def __init__(self, client_id=None, client_secret=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, token_expiration=None, data_center=None): """ Example Usage: pycronofy.Client(access_token='') pycronofy.Client(client_id='', client_secret='') :param string client_id: OAuth Client ID. (Optional, default None) :param string client_secret: OAuth Client Secret. (Optional, default None) :param string access_token: Access Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string refresh_token: Existing Refresh Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string token_expiration: Datetime token expires. (Optional, default None) :param string data_center: The name of the data_center to use. (Optional, default None) """ self.auth = Auth(client_id, client_secret, access_token, refresh_token, token_expiration) self.request_handler = RequestHandler(self.auth, data_center) if data_center is None or data_center is 'us': self.app_base_url = settings.APP_BASE_URL else: self.app_base_url = settings.APP_REGION_FORMAT % data_center
def test_validate(): """Test if validate properly validates methods.""" auth = Auth(access_token='access') validate('create_notification_channel', auth, '', calendar_ids=('id',), ) with pytest.raises(PyCronofyValidationError) as exception_info: validate('create_notification_channel', auth) assert 'callback_url' in exception_info.value.fields with pytest.raises(PyCronofyValidationError) as exception_info: validate('create_notification_channel', Auth(), '', calendar_ids=('id',) ) assert 'access_token' in exception_info.value.fields with pytest.raises(PyCronofyValidationError) as exception_info: validate('ask_for_cats', Auth(), '') assert exception_info.value.message == 'Method "ask_for_cats" not found.'
def __init__(self, client_id=None, client_secret=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, token_expiration=None): """ Example Usage: pycronofy.Client(access_token='') pycronofy.Client(client_id='', client_secret='') :param string client_id: OAuth Client ID. (Optional, default None) :param string client_secret: OAuth Client Secret. (Optional, default None) :param string access_token: Access Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string refresh_token: Existing Refresh Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string token_expiration: Datetime token expires. (Optional, default None) """ self.auth = Auth(client_id, client_secret, access_token, refresh_token, token_expiration) self.request_handler = RequestHandler(self.auth)
class Client(object): """Client for cronofy web service. Performs authentication, and wraps API: """ def __init__(self, client_id=None, client_secret=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, token_expiration=None): """ Example Usage: pycronofy.Client(access_token='') pycronofy.Client(client_id='', client_secret='') :param string client_id: OAuth Client ID. (Optional, default None) :param string client_secret: OAuth Client Secret. (Optional, default None) :param string access_token: Access Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string refresh_token: Existing Refresh Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string token_expiration: Datetime token expires. (Optional, default None) """ self.auth = Auth(client_id, client_secret, access_token, refresh_token, token_expiration) self.request_handler = RequestHandler(self.auth) def account(self): """Get identifying information for the active account. :return: Account data. :rtype: ``dict`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='account').json()['account'] def close_notification_channel(self, channel_id): """Close a notification channel to stop push notifications from being sent. :param string channel_id: The id of the notification channel. """ self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='channels/%s' % channel_id) def create_notification_channel(self, callback_url, calendar_ids=()): """Create a new channel for receiving push notifications. :param string callback_url: The url that will receive push notifications. Must not be longer than 128 characters and should be HTTPS. :param tuple calendar_ids: List of calendar ids to create notification channels for. (Optional. Default empty tuple) :return: Channel id and channel callback :rtype: ``dict`` """ data = {'callback_url': callback_url} if calendar_ids: data['filters'] = {'calendar_ids':calendar_ids} return'channels', data=data).json()['channel'] def delete_all_events(self, calendar_ids=()): """Deletes all events managed through Cronofy from the all of the user's calendars. :param tuple calendar_ids: List of calendar ids to delete events for. (Optional. Default empty tuple) """ params={'delete_all': True} if calendar_ids: params = {'calendar_ids[]': calendar_ids} self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='events', params=params) def delete_event(self, calendar_id, event_id): """Delete an event from the specified calendar. :param string calendar_id: ID of calendar to insert/update event into. :param string event_id: ID of event to delete. """ self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='calendars/%s/events' % calendar_id, params={'event_id': event_id}) def get_authorization_from_code(self, code, redirect_uri=''): """Updates the authorization tokens from the user provided code. :param string code: Authorization code to pass to Cronofy. :param string redirect_uri: Optionally override redirect uri obtained from user_auth_link. (They must match however). :return: Dictionary containing auth tokens, expiration info, and response status. :rtype: ``dict`` """ response = url='%s/oauth/token' % settings.API_BASE_URL, data={ 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'code': code, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri if redirect_uri else self.auth.redirect_uri, }) data = response.json() token_expiration = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in'])) self.auth.update( token_expiration=token_expiration, access_token=data['access_token'], refresh_token=data['refresh_token'], ) return { 'access_token': self.auth.access_token, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, 'token_expiration': get_iso8601_string(self.auth.token_expiration), } def is_authorization_expired(self): """Checks if the authorization token (access_token) has expired. :return: If expired. :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not self.auth.token_expiration: return True return (datetime.datetime.utcnow() > self.auth.token_expiration) def list_calendars(self): """Return a list of calendars available for the active account. :return: List of calendars (dictionaries). :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='calendars').json()['calendars'] def list_profiles(self): """Get list of active user's calendar profiles. :return: Calendar profiles. :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='profiles').json()['profiles'] def list_notification_channels(self): """Return a list of notification channels available for the active account. :return: List of notification channels (dictionaries). :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='channels').json()['channels'] def read_events(self, calendar_ids=(), from_date=None, to_date=None, last_modified=None, tzid=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID, only_managed=False, include_managed=True, include_deleted=False, include_moved=False, localized_times=False, automatic_pagination=True): """Read events for linked account (optionally for the specified calendars). :param tuple calendar_ids: Tuple or list of calendar ids to pass to cronofy. (Optional). :param from_date: Start datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param to_date: End datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param datetime.datetime last_modified: Return items modified on or after last_modified. Datetime or ISO8601 string. (Optional). :param string tzid: Timezone ID for query. (Optional, default settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID). Should match tzinfo on datetime objects. :param bool only_managed: Only include events created through the API. (Optional, default False) :param bool include_managed: Include events created through the API. (Optional, default True) :param bool include_deleted: Include deleted events. (Optional, default False) :param bool include_moved: Include events that ever existed within the from_date/to_date time window. (Optional, default False) :param bool localized_times: Return time values for event start/end with localization information. This varies across providers. (Optional, default False). :param bool automatic_pagination: Autonatically fetch next page when iterating through results (Optional, default True) :return: Wrapped results (Containing first page of events). :rtype: ``Pages`` """ results = self.request_handler.get(endpoint='events', params={ 'tzid': tzid, 'calendar_ids[]':calendar_ids, 'from': get_iso8601_string(from_date), 'to': get_iso8601_string(to_date), 'last_modified': get_iso8601_string(last_modified), 'only_managed': only_managed, 'include_managed': include_managed, 'include_deleted': include_deleted, 'include_moved': include_moved, 'localized_times': localized_times, }).json() return Pages(self.request_handler, results, 'events', automatic_pagination) def read_free_busy(self, calendar_ids=(), from_date=None, to_date=None, last_modified=None, tzid=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID, include_managed=True, localized_times=False, automatic_pagination=True): """Read free/busy blocks for linked account (optionally for the specified calendars). :param tuple calendar_ids: Tuple or list of calendar ids to pass to cronofy. (Optional). :param from_date: Start datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param to_date: End datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param string tzid: Timezone ID for query. (Optional, default settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID). Should match tzinfo on datetime objects. :param bool include_managed: Include pages created through the API. (Optional, default True) :param bool localized_times: Return time values for event start/end with localization information. This varies across providers. (Optional, default False). :param bool automatic_pagination: Autonatically fetch next page when iterating through results (Optional, default True) :return: Wrapped results (Containing first page of free/busy blocks). :rtype: ``Pages`` """ results = self.request_handler.get(endpoint='free_busy', params={ 'tzid': tzid, 'calendar_ids[]':calendar_ids, 'from': get_iso8601_string(from_date), 'to': get_iso8601_string(to_date), 'include_managed': include_managed, 'localized_times': localized_times, }).json() return Pages(self.request_handler, results, 'free_busy', automatic_pagination) def refresh_authorization(self): """Refreshes the authorization tokens. :return: Dictionary containing auth tokens, expiration info, and response status. :rtype: ``dict`` """ response = url='%s/oauth/token' % settings.API_BASE_URL, data={ 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, } ) data = response.json() token_expiration = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in'])) self.auth.update( token_expiration=token_expiration, access_token=data['access_token'], refresh_token=data['refresh_token'], ) return { 'access_token': self.auth.access_token, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, 'token_expiration': get_iso8601_string(self.auth.token_expiration), } def revoke_authorization(self): """Revokes Oauth authorization.""" response = url='%s/oauth/token/revoke' % settings.API_BASE_URL, data={ 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'token': self.auth.access_token, } ) self.auth.update( token_expiration=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, ) def upsert_event(self, calendar_id, event): """Inserts or updates an event for the specified calendar. :param string calendar_id: ID of calendar to insert/update event into. :param dict event: Dictionary of event data to send to cronofy. """ event['start'] = get_iso8601_string(event['start']) event['end'] = get_iso8601_string(event['end'])'calendars/%s/events' % calendar_id, data=event) def user_auth_link(self, redirect_uri, scope='', state='', avoid_linking=False): """Generates a URL to send the user for OAuth 2.0 :param string redirect_uri: URL to redirect the user to after auth. :param string scope: The scope of the privileges you want the eventual access_token to grant. :param string state: A value that will be returned to you unaltered along with the user's authorization request decision. (The OAuth 2.0 RFC recommends using this to prevent cross-site request forgery.) :param bool avoid_linking: Avoid linking calendar accounts together under one set of credentials. (Optional, default: false). :return: authorization link :rtype: ``string`` """ if not scope: scope = ' '.join(settings.DEFAULT_OAUTH_SCOPE) self.auth.update(redirect_uri=redirect_uri) response = self.request_handler.get( url='%s/oauth/authorize' % settings.APP_BASE_URL, params={ 'response_type': 'code', 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri, 'scope': scope, 'state': state, 'avoid_linking': avoid_linking, } ) return response.url def validate(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Validate authentication and values passed to the specified method. Raises a PyCronofyValidationError on error. :param string method: Method name to check. :param *args: Arguments for "Method". :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments for "Method". """ validate(method, self.auth, *args, **kwargs)
class Client(object): """Client for cronofy web service. Performs authentication, and wraps API: """ def __init__(self, client_id=None, client_secret=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, token_expiration=None, data_center=None): """ Example Usage: pycronofy.Client(access_token='') pycronofy.Client(client_id='', client_secret='') :param string client_id: OAuth Client ID. (Optional, default None) :param string client_secret: OAuth Client Secret. (Optional, default None) :param string access_token: Access Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string refresh_token: Existing Refresh Token for User's Account. (Optional, default None) :param string token_expiration: Datetime token expires. (Optional, default None) :param string data_center: The name of the data_center to use. (Optional, default None) """ self.auth = Auth(client_id, client_secret, access_token, refresh_token, token_expiration) self.request_handler = RequestHandler(self.auth, data_center) if data_center is None or data_center == 'us': self.app_base_url = settings.APP_BASE_URL else: self.app_base_url = settings.APP_REGION_FORMAT % data_center def account(self): """Get identifying information for the active account. :return: Account data. :rtype: ``dict`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='account').json()['account'] def userinfo(self): """Retrieves the userinfo for the account See for reference :return: Userinfo data. :rtype: ``dict`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='userinfo').json() def close_notification_channel(self, channel_id): """Close a notification channel to stop push notifications from being sent. :param string channel_id: The id of the notification channel. """ self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='channels/%s' % channel_id) def change_participation_status(self, calendar_id, event_uid, status): """Changes the participation status for a calendar event :param string calendar_id: The String Cronofy ID for the calendar to delete the event from. :param string event_uid: A String uniquely identifying the event for your application (note: this is NOT an ID generated by Cronofy). :param string status: A String to set the participation status of the event to :return: None """ data = {'status': status}'calendars/%s/events/%s/participation_status' % (calendar_id, event_uid), data=data) def create_notification_channel(self, callback_url, calendar_ids=()): """Create a new channel for receiving push notifications. :param string callback_url: The url that will receive push notifications. Must not be longer than 128 characters and should be HTTPS. :param tuple calendar_ids: List of calendar ids to create notification channels for. (Optional. Default empty tuple) :return: Channel id and channel callback :rtype: ``dict`` """ data = {'callback_url': callback_url} if calendar_ids: data['filters'] = {'calendar_ids': calendar_ids} return'channels', data=data).json()['channel'] def delete_all_events(self, calendar_ids=()): """Deletes all events managed through Cronofy from the all of the user's calendars. :param tuple calendar_ids: List of calendar ids to delete events for. (Optional. Default empty tuple) """ params = {'delete_all': True} if calendar_ids: params = {'calendar_ids[]': calendar_ids} self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='events', params=params) def delete_event(self, calendar_id, event_id): """Delete an event from the specified calendar. :param string calendar_id: ID of calendar to delete from. :param string event_id: ID of event to delete. """ self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='calendars/%s/events' % calendar_id, data={'event_id': event_id}) def delete_external_event(self, calendar_id, event_uid): """Delete an external event from the specified calendar. :param string calendar_id: ID of calendar to delete from. :param string event_uid: ID of event to delete. """ self.request_handler.delete(endpoint='calendars/%s/events' % calendar_id, data={'event_uid': event_uid}) def elevated_permissions(self, permissions, redirect_uri=None): """Requests elevated permissions for a set of calendars. :param tuple permissions - calendar permission dicts set each dict must contain values for both `calendar_id` and `permission_level` :param string redirect_uri - A uri to redirect the end user back to after they have either granted or rejected the request for elevated permission. In the case of normal accounts: After making this call the end user will have to grant the extended permissions to their calendar via rhe url returned from the response. In the case of service accounts: After making this call the exteneded permissions will be granted provided the relevant scope has been granted to the account :return: a extended permissions response. :rtype: ``dict`` """ body = {'permissions': permissions} if redirect_uri: body['redirect_uri'] = redirect_uri return'permissions', data=body).json()['permissions_request'] def upsert_smart_invite(self, smart_invite_id, recipient, event, callback_url=None, organizer=None): """ Creates or updates smart invite. :param string smart_invite_id - A String uniquely identifying the event for your application (note: this is NOT an ID generated by Cronofy). :param string callback_url - The URL within your application you want Cronofy to send notifications to about user interactions with the Smart Invite. :param dict recipient - A Dict containing the intended recipient of the invite :email - A String for the email address you are going to send the Smart Invite to. :param dict event - A Dict describing the event with symbolized keys: :summary - A String to use as the summary, sometimes referred to as the name or title, of the event. :description - A String to use as the description, sometimes referred to as the notes or body, of the event. :start - The Time or Date the event starts. :end - The Time or Date the event ends. :url - The URL associated with the event. :location - A Dict describing the location of the event with keys (optional): :description - A String describing the location. :lat - A String of the location's latitude. :long - A String of the location's longitude. :reminders - An Array of Dicts describing the desired reminders for the event. Reminders should be specified in priority order as, for example, when the underlying provider only supports a single reminder then the first reminder will be used. :minutes - An Integer specifying the number of minutes before the start of the event that the reminder should occur. :transparency - The transparency state for the event (optional). Accepted values are "transparent" and "opaque". :color - The color of the event (optional). :param dict organizer - A Dict containing the organzier of the invite :name - A String for the name of the organizer. """ event['start'] = format_event_time(event['start']) event['end'] = format_event_time(event['end']) body = { 'smart_invite_id': smart_invite_id, 'event': event } if type(recipient) == dict: body['recipient'] = recipient elif type(recipient) == list: body['recipients'] = recipient if callback_url: body['callback_url'] = callback_url if organizer: body['organizer'] = organizer return'smart_invites', data=body, use_api_key=True).json() def get_smart_invite(self, smart_invite_id, recipient_email): """Gets the details for a smart invite. :param string smart_invite_id: - A String uniquely identifying the event for your application (note: this is NOT an ID generated by Cronofy). :param string recipient_email: - The email address for the recipient to get details for. """ params = { 'smart_invite_id': smart_invite_id, 'recipient_email': recipient_email } return self.request_handler.get('smart_invites', params=params, use_api_key=True).json() def get_authorization_from_code(self, code, redirect_uri=''): """Updates the authorization tokens from the user provided code. :param string code: Authorization code to pass to Cronofy. :param string redirect_uri: Optionally override redirect uri obtained from user_auth_link. (They must match however). :return: Dictionary containing auth tokens, expiration info, and response status. :rtype: ``dict`` """ response = endpoint='oauth/token', omit_api_version=True, data={ 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'code': code, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri if redirect_uri else self.auth.redirect_uri, }) data = response.json() token_expiration = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in'])) self.auth.update( token_expiration=token_expiration, access_token=data['access_token'], refresh_token=data['refresh_token'], ) return { 'access_token': self.auth.access_token, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, 'token_expiration': format_event_time(self.auth.token_expiration), } def application_calendar(self, application_calendar_id): """Creates and Retrieves authorization for an application calendar :param string application_calendar_id: The Id for this application calendar :return: Dictionary containing auth tokens, expiration info, and response status. :rtype: ``dict`` """ response = endpoint='application_calendar', data={ 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'application_calendar_id': application_calendar_id, }) data = response.json() token_expiration = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in'])) self.auth.update( token_expiration=token_expiration, access_token=data['access_token'], refresh_token=data['refresh_token'], ) return { 'access_token': self.auth.access_token, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, 'token_expiration': format_event_time(self.auth.token_expiration), 'sub': data.get('sub'), 'application_calendar_id': data.get('application_calendar_id') } def is_authorization_expired(self): """Checks if the authorization token (access_token) has expired. :return: If expired. :rtype: ``bool`` """ if not self.auth.token_expiration: return True return (datetime.datetime.utcnow() > self.auth.token_expiration) def list_calendars(self): """Return a list of calendars available for the active account. :return: List of calendars (dictionaries). :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='calendars').json()['calendars'] def list_profiles(self): """Get list of active user's calendar profiles. :return: Calendar profiles. :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='profiles').json()['profiles'] def list_notification_channels(self): """Return a list of notification channels available for the active account. :return: List of notification channels (dictionaries). :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get(endpoint='channels').json()['channels'] def resources(self): """ Lists all the resources for the service account. :return: List of Resources (dictionaries). :rtype: ``list`` """ return self.request_handler.get("resources").json()["resources"] def read_events(self, calendar_ids=(), from_date=None, to_date=None, last_modified=None, tzid=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID, only_managed=False, include_managed=True, include_deleted=False, include_moved=False, include_geo=False, localized_times=False, automatic_pagination=True): """Read events for linked account (optionally for the specified calendars). :param tuple calendar_ids: Tuple or list of calendar ids to pass to cronofy. (Optional). :param from_date: Start datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param to_date: End datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param datetime.datetime last_modified: Return items modified on or after last_modified. Datetime or ISO8601 string. (Optional). :param string tzid: Timezone ID for query. (Optional, default settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID). Should match tzinfo on datetime objects. :param bool only_managed: Only include events created through the API. (Optional, default False) :param bool include_managed: Include events created through the API. (Optional, default True) :param bool include_deleted: Include deleted events. (Optional, default False) :param bool include_moved: Include events that ever existed within the from_date/to_date time window. (Optional, default False) :param bool include_geo: Include any geo location information for events when available (Optional, default False) :param bool localized_times: Return time values for event start/end with localization information. This varies across providers. (Optional, default False). :param bool automatic_pagination: Autonatically fetch next page when iterating through results (Optional, default True) :return: Wrapped results (Containing first page of events). :rtype: ``Pages`` """ results = self.request_handler.get(endpoint='events', params={ 'tzid': tzid, 'calendar_ids[]': calendar_ids, 'from': format_event_time(from_date), 'to': format_event_time(to_date), 'last_modified': format_event_time(last_modified), 'only_managed': only_managed, 'include_managed': include_managed, 'include_deleted': include_deleted, 'include_moved': include_moved, 'include_geo': include_geo, 'localized_times': localized_times, }).json() return Pages(self.request_handler, results, 'events', automatic_pagination) def read_free_busy(self, calendar_ids=(), from_date=None, to_date=None, last_modified=None, tzid=settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID, include_managed=True, localized_times=False, automatic_pagination=True): """Read free/busy blocks for linked account (optionally for the specified calendars). :param tuple calendar_ids: Tuple or list of calendar ids to pass to cronofy. (Optional). :param from_date: Start datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param to_date: End datetime (or ISO8601 string) for query. (Optional). :param string tzid: Timezone ID for query. (Optional, default settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_ID). Should match tzinfo on datetime objects. :param bool include_managed: Include pages created through the API. (Optional, default True) :param bool localized_times: Return time values for event start/end with localization information. This varies across providers. (Optional, default False). :param bool automatic_pagination: Automatically fetch next page when iterating through results (Optional, default True) :return: Wrapped results (Containing first page of free/busy blocks). :rtype: ``Pages`` """ results = self.request_handler.get(endpoint='free_busy', params={ 'tzid': tzid, 'calendar_ids[]': calendar_ids, 'from': format_event_time(from_date), 'to': format_event_time(to_date), 'include_managed': include_managed, 'localized_times': localized_times, }).json() return Pages(self.request_handler, results, 'free_busy', automatic_pagination) def availability(self, participants=(), required_duration=(), available_periods=(), start_interval=None, buffer=(), response_format=None): """ Performs an availability query. :param list participants: An Array of participant groups or a dict for a single participant group. :param dict or int required_duration - An Integer representing the minimum number of minutes of availability required. :param list available_periods - An Array of available time periods dicts, each must specify a start and end Time. :param dict or int start_interval - An Interger representing the start interval minutes for the event. :param dict buffer - An Dict representing the buffer to apply to the request. :param string response_format - periods, slots or overlapping_slots (Optional, default periods) :rtype: ``list`` """ options = {} options['participants'] = self.map_availability_participants( participants) options['required_duration'] = self.map_availability_duration( required_duration) options['buffer'] = self.map_availability_buffer(buffer) if start_interval: options['start_interval'] = self.map_availability_duration(start_interval) response_element = 'available_periods' self.translate_available_periods(available_periods) options['available_periods'] = available_periods if response_format: options['response_format'] = response_format if response_format in ['slots', 'overlapping_slots']: response_element = 'available_slots' return'availability', data=options).json()[response_element] def sequenced_availability(self, sequence=(), available_periods=()): """ Performs an availability query. :param list sequence: An Array of dics representing sequences to find availability for each sequence can contain. :sequence_id - A string identifying this step in the sequence. :ordinal - An Integer defining the order of this step in the sequence. :participants - A dict stating who is required for the availability call :required_duration - A dict stating the length of time the event will last for :event - A dict describing the event :available_periods - A dict stating the available periods for the step :start_interval - An Interger representing the start interval minutes for the event. :buffer - An Dict representing the buffer to apply to the request. :param list available_periods - An Array of available time periods dicts, each must specify a start and end Time. :rtype: ``list`` """ options = {} options['sequence'] = self.map_availability_sequence(sequence) self.translate_available_periods(available_periods) options['available_periods'] = available_periods return'sequenced_availability', data=options).json()['sequences'] def refresh_authorization(self): """Refreshes the authorization tokens. :return: Dictionary containing auth tokens, expiration info, and response status. :rtype: ``dict`` """ response = endpoint='oauth/token', omit_api_version=True, data={ 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, } ) data = response.json() token_expiration = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in'])) self.auth.update( token_expiration=token_expiration, access_token=data['access_token'], refresh_token=data['refresh_token'], ) return { 'access_token': self.auth.access_token, 'refresh_token': self.auth.refresh_token, 'token_expiration': format_event_time(self.auth.token_expiration), } def revoke_authorization(self): """Revokes Oauth authorization.""" endpoint='oauth/token/revoke', omit_api_version=True, data={ 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'client_secret': self.auth.client_secret, 'token': self.auth.access_token, } ) self.auth.update( token_expiration=None, access_token=None, refresh_token=None, ) def revoke_profile(self, profile_id): """Revokes access to a specific profile. :param string profile_id: The ID of the profile to revoke access to. :return: None See for reference """'profiles/%s/revoke' % profile_id) def upsert_event(self, calendar_id, event): """Inserts or updates an event for the specified calendar. :param string calendar_id: ID of calendar to insert/update event into. :param dict event: Dictionary of event data to send to cronofy. """ event['start'] = format_event_time(event['start']) event['end'] = format_event_time(event['end']) endpoint='calendars/%s/events' % calendar_id, data=event) def authorize_with_service_account(self, email, scope, callback_url, state=None): """ Attempts to authorize the email with impersonation from a service account :param string email: the email address to impersonate :param string callback_url: URL to callback with the OAuth code. :param string scope: The scope of the privileges you want the eventual access_token to grant. :return: nothing """ params = { 'email': email, 'scope': scope, 'callback_url': callback_url } if state is not None: params['state'] = state endpoint="service_account_authorizations", data=params) None def real_time_scheduling(self, availability, oauth, event, target_calendars=(), minimum_notice=None): """Generates an real time scheduling link to start the OAuth process with an event to be automatically upserted :param dict availability: - A dict describing the availability details for the event: :participants - A dict stating who is required for the availability call :required_duration - A dict stating the length of time the event will last for :available_periods - A dict stating the available periods for the event :start_interval - A Integer representing the start_interval of the event :buffer - A dict representing the buffer for the event :param dict oauth: - A dict describing the OAuth flow required: :scope - A String representing the scopes to ask for within the OAuth flow :redirect_uri - A String containing a url to redirect the user to after completing the OAuth flow. :scope - A String representing additional state to be passed within the OAuth flow. :param dict event: - A dict describing the event :param list target_calendars: - An list of dics stating into which calendars to insert the created event :param dict :minimum_notice - A dict describing the minimum notice for a booking (Optional) See for reference. """ args = { 'oauth': oauth, 'event': event, 'target_calendars': target_calendars } if availability: options = {} options['participants'] = self.map_availability_participants(availability.get('participants', None)) options['required_duration'] = self.map_availability_duration(availability.get('required_duration', None)) options['start_interval'] = self.map_availability_duration(availability.get('start_interval', None)) options['buffer'] = self.map_availability_buffer(availability.get('buffer', None)) self.translate_available_periods(availability['available_periods']) options['available_periods'] = availability['available_periods'] args['availability'] = options if minimum_notice: args['minimum_notice'] = self.map_availability_duration(minimum_notice) return'real_time_scheduling', data=args, use_api_key=True).json() def real_time_sequencing(self, availability, oauth, event, target_calendars=(), minimum_notice=None): """Generates an real time sequencing link to start the OAuth process with an event to be automatically upserted :param dict availability: - A dict describing the availability details for the event: :sequence: An Array of dics representing sequences to find availability for each sequence can contain. :sequence_id - A string identifying this step in the sequence. :ordinal - An Integer defining the order of this step in the sequence. :participants - A dict stating who is required for the availability call :required_duration - A dict stating the length of time the event will last for :event - A dict describing the event :available_periods - A dict stating the available periods for the step :available_periods - A dict stating the available periods for the sequence :param dict oauth: - A dict describing the OAuth flow required: :scope - A String representing the scopes to ask for within the OAuth flow :redirect_uri - A String containing a url to redirect the user to after completing the OAuth flow. :scope - A String representing additional state to be passed within the OAuth flow. :param dict event: - A dict describing the event :param list target_calendars: - An list of dics stating into which calendars to insert the created event :param dict :minimum_notice - A dict describing the minimum notice for a booking (Optional) See for reference. """ args = { 'oauth': oauth, 'event': event, 'target_calendars': target_calendars } if availability: options = {} options['sequence'] = self.map_availability_sequence(availability.get('sequence', None)) if availability.get('available_periods', None): self.translate_available_periods(availability['available_periods']) options['available_periods'] = availability['available_periods'] args['availability'] = options if minimum_notice: args['minimum_notice'] = self.map_availability_duration(minimum_notice) return'real_time_sequencing', data=args, use_api_key=True).json() def user_auth_link(self, redirect_uri, scope='', state='', avoid_linking=False): """Generates a URL to send the user for OAuth 2.0 :param string redirect_uri: URL to redirect the user to after auth. :param string scope: The scope of the privileges you want the eventual access_token to grant. :param string state: A value that will be returned to you unaltered along with the user's authorization request decision. (The OAuth 2.0 RFC recommends using this to prevent cross-site request forgery.) :param bool avoid_linking: Avoid linking calendar accounts together under one set of credentials. (Optional, default: false). :return: authorization link :rtype: ``string`` """ if not scope: scope = ' '.join(settings.DEFAULT_OAUTH_SCOPE) self.auth.update(redirect_uri=redirect_uri) url = '%s/oauth/authorize' % self.app_base_url params = { 'response_type': 'code', 'client_id': self.auth.client_id, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri, 'scope': scope, 'state': state, 'avoid_linking': avoid_linking, } urlencoded_params = urlencode(params) return "{url}?{params}".format(url=url, params=urlencoded_params) def validate(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Validate authentication and values passed to the specified method. Raises a PyCronofyValidationError on error. :param string method: Method name to check. :param *args: Arguments for "Method". :param **kwargs: Keyword arguments for "Method". """ validate(method, self.auth, *args, **kwargs) def batch(self, builder): requests = responses ="batch", data=requests).json().get('batch', []) entries = list() for (request, response) in zip(requests, responses): entries.append(BatchEntry(request, response)) result = BatchResponse(entries) if result.has_errors(): msg = "Batch contains %i errors" % len(result.errors()) raise PyCronofyPartialSuccessError(msg, result) return result def translate_available_periods(self, periods): for params in periods: for tp in ['start', 'end']: if params[tp]: params[tp] = format_event_time(params[tp]) def map_availability_sequence(self, sequence): if isinstance(sequence, collections.Iterable): return list(map(lambda item: self.map_sequence_item(item), sequence)) else: return sequence def map_availability_buffer(self, buffer): result = {} if type(buffer) is not dict: return result if 'before' in buffer: result['before'] = self.map_buffer_details(buffer['before']) if 'after' in buffer: result['after'] = self.map_buffer_details(buffer['after']) return result def map_buffer_details(self, buffer): if type(buffer) is not dict: return self.map_availability_duration(buffer) result = self.map_availability_duration(buffer) if 'minimum' in buffer: result['minimum'] = self.map_availability_duration(buffer['minimum']) if 'maximum' in buffer: result['maximum'] = self.map_availability_duration(buffer['maximum']) return result def map_sequence_item(self, sequence_item): sequence_item['participants'] = self.map_availability_participants(sequence_item.get('participants', None)) sequence_item['required_duration'] = self.map_availability_duration(sequence_item.get('required_duration', None)) sequence_item['start_interval'] = self.map_availability_duration(sequence_item.get('start_interval', None)) sequence_item['buffer'] = self.map_availability_buffer(sequence_item.get('buffer', None)) if sequence_item.get('available_periods', None): self.translate_available_periods(sequence_item['available_periods']) return sequence_item def map_availability_participants(self, participants): if type(participants) is dict: # Allow one group to be specified without being nested return [self.map_availability_participants_group(participants)] elif isinstance(participants, collections.Iterable): return list(map(lambda group: self.map_availability_participants_group(group), participants)) else: return participants def map_availability_participants_group(self, participants): if type(participants) is dict: mapped_participants = list(map(lambda member: self.map_availability_member(member), participants.get('members', ()))) participants['members'] = mapped_participants if participants.get('required', None) is None: participants['required'] = 'all' return participants elif isinstance(participants, collections.Iterable): return list(map(lambda group: self.map_availability_participants(group), participants)) else: participants def map_availability_member(self, member): member_type = type(member) if member_type in (type(''), type(u'')): return {'sub': member} elif member_type is dict: if member.get('available_periods', None): self.translate_available_periods(member['available_periods']) return member def map_availability_duration(self, required_duration): if type(required_duration) is int: return {'minutes': required_duration} else: return required_duration
def auth(): """Setup Auth instance with test values.""" return Auth(**common_data.AUTH_ARGS)