def test_deploy_paramiko(self): rem = ParamikoMachine("localhost", missing_host_policy=paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) with DeployedServer(rem) as dep: conn = dep.classic_connect() print(conn.modules.sys) func = conn.modules.os.getcwd print(func()) try: func() except EOFError: pass else:"expected an EOFError") rem.close()
def measure(self): t0=pc() frecuencia_min = np.log10(['f_inicial']['value']) frecuencia_max= np.log10(['f_final']['value']) puntos_decada=['n_puntos']['value'] ampl['vosc']['value'] decimation=1*puntos_decada*[8192]+2*puntos_decada*[1024]+1*puntos_decada*[64]+2*puntos_decada*[1] numero_valores=int((frecuencia_max-frecuencia_min)*puntos_decada) if (['tipo_barrido']['value']==0): = np.linspace(['f_inicial']['value'],['f_final']['value'],['n_puntos']['value']) elif(['tipo_barrido']['value']==1): = np.logspace(np.log10(['f_inicial']['value']), np.log10(['f_final']['value']), numero_valores,base=10) # valores no configurables desde el front-end wave_form = 'sine' Rs=1000 fm=125000000 numero_pulsos=10 ciclos=5 R_shunt_k =['shunt']['value'] #elijo 1000['postprocesamiento']['value'] # print(R_shunt_k) # # borra cuando quite la SOURCE 2 # amplreference=np.linspace(10,1,numero_valores) # ampl2=1/amplreference # phases=np.linspace(180,0,numero_valores) shunt=[10.0,100.0,1000.0,10000.0,100000.0,1300000.0] #configuro via i2c la resistencia de shunt # veamos = SshMachine(, user = "******") veamos = ParamikoMachine(, user = "******", password="******") veamos.env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]="/opt/redpitaya/lib" veamos.cwd.chdir("/opt/redpitaya/bin") comando="./i2c_shunt " + str(R_shunt_k) # print (comando) r_back = veamos[comando] # sizeh1=str('-sizeh1={0}'.format(individual[0])) # sizeh2=str('-sizeh2={0}'.format(individual[1])) # epochs=str('-epochs={0}'.format(epochs)) # decay=str('-decay={0}'.format(decay_value)) # step=str('-step={0}'.format(learning_step)) # minibatch=str('-batchsize={0}'.format(batchsize)) # idea=str(r_back[epochs, sizeh1,sizeh2, minibatch,decay,step]()) # for line in idea.split("\n"): # if "error_val" in line: # #print (line.strip()) # error_rate_float=[float(s) for s in re.findall('\d+\.\d+',line)] # error_rate=error_rate_float[0] veamos.close() self.dv.append_plus("Midiendo Z=R+iX") iteracion=1 configuracion=0 adquisicion=0 postprocesamiento=0 espera_trigger=0 Z=np.zeros(numero_valores) PHASE=np.zeros(numero_valores) for freq in ( t1=pc() self.tx_txt('GEN:RST') self.tx_txt('ACQ:RST') self.tx_txt('ACQ:DATA:UNITS VOLTS') self.tx_txt('SOUR1:BURS:STAT BURST') # % Set burst mode to ON self.tx_txt('SOUR1:BURS:NCYC 10') # Set 10 pulses of sine wave self.tx_txt('SOUR1:FUNC ' + str(wave_form).upper()) self.tx_txt('SOUR1:VOLT ' + str(ampl)) self.tx_txt('SOUR1:FREQ:FIX ' + str(freq)) #rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:TRIG:SOUR INT') #rp_s.tx_txt('SOUR1:TRIG:IMM') # esto habrá que borrarlo !! # self.tx_txt('SOUR2:FUNC ' + str(wave_form).upper()) # self.tx_txt('SOUR2:VOLT ' + str(ampl2[iteracion-1])) # self.tx_txt('SOUR2:FREQ:FIX ' + str(freq)) # self.tx_txt('SOUR2:BURS:STAT BURST') # % Set burst mode to ON # self.tx_txt('SOUR2:BURS:NCYC 10') # Set 10 pulses of sine wave # self.tx_txt('SOUR2:PHAS ' + str(phases[iteracion-1])) # hay que borrarlo self.tx_txt('ACQ:DEC ' + str(decimation[iteracion-1])) self.tx_txt('ACQ:START') self.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG CH1_PE') self.tx_txt('OUTPUT:STATE ON') #cuidado con cambiar esto t2=pc() # ESPERAMOS EL TRIGGER # sleep(1) while freq<100: self.tx_txt('ACQ:TRIG:STAT?') if self.rx_txt() == 'TD': break t2t=pc() # self.dv.append_plus('iteracion:'+ str(iteracion)) # self.dv.append_plus('frecuencia:'+ str(freq)) print (iteracion) print(freq) sleep(0.2) self.tx_txt('ACQ:TPOS?') veamos= self.rx_txt() posicion_trigger=int(veamos) # self.dv.append_plus("posicion trigger:" + str(posicion_trigger)) print('posicion trigger:',veamos) length=fm*(ciclos)/(freq*decimation[iteracion-1]) # print('decimation:',decimation[iteracion-1]) # LEEMOS Y REPRESENTAMOS 1 self.tx_txt('ACQ:SOUR1:DATA:STA:N? ' + str(posicion_trigger)+','+ str(length)) t3=pc() buff_string = self.rx_txt() buff_string = buff_string.strip('{}\n\r').replace(" ", "").split(',') buff = list(map(float, buff_string)) t4=pc() my_array = np.asarray(buff) # super_buffer.append(buff) # super_buffer_flat=sum(super_buffer, []) t5=pc() # LEEMOS Y REPRESENTAMOS2 self.tx_txt('ACQ:SOUR2:DATA:STA:N? ' + str(posicion_trigger)+','+ str(length)) t6=pc() buff_string = self.rx_txt() buff_string = buff_string.strip('{}\n\r').replace(" ", "").split(',') buff = list(map(float, buff_string)) t7=pc() my_array2 = np.asarray(buff) dif=my_array-my_array2 #super_buffer2.append(buff) #super_buffer_flat2=sum(super_buffer2, []) if postprocesamiento==0: yf = fft(my_array) yf2 = fft(my_array2) yf3=fft(dif) indice1=np.argmax(np.abs(yf)) indice2=np.argmax(np.abs(yf2)) indice3=np.argmax(np.abs(yf3)) # Zq=np.max(np.abs(yf)) # Zr=np.max(np.abs(yf2)) # Z[iteracion-1]=np.max(np.abs(yf))/np.max(np.abs(yf2)) # primera opcion #yf_dif=(yf2-yf) # indice3=np.argmax(np.abs(yf_dif)) ## Z[iteracion-1]=np.max(np.abs(yf_dif))*1000/np.max(np.abs(yf2)) # segunda opcion Z[iteracion-1]=np.max(np.abs(yf3))*shunt[R_shunt_k]/np.max(np.abs(yf2)) #tercera opcion PHASE[iteracion-1]=((np.angle(yf2[indice2]/yf[indice1])))*180/np.pi else : # metodo alternativo T=(1/125e6)*decimation[iteracion-1]; # Sampling time [seconds] # time increment w_out=freq*2*np.pi U_dut=dif I_dut=my_array2/shunt[R_shunt_k] N=int(length) U_dut_sampled_X=np.zeros(N) U_dut_sampled_Y=np.zeros(N) I_dut_sampled_X=np.zeros(N) I_dut_sampled_Y=np.zeros(N) dT=np.zeros(N) # Accurie signals U_in_1 and U_in_2 from RedPitaya for N-sampels time and Calculate for Lock in and save in vectors for sampels for t in range(N): U_dut_sampled_X[t]=U_dut[t]*np.sin(t*T*w_out) U_dut_sampled_Y[t]=U_dut[t]*np.sin(t*T*w_out-np.pi/2) I_dut_sampled_X[t]=I_dut[t]*np.sin(t*T*w_out) I_dut_sampled_Y[t]=I_dut[t]*np.sin(t*T*w_out-np.pi/2) dT[t]=t*T # Calculate two components of lock-in for both mesured voltage signals X_component_lock_in_1=np.trapz(U_dut_sampled_X,x=dT) Y_component_lock_in_1=np.trapz(U_dut_sampled_Y,dT) X_component_lock_in_2=np.trapz(I_dut_sampled_X,dT) Y_component_lock_in_2=np.trapz(I_dut_sampled_Y,dT) U_dut_amp=(np.sqrt((X_component_lock_in_1)**2+(Y_component_lock_in_1)**2))*2 Phase_U_dut=np.arctan2(Y_component_lock_in_1,X_component_lock_in_1) # Calculate amplitude and angle of I_dut I_dut_amp=(np.sqrt((X_component_lock_in_2)**2+(Y_component_lock_in_2)**2))*2 Phase_I_dut=np.arctan2(Y_component_lock_in_2,X_component_lock_in_2) # Calculate amplitude of current trough impedance and amplitude of impedance Z_amp=(U_dut_amp/I_dut_amp); # Amplitude of impedance Z[iteracion-1]=Z_amp Phase_Z_rad=(Phase_U_dut-Phase_I_dut) Phase_check=(Phase_U_dut-Phase_I_dut)*(180/np.pi) if (Phase_check<=-180): Phase_Z=(Phase_U_dut-Phase_I_dut)*(180/np.pi)+360 else: if (Phase_check>=180): Phase_Z=(Phase_U_dut-Phase_I_dut)*(180/np.pi)-360 else: Phase_Z=Phase_check PHASE[iteracion-1]=Phase_Z t8=pc() # N2=my_array2.shape[0] # T=1/fm # idea=N//2 # xf2 = fftfreq(N2, T)[:N2//2] # plot2=plt.figure(2*(iteracion-1)+2) # plt.plot(xf2, 2.0/N * np.abs(yf2[0:N2//2])) # plt.plot(xf2, p[0:N2//2]) # plt.xlabel('Frecuencia') # plt.grid() iteracion=iteracion+1 self.tx_txt('OUTPUT:STATE OFF') self.tx_txt('ACQ:STOP') t9=pc() postprocesamiento=postprocesamiento+(t5-t4)+(t8-t7) configuracion=configuracion+(t2-t1)+(t9-t8)+(t6-t5)+(t3-t2t) adquisicion=adquisicion+(t4-t3)+(t7-t6) espera_trigger=espera_trigger+ (t2t-t2) # # Service Request instead of using pulling # event_type = visa.constants.EventType.service_request # # Mechanism by which we want to be notified # event_mech = visa.constants.EventMechanism.queue # self.inst.write('TRGS INT') # Internal Trigger Source # self.inst.write('ESNB 1') # Event_Status_Register[0]=1 // Enables Sweep Completion bit # self.inst.write('*SRE 4') # Service Request Enable = 1 # self.inst.write('*CLS') # Clears Error queue # self.inst.write('MEAS IRIM') # Medida de R y X # self.inst.write('HIDI OFF') # Muestras la traza inactiva # self.inst.write('SING') # Iniciar un barrido único. # self.dv.append_plus("ACK Instrumento = %s" % self.inst.query('*OPC?')) # self.inst.enable_event(event_type, event_mech) # # #self.dv.append_plus(self.inst.query('*OPC?')) # # Wait for the event to occur # response = self.inst.wait_on_event(event_type, 10000) # # #if (response.event.event_type == event_type): # # response.timed_out = False # self.inst.disable_event(event_type, event_mech) # response.timed_out = False # Recover Measured Data # self.inst.write('TRAC A') # Selecciona traza A # self.inst.write('AUTO') # Autoescala # aux_R = np.fromstring(self.inst.query('OUTPDTRC?'), dtype=float, sep=',') # self.inst.write('TRAC B') # Selecciona traza A # self.inst.write('AUTO') # Autoescala # aux_X = np.fromstring(self.inst.query('OUTPDTRC?'), dtype=float, sep=',') t10=pc() = Z*np.cos(PHASE*np.pi/180) = Z*np.sin(PHASE*np.pi/180) # Compute Err, Eri, Er_mod, Er_fase_data # First create frequency array based on actual gui conditions # The freq array will not be changed until next data acquisition even if GUI changes complex_aux = +*1j = Z = PHASE admitance_aux = 1./complex_aux G_data = np.real(admitance_aux) Cp_data = np.imag(admitance_aux)/(2*np.pi* = Cp_data/ = G_data/(*(2*np.pi*; E_data = + -1**1j; = np.abs(E_data); = np.angle(E_data); t11=pc() # # Deactivate BIAS for security reasons # self.inst.write('DCO OFF') # self.inst.write('DCRNG M1') postprocesamiento=postprocesamiento+(t11-t10) print('espera_trigger:',espera_trigger) print('configuracion:',configuracion) print('adquisicion:',adquisicion) print('postprocesamiento:',postprocesamiento) total=t11-t0 print ('total:',total) absolute_val_array = np.abs( - 1000) smallest_difference_index = absolute_val_array.argmin() print ('R_data =',[smallest_difference_index]) print ('X_data=',[smallest_difference_index]) print ('resistencia shunt=', shunt[R_shunt_k]) # self.inst.wait_for_srq(['GPIB_timeout']) self.dv.append_plus("He finalizado de medir") self.dv.append_plus("tiempo transcurrido:" + str(total))
class SSHClient(ClosingContextManager): def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, private_key_path=None, passphrase_required=False, port=22): super().__init__() self._host = host self._username = username self._password = password self._private_key_path = private_key_path self._passphrase_required = passphrase_required self._port = port self._paramiko_machine = None @property def host(self): return self._host @property def sftp(self): return self._paramiko_machine.sftp def connect(self, reconnect=False, timeout=5): if self._paramiko_machine is not None: if not reconnect: return self.close() if self._paramiko_machine is None: self._paramiko_machine = ParamikoMachine( host=self._host, password=self._password, user=self._username, connect_timeout=timeout, keyfile=self._private_key_path, missing_host_policy=paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def close(self): if self._paramiko_machine is not None: self._paramiko_machine.close() self._paramiko_machine = None def upload(self, localpath, remotepath="."): self._paramiko_machine.upload(localpath, remotepath) def download(self, remote_path, local_path):, local_path) def ssh_exec(self, command, sudo=False, in_background=False, get_pty=False, expected_return_code=None, in_separate_shell=False): if in_background: command = "sh -c {}".format(shlex.quote(command + " &")) elif in_separate_shell: command = "sh -c {}".format(shlex.quote(command)) if sudo: command = "sudo " + command command = _preflight_command + " ; " + command with self._paramiko_machine.session(get_pty or sudo) as session: _, stdout, stderr =, retcode=expected_return_code) return (stdout + " " + stderr).strip() def sudo_exec(self, command, *args, **kwargs): self.ssh_exec(command, *args, sudo=True, **kwargs) def check_output(self, command, expected_output, *args, **kwargs): matched_message = "Matched" execute_and_check_command = "if {} | grep -q {} ; then echo '{}'; fi".format( command, shlex.quote(expected_output), matched_message) return matched_message in self.ssh_exec(execute_and_check_command, *args, **kwargs) def path_exists(self, path): found_msg = "Path exists." check = "if [ -e {} ]; then echo '{}'; fi".format(path, found_msg) return found_msg in self.ssh_exec(check) def ssh_copy_id(self, public_key_path): if not self.path_exists("~/.ssh"): self.ssh_exec("mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh") if not self.path_exists("~/.ssh/authorized_keys"): self.ssh_exec("touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" " && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys") public_key = pathlib.Path(public_key_path).read_text() copy_key_command = ( """ KEY={};""" """ if [ -z "$(grep "$KEY" ~/.ssh/authorized_keys )" ];""" """ then echo $KEY >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; fi""") self.ssh_exec(copy_key_command.format(shlex.quote(public_key))) def is_process_running(self, process_name): stdout = self.ssh_exec("pgrep -c " + process_name) return int(stdout) > 0 def is_java_running(self): return self.is_process_running("java") def check_file_contains_text(self, text_file, text_to_find): contains_message = "Contains" check_command = "if grep -q {} {} ; then echo '{}'; fi".format( shlex.quote(text_to_find), text_file, contains_message) return contains_message in self.ssh_exec(check_command) def has_ignite_started(self, log_file): if not self.is_java_running() or not self.path_exists(log_file): return False return self.check_file_contains_text(log_file, "Topology snapshot") def stop_process(self, process_name): if self.is_process_running(process_name): self.sudo_exec("killall -15 " + process_name) time.sleep(5) # Give process some time to finish. else: return False if self.is_process_running(process_name): self.sudo_exec("killall -9 " + process_name) return True def scp(self, remote_path, local_path="."): pkey_used = False # Purposefully do not try to circumvent passing passphrase to scp while using private key. if self._private_key_path is None or self._passphrase_required: scp_command = "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {} {}".format( local_path, remote_path) if self._password is not None: scp_command = ("sshpass -p {} " + scp_command).format( shlex.quote(self._password)) else: pkey_used = True pkey_file = os.path.basename(self._private_key_path) self.upload(self._private_key_path) self.ssh_exec("chmod 600 " + pkey_file) scp_command = "scp -i {} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {} {}".format( pkey_file, remote_path, local_path) downloaded = False retries = 0 while not downloaded and retries < 5: self.ssh_exec(scp_command) downloaded = self.path_exists(local_path) retries += 1 if pkey_used: self._paramiko_machine.sftp.remove(pkey_file) return downloaded def modify_file(self, path, load_hook, modify_hook, dump_hook): with, mode="rU") as file: content = load_hook(file) modify_hook(content) # Paramiko's BufferedFile isn't seekable # so we should reopen it to overwrite. with, mode="wU") as file: dump_hook(content, file) def reboot(self, timeout=60, reconnect_attempts=5): command_schedule_time = 10 self.sudo_exec("shutdown -r -t {}".format(command_schedule_time)) self.close() time.sleep(command_schedule_time) retries = 0 for _ in redo.retrier(sleeptime=timeout, attempts=reconnect_attempts): try: self.connect() return except _reconnect_exceptions: retries += 1 "Trying to connect to %s after reboot issued for the %d time.", self._host, retries) raise RuntimeError("Unable to connect to %s after issuing reboot.", self._host) def get_available_memory(self, unit=bitmath.Byte): free_bytes = int(self.ssh_exec("free -b | gawk '/Mem:/{print $7}'")) return unit(bytes=free_bytes) def wget(self, url): file_name = url.rsplit("/", 1)[1] if self.path_exists(file_name): return self.ssh_exec("wget " + url)
class SSHClient(ClosingContextManager): def __init__(self, host, username, password=None, private_key_path=None, passphrase_required=False, port=22): super().__init__() self._host = host self._username = username self._password = password self._private_key_path = private_key_path self._passphrase_required = passphrase_required self._port = port self._paramiko_machine = None @property def host(self): return self._host @property def sftp(self): return self._paramiko_machine.sftp def connect(self, reconnect=False, timeout=5): if self._paramiko_machine is not None: if not reconnect: return self.close() if self._paramiko_machine is None: self._paramiko_machine = ParamikoMachine( host=self._host, password=self._password, user=self._username, connect_timeout=timeout, keyfile=self._private_key_path, missing_host_policy=paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def close(self): if self._paramiko_machine is not None: self._paramiko_machine.close() self._paramiko_machine = None def upload(self, localpath, remotepath="."): self._paramiko_machine.upload(localpath, remotepath) def download(self, remote_path, local_path):, local_path) def ssh_exec(self, command, sudo=False, in_background=False, get_pty=False, expected_return_code=None, in_separate_shell=False): if in_background: command = "sh -c {}".format(shlex.quote(command + " &")) elif in_separate_shell: command = "sh -c {}".format(shlex.quote(command)) if sudo: command = "sudo " + command command = _preflight_command + " ; " + command with self._paramiko_machine.session(get_pty or sudo) as session: _, stdout, stderr =, retcode=expected_return_code) return (stdout + " " + stderr).strip() def sudo_exec(self, command, *args, **kwargs): self.ssh_exec(command, *args, sudo=True, **kwargs) def check_output(self, command, expected_output, *args, **kwargs): matched_message = "Matched" execute_and_check_command = "if {} | grep -q {} ; then echo '{}'; fi".format( command, shlex.quote(expected_output), matched_message) return matched_message in self.ssh_exec(execute_and_check_command, *args, **kwargs) def path_exists(self, path): found_msg = "Path exists." check = "if [ -e {} ]; then echo '{}'; fi".format(path, found_msg) return found_msg in self.ssh_exec(check) def ssh_copy_id(self, public_key_path): if not self.path_exists("~/.ssh"): self.ssh_exec("mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh") if not self.path_exists("~/.ssh/authorized_keys"): self.ssh_exec("touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" " && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys") public_key = pathlib.Path(public_key_path).read_text() copy_key_command = (""" KEY={};""" """ if [ -z "$(grep "$KEY" ~/.ssh/authorized_keys )" ];""" """ then echo $KEY >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys; fi""") self.ssh_exec(copy_key_command.format(shlex.quote(public_key))) def is_process_running(self, process_name): stdout = self.ssh_exec("pgrep -c " + process_name) return int(stdout) > 0 def is_java_running(self): return self.is_process_running("java") def check_file_contains_text(self, text_file, text_to_find): contains_message = "Contains" check_command = "if grep -q {} {} ; then echo '{}'; fi".format( shlex.quote(text_to_find), text_file, contains_message) return contains_message in self.ssh_exec(check_command) def has_ignite_started(self, log_file): if not self.is_java_running() or not self.path_exists(log_file): return False return self.check_file_contains_text(log_file, "Topology snapshot") def stop_process(self, process_name): if self.is_process_running(process_name): self.sudo_exec("killall -15 " + process_name) time.sleep(5) # Give process some time to finish. else: return False if self.is_process_running(process_name): self.sudo_exec("killall -9 " + process_name) return True def scp(self, remote_path, local_path="."): pkey_used = False # Purposefully do not try to circumvent passing passphrase to scp while using private key. if self._private_key_path is None or self._passphrase_required: scp_command = "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {} {}".format(local_path, remote_path) if self._password is not None: scp_command = ("sshpass -p {} " + scp_command).format( shlex.quote(self._password)) else: pkey_used = True pkey_file = os.path.basename(self._private_key_path) self.upload(self._private_key_path) self.ssh_exec("chmod 600 " + pkey_file) scp_command = "scp -i {} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {} {}".format( pkey_file, remote_path, local_path) downloaded = False retries = 0 while not downloaded and retries < 5: self.ssh_exec(scp_command) downloaded = self.path_exists(local_path) retries += 1 if pkey_used: self._paramiko_machine.sftp.remove(pkey_file) return downloaded def modify_file(self, path, load_hook, modify_hook, dump_hook): with, mode="rU") as file: content = load_hook(file) modify_hook(content) # Paramiko's BufferedFile isn't seekable # so we should reopen it to overwrite. with, mode="wU") as file: dump_hook(content, file) def reboot(self, timeout=60, reconnect_attempts=5): command_schedule_time = 10 self.sudo_exec("shutdown -r -t {}".format(command_schedule_time)) self.close() time.sleep(command_schedule_time) retries = 0 for _ in redo.retrier(sleeptime=timeout, attempts=reconnect_attempts): try: self.connect() return except _reconnect_exceptions: retries += 1"Trying to connect to %s after reboot issued for the %d time.", self._host, retries) raise RuntimeError("Unable to connect to %s after issuing reboot.", self._host) def get_available_memory(self, unit=bitmath.Byte): free_bytes = int(self.ssh_exec("free -b | gawk '/Mem:/{print $7}'")) return unit(bytes=free_bytes) def wget(self, url): file_name = url.rsplit("/", 1)[1] if self.path_exists(file_name): return self.ssh_exec("wget " + url)