예제 #1
	def mainProgram(self):
		""" In this function things are hardcoded a bit.Also dogtail modules are imported inside.
		# observer : object of class Observer
		# children_of_gnometerm : list of objects of class Accessibility.Accessible    *i think
		# index_of_frame : integer
		# frameName : string
		from observer import Observer
		from dogtail.procedural import FocusApplication, click, keyCombo, type
		import dogtail.rawinput
		observer = Observer()  
		observer.openWindowFromMenu(['Applications', 'Accessories', 'Terminal'])
		if(not observer.isFocussed('gnome-terminal')): 
			raise Error("Could not focus gnome-termnal")
		children_of_gnometerm = FocusApplication.node.children
		index_of_frame = len(children_of_gnometerm)-1                           #index of last created frame
		frameName = children_of_gnometerm[index_of_frame].name
		if(not observer.frameFocussed(frameName)): 
			raise Error("Could not focus frame " + frameName)
		type("sudo apt-get install ")
예제 #2
	def mainProgram(self):
		""" In this function things are hardcoded a bit.Also dogtail modules are imported inside.
		# observer : object of class Observer
		# children_of_firefox : list of objects of class Accessibility.Accessible    
		# prefWindowNum,newWindowNum : integer
		# frameName = string
		from observer import Observer
		from dogtail.procedural import FocusApplication, click                             
		import dogtail.rawinput
		observer = Observer()                              
		observer.openWindowFromMenu(['Applications', 'Internet', 'Firefox Web Browser'])
		if(not observer.isFocussed('Firefox')):                         #if i can somehow avoid such statements i can make this code more general i think
			raise Error("Could not focus Firefox")       
		children_of_firefox = FocusApplication.node.children
		newWindowNum = len(children_of_firefox) - 1
		frameName = children_of_firefox[newWindowNum].name
		if(not observer.frameFocussed(frameName)): 
			raise Error("Could not focus frame " + frameName)
		click('Edit', roleName='menu')
		click('Preferences', roleName='menu item')
		children_of_firefox = FocusApplication.node.children
		prefWindowNum = len(children_of_firefox) - 1
		if(prefWindowNum <= newWindowNum ): 
			raise Error("Preference window did not open.Please make sure nothing interferes with the focussing of the created window.")        
		prefWindow = children_of_firefox[prefWindowNum].name
		if(not(prefWindow == "Firefox Preferences")):                     #double-check.Can also be removed to make the code more general
			raise Error("Preference Window did not open")
		if(not observer.frameFocussed(prefWindow)): 
			raise Error("Could not focus frame " + prefWindow)
		scroll_pane = children_of_firefox[prefWindowNum].children
		panel = scroll_pane[7].children       #scroll_pane[7] is Advanced options
		scroll_pane2 = panel[0].children    
		panel2 = scroll_pane2[2].children
		next_child = panel2[0].children       #panel2 is Connection option in Network option in Advanced options
		settings = next_child[2]
		x,y = settings.position
		dogtail.rawinput.click(x, y, 1)
		children_of_firefox = FocusApplication.node.children
		cntnsWindowNum = len(children_of_firefox) - 1
		cnctn_sttngs_win = children_of_firefox[cntnsWindowNum].name
		if(not observer.frameFocussed(cnctn_sttngs_win)): 
			raise Error("Could not focus frame " + cnctn_sttngs_win)
예제 #3
	def mainProgram(self):
		""" In this function things are hardcoded a bit.Also dogtail modules are imported inside.
		# observer : object of class Observer
		# children_of_firefox : list of objects of class Accessibility.Accessible    
		# prefWindowNum,newWindowNum : integer
		# frameName = string
		from observer import Observer
		from dogtail.procedural import FocusApplication, click                             
		import dogtail.rawinput
		observer = Observer()                              
		observer.openWindowFromMenu(['Applications', 'Ubuntu Software Center'])
		if(not observer.isFocussed('software-center')):                         #if i can somehow avoid such statements i can make this code more general i think
			raise Error("Could not focus Ubuntu Software Center")