예제 #1
 def curve_draw(self, p0, p1, pt_list, line_width=3):
     # pt_list.remove(pt_list[0])
     # pt_list.remove(pt_list[-1])
     xList = []
     yList = []
     param = len(pt_list)
     pdt = p0 - p1
     p = Pixel(0, 0)
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
     for i in range(param):
         temp_pt = Pixel(pt_list[i][0], pt_list[i][1])
         p.x = p0.x + pdt.x * temp_pt.x
         p.y = temp_pt.y
         # if i < param + 1:
         #     draw.line((p0.x,p0.y,p.x,p.y), fill=(255,0,0), width=line_width)
         #     self.curve_pixs.append(Pixel(int(p.x + 0.5), int(p.y + 0.5)))
         #     p0.x, p0.y = p.x, p.y
         # else:
         #     draw.line((p.x,p.y,p1.x,p1.y), fill=(255,0,0), width=line_width)
         #     self.curve_pixs.append(Pixel(int(p.x + 0.5), int(p.y + 0.5)))
     m = 100000  # of steps
     for p in range(m):
         x = (self.image.size[0] - 1) * p / (m - 1)
         y = 0.0
         for j in range(param):
             Lx = 1.0
             for k in range(param):
                 if k != j:
                     Lx = Lx * (x - xList[k]) / (xList[j] - xList[k])
             y = y + yList[j] * Lx
         if y >= 0 and y <= self.image.size[1] - 1:
             self.image.putpixel((int(x), int(y)), (255, 255, 255))
     # show the points used
     cr = 3  # circle radius
     for i in range(param):
         cx = int(xList[i])
         cy = int(yList[i])
         draw.ellipse((cx - cr, cy - cr, cx + cr, cy + cr))
     self.image.save('Polynomial_Interpolation.png', 'PNG')
     return list(zip(xList, yList))