예제 #1
    def MILP_compute_traj(self,
                          pose_initial=[0., 0.]):
		Find trajectory with MILP
		Outputs trajectory (waypoints) and new K for control 
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        N = 8
        k = 0
        # define state traj
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % k)
        # # binary variables for obstalces constraint
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = c
        states = st
        for k in range(1, N):
            st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % k)
            states = np.vstack((states, st))
            c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
            obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "state_%d" % (N + 1))
        states = np.vstack((states, st))
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        # variables encoding max x y dist from obstacle
        x_margin = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "x_margin")
        y_margin = mp.NewContinuousVariables(1, "y_margin")
        ### define cost
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddLinearCost(-states[i, 0])  # go as far forward as possible
        mp.AddLinearCost(-states[-1, 0])
        # bound x y margin so it doesn't explode
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_margin[0] <= 3.)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(y_margin[0] <= 3.)
        # x y is non ngative adn at least above robot radius
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(x_margin[0] >= 0.05)
        mp.AddLinearConstraint(y_margin[0] >= 0.05)
        M = 1000  # slack var for integer things
        # state constraint
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint x y
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[i])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[i])
        for i in range(N):
            mp.AddQuadraticCost((states[i + 1, 1] - states[i, 1])**2)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 0] <= states[i, 0] + dx)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 0] >= states[i, 0] - dx)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 1] <= states[i, 1] + dy)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, 1] >= states[i, 1] - dy)
            # obstacle constraint
            for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[i, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
                ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
                ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
                if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                       1):  # less than max range measured
                    rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                        obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                    rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                        states[i, 0] <= rng_min - x_margin[0] +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                        states[i, 0] >= rng_max + x_margin[0] -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                        states[i, 1] <=
                        states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - y_margin[0] +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                        states[i, 1] >=
                        states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + y_margin[0] -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c
        # obstacle constraint for last state
        for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[N, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
            ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
            ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
            if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                   1):  # less than max range measured
                rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                    obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                    states[N, 0] <= rng_min - x_margin[0] +
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                    states[N, 0] >= rng_max + x_margin[0] -
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                           1] <= states[N, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - y_margin[0] +
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                           1] >= states[N, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + y_margin[0] -
                    M * obs[N, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c


        trajectory = mp.GetSolution(states)
        xm = mp.GetSolution(x_margin)
        ym = mp.GetSolution(y_margin)
        x_out[:] = trajectory[:, 0]
        y_out[:] = trajectory[:, 1]
        return trajectory, xm[0], ym[0]
예제 #2
    def intercepting_with_obs_avoidance_bb(self,
        """kick while avoiding obstacles using big M formulation and branch and bound"""
        x0 = np.array(np.concatenate((p0, v0), axis=0))
        xf = np.concatenate((pf, vf), axis=0)
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # state and control inputs
        N = int(T / self.params.dt)  # number of command steps
        state = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, 4, 'state')
        cmd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N, 2, 'input')

        # Initial and final state
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(state[0], x0))
        prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(state[-1], xf))

        self.add_dynamics(prog, N, state, cmd)

        ## Input saturation
        self.add_input_limits(prog, cmd, N)

        # Arena constraints
        self.add_arena_limits(prog, state, N)

        # Add Mixed-integer constraints - will solve with BB

        # avoid hitting the puck while generating a kicking trajectory
        # MILP formulation with B&B solver
        x_obs_puck = prog.NewBinaryVariables(rows=N + 1,
                                             cols=2)  # obs x_min, obs x_max
        y_obs_puck = prog.NewBinaryVariables(rows=N + 1,
                                             cols=2)  # obs y_min, obs y_max
        self.avoid_puck_bigm(prog, x_obs_puck, y_obs_puck, state, N, p_puck)

        # Avoid other players
        if obstacles != None:
            x_obs_player = list()
            y_obs_player = list()
            for i, obs in enumerate(obstacles):
                    rows=N + 1, cols=2))  # obs x_min, obs x_max
                    rows=N + 1, cols=2))  # obs y_min, obs y_max
                self.avoid_other_player_bigm(prog, x_obs_player[i],
                                             y_obs_player[i], state, obs, N)

        # Solve with simple b&b solver
        for k in range(N):

        bb = branch_and_bound.MixedIntegerBranchAndBound(
        result = bb.Solve()
        if result != result.kSolutionFound:
            raise ValueError('Infeasible optimization problem.')
        u_values = np.array([bb.GetSolution(u) for u in cmd]).T
        solution_found = result.kSolutionFound
        return solution_found, u_values
예제 #3
    def compute_trajectory(self,
                           pose_initial=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
		Find trajectory with MILP
		input u are tyhe velocities (xd, yd)
		dt 0.05 according to a rate of 20 Hz
        mp = MathematicalProgram()
        N = 30
        k = 0
        # define input trajectory and state traj
        u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)  # xd yd
        input_trajectory = u
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % k)
        # # binary variables for obstalces constraint
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = c
        states = st
        for k in range(1, N):
            u = mp.NewContinuousVariables(2, "u_%d" % k)
            input_trajectory = np.vstack((input_trajectory, u))
            st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % k)
            states = np.vstack((states, st))
            c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
            obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        st = mp.NewContinuousVariables(4, "state_%d" % (N + 1))
        states = np.vstack((states, st))
        c = mp.NewBinaryVariables(4 * self.ang_discret, "c_%d" % k)
        obs = np.vstack((obs, c))
        ### define cost
        mp.AddLinearCost(100 *
                         (-states[-1, 0]))  # go as far forward as possible
        # mp.AddQuadraticCost(states[-1,1]*states[-1,1])
        # time constraint
        M = 1000  # slack var for obst costraint
        # state constraint
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint x y yaw
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[i])
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[i])
        for i in range(2):  # initial state constraint xd yd yawd
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] <= pose_initial[2 + i] + 1)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[0, i] >= pose_initial[2 + i] - 1)
        for i in range(N):
            # state update according to dynamics
            state_next = self.quad_dynamics(states[i, :],
                                            input_trajectory[i, :], dt)
            for j in range(4):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, j] <= state_next[j])
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(states[i + 1, j] >= state_next[j])
            # obstacle constraint
            for j in range(self.ang_discret - 1):
                mp.AddLinearConstraint(sum(obs[i, 4 * j:4 * j + 4]) <= 3)
                ang_min = self.angles[j]  # lower angle bound of obstacle
                ang_max = self.angles[j + 1]  # higher angle bound of obstaclee
                if int(obst_idx[j]) < (self.rng_discret -
                                       1):  # less than max range measured
                    rng_min = self.ranges[int(
                        obst_idx[j])]  # where the obst is at at this angle
                    rng_max = self.ranges[int(obst_idx[j] + 1)]
                        states[i, 0] <= rng_min - 0.05 +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j])  # xi <= xobs,low + M*c
                        states[i, 0] >= rng_max + 0.005 -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 1])  # xi >= xobs,high - M*c
                        states[i, 1] <= states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_min) - 0.05 +
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 2])  # yi <= xi*tan(ang,min) + M*c
                        states[i, 1] >= states[i, 0] * np.tan(ang_max) + 0.05 -
                        M * obs[i, 4 * j + 3])  # yi >= ci*tan(ang,max) - M*c
            # environmnt constraint, dont leave fov
                states[i, 1] >= states[i, 0] * np.tan(-self.theta))
                states[i, 1] <= states[i, 0] * np.tan(self.theta))
            # bound the inputs
            # mp.AddConstraint(input_trajectory[i,:].dot(input_trajectory[i,:]) <= 2.5*2.5) # dosnt work with multi int
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 0] <= 2.5)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 0] >= -2.5)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 1] <= 0.5)
            mp.AddLinearConstraint(input_trajectory[i, 1] >= -0.5)


        input_trajectory = mp.GetSolution(input_trajectory)
        trajectory = mp.GetSolution(states)
        x_out[:] = trajectory[:, 0]
        y_out[:] = trajectory[:, 1]
        ux_out[:] = input_trajectory[:, 0]
        uy_out[:] = input_trajectory[:, 1]
        return trajectory, input_trajectory
예제 #4
파일: drake.py 프로젝트: ashBabu/pympc
def mixed_integer_quadratic_program(nc, H, f, A, b, C=None, d=None, **kwargs):
    Solves the strictly convex (H > 0) mixed-integer quadratic program min .5 x' H x + f' x s.t. A x <= b, C x  = d.
    The first nc variables in x are continuous, the remaining are binaries.

    nc : int
        Number of continuous variables in the problem.
    H : numpy.ndarray
        Positive definite Hessian of the cost function.
    f : numpy.ndarray
        Gradient of the cost function.
    A : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    b : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
    C : numpy.ndarray
        Left-hand side of the equality constraints.
    d : numpy.ndarray
        Right-hand side of the equality constraints.

    sol : dict
        Dictionary with the solution of the MIQP.

        min : float
            Minimum of the MIQP (None if the problem is unfeasible).
        argmin : numpy.ndarray
            Argument that minimizes the MIQP (None if the problem is unfeasible).

    # check equalities
    if (C is None) != (d is None):
        raise ValueError('missing C or d.')

    # problem size
    n_ineq, n_x = A.shape
    if C is not None:
        n_eq = C.shape[0]
        n_eq = 0

    # build program
    prog = MathematicalProgram()
    x = np.hstack((
        prog.NewBinaryVariables(n_x - nc)
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(A[i].dot(x) <= b[i]) for i in range(n_ineq)]
    [prog.AddLinearConstraint(C[i].dot(x) == d[i]) for i in range(n_eq)]
    prog.AddQuadraticCost(.5*x.dot(H).dot(x) + f.dot(x))

    # solve
    solver = GurobiSolver()
    prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), 'OutputFlag', 0)
    [prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_type(), parameter, value) for parameter, value in kwargs.items()]
    result = prog.Solve()

    # initialize output
    sol = {
        'min': None,
        'argmin': None

    if result == SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
        sol['argmin'] = prog.GetSolution(x)
        sol['min'] = .5*sol['argmin'].dot(H).dot(sol['argmin']) + f.dot(sol['argmin'])

    return sol
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, start, goal, degree, n_segments, duration, regions,
                 H):  #sample_times, num_vars, continuity_degree):
        R = len(regions)
        N = n_segments
        M = 100
        prog = MathematicalProgram()

        # Set H
        if H is None:
            H = prog.NewBinaryVariables(R, N)
            for n_idx in range(N):
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(np.sum(H[:, n_idx]) == 1)

        poly_xs, poly_ys, poly_zs = [], [], []
        vars_ = np.zeros((N, )).astype(object)
        for n_idx in range(N):
            # for each segment
            t = prog.NewIndeterminates(1, "t" + str(n_idx))
            vars_[n_idx] = t[0]
            poly_x = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree,
                                            "c_x_" + str(n_idx))
            poly_y = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree,
                                            "c_y_" + str(n_idx))
            poly_z = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree,
                                            "c_z_" + str(n_idx))
            for var_ in poly_x.decision_variables():
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ <= M)
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ >= -M)
            for var_ in poly_y.decision_variables():
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ <= M)
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ >= -M)
            for var_ in poly_z.decision_variables():
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ <= M)
                prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_ >= -M)
            phi = np.array([poly_x, poly_y, poly_z])
            for r_idx, region in enumerate(regions):
                # if r_idx == 0:
                #     break
                A = region[0]
                b = region[1]
                b = b + (1 - H[r_idx, n_idx]) * M
                b = [Polynomial(this_b) for this_b in b]
                q = b - A.dot(phi)
                sigma = []
                for q_idx in range(len(q)):
                    sigma_1 = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree - 1)
                    sigma_2 = prog.NewFreePolynomial(Variables(t), degree - 1)
                        Polynomial(t[0]) * sigma_1 +
                        (1 - Polynomial(t[0])) * sigma_2)
                    # for var_ in sigma[q_idx].decision_variables():
                    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_<=M)
                    #     prog.AddLinearConstraint(var_>=-M)
                    q_coeffs = q[q_idx].monomial_to_coefficient_map()
                    sigma_coeffs = sigma[q_idx].monomial_to_coefficient_map()
                    both_coeffs = set(q_coeffs.keys()) & set(
                    for coeff in both_coeffs:
                        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                            q_coeffs[coeff] == sigma_coeffs[coeff])
                # res = Solve(prog)
                # print("x: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_xs[0].ToExpression())))
                # print("y: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_ys[0].ToExpression())))
                # print("z: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_zs[0].ToExpression())))
                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                # for this_q in q:
                #     prog.AddSosConstraint(this_q)
                # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # cost = 0
        print("Constraint: x0(0)=x0")
            poly_xs[0].ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[0], 0.0) == start[0])
            poly_ys[0].ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[0], 0.0) == start[1])
            poly_zs[0].ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[0], 0.0) == start[2])
        for idx, poly_x, poly_y, poly_z in zip(range(N), poly_xs, poly_ys,
            if idx < N - 1:
                print("Constraint: x" + str(idx) + "(1)=x" + str(idx + 1) +
                next_poly_x, next_poly_y, next_poly_z = poly_xs[
                    idx + 1], poly_ys[idx + 1], poly_zs[idx + 1]
                    poly_x.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx], 1.0) ==
                    next_poly_x.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx + 1], 0.0))
                    poly_y.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx], 1.0) ==
                    next_poly_y.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx + 1], 0.0))
                    poly_z.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx], 1.0) ==
                    next_poly_z.ToExpression().Substitute(vars_[idx + 1], 0.0))
                print("Constraint: x" + str(idx) + "(1)=xf")
                    vars_[idx], 1.0) == goal[0])
                    vars_[idx], 1.0) == goal[1])
                    vars_[idx], 1.0) == goal[2])

            # for

        cost = Expression()
        for var_, polys in zip(vars_, [poly_xs, poly_ys, poly_zs]):
            for poly in polys:
                for _ in range(2):  #range(2):
                    poly = poly.Differentiate(var_)
                poly = poly.ToExpression().Substitute({var_: 1.0})
                cost += poly**2
                # for dv in poly.decision_variables():
                #     cost += (Expression(dv))**2

        res = Solve(prog)

        print("x: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_xs[0].ToExpression())))
        print("y: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_ys[0].ToExpression())))
        print("z: " + str(res.GetSolution(poly_zs[0].ToExpression())))

        self.poly_xs = [
            res.GetSolution(poly_x.ToExpression()) for poly_x in poly_xs
        self.poly_ys = [
            res.GetSolution(poly_y.ToExpression()) for poly_y in poly_ys
        self.poly_zs = [
            res.GetSolution(poly_z.ToExpression()) for poly_z in poly_zs
        self.vars_ = vars_
        self.degree = degree
예제 #6
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: xyyeh/pympc
class HybridModelPredictiveController(object):

    def __init__(self, S, N, Q, R, P, X_N):

        # store inputs
        self.S = S
        self.N = N
        self.Q = Q
        self.R = R
        self.P = P
        self.X_N = X_N

        # mpMIQP

    def build_mpmiqp(self):

        # express the constrained dynamics as a list of polytopes in the (x,u,x+)-space
        P = graph_representation(self.S)
        m = big_m(P)

        # initialize program
        self.prog = MathematicalProgram()
        self.x = []
        self.u = []
        self.d = []
        obj = 0.
        self.binaries_lower_bound = []

        # initial conditions (set arbitrarily to zero in the building phase)
        self.initial_condition = []
        for k in range(self.S.nx):
            self.initial_condition.append(self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(self.x[0][k] == 0.).evaluator())

        # loop over time
        for t in range(self.N):

            # create input, mode and next state variables
            # enforce constrained dynamics (big-m methods)
            xux = np.concatenate((self.x[t], self.u[t], self.x[t+1]))
            for i in range(self.S.nm):
                mi_sum = np.sum([m[i][j] * self.d[t][j] for j in range(self.S.nm) if j != i], axis=0)
                for k in range(P[i].A.shape[0]):
                    self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(P[i].A[k].dot(xux) <= P[i].b[k] + mi_sum[k])

            # SOS1 on the binaries
            self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(sum(self.d[t]) == 1.)

            # stage cost to the objective
            obj += .5 * self.u[t].dot(self.R).dot(self.u[t])
            obj += .5 * self.x[t].dot(self.Q).dot(self.x[t])

        # terminal constraint
        for k in range(self.X_N.A.shape[0]):
            self.prog.AddLinearConstraint(self.X_N.A[k].dot(self.x[self.N]) <= self.X_N.b[k])

        # terminal cost
        obj += .5 * self.x[self.N].dot(self.P).dot(self.x[self.N])
        self.objective = self.prog.AddQuadraticCost(obj)

        # set solver
        self.solver = GurobiSolver()
        self.prog.SetSolverOption(self.solver.solver_type(), 'OutputFlag', 1)

    def set_initial_condition(self, x0):
        for k, c in enumerate(self.initial_condition):

    def feedforward(self, x0):

        # overwrite initial condition

        # solve MIQP
        result = self.solver.Solve(self.prog)

        # check feasibility
        if result != SolutionResult.kSolutionFound:
            return None, None, None, None

        # get cost
        obj = self.prog.EvalBindingAtSolution(self.objective)[0]

        # store argmin in list of vectors
        u = [self.prog.GetSolution(ut) for ut in self.u]
        x = [self.prog.GetSolution(xt) for xt in self.x]
        d = [self.prog.GetSolution(dt) for dt in self.d]

        # retrieve mode sequence and check integer feasibility
        ms = [np.argmax(dt) for dt in d]

        return u, x, ms, obj

    def feedback(self, x0):

        # get feedforward and extract first input
        u_feedforward = self.feedforward(x0)[0]
        if u_feedforward is None:
            return None

        return u_feedforward[0]