예제 #1
    def SOS_compute_3(self, K, l_coeff, rho_max=10.):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        # fix u and lbda, search for V and rho
        x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")

        # get lbda from before
        l = np.array([x[1], x[0], 1])
        lbda = l.dot(np.dot(l_coeff, l))

        # rho is decision variable now
        rho = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "rho")[0]

        # create lyap V
        s = prog.NewContinuousVariables(4, "s")
        S = np.array([[s[0], s[1]], [s[2], s[3]]])
        V = x.dot(np.dot(S, x))
        Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(self.dynamics_K(x, K))[0]

        prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot - lbda * (rho - V))

        prog.AddLinearConstraint(rho <= rho_max)

        rho = prog.GetSolution(rho)
        s = prog.GetSolution(s)
        return s, rho
예제 #2
    def SOS_compute_2(self, l_coeff, S, rho_max=10.):
        prog = MathematicalProgram()
        # fix V and lbda, searcu for u and rho
        x = prog.NewIndeterminates(2, "x")
        # get lbda from before
        l = np.array([x[1], x[0], 1])
        lbda = l.dot(np.dot(l_coeff, l))

        # Define u
        K = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, "K")

        # Fixed Lyapunov
        V = x.dot(np.dot(S, x))
        Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(self.dynamics_K(x, K))[0]

        # rho is decision variable now
        rho = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "rho")[0]

        prog.AddSosConstraint(-Vdot - lbda * (rho - V))

        prog.AddLinearConstraint(rho <= rho_max)
        rho = prog.GetSolution(rho)
        K = prog.GetSolution(K)
        return rho, K
예제 #3
def run_simple_mathematical_program():
    print "\n\nsimple mathematical program"
    mp = MathematicalProgram()
    x = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "x")
    mp.AddLinearCost(x[0] * 1.0)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(x[0] >= 1)
    print mp.Solve()
    print mp.GetSolution(x)
    print "(finished) simple mathematical program"
예제 #4
# no need to change it, but if you really want to,
# keep l_deg even and do not set l_deg greater than 10
l_deg = 4
assert l_deg % 2 == 0

# SOS Lagrange multipliers
l = prog2.NewSosPolynomial(Variables(x), l_deg)[0].ToExpression()

# level set as optimization variable
rho = prog2.NewContinuousVariables(1, 'rho')[0]

# write here the SOS condition described in the "Not quite there yet..." section above
prog2.AddSosConstraint(x.dot(x)*(V-rho) - l*V_dot)

# insert here the objective function (maximize rho)

# solve program only if the lines above are filled
if len(prog2.GetAllConstraints()) != 0:

    # solve SOS program
    result = Solve(prog2)

    # get maximum rho
    assert result.is_success()
    rho_method_2 = result.GetSolution(rho)

    # print maximum rho
    print(f'Method 2 verified rho = {rho_method_2}.')

"""## Method 3: Smarter Single-Shot SOS Program
예제 #5
    def PlanGraspPoints(self):
        # First, extract the bounding geometry of the object.
        # Generally, our geometry is coming from 3d models, so
        # we have to do some legwork to extract 2D geometry. For
        # the examples we'll use in this set, we'll assume
        # that extracting the convex hull of the first visual element
        # is a good representation of the object geometry. (This is
        # not great! But it'll do the job for us, since we're going
        # to experiment with only simple objects.)
        kinsol = self.hand.doKinematics(
        self.manipuland_link_index = \
        body = self.hand.get_body(self.manipuland_link_index)
        # For projecting into XY plane
        Tview = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.,
        all_points = ExtractPlanarObjectGeometryConvexHull(body, Tview)

        # For later use: precompute the fingertip positions of the
        # robot in the nominal posture.
        nominal_fingertip_points = np.empty((2, self.num_fingers))
        for i in range(self.num_fingers):
            nominal_fingertip_points[:, i] = self.hand.transformPoints(
                kinsol, self.fingertip_position, self.finger_link_indices[i],
                0)[0:2, 0]

        # Search for an optimal grasp with N points

        def get_random_point_and_normal_on_surface(all_points):
            num_points = all_points.shape[1]
            i = random.choice(range(num_points - 1))
            first_point = np.asarray([all_points[0][i], all_points[1][i]])
            second_point = np.asarray(
                [all_points[0][i + 1], all_points[1][i + 1]])
            first_to_second = second_point - first_point
            # Clip to avoid interpolating close to a corner
            interpolate_param = np.clip(np.random.rand(), 0.2, 0.8)
            rand_point = first_point + interpolate_param * first_to_second

            normal = np.array([-first_to_second[1], first_to_second[0]]) \
                / np.linalg.norm(first_to_second)
            return rand_point, normal

        best_conv_volume = 0
        best_points = []
        best_normals = []
        best_finger_assignments = []
        for i in range(self.n_grasp_search_iters):
            grasp_points = []
            normals = []
            for j in range(self.num_fingers):
                point, normal = \
                # check for duplicates or close points -- fingertip
                # radius is 0.2, so require twice that margin to avoid
                # intersection fingertips.
                num_rejected = 0
                while min([1.0] + [
                        np.linalg.norm(grasp_point - point, 2)
                        for grasp_point in grasp_points
                ]) <= 0.4:
                    point, normal = \
                    num_rejected += 1
                    if num_rejected > 10000:
                        print "Rejected 10000 points in a row due to crowding." \
                              " Your object is a bit too small for your number of" \
                              " fingers."
            if achieves_force_closure(grasp_points, normals, self.mu):
                # Test #1: Rank in terms of convex hull volume of grasp points
                volume = compute_convex_hull_volume(grasp_points)
                if volume < best_conv_volume:

                # Test #2: Does IK work for this point?
                self.grasp_points = grasp_points
                self.grasp_normals = normals

                # Pick optimal finger assignment that
                # minimizes distance between fingertips in the
                # nominal posture, and the chosen grasp points
                grasp_points_world = self.transform_grasp_points_manipuland(
                    self.x_nom)[0:2, :]

                prog = MathematicalProgram()
                # We'd *really* like these to be binary variables,
                # but unfortunately don't have a MIP solver available in the
                # course docker container. Instead, we'll solve an LP,
                # and round the result to the nearest feasible integer
                # solutions. Intuitively, this LP should probably reach its
                # optimal value at an extreme point (where the variables
                # all take integer value). I've not yet observed this
                # not occuring in practice!
                assignment_vars = prog.NewContinuousVariables(
                    self.num_fingers, self.num_fingers, "assignment")
                for grasp_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                    # Every row and column of assignment vars sum to one --
                    # each finger matches to one grasp position
                        np.sum(assignment_vars[:, grasp_i]) == 1.)
                        np.sum(assignment_vars[grasp_i, :]) == 1.)
                    for finger_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                        # If this grasp assignment is active,
                        # add a cost equal to the distance between
                        # nominal pose and grasp position
                            assignment_vars[grasp_i, finger_i] *
                            np.linalg.norm(grasp_points_world[:, grasp_i] -
                            0., 1., assignment_vars[grasp_i, finger_i])
                result = Solve(prog)
                assignments = result.GetSolution(assignment_vars)
                # Round assignments to nearest feasible set
                claimed = [False] * self.num_fingers
                for grasp_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                    order = np.argsort(assignments[grasp_i, :])
                    fill_i = self.num_fingers - 1
                    while claimed[order[fill_i]] is not False:
                        fill_i -= 1
                    if fill_i < 0:
                        raise Exception("Finger association failed. "
                                        "Horrible bug. Tell Greg")
                    assignments[grasp_i, :] *= 0.
                    assignments[grasp_i, order[fill_i]] = 1.
                    claimed[order[fill_i]] = True

                # Populate actual assignments
                self.grasp_finger_assignments = []
                for grasp_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                    for finger_i in range(self.num_fingers):
                        if assignments[grasp_i, finger_i] == 1.:
                                (finger_i, np.array(self.fingertip_position)))

                qinit, info = self.ComputeTargetPosture(
                    self.x_nom[(self.nq - 3):self.nq],
                if info != 1:

                best_conv_volume = volume
                best_points = grasp_points
                best_normals = normals
                best_finger_assignments = self.grasp_finger_assignments

        if len(best_points) == 0:
            print "After %d attempts, couldn't find a good grasp "\
                  "for this object." % self.n_grasp_search_iters
            print "Proceeding with a horrible random guess."
            best_points = [
                np.random.uniform(-1., 1., 2) for i in range(self.num_fingers)
            best_normals = [
                np.random.uniform(-1., 1., 2) for i in range(self.num_fingers)
            best_finger_assignments = [(i, self.fingertip_position)
                                       for i in range(self.num_fingers)]

        self.grasp_points = best_points
        self.grasp_normals = best_normals
        self.grasp_finger_assignments = best_finger_assignments
예제 #6
    def MILP_compute_traj(self,
                          pose_initial=[0., 0.]):
		Find trajectory with MILP
		Outputs trajectory (waypoints) and new K for control 
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        N = 8
        k = 0
        # define state traj
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % k)
        # # binary variables for obstalces constraint
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = c
        states = st
        for k in range(1, N):
            st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % k)
            states = np.vstack((states, st))
            c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
            obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % (N + 1))
        states = np.vstack((states, st))
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        # variables encoding max x y dist from obstacle
        x_margin = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "x_margin")
        y_margin = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "y_margin")
        ### define cost
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddLinearCost(-states[i, 0])  # go as far forward as possible
        mp.AddLinearCost(-states[-1, 0])
        # bound x y margin so it doesn't explode
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_margin[0] <= 3.)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(y_margin[0] <= 3.)
        # x y is non ngative adn at least above robot radius
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_margin[0] >= 0.05)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(y_margin[0] >= 0.05)
        M = 1000  # slack var for integer things
        # state constraint
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint x y
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[i])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[i])
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddQuadraticCost((states[i + 1, 1] - states[i, 1])**2)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 0] <= states[i, 0] + dx)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 0] >= states[i, 0] - dx)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 1] <= states[i, 1] + dy)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 1] >= states[i, 1] - dy)
            # obstacle constraint
            for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[i, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
                ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
                ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
                if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                       1):  # less than max range measured
                    rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                        obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                    rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                        states[i, 0] <= rng_min - x_margin[0] +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                        states[i, 0] >= rng_max + x_margin[0] -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                        states[i, 1] <=
                        states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - y_margin[0] +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                        states[i, 1] >=
                        states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + y_margin[0] -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c
        # obstacle constraint for last state
        for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[N, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
            ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
            ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
            if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                   1):  # less than max range measured
                rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                    obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                    states[N, 0] <= rng_min - x_margin[0] +
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                    states[N, 0] >= rng_max + x_margin[0] -
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                           1] <= states[N, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - y_margin[0] +
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                           1] >= states[N, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + y_margin[0] -
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c


        trajectory = mp.GetSolution(states)
        xm = mp.GetSolution(x_margin)
        ym = mp.GetSolution(y_margin)
        x_out[:] = trajectory[:, 0]
        y_out[:] = trajectory[:, 1]
        return trajectory, xm[0], ym[0]
예제 #7
    def compute_trajectory(self,
                           pose_initial=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
		Find trajectory with MILP
		input u are tyhe velocities (xd, yd)
		dt 0.05 according to a rate of 20 Hz
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        N = 30
        k = 0
        # define input trajectory and state traj
        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)  # xd yd
        input_trajectory = u
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % k)
        # # binary variables for obstalces constraint
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = c
        states = st
        for k in range(1, N):
            u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)
            input_trajectory = np.vstack((input_trajectory, u))
            st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % k)
            states = np.vstack((states, st))
            c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
            obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % (N + 1))
        states = np.vstack((states, st))
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        ### define cost
        mp.AddLinearCost(100 *
                         (-states[-1, 0]))  # go as far forward as possible
        # mp.AddQuadraticCost(states[-1,1]*states[-1,1])
        # time constraint
        M = 1000  # slack var for obst costraint
        # state constraint
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint x y yaw
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[i])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[i])
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint xd yd yawd
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[2 + i] + 1)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[2 + i] - 1)
        for i in range(N):
            # state update according to dynamics
            state_next = self.quad_dynamics(states[i, :],
                                            input_trajectory[i, :], dt)
            for j in range(4):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, j] <= state_next[j])
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, j] >= state_next[j])
            # obstacle constraint
            for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[i, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
                ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
                ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
                if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                       1):  # less than max range measured
                    rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                        obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                    rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                        states[i, 0] <= rng_min - 0.05 +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                        states[i, 0] >= rng_max + 0.005 -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                        states[i, 1] <= states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - 0.05 +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                        states[i, 1] >= states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + 0.05 -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c
            # environmnt constraint, dont leave fov
                states[i, 1] >= states[i, 0] * np.tan(-self.theta))
                states[i, 1] <= states[i, 0] * np.tan(self.theta))
            # bound the inputs
            # mp.AddConstraint(input_trajectory[i,:].dot(input_trajectory[i,:]) <= 2.5*2.5) # dosnt work with multi int
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 0] <= 2.5)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 0] >= -2.5)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 1] <= 0.5)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 1] >= -0.5)


        input_trajectory = mp.GetSolution(input_trajectory)
        trajectory = mp.GetSolution(states)
        x_out[:] = trajectory[:, 0]
        y_out[:] = trajectory[:, 1]
        ux_out[:] = input_trajectory[:, 0]
        uy_out[:] = input_trajectory[:, 1]
        return trajectory, input_trajectory
예제 #8
파일: drake.py 프로젝트: ashBabu/pympc
def linear_program(f, A, b, C=None, d=None, tol=1.e-5, **kwargs):
    Solves the linear program min_x f^T x s.t. A x <= b, C x = d.

    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.
    tol : float
        Maximum value of a residual of an inequality to consider the related constraint active.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the LP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the LP (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the LP (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        active_set : list of int
            Indices of the active inequallities {i | A_i argmin = b} (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        multiplier_inequality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the inequality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        multiplier_equality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the equality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded or without equality constraints).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # build program
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x)
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(A[i].dot(x) <= b[i]) for i in range(n_ineq)]
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(C[i].dot(x) == d[i]) for i in range(n_eq)]

    # solve
    solver = GurobiSolver()
    prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), 'OutputFlag', 0)
    [prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), parameter, value) for parameter, value in kwargs.items()]
    result = prog.Solve()

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None,
        'active_set': None,
        'multiplier_inequality': None,
        'multiplier_equality': None

    if result == SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        sol['argmin'] = prog.GetSolution(x)
        sol['min'] = f.dot(sol['argmin'])
        sol['active_set'] = np.where(A.dot(sol['argmin']) - b > -tol)[0].tolist()

        # retrieve multipliers through KKT conditions
        M = A[sol['active_set']].T
        if n_eq > 0:
            M = np.hstack((M, C.T))
        m = -np.linalg.pinv(M).dot(f)
        sol['multiplier_inequality'] = np.zeros(n_ineq)
        for i, j in enumerate(sol['active_set']):
            sol['multiplier_inequality'][j] = m[i]
        if n_eq > 0:
            sol['multiplier_equality'] = m[len(sol['active_set']):]

    return sol
예제 #9
from pydrake.all import Jacobian, MathematicalProgram, Solve

def dynamics(x):
    return -x + x**3

prog = MathematicalProgram()
x = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, "x")
rho = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "rho")[0]

# Define the Lyapunov function.
V = x.dot(x)
Vdot = Jacobian([V], x).dot(dynamics(x))[0]

# Define the Lagrange multiplier.
lambda_ = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1, "lambda")[0]
prog.AddConstraint(lambda_ >= 0)

prog.AddSosConstraint((V - rho) * x.dot(x) - lambda_ * Vdot)

result = Solve(prog)

assert result.is_success()

print("Verified that " + str(V) + " < " + str(result.GetSolution(rho)) +
      " is in the region of attraction.")

assert math.fabs(result.GetSolution(rho) - 1) < 1e-5
예제 #10
prog = MathematicalProgram()

# Construct an n-by-n positive semi-definite matrix as the decision
# variables.
num_states = A[0].shape[0]
P = prog.NewSymmetricContinuousVariables(num_states, "P")
prog.AddPositiveSemidefiniteConstraint(P - .01 * np.identity(num_states))

# Add the common Lyapunov conditions.
for i in range(len(A)):
    prog.AddPositiveSemidefiniteConstraint(-A[i].transpose().dot(P) -
                                           P.dot(A[i]) -
                                           .01 * np.identity(num_states))

# Add an objective.

# Run the optimization.
result = Solve(prog)

if result.is_success():
    P = result.GetSolution(P)
    print("eig(P) =" + str(np.linalg.eig(P)[0]))
    for i in range(len(A)):
        print("eig(Pdot" + str(i) + ") = " +
              str(np.linalg.eig(A[i].transpose().dot(P) + P.dot(A[i]))[0]))
    print('Could not find a common Lyapunov function.')
    print('This is expected to occur with some probability:  not all')
    print('random sets of stable matrices will have a common Lyapunov')
def achieves_force_closure(points, normals, mu):
    Determines whether the given forces achieve force closure.

    Note that each of points and normals are lists of variable 
    length, but should be the same length.

    Here's an example valid set of input args:
        points  = [np.asarray([0.1, 0.2]), np.asarray([0.5,-0.1])]
        normals = [np.asarray([-1.0,0.0]), np.asarray([0.0, 1.0])]
        mu = 0.2
        achieves_force_closure(points, normals, mu)

    NOTE: your normals should be normalized (be unit vectors)

    :param points: a list of arrays where each array is the
        position of the force points relative to the center of mass.
    :type points: a list of 1-d numpy arrays of shape (2,)

    :param normals: a list of arrays where each array is the normal
        of the local surface of the object, pointing in towards
        the object
    :type normals: a list of 1-d numpy arrays of shape (2,)

    :param mu: coulombic kinetic friction coefficient
    :type mu: float, greater than 0.

    :return: whether or not the given parameters achieves force closure
    :rtype: bool (True or False)
    assert len(points) == len(normals)
    assert mu >= 0.0

    # print('Number of Points: ' + str(len(points)))

    from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve
    mp = MathematicalProgram()

    forces = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2 * len(points), "forces")
    y = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "y")

    g = get_G(points, normals)
    # print('Is Full Row Rank? => ' + str(is_full_row_rank(g)))
    if (not is_full_row_rank(g)):
        return False

    w = g.dot(forces)

    mp.AddLinearConstraint(w[0] == 0)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(w[1] == 0)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(w[2] == 0)
    #     mp.AddLinearEqualityConstraint(g, np.zeros((3, 1)), forces)

    mp.AddLinearConstraint(y[0] >= -1)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(y[0] <= 0)

    for i in range(len(points)):
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(mu * forces[2 * i + 1] >= forces[2 * i])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(mu * forces[2 * i + 1] >= -forces[2 * i])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(forces[2 * i + 1] >= -y[0])

    result = Solve(mp)
    forces_solution = result.GetSolution(forces)
    y_solution = result.GetSolution(y)

    # print('forces_solution: ' + str(forces_solution))
    # print('w: ' + str(g.dot(forces_solution)))
    # print('y_solution: ' + str(y_solution))

    if y_solution == 0:
        return False
        return True
예제 #12
def achieves_force_closure(points, normals, mu, debug=False):
    Determines whether the given forces achieve force closure.

    Note that each of points and normals are lists of variable 
    length, but should be the same length.

    Here's an example valid set of input args:
        points  = [np.asarray([0.1, 0.2]), np.asarray([0.5,-0.1])]
        normals = [np.asarray([-1.0,0.0]), np.asarray([0.0, 1.0])]
        mu = 0.2
        achieves_force_closure(points, normals, mu)

    NOTE: your normals should be normalized (be unit vectors)

    :param points: a list of arrays where each array is the
        position of the force points relative to the center of mass.
    :type points: a list of 1-d numpy arrays of shape (2,)

    :param normals: a list of arrays where each array is the normal
        of the local surface of the object, pointing in towards
        the object
    :type normals: a list of 1-d numpy arrays of shape (2,)

    :param mu: coulombic kinetic friction coefficient
    :type mu: float, greater than 0.

    :return: whether or not the given parameters achieves force closure
    :rtype: bool (True or False)
    assert len(points) == len(normals)
    assert mu >= 0.0

    G = get_G(points, normals)
    if not is_full_row_rank(G):
        print("G is not full row rank")
        return False

    N_points = len(points)
    max_force = 1000

    mp = MathematicalProgram()

    ## Decision vars
    # force tangent to surface
    forces_x = mp.NewContinuousVariables(N_points, "forces_x")
    # force normal to surface
    forces_z = mp.NewContinuousVariables(N_points, "forces_z")
    # -1<=slack_var<=0 used to convert inequalities to strict inequalities
    slack_var = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "slack_var")

    # put force vars in single array
    forces = [None] * 2 * N_points
    for point_idx in range(N_points):
        forces[point_idx * 2] = forces_x[point_idx]
        forces[point_idx * 2 + 1] = forces_z[point_idx]

    # ensure forces/moments add to zero
    for row_idx in range(np.shape(G)[0]):
        # 3 rows (LMB_x, LMB_z, AMB) = 0 for static system
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(G[row_idx, :].dot(forces) == 0)
        if debug:
            print("Static force/moment constraints = 0:")
            print(G[row_idx, :].dot(forces))

    # ensure forces stay within friction cone and use slack to avoid trivial 0 solution
    for point_idx in range(N_points):
        # normal force must be positive (slack allows us to catch if it's zero)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(forces_z[point_idx] + slack_var[0] >= 0)
            forces_x[point_idx] <= mu * forces_z[point_idx] + slack_var[0])
            forces_x[point_idx] >= -(mu * forces_z[point_idx] + slack_var[0]))

    # restrict slack
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(slack_var[0] <= 0)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(slack_var[0] >= -1)

    # restrict solution within bounds
    for force in forces:
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(force >= -max_force)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(force <= max_force)

    result = Solve(mp)
    if (not result.is_success()):
        print("solver failed to find solution")
        return False

    gamma = result.GetSolution(slack_var)
    if (gamma < 0):
        print("acheived force closure, gamma = {}".format(gamma))
        if debug:
            x = result.GetSolution(forces_x)
            z = result.GetSolution(forces_z)
            print("solution forces_x: {}".format(x))
            print("solution forces_z: {}".format(z))
        return True
        print("only trivial solution with 0 forces found")
        return False
예제 #13
def linear_program(f, A, b, C=None, d=None, tol=1.e-5):
    Solves the linear program min_x f^T x s.t. A x <= b, C x = d.

    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.
    tol : float
        Maximum value of a residual of an inequality to consider the related constraint active.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the LP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the LP (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the LP (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        active_set : list of int
            Indices of the active inequallities {i | A_i argmin = b} (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        multiplier_inequality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the inequality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded).
        multiplier_equality : numpy.ndarray
            Lagrange multipliers for the equality constraints (None if the problem is unfeasible or unbounded or without equality constraints).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # reshape inputs
    if len(f.shape) == 2:
        f = np.reshape(f, f.shape[0])

    # build program
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(n_x)
    inequalities = []
    for i in range(n_ineq):
        lhs = A[i, :] + 1.e-20 * np.random.rand(
        )  # drake raises a RuntimeError if the in the expression x does not appear (e.g.: 0 x <= 1)
        rhs = b[i] + 1.e-15 * np.random.rand(
        )  # in case the constraint is 0 x <= 0 the previous trick ends up adding the constraint x <= 0 to the program...
        inequalities.append(prog.AddLinearConstraint(lhs.dot(x) <= rhs))
    for i in range(n_eq):
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(C[i, :].dot(x) == d[i])

    # solve
    solver = GurobiSolver()
    prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), "OutputFlag", 0)
    result = prog.Solve()

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None,
        'active_set': None,
        'multiplier_inequality': None,
        'multiplier_equality': None

    if result == SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        sol['argmin'] = prog.GetSolution(x).reshape(n_x, 1)
        sol['min'] = f.dot(sol['argmin'])[0]
        sol['active_set'] = np.where(
            A.dot(sol['argmin']) - b > -tol)[0].tolist()

        # retrieve multipliers through KKT conditions
        M = A[sol['active_set'], :].T
        if n_eq > 0:
            M = np.hstack((M, C.T))
        m = np.linalg.pinv(M).dot(-f.reshape(n_x, 1))
        sol['multiplier_inequality'] = np.zeros((n_ineq, 1))
        for i, j in enumerate(sol['active_set']):
            sol['multiplier_inequality'][j, 0] = m[i, :]
        if n_eq > 0:
            sol['multiplier_equality'] = m[len(sol['active_set']):, :]

    return sol
예제 #14
def achieves_force_closure(points, normals, mu):
    Determines whether the given forces achieve force closure.

    Note that each of points and normals are lists of variable 
    length, but should be the same length.

    Here's an example valid set of input args:
        points  = [np.asarray([0.1, 0.2]), np.asarray([0.5,-0.1])]
        normals = [np.asarray([-1.0,0.0]), np.asarray([0.0, 1.0])]
        mu = 0.2
        achieves_force_closure(points, normals, mu)

    NOTE: your normals should be normalized (be unit vectors)

    :param points: a list of arrays where each array is the
        position of the force points relative to the center of mass.
    :type points: a list of 1-d numpy arrays of shape (2,)

    :param normals: a list of arrays where each array is the normal
        of the local surface of the object, pointing in towards
        the object
    :type normals: a list of 1-d numpy arrays of shape (2,)

    :param mu: coulombic static friction coefficient
    :type mu: float, greater than or equal to 0

    :return: whether or not the given parameters achieves force closure
    :rtype: bool (True or False)
    assert len(points) == len(normals)
    assert mu >= 0.0

    G = get_G(points, normals)
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(G) != 3:
        return False

    from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram
    from pydrake.solvers import mathematicalprogram as mpa

    mp = MathematicalProgram()

    f = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2 * len(points), "f")
    gamma = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "gamma")

    mp.AddLinearConstraint(gamma[0] <= 0)
    mp.AddLinearConstraint(gamma[0] >= -1)

    for i in range(len(points)):
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(f[2 * i] <= mu * f[2 * i + 1] + gamma[0])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(-f[2 * i] <= mu * f[2 * i + 1] + gamma[0])
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(f[2 * i] <= 1000)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(f[2 * i] >= -1000)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(f[2 * i + 1] + gamma[0] >= 0)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(f[2 * i + 1] <= 1000)

    gf = G.dot(f)
    assert (gf.shape == (3, ))
    for i in range(3):
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(gf[i] == 0)


    x = mp.Solve()
    if x == mpa.SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        g = mp.GetSolution(gamma)
        #print(g[0] < 0)
        return g[0] < 0
    return False