def __init__(self, corpus=orch.orchid_corpus(), custom_dict=dict()):
		self.corpus = corpus
		self.wp = wp.word_processing()

		self.custom_dict = custom_dict
		if custom_dict != None:
			self.dict_name = "lexitron_original.txt"
예제 #2
def question_orchid(test_set):
	labeled_value = {"good": [], "bad": []}
	orchid = orchid_corpus.orchid_corpus()

	for question_item in test_set:
		known_word_count = sum([orchid.exists(word[0]) for word in question_item.sentence.pos])
		known_ratio = (known_word_count/len(question_item.sentence.pos)) * 100
		if question_item.get_average_eval() >= 2.0:

	plot_histogram(labeled_value["good"], labeled_value["bad"],
		x_range=(0, 100), bins_count=10,
		x_label="ratio of known words (in orchid)",
		graph_name="Question acceptability compared to ratio of known words in orchid")
from statistics import mean
import preprocess.orchid_corpus as orchid_corpus

import preprocess.sentence as _sentence
import choices.wordnet.wn_tree as wn_tree
import choices.word_item as _word_item

import ast

wn = wn_tree.wordnet_tree()
orchid = orchid_corpus.orchid_corpus()

class question_item:
	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		if len(args) == 5:
			(sentence, sentence_no, question, answer, answer_index) = args
			self.sentence = sentence
			self.sentence_no = sentence_no
			self.question = question
			self.answer = answer
			self.answer_index = answer_index
			self.choices = None
			self.asked_choices = None
		elif "from_str" in kwargs:
			attributes = ast.literal_eval(kwargs["from_str"])
			for key in attributes:
				if key == "sentence":
					self.sentence = _sentence.sentence(from_str=attributes["sentence"])
				elif key == "choices":
					self.choices = [_word_item.word_item(from_str=choice_str) for choice_str in attributes["choices"]]