def sectorwise(self, column=None, sectors=12, plot='matplotlib', **kwargs): '''Bin and plot the data sectorwise Parameters: ___________ column: tuple, default None Column to perform sectorwise analysis on sectors: int, default 12 Number of sectors to bin plot: string, default 'matplotlib' Choose whether or not to plot your data, and what method. Currently only supporting matplotlib, but hoping to add Bokeh as that library evolves. Returns: ________ DataFrame with sectorwise distribution ''' cuts = 360 / sectors bins = [0, cuts / 2] bins.extend(np.arange(cuts * 1.5, 360 - cuts, cuts)) bins.extend([360 - cuts / 2, 360]) zeroed = lambda x: 0 if x == 360 else x[column] =[column].apply(zeroed) cats = pd.cut([column], bins, right=False) array = pd.value_counts(cats).reindex(cats.levels).fillna(0) wind_rose = pd.Series({ '[{0}, {1})'.format(360 - cuts / 2, 0 + cuts / 2): array.ix[-1] + array.ix[0] }) array = array.drop([array.index[0], array.index[-1]], axis=0) wind_rose = wind_rose.append(array) new_index = { x: y for x, y in zip(wind_rose.index, np.arange(0, 360, cuts)) } wind_rose = wind_rose.rename(new_index) freq_frame = pd.DataFrame( { 'Counts': wind_rose, 'Frequencies': wind_rose / wind_rose.sum() }, index=wind_rose.index) if plot == 'matplotlib': plottools.wind_rose(freq_frame['Frequencies'].values, sectors=sectors, **kwargs) return freq_frame
def sectorwise(self, column=None, sectors=12, plot='matplotlib', **kwargs): '''Bin and plot the data sectorwise Parameters: ___________ column: tuple, default None Column to perform sectorwise analysis on sectors: int, default 12 Number of sectors to bin plot: string, default 'matplotlib' Choose whether or not to plot your data, and what method. Currently only supporting matplotlib, but hoping to add Bokeh as that library evolves. Returns: ________ DataFrame with sectorwise distribution ''' cuts = 360/sectors bins = [0, cuts/2] bins.extend(np.arange(cuts*1.5, 360-cuts, cuts)) bins.extend([360-cuts/2, 360]) zeroed = lambda x: 0 if x == 360 else x[column] =[column].apply(zeroed) cats = pd.cut([column], bins, right=False) array = pd.value_counts(cats).reindex(cats.levels).fillna(0) wind_rose = pd.Series({'[{0}, {1})'.format(360-cuts/2, 0+cuts/2): array.ix[-1] + array.ix[0]}) array = array.drop([array.index[0], array.index[-1]], axis=0) wind_rose = wind_rose.append(array) new_index = {x: y for x, y in zip(wind_rose.index, np.arange(0, 360, cuts))} wind_rose = wind_rose.rename(new_index) freq_frame = pd.DataFrame({'Counts': wind_rose, 'Frequencies': wind_rose/wind_rose.sum()}, index=wind_rose.index) if plot == 'matplotlib': plottools.wind_rose(freq_frame['Frequencies'].values, sectors=sectors, **kwargs) return freq_frame
def binned(self, column=None, bins=None, stat='mean', name=None, plot=None): '''Bin all data based on a single column. Parameters: ___________ column: tuple, default None Column on which to bin data bins: array, default None List or np.array with bins stat: string, default 'mean' Statistic you want to perform on binned data (mean, max, etc) name: string, default None Attribute name for binned data. Will create a new MetMast attribute with binned data. plot: tuple, default None If you are binning by wind direction, plot=column_name will pass the data to plottools.wind_rose Returns: ________ self.data_binned_name, DataFrame with data summed by bins/stat Examples: _________ >>> mast.binned(column=('WS Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 41, 1)) >>> mast.data_binned >>> mast.binned(column=('WD Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 375, 15), stat='max', name='WD1_Max', plot=('WS Mean 1', 56)) >>> mast.data_binned_WD1_Max ''' print('Mapping bins to data...') def map_bin(x, bins): kwargs = {} if x == max(bins): kwargs['right'] = True bin = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0]] bin_lower = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0] - 1] return '[{0}-{1}]'.format(bin_lower, bin) step = bins[1] - bins[0] new_index = ['[{0}-{1}]'.format(x, x + step) for x in bins] new_index.pop(-1) temp_df = temp_df['Binned'] = temp_df[column].apply(map_bin, bins=bins) grouped = temp_df.groupby('Binned') grouped_stat = getattr(grouped, stat)() grouped_stat = grouped_stat.reindex(new_index) if name is not None: attr_name = 'data_binned_{0}'.format(name) else: attr_name = 'data_binned' setattr(self, attr_name, grouped_stat) if plot: sect = len(new_index) plottools.wind_rose(grouped_stat[plot].tolist(), sectors=sect)
def binned(self, column=None, bins=None, stat='mean', name=None, plot=None): '''Bin all data based on a single column. Parameters: ___________ column: tuple, default None Column on which to bin data bins: array, default None List or np.array with bins stat: string, default 'mean' Statistic you want to perform on binned data (mean, max, etc) name: string, default None Attribute name for binned data. Will create a new MetMast attribute with binned data. plot: tuple, default None If you are binning by wind direction, plot=column_name will pass the data to plottools.wind_rose Returns: ________ self.data_binned_name, DataFrame with data summed by bins/stat Examples: _________ >>> mast.binned(column=('WS Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 41, 1)) >>> mast.data_binned >>> mast.binned(column=('WD Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 375, 15), stat='max', name='WD1_Max', plot=('WS Mean 1', 56)) >>> mast.data_binned_WD1_Max ''' print('Mapping bins to data...') def map_bin(x, bins): kwargs = {} if x == max(bins): kwargs['right'] = True bin = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0]] bin_lower = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0]-1] return '[{0}-{1}]'.format(bin_lower, bin) step = bins[1]-bins[0] new_index = ['[{0}-{1}]'.format(x, x+step) for x in bins] new_index.pop(-1) temp_df = temp_df['Binned'] = temp_df[column].apply(map_bin, bins=bins) grouped = temp_df.groupby('Binned') grouped_stat = getattr(grouped, stat)() grouped_stat = grouped_stat.reindex(new_index) if name is not None: attr_name = 'data_binned_{0}'.format(name) else: attr_name = 'data_binned' setattr(self, attr_name, grouped_stat) if plot: sect = len(new_index) plottools.wind_rose(grouped_stat[plot].tolist(), sectors=sect)