Пример #1
    def sectorwise(self, column=None, sectors=12, plot='matplotlib', **kwargs):
        '''Bin and plot the data sectorwise
        column: tuple, default None
            Column to perform sectorwise analysis on
        sectors: int, default 12
            Number of sectors to bin
        plot: string, default 'matplotlib'
            Choose whether or not to plot your data, and what method.
            Currently only supporting matplotlib, but hoping to add
            Bokeh as that library evolves.

        DataFrame with sectorwise distribution
        cuts = 360 / sectors
        bins = [0, cuts / 2]
        bins.extend(np.arange(cuts * 1.5, 360 - cuts, cuts))
        bins.extend([360 - cuts / 2, 360])
        zeroed = lambda x: 0 if x == 360 else x
        self.data[column] = self.data[column].apply(zeroed)
        cats = pd.cut(self.data[column], bins, right=False)
        array = pd.value_counts(cats).reindex(cats.levels).fillna(0)
        wind_rose = pd.Series({
            '[{0}, {1})'.format(360 - cuts / 2, 0 + cuts / 2):
            array.ix[-1] + array.ix[0]
        array = array.drop([array.index[0], array.index[-1]], axis=0)
        wind_rose = wind_rose.append(array)
        new_index = {
            x: y
            for x, y in zip(wind_rose.index, np.arange(0, 360, cuts))
        wind_rose = wind_rose.rename(new_index)
        freq_frame = pd.DataFrame(
                'Counts': wind_rose,
                'Frequencies': wind_rose / wind_rose.sum()

        if plot == 'matplotlib':
        return freq_frame
Пример #2
    def sectorwise(self, column=None, sectors=12, plot='matplotlib', **kwargs):
        '''Bin and plot the data sectorwise
        column: tuple, default None
            Column to perform sectorwise analysis on
        sectors: int, default 12
            Number of sectors to bin
        plot: string, default 'matplotlib'
            Choose whether or not to plot your data, and what method.
            Currently only supporting matplotlib, but hoping to add
            Bokeh as that library evolves.

        DataFrame with sectorwise distribution
        cuts = 360/sectors
        bins = [0, cuts/2]
        bins.extend(np.arange(cuts*1.5, 360-cuts, cuts))
        bins.extend([360-cuts/2, 360])
        zeroed = lambda x: 0 if x == 360 else x
        self.data[column] = self.data[column].apply(zeroed)
        cats = pd.cut(self.data[column], bins, right=False)
        array = pd.value_counts(cats).reindex(cats.levels).fillna(0)
        wind_rose = pd.Series({'[{0}, {1})'.format(360-cuts/2, 0+cuts/2):
                               array.ix[-1] + array.ix[0]})
        array = array.drop([array.index[0], array.index[-1]], axis=0)
        wind_rose = wind_rose.append(array)
        new_index = {x: y for x, y in zip(wind_rose.index,
                                          np.arange(0, 360, cuts))}
        wind_rose = wind_rose.rename(new_index)
        freq_frame = pd.DataFrame({'Counts': wind_rose,
                                   'Frequencies': wind_rose/wind_rose.sum()},

        if plot == 'matplotlib':
                                sectors=sectors, **kwargs)
        return freq_frame
Пример #3
    def binned(self,
        '''Bin all data based on a single column. 
        column: tuple, default None
            Column on which to bin data
        bins: array, default None
            List or np.array with bins
        stat: string, default 'mean'
            Statistic you want to perform on binned data (mean, max, etc)
        name: string, default None
            Attribute name for binned data. Will create a new MetMast 
            attribute with binned data. 
        plot: tuple, default None
            If you are binning by wind direction, plot=column_name will pass the 
            data to plottools.wind_rose
        self.data_binned_name, DataFrame with data summed by bins/stat
        >>> mast.binned(column=('WS Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 41, 1))
        >>> mast.data_binned

        >>> mast.binned(column=('WD Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 375, 15), 
                        stat='max', name='WD1_Max', plot=('WS Mean 1', 56))
        >>> mast.data_binned_WD1_Max
        print('Mapping bins to data...')

        def map_bin(x, bins):
            kwargs = {}
            if x == max(bins):
                kwargs['right'] = True
            bin = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0]]
            bin_lower = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0] - 1]
            return '[{0}-{1}]'.format(bin_lower, bin)

        step = bins[1] - bins[0]
        new_index = ['[{0}-{1}]'.format(x, x + step) for x in bins]

        temp_df = self.data.dropna()
        temp_df['Binned'] = temp_df[column].apply(map_bin, bins=bins)
        grouped = temp_df.groupby('Binned')
        grouped_stat = getattr(grouped, stat)()
        grouped_stat = grouped_stat.reindex(new_index)
        if name is not None:
            attr_name = 'data_binned_{0}'.format(name)
            attr_name = 'data_binned'
        setattr(self, attr_name, grouped_stat)

        if plot:
            sect = len(new_index)
            plottools.wind_rose(grouped_stat[plot].tolist(), sectors=sect)
Пример #4
    def binned(self, column=None, bins=None, stat='mean', name=None, 
        '''Bin all data based on a single column. 
        column: tuple, default None
            Column on which to bin data
        bins: array, default None
            List or np.array with bins
        stat: string, default 'mean'
            Statistic you want to perform on binned data (mean, max, etc)
        name: string, default None
            Attribute name for binned data. Will create a new MetMast 
            attribute with binned data. 
        plot: tuple, default None
            If you are binning by wind direction, plot=column_name will pass the 
            data to plottools.wind_rose
        self.data_binned_name, DataFrame with data summed by bins/stat
        >>> mast.binned(column=('WS Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 41, 1))
        >>> mast.data_binned

        >>> mast.binned(column=('WD Mean 1', 56), bins=np.arange(0, 375, 15), 
                        stat='max', name='WD1_Max', plot=('WS Mean 1', 56))
        >>> mast.data_binned_WD1_Max
        print('Mapping bins to data...')
        def map_bin(x, bins):
            kwargs = {}
            if x == max(bins):
                kwargs['right'] = True
            bin = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0]]
            bin_lower = bins[np.digitize([x], bins, **kwargs)[0]-1]
            return '[{0}-{1}]'.format(bin_lower, bin)
        step = bins[1]-bins[0]
        new_index = ['[{0}-{1}]'.format(x, x+step) for x in bins]
        temp_df = self.data.dropna()
        temp_df['Binned'] = temp_df[column].apply(map_bin, bins=bins)
        grouped = temp_df.groupby('Binned')
        grouped_stat = getattr(grouped, stat)()
        grouped_stat = grouped_stat.reindex(new_index)
        if name is not None: 
            attr_name = 'data_binned_{0}'.format(name)
            attr_name = 'data_binned'
        setattr(self, attr_name, grouped_stat)
        if plot: 
            sect = len(new_index)
            plottools.wind_rose(grouped_stat[plot].tolist(), sectors=sect)