def get_power(self, gridded_vis, kernel_weights, ps_dim=2): """ Determine the 2D Power Spectrum of the observation. Parameters ---------- gridded_vis : complex (ngrid, ngrid, neta)-array The gridded visibilities, fourier-transformed along the frequency axis. Units JyHz. coords: list of 3 1D arrays. The [u,v,eta] co-ordinates corresponding to the gridded fourier visibilities. u and v in 1/rad, and eta in 1/Hz. Returns ------- PS : float (n_obs, n_eta, bins)-list The cylindrical averaged (or 2D) Power Spectrum, with units JyHz**2. """"Calculating the power spectrum") PS = [] for vis in gridded_vis: # The 3D power spectrum power_3d = np.absolute(vis)**2 if ps_dim == 2: P = angular_average_nd( field=power_3d, coords=[self.uvgrid, self.uvgrid, self.eta], bins=self.u_edges, n=ps_dim, weights=np.sum(kernel_weights, axis=2), # weights, bin_ave=False, )[0] elif ps_dim == 1: P = angular_average_nd( field=power_3d, coords=[self.uvgrid, self.uvgrid, self.eta], bins=self.u_edges, weights=kernel_weights, bin_ave=False, )[0] P[np.isnan(P)] = 0 PS.append(P) return PS
def grid_weights(self): """The number of uv cells that go into a single u annulus (unrelated to baseline weights)""" return angular_average_nd( field=np.ones((len(self.uvgrid),) * 2), coords=[self.uvgrid, self.uvgrid], bins=self.u_edges, n=self.ps_dim, bin_ave=False, average=False)[0]
def ps_3d_to_ps_2d(ps_3d, u, nu, bins=100): """ Take a 3D power spectrum and return a cylindrically-averaged 2D power spectrum. Parameters ---------- ps_3d : 3D array The power spectrum in 3D, with first axis corresponding to frequency. u : 1D array The grid-coordinates along a side of the `ps_3d` array. Assumes that the (u,v) grid is square. nu : 1D array The frequencies corresponding to the first dimension of `ps_3d`. bins : int Number of (regular linear) bins to form the average into. Returns ------- ps_2d : 2D array The circularly-averaged PS, with first axis corresponding to frequency. ubins : 1D array Length `bins` array giving the average central-bin co-ordinate for u after averaging. """ # Perform cylindrical averaging. ps_2d, ubins, _ = angular_average_nd(field=ps_3d.T, coords=[u, u, nu], bins=bins, n=2) return ps_2d.T, ubins
def compute_mps(lightcone, bins=None, nthreads=None): # First get "visibilities" vis, kperp = fft(lightcone.brightness_temp, L=lightcone.user_params.BOX_LEN, axes=(0, 1)) # vis has shape (HII_DIM, HII_DIM, lightcone_dim) # Do wavelet transform wvlts, kpar, _ = morlet_transform_c(vis.T, lightcone.lightcone_coords, nthreads=nthreads) # wvlts has shape (len(kpar) + vis.T.shape) corresponding to (eta, nu_c, u,v) # Now square it... wvlts = np.abs(wvlts)**2 # Determine a nice number of bins. if bins is None: bins = int((np.product(kperp.shape) * len(kpar))**(1. / 3.) / 2.2) # And angularly average wvlts, k = angular_average_nd(wvlts.transpose((2, 3, 0, 1)), list(kperp) + [kpar, lightcone.lightcone_coords], n=3, bins=bins, bin_ave=False, get_variance=False) return wvlts, k, lightcone.lightcone_coords
def test_angular_avg_nd_2_1_varnull(): x = np.linspace(-3,3,200) P = np.ones((200,10)) coords = [x, np.linspace(-2,2,10)] p_k, k_av_bins, var = angular_average_nd(P,coords, bins=20, n=1, get_variance=True) assert np.all(var==0)
def test_angular_avg_nd_3(): x = np.linspace(-3,3,400) X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,x) r2 = X**2 + Y**2 P = r2**-1. P = np.repeat(P,100).reshape(400,400,100) freq = [x,x,np.linspace(-2,2,100)] p_k, k_av_bins = angular_average_nd(P,freq,bins=50,n=2) print(p_k[6:,0], k_av_bins[6:]**-2.) assert np.max(np.abs((p_k[6:,0] - k_av_bins[6:]**-2.)/k_av_bins[6:]**-2.)) < 0.05