def adjust_torso(self): # move torso up tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.238 # all the way up is 0.300 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration( 2.0 ) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 self.torso_sac.send_goal_and_wait(tgoal)
def set_torso_state(self, jval, wait=False): """ Sets goal for torso using provided value""" if not (type(jval) is list): jval = [jval] if len(jval) == 0: rospy.logwarn("No torso target given!") self.torso_done = True return #HACK: it looks like with a value outside this range the actionserver doesn't return.. if jval[0] < 0.012: jval[0] = 0.2 if jval[0] > 0.3: jval[0] = 0.3 self.torso_done = False goal = SingleJointPositionGoal() goal.position = jval[0] goal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(self.time_to_reach) self.torso_client.send_goal(goal, done_cb=self.__torso_done_cb()) if wait: self.torso_client.wait_for_result()
def move_body_torso(position): service = 'torso_controller/position_joint_action' goal = SingleJointPositionGoal() goal.position = position goal.min_duration = roslib.rostime.Duration(2.0) goal.max_velocity = 1.0 client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(service, SingleJointPositionAction) client.send_goal(goal, done_cb=task_completed) client.wait_for_result()
def move(self, position): assert (position >= 0.0 and position <= 0.2) self.position = position up = SingleJointPositionGoal() up.position = self.position up.min_duration = rospy.Duration(2.0) up.max_velocity = 1.0 self.torso_client.send_goal(up) self.torso_client.wait_for_result()
def get_sm(self): sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','preempted','aborted']) with sm: smach.StateMachine.add('NAV_APPROACH', self.sm_nav_approach.get_sm(), transitions={'succeeded' : 'TORSO_SETUP', 'shutdown' : 'aborted'}) # move torso up tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.300 # all the way up is 0.300 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration( 2.0 ) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add( 'TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal = tgoal), transitions = { 'succeeded': 'R_UNTUCK' }) # Untucks the right arm smach.StateMachine.add( 'R_UNTUCK', ServiceState( 'traj_playback/untuck_r_arm', TrajPlaybackSrv, request = TrajPlaybackSrvRequest( False )), # if True, reverse trajectory transitions = { 'succeeded' : 'R_ADJUST_MIRROR' }) # Adjusts the mirror smach.StateMachine.add( 'R_ADJUST_MIRROR', ServiceState( 'traj_playback/r_adjust_mirror', TrajPlaybackSrv, request = TrajPlaybackSrvRequest( False )), # if True, reverse trajectory transitions = { 'succeeded' : 'L_UNTUCK' }) # Untucks the left arm smach.StateMachine.add( 'L_UNTUCK', ServiceState( 'traj_playback/untuck_l_arm', TrajPlaybackSrv, request = TrajPlaybackSrvRequest( False )), # if True, reverse trajectory transitions = { 'succeeded' : 'HEAD_REG_ALL' }) smach.StateMachine.add('HEAD_REG_ALL', self.sm_ell_reg.get_sm(), transitions = { 'succeeded' : 'SETUP_TASK_CONTROLLER' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'SETUP_TASK_CONTROLLER', SetupTaskController()) return sm
def move(self, position): assert(position >= 0.0 and position <= 0.2) self.position = position up = SingleJointPositionGoal() up.position = self.position up.min_duration = rospy.Duration(2.0) up.max_velocity = 1.0 self.torso_client.send_goal(up) self.torso_client.wait_for_result()
def sm_grasp(): # Create a SMACH state machine sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted']) with sm: # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.190 # all the way up is 0.200 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration( 2.0 ) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add( 'TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal = tgoal), transitions = { 'succeeded': 'THREE_TRIES' }) # We will run the grasper at most 3 times. smach.StateMachine.add( 'THREE_TRIES', NTries( 3 ), transitions = {'succeeded':'PERCEIVE_SETUP', 'aborted':'aborted'}) # get hand out of face smach.StateMachine.add( 'PERCEIVE_SETUP', ServiceState( '/rfid_handoff/grasp', HandoffSrv ), transitions = { 'succeeded' : 'PERCEIVE_OBJECT' }) # Setment objects smach.StateMachine.add( 'PERCEIVE_OBJECT', ServiceState( '/obj_segment_inst', DetectTableInst, request = DetectTableInstRequest( 1.0 ), response_slots = ['grasp_points']), # PoseArray transitions = {'succeeded':'GRASP_SETUP'}, remapping = {'grasp_points':'object_poses'}) #output # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) smach.StateMachine.add( 'GRASP_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'overhead_grasp_setup', OverheadGraspSetupAction, goal = OverheadGraspSetupGoal( True )), # disable new look transitions = { 'succeeded': 'GRASP' }) # Actually perform grasp of some object in front of robot on table def grasp_goal_cb( userdata, goal ): # grasp_poses is PoseArray in base_link mgp = userdata.grasp_poses.poses[0] ggoal = OverheadGraspGoal() ggoal.is_grasp = True ggoal.grasp_type = OverheadGraspGoal.MANUAL_GRASP ggoal.x = mgp.position.x + 0.05 # Converts base_link -> torso_lift_link (only for x,y) ggoal.y = mgp.position.y o = mgp.orientation r,p,y = tft.euler_from_quaternion(( o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w )) ggoal.rot = y return ggoal smach.StateMachine.add( 'GRASP', SimpleActionState( 'overhead_grasp', OverheadGraspAction, goal_cb = grasp_goal_cb, input_keys = ['grasp_poses']), remapping = {'grasp_poses':'object_poses'}, transitions = { 'succeeded': 'succeeded', 'aborted':'THREE_TRIES' }) return sm
def get_nav_prep_sm(self): nav_prep_sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','preempted','shutdown', 'aborted']) with nav_prep_sm: # make sure the robot is clear of obstacles # make sure the arms are tucked with # rosrun pr2_tuckarm r t l t # wait for the user to click on the head so the robot can approach smach.StateMachine.add( 'WAIT_FOR_HEAD_CLICK', ClickMonitor(), transitions={'click' : 'PROCESS_NAV_POSE', 'shutdown' : 'shutdown'}, remapping={'click_pose' : 'head_click_pose_global'}) # output (PoseStamped) # prepare the navigation pose for move_base # gets a point aligned with the normal and a distance away (nav_approach_dist) smach.StateMachine.add( 'PROCESS_NAV_POSE', self.get_nav_approach_pose(), transitions={'succeeded' : 'MOVE_BASE', 'tf_failure' : 'WAIT_FOR_HEAD_CLICK'}, remapping={'head_click_pose' : 'head_click_pose_global', # input (PoseStamped) 'nav_pose_ps' : 'nav_pose_ps_global'}) # output (PoseStamped) # moves the base using nav stack to the appropirate location for moving forward smach.StateMachine.add( 'MOVE_BASE', SimpleActionState('/move_base', MoveBaseAction, goal_slots=['target_pose'], # PoseStamped outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted']), transitions = { 'succeeded' : 'CHECK_HEADING', 'aborted' : 'WAIT_FOR_HEAD_CLICK' }, remapping = {'target_pose':'nav_pose_ps_global'}) # input (PoseStamped) # checks the current angle and returns the error smach.StateMachine.add( 'CHECK_HEADING', CheckHeading( listener = self.tf_listener ), transitions = { 'succeeded':'ADJUST_HEADING' }, remapping = { 'target_pose':'nav_pose_ps_global', # input (PoseStamped) 'angular_error':'angular_error' }) # output (float) # corrects for the error in angle smach.StateMachine.add( 'ADJUST_HEADING', ServiceState( '/rotate_backup', RotateBackupSrv, request_slots = ['rotate']), # float (displace = 0.0) transitions = { 'succeeded':'MOVE_FORWARD_DIST' }, remapping = {'rotate':'angular_error'}) # approaches the touching position by moving forward nav_approach_dist meters # checks for collisions and will return shutdown if it detects a collsion smach.StateMachine.add( 'MOVE_FORWARD_DIST', self.get_nav_approach(), transitions = {'succeeded' : 'TORSO_SETUP', 'shutdown' : 'shutdown'}, remapping={'nav_dist' : 'nav_dist_global'}) # move torso up tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.300 # all the way up is 0.300 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration( 2.0 ) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add( 'TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal = tgoal), transitions = { 'succeeded': 'UNFOLD' }) # Unfolds the arms smach.StateMachine.add( 'UNFOLD', ServiceState( 'traj_playback/unfold', TrajPlaybackSrv, request = TrajPlaybackSrvRequest( False )), # if True, reverse trajectory transitions = { 'succeeded':'succeeded' }) return nav_prep_sm
# transitions = {'succeeded':'succeeded'}) return sm if False: rospy.init_node('localization_trial') sm = smach.StateMachine( outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted'] ) with sm: # Just a precation tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.040 # all the way up is 0.200 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration( 2.0 ) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add( 'TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal = tgoal), transitions = { 'succeeded': 'succeeded' }) sm.execute() if __name__ == '__main__': # if False: rospy.init_node('smach_aware_home')
# MoveBaseAction, # goal = go ), # Back down the hallway # transitions = {'succeeded':'succeeded'}) return sm if False: rospy.init_node('localization_trial') sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'preempted']) with sm: # Just a precation tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.040 # all the way up is 0.200 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(2.0) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add('TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal=tgoal), transitions={'succeeded': 'succeeded'}) sm.execute() if __name__ == '__main__': # if False: rospy.init_node('smach_aware_home') sm = cousins_demo()
def cousins_demo(): # Create a SMACH state machine sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted'], input_keys = [ 'person_id' ]) with sm: # Just a precation tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.040 # all the way up is 0.200, mostly down is 0.040 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration( 2.0 ) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add( 'TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal = tgoal), transitions = { 'succeeded': 'INIT_ARM_POSE' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'INIT_ARM_POSE', ServiceState( '/traj_playback/hfa_untuck', TrajPlaybackSrv, request = TrajPlaybackSrvRequest( False )), transitions = { 'succeeded':'MOVE_GET_OBJ' }) go = MoveBaseGoal() go.target_pose.header.frame_id = '/map' go.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) go.target_pose.pose.position.x = -5.07 go.target_pose.pose.position.y = 8.725 go.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.926 go.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.377 smach.StateMachine.add( 'MOVE_GET_OBJ', SimpleActionState( '/move_base', MoveBaseAction, goal = go ), transitions = {'succeeded':'READY_HANDOFF_INIT'}) smach.StateMachine.add( 'READY_HANDOFF_INIT', PrintStr('Hand me an object [ENTER]'), transitions = { 'succeeded':'HANDOFF_INIT' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'HANDOFF_INIT', ServiceState( 'rfid_handoff/initialize', HandoffSrv, request = HandoffSrvRequest()), transitions = { 'succeeded':'CONFIRM_HANDOFF' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'CONFIRM_HANDOFF', ConfirmObj('Does the robot have the object [\'yes\' to proceed]?'), transitions = { 'succeeded':'ROTATE_AFTER_HANDOFF', 'aborted':'READY_HANDOFF_INIT'} ) smach.StateMachine.add( 'ROTATE_AFTER_HANDOFF', ServiceState( '/rotate_backup', RotateBackupSrv, request = RotateBackupSrvRequest( 3.14, 0.0)), # Full 180-deg spin. transitions = { 'succeeded':'MOVE_DELIVERY' }) gd = MoveBaseGoal() gd.target_pose.header.frame_id = '/map' gd.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) gd.target_pose.pose.position.x = 2.956 gd.target_pose.pose.position.y = 3.047 gd.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.349 gd.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.937 smach.StateMachine.add( 'MOVE_DELIVERY', SimpleActionState( '/move_base', MoveBaseAction, goal = gd ), transitions = {'succeeded':'DELIVERY'}) sm_delivery = sm_rfid_delivery.sm_delivery() smach.StateMachine.add( 'DELIVERY', # outcomes: succeeded, aborted, preempted sm_delivery, remapping = { 'tagid' : 'person_id'}, #input transitions = { 'succeeded': 'TUCKL_SUCC', 'aborted': 'TUCKL_ABOR'}) smach.StateMachine.add( 'TUCKL_SUCC', ServiceState( '/robotis/servo_left_pan_moveangle', MoveAng, request = MoveAngRequest( 1.350, 0.3, 0)), transitions = { 'succeeded':'TUCKR_SUCC' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'TUCKR_SUCC', ServiceState( '/robotis/servo_right_pan_moveangle', MoveAng, request = MoveAngRequest( -1.350, 0.3, 0)), transitions = { 'succeeded':'BACKUP_AFTER_DELIVERY' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'TUCKL_ABOR', ServiceState( '/robotis/servo_left_pan_moveangle', MoveAng, request = MoveAngRequest( 1.350, 0.3, 0)), transitions = { 'succeeded':'TUCKR_ABOR' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'TUCKR_ABOR', ServiceState( '/robotis/servo_right_pan_moveangle', MoveAng, request = MoveAngRequest( -1.350, 0.3, 0)), transitions = { 'succeeded':'aborted' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'BACKUP_AFTER_DELIVERY', ServiceState( '/rotate_backup', RotateBackupSrv, request = RotateBackupSrvRequest(0.0, -0.50)), transitions = { 'succeeded':'ROTATE_AFTER_DELIVERY' }) smach.StateMachine.add( 'ROTATE_AFTER_DELIVERY', ServiceState( '/rotate_backup', RotateBackupSrv, request = RotateBackupSrvRequest( 3.14, 0.0)), transitions = { 'succeeded':'MOVE_FINAL' }) # Kitchen # gk = MoveBaseGoal() # gk.target_pose.header.frame_id = '/map' # gk.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # gk.target_pose.pose.position.x = -1.61 # gk.target_pose.pose.position.y = 0.88 # gk.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.91 # gk.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.40 smach.StateMachine.add( 'MOVE_FINAL', SimpleActionState( '/move_base', MoveBaseAction, goal = go ), # Back down the hallway transitions = {'succeeded':'succeeded'}) return sm
def sm_grasp(): # Create a SMACH state machine sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'preempted']) with sm: # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() tgoal.position = 0.190 # all the way up is 0.200 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(2.0) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add('TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal=tgoal), transitions={'succeeded': 'THREE_TRIES'}) # We will run the grasper at most 3 times. smach.StateMachine.add('THREE_TRIES', NTries(3), transitions={ 'succeeded': 'PERCEIVE_SETUP', 'aborted': 'aborted' }) # get hand out of face smach.StateMachine.add('PERCEIVE_SETUP', ServiceState('/rfid_handoff/grasp', HandoffSrv), transitions={'succeeded': 'PERCEIVE_OBJECT'}) # Setment objects smach.StateMachine.add( 'PERCEIVE_OBJECT', ServiceState('/obj_segment_inst', DetectTableInst, request=DetectTableInstRequest(1.0), response_slots=['grasp_points']), # PoseArray transitions={'succeeded': 'GRASP_SETUP'}, remapping={'grasp_points': 'object_poses'}) #output # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) smach.StateMachine.add( 'GRASP_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'overhead_grasp_setup', OverheadGraspSetupAction, goal=OverheadGraspSetupGoal(True)), # disable new look transitions={'succeeded': 'GRASP'}) # Actually perform grasp of some object in front of robot on table def grasp_goal_cb(userdata, goal): # grasp_poses is PoseArray in base_link mgp = userdata.grasp_poses.poses[0] ggoal = OverheadGraspGoal() ggoal.is_grasp = True ggoal.grasp_type = OverheadGraspGoal.MANUAL_GRASP ggoal.x = mgp.position.x + 0.05 # Converts base_link -> torso_lift_link (only for x,y) ggoal.y = mgp.position.y o = mgp.orientation r, p, y = tft.euler_from_quaternion((o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w)) ggoal.rot = y return ggoal smach.StateMachine.add('GRASP', SimpleActionState('overhead_grasp', OverheadGraspAction, goal_cb=grasp_goal_cb, input_keys=['grasp_poses']), remapping={'grasp_poses': 'object_poses'}, transitions={ 'succeeded': 'succeeded', 'aborted': 'THREE_TRIES' }) return sm
def sm_grasp(): if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] not in ['r', 'l']: print "First arg should be 'r' or 'l'" return None arm = sys.argv[1] if arm == 'r': arm_mult = 1 else: arm_mult = -1 # Create a SMACH state machine sm = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'preempted']) with sm: # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) tgoal = SingleJointPositionGoal() #tgoal.position = 0.190 # all the way up is 0.200 tgoal.position = 0.210 # all the way up is 0.200 tgoal.min_duration = rospy.Duration(2.0) tgoal.max_velocity = 1.0 smach.StateMachine.add('TORSO_SETUP', SimpleActionState( 'torso_controller/position_joint_action', SingleJointPositionAction, goal=tgoal), transitions={'succeeded': 'ARM_UNTUCK'}) smach.StateMachine.add('ARM_UNTUCK', ServiceState( 'traj_playback/' + arm + '_arm_untuck', TrajPlaybackSrv), transitions={'succeeded': 'GRASP_BEGIN_SETUP'}) # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) smach.StateMachine.add('GRASP_BEGIN_SETUP', SimpleActionState( arm + '_overhead_grasp_setup', OverheadGraspSetupAction, goal=OverheadGraspSetupGoal()), transitions={'succeeded': 'DEMO_START'}) @smach.cb_interface(outcomes=['succeeded']) def wait_for_enter(ud): raw_input("Press enter to begin cleanup demo.") return 'succeeded' smach.StateMachine.add('DEMO_START', smach.CBState(wait_for_enter), transitions={'succeeded': 'THREE_OBJECTS'}) # We will pick up 3 objects. smach.StateMachine.add('THREE_OBJECTS', NTries(3), transitions={ 'succeeded': 'THREE_TRIES', 'aborted': 'RESET_ARMS' }, remapping={'ntries_counter': 'object_number'}) # We will run the grasper at most 3 times. grasp_tries = NTries(3) smach.StateMachine.add('THREE_TRIES', grasp_tries, transitions={ 'succeeded': 'GRASP_SETUP', 'aborted': 'aborted' }) # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) smach.StateMachine.add('GRASP_SETUP', SimpleActionState( arm + '_overhead_grasp_setup', OverheadGraspSetupAction, goal=OverheadGraspSetupGoal()), transitions={'succeeded': 'GRASP'}) def grasp_goal_cb(userdata, goal): ############################################################ # Creating grasp goal grasp_goal = OverheadGraspGoal() grasp_goal.is_grasp = True grasp_goal.disable_head = False grasp_goal.disable_coll = False grasp_goal.grasp_type = OverheadGraspGoal.VISION_GRASP grasp_goal.x = GRASP_LOCATION[0] grasp_goal.y = arm_mult * GRASP_LOCATION[1] grasp_goal.behavior_name = "overhead_grasp" grasp_goal.sig_level = 0.999 ############################################################ return grasp_goal smach.StateMachine.add('GRASP', SimpleActionState(arm + '_overhead_grasp', OverheadGraspAction, goal_cb=grasp_goal_cb), transitions={ 'succeeded': 'PLACE', 'aborted': 'THREE_TRIES' }) def place_goal_cb(userdata, goal): print "object Number", userdata.object_number ############################################################ # Creating place place_goal place_goal = OverheadGraspGoal() place_goal.is_grasp = False place_goal.disable_head = False place_goal.disable_coll = False place_goal.grasp_type = OverheadGraspGoal.MANUAL_GRASP place_goal.x = PLACE_LOCATIONS[userdata.object_number - 1][0] place_goal.y = arm_mult * PLACE_LOCATIONS[userdata.object_number - 1][1] place_goal.roll = PLACE_LOCATIONS[userdata.object_number - 1][2] place_goal.behavior_name = "overhead_grasp" place_goal.sig_level = 0.999 ############################################################ return place_goal def clear_grasp_tries(userdata, status, result): grasp_tries.counter = 0 smach.StateMachine.add('PLACE', SimpleActionState(arm + '_overhead_grasp', OverheadGraspAction, goal_cb=place_goal_cb, result_cb=clear_grasp_tries, input_keys=['object_number']), transitions={ 'succeeded': 'THREE_OBJECTS', 'aborted': 'THREE_OBJECTS' }) # Setup arm pose (out of way for perception) smach.StateMachine.add('RESET_ARMS', SimpleActionState( arm + '_overhead_grasp_setup', OverheadGraspSetupAction, goal=OverheadGraspSetupGoal()), transitions={'succeeded': 'ARM_TUCK'}) smach.StateMachine.add('ARM_TUCK', ServiceState( 'traj_playback/' + arm + '_arm_untuck', TrajPlaybackSrv, request=TrajPlaybackSrvRequest(True)), transitions={'succeeded': 'succeeded'}) return sm