def main(robot): # Définition des moteurs / capteurs m_left = Motor(robot, PORT_B) m_right = Motor(robot, PORT_A) touch_right = Touch(robot, PORT_2) touch_left = Touch(robot, PORT_1) ultrason = Ultrasonic(robot, PORT_3) DEFAULT_POWER = 80 DISTANCE_LIMIT = 20 TURN_TIME = 1.5 # Début while True: while not touch_right.is_pressed() and not touch_left.is_pressed() and ultrason.get_distance() > DISTANCE_LIMIT: sleep(0.01) print("Aieee") if touch_right.is_pressed(): else: sleep(TURN_TIME)
class Car: brick = None left = None right = None def __init__(self): brick = nxt.locator.find_one_brick() self.brick = brick self.left = Motor(brick, PORT_A) self.right = Motor(brick, PORT_C) self.light = Light(brick, PORT_4) # self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(brick, PORT_4) print "Connection established." def turn(self, angle=100, speed=30): if angle > 0: self.left.turn(angle, speed) elif angle < 0: self.right.turn(-angle, speed) def forward(self, distance=50, speed=30): sleep(distance / speed) self.left.idle() self.right.idle() def range(self): return self.ultrasonic.get_sample() def surface(self): return self.light.get_sample()
class Strider(object): def __init__(self, brick="NXT"): r"""Creates a new Strider controller. brick Either an nxt.brick.Brick object, or an NXT brick's name as a string. If omitted, a Brick named 'NXT' is looked up. """ if isinstance(brick, basestring): brick = find_one_brick(name=brick) self.brick = brick self.back_leg = Motor(brick, PORT_B) self.left_leg = Motor(brick, PORT_C) self.right_leg = Motor(brick, PORT_A) # self.touch = Touch(brick, PORT_1) # self.sound = Sound(brick, PORT_2) # self.light = Light(brick, PORT_3) # self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(brick, PORT_4) self.colour = Color20(brick, PORT_3) def walk(self, direction, time=0): [back, left, right] = direction.get_directions() * 80) * 80) * 80) if time > 0: sleep(time) self.stop() def show_colour(self, colour): self.colour.set_light_color(colour) def colour_display(self): for colour in [Type.COLORRED, Type.COLORGREEN, Type.COLORBLUE]: self.show_colour(colour) sleep(2) self.show_colour(Type.COLORNONE) def stop(self): self.back_leg.idle() self.left_leg.idle() self.right_leg.idle() def fire_lasers(self): for i in range(0, 5): self.brick.play_sound_file(False, "! Laser.rso")
from time import sleep # see files in library ( /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nxt ) # for a more comprehensive list of ports / commands available from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C from nxt.sensor import Light, Sound, Touch, Ultrasonic from nxt.sensor import PORT_1, PORT_2, PORT_3, PORT_4 # use try with finally to stop motors at end, even if program # encountered an (programming) error. try: touchSensor = Touch(brick, PORT_1) # plug touch sensor into Port 1 motor = Motor(brick, PORT_A) # plug motor into Port A # Note: |Power| <50 might not be strong enough to turn motor / # overcome the internal friction = 70) # go forward sleep(2.5) # let NXT do its thing for 2.5 seconds = -70) # go backward sleep(2) # will read when this line of code is reached, so KEEP sensor # pressed till then print("Current touch sensor state: {}".format( touchSensor.get_sample())) finally: Motor(brick, PORT_A).idle() # otherwise motor keeps running print("Terminating Program") brick.sock.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python import nxt.bluesock import time import ipdb from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_B from nxt.sensor import Ultrasonic, Sound, PORT_2, PORT_4 robo = nxt.bluesock.BlueSock('00:16:53:08:51:40').connect() direita = Motor(robo, PORT_A) esquerda = Motor(robo, PORT_B) time.sleep(20) direita.brake() esquerda.brake() direita.turn(-40,500) #ipdb.set_trace() time.sleep(7) direita.brake() esquerda.brake() direita.turn(-40,500) time.sleep(6)
class DrivarNxt(Drivar): def __init__(self): self.m_initialized = False self.m_block = None self.m_leftMotor = None self.m_rightMotor = None self.m_penMotor = None self.m_ultrasonicSensor = None self.m_lightSensor = None self.m_moving = False def initialize(self): super(DrivarNxt, self).initialize() self.m_block = nxt.locator.find_one_brick() self.m_leftMotor = Motor(self.m_block, PORT_A) self.m_rightMotor = Motor(self.m_block, PORT_C) self.m_penMotor = Motor(self.m_block, PORT_B) self.m_ultrasonicSensor = Ultrasonic(self.m_block, PORT_4) self.m_lightSensor = Light(self.m_block, PORT_3) self.m_initialized = True def move(self, direction=Drivar.DIR_FORWARD, durationInMs=1000, callback=None): durationInMs = max(durationInMs, 100) _direct = direction self.rotateWheels(direction=_direct) time.sleep(durationInMs / 1000) self.stop() if callback is not None: callback() def rotateWheels(self, wheelSet=Drivar.WHEELS_BOTH, direction=Drivar.DIR_FORWARD, speedLevel=Drivar.SPEED_FAST, callback=None): power = self._getNxtSpeed(speedLevel) # Correct the power (positive vs negative) depending on the direction if (direction == Drivar.DIR_FORWARD): if (power < 0): power = power * -1 if (direction == Drivar.DIR_BACKWARD): if (power > 0): power = power * -1 # Get the wheels turning if (wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_LEFT or wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_BOTH): if (wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_RIGHT or wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_BOTH): self.m_moving = True if callback is not None: callback() def turn(self, direction=Drivar.DIR_LEFT, angle=90, callback=None): left_power = -100 right_power = 100 if (direction == Drivar.DIR_RIGHT): left_power *= -1 right_power *= -1 self.m_leftMotor.turn(left_power, angle) self.m_rightMotor.turn(right_power, angle) def stop(self, callback=None): self.m_leftMotor.idle() self.m_rightMotor.idle() self.m_moving = False if callback is not None: callback() ''' Return the distance to the nearest obstacle, in centimeters ''' def getDistanceToObstacle(self): return self.m_ultrasonicSensor.get_sample() ''' Indicate with a boolean whether there is an obstacle within the given distance ''' def isObstacleWithin(self, distance): dist = self.m_ultrasonicSensor.get_sample() if (dist <= distance): return True else: return False def rotatePen(self, angle): power = 70 if angle < 0: angle = -1 * angle power = -70 self.m_penMotor.turn(power, angle) def getReflectivityMeasurement(self): self.m_lightSensor.set_illuminated(True) return self.m_lightSensor.get_sample() def wait(self, milliseconds): time.sleep(milliseconds / 1000) ''' Return the NXT speed equivalent for the given DRIVAR speed flag ''' @staticmethod def _getNxtSpeed(speed): if (speed == Drivar.SPEED_SLOW): return 70 elif (speed == Drivar.SPEED_MEDIUM): return 100 elif (speed == Drivar.SPEED_FAST): return 127 else: return 100
class DrivarNxt(Drivar): def __init__(self): self.m_initialized = False self.m_block = None self.m_leftMotor = None self.m_rightMotor = None self.m_ultrasonicSensor = None self.m_moving = False def initialize(self): super(DrivarNxt,self).initialize() self.m_block = nxt.locator.find_one_brick() self.m_leftMotor = Motor(self.m_block, PORT_A) self.m_rightMotor = Motor(self.m_block, PORT_C) self.m_ultrasonicSensor = Ultrasonic(self.m_block, PORT_4) self.m_initialized = True def move(self, direction=Drivar.DIR_FORWARD,durationInMs=1000, callback = None): durationInMs = max(durationInMs,100) _direct = direction self.rotateWheels(direction = _direct) time.sleep(durationInMs/1000) self.stop() if callback is not None: callback() def rotateWheels(self, wheelSet = Drivar.WHEELS_BOTH, direction = Drivar.DIR_FORWARD, speedLevel = Drivar.SPEED_FAST, callback = None): power = self._getNxtSpeed(speedLevel) # Correct the power (positive vs negative) depending on the direction if(direction == Drivar.DIR_FORWARD): if(power < 0): power = power * -1 if(direction == Drivar.DIR_BACKWARD): if(power > 0): power = power * -1 # Get the wheels turning if(wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_LEFT or wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_BOTH): if(wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_RIGHT or wheelSet == Drivar.WHEELS_BOTH): self.m_moving = True if callback is not None: callback() def turn(self, direction = Drivar.DIR_LEFT, angle = 90): left_power = -100 right_power = 100 if(direction == Drivar.DIR_RIGHT): left_power *= -1 right_power *= -1 self.m_leftMotor.turn(left_power, angle) self.m_rightMotor.turn(right_power, angle) def stop(self, callback = None): self.m_leftMotor.idle() self.m_rightMotor.idle() self.m_moving = False if callback is not None: callback() ''' Return the distance to the nearest obstacle, in centimeters ''' def getDistanceToObstacle(self): return self.m_ultrasonicSensor.get_sample() ''' Indicate with a boolean whether there is an obstacle within the given distance ''' def isObstacleWithin(self, distance): dist = self.m_ultrasonicSensor.get_sample() if(dist <= distance): return True else: return False ''' Return the NXT speed equivalent for the given DRIVAR speed flag ''' @staticmethod def _getNxtSpeed(speed): if(speed==Drivar.SPEED_SLOW): return 70 elif(speed==Drivar.SPEED_MEDIUM): return 100 elif(speed==Drivar.SPEED_FAST): return 127 else : return 100
class NXTLocomotionCommandHandler: def __init__(self, proj, shared_data, leftDriveMotor='PORT_B', rightDriveMotor='PORT_C', steeringMotor='none', steeringGearRatio=1.0, leftForward=True, rightForward=True): """ Locomotion Command handler for NXT Mindstorms. leftDriveMotor (str): The motor that drives the left side (default='PORT_B') rightDriveMotor (str): The motor that drives the right side (default='PORT_C') steeringMotor (str): The motor that controls steering, if applicable (default='none') steeringGearRatio (float): The gear ratio on the steering control (default=1.0) leftForward (bool): Whether forward direction is positive power for the left drive motor (default=True) rightForward (bool): Whether forward direction is positive power for the right drive motor (default=True) """ self.nxt = shared_data[ 'NXT_INIT_HANDLER'] # shared data is the nxt and its functions in this case self.pose = proj.h_instance['pose'] # pose data is useful for travel self.actuator = proj.h_instance['actuator'] # The following creates a tuple of the drive motors based on user input # It also derives the left and right motors as well as a steering motor if used # There are currently two modes of drive, differential and non-differential (car) self.driveMotors = () self.differentialDrive = False self.leftForward = leftForward self.rightForward = rightForward if (leftDriveMotor == 'PORT_A' or rightDriveMotor == 'PORT_A'): self.driveMotors += Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A), if (leftDriveMotor == 'PORT_A'): self.left = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A) else: self.right = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A) if (leftDriveMotor == 'PORT_B' or rightDriveMotor == 'PORT_B'): self.driveMotors += Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B), if (leftDriveMotor == 'PORT_B'): self.left = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B) else: self.right = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B) if (leftDriveMotor == 'PORT_C' or rightDriveMotor == 'PORT_C'): self.driveMotors += Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C), if (leftDriveMotor == 'PORT_C'): self.left = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C) else: self.right = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C) self.steerMotor = None self.steeringRatio = 1 if (steeringMotor == 'none'): self.differentialDrive = True if (not self.differentialDrive): if (steeringMotor == 'PORT_A'): self.steerMotor = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A) if (steeringMotor == 'PORT_B'): self.steerMotor = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B) if (steeringMotor == 'PORT_C'): self.steerMotor = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C) self.tacho = self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) self.steeringRatio = steeringGearRatio # Global variable fro steering gear ratio self.once = True # start dead reckoning path record only once def sendCommand(self, cmd): """ Send movement command to the NXT """ # general power specifications leftPow = BACK if self.leftForward: leftPow = FORTH rightPow = BACK if self.rightForward: rightPow = FORTH def forward(sec, power): #currently unused '''allows for forward movement with power and for time''' for motor in self.driveMotors: sleep(sec) for motor in self.driveMotors: motor.idle() def go(power): '''turns the drive motors on with given power''' for motor in self.driveMotors: def carTurn(sec, direction): #currently unused '''specifies time based steering''' forward(sec, leftPow) self.steerMotor.idle() def left(leftPow, power): '''used for differential drive on left turns''' def right(rightPow, power): '''used for differential drive on right turns''' def idle(): '''sets all motors to idle state''' for motor in self.driveMotors: motor.idle() if (not self.differentialDrive): self.steerMotor.idle() def goToDegree(degree): """ Takes a degree measurement (from the tachometer) and carefully aligns the steering motor to that degree """ curDegree = self.getUsefulTacho( self.steerMotor) #currently angled at this degree baseDegree = curDegree degreeRange = abs(curDegree - degree) #distance in degrees it has to run leftPower = -75.0 #full power for steering rightPower = 75.0 powerRange = rightPower - MIN #power range for steering, MIN is the minimum power for movement on steering while ( curDegree > degree + RANGE or curDegree < degree - RANGE ): #checks to see if the current angle is close enough to the desired while (curDegree > degree + RANGE): if (abs(curDegree - degree) < 30): leftPower = -MIN #small angle change necessitates small power elif (abs(curDegree - degree) > degreeRange): leftPower = -75 #large angle change necessitates max power else: leftPower = -( ((abs(curDegree - degree) / degreeRange) * powerRange) + MIN ) #As you get closer to the angle, decrease power to steering motor lastDegree = curDegree curDegree = self.getUsefulTacho( self.steerMotor) #get new current degree if (lastDegree == curDegree): break #implies the motor is stuck if (self.v == 0): break #check for pause... self.steerMotor.idle( ) #always idle motors before giving power incase opposite direction curDegree = self.getUsefulTacho( self.steerMotor) #recheck current degre while (curDegree < degree - RANGE): #Same as above if (abs(curDegree - degree) < 30): rightPower = MIN elif (abs(curDegree - degree) > degreeRange): rightPower = 75 else: rightPower = ( ((abs(degree - curDegree) / degreeRange) * powerRange) + MIN) lastDegree = curDegree curDegree = self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) if (lastDegree == curDegree): break if (self.v == 0): break # check for pause... self.steerMotor.idle() curDegree = self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) if (self.v == 0): break # check for pause... self.steerMotor.idle() try: self.pose.updateSteerAngle(curDegree, baseDegree) except: pass def difDrive(): """ Methodology behind a differential drive. It uses facing direction and needed direction """ stopped = False angle = self.angle * 180 / pi # if angle > 0 or angle < 0: #print 'angle='+str(angle)+' w='+str(self.angle) leftPow = -80 #max powers if self.leftForward: leftPow = 80 rightPow = -80 if self.rightForward: rightPow = 80 try: if (self.v == 0 and not self.actuator.actuatorMotorOn): idle() #pause... stopped = True except: if (self.v == 0): idle() stopped = True if stopped: pass elif angle > .5: #left turning arc if (leftPow > 0): arcPower = ( (leftPow - LOW) * (90 - abs(angle)) / 90) + LOW # scaled power based on required omega else: arcPower = ((leftPow + LOW) * (90 - abs(angle)) / 90) - LOW left(leftPow, arcPower) elif angle < -.5: #right tuning arc if (rightPow > 0): arcPower = ((rightPow - LOW) * (90 - abs(angle)) / 90) + LOW else: arcPower = ((rightPow + LOW) * (90 - abs(angle)) / 90) - LOW right(rightPow, arcPower) else: go(leftPow) #straight stopped = False def nonDifDrive(): """ Methodology behind a car type drive. It checks current pose and uses given vx and vy to calculate whether it should be turning or not. """ pose = self.pose.getPose() angle = pose[2] * 180 / pi + 90 #Facing Direction stopped = False #Orient facing direction between -180 and 180 while (angle > 180): angle -= 360 while (angle < -180): angle += 360 phi = atan2(vy, vx) * 180 / pi #Direction to POI try: if (self.v == 0 and not self.actuator.actuatorMotorOn ): #pause command sent idle() stopped = True except: if (self.v == 0): idle() stopped = True if stopped: pass elif (phi + 360 - angle < angle - phi): #quadrant 3 angle and quadrant 2 phi #left degree = -MAX_ANGLE * self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) elif (angle + 360 - phi < phi - angle): #quadrant 2 angle and quadrant 3 phi #right degree = MAX_ANGLE * self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) elif (phi + RANGE < angle): #right turn to line up #right degree = MAX_ANGLE * self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) elif (phi - RANGE > angle): #left turn to line up #left degree = -MAX_ANGLE * self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) else: #general straight direction #straight degree = self.tacho goToDegree(degree) if (self.v != 0): #run drive motors go(leftPow * .65) stopped = False pose = self.pose.getPose() #get pose from vicon vx = cmd[0] #decompose velocity vy = cmd[1] if self.leftForward: theta = pose[2] - (pi / 2 ) #get facing angle (account for vicon axes) else: theta = pose[2] + (pi / 2) self.v = cos(theta) * vx + sin(theta) * vy #magnitude of v if self.once: try: self.pose.setPose() except: print 'Not setting pose with dead reckoning' pass self.once = False if (self.differentialDrive): #handles differential drive #theta=theta-pi #orient angle for reverse direction of travel self.angle = atan2(vy, vx) - theta #print 'Vx: '+str(vx)+' Vy: '+str(vy)+' theta: '+str(theta) while self.angle > pi: self.angle -= 2 * pi while self.angle < -pi: self.angle += 2 * pi difDrive() else: #handles car type drive nonDifDrive() def getUsefulTacho(self, motor): """Turns instance data from tachometer in to useful integer""" # the tachometer data from the nxt is not useful in current form, this provides usability tacho = tuple( int(n) for n in str(motor.get_tacho()).strip('()').split(',')) return tacho[0]
class Mindstorm_Robot: def __init__(self, brick_name='NXT'): sock = find_one_brick(name=brick_name) brick = self.brick = sock.connect() self.arm = Motor(brick, PORT_A) self.legs = [Motor(brick, PORT_B), Motor(brick, PORT_C)] #self.touch = Touch(brick, PORT_1) #self.sound = Sound(brick, PORT_2) #self.light = Light(brick, PORT_3) #self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(brick, PORT_4) self.busy = False self.arg_d = {"forward": (self.forward, 2), "backward": (self.backward, 2), "left": (self.turn_left, 2), "right": (self.turn_right, 2), #"power": (self.add_arm_power, 1), #"kick": (self.release_arm, 0), "boot": (self.boot, 0), "sing": (self.sing, 0), "talk": (, 0)} def interpret(self, c): self.interpret_exception(c) #try: return self.interpret_exception(c) #except Exception as e: print(e); return "FAIL" def interpret_exception(self, c): i =[0] func, args = self.arg_d[i] func(*map(int,[1:1+args])) def stop(self): self.arm.stop() for m in self.legs: m.stop() def forward(self, X, P): if not (1 <= X <= 20 and 5 <= P <= 100): return "FAIL" self.busy = True for motor in self.legs: time.sleep(X/5) self.stop() self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def backward(self, X, P): if not (1 <= X <= 20 and 5 <= P <= 100): return "FAIL" self.busy = True for motor in self.legs: time.sleep(X/5) self.stop() self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def turn_left(self, X, P): if not (1 <= X <= 20 and 5 <= P <= 100): return "FAIL" self.busy = True self.legs[0].run(power=P) self.legs[1].run(power=-P) time.sleep(X/5) self.stop() self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def turn_right(self, X, P): if not (1 <= X <= 20 and 5 <= P <= 100): return "FAIL" self.busy = True self.legs[0].run(power=-P) self.legs[1].run(power=P) time.sleep(X/5) self.stop() self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def add_arm_power(self, F): return self.reel_arm(int(F/2), 20) def reel_arm(self, X, P): if not (1 <= X <= 20 and 5 <= P <= 100): return "FAIL" self.busy = True time.sleep(X/5) self.stop() self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def boot(self): self.add_arm_power(20) def release_arm(self): X = 5 P = 60 self.busy = True time.sleep(X/5) self.stop() self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def play(self, note, dur = 500): if note: self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(note, dur) else: time.sleep(0.5) def sing(self): C = 523 D = 587 E = 659 G = 784 R = None #self.busy = True for note in [E, D, C, D, E, E, E, R, \ D, D, D, R, \ E, G, G, R, E, D, C, D, E, E, E, E, D, D, E, D, C]: #self.busy = False return "SUCCESS" def talk(self): C = 523 D = 587 E = 659 G = 784 notes = C,D,E,G play_these = [choice(notes) for i in range(randint(2, 8))] #self.busy = True for p in play_these:, dur = randint(50, 800)) #self.busy = False return "SUCCESS"
import nxt import nxtConnect # has to be in search path brickName = "Team60" useUSB = False if useUSB: brick = nxt.find_one_brick(name=brickName, strict=True, method=nxt.locator.Method(usb=True, bluetooth=True)) else: # the bluetooth function of the nxt library works too, but "wastes" # time searching for devices. brick = nxtConnect.btConnect(brickName) print(brick.get_device_info()) # check what brick you connected to from time import sleep from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C from nxt.sensor import Touch, PORT_4, PORT_3, PORT_2, Light, PORT_1 light = Light(brick, PORT_1) turningMotor = Motor(brick, PORT_B) walkingMotor = Motor(brick, PORT_C) legPosition = Touch(brick, PORT_3) #ultrasonic = Sonar(brick, PORT_2)
class Robot(object): LEFT_WHEEL = 0x02 # port C RIGHT_WHEEL = 0x00 # port A KICKER = 0x01 # port B DEFAULT_POWER = 80 TURN_POWER = 0.8 BUZZER_HZ = 769 KICK_DISTANCE = 90 STATE_DISCONNECTED = -1 STATE_IDLE = 0 STATE_UP = 1 STATE_DOWN = 2 STATE_RIGHT = 3 STATE_LEFT = 4 MAX_MOTOR_POWER = 127 #NAME = "BrickAshley" NAME = "BrickAsh" def __init__(self, host=None): self.power = -1 * self.DEFAULT_POWER self.address = host self.state = self.STATE_DISCONNECTED self.log = logging.getLogger("Robot") def connect(self):"Connecting ...") try: if self.address == None: self.brick = nxt.find_one_brick().connect() else: self.brick = BlueSock(self.address).connect() except nxt.locator.BrickNotFoundError: raise RobotNotFoundError except Exception as error: raise RobotConnectionError(error) self.leftWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.LEFT_WHEEL) self.rightWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.RIGHT_WHEEL) self.kicker = Motor(self.brick, self.KICKER)"Set up Motors") try: #self.kicker.turn(100, 100, brake=True) self.log.debug(self.__read_motor_state(self.KICKER)) except Exception as error: self.log.error("kicker reset error: " + str(error)) self.state = self.STATE_IDLE self.__get_info()"Conected to {name}".format( def disconnect(self): try: self.brick = None #self.get_info_thread.stop() gc.collect() except: self.log.warning("Unsafe disconect") self.state = self.STATE_DISCONNECTED def get_name(self): self.__get_info() return def set_name(self, name): self.brick.set_brick_name(name) self.disconnect() self.connect() self.__get_info() def set_power(self, value): if value < -1 * self.MAX_MOTOR_POWER or value > self.MAX_MOTOR_POWER: raise ValueError("Power can only be +-127") else: self.power = value"power set to: " + str(self.power)) def get_power(self): return self.power def __get_info(self): #self.get_info_thread = threading.Timer(30, self.__get_info) #self.get_info_thread.start(),, self.signal_strength, self.user_flash = self.brick.get_device_info( ) self.battery = self.brick.get_battery_level() "Info: \n\tName: {name}" \ "\n\tBT MAC: {host}\n\tBT signal: {signal}\n\t" \ "Memory: {memory}\n\tBattery: {voltage}mV".format(,, \ signal=self.signal_strength, memory=self.user_flash, voltage=self.battery) ) def up(self): self.log.debug("go up") if self.state != self.STATE_UP: self.state = self.STATE_UP def down(self): self.log.debug("go down") if self.state != self.STATE_DOWN: self.state = self.STATE_DOWN * self.power) * self.power) def right(self, withBrake=False): self.log.debug("go right") if self.state != self.STATE_RIGHT: self.state = self.STATE_RIGHT * self.TURN_POWER) if withBrake: self.rightWhell.brake() else: * self.TURN_POWER) def left(self, withBrake=False): self.log.debug("go left") if self.state != self.STATE_LEFT: self.state = self.STATE_LEFT if withBrake: self.leftWhell.brake() else: * self.TURN_POWER) * self.TURN_POWER) def stop(self): self.log.debug("go stop") self.state = self.STATE_IDLE self.leftWhell.brake() self.rightWhell.brake() def buzz(self): self.log.debug("buzz") self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER_HZ, 1000) def kick(self): self.log.debug("kick") self.kicker.turn(-127, self.KICK_DISTANCE, brake=True) threading.Timer(1.5, self.__kick_reset).start() def __kick_reset(self): self.kicker.turn(127, self.KICK_DISTANCE, brake=True) #def __del__(self): # self.log.debug("__del__") # if self.brick != None: # self.disconnect() def __read_motor_state(self, port): values = self.brick.get_output_state(port) self.log.debug("__read_motor_state: values='{0}'".format(values)) #state, tacho = get_tacho_and_state(values) #self.log.debug("__read_motor_state: state='{0}', tacho='{1}'".format(state, tacho)) left, kick, right = values[-3:] if port == self.KICKER: return kick elif port == self.LEFT_WHEEL: return left elif port == self.RIGHT_WHEEL: return left else: raise Exception("meh") def get_state(self): self.__read_motor_state(self.KICKER) self.__read_motor_state(self.LEFT_WHEEL) self.__read_motor_state(self.RIGHT_WHEEL) def kick_to(self, angle, kpower=127, withBrake=True): state, tacho = self.__read_motor_state(self.KICKER) if angle < tacho: self.kicker.turn(-kpower, tacho - angle, brake=withBrake) else: self.kicker.turn(+kpower, angle - tacho, brake=withBrake)
class Robot(object): LEFT_WHEEL = 0x02 # port C RIGHT_WHEEL = 0x00 # port A KICKER = 0x01 # port B DEFAULT_POWER = 80 TURN_POWER = 0.8 BUZZER = 769 #NAME = "BrickAshley" NAME = "BrickAsh" def __init__(self, host=None): self.power = self.DEFAULT_POWER self.address = host self.log = logging.getLogger("Robot") self.connect() self.leftWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.LEFT_WHEEL) self.rightWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.RIGHT_WHEEL) self.kicker = Motor(self.brick, self.KICKER)"Set up Motors") try: #self.kicker.turn(100, 100, brake=True) self.log.debug(self.__read_motor_state(self.KICKER)) except Exception as error: self.log.error("kicker reset error: " + str(error)) def connect(self):"Connecting ...") try: if self.address == None: self.brick = nxt.find_one_brick().connect() else: self.brick = BlueSock(self.address).connect() except nxt.locator.BrickNotFoundError: raise RobotNotFoundError except Exception as error: raise RobotConnectionError(error) self.__get_info()"Conected to {name}".format( def disconnect(self): try: self.brick = None #self.get_info_thread.stop() gc.collect() except: self.log.warning("Unsafe disconect") pass def get_name(self): self.__get_info() return def set_name(self, name): self.brick.set_brick_name(name) self.disconnect() self.connect() self.__get_info() def set_power(self, value): value=int(value) if value < -127 or value > 127: raise ValueError("Power can only be +-127") self.power = value def get_power(self): return self.power def __get_info(self): #self.get_info_thread = threading.Timer(30, self.__get_info) #self.get_info_thread.start(),, self.signal_strength, self.user_flash = self.brick.get_device_info() self.battery = self.brick.get_battery_level() "Info: \n\tName: {name}" \ "\n\tBT MAC: {host}\n\tBT signal: {signal}\n\t" \ "Memory: {memory}\n\tBattery: {voltage}mV".format(,, \ signal=self.signal_strength, memory=self.user_flash, voltage=self.battery) ) def up(self): self.log.debug("go up") def down(self): self.log.debug("go down") self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER, 1000) def right(self, withBrake=False): self.log.debug("go right")*self.TURN_POWER) if withBrake: self.rightWhell.brake() else:*self.TURN_POWER) def left(self, withBrake=False): self.log.debug("go left") if withBrake: self.leftWhell.brake() else:*self.TURN_POWER)*self.TURN_POWER) def stop(self): self.log.debug("go stop") self.leftWhell.brake() self.rightWhell.brake() #self.kicker.brake() def buzz(self): self.log.debug("buzz") self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER, 1000) def kick(self): self.log.debug("kick") self.kicker.turn(-127, 85, brake=True) threading.Timer(1.5, self.__kick_reset).start() def __kick_reset(self): self.kicker.turn(127, 90, brake=False) #def __del__(self): # self.log.debug("__del__") # if self.brick != None: # self.disconnect() def __read_motor_state(self, port): values = self.brick.get_output_state(port) self.log.debug("__read_motor_state: values='{0}'".format(values)) #state, tacho = get_tacho_and_state(values) #self.log.debug("__read_motor_state: state='{0}', tacho='{1}'".format(state, tacho)) left, kick, right = values[-3:] if port == self.KICKER: return kick elif port == self.LEFT_WHEEL: return left elif port == self.RIGHT_WHEEL: return left else: raise Exception("meh") def get_state(self): self.__read_motor_state(self.KICKER) self.__read_motor_state(self.LEFT_WHEEL) self.__read_motor_state(self.RIGHT_WHEEL) def kick_to(self, angle, kpower=127, withBrake=True): state, tacho = self.__read_motor_state(self.KICKER) if angle < tacho: self.kicker.turn(-kpower, tacho-angle, brake=withBrake) else: self.kicker.turn(+kpower, angle-tacho, brake=withBrake)
useUSB = False if useUSB: brick = nxt.find_one_brick( name = brickName, strict = True, method = nxt.locator.Method(usb = True, bluetooth = True)) else: # the bluetooth function of the nxt library works too, but "wastes" # time searching for devices. brick = nxtConnect.btConnect(brickName) print(brick.get_device_info()) # check what brick you connected to ####################################################################### ## Then, you can specify what you want the NXT to do ####################################################################### from time import sleep from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C from nxt.sensor import Touch, PORT_4 motorLeft = Motor(brick, PORT_B) motorRight = Motor(brick, PORT_C) touch = Touch(brick, PORT_4) = -70) = -120)
####################################################################### ## Then, you can specify what you want the NXT to do ####################################################################### from time import sleep from nxt.motor import Motor, PORT_A, PORT_B, PORT_C from nxt.sensor import Touch, PORT_4, PORT_3 turningMotor = Motor(brick, PORT_B) walkingMotor = Motor(brick, PORT_C) turnerSwitch = Touch(brick, PORT_4) legPosition = Touch(brick, PORT_3) while True: if turnerSwitch.is_pressed() == False: a = 0 else: if legPosition.is_pressed() == False: else: a = 1 if a == 1: walkingMotor.brake()
class AlphaRex(object): r'''A high-level controller for the Alpha Rex model. This class implements methods for the most obvious actions performable by Alpha Rex, such as walk, wave its arms, and retrieve sensor samples. Additionally, it also allows direct access to the robot's components through public attributes. ''' def __init__(self, brick='NXT'): r'''Creates a new Alpha Rex controller. brick Either an nxt.brick.Brick object, or an NXT brick's name as a string. If omitted, a Brick named 'NXT' is looked up. ''' if isinstance(brick, str): brick = find_one_brick(name=brick) self.brick = brick self.arms = Motor(brick, PORT_A) self.legs = [Motor(brick, PORT_B), Motor(brick, PORT_C)] self.touch = Touch(brick, PORT_1) self.sound = Sound(brick, PORT_2) self.light = Light(brick, PORT_3) self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(brick, PORT_4) def echolocate(self): r'''Reads the Ultrasonic sensor's output. ''' return self.ultrasonic.get_sample() def feel(self): r'''Reads the Touch sensor's output. ''' return self.touch.get_sample() def hear(self): r'''Reads the Sound sensor's output. ''' return self.sound.get_sample() def say(self, line, times=1): r'''Plays a sound file named (line + '.rso'), which is expected to be stored in the brick. The file is played (times) times. line The name of a sound file stored in the brick. times How many times the sound file will be played before this method returns. ''' for i in range(0, times): self.brick.play_sound_file(False, line + '.rso') sleep(1) def see(self): r'''Reads the Light sensor's output. ''' return self.light.get_sample() def walk(self, secs, power=FORTH): r'''Simultaneously activates the leg motors, causing Alpha Rex to walk. secs How long the motors will rotate. power The strength effected by the motors. Positive values will cause Alpha Rex to walk forward, while negative values will cause it to walk backwards. If you are unsure about how much force to apply, the special values FORTH and BACK provide reasonable defaults. If omitted, FORTH is used. ''' for motor in self.legs: sleep(secs) for motor in self.legs: motor.idle() def wave(self, secs, power=100): r'''Make Alpha Rex move its arms. secs How long the arms' motor will rotate. power The strength effected by the motor. If omitted, (100) is used. ''' sleep(secs) self.arms.idle()
class NXTLocomotionCommandHandler: def __init__(self, proj, shared_data, leftDriveMotor='PORT_B', rightDriveMotor='PORT_C', steeringMotor='none', steeringGearRatio=1.0, leftForward=True, rightForward=True): """ Locomotion Command handler for NXT Mindstorms. leftDriveMotor (str): The motor that drives the left side (default='PORT_B') rightDriveMotor (str): The motor that drives the right side (default='PORT_C') steeringMotor (str): The motor that controls steering, if applicable (default='none') steeringGearRatio (float): The gear ratio on the steering control (default=1.0) leftForward (bool): Whether forward direction is positive power for the left drive motor (default=True) rightForward (bool): Whether forward direction is positive power for the right drive motor (default=True) """ self.nxt = shared_data['NXT_INIT_HANDLER'] # shared data is the nxt and its functions in this case self.pose = proj.h_instance['pose'] # pose data is useful for travel self.actuator = proj.h_instance['actuator'] # The following creates a tuple of the drive motors based on user input # It also derives the left and right motors as well as a steering motor if used # There are currently two modes of drive, differential and non-differential (car) self.driveMotors=() self.differentialDrive = False self.leftForward = leftForward self.rightForward = rightForward if(leftDriveMotor=='PORT_A' or rightDriveMotor=='PORT_A'): self.driveMotors+=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A), if(leftDriveMotor=='PORT_A'): self.left=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A) else: self.right=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A) if(leftDriveMotor=='PORT_B' or rightDriveMotor=='PORT_B'): self.driveMotors+=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B), if(leftDriveMotor=='PORT_B'): self.left=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B) else: self.right=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B) if(leftDriveMotor=='PORT_C' or rightDriveMotor=='PORT_C'): self.driveMotors+=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C), if(leftDriveMotor=='PORT_C'): self.left=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C) else: self.right=Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C) self.steerMotor=None self.steeringRatio=1 if(steeringMotor=='none'): self.differentialDrive=True if(not self.differentialDrive): if(steeringMotor=='PORT_A'): self.steerMotor = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_A) if(steeringMotor=='PORT_B'): self.steerMotor = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_B) if(steeringMotor=='PORT_C'): self.steerMotor = Motor(self.nxt.brick, PORT_C) self.tacho = self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) self.steeringRatio=steeringGearRatio # Global variable fro steering gear ratio self.once=True # start dead reckoning path record only once def sendCommand(self, cmd): """ Send movement command to the NXT """ # general power specifications leftPow = BACK if self.leftForward: leftPow = FORTH rightPow = BACK if self.rightForward: rightPow = FORTH def forward(sec, power): #currently unused '''allows for forward movement with power and for time''' for motor in self.driveMotors: sleep(sec) for motor in self.driveMotors: motor.idle() def go(power): '''turns the drive motors on with given power''' for motor in self.driveMotors: def carTurn(sec, direction): #currently unused '''specifies time based steering''' forward(sec,leftPow) self.steerMotor.idle() def left(leftPow, power): '''used for differential drive on left turns''' def right(rightPow, power): '''used for differential drive on right turns''' def idle(): '''sets all motors to idle state''' for motor in self.driveMotors: motor.idle() if(not self.differentialDrive): self.steerMotor.idle() def goToDegree(degree): """ Takes a degree measurement (from the tachometer) and carefully aligns the steering motor to that degree """ curDegree = self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) #currently angled at this degree baseDegree=curDegree degreeRange = abs(curDegree-degree) #distance in degrees it has to run leftPower = -75.0 #full power for steering rightPower = 75.0 powerRange=rightPower-MIN #power range for steering, MIN is the minimum power for movement on steering while(curDegree>degree+RANGE or curDegree<degree-RANGE): #checks to see if the current angle is close enough to the desired while(curDegree>degree+RANGE): if(abs(curDegree-degree)<30): leftPower=-MIN #small angle change necessitates small power elif(abs(curDegree-degree)>degreeRange): leftPower = -75 #large angle change necessitates max power else: leftPower = -(((abs(curDegree-degree)/degreeRange)*powerRange)+MIN) #As you get closer to the angle, decrease power to steering motor lastDegree=curDegree curDegree=self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) #get new current degree if(lastDegree==curDegree): break #implies the motor is stuck if(self.v==0): break #check for pause... self.steerMotor.idle() #always idle motors before giving power incase opposite direction curDegree=self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) #recheck current degre while(curDegree<degree-RANGE): #Same as above if(abs(curDegree-degree)<30): rightPower=MIN elif(abs(curDegree-degree)>degreeRange): rightPower = 75 else: rightPower = (((abs(degree-curDegree)/degreeRange)*powerRange)+MIN) lastDegree=curDegree curDegree=self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) if(lastDegree==curDegree): break if(self.v==0): break # check for pause... self.steerMotor.idle() curDegree=self.getUsefulTacho(self.steerMotor) if(self.v==0): break # check for pause... self.steerMotor.idle() try: self.pose.updateSteerAngle(curDegree,baseDegree) except: pass def difDrive(): """ Methodology behind a differential drive. It uses facing direction and needed direction """ stopped=False angle = self.angle*180/pi # if angle > 0 or angle < 0: #print 'angle='+str(angle)+' w='+str(self.angle) leftPow = -80 #max powers if self.leftForward: leftPow = 80 rightPow = -80 if self.rightForward: rightPow = 80 try: if(self.v==0 and not self.actuator.actuatorMotorOn): idle() #pause... stopped=True except: if(self.v==0): idle() stopped=True if stopped: pass elif angle>.5: #left turning arc if(leftPow>0): arcPower=((leftPow-LOW)*(90-abs(angle))/90)+LOW # scaled power based on required omega else: arcPower=((leftPow+LOW)*(90-abs(angle))/90)-LOW left(leftPow,arcPower) elif angle<-.5: #right tuning arc if(rightPow>0): arcPower=((rightPow-LOW)*(90-abs(angle))/90)+LOW else: arcPower=((rightPow+LOW)*(90-abs(angle))/90)-LOW right(rightPow,arcPower) else: go(leftPow) #straight stopped=False def nonDifDrive(): """ Methodology behind a car type drive. It checks current pose and uses given vx and vy to calculate whether it should be turning or not. """ pose = self.pose.getPose() angle = pose[2]*180/pi+90 #Facing Direction stopped=False #Orient facing direction between -180 and 180 while(angle>180): angle-=360 while(angle<-180): angle+=360 phi = atan2(vy,vx)*180/pi #Direction to POI try: if(self.v==0 and not self.actuator.actuatorMotorOn): #pause command sent idle() stopped=True except: if(self.v==0): idle() stopped=True if stopped: pass elif(phi+360-angle<angle-phi): #quadrant 3 angle and quadrant 2 phi #left degree=-MAX_ANGLE*self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) elif(angle+360-phi<phi-angle): #quadrant 2 angle and quadrant 3 phi #right degree=MAX_ANGLE*self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) elif(phi+RANGE<angle): #right turn to line up #right degree=MAX_ANGLE*self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) elif(phi-RANGE>angle): #left turn to line up #left degree=-MAX_ANGLE*self.steeringRatio goToDegree(degree) else: #general straight direction #straight degree=self.tacho goToDegree(degree) if(self.v!=0): #run drive motors go(leftPow*.65) stopped=False pose = self.pose.getPose() #get pose from vicon vx=cmd[0] #decompose velocity vy=cmd[1] if self.leftForward: theta = pose[2]-(pi/2) #get facing angle (account for vicon axes) else: theta = pose[2]+(pi/2) self.v = cos(theta)*vx+sin(theta)*vy #magnitude of v if self.once: try: self.pose.setPose() except: print 'Not setting pose with dead reckoning' pass self.once=False if(self.differentialDrive): #handles differential drive #theta=theta-pi #orient angle for reverse direction of travel self.angle = atan2(vy,vx) - theta #print 'Vx: '+str(vx)+' Vy: '+str(vy)+' theta: '+str(theta) while self.angle>pi: self.angle-=2*pi while self.angle<-pi: self.angle+=2*pi difDrive() else: #handles car type drive nonDifDrive() def getUsefulTacho(self, motor): """Turns instance data from tachometer in to useful integer""" # the tachometer data from the nxt is not useful in current form, this provides usability tacho = tuple(int(n) for n in str(motor.get_tacho()).strip('()').split(',')) return tacho[0]
class Seng(object): def __init__(self, brick='NXT'): r'''Creates a new Alpha Rex controller. brick Either an nxt.brick.Brick object, or an NXT brick's name as a string. If omitted, a Brick named 'NXT' is looked up. ''' if isinstance(brick, basestring): brick = find_one_brick(name=brick) self.brick = brick self.arms = Motor(brick, PORT_C) self.left = Motor(brick, PORT_A) self.right = Motor(brick, PORT_B) self.direction = HTCompass(brick, PORT_2) self.ultrasonic = Ultrasonic(brick, PORT_4) def echolocate(self): r'''Reads the Ultrasonic sensor's output. ''' return self.ultrasonic.get_sample() def compass(self): return self.direction.get_sample() def walk_seng(self, secs, power): r'''Simultaneously activates the leg motors, causing Alpha Rex to walk. secs How long the motors will rotate. power The strength effected by the motors. Positive values will cause Alpha Rex to walk forward, while negative values will cause it to walk backwards. If you are unsure about how much force to apply, the special values FORTH and BACK provide reasonable defaults. If omitted, FORTH is used. ''' sleep(secs) self.left.idle() self.right.idle() def walk_seng_start(self, power): def walk_seng_stop(self): self.left.idle() self.right.idle() def turn_seng(self, secs, power): sleep(secs) self.left.idle() self.right.idle() def turn_seng_start(self, power): def turn_seng_stopp(self): self.left.idle() self.right.idle()
class Robot(object): LEFT_WHEEL = 0x02 # port C RIGHT_WHEEL = 0x00 # port A KICKER = 0x01 # port B DEFAULT_POWER = 80 TURN_POWER = 0.8 BUZZER = 769 #NAME = "BrickAshley" NAME = "BrickAsh" def __init__(self, host=None): self.power = self.DEFAULT_POWER self.address = host self.connect() self.leftWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.LEFT_WHEEL) self.rightWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.RIGHT_WHEEL) self.kicker = Motor(self.brick, self.KICKER) print "Set up Motors" try: self.kicker.turn(100, 100, brake=True) except Exception as error: print error def connect(self): print "Connecting ..." try: if self.address == None: self.brick = nxt.find_one_brick().connect() else: self.brick = BlueSock(self.address).connect() except nxt.locator.BrickNotFoundError: raise RobotNotFoundError except BluetoothError as error: raise RobotConnectionError(error) self.__get_info() print "Conected to {name}".format( def disconnect(self): try: self.brick = None gc.collect() except: print "Unsafe disconect" def get_name(self): self.__get_info() return def set_name(self, name): self.brick.set_brick_name(name) self.disconnect() self.connect() self.__get_info() def set_power(self, value): value = int(value) if value < -128 or value > 128: pass # TODO self.power = value def get_power(self): return self.power def __get_info(self): threading.Timer(30, self.__get_info).start(),, self.signal_strength, self.user_flash = self.brick.get_device_info( ) self.battery = self.brick.get_battery_level() print "Info: \n\tName: {name}" \ "\n\tBT MAC: {host}\n\tBT signal: {signal}\n\t" \ "Memory: {memory}\n\tBattery: {voltage}mV".format(,, \ signal=self.signal_strength, memory=self.user_flash, voltage=self.battery) def up(self): print "go up" def down(self): print "go down" self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER, 1000) def right(self, withBrake=False): print "go right" * self.TURN_POWER) if withBrake: self.rightWhell.brake() else: * self.TURN_POWER) def left(self, withBrake=False): print "go left" if withBrake: self.leftWhell.brake() else: * self.TURN_POWER) * self.TURN_POWER) def stop(self): print "go stop" self.leftWhell.brake() self.rightWhell.brake() self.kicker.brake() def buzz(self): print "buzz" self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER, 1000) def kick(self): print "kick" self.kicker.turn(-127, 85, brake=True) sleep(1.5) self.kicker.turn(127, 90, brake=True)
class Robot: def __init__(self): print 'Searching for NXT bricks...' self.robot = nxt.locator.find_one_brick() print 'NXT brick found' self.right_motor = Motor(self.robot, PORT_B) self.left_motor = Motor(self.robot, PORT_C) self.locator = Ultrasonic(self.robot, PORT_1) self.haptic = Touch(self.robot, PORT_4) def forward(self): if(random.random() > .5): else: sleep(SECONDS) if(random.random() > .5): self.right_motor.idle() self.left_motor.idle() else: self.left_motor.idle() self.right_motor.idle() def back(self): sleep(SECONDS) self.right_motor.idle() self.left_motor.idle() def right(self): self.left_motor.turn(-TURN_POWER, ANGLE) def left(self): self.right_motor.turn(-TURN_POWER, ANGLE) def distance(self): return self.locator.get_sample() def is_touching(self): return self.haptic.get_sample() def beep_ok(self): self.robot.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_C, DURATION) self.robot.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, DURATION) self.robot.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, DURATION) def beep_not_ok(self): self.robot.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_E, DURATION) self.robot.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_D, DURATION) self.robot.play_tone_and_wait(FREQ_C, DURATION)
def main(robot): # Définition des moteurs / capteurs m_left = Motor(robot, PORT_B) m_right = Motor(robot, PORT_A) touch_right = Touch(robot, PORT_2) touch_left = Touch(robot, PORT_1) ultrason = Ultrasonic(robot, PORT_3) DEFAULT_POWER = 80 DISTANCE_LIMIT = 20 TURN_TIME = 1.5 # Début while True: while not touch_right.is_pressed() and not touch_left.is_pressed( ) and ultrason.get_distance() > DISTANCE_LIMIT: sleep(0.01) print("Aieee") if touch_right.is_pressed(): else: sleep(TURN_TIME)
def motor_start(letter, power): m = Motor(b, MOTORS[letter.upper()]) return 'OK'
motor.turn(30, 50, brake=True, timeout=1.5, emulate=True) sleep(0.05) print(motor.get_tacho()) motor.brake() white = light.get_lightness() print("white = ", white) motor.turn(-30, 50, brake=True, timeout=1.5, emulate=True) threshold = (black + white) / 2 print(motor.get_tacho()) print("Threshold = ", threshold) while light.get_lightness() < 1020: light.get_lightness() if light.get_lightness() > threshold: light.get_lightness() light.get_lightness() if light.get_lightness() < threshold: light.get_lightness() light.get_lightness() print("light = ", light.get_lightness()) angle = motor.get_tacho() print(angle) motor.idle() ''' lightSensor = Light(brick, PORT_1) gyro = Gyro(brick, PORT_2)
class Robot(object): LEFT_WHEEL = 0x02 # port C RIGHT_WHEEL = 0x00 # port A KICKER = 0x01 # port B DEFAULT_POWER = 80 TURN_POWER = 0.8 BUZZER = 769 #NAME = "BrickAshley" NAME = "BrickAsh" def __init__(self, host=None): self.power = self.DEFAULT_POWER self.address = host self.connect() self.leftWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.LEFT_WHEEL) self.rightWhell = Motor(self.brick, self.RIGHT_WHEEL) self.kicker = Motor(self.brick, self.KICKER) print "Set up Motors" try: self.kicker.turn(100, 100, brake=True) except Exception as error: print error def connect(self): print "Connecting ..." try: if self.address == None: self.brick = nxt.find_one_brick().connect() else: self.brick = BlueSock(self.address).connect() except nxt.locator.BrickNotFoundError: raise RobotNotFoundError except BluetoothError as error: raise RobotConnectionError(error) self.__get_info() print "Conected to {name}".format( def disconnect(self): try: self.brick = None gc.collect() except: print "Unsafe disconect" def get_name(self): self.__get_info() return def set_name(self, name): self.brick.set_brick_name(name) self.disconnect() self.connect() self.__get_info() def set_power(self, value): value=int(value) if value < -128 or value > 128: pass # TODO self.power = value def get_power(self): return self.power def __get_info(self): threading.Timer(30, self.__get_info).start(),, self.signal_strength, self.user_flash = self.brick.get_device_info() self.battery = self.brick.get_battery_level() print "Info: \n\tName: {name}" \ "\n\tBT MAC: {host}\n\tBT signal: {signal}\n\t" \ "Memory: {memory}\n\tBattery: {voltage}mV".format(,, \ signal=self.signal_strength, memory=self.user_flash, voltage=self.battery) def up(self): print "go up" def down(self): print "go down" self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER, 1000) def right(self, withBrake=False): print "go right"*self.TURN_POWER) if withBrake: self.rightWhell.brake() else:*self.TURN_POWER) def left(self, withBrake=False): print "go left" if withBrake: self.leftWhell.brake() else:*self.TURN_POWER)*self.TURN_POWER) def stop(self): print "go stop" self.leftWhell.brake() self.rightWhell.brake() self.kicker.brake() def buzz(self): print "buzz" self.brick.play_tone_and_wait(self.BUZZER, 1000) def kick(self): print "kick" self.kicker.turn(-127, 85, brake=True) sleep(1.5) self.kicker.turn(127, 90, brake=True)
pygame.joystick.init() pygame.display.init() jcount = pygame.joystick.get_count() if jcount == 0 : raise 'No joystick detected' for i in range(jcount) : js = pygame.joystick.Joystick(i) js.init() while True: ev = pygame.event.wait() if ev.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION and == 0 : if ev.axis == 0 : * 10) elif ev.axis == 2 : * -5) elif ev.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN : pass elif ev.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONUP : if ev.button == 4 : yaw.stop() pitch.stop() sock.close() sys.exit(0)