예제 #1
def test_setitem_quat(Qs):
    Ps = Qs[:]
    # setitem from quaternion
    for j in range(len(Ps)):
        Ps[j] = np.quaternion(1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.7)
        for k in range(j):
            assert Ps[k] == np.quaternion(1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.7)
        for k in range(j + 1, len(Ps)):
            assert Ps[k] == Qs[k]
    # setitem from np.array, list, or tuple
    for seq_type in [np.array, list, tuple]:
        Ps = Qs[:]
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Ps[0] = seq_type(())
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Ps[0] = seq_type((1.3,))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Ps[0] = seq_type((1.3, 2.4,))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Ps[0] = seq_type((1.3, 2.4, 3.5))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Ps[0] = seq_type((1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.7, 5.9))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            Ps[0] = seq_type((1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.7, 5.9, np.nan))
        for j in range(len(Ps)):
            Ps[j] = seq_type((1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.7))
            for k in range(j):
                assert Ps[k] == np.quaternion(1.3, 2.4, 3.5, 4.7)
                for k in range(j + 1, len(Ps)):
                    assert Ps[k] == Qs[k]
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Ps[0] = 's'
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Ps[0] = 's'
예제 #2
def test_from_spherical_coords():
    random_angles = [[np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi), np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)]
                     for i in range(5000)]
    for vartheta, varphi in random_angles:
        assert abs((np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, varphi / 2.).exp() * np.quaternion(0, 0, vartheta / 2., 0).exp())
                   - quaternion.from_spherical_coords(vartheta, varphi)) < 1.e-15
예제 #3
def Rs():
    ones = [0, -1., 1.]
    rs = [np.quaternion(w, x, y, z).normalized() for w in ones for x in ones for y in ones for z in ones][1:]
    rs = rs + [r.normalized() for r in [np.quaternion(np.random.uniform(-1, 1), np.random.uniform(-1, 1),
                                                      np.random.uniform(-1, 1), np.random.uniform(-1, 1)) for i in range(20)]]
    return np.array(rs)
예제 #4
def test_Wigner_D_element_underflow(Rs, ell_max):
    # NOTE: This is a delicate test, which depends on the result underflowing exactly when expected.
    # In particular, it should underflow to 0.0 when |mp+m|>32, but should never undeflow to 0.0
    # when |mp+m|<32.  So it's not the end of the world if this test fails, but it does mean that
    # the underflow properties have changed, so it might be worth a look.
    assert sf.ell_max >= 15  # Test can't work if this has been set lower
    eps = 1.e-10
    ell_max = max(sf.ell_max, ell_max)
    # Test |Ra|=1e-10
    LMpM = np.array(
        [[ell, mp, m] for ell in range(ell_max + 1) for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1) for m in range(-ell, ell + 1) if
         abs(mp + m) > 32])
    R = np.quaternion(eps, 1, 0, 0).normalized()
    assert np.all(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, LMpM) == 0j)
    LMpM = np.array(
        [[ell, mp, m] for ell in range(ell_max + 1) for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1) for m in range(-ell, ell + 1) if
         abs(mp + m) < 32])
    R = np.quaternion(eps, 1, 0, 0).normalized()
    assert np.all(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, LMpM) != 0j)
    # Test |Rb|=1e-10
    LMpM = np.array(
        [[ell, mp, m] for ell in range(ell_max + 1) for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1) for m in range(-ell, ell + 1) if
         abs(m - mp) > 32])
    R = np.quaternion(1, eps, 0, 0).normalized()
    assert np.all(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, LMpM) == 0j)
    LMpM = np.array(
        [[ell, mp, m] for ell in range(ell_max + 1) for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1) for m in range(-ell, ell + 1) if
         abs(m - mp) < 32])
    R = np.quaternion(1, eps, 0, 0).normalized()
    assert np.all(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, LMpM) != 0j)
예제 #5
    def integrate_gyro(self, initwindow=0.5):
        # convert gyro to rad/sec
        gyrorad = self.gyro * np.pi/180.0

        qorient = np.zeros_like(self.t, dtype=np.quaternion)
        gvec = np.zeros_like(self.gyro)

        dt = 1.0 / self.sampfreq

        isfirst = self.t <= self.t[0] + initwindow
        qorient[0] = self.orientation_from_accel(np.mean(self.acc[isfirst, :], axis=0))

        for i, gyro1 in enumerate(gyrorad[1:, :], start=1):
            qprev = qorient[i-1]

            # quaternion angular change from the gyro
            qdotgyro = 0.5 * (qprev * np.quaternion(0, *gyro1))
            qorient[i] = qprev + qdotgyro * dt

            g1 = qorient[i].conj() * np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, -1) * qorient[i]
            gvec[i, :] = g1.components[1:]

        self.qorient = qorient
        self.orient_sensor = quaternion.as_euler_angles(qorient)
        self.gvec = gvec
        self.accdyn_sensor = self.acc - gvec
예제 #6
    def test_rotation_matrix_of_composition_is_dot_product_of_rotation_matrices(self):
        q1 = np.quaternion(np.pi, 5.12, -np.pi, 2.56).normalized() # random
        q2 = np.quaternion(-np.pi, 0, 1.1, -2.2).normalized() # random

        m_of_composition = Quaternion.to_rotation_matrix(q1 * q2)
        m_from_q1 = Quaternion.to_rotation_matrix(q1)
        m_from_q2 = Quaternion.to_rotation_matrix(q2)
        m_from_dot = m_from_q1.dot(m_from_q2)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(m_of_composition, m_from_dot)
예제 #7
def test_Wigner_D_element_overflow(Rs, ell_max):
    assert sf.ell_max >= 15  # Test can't work if this has been set lower
    ell_max = max(sf.ell_max, ell_max)
    LMpM = sf.LMpM_range(0, ell_max)
    # Test |Ra|=1e-10
    R = np.quaternion(1.e-10, 1, 0, 0).normalized()
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, LMpM)))
    # Test |Rb|=1e-10
    R = np.quaternion(1, 1.e-10, 0, 0).normalized()
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(sf.Wigner_D_element(R, LMpM)))
예제 #8
    def test_multiply_by_unit_quaternion(self):
        id = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)

        q1 = np.quaternion(1, 2, 3, 4) # random
        self.assertEqual(id*q1, q1)
        self.assertEqual(q1*id, q1)

        q2 = np.quaternion(5, 6, 1000, 2000) # random
        self.assertEqual(id*q2, q2)
        self.assertEqual(q2*id, q2)
예제 #9
def test_from_euler_angles():
    random_angles = [[np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi),
                      np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi),
                      np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)]
                     for i in range(5000)]
    for alpha, beta, gamma in random_angles:
        assert abs((np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, alpha / 2.).exp()
                    * np.quaternion(0, 0, beta / 2., 0).exp()
                    * np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, gamma / 2.).exp()
                   - quaternion.from_euler_angles(alpha, beta, gamma)) < 1.e-15
예제 #10
def test_quaternion_parity_conjugates(Qs):
    for q in Qs[Qs_finite]:
        assert q.x_parity_conjugate() == np.quaternion(q.w, q.x, -q.y, -q.z)
        assert q.y_parity_conjugate() == np.quaternion(q.w, -q.x, q.y, -q.z)
        assert q.z_parity_conjugate() == np.quaternion(q.w, -q.x, -q.y, q.z)
        assert q.parity_conjugate() == np.quaternion(q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z)
    assert np.array_equal(np.x_parity_conjugate(Qs[Qs_finite]),
                          np.array([q.x_parity_conjugate() for q in Qs[Qs_finite]]))
    assert np.array_equal(np.y_parity_conjugate(Qs[Qs_finite]),
                          np.array([q.y_parity_conjugate() for q in Qs[Qs_finite]]))
    assert np.array_equal(np.z_parity_conjugate(Qs[Qs_finite]),
                          np.array([q.z_parity_conjugate() for q in Qs[Qs_finite]]))
    assert np.array_equal(np.parity_conjugate(Qs[Qs_finite]), np.array([q.parity_conjugate() for q in Qs[Qs_finite]]))
예제 #11
    def _get_orientation_madgwick(self, initwindow=0.5, beta=2.86):
        gyrorad = self.gyro * np.pi/180.0
        betarad = beta * np.pi/180.0

        qorient = np.zeros_like(self.t, dtype=np.quaternion)
        qgyro = np.zeros_like(self.t, dtype=np.quaternion)
        gvec = np.zeros_like(self.gyro)

        dt = 1.0 / self.sampfreq

        isfirst = self.t <= self.t[0] + initwindow
        qorient[0] = self.orientation_from_accel(np.mean(self.acc[isfirst, :], axis=0))

        for i, gyro1 in enumerate(gyrorad[1:, :], start=1):
            qprev = qorient[i-1]

            acc1 = self.acc[i, :]
            acc1 = -acc1 / np.linalg.norm(acc1)

            # quaternion angular change from the gryo
            qdotgyro = 0.5 * (qprev * np.quaternion(0, *gyro1))
            qgyro[i] = qprev + qdotgyro * dt

            if beta > 0:
                # gradient descent algorithm corrective step
                qp = qprev.components
                F = np.array([2*(qp[1]*qp[3] - qp[0]*qp[2]) - acc1[0],
                              2*(qp[0]*qp[1] + qp[2]*qp[3]) - acc1[1],
                              2*(0.5 - qp[1]**2 - qp[2]**2) - acc1[2]])
                J = np.array([[-2*qp[2], 2*qp[3], -2*qp[0], 2*qp[1]],
                               [2*qp[1], 2*qp[0], 2*qp[3], 2*qp[2]],
                               [0, -4*qp[1], -4*qp[2], 0]])

                step = np.dot(J.T, F)
                step = step / np.linalg.norm(step)
                step = np.quaternion(*step)

                qdot = qdotgyro - betarad * step
                qdot = qdotgyro

            qorient[i] = qprev + qdot * dt

        # get the gravity vector
        # gravity is -Z
        gvec = [(q.conj() * np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, -1) * q).components[1:] for q in qorient]

        self.qorient = qorient
        self.orient_sensor = quaternion.as_euler_angles(qorient)
        self.gvec = gvec
        self.accdyn_sensor = self.acc - gvec
예제 #12
def test_quaternion_getset(Qs):
    # get parts a and b
    for q in Qs[Qs_nonnan]:
        assert q.a == q.w + 1j * q.z
        assert q.b == q.y + 1j * q.x
    # Check multiplication law for parts a and b
    part_mul_precision = 1.e-14
    for p in Qs[Qs_finite]:
        for q in Qs[Qs_finite]:
            assert abs((p * q).a - (p.a * q.a - p.b.conjugate() * q.b)) < part_mul_precision
            assert abs((p * q).b - (p.b * q.a + p.a.conjugate() * q.b)) < part_mul_precision
    # get components/vec
    for q in Qs[Qs_nonnan]:
        assert np.array_equal(q.components, np.array([q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z]))
        assert np.array_equal(q.vec, np.array([q.x, q.y, q.z]))
    # set components/vec from np.array, list, tuple
    for q in Qs[Qs_nonnan]:
        for seq_type in [np.array, list, tuple]:
            p = np.quaternion(*q.components)
            r = np.quaternion(*q.components)
            p.components = seq_type((-5.5, 6.6, -7.7, 8.8))
            r.vec = seq_type((6.6, -7.7, 8.8))
            assert np.array_equal(p.components, np.array([-5.5, 6.6, -7.7, 8.8]))
            assert np.array_equal(r.components, np.array([q.w, 6.6, -7.7, 8.8]))
    # TypeError when setting components with the wrong type or size of thing
    for q in Qs:
        for seq_type in [np.array, list, tuple]:
            p = np.quaternion(*q.components)
            r = np.quaternion(*q.components)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                p.components = '1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4'
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                p.components = seq_type([])
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                p.components = seq_type((-5.5,))
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                p.components = seq_type((-5.5, 6.6,))
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                p.components = seq_type((-5.5, 6.6, -7.7,))
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                p.components = seq_type((-5.5, 6.6, -7.7, 8.8, -9.9))
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                r.vec = '2.2, 3.3, 4.4'
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                r.vec = seq_type([])
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                r.vec = seq_type((-5.5,))
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                r.vec = seq_type((-5.5, 6.6))
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                r.vec = seq_type((-5.5, 6.6, -7.7, 8.8))
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, Vector):
         new_vector = np.quaternion(0.0, other[0], other[1], other[2])
         new_vector = self.quaternion * new_vector * np.conjugate(
         new_vector = Vector(new_vector.x, new_vector.y, new_vector.z)
         return new_vector
예제 #14
 def test_initial_setup(self):
     accel_item_first = (0.0, np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, -9.81]).reshape((3, 1)))
     gyro_item_second = (0.0, np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape((3, 1)))
     initial_accel_mean = np.zeros((3, 1))
     state = State(accel_item_first, gyro_item_second, initial_accel_mean)
     q_C_G = state.get_rotation_from_global_to_camera_pose(0)
     self.assertEqual(q_C_G, np.quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
예제 #15
def mean_rotor_in_chordal_metric(R, t=None):
    """Return rotor that is closest to all R in the least-squares sense

    This can be done (quasi-)analytically because of the simplicity of
    the chordal metric function.  The only approximation is the simple
    2nd-order discrete formula for the definite integral of the input
    rotor function.

    Note that the `t` argument is optional.  If it is present, the
    times are used to weight the corresponding integral.  If it is not
    present, a simple sum is used instead (which may be slightly

    if not t:
        return np.quaternion(*(np.sum(as_float_array(R)))).normalized()
    mean = np.empty((4,), dtype=float)
    definite_integral(as_float_array(R), t, mean)
    return np.quaternion(*mean).normalized()
예제 #16
 def test_simple_move_in_x_direction(self):
     accel_item_first = (0.0, np.asarray([1.0, 0.0, -9.81]).reshape((3, 1)))
     gyro_item_second = (0.0, np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape((3, 1)))
     initial_accel_mean = np.zeros((3, 1))
     state = State(accel_item_first, gyro_item_second, initial_accel_mean)
     accel_item_second = (1.0, np.asarray([1.0, 0.0, -9.81]).reshape((3, 1)))
     gyro_item_second = (1.0, np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape((3, 1)))
     state = State.propagate(state, accel_item_second, gyro_item_second)
     self.assertEqual(state.q_B_G, np.quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     np.testing.assert_allclose(state.p_B_G, np.asarray([0.5, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape((3, 1)))
     np.testing.assert_allclose(state.v_B_G, np.asarray([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]).reshape((3, 1)))
예제 #17
def ImuDef(data):
    global q_k, wk
    q_k = np.quaternion(data.orientation.w,
    wk = np.array([data.angular_velocity.x,
    SLAM.Q[5:7,5:7] = np.reshape(data.orientation_covariance, (3,3))[:2,:2]
    SLAM.Q[8,8] = np.reshape(data.angular_velocity_covariance, (3,3))[2,2]
예제 #18
    def test_transformation_using_sandwich_and_rotation_matrix_are_same(self):
        q = np.quaternion(-1, -8, 4, 6).normalized() # random
        x = np.asarray([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]).reshape((3, 1)) # random
        x = x / x.sum()
        x_quat = Quaternion.vector_to_quaternion_form(x)
        x_next_quat_form = q * x_quat * q.conjugate()
        x_next_using_quaternions = Quaternion.vector_from_quaternion_form(x_next_quat_form)

        r = Quaternion.to_rotation_matrix(q)
        x_next_using_matrices = r.dot(x)

        np.testing.assert_allclose(x_next_using_quaternions, x_next_using_matrices)
예제 #19
파일: Quad.py 프로젝트: DocSohl/NeuroEvolve
 def __init__(self):
     self._lock = threading.Lock()
     self._position = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32').T
     self._orientation = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
     self._velocity = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32').T
     self._rotational_velocity = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32')
     self._acceleration = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32').T
     self._rotational_acceleration = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype='float32')
     self._props = Props(2.0, 3.0, 2.0, 3.0)
     self._running = True
     self._clock = pygame.time.Clock()
     self._dt = 0.2
예제 #20
    def orientation_from_accel(self, acc):
        """Get a quaternion orientation from an accelerometer reading, assuming that the accelerometer correctly
        measures the gravitational acceleration"""
        acc1 = -acc / np.linalg.norm(acc)

        ax, ay, az = acc1

        AXZ = ax * np.sqrt(1 - az)
        AXY = np.sqrt(ax**2 + ay**2)
        q0 = np.quaternion(0, AXZ / (np.sqrt(2)*AXY), ay*AXZ / (np.sqrt(2) * ax * AXY), ax*AXY / (np.sqrt(2)*AXZ))

        return q0
 def __init__(self, axis, angle):
     if isinstance(angle, np.ndarray):
         angle = angle[0]
     elif isinstance(angle, int):
         angle = float(angle)
     if not isinstance(angle, float):
         raise Exception('angle must be a float')
     self.axis = axis.unit()
     self.angle = f.convert_to_radians(angle)
     _ = self.axis * np.sin(self.angle/2.0)
     self.quaternion = np.quaternion(np.cos(self.angle/2.0), _[0], _[1],
예제 #22
def rotate(vector, quaternion):
    """Rotates a vector using a quaternion.
        vector: The vector which is to be rotated.
        quaternion: The quaternion which describes the rotation.
        The rotated vector.
    vector = np.quaternion(0, vector[0], vector[1], vector[2])
    new_vector = quaternion * vector * np.conjugate(quaternion)
    new_vector = np.array(new_vector.imag)
    return new_vector
예제 #23
def test_SWSH_spin_behavior(Rs, special_angles, ell_max):
    # We expect that the SWSHs behave according to
    # sYlm( R * exp(gamma*z/2) ) = sYlm(R) * exp(-1j*s*gamma)
    # See http://moble.github.io/spherical_functions/SWSHs.html#fn:2
    # for a more detailed explanation
    # print("")
    for i, R in enumerate(Rs):
        # print("\t{0} of {1}: R = {2}".format(i, len(Rs), R))
        for gamma in special_angles:
            for ell in range(ell_max + 1):
                for s in range(-ell, ell + 1):
                    LM = np.array([[ell, m] for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)])
                    Rgamma = R * np.quaternion(math.cos(gamma / 2.), 0, 0, math.sin(gamma / 2.))
                    sYlm1 = sf.SWSH(Rgamma, s, LM)
                    sYlm2 = sf.SWSH(R, s, LM) * cmath.exp(-1j * s * gamma)
                    # print(R, gamma, ell, s, np.max(np.abs(sYlm1-sYlm2)))
                    assert np.allclose(sYlm1, sYlm2, atol=ell ** 6 * precision_SWSH, rtol=ell ** 6 * precision_SWSH)
예제 #24
def rotation_to_quaternion(vector, angle):
    """Converts a rotation in terms of an angle and unit vector into a 
        axis: The vector in the direction of the axis of rotation.
        angle The angle through which the rotation is made. It has to 
            be passed in degrees.
        A quaternion that performs the rotation.
    axis = unit_vector(vector)
    angle = convert_to_radians(angle)
    _ = axis * np.sin(angle/2)
    q = np.quaternion(np.cos(angle/2), _[0], _[1], _[2])
    return q
예제 #25
def _get_filenames_and_classes(dataset_dir):

    trajectory_abs = []  #abosolute camera pose

    with open(dataset_dir + '/vicon0/sampled_relative.csv') as csvfile:
        count = 0
        spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
        for row in spamreader:
            if count == 0:
                count = 1

    print('Total data: ' + str(len(trajectory_abs)))

    # Calculate relative pose
    trajectory_relative = []
    for i in range(len(trajectory_abs) - 1):
        #timestamp [ns],p_RS_R_x [m],p_RS_R_y [m],p_RS_R_z [m],q_RS_w [],q_RS_x [],q_RS_y [],q_RS_z []
        timestamp = trajectory_abs[i + 1][0]
        X, Y, Z = np.array(
            trajectory_abs[i + 1][1:4]).astype(float) - np.array(

        ww0, wx0, wy0, wz0 = np.array(trajectory_abs[i][4:]).astype(float)
        ww1, wx1, wy1, wz1 = np.array(trajectory_abs[i + 1][4:]).astype(float)
        q0 = np.quaternion(ww0, wx0, wy0, wz0)
        q1 = np.quaternion(ww1, wx1, wy1, wz1)
        relative_rot = quaternion.as_float_array(q1 * q0.inverse())

        relative_pose = [
            timestamp, X, Y, Z, relative_rot[0], relative_rot[1],
            relative_rot[2], relative_rot[3]
        se3R6 = xyzQuaternion2se3_([relative_pose[1],\

    with open(dataset_dir + '/vicon0/sampled_relative_R6.csv', 'w+') as f:
        tmpStr = ",".join(trajectory_abs[0])
        f.write(tmpStr + '\n')

        for i in range(len(trajectory_relative)):
            r1 = float_to_str(trajectory_relative[i][0])
            r2 = float_to_str(trajectory_relative[i][1])
            r3 = float_to_str(trajectory_relative[i][2])
            r4 = float_to_str(trajectory_relative[i][3])
            r5 = float_to_str(trajectory_relative[i][4])
            r6 = float_to_str(trajectory_relative[i][5])
            tmpStr = str(
            ) + ',' + r1 + ',' + r2 + ',' + r3 + ',' + r4 + ',' + r5 + ',' + r6
            f.write(tmpStr + '\n')

예제 #26
    ipython = get_ipython()
except AttributeError:
    print("This script must be run with `ipython`")

import sys
import numpy as np
import random
import quaternion
import numbapro as nb
from numbapro import *
import spherical_functions as sf

ru = lambda: random.uniform(-1, 1)

q = np.quaternion(ru(), ru(), ru(), ru())
q = q / q.abs()

ells = np.array(range(16 + 1) + [24, 32])
ells = ells[ells <= sf.ell_max]
evals = np.empty_like(ells, dtype=int)
nanoseconds = np.empty_like(ells, dtype=float)
for i, ell_max in enumerate(ells):
    indices = np.array(
        [[ell, mp, m] for ell in range(ell_max + 1) for mp in range(-ell, ell + 1) for m in range(-ell, ell + 1)],
    elements = np.zeros((indices.shape[0],), dtype=complex)
    result = ipython.magic("timeit -o sf._Wigner_D_matrices(q.a, q.b, 0, ell_max, elements)")
    evals[i] = len(indices)
    nanoseconds[i] = 1e9 * result.best / evals[i]
    print("With ell_max={0}, and {1} evaluations, each D component averages {2:.0f} ns".format(ell_max, evals[i],
예제 #27
def quat_prod(p, q):
    pq = np.quaternion()
    pq.w = p.w * q.w - (p.vec).dot(q.vec)
    pq.vec = p.w * q.vec + q.w * p.vec + np.cross(p.vec, q.vec)
    return pq
예제 #28
            #heading = 280.0 - heading
            heading = 165 - yaw #165.0 - yaw
            if heading < 0: heading += 360
            heading_keep_rad = math.radians(heading)
            heading_quantized = round(heading/90) * 90 #-90
            heading_rad = math.radians(heading_quantized)               
            if visualise and (time.time() - last_sent_heading_data_time > 0.1):
                last_sent_heading_data_time = time.time()
                MESSAGE = '{:.3f}\n'.format(heading)
                sock.sendto(bytes(MESSAGE, "utf-8"), (UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

            # local_coordinate_system:
            lcs = data["fusionQPose"]
            q_lcs = np.quaternion(lcs[0], lcs[1], lcs[2], lcs[3])
            # accel quaternion:
            acc_lcs = data["accel"]
            q_acc = np.quaternion(acc_lcs[0], acc_lcs[1], acc_lcs[2])
            # global_coordinate_system:
            q_gcs = q_lcs * q_acc * q_lcs.inverse()
            acc_gcs = q_gcs.vec
            acc_x, acc_y, acc_z = (i * g for i in acc_gcs)

            acc_z = (1 - alpha) * acc_z + alpha * sample_old

            #start of new possible step
            if (acc_z > sample_old) and (acc_z > threshold) and (threshold > sample_old):
                start_of_step = time.time()

            #check if we have a step
예제 #29
 def identity(cls):
     return cls(quaternion.one, np.quaternion(0., 0., 0., 0.))
예제 #30
 def __init__(self, session_time, x, y, z, w):
     self.quaternion = np.quaternion(w, x, y, z)
예제 #31
class SystemModel(ABC):
    ) = range(4)

    # from sc cam frame (axis: +x, up: +z) to opengl (axis -z, up: +y)
    sc2gl_q = np.quaternion(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5)

    # from opencv cam frame (axis: +z, up: -y) to opengl (axis -z, up: +y)
    cv2gl_q = np.quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0)

    def __init__(self, asteroid, camera, limits, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SystemModel, self).__init__()

        self.asteroid = asteroid
        self.cam = camera

        # mission limits
            self.min_distance,  # min_distance in km
            self.min_med_distance,  # min_med_distance in km
            self.max_med_distance,  # max_med_distance in km
            self.max_distance,  # max_distance in km
            self.min_elong,  # min_elong in deg
            self.min_time  # min time instant as astropy.time.Time
        ) = limits

        assert self.min_altitude > 0, \
            'min distance %.2fkm too small, possible collision as asteroid max_radius=%.0fm'%(self.min_distance, self.asteroid.max_radius)

        self.mission_id = None  # overridden by particular missions
        self.view_width = VIEW_WIDTH

        # spacecraft position relative to asteroid, z towards spacecraft,
        #   x towards right when looking out from s/c camera, y up
        self.x_off = Parameter(-4, 4, estimate=False)
        self.y_off = Parameter(-4, 4, estimate=False)

        # whole view: 1.65km/tan(2.5deg) = 38km
        # can span ~30px: 1.65km/tan(2.5deg * 30/1024) = 1290km
        self.z_off = Parameter(-self.max_distance,
                               is_gl_z=True)  # was 120, 220

        # spacecraft orientation relative to stars
        self.x_rot = Parameter(-90, 90, estimate=False)  # axis latitude
        self.y_rot = Parameter(-180, 180, estimate=False)  # axis longitude
        self.z_rot = Parameter(-180, 180, estimate=False)  # rotation

        # asteroid zero orientation relative to stars
        self.ast_x_rot = Parameter(-90, 90, estimate=False)  # axis latitude
        self.ast_y_rot = Parameter(-180, 180, estimate=False)  # axis longitude
        self.ast_z_rot = Parameter(-180, 180, estimate=False)  # rotation

        # time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00
        self.time = Parameter(self.min_time.unix,
                              self.min_time.unix +

        # override any default params
        for n, v in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, n, v)

        # set default values to params
        for n, p in self.get_params():
            p.value = p.def_val

    def min_altitude(self):
        """ in km """
        return self.min_distance - self.asteroid.max_radius / 1000

    def view_height(self):
        return int(self.cam.height * self.view_width / self.cam.width)

    def get_params(self, all=False):
        return ((n, getattr(self, n)) for n in sorted(self.__dict__)
                if isinstance(getattr(self, n), Parameter) and (
                    all or getattr(self, n).estimate))

    def param_change_events(self, enabled):
        for n, p in self.get_params(all=True):
            p.fire_change_events = enabled

    def spacecraft_pos(self):
        return self.x_off.value, self.y_off.value, self.z_off.value

    def spacecraft_pos(self, pos):
        self.z_off.value = pos[2]

        half_range = abs(pos[2] / 170 * 4)
        self.x_off.range = (pos[0] - half_range, pos[0] + half_range)
        self.x_off.value = pos[0]

        self.y_off.range = (pos[1] - half_range, pos[1] + half_range)
        self.y_off.value = pos[1]

    def spacecraft_rot(self):
        return self.x_rot.value, self.y_rot.value, self.z_rot.value

    def spacecraft_rot(self, r):
        self.x_rot.value, self.y_rot.value, self.z_rot.value = r

    def asteroid_axis(self):
        return self.ast_x_rot.value, self.ast_y_rot.value, self.ast_z_rot.value

    def asteroid_axis(self, r):
        self.ast_x_rot.value, self.ast_y_rot.value, self.ast_z_rot.value = r

    def spacecraft_dist(self):
        return math.sqrt(sum(x**2 for x in self.spacecraft_pos))

    def spacecraft_altitude(self):
        sc_ast_v = tools.normalize_v(np.array(self.spacecraft_pos))
        ast_vx = self.sc_asteroid_vertices()
        min_distance = np.min(sc_ast_v.dot(ast_vx.T))
        return min_distance

    def real_spacecraft_altitude(self):
        sc_ast_v = tools.normalize_v(np.array(self.real_spacecraft_pos))
        ast_vx = self.sc_asteroid_vertices(real=True)
        min_distance = np.min(sc_ast_v.dot(ast_vx.T))
        return min_distance

    def asteroid_rotation_from_model(self):
        self.ast_x_rot.value = math.degrees(self.asteroid.axis_latitude)
        self.ast_y_rot.value = math.degrees(self.asteroid.axis_longitude)
        self.ast_z_rot.value = (math.degrees(self.asteroid.rotation_pm) +
                                180) % 360 - 180

    def update_asteroid_model(self):
        self.asteroid.axis_latitude = math.radians(self.ast_x_rot.value)
        self.asteroid.axis_longitude = math.radians(self.ast_y_rot.value)
        self.asteroid.rotation_pm = math.radians(self.ast_z_rot.value)

    def pixel_extent(self, distance=None):
        distance = abs(self.z_off) if distance is None else distance
        return self.cam.width * math.atan(
            self.asteroid.mean_radius / 1000 / distance) * 2 / math.radians(

    def real_spacecraft_pos(self):
        return self.x_off.real_value, self.y_off.real_value, self.z_off.real_value

    def real_spacecraft_pos(self, rv):
        self.x_off.real_value, self.y_off.real_value, self.z_off.real_value = rv

    def real_spacecraft_rot(self):
        return self.x_rot.real_value, self.y_rot.real_value, self.z_rot.real_value

    def real_spacecraft_rot(self, rv):
        self.x_rot.real_value, self.y_rot.real_value, self.z_rot.real_value = rv

    def real_asteroid_axis(self):
        return self.ast_x_rot.real_value, self.ast_y_rot.real_value, self.ast_z_rot.real_value

    def real_asteroid_axis(self, rv):
        self.ast_x_rot.real_value, self.ast_y_rot.real_value, self.ast_z_rot.real_value = rv

    def spacecraft_q(self):
        return tools.ypr_to_q(*list(
            map(math.radians, (self.x_rot.value, self.y_rot.value,

    def spacecraft_q(self, new_q):
        self.x_rot.value, self.y_rot.value, self.z_rot.value = \
            list(map(math.degrees, tools.q_to_ypr(new_q)))

    def real_spacecraft_q(self):
        return tools.ypr_to_q(*list(
            map(math.radians, (self.x_rot.real_value, self.y_rot.real_value,

    def real_spacecraft_q(self, new_q):
        self.x_rot.real_value, self.y_rot.real_value, self.z_rot.real_value = \
            list(map(math.degrees, tools.q_to_ypr(new_q)))

    def asteroid_q(self):
        return self.asteroid.rotation_q(self.time.value)

    def asteroid_q(self, new_q):
        ast = self.asteroid
        sc2ast_q = SystemModel.frm_conv_q(SystemModel.SPACECRAFT_FRAME,

        ast.axis_latitude, ast.axis_longitude, new_theta = tools.q_to_ypr(
            new_q * sc2ast_q)

        old_theta = ast.rotation_theta(self.time.value)
        ast.rotation_pm = tools.wrap_rads(ast.rotation_pm + new_theta -


    def real_asteroid_q(self):
        org_ast_axis = self.asteroid_axis
        self.asteroid_axis = self.real_asteroid_axis
        q = self.asteroid.rotation_q(self.time.real_value)
        self.asteroid_axis = org_ast_axis
        return q

    def real_asteroid_q(self, new_q):
        org_ast_axis = self.asteroid_axis
        self.asteroid_axis = self.real_asteroid_axis
        self.asteroid_q = new_q
        self.asteroid_axis = org_ast_axis

    def gl_sc_asteroid_rel_q(self, discretize_tol=False):
        """ rotation of asteroid relative to spacecraft in opengl coords """
        assert not discretize_tol, 'discretize_tol deprecated at gl_sc_asteroid_rel_q function'
        sc_ast_rel_q = SystemModel.sc2gl_q.conj() * self.sc_asteroid_rel_q()

        if discretize_tol:
            qq, _ = tools.discretize_q(sc_ast_rel_q, discretize_tol)
            err_q = sc_ast_rel_q * qq.conj()
            sc_ast_rel_q = qq

        if not BATCH_MODE and DEBUG:
            print('asteroid x-axis: %s' %
                  tools.q_times_v(sc_ast_rel_q, np.array([1, 0, 0])))

        return sc_ast_rel_q, err_q if discretize_tol else False

    def sc_asteroid_rel_q(self, time=None):
        """ rotation of asteroid relative to spacecraft in spacecraft coords """
        ast_q = self.asteroid.rotation_q(time or self.time.value)
        sc_q = self.spacecraft_q
        return sc_q.conj() * ast_q

    def real_sc_asteroid_rel_q(self):
        org_sc_rot = self.spacecraft_rot
        org_ast_axis = self.asteroid_axis
        self.spacecraft_rot = self.real_spacecraft_rot
        self.asteroid_axis = self.real_asteroid_axis

        q_tot = self.sc_asteroid_rel_q(time=self.time.real_value)

        self.spacecraft_rot = org_sc_rot
        self.asteroid_axis = org_ast_axis
        return q_tot

    def rotate_spacecraft(self, q):
        new_q = self.spacecraft_q * q
        self.x_rot.value, self.y_rot.value, self.z_rot.value = \
            list(map(math.degrees, tools.q_to_ypr(new_q)))

    def rotate_asteroid(self, q):
        """ rotate asteroid in spacecraft frame """
        # global rotation q on asteroid in sc frame, followed by local rotation to asteroid frame
        new_q = q * self.asteroid.rotation_q(self.time.value)
        self.asteroid_q = new_q

    def reset_to_real_vals(self):
        for n, p in self.get_params(True):
            assert p.real_value is not None, 'real value missing for %s' % n
            p.value = p.real_value

    def swap_values_with_real_vals(self):
        for n, p in self.get_params(True):
            assert p.real_value is not None, 'real value missing for %s' % n
            assert p.value is not None, 'current value missing %s' % n
            tmp = p.value
            p.value = p.real_value
            p.real_value = tmp

    def calc_shift_err(self):
        est_vertices = self.sc_asteroid_vertices()
        target_vertices = self.sc_asteroid_vertices()
        return tools.sc_asteroid_max_shift_error(est_vertices, target_vertices)

    def sc_asteroid_vertices(self, real=False):
        """ asteroid vertices rotated and translated to spacecraft frame """
        if self.asteroid.real_shape_model is None:
            return None

        sc_ast_q = self.real_sc_asteroid_rel_q(
        ) if real else self.sc_asteroid_rel_q()
        sc_pos = self.real_spacecraft_pos if real else self.spacecraft_pos

        return tools.q_times_mx(
            sc_ast_q, np.array(
                self.asteroid.real_shape_model.vertices)) + sc_pos

    def gl_light_rel_dir(self, err_q=False, discretize_tol=False):
        """ direction of light relative to spacecraft in opengl coords """
        assert not discretize_tol, 'discretize_tol deprecated at gl_light_rel_dir function'

        light_v, err_angle = self.light_rel_dir(err_q=False,

        err_q = (err_q or np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0))
        light_gl_v = tools.q_times_v(err_q.conj() * SystemModel.sc2gl_q.conj(),

        # new way to discretize light, consistent with real fdb inplementation
        if discretize_tol:
            dlv, _ = tools.discretize_v(
                lat_range=(-math.pi / 2, math.radians(90 - self.min_elong)))
            err_angle = tools.angle_between_v(light_gl_v, dlv)
            light_gl_v = dlv

        return light_gl_v, err_angle

    def light_rel_dir(self, err_q=False, discretize_tol=False):
        """ direction of light relative to spacecraft in s/c coords """
        assert not discretize_tol, 'discretize_tol deprecated at light_rel_dir function'

        light_v = tools.normalize_v(self.asteroid.position(self.time.value))
        sc_q = self.spacecraft_q
        err_q = (err_q or np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0))

        # old, better way to discretize light, based on asteroid rotation axis, now not in use
        if discretize_tol:
            ast_q = self.asteroid_q
            light_ast_v = tools.q_times_v(ast_q.conj(), light_v)
            dlv, _ = tools.discretize_v(light_ast_v, discretize_tol)
            err_angle = tools.angle_between_v(light_ast_v, dlv)
            light_v = tools.q_times_v(ast_q, dlv)

        return tools.q_times_v(err_q.conj() * sc_q.conj(), light_v),\
               err_angle if discretize_tol else False

    def solar_elongation(self, real=False):
        ast_v = self.asteroid.position(
            self.time.real_value if real else self.time.value)
        sc_q = self.real_spacecraft_q if real else self.spacecraft_q
        elong, direc = tools.solar_elongation(ast_v, sc_q)
        if not BATCH_MODE and DEBUG:
            print('elong: %.3f | dir: %.3f' %
                  (math.degrees(elong), math.degrees(direc)))
        return elong, direc

    def rel_rot_err(self):
        return tools.angle_between_q(self.sc_asteroid_rel_q(),

    def lat_pos_err(self):
        real_pos = self.real_spacecraft_pos
        err = np.subtract(self.spacecraft_pos, real_pos)
        return math.sqrt(err[0]**2 + err[1]**2) / abs(real_pos[2])

    def dist_pos_err(self):
        real_d = self.real_spacecraft_pos[2]
        return abs(self.spacecraft_pos[2] - real_d) / abs(real_d)

    def calc_visibility(self, pos=None):
        if pos is None:
            pos = self.spacecraft_pos

        if isinstance(pos, np.ndarray):
            pos = pos.reshape((-1, 3))
            return_array = True
            pos = np.array([pos], shape=(1, 3))
            return_array = False

        rad = self.asteroid.mean_radius * 0.001
        xt = np.abs(pos[:, 2]) * math.tan(math.radians(self.cam.x_fov) / 2)
        yt = np.abs(pos[:, 2]) * math.tan(math.radians(self.cam.y_fov) / 2)

        # xm = np.clip((xt - (abs(pos[0])-rad))/rad/2, 0, 1)
        # ym = np.clip((yt - (abs(pos[1])-rad))/rad/2, 0, 1)
        xm = 1 - np.minimum(1, (np.maximum(0, pos[:, 0] + rad - xt) +
                                np.maximum(0, rad - pos[:, 0] - xt)) / rad / 2)
        ym = 1 - np.minimum(1, (np.maximum(0, pos[:, 1] + rad - yt) +
                                np.maximum(0, rad - pos[:, 1] - yt)) / rad / 2)
        visib = xm * ym * 100

        return visib if return_array else visib[0]

    def export_state(self, filename):
        """ saves state in an easy to access format """

        qn = ('w', 'x', 'y', 'z')
        vn = ('x', 'y', 'z')
        lines = [['type'] + ['ast_q' + i
                             for i in qn] + ['sc_q' + i for i in qn] +
                 ['ast_sc_v' + i for i in vn] + ['sun_ast_v' + i for i in vn]]

        for t in ('initial', 'real'):
            # if settings.USE_ICRS, all in solar system barycentric equatorial frame
            ast_q = self.asteroid.rotation_q(self.time.value)
            sc_q = self.spacecraft_q
            ast_sc_v = tools.q_times_v(sc_q, self.spacecraft_pos)
            sun_ast_v = self.asteroid.position(self.time.value)

            lines.append((t, ) + tuple(
                '%f' % f
                for f in (tuple(ast_q.components) + tuple(sc_q.components) +
                          tuple(ast_sc_v) + tuple(sun_ast_v))))

        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            f.write('\n'.join(['\t'.join(l) for l in lines]))

    def save_state(self, filename, printout=False):
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        filename = filename + ('.lbl' if len(filename) < 5
                               or filename[-4:] != '.lbl' else '')
        if not config.has_section('main'):
        if not config.has_section('real'):

        for n, p in self.get_params(all=True):
            config.set('main', n, str(p.value))
            if p.real_value is not None:
                config.set('real', n, str(p.real_value))

        if self.asteroid.real_position is not None:
            config.set('real', 'sun_asteroid_pos',

        if not printout:
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:

    def load_state(self, filename, sc_ast_vertices=False):
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise FileNotFoundError(filename)

        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        filename = filename + ('.lbl' if len(filename) < 5
                               or filename[-4:] != '.lbl' else '')

        for n, p in self.get_params(all=True):
            v = float(config.get('main', n))
            if n == 'time':
                rp = self.asteroid.rotation_period
                p.range = (v - rp / 2, v + rp / 2)
            p.value = v

            rv = config.get('real', n, fallback=None)
            if rv is not None:
                p.real_value = float(rv)

        rv = config.get('real', 'sun_asteroid_pos', fallback=None)
        if rv is not None:
            self.asteroid.real_position = np.fromstring(rv[1:-1],
                                                        sep=' ')

        assert np.isclose(self.time.value, float(config.get('main', 'time'))), \
               'Failed to set time value: %s vs %s'%(self.time.value, float(config.get('main', 'time')))


        if sc_ast_vertices:
            # get real relative position of asteroid model vertices
            self.asteroid.real_sc_ast_vertices = self.sc_asteroid_vertices(

    def frm_conv_q(fsrc, fdst, ast=None):
        fqm = {
            np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0),
            None if ast is None else ast.ast2sc_q * SystemModel.sc2gl_q,
        return fqm[fsrc] * fqm[fdst].conj()

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('system state:\n\t%s\n' + '\nsolar elongation: %s\n' +
                '\nasteroid rotation: %.2f\n') % (
                    '\n\t'.join('%s = %s' % (n, p)
                                for n, p in self.get_params(all=True)),
                    tuple(map(math.degrees, self.solar_elongation())),
            -AngleBetweenBodyPos(r_hip_pos, r_knee_pos, r_ankle_pos))
            -AngleBetweenBodyPos(l_hip_pos, l_knee_pos, l_ankle_pos))
            AngleBetweenBodyPos(r_shoulder_pos, r_elbow_pos, r_wrist_pos) -
            np.pi / 2)
            AngleBetweenBodyPos(l_shoulder_pos, l_elbow_pos, l_wrist_pos) -
            np.pi / 2)

    return dm_body_stream

unit_quat = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)

def AngleBetweenQuat(quat1, quat2):
    knee_rot = (quat1.inverse() * unit_quat) * quat1
    ankle_rot = (quat2.inverse() * unit_quat) * quat2
    knee_rot_vec = np.array([knee_rot.w, knee_rot.x, knee_rot.y, knee_rot.z])
    ankle_rot_vec = np.array(
        [ankle_rot.w, ankle_rot.x, ankle_rot.y, ankle_rot.z])
    angle = np.arccos(
        knee_rot_vec.dot(ankle_rot_vec) /
        (np.linalg.norm(knee_rot_vec) * np.linalg.norm(ankle_rot_vec)))
    return angle

def AngleBetweenBodyPos(pos0, pos1, pos2):
예제 #33
    def __init__(self,
                 position_noise: Union[None, Dict, Sequence] = None,
                 velocity_noise: Union[None, Dict, Sequence] = None,
                 rotation_noise: Union[None, Dict, Sequence] = None,
                 angular_velocity_noise: Union[None, Dict, Sequence] = None,
                 propeller_speed_noise: Union[None, Dict, Sequence] = None):
        Constructs a new noise state map with the given parameters.

            The gaussian noises can be specified in a number of ways
            1. `std`
            2. `(mean, std)`
            3. `dict(mean=your_mean, std=your_std)`
            The mean and standard deviation can be either scalar or match the dimension as the state part they are
            applied to.

        :param noise_scale: Global scale multiplied to all noises. Default is 1.
        :param position_noise: The noise to apply to the position.
        :param velocity_noise: The noise to apply to the velocity.
        :param rotation_noise: The noise to apply to the rotation.
        :param angular_velocity_noise: The noise to apply to the angular velocity.
        :param propeller_speed_noise: The noise to apply to the propeller speed.
        if position_noise is not None:
            position_mean, position_std = _parse_noise_spec(position_noise)
            self.noised_position = lambda state: state.position + \
                                                 np.random.randn(3) * position_std * noise_scale + position_mean
            self.noised_position = lambda state: state.position

        if velocity_noise is not None:
            velocity_mean, velocity_std = _parse_noise_spec(velocity_noise)
            self.noised_velolicty = lambda state: state.velocity + \
                                                  np.random.randn(3) * velocity_std * noise_scale + velocity_mean
            self.noised_velolicty = lambda state: state.velocity

        if angular_velocity_noise is not None:
            angular_velocity_mean, angular_velocity_std = _parse_noise_spec(
            self.noised_angular_velocity = lambda state: state.angular_velocity + \
                                                         np.random.randn(3) * angular_velocity_std * noise_scale + \
            self.noised_angular_velocity = lambda state: state.angular_velocity

        if propeller_speed_noise is not None:
            propeller_speed_mean, propeller_speed_std = _parse_noise_spec(
            self.noised_propeller_speed = lambda state: state.propeller_speed + \
                                                        np.random.randn(4) * propeller_speed_std * noise_scale + \
            self.noised_propeller_speed = lambda state: state.propeller_speed

        if rotation_noise is not None:
            rotation_mean, rotation_std = _parse_noise_spec(rotation_noise)
            self.noised_rotation = lambda state: np.quaternion(
                *(state.rotation.components + np.random.randn(4) * rotation_std
                  * noise_scale + rotation_mean))
            self.noised_rotation = lambda state: state.rotation
예제 #34
    def update(self, gyro, accel, mag):
        Perform one update step with data from a AHRS sensor array
        :param gyroscope: A three-element array containing the gyroscope data in radians per second.
        :param accelerometer: A three-element array containing the accelerometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used.
        :param magnetometer: A three-element array containing the magnetometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used.
        qnp = self.quaternion
        q = quaternion.as_float_array(self.quaternion)

        gyroscope = gyro.flatten()
        accelerometer = accel.flatten()
        magnetometer = mag.flatten()

        if norm(magnetometer) > 200.:
            raise ValueError("magnetometer value a bit off")
        if norm(accelerometer) > 30.:
            raise ValueError("accelerometer value a bit off")

        # Normalise accelerometer measurement
        if norm(accelerometer) is 0 or norm(accelerometer) is np.nan:
            warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero")
        accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer)

        # Normalise magnetometer measurement
        if norm(magnetometer) is 0 or norm(magnetometer) is np.nan:
            warnings.warn("magnetometer is zero")
        magnetometer /= norm(magnetometer)
        # magnetometer reading in Earth's frame quaternion
        # Sources of interference fixed in the sensor frame,
        # termed hard iron biases, can be removed through calibration
        h = qnp * np.quaternion(0, *magnetometer) * qnp.conj()
        # the following is based on assumption that magnetic field is in the direction of the north
        # (no East/West component), but does have a vertical component (inclination). This is not to
        # manipulate the measurement, but to obtain the inclination of the field as the reference.
        # See section III.D
        b = np.array([0, norm(h.imag[0:2]), 0, h.z])

        # Gradient descent algorithm corrective step
        f = np.array([
            2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - accelerometer[0],
            2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - accelerometer[1],
            2 * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - accelerometer[2],
            2 * b[1] * (0.5 - q[2]**2 - q[3]**2) + 2 * b[3] *
            (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - magnetometer[0],
            2 * b[1] * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] *
            (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - magnetometer[1],
            2 * b[1] * (q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] *
            (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - magnetometer[2]
        j = np.array([[-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]],
                      [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]],
                      [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0],
                          -2 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[3] * q[3],
                          -4 * b[1] * q[2] - 2 * b[3] * q[0],
                          -4 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1]
                          -2 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1],
                          2 * b[1] * q[2] + 2 * b[3] * q[0],
                          2 * b[1] * q[1] + 2 * b[3] * q[3],
                          -2 * b[1] * q[0] + 2 * b[3] * q[2]
                          2 * b[1] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[3] - 4 * b[3] * q[1],
                          2 * b[1] * q[0] - 4 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[1]
        step = j.T.dot(f)
        step /= norm(step)  # normalise step magnitude

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qdot = (qnp * np.quaternion(0, *gyroscope)) * 0.5 - np.quaternion(
            *(self.beta * step))

        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        qnp += qdot * self.samplePeriod
        self.quaternion = qnp.normalized()  # normalise quaternion
예제 #35
def even_permutations(a, b, c, d):
    vertices = []
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(a, b, c, d))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(a, c, d, b))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(a, d, b, c))

    vertices.append(np.quaternion(b, a, d, c))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(b, d, c, a))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(b, c, a, d))

    vertices.append(np.quaternion(c, d, a, b))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(c, a, b, d))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(c, b, d, a))

    vertices.append(np.quaternion(d, c, b, a))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(d, b, a, c))
    vertices.append(np.quaternion(d, a, c, b))
    return vertices
예제 #36
def from_q_to_6d(q):
    q = np.quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])
    mat = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix(q)  # 3x3
    rep6d = mat[:, 0:2].transpose().reshape(-1, 6)  # 6
    return rep6d
예제 #37
 def get_quaternion(self):
   """Returns the quaternion (q0,q1,q2,q3)
   return np.quaternion(self.q0,self.q1,self.q2,self.q3).normalized()
예제 #38
     header = Header()
     header.seq = i
     i += 1
     header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     GMM = GaussianMixtureModel()
     for mean, var, weight in zip(SLAM.map.means_, SLAM.map.covars_, SLAM.map.weights_):
         gaussian = GaussianModel()
         for m in mean:
         for v1 in var:
             row = CovarianceRow()
             for v2 in v1:
     pose = PoseStamped()
     pose.header = header
     pose.pose.position.x = SLAM.particles[:,0].mean()
     pose.pose.position.y = SLAM.particles[:,1].mean()
     pose.pose.position.z = SLAM.particles[:,2].mean()
     q = np.quaternion(0, SLAM.particles[:,5].mean(), SLAM.particles[:,6].mean(), SLAM.particles[:,7].mean())
     q = np.exp(q/2)
     pose.pose.orientation.w = q.real
     pose.pose.orientation.x = q.vec[0]
     pose.pose.orientation.y = q.vec[1]
     pose.pose.orientation.z = q.vec[2]
예제 #39
 def identity():
     return np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
def VecToQuat(vec):
    return np.quaternion(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], vec[3])
예제 #41
def test_pyrobot_noisy_actions(noise_multiplier, robot, controller):
    scene_graph = hsim.SceneGraph()
    agent_config = habitat_sim.AgentConfiguration()
    agent_config.action_space = dict(
            "move_backward", habitat_sim.ActuationSpec(amount=0.25)),
            "move_forward", habitat_sim.ActuationSpec(amount=0.25)),
            "turn_left", habitat_sim.ActuationSpec(amount=10.0)),
            "turn_right", habitat_sim.ActuationSpec(amount=10.0)),
    agent = habitat_sim.Agent(scene_graph.get_root_node().create_child(),

    for base_action in set(
            act.replace("noisy_", "") for act in agent_config.action_space):
        state = agent.state
        state.rotation = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
        agent.state = state
        base_state = agent.state

        base_translation_delta = _delta_translation(state, base_state)
        base_rotation_delta = _delta_rotation(state, base_state)

        delta_translations = []
        delta_rotations = []
        for _ in range(300):
            agent.state = state
            noisy_state = agent.state

            delta_translations.append(base_translation_delta -
                                      _delta_translation(state, noisy_state))
            delta_rotations.append(base_rotation_delta -
                                   _delta_rotation(state, noisy_state))

        delta_translations = np.stack(delta_translations)
        delta_rotations = np.stack(delta_rotations)
        if "move" in base_action:
            noise_model = pyrobot_noise_models[robot][controller].linear_motion
            noise_model = pyrobot_noise_models[robot][

        assert (np.linalg.norm(noise_model.linear.mean * noise_multiplier -
                               np.abs(delta_translations.mean(0))) < 5e-2)
        assert (np.linalg.norm(noise_model.rotation.mean * noise_multiplier -
                               np.abs(delta_rotations.mean(0))) < 5e-2)

        assert (np.linalg.norm(noise_model.linear.cov * noise_multiplier -
                               np.diag(delta_translations.std(0)**2)) < 5e-2)
        assert (np.linalg.norm(noise_model.rotation.cov * noise_multiplier -
                               (delta_rotations.std(0)**2)) < 5e-2)
예제 #42
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random
from numpy import sin
from numpy import cos
from numpy import pi
import quaternion

def mySlerp(t, q0, qf):
    teta = np.linalg.norm(quaternion.as_rotation_vector((q0.conjugate() * qf)))
    t0 = 0
    tf = 10
    dt = (t - t0) / (tf - t0)
    quat_slerp = (sin(teta / 2 *
                      (1 - dt)) * q0 + sin(teta / 2 * dt) * qf) / sin(teta / 2)
    return quat_slerp

q0 = np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
qf = np.quaternion(pi / 2, 0, 0, 0)

q = mySlerp(10, q0, qf)
예제 #43
    for line in allLines:
        if flag == 0:
            line = line.split('\n')[0]
            items = line.split(' ')
            IMAGE_ID = int(items[0])
            QW = float(items[1])
            QX = float(items[2])
            QY = float(items[3])
            QZ = float(items[4])
            TX = float(items[5])
            TY = float(items[6])
            TZ = float(items[7])
            CAMERA_ID = [int(items[8])]
            NAME = items[9]

            rotationMat = qt.as_rotation_matrix(np.quaternion(QW, QX, QY, QZ))
            translationMat = np.asarray([TX, TY, TZ]).reshape(3, 1)
            transformationMat = np.hstack((rotationMat, translationMat))
            image[NAME] = transformationMat

            flag = 1
            allthings = line.split(' ')
            points = []
            index = 0
            while index < (len(allthings) - 2):
                px = float(allthings[index])
                py = float(allthings[index + 1])
                cons = int(allthings[index + 2])
                points.append([px, py, cons])
                index = index + 3
예제 #44
__all__ = ['quaternion', 'from_spherical_coords', 'from_euler_angles',
           'rotor_intrinsic_distance', 'rotor_chordal_distance',
           'rotation_intrinsic_distance', 'rotation_chordal_distance',
           'slerp', 'squad_evaluate',
           'zero', 'one', 'x', 'y', 'z',
           'as_float_array', 'as_quat_array', 'as_spinor_array',
           'squad', 'derivative', 'definite_integral', 'indefinite_integral']

if 'quaternion' in np.__dict__:
    raise RuntimeError('The NumPy package already has a quaternion type')

np.quaternion = quaternion
np.typeDict['quaternion'] = np.dtype(quaternion)

zero = np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
one = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
x = np.quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0)
y = np.quaternion(0, 0, 1, 0)
z = np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)

def as_float_array(a):
    """View the quaternion array as an array of floats

    This function is fast (of order 1 microsecond) because no data is
    copied; the returned quantity is just a "view" of the original.

    The output view has one more dimension (of size 4) than the input
    array, but is otherwise the same shape.
예제 #45
def evaluate(projectdir, filename_cad_appearance, filename_annotations):
    appearances_cad = JSONHelper.read(filename_cad_appearance)

    benchmark_per_scan = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(lambda : 0)) # <-- benchmark_per_scan
    benchmark_per_class = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.defaultdict(lambda : 0)) # <-- benchmark_per_class
    if opt.dataset == "scannet":
        catid2catname = get_top8_classes_scannet()
    groundtruth = {}
    cad2info = {}
    idscan2trs = {}
    testscenes = [os.path.basename(f).split(".")[0] for f in glob.glob(projectdir + "/*.csv")]
    testscenes_gt = []
    for r in JSONHelper.read(filename_annotations):
        id_scan = r["id_scan"]
        # NOTE: remove this
        if id_scan not in testscenes:
        # <-

        idscan2trs[id_scan] = r["trs"]
        for model in r["aligned_models"]:
            id_cad = model["id_cad"]
            catid_cad = model["catid_cad"]
            catname_cad = catid2catname[catid_cad]
            model["n_total"] = len(r["aligned_models"])
            groundtruth.setdefault((id_scan, catid_cad),[]).append(model)
            cad2info[(catid_cad, id_cad)] = {"sym" : model["sym"], "catname" : catname_cad}

            benchmark_per_class[catname_cad]["n_total"] += 1
            benchmark_per_scan[id_scan]["n_total"] += 1

    projectname = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(projectdir))

    # Iterate through your alignments
    counter = 0
    for file0 in glob.glob(projectdir + "/*.csv"):
        alignments = CSVHelper.read(file0)
        id_scan = os.path.basename(file0.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
        if id_scan not in testscenes_gt:
        benchmark_per_scan[id_scan]["seen"] = 1

        appearance_counter = {}

        for alignment in alignments: # <- multiple alignments of same object in scene

            # -> read from .csv file
            catid_cad = alignment[0]
            id_cad = alignment[1]
            cadkey = catid_cad + "_" + id_cad
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if cadkey in appearances_cad[id_scan]:
                n_appearances_allowed = appearances_cad[id_scan][cadkey] # maximum number of appearances allowed
                n_appearances_allowed = 0

            appearance_counter.setdefault(cadkey, 0)
            if appearance_counter[cadkey] >= n_appearances_allowed:
            appearance_counter[cadkey] += 1

            catname_cad = cad2info[(catid_cad, id_cad)]["catname"]
            sym = cad2info[(catid_cad, id_cad)]["sym"]
            t = np.asarray(alignment[2:5], dtype=np.float64)
            q0 = np.asarray(alignment[5:9], dtype=np.float64)
            q = np.quaternion(q0[0], q0[1], q0[2], q0[3])
            s = np.asarray(alignment[9:12], dtype=np.float64)
            # <-

            key = (id_scan, catid_cad) # <-- key to query the correct groundtruth models
            for idx, model_gt in enumerate(groundtruth[key]):

                is_same_class = model_gt["catid_cad"] == catid_cad # <-- is always true (because the way the 'groundtruth' was created
                if is_same_class: # <-- proceed only if candidate-model and gt-model are in same class

                    Mscan = SE3.compose_mat4(idscan2trs[id_scan]["translation"], idscan2trs[id_scan]["rotation"], idscan2trs[id_scan]["scale"])
                    Mcad = SE3.compose_mat4(model_gt["trs"]["translation"], model_gt["trs"]["rotation"], model_gt["trs"]["scale"], -np.array(model_gt["center"]))
                    t_gt, q_gt, s_gt = SE3.decompose_mat4(np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Mscan), Mcad))

                    error_translation = np.linalg.norm(t - t_gt, ord=2)
                    error_scale = 100.0*np.abs(np.mean(s/s_gt) - 1)

                    # --> resolve symmetry
                    if sym == "__SYM_ROTATE_UP_2":
                        m = 2
                        tmp = [calc_rotation_diff(q, q_gt*quaternion.from_rotation_vector([0, (i*2.0/m)*np.pi, 0])) for i in range(m)]
                        error_rotation = np.min(tmp)
                    elif sym == "__SYM_ROTATE_UP_4":
                        m = 4
                        tmp = [calc_rotation_diff(q, q_gt*quaternion.from_rotation_vector([0, (i*2.0/m)*np.pi, 0])) for i in range(m)]
                        error_rotation = np.min(tmp)
                    elif sym == "__SYM_ROTATE_UP_INF":
                        m = 36
                        tmp = [calc_rotation_diff(q, q_gt*quaternion.from_rotation_vector([0, (i*2.0/m)*np.pi, 0])) for i in range(m)]
                        error_rotation = np.min(tmp)
                        error_rotation = calc_rotation_diff(q, q_gt)

                    # -> define Thresholds
                    threshold_translation = 0.2 # <-- in meter
                    threshold_rotation = 20 # <-- in deg
                    threshold_scale = 20 # <-- in %
                    # <-

                    is_valid_transformation = error_translation <= threshold_translation and error_rotation <= threshold_rotation and error_scale <= threshold_scale

                    counter += 1
                    if is_valid_transformation:
                        benchmark_per_scan[id_scan]["n_good"] += 1
                        benchmark_per_class[catname_cad]["n_good"] += 1
                        del groundtruth[key][idx]

    benchmark_per_scan = sorted(benchmark_per_scan.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["n_good"], reverse=True)
    total_accuracy = {"n_good" : 0, "n_total" : 0, "n_scans" : 0}
    for k, v in benchmark_per_scan:
        if "seen" in v:
            total_accuracy["n_good"] += v["n_good"]
            total_accuracy["n_total"] += v["n_total"]
            total_accuracy["n_scans"] += 1
            print("id-scan: {:>20s} \t n-cads-positive: {:>4d} \t n-cads-total: {:>4d} \t accuracy: {:>4.4f}".format(k,  v["n_good"], v["n_total"], float(v["n_good"])/v["n_total"]))
    instance_mean_accuracy = float(total_accuracy["n_good"])/total_accuracy["n_total"]
    print("instance-mean-accuracy: {:>4.4f} \t n-cads-positive: {:>4d} \t n-cads-total: {:>4d} \t n-total-scans: {:>4d}".format(instance_mean_accuracy, total_accuracy["n_good"], total_accuracy["n_total"], total_accuracy["n_scans"]))

    print("*********** PER CLASS **************************")

    accuracy_per_class = {}
    for k,v in benchmark_per_class.items():
        accuracy_per_class[k] = float(v["n_good"])/v["n_total"]
        print("category-name: {:>20s} \t n-cads-positive: {:>4d} \t n-cads-total: {:>4d} \t accuracy: {:>4.4f}".format(k,  v["n_good"], v["n_total"], float(v["n_good"])/v["n_total"]))

    class_mean_accuracy = np.mean([ v for k,v in accuracy_per_class.items()])
    print("class-mean-accuracy: {:>4.4f}".format(class_mean_accuracy))
    return instance_mean_accuracy, class_mean_accuracy
예제 #46
 _line = line_to_array(_line)
 _data_list.append((_line[sig_start: (sig_start + n_signals)]))
 if len(_data_list) > win_size:
     print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WINDOW FULL")
     _win_data = np.array(_data_list[0:win_size])
     ts = _win_data[:, 0]
     acc = _win_data[:, 2:5]
     gyro = _win_data[:, 5:8]
     mag = _win_data[:, 8:11]
     norm_acceleration = np.zeros((len(acc), 1))
     for i in range(gyro.shape[0]):
         """ GYROSCOPE"""
         q_gyro = np.quaternion(gyro[i, 0], gyro[i, 1], gyro[i, 2])
         q1 = q_gyro.components[0]
         q2 = q_gyro.components[1]
         q3 = q_gyro.components[2]
         q4 = q_gyro.components[3]
         # Auxiliary variables to avoid repeated arithmetic
         _2q1 = 2 * q1
         _2q2 = 2 * q2
         _2q3 = 2 * q3
         _2q4 = 2 * q4
         _2q1q3 = 2 * q1 * q3
         _2q3q4 = 2 * q3 * q4
         q1q1 = q1 * q1
         q1q2 = q1 * q2
         q1q3 = q1 * q3
         q1q4 = q1 * q4
예제 #47
import numpy as np
import rotation as r

x = np.quaternion(1,2,-3,4)
print help(np.quaternion)

print help(r)

예제 #48
def wxyz_class_to_np_quaternion(xyz_class):
    return np.quaternion(xyz_class.w, xyz_class.x, xyz_class.y, xyz_class.z)
예제 #49
파일: stars.py 프로젝트: oknuutti/visnav-py
class Stars:
    # from VizieR catalogs:
    SOURCE_HIPPARCHOS = 'H'  #   I/239/hip_main
    SOURCE_PASTEL = 'P'  #   B/pastel/pastel
    SOURCE_WU = 'W'  #   J/A+A/525/A71/table2
    SOURCE_GAIA1 = 'G'  #   J/MNRAS/471/770/table2

    STARDB_TYC = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'deep_space_objects_tyc.sqlite')
    STARDB_HIP = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'deep_space_objects_hip.sqlite')
    MAG_CUTOFF = 10
    MAG_V_LAM0 = 545e-9
    SUN_MAG_V = -26.74
    SUN_MAG_B = 0.6222 + SUN_MAG_V

    # from sc cam frame (axis: +x, up: +z) to equatorial frame (axis: +y, up: +z)
    sc2ec_q = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 1).normalized().conj()

    def black_body_radiation(Teff, lam):
        return Stars.black_body_radiation_fn(Teff)(lam)

    def black_body_radiation_fn(Teff):
        def phi(lam):
            # planck's law of black body radiation [W/m3/sr]
            h = 6.626e-34  # planck constant (m2kg/s)
            c = 3e8  # speed of light
            k = 1.380649e-23  # Boltzmann constant
            r = 2 * h * c**2 / lam**5 / (np.exp(h * c / lam / k / Teff) - 1)
            return r

        return phi

    def synthetic_radiation(Teff, fe_h, log_g, lam, mag_v=None):
        return Stars.synthetic_radiation_fn(Teff, fe_h, log_g,

    def synthetic_radiation_fn(Teff,
        return Stars.uncached_synthetic_radiation_fn(Teff, fe_h, log_g, mag_v,
                                                     model, lam_min, lam_max,

    def uncached_synthetic_radiation_fn(Teff,
        sp = None
        orig_log_g = log_g
        if isinstance(model, tuple):
            # give in meters, W/m3
            sp = S.spectrum.ArraySourceSpectrum(
                np.array(model[0]) * 1e10,
                np.array(model[1]) * 1e-4 * 1e-10 / 1e-7, 'angstrom', 'flam')
            first_try = True

            if Teff < 3500:
                    'could not init spectral model with given t_eff=%s, using t_eff=3500K instead'
                    % Teff)
                Teff = 3500

            for i in range(15):
                    sp = S.Icat(model, Teff, fe_h,
                                log_g)  # 'ck04models' or 'k93models'
                    first_try = False
                    log_g = log_g + (0.2 if Teff > 6000 else -0.2)
            assert sp is not None, 'could not init spectral model with given params: t_eff=%s, log_g=%s, fe_h=%s' % (
                Teff, orig_log_g, fe_h)
            if not first_try:
                    'could not init spectral model with given params (t_eff=%s, log_g=%s, fe_h=%s), changed log_g to %s'
                    % (Teff, orig_log_g, fe_h, log_g))

        if mag_v is not None:
            sp = sp.renorm(mag_v, 'vegamag', S.ObsBandpass('johnson,v'))

        if return_sp:
            return sp

        # for performance reasons (caching)
        from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
        I = np.logical_and(sp.wave >= lam_min * 1e10,
                           sp.wave <= lam_max * 1e10)
        sample_fn = interp1d(sp.wave[I],

        def phi(lam):
            r = sample_fn(
                lam * 1e10)  # wavelength in Å, result in "flam" (erg/s/cm2/Å)
            return r * 1e-7 / 1e-4 / 1e-10  # result in W/m3

        return phi

    def magnitude_to_spectral_flux_density(mag):
        # spectral flux density for standard magnitude for V-band (at 545nm)
        #   from "Model atmospheres broad-band colors, bolometric corrections and temperature calibrations for O - M stars"
        #   Bessel M.S. et al, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1998, table A2
        #   Also at http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/fmasci/home/astro_refs/magsystems.pdf
        #   363.1e-11 erg/cm2/s/Å  (erg=1e-7J, 1cm2=1e-4m2, Å=1e-10m)
        phi0 = 363.1e-11 * 1e-7 / 1e-4 / 1e-10  # W/m3
        return np.power(10., -0.4 * mag) * phi0

    def tycho_to_johnson(mag_bt, mag_vt):
        v = mag_vt - 0.09 * (mag_bt - mag_vt)
        b = 0.85 * (mag_bt - mag_vt) + v
        return b, v

    def effective_temp(b_v, metal=0, log_g=0):
        """ magnitudes in johnson system """
        # calculate star effective temperatures, from:
        #   - http://help.agi.com/stk/index.htm#stk/starConstruction.htm
        #   - Sekiguchi, M. and Fukugita, M., 2000. A Study of the B−V Color-Temperature Relation. The Astronomical Journal, 120(2), p.1072.
        #   - metallicity (Fe/H) and log surface gravity can be set to zero without big impact
        c0 = 3.939654
        c1 = -0.395361
        c2 = 0.2082113
        c3 = -0.0604097
        f1 = 0.027153
        f2 = 0.005036
        g1 = 0.007367
        h1 = -0.01069
        return 10**(c0 + c1 * (b_v) + c2 * (b_v)**2 + c3 * (b_v)**3 +
                    f1 * metal + f2 * metal**2 + g1 * log_g + h1 *
                    (b_v) * log_g)

    def flux_density(cam_q,
        plots stars based on Tycho-2 database, gives out photon count per unit area given exposure time in seconds,
        cam_q is a quaternion in ICRS coord frame, x_fov and y_fov in degrees

        # calculate query conditions for star ra and dec
        cam_dec, cam_ra, _ = tools.q_to_ypr(
            cam_q)  # camera boresight in ICRS coords
        d = np.linalg.norm((cam.x_fov, cam.y_fov)) / 2

        min_dec, max_dec = math.degrees(cam_dec) - d, math.degrees(cam_dec) + d
        dec_cond = '(dec BETWEEN %s AND %s)' % (min_dec, max_dec)

        # goes over the pole to the other side of the sphere, easy solution => ignore limit on ra
        skip_ra_cond = min_dec < -90 or max_dec > 90

        if skip_ra_cond:
            ra_cond = '1'
            min_ra, max_ra = math.degrees(cam_ra) - d, math.degrees(cam_ra) + d
            if min_ra < 0:
                ra_cond = '(ra < %s OR ra > %s)' % (max_ra,
                                                    (min_ra + 360) % 360)
            elif max_ra > 360:
                ra_cond = '(ra > %s OR ra < %s)' % (min_ra, max_ra % 360)
                ra_cond = '(ra BETWEEN %s AND %s)' % (min_ra, max_ra)

        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        # the magnitudes for tycho id xxxx-xxxxx-2 entries are bad as they are most likely taken from hip catalog that bundles all .*-(\d)
        results = cursor.execute(
            SELECT x, y, z, mag_v""" +
            (", mag_b, t_eff, fe_h, log_g, dec, ra, id" if array else "") + """
            FROM deep_sky_objects
            WHERE """ + ("tycho like '%-1' AND " if Stars.STARDB ==
                         Stars.STARDB_TYC else "") + "mag_v < " +
            str(mag_cutoff) + " AND " + dec_cond + " AND " + ra_cond +
            ((" ORDER BY %s ASC" % order_by) if order_by is not None else ''))
        stars = np.array(results.fetchall())

        flux_density = ([], None) if array else np.zeros(
            (cam.height, cam.width), dtype=np.float32)
        if len(stars) == 0:
            return flux_density

        stars[:, 0:3] = tools.q_times_mx(
            SystemModel.sc2gl_q.conj() * cam_q.conj(), stars[:, 0:3])
        stars_ixy_ = cam.calc_img_R(stars[:, 0:3], undistorted=undistorted)
        stars_ixy = np.round(stars_ixy_.astype(np.float)).astype(np.int)
        I = np.logical_and.reduce(
            (np.all(stars_ixy >= 0, axis=1), stars_ixy[:, 0] <= cam.width - 1,
             stars_ixy[:, 1] <= cam.height - 1))
        if array:
            cols = ('ix', 'iy', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'mag_v', 'mag_b', 't_eff',
                    'fe_h', 'log_g', 'dec', 'ra', 'id')
            return (np.hstack((stars_ixy_[I, :], stars[I, :])),
                    dict(zip(cols, range(len(cols)))))

        stars_ixy = stars_ixy[I, :]
        flux_density_per_star = Stars.magnitude_to_spectral_flux_density(
            stars[I, 3])
        for i, f in enumerate(flux_density_per_star):
            flux_density[stars_ixy[i, 1], stars_ixy[i, 0]] += f

        if mask is not None:
            flux_density[np.logical_not(mask)] = 0

        if True:
            # assume every star is like our sun, convert to total flux density [W/m2]
            solar_constant = 1360.8
            # sun magnitude from http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~cnaw/sun.html
            sun_flux_density = Stars.magnitude_to_spectral_flux_density(
            flux_density = flux_density * (solar_constant / sun_flux_density)

        return flux_density

    def get_property_by_id(id, field=None):
        res = Stars._query_cursor.execute(
            f"select {field} from deep_sky_objects where id = {int(id)}"
        return res

    def get_catalog_id(id, field=None):
            is_arr = False
            id = int(id)
            is_arr = True
        if Stars._query_conn is None:
            Stars._conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
            Stars._query_cursor = Stars._conn.cursor()
        field = field or ("tycho"
                          if Stars.STARDB == Stars.STARDB_TYC else "hip")
        if is_arr:
            res = Stars._query_cursor.execute(
                "select id, %s from deep_sky_objects where id IN (%s)" %
                (field, ','.join(str(i) for i in id))).fetchall()
            return {r[0]: str(r[1]) for r in res}
            res = Stars._query_cursor.execute(
                "select %s from deep_sky_objects where id = %s" %
                (field, id)).fetchone()[0]
            return str(res)

    _query_conn, _query_cursor = None, None

    def _create_stardb(fname):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(fname)
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS deep_sky_objects")
            CREATE TABLE deep_sky_objects (
                hip INT,
                hd INT DEFAULT NULL,
                simbad CHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,
                ra REAL NOT NULL,           /* src[0] */
                dec REAL NOT NULL,          /* src[0] */
                x REAL NOT NULL,
                y REAL NOT NULL,
                z REAL NOT NULL,
                mag_v REAL NOT NULL,        /* src[1] */
                mag_b REAL DEFAULT NULL,    /* src[2] */
                t_eff REAL DEFAULT NULL,    /* src[3] */
                log_g REAL DEFAULT NULL,    /* src[4] */
                fe_h REAL DEFAULT NULL,     /* src[5] */
                src CHAR(6) DEFAULT 'HHHPPP'
        cursor.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ra_idx")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX ra_idx ON deep_sky_objects (ra)")

        cursor.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS dec_idx")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX dec_idx ON deep_sky_objects (dec)")

        cursor.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS mag_idx")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX mag_idx ON deep_sky_objects (mag_v)")

        cursor.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hd")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX hd ON deep_sky_objects (hd)")

        cursor.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS simbad")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX simbad ON deep_sky_objects (simbad)")

        cursor.execute("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hip")
        cursor.execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hip ON deep_sky_objects (hip)")

    def import_stars_hip():
        # I/239/hip_main
        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB_HIP)
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
        Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        cols = ["HIP", "HD", "_RA.icrs", "_DE.icrs", "Vmag", "B-V"]
        r = Vizier(catalog="I/239/hip_main", columns=cols,

        for i, row in enumerate(r):
            hip, hd, ra, dec, mag_v, b_v = [row[f] for f in cols]
            if np.any(list(map(np.ma.is_masked, (ra, dec, mag_v)))):
            hd = 'null' if np.ma.is_masked(hd) else hd
            mag_b = 'null' if np.ma.is_masked(b_v) or np.isnan(
                b_v) else b_v + mag_v
            x, y, z = tools.spherical2cartesian(math.radians(dec),
                                                math.radians(ra), 1)
                INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (hip, hd, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v, mag_b)
                VALUES (%s, %s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %s)""" %
                           (hip, hd, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v, mag_b))
            if i % 100 == 0:
                tools.show_progress(len(r), i)


    def import_stars_tyc():
        assert False, 'not supported anymore'
        Stars._create_stardb(Stars.STARDB_TYC, 12)
        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB_TYC)
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Tycho-2 catalogue, from http://archive.eso.org/ASTROM/TYC-2/data/
        for file in ('catalog.dat', 'suppl_1.dat'):
            with open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, file), 'r') as fh:
                line = fh.readline()
                while line:
                    c = line
                    line = fh.readline()

                    # mean position, ICRS, at epoch 2000.0
                    # proper motion milliarcsecond/year
                    # apparent magnitude
                    if file == 'catalog.dat':
                        # main catalog
                        epoch = 2000.0
                        tycho, ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, mag_bt, mag_vt = c[
                            0:12], c[15:27], c[28:40], c[41:48], c[49:56], c[
                                110:116], c[123:129]
                        mag_b, mag_v = Stars.tycho_to_johnson(
                            float(mag_bt), float(mag_vt))
                        # supplement-1 has the brightest stars, from hipparcos and tycho-1
                        epoch = 1991.25
                        tycho, ra, dec, pmra, pmdec, mag_bt, mag_vt, flag, hip = \
                            c[0:12], c[15:27], c[28:40], c[41:48], c[49:56], c[83:89], c[96:102], c[81:82], c[115:120]
                        if flag in ('H', 'V', 'B'):
                            if len(hip.strip()) > 0:
                                mag_b, mag_v = Stars.get_hip_mag_bv(hip)
                            mag_b, mag_v = Stars.tycho_to_johnson(
                                float(mag_bt), float(mag_vt))

                    tycho = tycho.replace(' ', '-')
                    if np.all(list(map(tools.numeric, (ra, dec)))):
                        ra, dec = list(map(float, (ra, dec)))
                        if -10 < mag_v < Stars.MAG_CUTOFF:
                            curr_epoch = datetime.now().year + \
                                            - datetime.strptime(str(datetime.now().year),'%Y').timestamp()
                            years = curr_epoch - epoch

                            # TODO: (1) adjust to current epoch using proper motion and years since epoch

                            x, y, z = tools.spherical2cartesian(
                                math.radians(dec), math.radians(ra), 1)
                                "INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (tycho,ra,dec,x,y,z,mag_b,mag_v) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                                 (ra + 360) % 360, dec, x, y, z, mag_b, mag_v))

    def add_simbad_col():
        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
        cursor_r = conn.cursor()
        cursor_w = conn.cursor()

        # cursor_w.execute("alter table deep_sky_objects add column simbad char(20) default null")
        # conn.commit()

        N_tot = cursor_r.execute(
            "SELECT max(id) FROM deep_sky_objects WHERE 1").fetchone()[0]

        skip = 0
        result = cursor_r.execute(
            "select id, hip from deep_sky_objects where id >= %d" % skip)

        import time
        from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
        while 1:
            rows = result.fetchmany(1000)
            if rows is None or len(rows) == 0:
            tools.show_progress(N_tot, rows[0][0] - 1)

            s = Simbad.query_objects(['HIP %d' % int(row[1]) for row in rows])

            values = []
            if s is not None:
                for row in rows:
                    sr = get(s, ('HIP %d' % int(row[1])).encode('utf-8'))
                    if sr is not None:
                        k = sr['MAIN_ID'].decode('utf-8')
                        values.append("(%d, '%s', 0,0,0,0,0,0)" %
                                      (row[0], k.replace("'", "''")))
            if len(values) > 0:
                    INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (id, simbad, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v) VALUES """
                                 + ','.join(values) + """
                    ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET simbad = excluded.simbad""")

    def query_t_eff():
        from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
        v = Vizier(catalog="B/pastel/pastel",
                   columns=["ID", "Teff", "logg", "[Fe/H]"],
        v2 = Vizier(catalog="J/A+A/525/A71/table2",
                    columns=["Name", "Teff", "log(g)", "[Fe/H]"],
        v3 = Vizier(catalog="J/MNRAS/471/770/table2",
                    columns=["HIP", "Teff", "log(g)"],

        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
        cursor_r = conn.cursor()
        cursor_w = conn.cursor()

        cond = "(t_eff is null OR log_g is null OR 1)"
        N_tot = cursor_r.execute("""
            SELECT max(id) FROM deep_sky_objects 
            WHERE %s
            """ % cond).fetchone()[0]

        skip = 37601
        f_id, f_hip, f_hd, f_sim, f_ra, f_dec, f_t, f_g, f_m, f_src = range(10)
        results = cursor_r.execute(
            SELECT id, hip, hd, simbad, ra, dec, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src
            FROM deep_sky_objects
            WHERE %s AND id >= ?
            ORDER BY id ASC
            """ % cond, (skip, ))

        r = v.query_constraints()[0]

        N = 40
        while True:
            rows = results.fetchmany(N)
            if rows is None or len(rows) == 0:
            tools.show_progress(N_tot, rows[0][f_id] - 1)

            ids = {
                row[f_id]: [i, row[f_src][:3] + '___']
                for i, row in enumerate(rows)
            insert = {}
            for i, row in enumerate(rows):
                k = 'HIP %6d' % int(row[f_hip])
                if get(r, k) is None and row[f_hd]:
                    k = 'HD %6d' % int(row[f_hd])
                if get(r, k) is None and row[f_sim]:
                    k = row[f_sim]
                if get(r, k) is None and row[f_sim]:
                    k = row[f_sim] + ' A'
                dr = get(r, k)
                if dr is not None:
                    t_eff, log_g, fe_h = median(dr,
                                                ('Teff', 'logg', '__Fe_H_'),
                    src = row[f_src][0:3] + ''.join(
                        [('_' if v == 'null' else Stars.SOURCE_PASTEL)
                         for v in (t_eff, log_g, fe_h)])
                    insert[row[f_id]] = [t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src]
                    if '_' not in src[3:5]:
                        ids[row[f_id]][1] = src

            if len(ids) > 0:
                # try using other catalog
                r = v2.query_constraints(
                    Name='=,' + ','.join([('HD%06d' % int(rows[i][f_hd]))
                                          for i, s in ids.values()
                                          if rows[i][f_hd] is not None]))
                if len(r) > 0:
                    r = r[0]
                    for id, (i, src) in ids.copy().items():
                        dr = get(r, 'HD%06d' %
                                 int(rows[i][f_hd])) if rows[i][f_hd] else None
                        if dr is not None:
                            t_eff, log_g, fe_h = median(
                                dr, ('Teff', 'log_g_', '__Fe_H_'), null='null')
                            src = src[0:3] + ''.join(
                                [('_' if v == 'null' else Stars.SOURCE_WU)
                                 for v in (t_eff, log_g, fe_h)])
                            insert[id] = [t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src]
                            if '_' not in src[3:5]:
                                ids[rows[i][f_id]][1] = src

            if len(ids) > 0:
                # try using other catalog
                r = v3.query_constraints(
                    HIP='=,' +
                              for i, s in ids.values()]))[0]
                for id, (i, src) in ids.copy().items():
                    dr = get(r, int(rows[i][f_hip]))
                    if dr is not None:
                        t_eff, log_g = median(dr, ('Teff', 'log_g_'),
                        src = src[0:3] + ''.join(
                            [('_' if v == 'null' else Stars.SOURCE_GAIA1)
                             for v in (t_eff, log_g)]) + src[5]
                        insert[id] = [
                            t_eff, log_g,
                            insert[id][2] if id in insert else 'null', src
                        # if '_' not in src[3:5]:
                        #     ids.pop(rows[i][f_id])
                        # else:
                        #     ids[rows[i][f_id]][1] = src

            if len(insert) > 0:
                values = [
                    "(%d, %s, %s, %s, '%s', 0,0,0,0,0,0)" %
                    (id, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src)
                    for id, (t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src) in insert.items()
                    INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (id, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v) VALUES """
                                 + ','.join(values) + """
                    ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET 
                        t_eff = excluded.t_eff, 
                        log_g = excluded.log_g, 
                        fe_h = excluded.fe_h,
                        src = excluded.src

    def query_v_mag():
        from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
        from tqdm import tqdm
        v = Vizier(catalog="B/pastel/pastel",
                   columns=["ID", "Vmag"],

        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
        cursor_r = conn.cursor()
        cursor_w = conn.cursor()

        cond = f"(substr(src,2,1) = '{Stars.SOURCE_HIPPARCHOS}')"
        N_tot = cursor_r.execute(
            f"SELECT count(*) FROM deep_sky_objects WHERE {cond}").fetchone(

        f_id, f_hip, f_hd, f_sim, f_mag_v, f_src = range(6)
        results = cursor_r.execute("""
                                   SELECT id, hip, hd, simbad, mag_v, src
                                   FROM deep_sky_objects
                                   WHERE %s
                                   ORDER BY mag_v ASC
                                   """ % cond)

        r = v.query_constraints()[0]

        N = 40
        pbar = tqdm(total=N_tot)
        while True:
            rows = results.fetchmany(N)
            if rows is None or len(rows) == 0:

            ids = {row[f_id]: [i, row[f_src]] for i, row in enumerate(rows)}
            insert = {}
            for i, row in enumerate(rows):
                k = 'HIP %6d' % int(row[f_hip])
                if get(r, k) is None and row[f_hd]:
                    k = 'HD %6d' % int(row[f_hd])
                if get(r, k) is None and row[f_sim]:
                    k = row[f_sim]
                if get(r, k) is None and row[f_sim]:
                    k = row[f_sim] + ' A'
                dr = get(r, k)
                if dr is not None:
                    v_mag, *_ = median(dr, ('Vmag', ), null='null')
                    if v_mag != 'null':
                        src = row[f_src]
                        src = src[:1] + Stars.SOURCE_PASTEL + src[2:]
                        insert[row[f_id]] = [v_mag, src]

            if len(insert) > 0:
                values = [
                    f"({id}, 0, 0, 0, '{src}', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {v_mag})"
                    for id, (v_mag, src) in insert.items()
                    "INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (id, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v) "
                    "VALUES " + ','.join(values) + " "
                    "ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET "
                    "  mag_v = excluded.mag_v, "
                    "  src = excluded.src")

                {'v_mag': np.max([float(row[f_mag_v]) for row in rows])})


    def correct_supplement_data():
        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        def insert_mags(hips):
            res = Stars.get_hip_mag_bv([h[0] for h in hips.values()])
            insert = [
                "('%s', %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)" %
                (t, h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4], h[5], res[h[0]][0], res[h[0]][1])
                for t, h in hips.items()
                if h[0] in res and -10 < res[h[0]][1] < Stars.MAG_CUTOFF
            if len(insert) > 0:
                    INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (tycho, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_b, mag_v) VALUES
                     """ + ','.join(insert) + """
                    ON CONFLICT(tycho) DO UPDATE SET mag_b = excluded.mag_b, mag_v = excluded.mag_v """

        file = 'suppl_1.dat'
        N = 30
        rx = re.compile(r'0*(\d+)')
        with open(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, file), 'r') as fh:
            hips = {}
            line = fh.readline()
            while line:
                c = line
                line = fh.readline()
                tycho, ra, dec, mag_bt, mag_vt, flag, hip = c[0:12], c[
                    15:27], c[28:40], c[83:89], c[96:102], c[81:82], c[115:123]
                tycho = tycho.replace(' ', '-')
                hip = rx.findall(hip)[0] if len(hip.strip()) > 0 else False

                if flag in ('H', 'V', 'B') and hip:
                    ra, dec = float(ra), float(dec)
                    x, y, z = tools.spherical2cartesian(
                        math.radians(dec), math.radians(ra), 1)
                    hips[tycho] = (hip, ra, dec, x, y, z)
                    if len(hips) >= N:

        if len(hips) > 0:

    def get_hip_mag_bv(hip, v=None):
        from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
        Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1

        hips = [hip] if isinstance(hip, str) else hip

        v = Vizier(columns=["HIP", "Vmag", "B-V"],
        r = v.query_constraints(HIP='=,' + ','.join(hips))

        results = {}
        if len(r):
            r = r[0]
            for h in hips:
                    if not np.ma.is_masked(
                            r.loc[int(h)]['Vmag']) and not np.ma.is_masked(
                        mag_v, b_v = float(r.loc[int(h)]['Vmag']), float(
                        results[h] = (mag_v + b_v, mag_v)

        return results.get(hip,
                           (None, None)) if isinstance(hip, str) else results

    def override_betelgeuse():
        conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB)
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        # from "The Advanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Reference Spectra for Evolved M Stars",
        # The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aaf164/pdf
        #t_eff = 3650        # based on query_t_eff was 3562
        #mag_v = 0.42        # based on tycho2 suppl2 was 0.58

        # from CTOA observations on 2018-12-07 and 18-12-22, accessed through https://www.aavso.org database
        mag_v = 0.8680
        mag_b = 2.6745  # based on tycho2 suppl2 was 2.3498
        t_eff = None  #  Stars.effective_temp(mag_b - mag_v, metal=0.006, log_g=-0.26) gives 3565K vs 3538K without log_g & metal

            "UPDATE deep_sky_objects SET t_eff=?, mag_v=?, mag_b=? where tycho='0129-01873-1'",
            (t_eff, mag_v, mag_b))
 def update_q(self):
     self.q = np.quaternion(0.0, self.x, self.y, self.z)
예제 #51
def test_constants():
    assert quaternion.one == np.quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    assert quaternion.x == np.quaternion(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    assert quaternion.y == np.quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    assert quaternion.z == np.quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
예제 #52
def quat_from_magnum(quat: mn.Quaternion) -> np.quaternion:
    a = np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)
    a.real = quat.scalar
    a.imag = quat.vector
    return a
예제 #53
        except KeyError as e:
            self.low_pass.fc = params['fc']
        except KeyError as e:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ### Parameters
    HZ = 240.0
    OD_params_dict = {
        'dt': 1.0 / HZ,
        'K': 6.0,
        'fc': 8.0,
        'q0': np.quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    dt = OD_params_dict['dt']
    q = OD_params_dict['q0'].copy()
    ### Initialize Orientation Dynamics
    od = OrientationDynamics(**OD_params_dict)
    qg = np.quaternion(*list(np.random.rand(4)))  # np.quaternion(1,0,0,0) #
    ### Simulate
    t = 0.0
    tf = 2.0
    e_array = []
    t_array = []
    w_array = []
    while (t < tf):
        q, w = od.step(q, dt)
예제 #54
def test_reach_both_sides_box(torque_mode=False):
    flag_box = False
    box_tf = TransformListener()
    baxter_ctrlr = MinJerkController()
    left_task_complete = False
    right_task_complete = False
    box_length = 0.410  #m
    box_breadth = 0.305
    box_height = 0.107
    #for better show off ;)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

            tfmn_time = box_tf.getLatestCommonTime('base', 'box')
            flag_box = True
        except tf.Exception:
            print "Some exception occured while getting the transformation!!!"

        if flag_box:
            flag_box = False

            box_pos, box_ori = box_tf.lookupTransform('base', 'box', tfmn_time)

            box_pos = np.array([box_pos[0], box_pos[1], box_pos[2]])
            box_ori = np.quaternion(box_ori[3], box_ori[0], box_ori[1],

            left_pos, left_ori = baxter_ctrlr.left_arm.get_ee_pose()

            right_pos, right_ori = baxter_ctrlr.right_arm.get_ee_pose()

            left_goal_pos = box_pos + np.dot(
                np.array([box_length / 2., -box_height / 2., 0.]))
            right_goal_pos = box_pos + np.dot(
                np.array([-box_length / 2., -box_height / 2., 0.]))

            error_left = np.linalg.norm(left_pos - left_goal_pos)
            error_right = np.linalg.norm(right_pos - right_goal_pos)

            if torque_mode:

                #minimum jerk trajectory for left arm
                baxter_ctrlr.configure(left_pos, left_ori, left_goal_pos,
                min_jerk_traj_left = baxter_ctrlr.get_min_jerk_trajectory()
                #minimum jerk trajectory for right arm
                baxter_ctrlr.configure(right_pos, right_ori, right_goal_pos,
                min_jerk_traj_right = baxter_ctrlr.get_min_jerk_trajectory()

                for t in range(baxter_ctrlr.timesteps):
                    #compute the left joint torque command
                    left_cmd = baxter_ctrlr.osc_torque_cmd(
                        goal_pos=min_jerk_traj_left['pos_traj'][t, :],
                    #compute the right joint torque command if the error is above some threshold
                    right_cmd = baxter_ctrlr.osc_torque_cmd(
                        goal_pos=min_jerk_traj_right['pos_traj'][t, :],



                #compute the left joint position command if the error is above some threshold
                left_cmd = baxter_ctrlr.osc_position_cmd(
                #compute the right joint position command if the error is above some threshold
                right_cmd = baxter_ctrlr.osc_position_cmd(


                print "error_right \t", error_right
                print "error_left \t", error_left

                if (error_right < baxter_ctrlr.osc_pos_threshold) and (
                        error_left < baxter_ctrlr.osc_pos_threshold):
                    #break the loop if within certain threshold
예제 #55
def test_quaternion_power(Qs):
    import math
    qpower_precision = 4*eps

    # Test equivalence between scalar and real-quaternion exponentiation
    for b in [0, 0.0, 1, 1.0, 2, 2.0, 5.6]:
        for e in [0, 0.0, 1, 1.0, 2, 2.0, 4.5]:
            be = np.quaternion(b**e, 0, 0, 0)
            assert allclose(be, np.quaternion(b, 0, 0, 0)**np.quaternion(e, 0, 0, 0), rtol=qpower_precision)
            assert allclose(be, b**np.quaternion(e, 0, 0, 0), rtol=qpower_precision)
            assert allclose(be, np.quaternion(b, 0, 0, 0)**e, rtol=qpower_precision)
    for q in [-3*quaternion.one, -2*quaternion.one, -quaternion.one, quaternion.zero, quaternion.one, 3*quaternion.one]:
        for s in [-3, -2.3, -1.2, -1.0, 1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
            for t in [-3, -2.3, -1.2, -1.0, 1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
                assert allclose((s*t)**q, (s**q)*(t**q), rtol=2*qpower_precision)

    # Test basic integer-exponent and additive-exponent properties
    for q in Qs[Qs_finitenonzero]:
        assert allclose(q ** 0, np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** 0.0, np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** np.quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0), np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(((q ** 0.5) * (q ** 0.5)), q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** 1.0, q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** 1, q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** np.quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0), q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** 2.0, q * q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** 2, q * q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** np.quaternion(2, 0, 0, 0), q * q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** 3, q * q * q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** -1, q.inverse(), rtol=qpower_precision)
        assert allclose(q ** -1.0, q.inverse(), rtol=qpower_precision)
        for s in [-3, -2.3, -1.2, -1.0, 1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
            for t in [-3, -2.3, -1.2, -1.0, 1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
                assert allclose(q**(s+t), (q**s)*(q**t), rtol=2*qpower_precision)
                assert allclose(q**(s-t), (q**s)/(q**t), rtol=2*qpower_precision)

    # Check that exp(q) is the same as e**q
    for q in Qs[Qs_finitenonzero]:
        assert allclose(q.exp(), math.e**q, rtol=qpower_precision)
        for s in [0, 0., 1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
            for t in [0, 0., 1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
                assert allclose((s*t)**q, (s**q)*(t**q), rtol=2*qpower_precision)
        for s in [1.0, 1, 1.2, 2.3, 3]:
            assert allclose(s**q, (q*math.log(s)).exp(), rtol=qpower_precision)

    qinverse_precision = 2*eps
    for q in Qs[Qs_finitenonzero]:
        assert allclose((q ** -1.0) * q, Qs[q_1], rtol=qinverse_precision)
    for q in Qs[Qs_finitenonzero]:
        assert allclose((q ** -1) * q, Qs[q_1], rtol=qinverse_precision)
    for q in Qs[Qs_finitenonzero]:
        assert allclose((q ** Qs[q_1]), q, rtol=qpower_precision)
    strict_assert(False)  # Try more edge cases

    for q in [quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z]:
        assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.exp(-math.pi/2), 0, 0, 0),
                        q**q, rtol=qpower_precision)
    assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.cos(math.pi/2), 0, 0, math.sin(math.pi/2)),
                    quaternion.x**quaternion.y, rtol=qpower_precision)
    assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.cos(math.pi/2), 0, -math.sin(math.pi/2), 0),
                    quaternion.x**quaternion.z, rtol=qpower_precision)
    assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.cos(math.pi/2), 0, 0, -math.sin(math.pi/2)),
                    quaternion.y**quaternion.x, rtol=qpower_precision)
    assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.cos(math.pi/2), math.sin(math.pi/2), 0, 0),
                    quaternion.y**quaternion.z, rtol=qpower_precision)
    assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.cos(math.pi/2), 0, math.sin(math.pi/2), 0),
                    quaternion.z**quaternion.x, rtol=qpower_precision)
    assert allclose(quaternion.quaternion(math.cos(math.pi/2), -math.sin(math.pi/2), 0, 0),
                    quaternion.z**quaternion.y, rtol=qpower_precision)
예제 #56
def test_coop_position_control():
    limb_idx_l = 0  #0 is left and 1 is right
    limb_idx_r = 1  #0 is left and 1 is right

    baxter_ctrlr = MinJerkController()
    arm_l = baxter_ctrlr.get_arm_handle(limb_idx_l)
    arm_r = baxter_ctrlr.get_arm_handle(limb_idx_r)

    start_pos, start_ori = arm_l.get_ee_pose()
    goal_pos = start_pos + np.array([0., 0.8, 0.])
    angle = 90.0
    axis = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
    axis = np.sin(0.5 * angle * np.pi / 180.) * axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
    goal_ori = np.quaternion(np.cos(0.5 * angle * np.pi / 180.), axis[0],
                             axis[1], axis[2], axis[3])

    baxter_ctrlr.configure(start_pos, start_ori, goal_pos, goal_ori)

    left_pos, left_ori = arm_l.get_ee_pose()
    right_pos, right_ori = arm_r.get_ee_pose()

    pos_rel = right_pos - left_pos

    vel_rel = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    omg_rel = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    jnt_l = arm_l.angles()
    jnt_r = arm_r.angles()

    min_jerk_traj = baxter_ctrlr.get_min_jerk_trajectory()

    print "Starting co-operative position controller"

    for t in range(baxter_ctrlr.timesteps):

        jac_master_rel = baxter_ctrlr.relative_jac(pos_rel)

        jac_tmp = np.dot(jac_master_rel, jac_master_rel.T)

        jac_star = np.dot(
            (np.linalg.inv(jac_tmp + np.eye(jac_tmp.shape[0]) * 0.01)))

        pos_tmp = np.hstack([
            min_jerk_traj['vel_traj'][t, :], min_jerk_traj['omg_traj'][t, :],
            vel_rel, omg_rel

        jnt_vel = np.dot(jac_star, pos_tmp)

        if np.any(np.isnan(jnt_vel)):
            jnt_vel_l = np.zeros(7)
            jnt_vel_r = np.zeros(7)
            jnt_vel_l = jnt_vel[:7]
            jnt_vel_r = jnt_vel[7:]

        jnt_l += jnt_vel_l * baxter_ctrlr.dt
        jnt_r += jnt_vel_r * baxter_ctrlr.dt




    final_pos, final_ori = arm_l.get_ee_pose()
    print "ERROR in position \t", np.linalg.norm(final_pos - goal_pos)
    print "ERROR in orientation \t", np.linalg.norm(final_ori - goal_ori)
예제 #57
 def __quaternion_by_axis__(self, theta, v):
     t = theta
     return np.quaternion(cos(t), v[0]*sin(t), v[1]*sin(t), v[2]*sin(t))
예제 #58
def test_coop_torque_control():
    limb_idx_l = 0  #0 is left and 1 is right
    limb_idx_r = 1  #0 is left and 1 is right

    baxter_ctrlr = MinJerkController()
    arm_l = baxter_ctrlr.get_arm_handle(limb_idx_l)
    arm_r = baxter_ctrlr.get_arm_handle(limb_idx_r)

    start_pos, start_ori = arm_l.get_ee_pose()
    goal_pos = start_pos + np.array([0., -0.0, 0.9])
    angle = 45.0
    axis = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
    axis = np.sin(0.5 * angle * np.pi / 180.) * axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
    goal_ori = np.quaternion(np.cos(0.5 * angle * np.pi / 180.), axis[0],
                             axis[1], axis[2])

    baxter_ctrlr.configure(start_pos, start_ori, goal_pos, goal_ori)

    left_pos, left_ori = arm_l.get_ee_pose()
    right_pos, right_ori = arm_r.get_ee_pose()

    pos_rel = right_pos - left_pos

    vel_rel = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    omg_rel = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    jnt_l = arm_l.angles()
    jnt_r = arm_r.angles()

    min_jerk_traj = baxter_ctrlr.get_min_jerk_trajectory()

    print "Starting co-operative torque controller"

    # rate = rospy.Rate(10)
    mags_r = []
    mags_l = []
    for t in range(baxter_ctrlr.timesteps):

        state_l = arm_l._state
        state_r = arm_r._state

        state_l['jnt_start'] = jnt_l
        state_r['jnt_start'] = jnt_r

        jac_ee_l = state_l['jacobian']
        jac_ee_r = state_r['jacobian']

        left_pos = state_l['ee_point']
        left_ori = state_l['ee_ori']
        right_pos = state_r['ee_point']
        right_ori = state_r['ee_ori']

        jac_master_rel = baxter_ctrlr.relative_jac(pos_rel)

        jac_tmp = np.dot(jac_master_rel, jac_master_rel.T)

        jac_star = np.dot(
            (np.linalg.inv(jac_tmp + np.eye(jac_tmp.shape[0]) * 0.001)))

        pos_tmp = np.hstack([
            min_jerk_traj['vel_traj'][t, :], min_jerk_traj['omg_traj'][t, :],
            vel_rel, omg_rel

        jnt_vel = np.dot(jac_star, pos_tmp)

        ee_req_vel_l = np.dot(jac_ee_l, jnt_vel[:7])
        ee_req_vel_r = np.dot(jac_ee_r, jnt_vel[7:])

        cmd_l = baxter_ctrlr.osc_torque_cmd_2(arm_data=state_l,
                                              goal_pos=ee_req_vel_l[0:3] *

        cmd_r = baxter_ctrlr.osc_torque_cmd_2(arm_data=state_r,
                                              goal_pos=ee_req_vel_r[0:3] *

        #cmd = [0., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.10]
        #print "cmd \n", cmd
        #print "magnitude \t", np.linalg.norm(cmd)

        jnt_r = state_r['position']
        jnt_l = state_l['position']

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


    final_pos, final_ori = arm_l.get_ee_pose()
    print "ERROR in position \t", np.linalg.norm(final_pos - goal_pos)
    print "ERROR in orientation \t", np.linalg.norm(final_ori - goal_ori)
def KinectToDMControl(body_stream):

    dm_body_stream = {}
    dm_body_stream['left_knee'] = []
    dm_body_stream['right_knee'] = []
    dm_body_stream['right_elbow'] = []
    dm_body_stream['left_elbow'] = []
    dm_body_stream['right_shoulder1'] = []
    dm_body_stream['right_shoulder2'] = []
    dm_body_stream['left_shoulder1'] = []
    dm_body_stream['left_shoulder2'] = []

    dm_body_stream['left_hip_x'] = []
    dm_body_stream['left_hip_y'] = []
    dm_body_stream['left_hip_z'] = []

    dm_body_stream['right_hip_x'] = []
    dm_body_stream['right_hip_y'] = []
    dm_body_stream['right_hip_z'] = []

    for i in range(len(body_stream[0])):

        r_hip_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.HIP_R.value][i][0:3])
        r_knee_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.KNEE_R.value][i][0:3])
        r_ankle_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.ANKLE_R.value][i][0:3])

        l_hip_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.HIP_L.value][i][0:3])
        l_knee_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.KNEE_L.value][i][0:3])
        l_ankle_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.ANKLE_L.value][i][0:3])

        r_shoulder_pos = np.array(
        r_elbow_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.ELBOW_R.value][i][0:3])
        r_wrist_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.WRIST_R.value][i][0:3])

        l_shoulder_pos = np.array(
        l_elbow_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.ELBOW_L.value][i][0:3])
        l_wrist_pos = np.array(body_stream[BodyPart.WRIST_L.value][i][0:3])

        ###### This is NOT correct, but a heuristic ######

            AngleToAxes(r_shoulder_pos, r_elbow_pos, [2, 1, 1], np.arccos) -
            np.pi / 2)
            AngleToAxes(r_shoulder_pos, r_elbow_pos, [0, -1, 1], np.arccos) -
            np.pi / 2)

            AngleToAxes(l_shoulder_pos, l_elbow_pos, [2, -1, 1], np.arccos) -
            np.pi / 2)
            AngleToAxes(l_shoulder_pos, l_elbow_pos, [0, 1, 1], np.arccos) -
            np.pi / 2)


        knee_quat = VecToQuat(body_stream[BodyPart.KNEE_R.value][i][3:7])

        knee_eul = QuatToEuler(knee_quat *
                               np.quaternion(0, -0.707, -0, -0.707))


        knee_quat = VecToQuat(body_stream[BodyPart.KNEE_L.value][i][3:7])
        knee_eul = QuatToEuler(knee_quat * np.quaternion(0, 0.707, -0, -0.707))



            -AngleBetweenBodyPos(r_hip_pos, r_knee_pos, r_ankle_pos))
            -AngleBetweenBodyPos(l_hip_pos, l_knee_pos, l_ankle_pos))
            AngleBetweenBodyPos(r_shoulder_pos, r_elbow_pos, r_wrist_pos) -
            np.pi / 2)
            AngleBetweenBodyPos(l_shoulder_pos, l_elbow_pos, l_wrist_pos) -
            np.pi / 2)

    return dm_body_stream
예제 #60
def process_transformation_kwargs(ell_max, **kwargs):
    # Build the supertranslation and spacetime_translation arrays
    supertranslation = np.zeros((4, ),
                                dtype=complex)  # For now; may be resized below
    ell_max_supertranslation = 1  # For now; may be increased below
    if "supertranslation" in kwargs:
        supertranslation = np.array(kwargs.pop("supertranslation"),
        if supertranslation.dtype != "complex" and supertranslation.size > 0:
            # I don't actually think this can ever happen...
            raise TypeError(
                "\nInput argument `supertranslation` should be a complex array with size>0.\n"
                "Got a {} array of shape {}.".format(supertranslation.dtype,
        # Make sure the array has size at least 4, by padding with zeros
        if supertranslation.size <= 4:
            supertranslation = np.lib.pad(supertranslation,
                                          (0, 4 - supertranslation.size),
                                          constant_values=(0.0, ))
        # Check that the shape is a possible array of scalar modes with complete (ell,m) data
        ell_max_supertranslation = int(np.sqrt(len(supertranslation))) - 1
        if (ell_max_supertranslation + 1)**2 != len(supertranslation):
            raise ValueError(
                "\nInput supertranslation parameter must contain modes from ell=0 up to some ell_max, "
                "including\nall relevant m modes in standard order (see `spherical_functions` "
                "documentation for details).\nThus, it must be an array with length given by a "
                "perfect square; its length is {}".format(
        # Check that the resulting supertranslation will be real
        for ell in range(ell_max_supertranslation + 1):
            for m in range(ell + 1):
                i_pos = sf.LM_index(ell, m, 0)
                i_neg = sf.LM_index(ell, -m, 0)
                a = supertranslation[i_pos]
                b = supertranslation[i_neg]
                if abs(a - (-1.0)**m * b.conjugate()) > 3e-16 + 1e-15 * abs(b):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"\nsupertranslation[{i_pos}]={a}  # (ell,m)=({ell},{m})\n"
                        "supertranslation[{}]={}  # (ell,m)=({},{})\n".format(
                            i_neg, b, ell, -m) +
                        "Will result in an imaginary supertranslation.")
    spacetime_translation = np.zeros((4, ), dtype=float)
    spacetime_translation[0] = sf.constant_from_ell_0_mode(
    spacetime_translation[1:4] = -sf.vector_from_ell_1_modes(
    if "spacetime_translation" in kwargs:
        st_trans = np.array(kwargs.pop("spacetime_translation"), dtype=float)
        if st_trans.shape != (4, ) or st_trans.dtype != "float":
            raise TypeError(
                "\nInput argument `spacetime_translation` should be a float array of shape (4,).\n"
                "Got a {} array of shape {}.".format(st_trans.dtype,
        spacetime_translation = st_trans[:]
        supertranslation[0] = sf.constant_as_ell_0_mode(
        supertranslation[1:4] = sf.vector_as_ell_1_modes(
    if "space_translation" in kwargs:
        s_trans = np.array(kwargs.pop("space_translation"), dtype=float)
        if s_trans.shape != (3, ) or s_trans.dtype != "float":
            raise TypeError(
                "\nInput argument `space_translation` should be an array of floats of shape (3,).\n"
                "Got a {} array of shape {}.".format(s_trans.dtype,
        spacetime_translation[1:4] = s_trans[:]
        supertranslation[1:4] = sf.vector_as_ell_1_modes(
    if "time_translation" in kwargs:
        t_trans = kwargs.pop("time_translation")
        if not isinstance(t_trans, float):
            raise TypeError(
                "\nInput argument `time_translation` should be a single float.\n"
                "Got {}.".format(t_trans))
        spacetime_translation[0] = t_trans
        supertranslation[0] = sf.constant_as_ell_0_mode(

    # Decide on the number of points to use in each direction.  A nontrivial supertranslation will introduce
    # power in higher modes, so for best accuracy, we need to account for that.  But we'll make it a firm
    # requirement to have enough points to capture the original waveform, at least
    w_ell_max = ell_max
    ell_max = w_ell_max + ell_max_supertranslation
    n_theta = kwargs.pop("n_theta", 2 * ell_max + 1)
    n_phi = kwargs.pop("n_phi", 2 * ell_max + 1)
    if n_theta < 2 * ell_max + 1 and abs(supertranslation[1:]).max() > 0.0:
        warning = (
            f"n_theta={n_theta} is small; because of the supertranslation, " +
            f"it will lose accuracy for anything less than 2*ell+1={ell_max}")
    if n_theta < 2 * w_ell_max + 1:
        raise ValueError(f"n_theta={n_theta} is too small; " +
                         "must be at least 2*ell+1={}".format(2 * w_ell_max +
    if n_phi < 2 * ell_max + 1 and abs(supertranslation[1:]).max() > 0.0:
        warning = (
            f"n_phi={n_phi} is small; because of the supertranslation, " +
            f"it will lose accuracy for anything less than 2*ell+1={ell_max}")
    if n_phi < 2 * w_ell_max + 1:
        raise ValueError(f"n_phi={n_phi} is too small; " +
                         "must be at least 2*ell+1={}".format(2 * w_ell_max +

    # Get the rotor for the frame rotation
    frame_rotation = np.quaternion(
        *np.array(kwargs.pop("frame_rotation", [1, 0, 0, 0]), dtype=float))
    if frame_rotation.abs() < 3e-16:
        raise ValueError(
            f"frame_rotation={frame_rotation} should be a unit quaternion")
    frame_rotation = frame_rotation.normalized()

    # Get the boost velocity vector
    boost_velocity = np.array(kwargs.pop("boost_velocity", [0.0] * 3),
    beta = np.linalg.norm(boost_velocity)
    if boost_velocity.shape != (3, ) or beta >= 1.0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Input boost_velocity=`{}` should be a 3-vector with "
            "magnitude strictly less than 1.0.".format(boost_velocity))
    gamma = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - beta**2)
    varphi = math.atanh(beta)

    # These are the angles in the transformed system at which we need to know the function values
    thetaprm_j_phiprm_k = np.array([[
        [thetaprm_j, phiprm_k]
        for phiprm_k in np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, num=n_phi, endpoint=False)
    ] for thetaprm_j in np.linspace(0.0, np.pi, num=n_theta, endpoint=True)])

    # Construct the function that modifies our rotor grid to account for the boost
    if beta > 3e-14:  # Tolerance for beta; any smaller and numerical errors will have greater effect
        vhat = boost_velocity / beta

        def Bprm_j_k(thetaprm, phiprm):
            """Construct rotor taking r' to r

            I derived this result in a different way, but I've also found it described in Penrose-Rindler Vol. 1,
            around Eq. (1.3.5).  Note, however, that their discussion is for the past celestial sphere,
            so there's a sign difference.

            # Note: It doesn't matter which we use -- r' or r; all we need is the direction of the bivector
            # spanned by v and r', which is the same as the direction of the bivector spanned by v and r,
            # since either will be normalized, and one cross product is zero iff the other is zero.
            rprm = np.array([
                math.cos(phiprm) * math.sin(thetaprm),
                math.sin(phiprm) * math.sin(thetaprm),
            Thetaprm = math.acos(np.dot(vhat, rprm))
            Theta = 2 * math.atan(math.exp(-varphi) * math.tan(Thetaprm / 2.0))
            rprm_cross_vhat = np.quaternion(0.0, *np.cross(rprm, vhat))
            if rprm_cross_vhat.abs() > 1e-200:
                return (rprm_cross_vhat.normalized() * (Thetaprm - Theta) /
                return quaternion.one


        def Bprm_j_k(thetaprm, phiprm):
            return quaternion.one

    # Set up rotors that we can use to evaluate the SWSHs in the original frame
    R_j_k = np.empty(thetaprm_j_phiprm_k.shape[:2], dtype=np.quaternion)
    for j in range(thetaprm_j_phiprm_k.shape[0]):
        for k in range(thetaprm_j_phiprm_k.shape[1]):
            thetaprm_j, phiprm_k = thetaprm_j_phiprm_k[j, k]
                  k] = (Bprm_j_k(thetaprm_j, phiprm_k) * frame_rotation *
                        quaternion.from_spherical_coords(thetaprm_j, phiprm_k))

    return (