예제 #1
def test_WCS_methods():
    ''' Test the Pixel object and associated WCS methods '''
    print('\nWorking on test_WCS_methods() ...')
    # test basic creation of Pixel
    # -----------------------------------------

    # Need to create HDUs to populate the ImageDataSet
    T       = loader.TESSImageLoader()
    HDUs    = T._load_test_images()
    # Need to extract data from HDUs to form inputs to Pixel further down ...
    HDU_wcs_headers, HDU_data, HDU_unc, HDU_midtimes = T._parse_HDUs_for_ImageDataSet(HDUs)

    # Test creation of Pixel object
    P = Pixel()
    assert isinstance(P , Pixel ), \
        'IDS did not get created as expected'

    # test WCS method(s)
    # -----------------------------------------

    # test that the wcs conversion 'round-trips'
    start_pixels    = [ [1, 10, 100, 1000], [1, 10, 100, 1000] ]
    ra,dec          = np.array(WCS(HDU_wcs_headers[0]).all_pix2world(start_pixels[0], start_pixels[1], 1))
    end_pixels      = np.array(WCS(HDU_wcs_headers[0]).all_world2pix(ra, dec, 1))
    assert np.allclose(start_pixels, end_pixels), \
        'end-pixels [%r]not close enough to start pixels [%]' % (end_pixels, start_pixels)

    # test that the wcs conversion gets same result as nominal recorded in header
        part of header will look qualitatively like ...
        CRVAL1  =  37.6041907846446150 / RA at CRPIX1, CRPIX2
        CRVAL2  = -10.8342085542547150 / DEC at CRPIX1, CRPIX2
        CRPIX1  =               1045.0 / X reference pixel
        CRPIX2  =               1001.0 / Y reference pixel
    header = HDU_wcs_headers[0]
    start_pixels = [ header['CRPIX1'], header['CRPIX2'] ]
    ra,dec          = np.array(WCS(header).all_pix2world(start_pixels[0], start_pixels[1], 1))
    expectedRADEC = [ header['CRVAL1'], header['CRVAL2'] ]
    assert np.allclose( [ra,dec], expectedRADEC), \
        'end-pixels [%r]not close enough to start pixels [%r]' % (end_pixels, start_pixels)

    # use wcs to get RADEC of each pixel
    sky_coord = P.get_per_pixel_RADEC(HDU_wcs_headers[0], HDU_data[0])
    ra  = sky_coord.ra.degree
    dec = sky_coord.dec.degree
    assert shape.ra = shape.dec == (header['NAXIS2'], header['NAXIS1']), \
        'retruned arrays have an unexpected shape: shape.ra = %r ,  shape.dec = %r' % (shape.ra ,shape.dec)
    # sector4 was in the south and these test images are of camera=1, chip=1 which should be near the ecliptic
    assert np.max(dec) < 0, \
        'expected this sector4 image to be in the south ... np.max(dec)=%r' % np.max(dec)

    print(' \t Passed tests currently implemented in *test_WCS_methods()* ')