예제 #1
파일: test_ops.py 프로젝트: zeneli/pandas
    def test_freq_setter(self, values, freq, tz):
        # GH 20678
        idx = DatetimeIndex(values, tz=tz)

        # can set to an offset, converting from string if necessary
        idx.freq = freq
        assert idx.freq == freq
        assert isinstance(idx.freq, ABCDateOffset)

        # can reset to None
        idx.freq = None
        assert idx.freq is None
예제 #2
파일: test_ops.py 프로젝트: BobMcFry/pandas
    def test_freq_setter(self, values, freq, tz):
        # GH 20678
        idx = DatetimeIndex(values, tz=tz)

        # can set to an offset, converting from string if necessary
        idx.freq = freq
        assert idx.freq == freq
        assert isinstance(idx.freq, ABCDateOffset)

        # can reset to None
        idx.freq = None
        assert idx.freq is None
예제 #3
    def test_freq_setter_errors(self):
        # GH 20678
        idx = DatetimeIndex(['20180101', '20180103', '20180105'])

        # setting with an incompatible freq
        msg = ('Inferred frequency 2D from passed values does not conform to '
               'passed frequency 5D')
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            idx.freq = '5D'

        # setting with non-freq string
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Invalid frequency'):
            idx.freq = 'foo'
예제 #4
    def test_freq_setter_errors(self):
        # GH 20678
        idx = DatetimeIndex(["20180101", "20180103", "20180105"])

        # setting with an incompatible freq
        msg = ("Inferred frequency 2D from passed values does not conform to "
               "passed frequency 5D")
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            idx.freq = "5D"

        # setting with non-freq string
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid frequency"):
            idx.freq = "foo"
예제 #5
파일: test_ops.py 프로젝트: BobMcFry/pandas
    def test_freq_setter_errors(self):
        # GH 20678
        idx = DatetimeIndex(['20180101', '20180103', '20180105'])

        # setting with an incompatible freq
        msg = ('Inferred frequency 2D from passed values does not conform to '
               'passed frequency 5D')
        with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg):
            idx.freq = '5D'

        # setting with non-freq string
        with tm.assert_raises_regex(ValueError, 'Invalid frequency'):
            idx.freq = 'foo'
예제 #6
    def parse_input(  # pylint: disable=R0201
            self, **pars: Dict[str,
                               FloatOrDistVar]) -> Dict[str, FloatOrDistVar]:
        """Parses parameters before fitting. This should include, e.g., type conversions

        By default, checks dates and adds frequency.
        dates = pars["dates"]
        if not isinstance(dates, DatetimeIndex):
            dates = DatetimeIndex(dates)

        if not dates.freq:
            dates.freq = infer_freq(dates)
            pars["dates"] = dates

        pars["days_per_step"] = pars["dates"].freq / timedelta(days=1)

        return pars