예제 #1
 def _stdViewsButtonClicked(self):
     sceneviewer = self._ui.sceneviewer_widget.getSceneviewer()
     if sceneviewer is not None:
         result, eyePosition, lookatPosition, upVector = sceneviewer.getLookatParameters(
         upVector = normalize(upVector)
         viewVector = sub(lookatPosition, eyePosition)
         viewDistance = magnitude(viewVector)
         viewVector = normalize(viewVector)
         viewX = dot(viewVector, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
         viewY = dot(viewVector, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
         viewZ = dot(viewVector, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
         upX = dot(upVector, [1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
         upY = dot(upVector, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0])
         upZ = dot(upVector, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
         if (viewZ < -0.999) and (upY > 0.999):
             # XY -> XZ
             viewVector = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
             upVector = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
         elif (viewY > 0.999) and (upZ > 0.999):
             # XZ -> YZ
             viewVector = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
             upVector = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
             # XY
             viewVector = [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
             upVector = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
         eyePosition = sub(lookatPosition, mult(viewVector, viewDistance))
         sceneviewer.setLookatParametersNonSkew(eyePosition, lookatPosition,
예제 #2
def get_bifurcation_triple_point(p1x, p1d, p2x, p2d, p3x, p3d):
    Get coordinates and derivatives of triple point between p1, p2 and p3 with derivatives.
    :param p1x..p3d: Point coordinates and derivatives, numbered anticlockwise around triple point.
    All derivatives point away from triple point.
    Returned d1 points from triple point to p2, d2 points from triple point to p3.
    :return: x, d1, d2
    trx1 = interpolateCubicHermite(p1x, mult(p1d, -2.0), p2x, mult(p2d, 2.0), 0.5)
    trx2 = interpolateCubicHermite(p2x, mult(p2d, -2.0), p3x, mult(p3d, 2.0), 0.5)
    trx3 = interpolateCubicHermite(p3x, mult(p3d, -2.0), p1x, mult(p1d, 2.0), 0.5)
    trx = [ (trx1[c] + trx2[c] + trx3[c])/3.0 for c in range(3) ]
    td1 = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(trx, p1x, p1d, 0.0)
    td2 = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(trx, p2x, p2d, 0.0)
    td3 = interpolateLagrangeHermiteDerivative(trx, p3x, p3d, 0.0)
    n12 = cross(td1, td2)
    n23 = cross(td2, td3)
    n31 = cross(td3, td1)
    norm = normalize([ (n12[c] + n23[c] + n31[c]) for c in range(3) ])
    sd1 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine([ trx, p1x ], [ normalize(cross(norm, cross(td1, norm))), p1d ], fixStartDirection=True, fixEndDerivative=True)[0]
    sd2 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine([ trx, p2x ], [ normalize(cross(norm, cross(td2, norm))), p2d ], fixStartDirection=True, fixEndDerivative=True)[0]
    sd3 = smoothCubicHermiteDerivativesLine([ trx, p3x ], [ normalize(cross(norm, cross(td3, norm))), p3d ], fixStartDirection=True, fixEndDerivative=True)[0]
    trd1 = mult(sub(sd2, add(sd3, sd1)), 0.5)
    trd2 = mult(sub(sd3, add(sd1, sd2)), 0.5)
    return trx, trd1, trd2
def calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, point_on_plane, plane_normal):
    line_direction = sub(pt2, pt1)
    d = dot(sub(point_on_plane, pt1), plane_normal) / dot(line_direction, plane_normal)
    intersection_point = add(mult(line_direction, d), pt1)
    if abs(dot(sub(point_on_plane, intersection_point), plane_normal)) < 1e-08:
        return intersection_point

    return None
예제 #4
def calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, point_on_plane, plane_normal):
    line_direction = sub(pt2, pt1)
    d = dot(sub(point_on_plane, pt1), plane_normal) / dot(
        line_direction, plane_normal)
    intersection_point = add(mult(line_direction, d), pt1)
    if abs(dot(sub(point_on_plane, intersection_point), plane_normal)) < 1e-08:
        return intersection_point

    return None
 def _createNodeTree(self, generation, x1, d1, r, forkNormal):
     Create node with specified x1, d1, r and recursively add two child nodes until generationCount.
     :param forkNormal: Unit direction normal to d1 and child branches.
     :return: Top node of tree.
     node = TreeNode(x1, d1, r)
     if generation < self._generationCount:
         branchLength = magnitude(d1) * self._branchLengthRatio
         main = mult(d1, self._cosForkAngle * self._branchLengthRatio)
         side = mult(cross(forkNormal, d1),
                     self._sinForkAngle * self._branchLengthRatio)
         branch1d1 = add(main, side)
         branch2d1 = sub(main, side)
         if self._branchArcRadians > 0.0:
             arcr = branchLength / self._branchArcRadians
             arc2 = mult(branch1d1, arcr / branchLength)
             arc1 = cross(arc2, forkNormal)
             arcc = sub(x1, arc1)
             branch1x2 = add(
                 add(mult(arc1, self._cosBranchArc),
                     mult(arc2, self._sinBranchArc)))
             branch1d2 = mult(
                 add(mult(arc1, -self._sinBranchArc),
                     mult(arc2, self._cosBranchArc)), branchLength / arcr)
             arc2 = mult(branch2d1, arcr / branchLength)
             arc1 = cross(forkNormal, arc2)
             arcc = sub(x1, arc1)
             branch2x2 = add(
                 add(mult(arc1, self._cosBranchArc),
                     mult(arc2, self._sinBranchArc)))
             branch2d2 = mult(
                 add(mult(arc1, -self._sinBranchArc),
                     mult(arc2, self._cosBranchArc)), branchLength / arcr)
             branch1x2 = add(x1, branch1d1)
             branch1d2 = branch1d1
             branch2x2 = add(x1, branch2d1)
             branch2d2 = branch2d1
         branch1Normal = normalize(cross(forkNormal, branch1d2))
         branch2Normal = normalize(cross(forkNormal, branch2d2))
         forkRadius = r * self._forkRadiusRatio
             self._createNodeTree(generation + 1, branch1x2, branch1d2,
                                  forkRadius * self._branchRadiusRatio,
                                  branch1Normal), branch1d1, forkRadius)
             self._createNodeTree(generation + 1, branch2x2, branch2d2,
                                  forkRadius * self._branchRadiusRatio,
                                  branch2Normal), branch2d1, forkRadius)
     return node
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     if self._lastMousePos is not None:
         pos = [event.x(), event.y()]
         delta = [pos[0] - self._lastMousePos[0], pos[1] - self._lastMousePos[1]]
         result, eye = self._sceneviewer.getEyePosition()
         result, lookat = self._sceneviewer.getLookatPosition()
         result, up = self._sceneviewer.getUpVector()
         lookatToEye = vectorops.sub(eye, lookat)
         eyeDistance = vectorops.magnitude(lookatToEye)
         front = vectorops.div(lookatToEye, eyeDistance)
         right = vectorops.cross(up, front)
         if self._active_button == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
             mag = vectorops.magnitude(delta)
             prop = vectorops.div(delta, mag)
             axis = vectorops.add(vectorops.mult(up, prop[0]), vectorops.mult(right, prop[1]))
             angle = mag*0.002
             self._model.rotateModel(axis, angle)
         elif self._active_button == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton:
             result, l, r, b, t, near, far = self._sceneviewer.getViewingVolume()
             viewportWidth = self.width()
             viewportHeight = self.height()
             if viewportWidth > viewportHeight:
                 eyeScale = (t - b) / viewportHeight
                 eyeScale = (r - l) / viewportWidth
             offset = vectorops.add(vectorops.mult(right, eyeScale*delta[0]), vectorops.mult(up, -eyeScale*delta[1]))
         elif self._active_button == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
             factor = 1.0 + delta[1]*0.0005
             if factor < 0.9:
                 factor = 0.9
         self._lastMousePos = pos
         super(AlignmentSceneviewerWidget, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
예제 #7
def get_curve_circle_points(x1, xd1, x2, xd2, r1, rd1, r2, rd2, xi, dmag, side, elementsCountAround):
    :param dmag: Magnitude of derivative on curve.
    :param side: Vector in side direction of first node around.
    Need not be unit or exactly normal to curve at xi.
    :return: x[], d1[] around, d2[] along
    cx = interpolateCubicHermite(x1, xd1, x2, xd2, xi)
    cxd = interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative(x1, xd1, x2, xd2, xi)
    mag_cxd = magnitude(cxd)
    cxd2 = interpolateCubicHermiteSecondDerivative(x1, xd1, x2, xd2, xi)
    mag_cxd2 = magnitude(cxd2)
    r = interpolateCubicHermite([ r1 ], [ rd1 ], [ r2 ], [ rd2 ], xi)[0]
    rd = interpolateCubicHermiteDerivative([ r1 ], [ rd1 ], [ r2 ], [ rd2 ], xi)[0]
    axis1 = normalize(cxd)
    axis3 = normalize(cross(axis1, side))
    axis2 = cross(axis3, axis1)
    x, d1 = createCirclePoints(cx, mult(axis2, r), mult(axis3, r), elementsCountAround)
    curvatureVector = mult(cxd2, 1.0/(mag_cxd*mag_cxd))
    d2 = []
    radialGrowth = rd/(mag_cxd*r)
    for e in range(elementsCountAround):
        radialVector = sub(x[e], cx)
        dmagFinal = dmag*(1.0 - dot(radialVector, curvatureVector))
        # add curvature and radius change components:
        d2.append(add(mult(cxd, dmagFinal/mag_cxd), mult(radialVector, dmagFinal*radialGrowth)))
    return x, d1, d2
 def _imageButtonClicked(self):
     sceneviewer = self._ui.sceneviewer_widget.getSceneviewer()
     normal, up, offset = self._plane_model.getPlaneInfo()
     _, current_lookat_pos = sceneviewer.getLookatPosition()
     _, current_eye_pos = sceneviewer.getEyePosition()
     view_distance = vectorops.magnitude(vectorops.sub(current_eye_pos, current_lookat_pos))
     eye_pos = vectorops.add(vectorops.mult(normal, view_distance), offset)
     lookat_pos = offset
     sceneviewer.setLookatParametersNonSkew(eye_pos, lookat_pos, up)
예제 #9
def extractImageCorners(directory, filename):
    Extract the image corners from an image that is assumed to be
    a DICOM image.
    Corners are returned as:
      [bl, br, tl, tr]

    :param directory: the directory where the file given with filename exists.
    :param filename: the filename of the file to interrogate.
    :return: the corners of the image [bl, br, tl, tr]
    ds = dicom.read_file(os.path.join(directory, filename))
    pixel_spacing = ds.PixelSpacing
    # delta_i = float(0.1)
    # delta_j = float(0.1)
    delta_i = float(pixel_spacing[0])
    delta_j = float(pixel_spacing[1])
    orient = [float(iop) for iop in ds.ImageOrientationPatient]
    pos = [float(ipp) for ipp in ds.ImagePositionPatient]
    rows = ds.Rows
    columns = ds.Columns
    # vectorops version
    orient_1 = orient[:3]
    orient_2 = orient[3:]
    pos_o = pos[:]
    pos = vectorops.sub(
            vectorops.add(vectorops.mult(orient_1, 0.5),
                          vectorops.mult(orient_2, 0.5)), delta_i))

    A = [[orient[0] * delta_i, orient[3] * delta_j, 0, pos[0]],
         [orient[1] * delta_i, orient[4] * delta_j, 0, pos[1]],
         [orient[2] * delta_i, orient[5] * delta_j, 0, pos[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
    b_tl = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    b_tr = [rows, 0, 0, 1]
    b_bl = [0, columns, 0, 1]
    b_br = [rows, columns, 0, 1]
    tl = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_tl)
    tr = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_tr)
    bl = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_bl)
    br = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_br)

    return [bl[:3], br[:3], tl[:3], tr[:3]]
예제 #10
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     if self._model.isStateAlign() and self._alignKeyPressed and (
             self._lastMousePos is not None):
         pos = [event.x(), event.y()]
         delta = [
             pos[0] - self._lastMousePos[0], pos[1] - self._lastMousePos[1]
         result, eye = self._sceneviewer.getEyePosition()
         result, lookat = self._sceneviewer.getLookatPosition()
         result, up = self._sceneviewer.getUpVector()
         lookatToEye = vectorops.sub(eye, lookat)
         eyeDistance = vectorops.magnitude(lookatToEye)
         front = vectorops.div(lookatToEye, eyeDistance)
         right = vectorops.cross(up, front)
         if self._active_button == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
             mag = vectorops.magnitude(delta)
             prop = vectorops.div(delta, mag)
             axis = vectorops.add(vectorops.mult(up, prop[0]),
                                  vectorops.mult(right, prop[1]))
             angle = mag * 0.002
             self._model.rotateModel(axis, angle)
         elif self._active_button == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton:
             result, l, r, b, t, near, far = self._sceneviewer.getViewingVolume(
             viewportWidth = self.width()
             viewportHeight = self.height()
             if viewportWidth > viewportHeight:
                 eyeScale = (t - b) / viewportHeight
                 eyeScale = (r - l) / viewportWidth
             offset = vectorops.add(
                 vectorops.mult(right, eyeScale * delta[0]),
                 vectorops.mult(up, -eyeScale * delta[1]))
         elif self._active_button == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
             factor = 1.0 + delta[1] * 0.0005
             if factor < 0.9:
                 factor = 0.9
         self._lastMousePos = pos
         super(AlignmentSceneviewerWidget, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
예제 #11
def extractImageCorners(directory, filename):
    Extract the image corners from an image that is assumed to be
    a DICOM image.
    Corners are returned as:
      [bl, br, tl, tr]

    :param directory: the directory where the file given with filename exists.
    :param filename: the filename of the file to interrogate.
    :return: the corners of the image [bl, br, tl, tr]
    ds = dicom.read_file(os.path.join(directory, filename))
    pixel_spacing = ds.PixelSpacing
    # delta_i = float(0.1)
    # delta_j = float(0.1)
    delta_i = float(pixel_spacing[0])
    delta_j = float(pixel_spacing[1])
    orient = [float(iop) for iop in ds.ImageOrientationPatient]
    pos = [float(ipp) for ipp in ds.ImagePositionPatient]
    rows = ds.Rows
    columns = ds.Columns
    # vectorops version
    orient_1 = orient[:3]
    orient_2 = orient[3:]
    pos_o = pos[:]
    pos = vectorops.sub(pos_o, vectorops.mult(vectorops.add(vectorops.mult(orient_1, 0.5),
                                                            vectorops.mult(orient_2, 0.5)), delta_i))

    A = [[orient[0]*delta_i, orient[3]*delta_j, 0, pos[0]],
         [orient[1]*delta_i, orient[4]*delta_j, 0, pos[1]],
         [orient[2]*delta_i, orient[5]*delta_j, 0, pos[2]],
         [                0,                 0, 0,      1]]
    b_tl = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    b_tr = [rows, 0, 0, 1]
    b_bl = [0, columns, 0, 1]
    b_br = [rows, columns, 0, 1]
    tl = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_tl)
    tr = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_tr)
    bl = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_bl)
    br = vectorops.mxvectormult(A, b_br)

    return [bl[:3], br[:3], tl[:3], tr[:3]]
예제 #12
    def calculateGroupDataProjections(
            self, fieldcache, group, dataGroup, meshGroup, meshLocation,
            activeFitterStepConfig: FitterStepConfig):
        Project data points for group. Assumes called while ChangeManager is active for fieldmodule.
        :param group: The FieldGroup being fitted (parent of dataGroup, meshGroup).
        :param dataGroup: Nodeset group containing data points to project.
        :param meshGroup: MeshGroup containing surfaces/lines to project onto.
        :param meshLocation: FieldStoredMeshLocation to store found location in.
        :param activeFitterStepConfig: Where to get current projection modes from.
        groupName = group.getName()
        dimension = meshGroup.getDimension()
        dataProjectionNodesetGroup = self._dataProjectionNodesetGroups[
            dimension - 1]
        sizeBefore = dataProjectionNodesetGroup.getSize()
        dataCoordinates = self._dataCoordinatesField
        if activeFitterStepConfig.isProjectionCentreGroups():
            # get geometric centre of dataGroup
            dataCentreField = self._fieldmodule.createFieldNodesetMean(
                dataCoordinates, dataGroup)
            result, dataCentre = dataCentreField.evaluateReal(
                fieldcache, dataCoordinates.getNumberOfComponents())
            if result != RESULT_OK:
                    "Error: Centre Groups projection failed to get mean coordinates of data for group "
                    + groupName)
            #print("Centre Groups dataCentre", dataCentre)
            # get geometric centre of meshGroup
            meshGroupCoordinatesIntegral = self._fieldmodule.createFieldMeshIntegral(
                self._modelCoordinatesField, self._modelCoordinatesField,
            meshGroupArea = self._fieldmodule.createFieldMeshIntegral(
                self._modelCoordinatesField, meshGroup)
            result1, coordinatesIntegral = meshGroupCoordinatesIntegral.evaluateReal(
            result2, area = meshGroupArea.evaluateReal(fieldcache, 1)
            if (result1 != RESULT_OK) or (result2 != RESULT_OK) or (area <=
                    "Error: Centre Groups projection failed to get mean coordinates of mesh for group "
                    + groupName)
            meshCentre = [s / area for s in coordinatesIntegral]
            #print("Centre Groups meshCentre", meshCentre)
            # offset dataCoordinates to make dataCentre coincide with meshCentre
            dataCoordinates = dataCoordinates + self._fieldmodule.createFieldConstant(
                sub(meshCentre, dataCentre))

        findMeshLocation = self._fieldmodule.createFieldFindMeshLocation(
            dataCoordinates, self._modelCoordinatesField, meshGroup)
        nodeIter = dataGroup.createNodeiterator()
        node = nodeIter.next()
        while node.isValid():
            element, xi = findMeshLocation.evaluateMeshLocation(
                fieldcache, dimension)
            if element.isValid():
                result = meshLocation.assignMeshLocation(
                    fieldcache, element, xi)
                #print(result, "node", node.getIdentifier(), "element", element.getIdentifier(), "xi", xi)
                #if result != RESULT_OK:
                #    mesh = meshLocation.getMesh()
                #    print("--> mesh", mesh.isValid(), mesh.getDimension(), findMeshLocation.getMesh().getDimension())
                #    print("node", node.getIdentifier(), "is defined", meshLocation.isDefinedAtLocation(fieldcache))
                assert result == RESULT_OK, "Error: Failed to assign data projection mesh location for group " + groupName
            node = nodeIter.next()
        pointsProjected = dataProjectionNodesetGroup.getSize() - sizeBefore
        if pointsProjected < dataGroup.getSize():
            if self.getDiagnosticLevel() > 0:
                print("Warning: Only " + str(pointsProjected) + " of " +
                      str(dataGroup.getSize()) +
                      " data points projected for group " + groupName)
def calculatePlaneNormal(pt1, pt2, pt3):
    dir_1 = sub(pt2, pt1)
    dir_2 = sub(pt3, pt1)
    cross_vec = cross(dir_1, dir_2)
    return normalize(cross_vec)
예제 #14
    def generateBaseMesh(cls, region, options):
        Generate the base bicubic Hermite mesh.
        :param region: Zinc region to define model in. Must be empty.
        :param options: Dict containing options. See getDefaultOptions().
        :return: list of AnnotationGroup
        paCount = options['Number of elements around parent']
        c1Count = options['Number of elements around child 1']
        c2Count = options['Number of elements around child 2']
        parentRadius = 0.5 * options['Parent diameter']
        parentLength = options['Parent length']
        parentLengthScaleFactor = options['Parent length scale factor']
        child1AngleRadians = math.radians(options['Child 1 angle degrees'])
        child1Radius = 0.5 * options['Child 1 diameter']
        child1Length = options['Child 1 length']
        child1LengthScaleFactor = options['Child 1 length scale factor']
        child2AngleRadians = math.radians(options['Child 2 angle degrees'])
        child2Radius = 0.5 * options['Child 2 diameter']
        child2Length = options['Child 2 length']
        child2LengthScaleFactor = options['Child 2 length scale factor']
        useCrossDerivatives = False

        # centres:
        paCentre = [0.0, 0.0, -parentLength]
        c1Centre = [
            child1Length * math.sin(child1AngleRadians), 0.0,
            child1Length * math.cos(child1AngleRadians)
        c2Centre = [
            child2Length * math.sin(child2AngleRadians), 0.0,
            child2Length * math.cos(child2AngleRadians)
        c12 = sub(c1Centre, c2Centre)

        pac1Count, pac2Count, c1c2Count = get_tube_bifurcation_connection_elements_counts(
            paCount, c1Count, c2Count)

        # parent ring
        paAxis3 = [0.0, 0.0, parentLength]
        paAxis2 = mult(normalize(cross(paAxis3, c12)), parentRadius)
        paAxis1 = mult(normalize(cross(paAxis2, paAxis3)), parentRadius)
        paStartRadians = -math.pi * (pac1Count / paCount)
        pax, pad1 = createCirclePoints(paCentre, paAxis1, paAxis2, paCount,
        pad2 = [mult(paAxis3, parentLengthScaleFactor)] * paCount
        # child 1 ring
        c1Axis3 = c1Centre
        c1Axis2 = mult(normalize(cross(c1Axis3, c12)), child1Radius)
        c1Axis1 = mult(normalize(cross(c1Axis2, c1Axis3)), child1Radius)
        c1StartRadians = -math.pi * (pac1Count / c1Count)
        c1x, c1d1 = createCirclePoints(c1Centre, c1Axis1, c1Axis2, c1Count,
        c1d2 = [mult(c1Axis3, child1LengthScaleFactor)] * c1Count
        # child 2 ring
        c2Axis3 = c2Centre
        c2Axis2 = mult(normalize(cross(c2Axis3, c12)), child2Radius)
        c2Axis1 = mult(normalize(cross(c2Axis2, c2Axis3)), child2Radius)
        c2StartRadians = -math.pi * (c1c2Count / c2Count)
        c2x, c2d1 = createCirclePoints(c2Centre, c2Axis1, c2Axis2, c2Count,
        c2d2 = [mult(c2Axis3, child2LengthScaleFactor)] * c2Count

        rox, rod1, rod2, cox, cod1, cod2, paStartIndex, c1StartIndex, c2StartIndex = \
            make_tube_bifurcation_points(paCentre, pax, pad2, c1Centre, c1x, c1d2, c2Centre, c2x, c2d2)

        fm = region.getFieldmodule()
        coordinates = findOrCreateFieldCoordinates(fm)
        cache = fm.createFieldcache()

        nodes = fm.findNodesetByFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES)

        # Create nodes

        nodeIdentifier = 1

        nodetemplate = nodes.createNodetemplate()
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1)
        nodetemplate.setValueNumberOfVersions(coordinates, -1,
                                              Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1)
        paNodeId = []
        for n in range(paCount):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
            nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1
        roNodeId = []
        for n in range(len(rox)):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
            nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1
        coNodeId = []
        for n in range(len(cox)):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
            nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1
        c1NodeId = []
        for n in range(c1Count):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
            nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1
        c2NodeId = []
        for n in range(c2Count):
            node = nodes.createNode(nodeIdentifier, nodetemplate)
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_VALUE, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS1, 1,
            coordinates.setNodeParameters(cache, -1, Node.VALUE_LABEL_D_DS2, 1,
            nodeIdentifier = nodeIdentifier + 1

        # Create elements

        elementIdentifier = 1
        elementIdentifier = make_tube_bifurcation_elements_2d(
            region, coordinates, elementIdentifier, paNodeId, paStartIndex,
            c1NodeId, c1StartIndex, c2NodeId, c2StartIndex, roNodeId, coNodeId,

        return []
예제 #15
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
     if self._editNode:
         mousePos = [event.x(), event.y()]
         nodeset = self._editNode.getNodeset()
         fieldmodule = nodeset.getFieldmodule()
         with ChangeManager(fieldmodule):
             meshEditsNodeset = self._model.getOrCreateMeshEditsNodesetGroup(
             editCoordinateField = coordinateField = self._editGraphics.getCoordinateField(
             localScene = self._editGraphics.getScene(
             )  # need set local scene to get correct transformation
             if coordinateField.getCoordinateSystemType(
                 editCoordinateField = fieldmodule.createFieldCoordinateTransformation(
             fieldcache = fieldmodule.createFieldcache()
             componentsCount = coordinateField.getNumberOfComponents()
             result, initialCoordinates = editCoordinateField.evaluateReal(
                 fieldcache, componentsCount)
             if result == RESULT_OK:
                 for c in range(componentsCount, 3):
                 pointattr = self._editGraphics.getGraphicspointattributes()
                 editVectorField = vectorField = pointattr.getOrientationScaleField(
                 pointBaseSize = pointattr.getBaseSize(3)[1][0]
                 pointScaleFactor = pointattr.getScaleFactors(3)[1][0]
                 if editVectorField.isValid() and (vectorField.getNumberOfComponents() == componentsCount) \
                         and (pointBaseSize == 0.0) and (pointScaleFactor != 0.0):
                     if vectorField.getCoordinateSystemType(
                         editVectorField = fieldmodule.createFieldCoordinateTransformation(
                             vectorField, coordinateField)
                     result, initialVector = editVectorField.evaluateReal(
                         fieldcache, componentsCount)
                     for c in range(componentsCount, 3):
                     initialTipCoordinates = [
                         (initialCoordinates[c] +
                          initialVector[c] * pointScaleFactor)
                         for c in range(3)
                     windowCoordinates = self.projectLocal(
                         initialTipCoordinates[0], initialTipCoordinates[1],
                         initialTipCoordinates[2], localScene)
                     finalTipCoordinates = self.unprojectLocal(
                         mousePos[0], -mousePos[1], windowCoordinates[2],
                     finalVector = [
                         (finalTipCoordinates[c] - initialCoordinates[c]) /
                         pointScaleFactor for c in range(3)
                     result = editVectorField.assignReal(
                         fieldcache, finalVector)
                     windowCoordinates = self.projectLocal(
                         initialCoordinates[0], initialCoordinates[1],
                         initialCoordinates[2], localScene)
                     xa = self.unprojectLocal(self._lastMousePos[0],
                     xb = self.unprojectLocal(mousePos[0], -mousePos[1],
                     finalCoordinates = [
                         (initialCoordinates[c] + xb[c] - xa[c])
                         for c in range(3)
                     result = editCoordinateField.assignReal(
                         fieldcache, finalCoordinates)
                 del editVectorField
             del editCoordinateField
             del fieldcache
         self._lastMousePos = mousePos
     if self._alignMode != self.AlignMode.NONE:
         mousePos = [event.x(), event.y()]
         delta = [
             mousePos[0] - self._lastMousePos[0],
             mousePos[1] - self._lastMousePos[1]
         result, eye = self._sceneviewer.getEyePosition()
         result, lookat = self._sceneviewer.getLookatPosition()
         result, up = self._sceneviewer.getUpVector()
         lookatToEye = sub(eye, lookat)
         eyeDistance = magnitude(lookatToEye)
         front = div(lookatToEye, eyeDistance)
         right = cross(up, front)
         if self._alignMode == self.AlignMode.ROTATION:
             mag = magnitude(delta)
             prop = div(delta, mag)
             axis = add(mult(up, prop[0]), mult(right, prop[1]))
             angle = mag * 0.002
             #print('delta', delta, 'axis', axis, 'angle', angle)
             self._model.interactionRotate(axis, angle)
         elif self._alignMode == self.AlignMode.SCALE:
             factor = 1.0 + delta[1] * 0.0005
             if factor < 0.9:
                 factor = 0.9
         elif self._alignMode == self.AlignMode.TRANSLATION:
             result, l, r, b, t, near, far = self._sceneviewer.getViewingVolume(
             viewportWidth = self.width()
             viewportHeight = self.height()
             if viewportWidth > viewportHeight:
                 eyeScale = (t - b) / viewportHeight
                 eyeScale = (r - l) / viewportWidth
             offset = add(mult(right, eyeScale * delta[0]),
                          mult(up, -eyeScale * delta[1]))
         self._lastMousePos = mousePos
         super(NodeEditorSceneviewerWidget, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
예제 #16
def calculatePlaneNormal(pt1, pt2, pt3):
    dir_1 = sub(pt2, pt1)
    dir_2 = sub(pt3, pt1)
    cross_vec = cross(dir_1, dir_2)
    return normalize(cross_vec)
 def _get_auto_point_size(self):
     minimums, maximums = self._get_data_range()
     data_size = maths.magnitude(maths.sub(maximums, minimums))
     return 0.25 * data_size