def test_ave_maris_stella_2(self):
        ams = converter.parse('test_corpus/Jos2308.krn')
        # Measures 125-7, lowest part
        actual = measure_to_lily([3][133])
        actual += measure_to_lily([3][134])
        actual += measure_to_lily([3][135])
        expect = u"""\tg\\breve~ |
\tg\\breve |
\t\\bar "||"
\tR\\breve |
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
 def test_bwv77_bass_part_1(self):
     bass_part = converter.parse('test_corpus/bwv77.mxl').parts[3]
     # first measure
     actual = measure_to_lily(bass_part[1], True)
     expect = u'\t\\partial 4\n\t\\clef bass\n\t\\key b \\minor\n\t\\time 4/4\n\te4 |\n'
     # tests
     self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
 def test_modeless_key_signature(self):
     # Silly example, unfortunately, that means we need a barcheck symbol even though there
     # were no events
     meas = stream.Measure()
     actual = measure_to_lily(meas)
     self.assertEqual(actual, u'\t\\key ees \\major\n\t|\n')
    def test_ave_maris_stella_1(self):
        # "ams" is "ave maris stella"... what were you thinking?
        ams = converter.parse('test_corpus/Jos2308.krn')
        # First four measures, second highest part
        actual = measure_to_lily([1][9])
        actual += measure_to_lily([1][10])
        actual += measure_to_lily([1][11])
        actual += measure_to_lily([1][12])
        expect = u"""\t\\clef treble
\t\\key f \\major
\t\\time 2/1
\tr1 g'1 |
\td''1 r1 |
\tg'1 d''1~ |
\td''2 c''2 bes'2 a'2 |
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
    def test_invisibility_1(self):
        # test the .lily_invisible property, which should cause everything in a Measure to have
        # the #'transparent property set to ##t
        actual = measure_to_lily(process_measure_unit.invisibility_1)
        expect = u'''\t\\stopStaff
\t\\once \\override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
\t\\time 4/4
\ts1 |
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
    def test_some_tuplets_2(self):
        # Partial measure starts with tuplets (multiple components)
        test_in1 = stream.Measure()
        test_in1.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
        test_in1.append(note.Note('C4', quarterLength=0.16666))
        test_in1.append(note.Note('D4', quarterLength=0.16666))
        test_in1.append(note.Note('E4', quarterLength=0.16666))
        expect = """\t\\partial 8
\t\\time 4/4
\t\\times 2/3 { c'16 d'16 e'16 } |
        actual = measure_to_lily(test_in1, True)
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
 def test_some_tuplets_1(self):
     # Complete measure starts with tuplets, filled with rests
     test_in1 = stream.Measure()
     test_in1.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
     test_in1.append(note.Note('C4', quarterLength=0.16666))
     test_in1.append(note.Note('D4', quarterLength=0.16666))
     test_in1.append(note.Note('E4', quarterLength=0.16666))
     expect = u"\t\\time 4/4\n\t\\times 2/3 { c'16 d'16 e'16 } r8 r4 r2 |\n"
     actual = measure_to_lily(test_in1)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
예제 #8
    def test_invisibility_3(self):
        # test the .lily_invisible property, which should cause everything in a Measure to have
        # the #'transparent property set to ##t
        actual = measure_to_lily(invisibility_3)
        expect = '''\t\\stopStaff
\t\\once \\override Staff.TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
\t\\time 4/4
\t\\once \\override Staff.KeySignature #'transparent = ##t
\t\\key b \\major
\t\\once \\override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##t
\t\\clef treble
\ts1 |
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
예제 #9
    def test_some_tuplets_2(self):
        # Partial measure starts with tuplets (multiple components)
        measure_contents = [
            note.Note('C4', quarterLength=0.25),
            note.Note('D4', quarterLength=0.25),
            note.Note('E4', quarterLength=0.25),
        measure_contents[0].duration.tuplets = (duration.Tuplet(3, 2, '16th'),)
        measure_contents[1].duration.tuplets = (duration.Tuplet(3, 2, '16th'),)
        measure_contents[2].duration.tuplets = (duration.Tuplet(3, 2, '16th'),)
        test_in1 = stream.Measure()
        test_in1.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
        for thing in measure_contents:

        expect = """\t\\partial 8
\t\\time 4/4
\t\\times 2/3 { c'16 d'16 e'16 } |
        actual = measure_to_lily(test_in1, True)
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
예제 #10
    def test_some_tuplets_1(self):
        # Complete measure starts with tuplets, filled with rests
        measure_contents = [
            note.Note('C4', quarterLength=0.25),
            note.Note('D4', quarterLength=0.25),
            note.Note('E4', quarterLength=0.25),
        measure_contents[0].duration.tuplets = (duration.Tuplet(3, 2, '16th'),)
        measure_contents[1].duration.tuplets = (duration.Tuplet(3, 2, '16th'),)
        measure_contents[2].duration.tuplets = (duration.Tuplet(3, 2, '16th'),)
        test_in1 = stream.Measure()
        test_in1.timeSignature = meter.TimeSignature('4/4')
        for thing in measure_contents:

        expect = u"\t\\time 4/4\n\t\\times 2/3 { c'16 d'16 e'16 } r8 r4 r2 |\n"
        actual = measure_to_lily(test_in1)
        self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
 def test_bwv77_bass_part_3(self):
     bass_part = converter.parse('test_corpus/bwv77.mxl').parts[3]
     # final measure
     actual = measure_to_lily(bass_part[-1], True)
     expect = u'\t\\partial 2.\n\tg8 e8 fis4 b,4 |\n\t\\bar "|."\n'
     self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
 def test_bwv77_bass_part_2(self):
     bass_part = converter.parse('test_corpus/bwv77.mxl').parts[3]
     # third measure
     actual = measure_to_lily(bass_part[4])
     expect = u'\tb4 a4 g4 fis4 |\n'
     self.assertEqual(actual, expect)
 def test_ave_maris_stella_3(self):
     ams = converter.parse('test_corpus/Jos2308.krn')
     # Measure 107, second-lowest part (tuplets)
     actual = measure_to_lily([2][115])
     expect = u"\t\\times 2/3 { e'1 c'1 d'1 } |\n"
     self.assertEqual(actual, expect)