeffs):
            s.coefficients = coeffs
            # The following is the residual condition
            # \hat{y}_k = (k + 1 / 2) \sum_{i=1}^n w_i z_i P(t_i)
            rc = leg.T @ (w * y)
            rc *= np.arange(0.5, self.n_exp)
            # Solve the ODE in Legendre space
            # \sum_{k=0}^p a_k D^k \hat{y} = e_1
            rhs = np.zeros(self.poly_order)
            rhs[0] = 1
            sol_hat = s.solve(rc, rhs)
            # transform to real space
            sol = legval(x_mapped, sol_hat)
            return y - sol

        def jacobian(coeffs):
            s.coefficients = coeffs
            jac = np.zeros((len(x), self.n_exp + 1))

            tan = s.tangent()
            for i in range(self.n_exp + 1):
                jac[:, i] = -legval(x_mapped, tan[:, i])

            return jac

        ode_coeff = leastsq(residual, initial_guess, Dfun=jacobian)[0]
        exp_coeff = np.roots(ode_coeff[::-1]) * 2 / x_range

        return exp_coeff, ode_coeff
예제 #31
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Bankq/CS6998
def legvander(x, deg):
    from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legvander
    return legvander(x, deg)
예제 #32
 def frompoles(self, poles):
     v = legvander(self.mu, poles.shape[1] - 1)
     self.xi[...] = numpy.einsum('jl,il->ij', v, poles)
     if hasattr(self, 'poles'):
         del self.poles