def test_attachment_tile(self): """This persistent tile renders a link pointing to a file stored in the tile data itself. """ annotations = IAnnotations( annotations[''] = PersistentDict({ 'files': [ NamedFile(u'Hello World!', 'text/plain', u'hello_world.txt'), NamedFile(u'Foobar!', 'text/plain', u'foobar.txt') ] }) transaction.commit() + '/') self.assertIn(u'hello_world.txt', self.browser.contents) self.assertIn(u'foobar.txt', self.browser.contents) root = fromstring(self.browser.contents) nodes = root.xpath('//body//a') self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 2) self.browser.getLink(index=1).click() self.assertEqual(self.browser.contents, u'Foobar!')
def createFile(self, path, title=None): obj = self._createObject('File', path, title=title) named_file = NamedFile() = pdf_data named_file.filename = u'test.pdf' named_file.contentType = u'application/pdf' obj.file = named_file obj.reindexObject()
def test_validate_image(self): result = validate_image(None) self.assertEqual(None, result) image = NamedFile('dummy test data', filename=u'test.txt') self.assertRaises(Invalid, validate_image, image) image_path = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'test.png') image = open(image_path) image_data = image.close() image = NamedImage(image_data, filename=u'test.png') self.assertEqual(None, result)
def test_xml_binary(self): from plone.namedfile import NamedFile img_data = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sample.jpg'), 'rb').read() named_file = NamedFile() = img_data named_file.filename = u'test.jpg' named_file.contentType = 'image/jpg' self.doc.xml_set('xml_binary', named_file) named_file2 = self.doc.xml_get('xml_binary') self.assertEqual(, img_data) self.assertEqual(named_file2.filename, u'test.jpg') self.assertEqual(named_file2.contentType, 'image/jpg')
def get_attachment_as_namedfile(self, pos): """Return a namedfile extracted from the attachment in position `pos`. """ # get attachment at position pos attachment = None for i, part in enumerate(self.context.msg.walk()): if i == pos: attachment = part continue if not attachment: return None # decode when it's necessary filename = get_filename(attachment) if not isinstance(filename, unicode): filename = filename.decode('utf-8') # remove line breaks from the filename filename = re.sub('\s{1,}', ' ', filename) return NamedFile(data=attachment.get_payload(decode=1), contentType=attachment.get_content_type(), filename=filename)
def _delete_attachments(self, attachments): if not attachments: return attachment_names = [ attachment.get('filename', '[no filename]').decode('utf-8') for attachment in attachments] positions = [attachment['position'] for attachment in attachments] # Flag the `message` attribute as having changed desc = Attributes(IAttachmentsDeletedEvent, "message") notify(AttachmentsDeleted(self, attachment_names, desc)) # set the new message file msg = remove_attachments(self.msg, positions) self.message = NamedFile( data=msg.as_string(), contentType=self.message.contentType, filename=self.message.filename)
def test_should_provide_inline_diff_for_file_list_field(self): self.portal.invokeFactory( testing.TEST_CONTENT_TYPE_ID, 'obj1', files=None, ) obj1 = self.portal['obj1'] self.portal.invokeFactory( testing.TEST_CONTENT_TYPE_ID, 'obj2', files=[NamedFile(data='data', filename=u'a.txt')], ) obj2 = self.portal['obj2'] diffs = DexterityCompoundDiff(obj1, obj2, 'any') for d in diffs: if d.field == 'files': inline_diff = d.inline_diff() self.assertTrue(inline_diff) self.assertTrue(obj2.files[0].filename in inline_diff)
def __init__(self, files): """`files` is a sequence of (data, filename) tuples.""" self.files = files and [ NamedFile(data=d, filename=fn) for (d, fn) in files ]
def _parseField(self, value, filename=None): return [ '' if (value is None) else named_file_as_str( NamedFile(data=value, filename=filename)) ]
class ISolution(BaseModel): """Base Solution schema fields """ solution_name = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Solution Name"), description=_(u"Solution Name"), required=True, ) batch_number = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Batch Number"), description=_(u"Batch Number"), required=True, ) make_date = schema.Date( title=_(u"Date Made"), description=_(u"Date Made"), required=True, ) expiration_date = schema.Date( title=_(u"Expiration Date"), description=_(u"Expiration Date"), required=True, ) initial_amount = Amount( title=_(u"Initial amount made"), description=_(u"Enter a decimal number"), required=True, ) remaining_amount = Amount( title=_(u"Amount remaining"), description=_(u"You should not need to edit this value"), ) unit = schema.TextLine( title=_(u"Unit"), description=_("Enter the unit in which the amounts are measured"), required=True, ) made_by = schema.Choice( title=_(u"Made By"), description=_(u"The operator created the material lot"), source=UserVocabulary, required=True) materials_used = schema.Dict(title=_(u"Materials Used"), key_type=schema.Choice( title=_(u"Material"), source=MaterialsVocabulary, required=False), value_type=Amount(title=u"Amount Used", required=False), required=False) solutions_used = schema.Dict( title=_(u"Solution(s) Used"), key_type=schema.Choice(title=_(u"Solution"), source=SolutionBatchesForTestRunsVocabulary, required=False), value_type=Amount(title=u"Amount Used", required=False), required=False) viability = schema.Int( title=_(u"Solution Viability"), description=_(u"Viability of solution in hours. " u"Leave blank if solution does not expire."), required=False, ) completed_solution_prep_form = NamedFile( title=_(u"Completed Solution Preperation Form"), required=False, )
def setUpApiTests(doctest): """ set up some test data for api doctests as test user """ layer = doctest.globs['layer'] # layer: app, portal, request, # configurationContext, host, port, zodbDB portal = layer['portal'] # create a fake sdm experiment sdm = portal.experiments.invokeFactory('org.bccvl.content.sdmexperiment', id='sdm', title=u'Test SDM') sdm = portal.experiments[sdm] result = sdm.invokeFactory('Folder', id='sdmresult') result = sdm[result] result.job_params = { 'function': 'bioclim', } sdmds = result.invokeFactory('org.bccvl.content.dataset', id='sdmrds', title=u'Result Test SDM RData', file=NamedFile(filename=u'Result_file.Rdata')) sdmds = result[sdmds] md = IBCCVLMetadata(sdmds) md.update({ 'genre': 'DataGenreCP', 'species': { 'scientificName': u'Result species', } }) sdmds.reindexObject() # create a fake projection experiment proj = portal.experiments.invokeFactory('org.bccvl.content.projectionexperiment', id='proj', title=u'Test Projection') proj = portal.experiments[proj] # create a result folder result = proj.invokeFactory('Folder', id='projresult') result = proj[result] result.job_params = { 'species_distribution_models': [IUUID(sdmds)], } # create a result dataset rds = result.invokeFactory('org.bccvl.content.dataset', id='rds', title=u'Result Test', file=NamedFile(filename=u'Result_file.tiff')) rds = result[rds] # set metadata on rds md = IBCCVLMetadata(rds) md.update({ 'genre': 'DataGenreFP', 'temporal': u"start=2014;", 'gcm': 'cccma-cgcm31', 'emsc': 'RCP3PD', 'species': { 'scientificName': u'Result species', } }) # update index with data from graph rds.reindexObject() # we have to commit here because doctests run in a different # thread because they connect via test-broswer. transaction.commit()
def extract_attachments(self, positions, delete_action): dossier = self.find_parent_dossier() attachments_to_extract = filter( lambda att: att.get('position') in positions, get_attachments(self.context.msg)) # create documents from the selected attachments for att in attachments_to_extract: pos = att.get('position') filename = att.get('filename') # remove line breaks from the filename filename = re.sub('\s{1,}', ' ', filename) kwargs = { 'title': filename[:filename.rfind('.')].decode('utf-8'), 'file': self.get_attachment_as_namedfile(pos), 'keywords': (), 'digitally_available': True } doc = createContentInContainer(dossier, 'opengever.document.document', **kwargs) for schemata in iterSchemata(doc): for name, field in getFieldsInOrder(schemata): if name not in kwargs.keys(): default = queryMultiAdapter( ( doc, doc.REQUEST, # request None, # form field, None, # Widget ), IValue, name='default') if default is not None: default = default.get() if default is None: default = getattr(field, 'default', None) if default is None: try: default = field.missing_value except: pass field.set(field.interface(doc), default) # add a reference from the attachment to the mail intids = getUtility(IIntIds) iid = intids.getId(self.context) # prevent circular dependencies from opengever.document.behaviors import IRelatedDocuments IRelatedDocuments(doc).relatedItems = [RelationValue(iid)] msg = _(u'info_extracted_document', default=u'Created document ${title}', mapping={'title': doc.Title().decode('utf-8')}) IStatusMessage(self.request).addStatusMessage(msg, type='info') # reindex the new document to index also all the default values doc.reindexObject() # delete the attachments from the email message, if needed if delete_action in ('all', 'selected'): if delete_action == 'selected': pos_to_delete = positions else: # all pos_to_delete = [ int(att['position']) for att in get_attachments(self.context.msg) ] # set the new message file msg = remove_attachments(self.context.msg, pos_to_delete) self.context.message = NamedFile( data=msg.as_string(), contentType=self.context.message.contentType, filename=self.context.message.filename)