예제 #1
    def test_commitment(self):

        Alice = web3.eth.accounts[1]
        contract = deploy(web3, 'CommitHere')

        # Observer sets monitor parameters for Alice,
        observer = Observer(web3, contract)
        target_a, target_b, target_c, shuffle, _ = observer.set_monitor_parameters(
        # and sends them to Alice

        # Alice makes a commitment to a value
        val = randsn()
        C, r = pedersen_c(val)

        # Alice prepares her hint values
        x = submodn(target_a, val)
        X = multiply(G1, x)
        Y = multiply(H, submodn(target_b, r))
        z = mulmodn(invmodn(x), target_c)

        # Alice prepares the update commitment
        T, _ = pedersen_c(target_a, target_b)
        u, e, A, T_ = dh_create(G1, T, shuffle)

        # Alice publicly broadcasts her commitment and hint
        tx_hash = contract.functions.storeCommitment(
            pasint(X) + pasint(Y), z, u, e,
            pasint(T_)).transact({'from': Alice})
        receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
        nonce = 0

        C_ = contract.functions.getCommitment(Alice).call()
        self.assertEqual(C[0], C_[0])
        self.assertEqual(C[1], C_[1])

        monitor_params = contract.functions.getMonitorParameters(Alice).call()
        self.assertTrue(monitor_params[0], T_[0])
        self.assertTrue(monitor_params[1], T_[1])

        # Observer extracts value as;
        val_ = observer.extract_value(Alice, z, nonce)
        self.assertEqual(val, val_)

        # Alice makes a commitment to another value
        val = randsn()
        C, r = pedersen_c(val)

        # Alice prepares her hint values
        target_a = mulmodn(target_a, shuffle)
        target_b = mulmodn(target_b, shuffle)
        x = submodn(target_a, val)
        X = multiply(G1, x)
        Y = multiply(H, submodn(target_b, r))
        z = mulmodn(invmodn(x), target_c)

        # Alice prepares the update commitment
        T, _ = pedersen_c(target_a, target_b)
        u, e, A, T_ = dh_create(G1, T, shuffle)

        # Alice publicly broadcasts her commitment and hint
        tx_hash = contract.functions.storeCommitment(
            pasint(X) + pasint(Y), z, u, e,
            pasint(T_)).transact({'from': Alice})
        receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx_hash)
        nonce = 1

        C_ = contract.functions.getCommitment(Alice).call()
        self.assertEqual(C[0], C_[0])
        self.assertEqual(C[1], C_[1])

        # Observer extracts value as;
        val_ = observer.extract_value(Alice, z, nonce)
        self.assertEqual(val, val_)