예제 #1
파일: trace.py 프로젝트: credp/lisa
    def _sanitize_SchedCpuCapacity(self):
        Add more columns to cpu_capacity data frame if the energy model is
        available and the platform is big.LITTLE.
        if not self.hasEvents('cpu_capacity') \
           or 'nrg_model' not in self.platform \
           or not self.has_big_little:

        df = self._dfg_trace_event('cpu_capacity')

        # Add column with LITTLE and big CPUs max capacities
        nrg_model = self.platform['nrg_model']
        max_lcap = nrg_model['little']['cpu']['cap_max']
        max_bcap = nrg_model['big']['cpu']['cap_max']
        df['max_capacity'] = np.select(
                [max_lcap], max_bcap)
        # Add LITTLE and big CPUs "tipping point" threshold
        tip_lcap = 0.8 * max_lcap
        tip_bcap = 0.8 * max_bcap
        df['tip_capacity'] = np.select(
                [tip_lcap], tip_bcap)
def soft_hard_burst(playercard):
    ## cards have 1
    if sum(np.select([playercard == 1],[playercard]))>0:
        criterion = sum(np.select([playercard == 1],[playercard])) - 1 + sum(np.select([playercard != 1],[playercard]))
        if criterion < 11:
            count =make_score(playercard)
            #count = playercard[0]+playercard[1]+10
            string = string + str(count)
            if count < 22:
                return string
                return "burst"
        elif criterion >10:
            string = "Hard"
            count =make_score(playercard)
            string = string + str(count)
            if count < 22:
                return string
                return "burst"
    ## cards have no 1
    elif sum(np.select([playercard == 1],[playercard]))==0:
        count = sum(playercard)
        string = string+str(count)
        if count < 22:
            return string
            return "burst"
def split_x(x, split_pos):
    # NOTE: do not support multiple sentence tensors
    # sequence input , non-sequence input, and no non-sequence input
    # sequence input:
    if type(x) is not list:

    if len(x) == 1:
        # sec1,                 sec2, sec3,...
        # sent1, sent2, sent5
        x01, x02 = tuple(np.split(x[0],[split_pos]))
        offset = x02[0][0]
        choice_list=[x02-offset, x02 ]
        x02 = np.select(cond_list, choice_list)
        return ([x01],[x02])

    # doc1 doc2 doc3
    # sec1 sec2 ...

    # sec1, sec2, ...
    # sent1, sent2, ...

    x01, x02 = tuple(np.split(x[0], [split_pos]))
    offset = x02[0][0]
    x1, x2 = split_x(x[1:], offset)
    cond_list = [x02 >= 0, x02 < 0]
    choice_list = [x02 - offset, x02]
    x02 = np.select(cond_list, choice_list)
    return ([x01] + x1, [x02]+x2)
예제 #4
파일: trace.py 프로젝트: derkling/lisa
    def _sanitize_SchedEnergyDiff(self):
        if not self.hasEvents('sched_energy_diff') \
           or 'nrg_model' not in self.platform:
        nrg_model = self.platform['nrg_model']
        em_lcluster = nrg_model['little']['cluster']
        em_bcluster = nrg_model['big']['cluster']
        em_lcpu = nrg_model['little']['cpu']
        em_bcpu = nrg_model['big']['cpu']
        lcpus = len(self.platform['clusters']['little'])
        bcpus = len(self.platform['clusters']['big'])
        SCHED_LOAD_SCALE = 1024

        power_max = em_lcpu['nrg_max'] * lcpus + em_bcpu['nrg_max'] * bcpus + \
                    em_lcluster['nrg_max'] + em_bcluster['nrg_max']
        print "Maximum estimated system energy: {0:d}".format(power_max)

        df = self.df('sched_energy_diff')
        df['nrg_diff_pct'] = SCHED_LOAD_SCALE * df.nrg_diff / power_max

        # Tag columns by usage_delta
        ccol = df.usage_delta
        df['usage_delta_group'] = np.select(
            [ccol < 150, ccol < 400, ccol < 600],
            ['< 150', '< 400', '< 600'], '>= 600')

        # Tag columns by nrg_payoff
        ccol = df.nrg_payoff
        df['nrg_payoff_group'] = np.select(
            [ccol > 2e9, ccol > 0, ccol > -2e9],
            ['Optimal Accept', 'SchedTune Accept', 'SchedTune Reject'], 'Suboptimal Reject')
예제 #5
파일: HBins.py 프로젝트: slaclab/lclslib
    def bin_indexes(self, arr, edgemode=0) :

        indmin, indmax = self._set_limit_indexes(edgemode)

        if self._equalbins :
            factor = float(self._nbins)/(self._edges[-1]-self._edges[0])
            nbins1 = self._nbins-1
            nparr = (np.array(arr, dtype=self._vtype)-self._edges[0])*factor
            ind = np.array(np.floor(nparr), dtype=np.int32)
            return np.select((ind<0, ind>nbins1), (indmin, indmax), default=ind)

        else :
            conds = None
            if self._ascending :
                conds = np.array([arr<edge for edge in self.binedges()], dtype=np.bool)
            else :            
                conds = np.array([arr>edge for edge in self.binedges()], dtype=np.bool)

            inds1d = range(-1, self._nbins)
            inds1d[0] = indmin # re-define index for underflow
            inds = np.array(len(arr)*inds1d, dtype=np.int32)
            inds.shape = (len(arr),self._nbins+1)
            inds = inds.transpose()
            #print 'indmin, indmax = ', indmin, indmax
            #print 'XXX conds:\n', conds
            #print 'XXX inds:\n', inds
            return np.select(conds, inds, default=indmax)
 def pseudo_colr_amount(self):
     Calculate pseudo Cost-of-Living Refund amount.
     Note this is simply meant to illustrate a Python programming technique;
     this function does NOT calculate an exact Cost-of-Living Refund amount.
     See setting of parameters above in specify_pseudo_COLR_policy method.
     recs = self.__records
     # create MARS-specific policy parameter arrays
     mars_indicators = [recs.MARS == 1, recs.MARS == 2, recs.MARS == 3,
                        recs.MARS == 4, recs.MARS == 5]
     colr_c = np.select(mars_indicators, self.colr_param['COLR_c'])
     colr_ps = np.select(mars_indicators, self.colr_param['COLR_ps'])
     colr_rt = self.colr_param['COLR_rt']
     colr_prt = self.colr_param['COLR_prt']
     # compute colr_amt
     amt_pre_phaseout = np.minimum(recs.e00200 * colr_rt, colr_c)
     phaseout = np.maximum((recs.c00100 - colr_ps) * colr_prt, 0.)
     colr_amt = np.maximum(amt_pre_phaseout - phaseout, 0.)
     setattr(recs, 'colr_amount', colr_amt)
     # reduce income and combined taxes because COLR is a refundable credit
     recs.iitax -= colr_amt
     recs.combined -= colr_amt
     # delete local arrays used only in this method
     del mars_indicators
     del colr_c
     del colr_ps
     del amt_pre_phaseout
     del phaseout
     del colr_amt
예제 #7
파일: d1ex.py 프로젝트: pophoo/foxengine
def zpeaki(source,order=1,fpeak=fhigh):
        返回值中第一个是高/低点非0,其余为0的序列 sh
                第二个是该高低点的最远未来数据的坐标序列 si
                其中 sh[np.nonzero(sh)]为高点序列, si[np.nonzero(sh)]为坐标序列,sif.time[si[np.nonzero(sh)]]为坐标的影响时间序列
    tsx1 = fpeak(source)
    sx1 = np.select([tsx1!=0],[source],0)
    icovered = rollx(np.arange(len(source)),-1)
    if order <= 1:
        return sx1,np.select([tsx1],[icovered],0)
    icursx = np.nonzero(tsx1)[0]
    for i in xrange(1,order):   #必然进入循环
        sxx = source[icursx]
        tsxx = fpeak(sxx)
        icovered[icursx] = rollx(icovered[icursx],-1)   #当前高/低点的计算范围,即之前顶点的范围左转一位(排除掉不是顶点的)
        icursx = icursx[np.nonzero(tsxx)[0]]
    osx = np.zeros_like(source)
    osx[icursx] = source[icursx]
    iz = np.zeros_like(source)
    iz[icursx] = icovered[icursx]   #去掉icovered之中不必要的那些数字
    return osx,iz
예제 #8
    def update_particles(self, delta):
        # radial: posx + posy
        norm = numpy.sqrt(self.particle_pos[:, 0] ** 2 + self.particle_pos[:, 1] ** 2)
        # XXX prevent div by 0
        norm = numpy.select([norm == 0], [0.0000001], default=norm)
        posx = self.particle_pos[:, 0] / norm
        posy = self.particle_pos[:, 1] / norm

        radial = numpy.array([posx, posy])
        tangential = numpy.array([-posy, posx])

        # update dir
        radial = numpy.swapaxes(radial, 0, 1)
        radial *= self.particle_rad
        tangential = numpy.swapaxes(tangential, 0, 1)
        tangential *= self.particle_tan

        self.particle_dir += (tangential + radial + self.particle_grav) * delta

        # update pos with updated dir
        self.particle_pos += self.particle_dir * delta

        # life
        self.particle_life -= delta

        # color
        self.particle_color += self.particle_delta_color * delta

        # if life < 0, set alpha in 0
        self.particle_color[:, 3] = numpy.select([self.particle_life[:, 0] < 0], [0], default=self.particle_color[:, 3])
예제 #9
파일: thfuncs.py 프로젝트: pophoo/foxengine
def follow_seller(stock,buy_signal,xstop=25,ret=50,**kwargs):
    t = stock.transaction

    #从顶下落处理,前5天的收盘/开盘的高者和今天的开盘的高者 回落ret之后

    #hhret = gmax(rollx(tmax(gmax(t[OPEN],t[CLOSE]),5),1),t[OPEN])* (1000-ret)/1000
    hhret = gmax(rollx(tmax(t[HIGH],5),1),t[OPEN])* (1000-ret)/1000
    #hhret = rollx(tmax(t[HIGH],5),1) * (1000-ret)/1000
    sdl = t[LOW] < hhret
    stop_price = extend2next(rollx(stock.buyprice,1) * (1000-xstop)/1000)
    stopl = t[LOW] < stop_price

    cut_price = gmin(gmax(hhret,stop_price),t[HIGH])    #首先,止损线和退回线高者先被触及,同时,穿越时可能跳低,所以找与t[HIGH]的低点
    cut_signal = gor(sdl,stopl)

    cut_signal = select([t[VOLUME]>0],[cut_signal]) #默认为0,即未交易的日子卖出信号不能发出,否则会合并到下一交易日

    bs = gand(buy_signal,cut_signal)
    rbs = rollx(bs)

    sell_signal = select([bs],[0],default=cut_signal) + rbs #如果当日冲销,则后推一日,但如果前一日也是当日,则信号被屏蔽

    stock.sellprice = select([cut_signal],[cut_price],default=t[OPEN])
    #止损和退回用cut_price, 当日卖出信号平移用开盘价,停牌平移用开盘价

    return cut_signal
예제 #10
def getLargVal_man(*inA):
    inputlen = len(inA) 
    if inputlen == 2:
        condlist = [ inA[0] > inA[1] ]
        choicelist  = [ inA[0] ]
        result = np.select(condlist, choicelist, inA[1])
    elif inputlen == 3:
        condlist = [ np.logical_and(inA[0]>inA[1],inA[0]>inA[2]), 
                                    inA[1]>inA[2] ]
        choicelist  = [ inA[0], inA[1] ]
        result = np.select(condlist, choicelist, inA[2])        
    elif inputlen == 4: 
        condlist = [ np.logical_and(inA[0]>inA[1], 
                     np.logical_and(inA[0]>inA[2], inA[0]>inA[3])),
                     np.logical_and(inA[1]>inA[2], inA[1]>inA[3]),
                     inA[2]>inA[3] ]
        choicelist  = [ inA[0], inA[1], inA[2] ]
        result = np.select(condlist, choicelist, inA[3])
        print("Only up to 4 arrays supported")
    return result
def vec_dam_break(x, t, h0=1.0, h1=10.0):
    import math
    import numpy
    from anuga import g

    msg = "Argument x should be a numpy array"
    assert isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray), msg

    h2 = calc_h2(h0, h1)
    u2 = 2.0 * (math.sqrt(g * h1) - math.sqrt(g * h2))

        s = u2 * h2 / (h2 - h0)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        s = math.sqrt(g * h2)

    c1 = math.sqrt(g * h1)
    c2 = math.sqrt(g * h2)

    condlist = [x < -t * c1, x < t * (u2 - c2), x < s * t]
    hchoicelist = [h1, 1.0 / g * (2.0 / 3.0 * c1 - 1.0 / 3.0 * x / t) ** 2, h2]
    uchoicelist = [0.0, 2.0 / 3.0 * (c1 + x / t), u2]

    h = numpy.select(condlist, hchoicelist, default=h0)
    u = numpy.select(condlist, uchoicelist, default=0.0)

    return h, u
예제 #12
    def update_particles(self, tick):
        mtick = tick/1000.0

        norm = np.sqrt(self.particle_pos[:,0]**2 + self.particle_pos[:,1]**2)
        norm = np.select([norm==0], [0.0000001], default=norm)
        posx = self.particle_pos[:,0]/norm
        posy = self.particle_pos[:,1]/norm

        radial = np.array([posx, posy])
        tangential = np.array([-posy, posx])

        radial = np.swapaxes(radial, 0, 1)
        radial *= self.particle_rad
        tangential = np.swapaxes(tangential, 0, 1)
        tangential *= self.particle_tan

        self.particle_dir +=  (tangential + radial + self.particle_grav)*mtick

        self.particle_pos += self.particle_dir*mtick

        self.particle_life -= mtick

        if self.position_type == POSITION_FREE:
            tuple = np.array(self.origin)
            tmp = tuple - self.particle_start_pos
            self.particle_pos -= tmp

        self.particle_color += self.particle_delta_color*mtick
        self.particle_color[:,3] = np.select([self.particle_life[:,0] < 0], [0], default=self.particle_color[:,3])
예제 #13
def divideArraysSafely(num, den) :
    """Per evement divides numpy arrays result = num/den. Protected for 0 values. Arrays should have the same size."""
    if num.shape != den.shape :
        print 'divideArraysSafely: non-equal array shapes for numerator and denumerator: ', num.shape, den.shape
    num_corr =  np.select([den<1], [0], default=num)    
    den_corr =  np.select([den<1], [1], default=den)    
    return num_corr/den_corr
예제 #14
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # If the key is a string, just get the subnode
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return self.__getattr__(key)
        # If the key is a vector, e.g. ['zone_1', 'zone_2', 'zone_1']
        elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
            if not np.issubdtype(key.dtype, np.str_):
                # In case the key is not a string vector, stringify it
                if key.dtype == object and issubclass(type(key[0]), Enum):
                    enum = type(key[0])
                    key = np.select([key == item for item in enum], [item.name for item in enum])
                elif isinstance(key, EnumArray):
                    enum = key.possible_values
                    key = np.select([key == item.index for item in enum], [item.name for item in enum])
                    key = key.astype('str')
            names = list(self.dtype.names)  # Get all the names of the subnodes, e.g. ['zone_1', 'zone_2']
            default = np.full_like(self.vector[key[0]], np.nan)  # In case of unexpected key, we will set the corresponding value to NaN.
            conditions = [key == name for name in names]
            values = [self.vector[name] for name in names]
            result = np.select(conditions, values, default)
            if contains_nan(result):
                unexpected_key = set(key).difference(self.vector.dtype.names).pop()
                raise ParameterNotFound('.'.join([self._name, unexpected_key]), self._instant_str)

            # If the result is not a leaf, wrap the result in a vectorial node.
            if np.issubdtype(result.dtype, np.record):
                return VectorialParameterNodeAtInstant(self._name, result.view(np.recarray), self._instant_str)

            return result
예제 #15
        def loyer_retenu():

            # loyer mensuel réel, multiplié par 2/3 pour les meublés
            L1 = round_(loyer * where(statut_occupation == 5, 2 / 3, 1))

            zone_apl = simulation.calculate('zone_apl_famille', period)

            # Paramètres contenant les plafonds de loyer pour cette zone
            plafonds_by_zone = [[0] + [al.loyers_plafond[ 'zone' + str(zone) ][ 'L' + str(i) ] for zone in range(1, 4)] for i in range(1, 5)]
            L2_personne_seule = take(plafonds_by_zone[0], zone_apl)
            L2_couple = take(plafonds_by_zone[1], zone_apl)
            L2_famille = take(plafonds_by_zone[2], zone_apl) + (al_pac > 1) * (al_pac - 1) * take(plafonds_by_zone[3], zone_apl)

            L2 = select(
                [personne_seule * (al_pac == 0) + chambre, al_pac > 0],
                [L2_personne_seule, L2_famille],
                default = L2_couple

            # taux à appliquer sur le loyer plafond
            coeff_chambre_colloc = select(
                [chambre, coloc],
                [al.loyers_plafond.chambre, al.loyers_plafond.colocation],
                default = 1)

            L2 = round_(L2 * coeff_chambre_colloc, 2)

            # loyer retenu
            L = min_(L1, L2)

            return L
예제 #16
파일: d1ex.py 프로젝트: pophoo/foxengine
def supdown2(sopen,sclose,shigh,slow):
    ''' 计算每日的上升行程和下降行程
        则若最低近,运行轨迹为 开盘-->最低-->最高-->收盘
          若最高近,运行轨迹为 开盘-->最高-->最低-->收盘
          另,如果开盘大于昨日收盘,则上升段 + 开盘-昨收盘
             小于昨日收盘,则下降段 + 昨收盘 - 开盘
    if len(sopen) == 0:
        return np.array([],int),np.array([],int)
    sc1 = rollx(sclose)
    sc1[0] = sopen[0]   #前一日收盘价视同首日开盘价
    u_hlc = shigh-sopen+sclose-slow
    u_lhc = shigh - slow
    d_hlc = shigh - slow
    d_lhc = sopen-slow+shigh-sclose
    ou = np.where(sopen > sc1)
    od = np.where(sopen < sc1)
    doc = sopen-sc1
    u_hlc[ou] = u_hlc[ou] + doc[ou]
    u_lhc[ou] = u_lhc[ou] + doc[ou]
    d_hlc[od] = d_hlc[od] - doc[od] #doc[od]<0
    d_lhc[od] = d_lhc[od] - doc[od] #doc[od]<0
    is_up = shigh-sopen < sopen-slow #True为向上,False为向下
    u = np.select([is_up],[u_hlc],default=u_lhc)
    d = np.select([is_up],[d_hlc],default=d_lhc)
    return u,d
예제 #17
 def get_intens_for_stat_q_bins(sp, intens_map) :
     q_map_stat = sp.get_q_map_for_stat_bins()
     counts = sp.get_counts_for_stat_q_bins()
     # print 'counts = ', counts
     intens = bincount(q_map_stat, intens_map, sp.ana_stat_part_q+1)
     counts_prot = np.select([counts<=0.], [-1.], default=counts)
     intens_aver = np.select([counts_prot<=0.], [0.], default=intens/counts_prot)
     return intens_aver
예제 #18
 def get_g2_for_dyna_bins_itau(sp, itau) :
     q_phi_map_dyna = sp.get_q_phi_map_for_dyna_bins()
     g2_map         = sp.get_g2_map_for_itau(itau)
     intens_dyna    = sp.bincount(q_phi_map_dyna, g2_map, sp.npart_dyna)
     counts         = sp.get_counts_for_dyna_bins()
     counts_prot    = np.select([counts==0], [-1], default=counts) 
     sp.g2_for_dyna_bins = np.select([counts_prot<0], [0], default=intens_dyna/counts_prot)
     return sp.g2_for_dyna_bins
예제 #19
def soft_or_hard(card):
    if sum(np.select([card == 1],[card]))>0:
        hyoukajiku = sum(np.select([card == 1],[card])) - 1 + sum(np.select([card != 1],[card]))
        if hyoukajiku < 11:
            string = "Hard"
        return str(string)
    elif sum(np.select([card == 1],[card]))==0:
        return "Hard"
예제 #20
    def get_q_average_for_dyna_bins(sp) :
        if sp.q_average_dyna != None : return sp.q_average_dyna

        q_map_masked      = sp.get_q_map() * sp.get_mask_total()
        sum_q_dyna        = sp.bincount(sp.get_q_phi_map_for_dyna_bins(), q_map_masked, length=sp.npart_dyna)
        counts_dyna       = sp.get_counts_for_dyna_bins()
        counts_dyna_prot  = np.select([counts_dyna<=0], [-1], counts_dyna)
        sp.q_average_dyna = np.select([counts_dyna_prot<0], [0], default=sum_q_dyna/counts_dyna_prot)
        print 'get_q_average_for_dyna_bins():\n', sp.q_average_dyna
        return sp.q_average_dyna
예제 #21
def histogram(f, p):
    μ, σ = p
    binCentre, hist = heights_data()
    width = binCentre[1]-binCentre[0]
    bins = binCentre - width / 2

    lineColour = white
    barColour = greenTrans
    barColourUnder = magentaTrans
    barColourOver = orangeTrans
    ymax = 0.08

    fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6), dpi= 80, facecolor=blue1)

    ax.set_xlabel("$x$", fontsize=14)
    ax.set_ylabel("$f(x)$", fontsize=14)

    xs = np.arange(xmin, xmax, 0.1)
    f = lambda x,μ,σ: np.exp(-(x-μ)**2/(2*σ**2))/np.sqrt(2*np.pi)/σ

    fμ = lambda x: f(x, μ, σ)
    fμxs = fμ(xs)
    SSR = np.linalg.norm(f(binCentre,μ,σ)-hist)**2

    xx = np.arange(xmin,xmax,(xmax-xmin)/100)
    yy = np.arange(0,ymax,(ymax)/100)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
    Z = ( (X - (xmax+xmin)/2)**2 + ((xmax-xmin)/ymax / 1.333)**2*(Y - ymax)**2 )**0.5 /( (xmin - (xmax+xmin)/2)**2 + ((xmax-xmin)/ymax / 1.333)**2*(0 - ymax)**2 )**0.5
    im = ax.imshow(Z, vmin=0, vmax=1, extent=[xmin, xmax, ymax, 0], cmap=blueMap)
    ax.set_aspect((xmax-xmin)/ymax / 1.333)
    histBelow = np.select([hist < fμ(binCentre)], [hist], fμ(binCentre))
    histAbove = np.abs(fμ(binCentre)-hist)
    histAbove1 = np.select([hist < fμ(binCentre)], [histAbove], 0)
    histAbove2 = np.select([hist >= fμ(binCentre)], [histAbove], 0)
    # The lines below are different from the code block. Here using 'bins' rather than 'binCentre'.
    ax.bar(binCentre, histBelow, width=width, color=barColour, edgecolor=green)
    ax.bar(binCentre, histAbove1, width=width, bottom=histBelow,
          color=barColourUnder, edgecolor=np.array(magenta)/2)
    ax.bar(binCentre, histAbove2, width=width, bottom=histBelow,
          color=barColourOver, edgecolor=orange)
    ax.plot(xs, fμxs, color=white, linewidth=2)

    ax.text(132, 0.074, "$\chi^2$ = " + str(SSR), fontsize=14, color=white)
예제 #22
    def get_q_average_for_dyna_bins(sp) :
        if sp.q_average_dyna != None : return sp.q_average_dyna

        q_map_masked      = sp.get_q_map() * sp.get_mask_total()
        sum_q_dyna        = sp.bincount(sp.get_q_phi_map_for_dyna_bins(), q_map_masked, length=sp.npart_dyna)
        counts_dyna       = sp.get_counts_for_dyna_bins()
        counts_dyna_prot  = np.select([counts_dyna<=0], [-1], counts_dyna)
        sp.q_average_dyna = np.select([counts_dyna_prot<0], [0], default=sum_q_dyna/counts_dyna_prot)
        msg = 'get_q_average_for_dyna_bins():\n' + str(sp.q_average_dyna)
        logger.info(msg, __name__)
        #print msg
        return sp.q_average_dyna
예제 #23
    def get_q_average_for_stat_q_bins(sp) :
        if sp.q_average_stat_q != None : return sp.q_average_stat_q

        q_map_masked        = sp.get_q_map() * sp.get_mask_total()
        sum_q_stat          = bincount(sp.get_q_map_for_stat_bins(), q_map_masked, length=sp.ana_stat_part_q+1)
        counts_stat_q       = sp.get_counts_for_stat_q_bins()
        counts_stat_q_prot  = np.select([counts_stat_q<=0], [-1], counts_stat_q)
        sp.q_average_stat_q = np.select([counts_stat_q_prot<0], [0], default=sum_q_stat/counts_stat_q_prot)
        #print 'sp.ana_stat_part_q, sp.q_average_stat_q.shape=', sp.ana_stat_part_q, sp.q_average_stat_q.shape
        msg = 'get_q_average_for_stat_q_bins():\n' + str(sp.q_average_stat_q)
        logger.info(msg, __name__)
        return sp.q_average_stat_q
예제 #24
파일: shapes.py 프로젝트: pdeiml/gammapy
    def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0):
        """Two dimensional delta model function using a local rectangular pixel
        _, grad_x = np.gradient(x)
        grad_y, _ = np.gradient(y)
        x_diff = np.abs((x - x_0) / grad_x)
        y_diff = np.abs((y - y_0) / grad_y)

        x_val = np.select([x_diff < 1], [1 - x_diff], 0)
        y_val = np.select([y_diff < 1], [1 - y_diff], 0)
        return x_val * y_val * amplitude
예제 #25
def test_stochastic_grad_descent(X, y, X_vali,y_vali, alpha=0.05, lambda_reg=50, num_iter=100):

    num_instances, num_features = X.shape[0], X.shape[1]
    rand = np.arange(num_instances)

    theta_p = np.random.rand(num_features)
    theta_n = np.random.rand(num_features)
    # theta_p = np.ones(num_features)
    # theta_n = np.ones(num_features)

    t = 1
    losses = []

    for i in range(num_iter):

        for j in range(num_instances):
            # alpha = 0.01/t
            # t = t+1
            alpha = 0.01

            x = X[rand[j]]
            yy = y[rand[j]]

            tmp1 = projected_SGD_p(x,yy,theta_p,theta_n,lambda_reg)
            theta_p_tmp = theta_p - alpha*tmp1
            a = [theta_p_tmp>=0,theta_p_tmp<0]
            choice = [theta_p_tmp,0]
            theta_p_tmp = np.select(a,choice)

            tmp2 = projected_SGD_n(x,yy,theta_p,theta_n,lambda_reg)
            theta_n_tmp = theta_n - alpha*tmp2
            a = [theta_n_tmp>=0,theta_n_tmp<0]
            choice = [theta_n_tmp,0]
            theta_n_tmp = np.select(a,choice)

            theta_p = theta_p_tmp.copy()
            theta_n = theta_n_tmp.copy()

        # a = [theta_p>=0,theta_p<0]
        # choice = [theta_p,0]
        # theta_p = np.select(a,choice)
        # a = [theta_n>=0,theta_n<0]
        # choice = [theta_n,0]
        # theta_n = np.select(a,choice)

        loss = compute_square_loss(X_vali,y_vali,(theta_p-theta_n))[0,0]

    return losses,theta_p-theta_n
예제 #26
    def get_norm_factor_map_for_stat_bins(sp, intens_map) :
        q_phi_map_stat = sp.get_q_phi_map_for_stat_bins()
        counts = sp.get_counts_for_stat_bins()
        # print 'counts = ', counts
        intens = sp.bincount(q_phi_map_stat, intens_map, sp.npart_stat)
        intens_prot = np.select([intens<=0.], [-1.], default=intens)
        normf = np.select([intens_prot<=0.], [0.], default=counts/intens_prot)

        #norm_facotr_map = np.choose(q_phi_map_stat, normf, mode='clip') # DOES NOT WORK!
        #norm_facotr_map = q_phi_map_stat.choose(normf, mode='clip')     # DOES NOT WORK!
        #norm_facotr_map = np.array(map(lambda i : normf[i], q_phi_map_stat)) # 0.26sec
        norm_facotr_map = np.array([normf[i] for i in q_phi_map_stat]) # WORKS! # 0.24sec
        norm_facotr_map.shape = (sp.rows,sp.cols)        
        return norm_facotr_map # sp.get_random_img()
예제 #27
def dm(shigh,slow):
    ''' 动向计算
            HD :=HIGH-REF(HIGH,1);
            LD :=REF(LOW,1)-LOW;
    tpdm = subd(shigh)
    tndm = -subd(slow)
    pdm = np.select([gand(tpdm>0,tpdm>tndm)],[tpdm],default=0)
    ndm = np.select([gand(tndm>0,tndm>tpdm)],[tndm],default=0)
    return pdm,ndm
예제 #28
def get_containment_mask(glon_pos, glat_pos, r_containment, shape):
    """Get mask from pre-computed containment radius"""
    hdulist = fits.open('../counts.fits')
    w = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header)
    y, x = np.indices(shape)
    glon, glat = w.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 1)
    # Fix glon and glon_pos
    glon = np.select([glon > 180, glon <= 180], [glon - 360, glon])
    glon_pos = np.select([glon_pos > 180, glon_pos <= 180], [glon_pos - 360, glon_pos])
    # Compute containment radius
    mask = (glon - glon_pos) ** 2 + (glat - glat_pos) ** 2 <= r_containment ** 2
    return np.array(np.reshape(mask, shape), dtype=np.int) 
예제 #29
def extractfeatures(filename_):
	# read audio samples
	input_data = read(RECSPATH+filename_)
	audio = np.abs(input_data[1])

	# Features:

	## max:

	## median:
	#print("median: ",median)

	## mean:
	#print("average: ",average)

	## sumsq:
	#print("sumtot: ",sumtot)

	## sum sq < 25%:
	condlist1 = [audio<smax/4]
	choicelist1 = [audio]
	sumsq25 = int(np.sum(np.select(condlist1, choicelist1))) # *10000/sumtot
	# print("sumsq25: ",sumsq25)

	## sum sq > 75%:
	condlist2 = [audio>smax/4*3]
	choicelist2 = [audio**2]
	sumsq75 = int(np.sum(np.abs(np.select(condlist2, choicelist2)))) # *10000/sumtot
	# print("sumsq75: ",sumsq75)

	## standard deviation:
	# print("std: ",std)

	## sum diff:
	# print("sumdiff: ",sumdiff)

	# print(np.diff(audio))
	header = ('max','median', 'average', 'sumsqtot', 'sumsq25', 'sumsq75', 'std', 'sumdiff')
	results = [smax, median, average, sumsqtot, sumsq25, sumsq75, std, sumdiff]
	return results
예제 #30
f = np.empty([2, 3, 5], dtype=int)
#16. Populate the values in f. For each value in d, if it's larger than d_min but smaller than d_mean, assign 25 to the corresponding value in f.
If a value in d is larger than d_mean but smaller than d_max, assign 75 to the corresponding value in f.
If a value equals to d_mean, assign 50 to the corresponding value in f.
Assign 0 to the corresponding value(s) in f for d_min in d.
Assign 100 to the corresponding value(s) in f for d_max in d.
In the end, f should have only the following values: 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100.
Note: you don't have to use Numpy in this question.
conditions = [(d > d_min) & (d < d_mean), (d > d_mean) & (d < d_max),
              d == d_mean, d == d_min, d == d_max]
replacements = [25.0, 75.0, 50.0, 0.0, 100.0]

f = np.select(conditions, replacements)
#17. Print d and f. Do you have your expected f?
For instance, if your d is:
array([[[1.85836099, 1.67064465, 1.62576044, 1.40243961, 1.88454931],
        [1.75354326, 1.69403643, 1.36729252, 1.61415071, 1.12104981],
        [1.72201435, 1.1862918 , 1.87078449, 1.7726778 , 1.88180042]],

       [[1.44747908, 1.31673383, 1.02000951, 1.52218947, 1.97066381],
        [1.79129243, 1.74983003, 1.96028037, 1.85166831, 1.65450881],
        [1.18068344, 1.9587381 , 1.00656599, 1.93402165, 1.73514584]]])

Your f should be:
array([[[ 75.,  75.,  75.,  25.,  75.],
        [ 75.,  75.,  25.,  25.,  25.],
예제 #31
# calculate BMI as per the formula
    'BMI Range (kg/m2)'] = clean_df['Weight (Kg)'] % clean_df['Height (cm)']**2
bmi_category_lst = [
    'Underweight', 'Normal weight', 'Overweight', 'Moderately obese',
    'Severely obese', 'Very severely obese'
health_risk_lst = [
    'Malnutrition risk', 'Low risk', 'Enhanced risk', 'Medium risk',
    'High risk', 'Very high risk'
bmi_check = [(clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] < '18.4'),
             (clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] < '24.9'),
             (clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] < '29.9'),
             (clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] < '39.9'),
             (clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] > '40')]

# add two new column to existing csv file
clean_df['BMI Category'] = np.select(bmi_check, bmi_category_lst)
clean_df['Health risk'] = np.select(bmi_check, health_risk_lst)

# calculate total overweight people
overweight_people = clean_df[(clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] > 25)
                             & (clean_df['BMI Range (kg/m2)'] < 29.5)]
total_overweight_people = len(overweight_people)

# create new output csv file with selected existing column from input csv
clean_df = pd.read_csv(
    usecols=['BMI Category', 'BMI Range (kg/m2)', 'Health risk'])
clean_df.to_csv('Output_for_BMI_Calculator_Height_Weight.csv', index=False)
# column 내 특정 단어가 들어간 행들만 필터링하고,
# 그 열들을 숫자로 전처리하고 싶을 때 사용하는 코드

# 라이브러리 불러오기
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# 필터링 기준 설정
condition_li = [
    (sample_df['대상이 될 column 명'].str.contains('column 내 값들 중 필터링하고 싶은 단어 1')),
    (sample_df['대상이 될 column 명'].str.contains('column 내 값들 중 필터링하고 싶은 단어 2')),
    (sample_df['대상이 될 column 명'].str.contains('column 내 값들 중 필터링하고 싶은 단어 3'))

# 필터링 조건에 해당하는 열들을 변환할 값 지정
value_li = [1, 2, 3]

# 새로운 열 생성
sample_df['새로 생성될 column 명'] = np.select(condition_li, value_li)
예제 #33
# including comorbodities. This can be adjusted depending on data availability.
del models['NEWS2 + DBPC']
fitted = {}
for label, features in models.items():
    fitted[label] = test_model(label, validation)

# Test threshold model --------------------------------------------------------
thresholds = define_thresholds(validation)
final = ['news2', 'crp', 'neutrophils', 'estimatedgfr', 'albumin']
y = validation['y']
X = validation[['age'] + final]
# Dichotomise, based on decision tree
for f in final:
    if f != 'age':
        v = thresholds[f]
        X[f + '_bin'] = np.select(v['conditions'], v['choices'])
        print(X[f + '_bin'].value_counts())
# Impute, based on continuous variables
imputer = KNNImputer()
X = pd.DataFrame(imputer.fit_transform(X), columns=list(X))
X = X[['age'] + [f + '_bin' for f in final]]
# Load pre-trained model and predict
clf = load('training/trained_models/' + 'clf_THRESHOLD.joblib')
y_pred = clf.predict(X)
y_prob = clf.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]
# Save
fitted['THRESHOLD'] = {
    'clf': clf,
    'X': X,
    'y': y,
    'y_pred': y_pred,
예제 #34
K = int(sys.argv[1])  #拟合几次多项式
t = np.arange(N - 1, len(bhp_returns))
poly_bhp = np.polyfit(t, smooth_bhp, K)  #np.plotfit()返回拟合多项式的系数
poly_vale = np.polyfit(t, smooth_vale, K)

poly_sub = np.polysub(poly_bhp, poly_vale)  #np.plotsub()计算两个多项式的差构成的多项式
poly_sub_val = np.polyval(poly_sub, t)
poly_der = np.polyder(poly_bhp)
poly_der_val = np.polyval(poly_der, t)
xpoints = np.roots(poly_sub)  #np.roots()计算多项式的根
print "Intersection points", xpoints

reals = np.isreal(xpoints)  #np.isreal()判断多项式的根是否为实数,并返回布尔值
print "Real number?", reals

xpoints = np.select(
    [reals], [xpoints])  #np.select([reals],[xpoints])将xpoints数组中实数值返回,虚数值返回0
xpoints = xpoints.real  #返回数组中标签为实数的值
print "Real intersection points", xpoints

print "Sans 0s", np.trim_zeros(xpoints)  #np.trim_zeros()去除一维数组中开头和末尾的0元素
plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(t, bhp_returns[N - 1:], lw=1.0, label='bhp_return normal data')
plt.plot(t, smooth_bhp, lw=2.0, label='hanning smoothng')
plt.title('bhp_returns polyfit and smoothing')
plt.ylim(-0.05, 0.05, 2)
plt.yticks([-0.04, -0.02, 0.00, 0.02, 0.04],
           ['100M', '200M', '300M', '400M', '500M'])
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
예제 #35
def execute(context):
    df = pd.read_csv("%s/population/full_population.csv" % context.config("data_path"))
    df_households = pd.read_csv("%s/population/full_households.csv" % context.config("data_path"))
    p_seed = pd.read_csv("%s/population/psam_p06.csv" % context.config("data_path"))
    #p_x = p_seed[p_seed["PUMA"].isin([11106,11103,11104,11105,11102,11101,6514,6511,7106,7108,7109,7110,7114,7113,6501,6515,5911,5902,5906,5917,5916,5910,5909,5913,5907,5904,5912,5905,6505,6506,6507,6502,6503,6504,6509,6508,6512,6510,6513,7101,7102,7103,7104,7105,7107,7112,7111,7115,5914,5901,5903,5918,5908,5915,3726,3705,3763,3762,3729,3724,3758,3725,3703,3704,3702,3709,3710,3711,3757,3750,3747,3706,3768,3760,3767,3765,3769,3766,3701,3748,3728,3727,3707,3761,3759,3749,3708,3719,3722,3717,3764,3731,3718,3738,3715,3716,3713,3712,3735,3756,3751,3730,3723,3720,3736,3714,3746,3721,3737,3742,3754,3755,3752,3745,3732,3739,3753,3734,3733,3740,3744,3741,3743])]
    #p_x = p_seed[p_seed["PUMA"].isin([7313,7321,7315,7305,7314,7317,7303,7312,7311,7306,7318,7308,7302,7319,7322,7310,7307,7320,7316,7309,7304,7301])] #San Diego
    h_seed = pd.read_csv("%s/population/psam_h06.csv" % context.config("data_path"))
    p_attr = pd.DataFrame()
    p_attr["hid"] = p_seed["SERIALNO"]
    p_attr["employment"] = p_seed["ESR"]
    p_attr["school"] = p_seed["SCH"]
    p_attr["school_grade"] = p_seed["SCHG"]
    p_attr["pid"] = p_seed["SPORDER"]
    p_attr["age"] = p_seed["AGEP"]
    df = df.merge(p_attr,how="left",on=["hid","pid"])

    h_attr = pd.DataFrame()
    h_attr["hid"] = h_seed["SERIALNO"]

    h_attr["income"] = h_seed["HINCP"]
    # define attributes to merge
    h_attr["VEH"] = h_seed["VEH"]
    df_households = df_households.merge(h_attr,how="left",on="hid")
    df_ptaccessible_zones = context.stage("data.osm.add_pt_variable")[1]

    # Put person IDs
    df.loc[:, "person_id"] = df["unique_person_id"]
    df.loc[:, "weight"] = 1

    # Spatial
    df["zone_id"] = df["geo"].astype(np.str)
    df["geo"] = df["zone_id"] 
    df["zone_id"] = df["zone_id"].astype(np.int64)
    df_ptaccessible_zones["zone_id"] = df_ptaccessible_zones["zone_id"].astype(np.int64)
    #merge information if the residence zone is pt accessible
    df = pd.merge(df,df_ptaccessible_zones, on=["zone_id"], how="left")

    #join persons and households
    df_households["geo"] = df_households["geo"].astype(str)
    df_households["unique_id_in_geo"] = df_households["unique_id_in_geo"].astype(str)
    df["unique_id_in_geo"] = df["unique_id_in_geo"].astype(str)

    df = pd.merge(df,df_households,on=["geo","unique_id_in_geo"],how='left')
    # Attributes
    df.loc[df["pgender"] == 1, "sex"] = "male"
    df.loc[df["pgender"] == 2, "sex"] = "female"
    df["sex"] = df["sex"].astype("category")

    df["__employment"] = df["employment"]
    df["employment"] = "no"

    df.loc[df["__employment"] == 1, "employment"] = "yes"
    df.loc[df["__employment"] == 2, "employment"] = "yes"
    df.loc[df["__employment"] == 4, "employment"] = "yes"
    df.loc[df["__employment"] == 5, "employment"] = "yes"
    df.loc[df["__employment"] == 3, "employment"] = "no"
    df.loc[df["__employment"] == 6, "employment"] = "no"
    df.loc[df['school'].isna(), "employment"] = "student"
    df.loc[df["school"] == 2, "employment"] = "student"
    df.loc[df["school"] == 3, "employment"] = "student"
    df["employment"] = df["employment"].astype("category")

    #df["age"] = df["page"].astype(np.int)
    ##SF and LA
    conditions_ageclass = [(df["age"] < 16),
    (df["age"] >= 16) & (df["age"] <= 25),
    (df["age"] >= 26) & (df["age"] <= 35),
    (df["age"] >= 36) & (df["age"] <= 45),
    (df["age"] >= 46) & (df["age"] <= 55),
    (df["age"] >= 56) & (df["age"] <= 65),
    (df["age"] >= 66) & (df["age"] < 79),
    (df["age"] >= 80)
    if (len(context.config("counties")) < 3):
        conditions_ageclass = [(df["age"] < 16), 
        (df["age"] >= 16) & (df["age"] <= 25), 
        (df["age"] >= 26) & (df["age"] <= 45), 
        (df["age"] >= 46) & (df["age"] <= 65), 
        (df["age"] >= 66)]
    #SF and LA
    choices_ageclass = ['1', '2', '3','4', '5', '6', '7', '8']
    if (len(context.config("counties")) < 3):
        choices_ageclass = ['1', '2', '3','4', '5']

    df["age_class_hts"] = np.select(conditions_ageclass, choices_ageclass, default='1')
    df["age_class_hts"] = df["age_class_hts"].astype(int)
    df["number_of_vehicles"] = df["VEH"]
    #df["number_of_vehicles"] = df["hhlvehic"] - 1

    # Household size
    df_size = df[["unique_housing_id"]].groupby("unique_housing_id").size().reset_index(name = "household_size")
    df = pd.merge(df, df_size)
    df["household_type"] = df["hhltype"]
    df["household_id"] = df["unique_housing_id"]

    df.loc[df["income"] == 0, "income"] = 5000.0
    if (context.config("region") == "la"):
        df.loc[df["zone_id"].astype(np.str).str.contains('6037', regex=False), "home_region"] = 1
        df.loc[df["zone_id"].astype(np.str).str.contains('6071', regex=False), "home_region"] = 2
        df.loc[df["zone_id"].astype(np.str).str.contains('6059', regex=False), "home_region"] = 3
        df.loc[df["zone_id"].astype(np.str).str.contains('6065', regex=False), "home_region"] = 4
        df.loc[df["zone_id"].astype(np.str).str.contains('6111', regex=False), "home_region"] = 5
    elif (context.config("region") == "sf"):
        df["home_region"]=df["zone_id"].astype(np.str).str.contains('6075', regex=False)
        df.loc[df["home_region"]==True, "home_region"] = 1
        df.loc[df["home_region"]==False, "home_region"] = 0
    	raise Exception("This region name (%s) is not supported, Try one of the following [sf, la]" % context.config("region"))    

    # Clean up
    df = df[[
        "person_id", "household_id", "household_type", "household_size",
        "number_of_vehicles", "weight",
        "zone_id", "age", "sex", "employment","age_class_hts", "income", "home_region", "pt_accessible"
    # remove all people outside of the study area
    df_zones = context.stage("data.spatial.zones")
    zone_ids = set(np.unique(df_zones["zone_id"]))
    df = df[df["zone_id"].isin(zone_ids)]

    return df
예제 #36
#xoffset, yoffset = 300, 300
#xsize,   ysize   = 1150, 1150

#xoffset, yoffset = 0, 0
#xsize,   ysize   = (1920, 1920) #(768,704) # 800, 800 # (704, 768)

xoffset, yoffset = 600, 600
xsize, ysize = 700, 700

# Pixel image indexes
iX = np.array(det.indexes_x(runnum), dtype=np.int64)  #- xoffset
iY = np.array(det.indexes_y(runnum), dtype=np.int64)  #- yoffset

# Protect indexes (should be POSITIVE after offset subtraction)
imRow = np.select([iX < xoffset], [0], default=iX - xoffset)
imCol = np.select([iY < yoffset], [0], default=iY - yoffset)

# Pixel coordinates [um] (transformed as needed)
Xum = det.coords_y(runnum)
Yum = -det.coords_x(runnum)

# Derived pixel raduius in [um] and angle phi[degree]
Rum = np.sqrt(Xum * Xum + Yum * Yum)
Phi = np.arctan2(Yum, Xum) * 180 / np.pi

imRow.shape  = imCol.shape  = \
Xum.shape    = Yum.shape    = \
Rum.shape    = Phi.shape    = det.shape()

예제 #37
def select(condlist, choicelist, default=0):
    raw_array = _np.select(list(condlist), list(choicelist), default=default)
    return array(list(raw_array.ravel())).reshape(raw_array.shape)
예제 #38
def gsea_significance(enrichment_scores, enrichment_nulls):
    """Compute nominal pvals, normalized ES, and FDR q value.

        For a given NES(S) = NES* >= 0. The FDR is the ratio of the percentage of all (S,pi) with
        NES(S,pi) >= 0, whose NES(S,pi) >= NES*, divided by the percentage of
        observed S wih NES(S) >= 0, whose NES(S) >= NES*, and similarly if NES(S) = NES* <= 0.
    # For a zero by zero division (undetermined, results in a NaN),
    # np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
    import warnings

    logging.debug("Start to compute pvals..................................")
    # compute pvals.
    enrichmentPVals = gsea_pval(enrichment_scores, enrichment_nulls).tolist()

    # new normalize enrichment score calculating method. this could speed up significantly.
    esnull_meanPos = []
    esnull_meanNeg = []

    es = np.array(enrichment_scores)
    esnull = np.array(enrichment_nulls)

    for i in range(len(enrichment_scores)):
        enrNull = esnull[i]
        meanPos = enrNull[enrNull >= 0].mean()
        meanNeg = enrNull[enrNull < 0].mean()

    pos = np.array(esnull_meanPos).reshape(len(es), 1)
    neg = np.array(esnull_meanNeg).reshape(len(es), 1)

    # compute normalized enrichment score and normalized esnull
    logging.debug("Compute normalized enrichment score and normalized esnull")

        condlist1 = [es >= 0, es < 0]
        choicelist1 = [es / esnull_meanPos, -es / esnull_meanNeg]
        nEnrichmentScores = np.select(condlist1, choicelist1).tolist()

        condlist2 = [esnull >= 0, esnull < 0]
        choicelist2 = [esnull / pos, -esnull / neg]
        nEnrichmentNulls = np.select(condlist2, choicelist2)

    except:  #return if according nes, nesnull is uncalculable
        nEnrichmentScores = np.repeat(0.0, es.size).tolist()
        nEnrichmentNulls = np.repeat(0.0, es.size).reshape(esnull.shape)

    logging.debug("start to compute fdrs..................................")

    # FDR null distribution histogram
    # create a histogram of all NES(S,pi) over all S and pi
    # Use this null distribution to compute an FDR q value,
    # vals = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, nEnrichmentNulls, [])
    # nvals = np.array(sorted(vals))
    # or
    nvals = np.sort(nEnrichmentNulls.flatten())
    nnes = np.array(sorted(nEnrichmentScores))
    fdrs = []
    # FDR computation
    for i in range(len(enrichment_scores)):
        nes = nEnrichmentScores[i]

        if nes >= 0:
            allPos = int(len(nvals) - np.searchsorted(nvals, 0, side="left"))
            allHigherAndPos = int(
                len(nvals) - np.searchsorted(nvals, nes, side="left"))
            nesPos = len(nnes) - int(np.searchsorted(nnes, 0, side="left"))
            nesHigherAndPos = len(nnes) - int(
                np.searchsorted(nnes, nes, side="left"))
            allPos = int(np.searchsorted(nvals, 0, side="left"))
            allHigherAndPos = int(np.searchsorted(nvals, nes, side="right"))
            nesPos = int(np.searchsorted(nnes, 0, side="left"))
            nesHigherAndPos = int(np.searchsorted(nnes, nes, side="right"))
            pi_norm = allHigherAndPos / float(allPos)  #p value
            pi_obs = nesHigherAndPos / float(nesPos)

            fdr = pi_norm / pi_obs if pi_norm / pi_obs < 1.0 else 1.0

    logging.debug("Statistical testing finished.............................")

    return zip(enrichment_scores, nEnrichmentScores, enrichmentPVals, fdrs)
예제 #39
파일: views.py 프로젝트: eab64/RFM-analyze
def unload(request) -> HttpResponse:
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = request.POST.get("date")
        form2 = request.POST.get("high")
        form3 = request.POST.get("low")
        form4 = request.POST.get("max_day")
        form5 = request.POST.get("min_day")
        con = sqlalchemy.create_engine(
        )  # Connect to db
        df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM myapp_information WHERE Visit_count>0",
        df_data = pd.read_sql(
            "SELECT * FROM myapp_additional WHERE Visit_status='Клиент пришёл' and Visit_data <"
            + "'" + form + "'" + "", con)
        df_sum = df[[
            'Number', 'Visit_count', 'Income'
        ]].groupby(by='Number').sum()  #Сложение income и visits_number
        df_by_data = df_data[['Number',
        merged = pd.merge(df_sum,
        merged["days"] = (pd.to_datetime(merged["Visit_data"]).sub(
            pd.Timestamp(form)).dt.days) * -1
        conditions = [
            (merged["days"] <= np.percentile(merged["days"],
                                             33)),  # Меньше 109
            (merged["days"] <= np.percentile(merged["days"],
                                             66)),  # Меньше 209
            (merged["days"] >= np.percentile(merged["days"], 66))  # Больше 209
        values = ['3', '2', '1']
        conditions2 = [
            (merged["Visit_count"] <= float(form5)),
            (merged["Visit_count"] >= float(form4)),
            (merged["Visit_count"] > float(form5)) |
            (merged["Visit_count"] < float(form4)),
        values2 = ['1', '3', '2']
        conditions3 = [
            (merged["Income"] <= float(form3)),  # Меньше чем 20000
            (merged["Income"] >= float(form2)),  # Больше чем 80000
            (merged["Income"] > float(form3)) |
            (merged["Income"] < float(form2))
        values3 = ['1', '3', '2']

        merged["R"] = np.select(conditions, values)
        merged["F"] = np.select(conditions2, values2)
        merged["M"] = np.select(conditions3, values3)
        merged["RFM"] = merged["R"] + merged["F"] + merged["M"]
        conditions4 = [(merged["RFM"] == '333'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '121') | (merged["RFM"] == '122') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '211') | (merged["RFM"] == '212') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '221') | (merged["RFM"] == '231') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '222') | (merged["RFM"] == '321'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '113'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '112') | (merged["RFM"] == '131'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '111'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '311') | (merged["RFM"] == '312'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '132') | (merged["RFM"] == '133') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '232') | (merged["RFM"] == '233') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '332') | (merged["RFM"] == '232') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '322') | (merged["RFM"] == '331'),
                       (merged["RFM"] == '123') | (merged["RFM"] == '213') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '223') | (merged["RFM"] == '313') |
                       (merged["RFM"] == '323')]
        values4 = [
            'ЯДРО', 'Стандарт', 'Сонные киты', 'Сони', 'Потерянные', 'Новички',
            'Лояльные', 'Киты'
        merged["LABEL"] = np.select(conditions4, values4)
        with BytesIO() as b:
            writer = pd.ExcelWriter(b, engine='xlsxwriter')
            merged.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')
            filename = 'test'
            content_type = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
            response = HttpResponse(b.getvalue(), content_type=content_type)
                'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="' + filename + '.xlsx"'
            return response
        userform = UserForm()
        high = IncomeHigh()
        low = IncomeLow()
        max_day = Max_day()
        min_day = Min_day()
        return render(
            request, "index.html", {
                "form": userform,
                "form2": high,
                "form3": low,
                "form4": max_day,
                "form5": min_day
예제 #40
fraud.loc[(fraud['City.Population'] < lower_lim4)] = lower_lim4
fraud.loc[(fraud['Work.Experience'] > upper_lim5)] = upper_lim5
fraud.loc[(fraud['Work.Experience'] < lower_lim5)] = lower_lim5
fraud.loc[(fraud['Taxable.Income'] > upper_lim6)] = upper_lim6
fraud.loc[(fraud['Taxable.Income'] < lower_lim6)] = lower_lim6
###### Let's check Binning:It can be applied on both categorical and numerical data:
#####The main aim of binning is to make the model more robust and prevent overfitting, however, it has a cost to the performance
####Numerical Binning
fraud['bin1'] = pd.cut(fraud['City.Population'], bins=[25779,50000,199778], labels=["Good","Risky"])
fraud['bin2'] = pd.cut(fraud['Work.Experience'], bins=[0,10,30], labels=["Low","Good"])
fraud['bin3'] = pd.cut(fraud['Taxable.Income'], bins=[10000,30000,99619], labels=["Good","Risky"])
conditions = [
conditions1 = [
choices1= ['1','2','3']
conditions2 = [
choices2= ['1','2']
###Log Transform- It helps to handle skewed data and after transformation, the distribution becomes more approximate to normal.
###It also decreases the effect of the outliers, due to the normalization of magnitude differences and the model become more robust.
fraud = pd.DataFrame({'City.Population':fraud.iloc[:,2]})
fraud['log+1'] = (fraud['City.Population']+1).transform(np.log)
예제 #41
    def adtm(self, n: int = 23, m: int = 8):


        df_adtm = self._df.loc[:, ADTM_COLS]

        df_adtm.loc[:, "open_diff"] = df_adtm["open"] - df_adtm["open"].shift(1)
        df_adtm.loc[:, "high_open_diff"] = df_adtm["high"] - df_adtm["open"]
        df_adtm.loc[:, "open_low_diff"] = df_adtm["open"] - df_adtm["low"]

        df_adtm = (
                dtm=lambda x: np.where(
                    x["open_diff"] > 0,
                        x["high_open_diff"] >= x["open_low_diff"],
        ).assign(dbm=lambda x: np.where(x["open_diff"] >= 0, 0, x["open_low_diff"]))

        df_adtm.loc[:, "stm"] = df_adtm["dtm"].rolling(n).sum()
        df_adtm.loc[:, "sbm"] = df_adtm["dbm"].rolling(n).sum()

        df_adtm = df_adtm.assign(
            adtm=lambda x: np.select(
                    x["stm"] > x["sbm"],
                    x["stm"] < x["sbm"],
                    x["stm"] == x["sbm"],
                    (x["stm"] - x["sbm"]) / x["stm"],
                    (x["stm"] - x["sbm"]) / x["sbm"],

        df_adtm.loc[:, "adtmma"] = self._ma(col="adtm", n=m, df=df_adtm)
        return df_adtm
예제 #42
    def evaluate(x, amplitude, x_0, width):
        """One dimensional Box model function"""

        return np.select(
            [np.logical_and(x >= x_0 - width / 2., x <= x_0 + width / 2.)],
            [amplitude], 0)
예제 #43
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: jelitox/ibis
def execute_simple_case_series(op, value, whens, thens, otherwise, **kwargs):
    if otherwise is None:
        otherwise = np.nan
    raw = np.select([value == when for when in whens], thens, otherwise)
    return wrap_case_result(raw, op.to_expr())
예제 #44
    def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, r_in, width):
        """Two dimensional Ring model function."""

        rr = (x - x_0)**2 + (y - y_0)**2
        r_range = np.logical_and(rr >= r_in**2, rr <= (r_in + width)**2)
        return np.select([r_range], [amplitude])
예제 #45
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: jelitox/ibis
def execute_simple_case_scalar(op, value, whens, thens, otherwise, **kwargs):
    if otherwise is None:
        otherwise = np.nan
    raw = np.select(np.asarray(whens) == value, thens, otherwise)
    return wrap_case_result(raw, op.to_expr())
예제 #46
    def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, R_0):
        """Two dimensional Disk model function"""

        rr = (x - x_0)**2 + (y - y_0)**2
        return np.select([rr <= R_0**2], [amplitude])
예제 #47
smooth_tencent = np.convolve(weights, tencent_returns)[N-1:-N+1]

t=np.arange(N-1, len(bidu_returns))
plt.plot(t, bidu_returns[N-1:], lw=1.0, label='bidu_returns')
plt.plot(t, smooth_bidu, lw=2.0, label='bidu_smooth')
plt.plot(t, tencent_returns[N-1:], lw=1.0, label='tencent_returns')
plt.plot(t, smooth_tencent, lw=2.0, label='tencent_smooth')

plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.savefig('images/hanning_smooth.png', format='png')

t=np.arange(N-1, len(tencent_returns))
poly_bidu = np.polyfit(t, smooth_bidu, K)
poly_tencent = np.polyfit(t, smooth_tencent, K)

poly_sub = np.polysub(poly_bidu, poly_tencent)
xpoints = np.roots(poly_sub)
print "Intersection points:", xpoints

reals = np.isreal(xpoints)
print "Real number?", reals

xpoints = np.select([reals], [xpoints])
xpoints = xpoints.real

print "Real intersection points", xpoints

print "Sans 0s", np.trim_zeros(xpoints)
예제 #48
def graph3_4():
    def mds_special():
        font = "Arial"
        axisColor = "#000000"
        gridColor = "#DEDDDD"
        return {
            "config": {
                "title": {
                    "fontSize": 24,
                    "font": font,
                    "anchor": "start",  # equivalent of left-aligned.
                    "fontColor": "#000000"
                'view': {
                    "height": 300,
                    "width": 400
                "axisX": {
                    "domain": True,
                    #"domainColor": axisColor,
                    "gridColor": gridColor,
                    "domainWidth": 1,
                    "grid": False,
                    "labelFont": font,
                    "labelFontSize": 12,
                    "labelAngle": 0,
                    "tickColor": axisColor,
                    5,  # default, including it just to show you can change it
                    "titleFont": font,
                    "titleFontSize": 16,
                    10,  # guessing, not specified in styleguide
                    "title": "X Axis Title (units)",
                "axisY": {
                    "domain": False,
                    "grid": True,
                    "gridColor": gridColor,
                    "gridWidth": 1,
                    "labelFont": font,
                    "labelFontSize": 14,
                    "labelAngle": 0,
                    #"ticks": False, # even if you don't have a "domain" you need to turn these off.
                    "titleFont": font,
                    "titleFontSize": 16,
                    10,  # guessing, not specified in styleguide
                    "title": "Y Axis Title (units)",
                    # titles are by default vertical left of axis so we need to hack this
                    #"titleAngle": 0, # horizontal
                    #"titleY": -10, # move it up
                    #"titleX": 18, # move it to the right so it aligns with the labels

    # register the custom theme under a chosen name
    alt.themes.register('mds_special', mds_special)

    # enable the newly registered theme
    #alt.themes.enable('none') # to return to default

    # Wrangling data
    crime_data_n = crime_data

    crime_data_n['avg_hatecrimes_fbi_10days'] = (
        (crime_data_n['avg_hatecrimes_per_100k_fbi'] / 365) * 10)

    crime_data_n['prop'] = (crime_data_n['hate_crimes_per_100k_splc'] -
                            ) / crime_data_n['avg_hatecrimes_fbi_10days']

    mean_crime = crime_data_n['avg_hatecrimes_fbi_10days'].mean()

    conditions = [(crime_data_n['avg_hatecrimes_fbi_10days'] <= mean_crime),
                  (crime_data_n['avg_hatecrimes_fbi_10days'] > mean_crime)]
    choices = ['low baseline crime rate', 'high baseline crime rate']
    crime_data_n['crime_rate_bracket'] = np.select(conditions, choices)

    crime_data_n['diff_hatecrime'] = (
        crime_data_n['hate_crimes_per_100k_splc'] -
    crime_data_sorted_trump = crime_data_n.sort_values(

    state_selector = alt.selection_multi(fields=['state'])

    # Create the plots

    l = alt.Chart(
        title="States with low baseline crime rate").mark_bar().encode(
            alt.X('state:N', title='', axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=-45)),
                  title='Rate of change of hate crime pre and post election'),
                state_selector, alt.ColorValue("steelblue"),
                    (datum.crime_rate_bracket == 'low baseline crime rate'))

    h = alt.Chart(
        title="States with high baseline crime rate").mark_bar().encode(
            alt.X('state:N', axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=-45), title=''),
                  title='Rate of change of hate crime pre and post election',
                  scale=alt.Scale(domain=[0, 30])),
                state_selector, alt.ColorValue("steelblue"),
                    (datum.crime_rate_bracket == 'high baseline crime rate'

    heatmap = alt.Chart(crime_data_sorted_trump, width=450).mark_rect().encode(
        alt.X('state', sort=None, title=" ", axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=-45)),
        alt.Y('share_voters_voted_trump', title="Share of Trump voters (%)"),
        alt.Color('diff_hatecrime', title="Change in hate crime rate (%)"),
            alt.Tooltip('state', title='State'),
                        title="Hate crime rate 10 days after election"),
                        title="Average rate of hate crime (for 10 days")

    return alt.vconcat(heatmap, l | h)
예제 #49
파일: canon_log.py 프로젝트: wenh06/colour
def log_decoding_CanonLog3(clog3,
    Defines the *Canon Log 3* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer

    clog3 : numeric or array_like
        *Canon Log 3* non-linear data.
    bit_depth : int, optional
        Bit depth used for conversion.
    in_normalised_code_value : bool, optional
        Whether the *Canon Log 3* non-linear data is encoded with normalised
        code values.
    out_reflection : bool, optional
        Whether the light level :math:`x` to a camera is reflection.

    Other Parameters
    \\**kwargs : dict, optional
        Keywords arguments for deprecation management.

    numeric or ndarray
        Linear data :math:`x`.


    | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``clog3``  | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    | **Range**  | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``x``      | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |


    >>> log_decoding_CanonLog3(34.338936938868677 / 100)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    in_normalised_code_value = handle_arguments_deprecation({
        'ArgumentRenamed': [['in_legal', 'in_normalised_code_value']],
    }, **kwargs).get('in_normalised_code_value', in_normalised_code_value)

    clog3 = to_domain_1(clog3)

    clog3 = (legal_to_full(clog3, bit_depth)
             if in_normalised_code_value else clog3)

    x = np.select(
        (clog3 < 0.04076162, clog3 <= 0.105357102, clog3 > 0.105357102),
        (-(10 ** ((0.07623209 - clog3) / 0.42889912) - 1) / 14.98325,
         (clog3 - 0.073059361) / 2.3069815,
         (10 ** ((clog3 - 0.069886632) / 0.42889912) - 1) / 14.98325))

    if out_reflection:
        x = x * 0.9

    return as_float(from_range_1(x))
예제 #50
def pullandcat(inputstatement, outputstatement, inputdate):
    trans = pd.read_csv('/Users/luisgoate/Desktop/Budget/{0}.csv'.format(inputstatement), header = None)

    trans.columns = ['Date', 'Vendor', 'Amount']
    date = datetime.strptime(inputdate, '%d/%m/%Y')
#Format date
    trans['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(trans['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')

#Choose relevant dates
    trans = trans[trans['Date'] >= date ]

#Only include rows that have '-' to capture expenditures
    trans = trans[trans.Amount.str.contains("-")]

#Format amounts
    trans['Amount'] = trans['Amount'].str[1:]
    trans['Amount'] = trans['Amount'].astype(float)

#Categrorise data
    conditions = [
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('TESCO') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('GATHER') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('SAINS') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('M&S') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('MANGER') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('DELIVEROO') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('CAFE') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('PUB') == True),

    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('TFL') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('UBER') == True),
    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('LUL') == True),

    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('8BFORDAM') == True),

    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('PURE') == True),

    (trans['Vendor'].str.contains('MOBILE') == True)]

    choices = ['Groceries', 'Groceries', 'Groceries', 'Groceries', 'Groceries', 'Groceries',
           'Socialising', 'Socialising',
           'Travel', 'Travel', 'Travel',

    trans['Category'] = np.select(conditions, choices, default='Other')

    columns = ['Date', 'Vendor', 'Category']
    excel_dump = pd.pivot_table(trans, values = 'Amount' , index = columns,
    aggfunc = np.sum)

예제 #51
    (point_table['bye'] == 1), (point_table['total_matches'] == 4) &
    (point_table['matches_won'] == 3) & (point_table['bye'] == 1),
    (point_table['total_matches'] == 4) & (point_table['matches_won'] == 4) &
    (point_table['bye'] == 1), (point_table['total_matches'] == 2) &
    (point_table['matches_won'] == 1) & (point_table['bye'] == 0),
    (point_table['total_matches'] == 3) & (point_table['matches_won'] == 2) &
    (point_table['bye'] == 0), (point_table['total_matches'] == 4) &
    (point_table['matches_won'] == 3) & (point_table['bye'] == 0),
    (point_table['total_matches'] == 5) & (point_table['matches_won'] == 4) &
    (point_table['bye'] == 0), (point_table['total_matches'] == 5) &
    (point_table['matches_won'] == 5) & (point_table['bye'] == 0),
    (point_table['total_matches'] == 1) & (point_table['matches_won'] == 0)

choices = [4, 7, 11, 16, 3, 7, 10, 14, 19, 1]
point_table['points'] = np.select(conditions, choices, default=-1)

point_table2 = point_table.drop(
    ['home_win', 'away_win', 'home_loss', 'away_loss', 'matches_drawn', 'bye'],

# ### calcolo bonus
df_bonus = pd.read_csv(path + "bonus_mn_mtg.csv", sep=";").fillna(0)
    'bonus'] = df_bonus.bigscore + df_bonus.bigchk + df_bonus.darts18 + df_bonus.darts15 * 2 + df_bonus.darts12 * 3 + df_bonus.other

monday_night = point_table2.merge(df_bonus,
                                  on=['season', 'round',
예제 #52
    def get_joyner_boore_distance(self, mesh):
        See :meth:`superclass' method

        This is an optimized version specific to planar surface that doesn't
        make use of the mesh.
        # we define four great circle arcs that contain four sides
        # of projected planar surface:
        #       ↓     II    ↓
        #    I  ↓           ↓  I
        #       ↓     +     ↓
        #  →→→→→TL→→→→1→→→→TR→→→→→     → azimuth direction →
        #       ↓     -     ↓
        #       ↓           ↓
        # III  -3+   IV    -4+  III             ↓
        #       ↓           ↓            downdip direction
        #       ↓     +     ↓                   ↓
        #  →→→→→BL→→→→2→→→→BR→→→→→
        #       ↓     -     ↓
        #    I  ↓           ↓  I
        #       ↓     II    ↓
        # arcs 1 and 2 are directed from left corners to right ones (the
        # direction has an effect on the sign of the distance to an arc,
        # as it shown on the figure), arcs 3 and 4 are directed from top
        # corners to bottom ones.
        # then we measure distance from each of the points in a mesh
        # to each of those arcs and compare signs of distances in order
        # to find a relative positions of projections of points and
        # projection of a surface.
        # then we consider four special cases (labeled with Roman numerals)
        # and either pick one of distances to arcs or a closest distance
        # to corner.
        # indices 0, 2 and 1 represent corners TL, BL and TR respectively.
        arcs_lons = self.corner_lons.take([0, 2, 0, 1])
        arcs_lats = self.corner_lats.take([0, 2, 0, 1])
        downdip_azimuth = (self.strike + 90) % 360
        arcs_azimuths = [
            self.strike, self.strike, downdip_azimuth, downdip_azimuth
        mesh_lons = mesh.lons.reshape((-1, 1))
        mesh_lats = mesh.lats.reshape((-1, 1))
        # calculate distances from all the target points to all four arcs
        dists_to_arcs = geodetic.distance_to_arc(arcs_lons, arcs_lats,
                                                 arcs_azimuths, mesh_lons,
        # ... and distances from all the target points to each of surface's
        # corners' projections (we might not need all of those but it's
        # better to do that calculation once for all).
        dists_to_corners = geodetic.min_geodetic_distance(
            self.corner_lons, self.corner_lats, mesh.lons.flatten(),

        # extract from ``dists_to_arcs`` signs (represent relative positions
        # of an arc and a point: +1 means on the left hand side, 0 means
        # on arc and -1 means on the right hand side) and minimum absolute
        # values of distances to each pair of parallel arcs.
        ds1, ds2, ds3, ds4 = numpy.sign(dists_to_arcs).transpose()
        dists_to_arcs = numpy.abs(dists_to_arcs).reshape(-1, 2, 2).min(axis=-1)

        jb_dists = numpy.select(
            # consider four possible relative positions of point and arcs:
                # signs of distances to both parallel arcs are the same
                # in both pairs, case "I" on a figure above
                (ds1 == ds2) & (ds3 == ds4),
                # sign of distances to two parallels is the same only
                # in one pair, case "II"
                ds1 == ds2,
                # ... or another (case "III")
                ds3 == ds4
                # signs are different in both pairs (this is a "default"),
                # case "IV"
                # case "I": closest distance is the closest distance to corners
                # case "II": closest distance is distance to arc "1" or "2",
                # whichever is closer
                dists_to_arcs[:, 0],
                # case "III": closest distance is distance to either
                # arc "3" or "4"
                dists_to_arcs[:, 1]

            # default -- case "IV"

        return jb_dists.reshape(mesh.lons.shape)
# data = pd.read_csv('covid_impact_education.csv', parse_dates=[["Date"]],
#                   date_parser=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x, format="%d%m%Y"),
# )

data = pd.read_csv('covid_impact_education.csv', infer_datetime_format=True)

data.loc[:, 'Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
data['Date'] = data['Date'].dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')

data = data.fillna("")

conditions = [(data['Scale'] == 'Open'), (data['Scale'] == 'National'),
              (data['Scale'] == 'Localized')]
choices = [0, 2, 1]
data['S1_School closing'] = np.select(conditions, choices, default=0)

numericcodes = pd.read_json("codes.json", dtype={'numeric': object})
for index, row in numericcodes.iterrows():
    row["numeric"] = str(row["numeric"])

merged = pd.merge(data, numericcodes, left_on='ISO', right_on='alpha_3')

merged = merged.groupby(['Date'])
perDate = {}
for date, group in merged:
    perDate[date] = group.to_dict(orient='records')

with open('sorted_school_data.json', 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(perDate, fp)
예제 #54
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: jelitox/ibis
def execute_searched_case(op, whens, thens, otherwise, **kwargs):
    if otherwise is None:
        otherwise = np.nan
    raw = np.select(whens, thens, otherwise)
    return wrap_case_result(raw, op.to_expr())
예제 #55
    def get_min_distance(self, mesh):
        See :meth:`superclass' method

        This is an optimized version specific to planar surface that doesn't
        make use of the mesh.
        # we project all the points of the mesh on a plane that contains
        # the surface (translating coordinates of the projections to a local
        # 2d space) and at the same time calculate the distance to that
        # plane.
        dists, xx, yy = self._project(mesh.lons, mesh.lats, mesh.depths)
        # the actual resulting distance is a square root of squares
        # of a distance from a point to a plane that contains the surface
        # and a distance from a projection of that point on that plane
        # and a surface rectangle. we have former (``dists``), now we need
        # to find latter.
        # we process separately two coordinate components of the point
        # projection. for abscissa we consider three possible cases:
        #  I  . III .  II
        #     .     .
        #     0-----+                → x axis direction
        #     |     |
        #     +-----+
        #     .     .
        #     .     .
        mxx = numpy.select(
                # case "I": point on the left hand side from the rectangle
                xx < 0,
                # case "II": point is on the right hand side
                xx > self.length
                # default -- case "III": point is in between vertical sides
                # case "I": we need to consider distance between a point
                # and a line containing left side of the rectangle
                # case "II": considering a distance between a point and
                # a line containing the right side
                xx - self.length
            # case "III": abscissa doesn't have an effect on a distance
            # to the rectangle
        # for ordinate we do the same operation (again three cases):
        #    I
        #  - - - 0---+ - - -         ↓ y axis direction
        #   III  |   |
        #  - - - +---+ - - -
        #    II
        myy = numpy.select(
                # case "I": point is above the rectangle top edge
                yy < 0,
                # case "II": point is below the rectangle bottom edge
                yy > self.width
                # default -- case "III": point is in between lines containing
                # top and bottom edges
                # case "I": considering a distance to a line containing
                # a top edge
                # case "II": considering a distance to a line containing
                # a bottom edge
                yy - self.width
            # case "III": ordinate doesn't affect the distance
        # distance between a point project and a rectangle combines from
        # both components
        dists2d_squares = mxx**2 + myy**2
        # finding a resulting distance combining a distance on a plane
        # with a distance to a plane
        return numpy.sqrt(dists**2 + dists2d_squares)
예제 #56
        'Gene1', 'Gene2', 'Gene1 ID', 'Gene2 ID', 'Fusion Inspector', 'Pred'
    selectSF = combSF[[
        'Gene1', 'Gene2', 'Gene1 ID', 'Gene2 ID', 'Fusion Inspector',

x = pd.concat([selectFC, selectSF], axis=0)
x = x.astype(str)
x = x.groupby(['Gene1', 'Gene2', 'Gene1 ID', 'Gene2 ID']).agg('|'.join)
conditions = [(x['Pred'] == 'Catch|Star'), (x['Pred'] == 'Star'),
              (x['Pred'] == 'Catch')]
choices = ['Both', 'Star', 'Catcher']
x['Predicted By'] = np.select(conditions, choices)
#x.drop(['Pred'], axis=1, inplace=True)
x['Sample'] = sys.argv[1].split('/')[1]
x.to_csv(path_or_buf=sys.argv[7], sep='\t', index=False)

combFC.drop(['Pred'], axis=1, inplace=True)
combSF.drop(['Pred'], axis=1, inplace=True)
combFC['Sample'] = sys.argv[1].split('/')[1]
combSF['Sample'] = sys.argv[1].split('/')[1]

combFC.to_csv(path_or_buf=sys.argv[8], sep='\t')
combSF.to_csv(path_or_buf=sys.argv[9], sep='\t')

ofsf = oncoFuseSF[[
예제 #57
파일: canon_log.py 프로젝트: wenh06/colour
def log_encoding_CanonLog3(x,
    Defines the *Canon Log 3* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer

    x : numeric or array_like
        Linear data :math:`x`.
    bit_depth : int, optional
        Bit depth used for conversion.
    out_normalised_code_value : bool, optional
        Whether the *Canon Log 3* non-linear data is encoded as normalised code
    in_reflection : bool, optional
        Whether the light level :math:`x` to a camera is reflection.

    Other Parameters
    \\**kwargs : dict, optional
        Keywords arguments for deprecation management.

    numeric or ndarray
        *Canon Log 3* non-linear data.

    -   Introspection of the grafting points by Shaw, N. (2018) shows that the
        *Canon Log 3* IDT was likely derived from its encoding curve as the
        later is grafted at *+/-0.014*::

            >>> clog3 = 0.04076162
            >>> (clog3 - 0.073059361) / 2.3069815
            >>> clog3 = 0.105357102
            >>> (clog3 - 0.073059361) / 2.3069815

    | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``x``      | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    | **Range**  | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``clog3``  | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |


    >>> log_encoding_CanonLog3(0.18) * 100  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    out_normalised_code_value = handle_arguments_deprecation({
        'ArgumentRenamed': [['out_legal', 'out_normalised_code_value']],
    }, **kwargs).get('out_normalised_code_value', out_normalised_code_value)

    x = to_domain_1(x)

    if in_reflection:
        x = x / 0.9

    with domain_range_scale('ignore'):
        clog3 = np.select(
            (x < log_decoding_CanonLog3(0.04076162, bit_depth, False, False),
             x <= log_decoding_CanonLog3(0.105357102, bit_depth, False, False),
             x > log_decoding_CanonLog3(0.105357102, bit_depth, False, False)),
            (-0.42889912 * np.log10(-x * 14.98325 + 1) + 0.07623209,
             2.3069815 * x + 0.073059361,
             0.42889912 * np.log10(x * 14.98325 + 1) + 0.069886632))

    clog3 = (full_to_legal(clog3, bit_depth)
             if out_normalised_code_value else clog3)

    return as_float(from_range_1(clog3))
예제 #58
def generate_baselines(pred, pred_ci, pred_dy, pred_dy_ci, label):

    # Get Weekly predicted table - mean prediction from the model is used as Weekly Baseline
    W_predicted = pd.DataFrame()
    W_predicted['W_baseline'] = pred.predicted_mean
    W_predicted['W_lower_bl'] = pred_ci.iloc[:, 0]
        adjusted_baseline = min(
            pred_ci[pred_ci['lower TaskCount'] > 0]['lower TaskCount'])
        W_predicted['W_lower_bl'] = np.where(W_predicted['W_lower_bl'] <= 0,
        W_predicted['W_lower_bl'] = np.where(W_predicted['W_lower_bl'] <= 0,
    W_predicted['W_upper_bl'] = pred_ci.iloc[:, 1]
    W_predicted['month_num'] = pd.Series(
    W_predicted['month'] = pd.Series(
            stop=3).tolist()  #.dt.strftime('%m')
    W_predicted['week_in_month'] = pd.to_numeric(W_predicted.index.day / 7)
    W_predicted['week_in_month'] = W_predicted['week_in_month'].apply(
        lambda x: math.ceil(x))
    W_predicted['Language'] = label
    W_baseline = W_predicted.groupby([
        'Language', 'month_num', 'month', 'week_in_month'
    ]).mean().reset_index().sort_values(['month_num', 'week_in_month'])
    W_baseline = W_baseline[[
        'Language', 'month', 'week_in_month', 'W_baseline', 'W_lower_bl',

    # Get Monthly predicted table - aggregated from the Weekly baseline
    M_predicted = W_predicted[['W_baseline', 'W_lower_bl',
    M_predicted.columns = ['M_baseline', 'M_lower_bl', 'M_upper_bl']
    M_predicted['Language'] = label
    M_predicted['month_num'] = pd.Series(
    M_predicted['month'] = pd.Series(
    M_baseline = M_predicted.groupby(
        ['Language', 'month_num',
    M_baseline = M_baseline[[
        'Language', 'month', 'M_baseline', 'M_lower_bl', 'M_upper_bl'

    # Get Quarterly predicted table - aggregated from the Monthly baseline
    Q_predicted = M_predicted[['M_baseline', 'M_lower_bl',
    Q_predicted.columns = ['Q_baseline', 'Q_lower_bl', 'Q_upper_bl']
    Q_predicted['Language'] = label
    Q_predicted['month_num'] = pd.Series(
    Q_predicted['month'] = pd.Series(
    Q_baseline = Q_predicted.groupby(
        ['Language', 'month_num',
    conditions = [
        Q_baseline['month_num'] == 3, Q_baseline['month_num'] == 6,
        Q_baseline['month_num'] == 9, Q_baseline['month_num'] == 12
    quarter_name, quarter_num = ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4'], [1, 2, 3, 4]
    Q_baseline['quarter'] = np.select(conditions, quarter_name, default=np.nan)
    Q_baseline['q'] = np.select(conditions, quarter_num,
    Q_baseline = Q_baseline[[
        'Language', 'quarter', 'Q_baseline', 'Q_lower_bl', 'Q_upper_bl'

    W_forecast = pd.DataFrame()
    W_forecast['W_forecast'] = pred_dy.predicted_mean
    W_forecast['W_lower_fc'] = pred_dy_ci.iloc[:, 0]
        adjusted_baseline_2 = min(
            pred_dy_ci[pred_dy_ci['lower TaskCount'] > 0]['lower TaskCount'])
        W_forecast['W_lower_fc'] = np.where(W_forecast['W_lower_fc'] <= 0,
        W_forecast['W_lower_fc'] = np.where(W_forecast['W_lower_fc'] <= 0,
    W_forecast['W_upper_fc'] = pred_dy_ci.iloc[:, 1]
    W_forecast['month_num'] = pd.Series(
    W_forecast['month'] = pd.Series(
            stop=3).tolist()  #.dt.strftime('%m')
    W_forecast['week_in_month'] = pd.to_numeric(W_forecast.index.day / 7)
    W_forecast['week_in_month'] = W_forecast['week_in_month'].apply(
        lambda x: math.ceil(x))
    W_forecast['Language'] = label
    W_forecast = W_forecast[[
        'Language', 'month', 'week_in_month', 'W_forecast', 'W_lower_fc',

    M_forecast = W_forecast[['W_forecast', 'W_lower_fc',
    M_forecast.columns = ['M_forecast', 'M_lower_fc', 'M_upper_fc']
    M_forecast['Language'] = label
    M_forecast['month_num'] = pd.Series(
    M_forecast['month'] = pd.Series(
    M_forecast = M_forecast[[
        'Language', 'month', 'M_forecast', 'M_lower_fc', 'M_upper_fc'

    Q_forecast = M_forecast[['M_forecast', 'M_lower_fc',
    Q_forecast.columns = ['Q_forecast', 'Q_lower_fc', 'Q_upper_fc']
    Q_forecast['Language'] = label
    Q_forecast['month_num'] = pd.Series(
    Q_forecast['month'] = pd.Series(
    conditions = [
        Q_forecast['month_num'] == 3, Q_forecast['month_num'] == 6,
        Q_forecast['month_num'] == 9, Q_forecast['month_num'] == 12
    quarter_name, quarter_num = ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4'], [1, 2, 3, 4]
    Q_forecast['quarter'] = np.select(conditions, quarter_name, default=np.nan)
    Q_forecast['q'] = np.select(conditions, quarter_num,
    Q_forecast = Q_forecast.sort_values(['month_num'])
    Q_forecast = Q_forecast[[
        'Language', 'quarter', 'Q_forecast', 'Q_lower_fc', 'Q_upper_fc'

    W_baseline[['W_baseline', 'W_lower_bl', 'W_upper_bl'
                ]] = W_baseline[['W_baseline', 'W_lower_bl',
    M_baseline[['M_baseline', 'M_lower_bl', 'M_upper_bl'
                ]] = M_baseline[['M_baseline', 'M_lower_bl',
    Q_baseline[['Q_baseline', 'Q_lower_bl', 'Q_upper_bl'
                ]] = Q_baseline[['Q_baseline', 'Q_lower_bl',

    W_forecast[['W_forecast', 'W_lower_fc', 'W_upper_fc'
                ]] = W_forecast[['W_forecast', 'W_lower_fc',
    M_forecast[['M_forecast', 'M_lower_fc', 'M_upper_fc'
                ]] = M_forecast[['M_forecast', 'M_lower_fc',
    Q_forecast[['Q_forecast', 'Q_lower_fc', 'Q_upper_fc'
                ]] = Q_forecast[['Q_forecast', 'Q_lower_fc',

    return W_baseline, M_baseline, Q_baseline, W_forecast, M_forecast, Q_forecast
예제 #59
def main():
    data = np.loadtxt("test_data.txt")
    # 时间序列(有缺失)
    arr1 = data[0, :]
    arr2 = data[1, :]
    # 索引值
    arr1_index = np.linspace(0, len(arr1), len(arr1), endpoint=False).astype(np.int)
    eliminating = Eliminating(arr1, arr2, arr1_index)
    num1 = []
    # 首先进行检测是否需要数据分段处理,并得到数据分段位置
    f = eliminating.zhengjian_test(arr1, arr2, arr1_index)
    if f != 0:
        for i in range(10):
            f = eliminating.zhengjian_test(arr1[f:], arr2[f:], arr1_index[f:])
            if f != 0:
    # 没有数据分段处理的结果
    if len(num1) == 0:
        result1, k = eliminating.zhengjian(num1)
        result2, k1 = eliminating.nijian(num1)
        # 由于是采用双向检验,对于双向检验的结果都判定为非异常时,则该数据正常,
        # 对于双向检验结果都判定为异常时,则该数据为异常值,
        # 对于双向检验结果不同时,则需要进一步检验
        result3 = result1 + result2
        result3 = np.select([result3 == 2, result3 == 1], [1, 2], result3)
        result3[0:k - 3] = result2[0:k - 3]
        result3[k1 + 4:] = result1[k1 + 4:]
        result3[k - 3:k + 1] = 1
        result3[k1:k1 + 4] = 1
    # 数据分段之后处理的结果
        num2 = sorted(num1 + [0, len(arr1)])
        result1, list_k1 = eliminating.zhengjian(num2)
        result2, list_k2 = eliminating.nijian(num2)
        # 由于是采用双向检验,对于双向检验的结果都判定为非异常时,则该数据正常,
        # 对于双向检验结果都判定为异常时,则该数据为异常值,
        # 对于双向检验结果不同时,则需要进一步检验
        result3 = result1 + result2
        result3 = np.select([result3 == 2, result3 == 1], [1, 2], result3)
        list_k1 = sorted(list_k1)
        list_k2 = sorted(list_k2)
        for i in range(len(num2) - 1):
            result3[num2[i]:list_k1[i] - 3] = result2[num2[i]:list_k1[i] - 3]
            result3[list_k2[i] + 4:num2[i + 1]] = result1[list_k2[i] + 4:num2[i + 1]]
            result3[list_k1[i] - 3:list_k1[i] + 1] = 1
            result3[list_k2[i]:list_k2[i] + 4] = 1
    # 进一步检验
    result = eliminating.pro_test(result3)
    print(np.sum(result == 0))
    # 异常数据剔除后的效果图
    arr_1 = arr1[np.nonzero(result)[0]]
    arr_2 = arr2[np.nonzero(result)[0]]
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax1.plot(arr_1, arr_2, 'r-')
    # 异常数据剔除后的残差图
    spline1 = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(arr_1, arr_2, k=3)
    arr3 = spline1(arr_1)
    arr4 = arr_2 - arr3
    fig2 = plt.figure()
    ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
    ax2.plot(arr_1, arr4, 'r-')
    plt.yticks([-20, 0, 20])
예제 #60
파일: thfuncs.py 프로젝트: pophoo/foxengine
def up_seller(stock,buy_signal,xstop=25,ret=50,**kwargs):
    t = stock.transaction

    sol = rollx(gand(buy_signal,t[CLOSE] < t[OPEN]),1)

    #从顶下落处理,前5天的收盘/开盘的高者和今天的开盘的高者 回落ret之后

    #hhret = gmax(rollx(tmax(gmax(t[OPEN],t[CLOSE]),5),1),t[OPEN])* (1000-ret)/1000
    hhret = gmax(rollx(tmax(t[HIGH],5),1),t[OPEN])* (1000-ret)/1000
    sdl = t[LOW] < hhret
    stop_price = extend2next(rollx(stock.buyprice,1) * (1000-xstop)/1000)   #要求buyprice只有在buyer日才有数据,否则extend2next无意义
    stopl = t[LOW] < stop_price

    cut_price = gmin(gmax(hhret,stop_price),t[HIGH])    #首先,止损线和退回线高者先被触及,同时,穿越时可能跳低,所以找与t[HIGH]的低点
    cut_signal = gor(sdl,stopl)

    cut_signal = select([t[VOLUME]>0],[cut_signal]) #默认为0,即未交易的日子卖出信号不能发出,否则会合并到下一交易日

    ssignal = gor(sol,cut_signal)
    stock.sellprice = select([cut_signal],[cut_price],default=t[OPEN])
    #止损和退回用cut_price, 阴线出局和停牌平移都用开盘价

    return ssignal