예제 #1
 def conn(self):
     """Return a new user in a read-annotate group."""
     group = self.new_group(perms='rwra--')
     user = self.new_client_and_user(group=group)
     gateway = BlitzGateway(client_obj=user[0])
     # Refresh the session context
     return gateway
예제 #2
def get_connection(user, group_id=None):
    """Get a BlitzGateway connection for the given user's client."""
    connection = BlitzGateway(client_obj=user[0])
    # Refresh the session context
    if group_id is not None:
    return connection
예제 #3
    print "   Full Name:", user.getFullName()

    print "Member of:"
    for g in conn.getGroupsMemberOf():
        print "   ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId()
    group = conn.getGroupFromContext()
    print "Current group: ", group.getName()

    print "Other Members of current group:"
    for exp in conn.listColleagues():
        print "   ID:", exp.getId(), exp.getOmeName(), " Name:", exp.getFullName()

    print "Owner of:"
    for g in conn.listOwnedGroups():
        print "   ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId()

    # New in OMERO 5
    print "Admins:"
    for exp in conn.getAdministrators():
        print "   ID:", exp.getId(), exp.getOmeName(), " Name:", exp.getFullName()

    # The 'context' of our current session
    ctx = conn.getEventContext()
    # print ctx     # for more info

    # Close connection:
    # =================================================================
    # When you are done, close the session to free up server resources.
예제 #4
    user = conn.getUser()
    print "Current user:"******"   ID:", user.getId()
    print "   Username:"******"   Full Name:", user.getFullName()

    print "Member of:"
    for g in conn.getGroupsMemberOf():
        print "   ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId()
    group = conn.getGroupFromContext()
    print "Current group: ", group.getName()

    print "Other Members of current group:"
    for exp in conn.listColleagues():
        print "   ID:", exp.getId(), exp.getOmeName(
        ), " Name:", exp.getFullName()

    print "Owner of:"
    for g in conn.listOwnedGroups():
        print "   ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId()

    # The 'context' of our current session
    ctx = conn.getEventContext()
    # print ctx     # for more info

    # Close connection:
    # =================================================================
    # When you're done, close the session to free up server resources.
예제 #5
    print("""%s%s:%s  Name:"%s" (owner=%s)""" %
          (" " * indent, obj.OMERO_CLASS, obj.getId(), obj.getName(),

# List all Projects owned by the user currently logged in
# =======================================================
# By default this returns Projects from all owners across
# all groups. We can filter by group and owner using the
# optional opts dict (new in 5.3.0)
# We also order by name and use 'limit' and 'offset',
# to load the first 5 Projects
print("\nList Projects:")
print("=" * 50)
my_exp_id = conn.getUser().getId()
default_group_id = conn.getEventContext().groupId
for project in conn.getObjects("Project",
                                   'owner': my_exp_id,
                                   'group': default_group_id,
                                   'order_by': 'lower(obj.name)',
                                   'limit': 5,
                                   'offset': 0
    assert project.getDetails().getOwner().id == my_exp_id
    # We can get Datasets with listChildren, since we have the Project already.
    # Or conn.getObjects("Dataset", opts={'project', id}) if we have Project ID
    for dataset in project.listChildren():
        print_obj(dataset, 2)
        for image in dataset.listChildren():