def add_vis_object(self, name, color): source_id = self._sg.RegisterSource(name) frame_id = self._sg.RegisterFrame(source_id, GeometryFrame(f"{name}_frame")) geom = GeometryInstance(RigidTransform(), Sphere(0.014), f"{name}_geometry") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties(color) ) goal_id = self._sg.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom) goal_vis = self._builder.AddSystem(VisObject(frame_id)) self._builder.Connect(goal_vis.get_output_port(0), self._sg.get_source_pose_port(source_id)) return goal_vis
def add_triad( source_id, frame_id, scene_graph, *, length, radius, opacity, X_FT=RigidTransform(), name="frame", ): """ Adds illustration geometry representing the coordinate frame, with the x-axis drawn in red, the y-axis in green and the z-axis in blue. The axes point in +x, +y and +z directions, respectively. Based on [code permalink]( noqa Args: source_id: The source registered with SceneGraph. frame_id: A geometry::frame_id registered with scene_graph. scene_graph: The SceneGraph with which we will register the geometry. length: the length of each axis in meters. radius: the radius of each axis in meters. opacity: the opacity of the coordinate axes, between 0 and 1. X_FT: a RigidTransform from the triad frame T to the frame_id frame F name: the added geometry will have names name + " x-axis", etc. """ # x-axis X_TG = RigidTransform( RotationMatrix.MakeYRotation(np.pi / 2), [length / 2.0, 0, 0], ) geom = GeometryInstance(X_FT.multiply(X_TG), Cylinder(radius, length), name + " x-axis") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties([1, 0, 0, opacity])) scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom) # y-axis X_TG = RigidTransform( RotationMatrix.MakeXRotation(np.pi / 2), [0, length / 2.0, 0], ) geom = GeometryInstance(X_FT.multiply(X_TG), Cylinder(radius, length), name + " y-axis") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties([0, 1, 0, opacity])) scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom) # z-axis X_TG = RigidTransform([0, 0, length / 2.0]) geom = GeometryInstance(X_FT.multiply(X_TG), Cylinder(radius, length), name + " z-axis") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties([0, 0, 1, opacity])) scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom)
def AddTriad(source_id, frame_id, scene_graph, length=.25, radius=0.01, opacity=1., X_FT=RigidTransform(), name="frame"): """ Adds illustration geometry representing the coordinate frame, with the x-axis drawn in red, the y-axis in green and the z-axis in blue. The axes point in +x, +y and +z directions, respectively. Args: source_id: The source registered with SceneGraph. frame_id: A geometry::frame_id registered with scene_graph. scene_graph: The SceneGraph with which we will register the geometry. length: the length of each axis in meters. radius: the radius of each axis in meters. opacity: the opacity of the coordinate axes, between 0 and 1. X_FT: a RigidTransform from the triad frame T to the frame_id frame F name: the added geometry will have names name + " x-axis", etc. """ # x-axis X_TG = RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.MakeYRotation(np.pi / 2), [length / 2., 0, 0]) geom = GeometryInstance(X_FT.multiply(X_TG), Cylinder(radius, length), name + " x-axis") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties([1, 0, 0, opacity])) scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom) # y-axis X_TG = RigidTransform(RotationMatrix.MakeXRotation(np.pi / 2), [0, length / 2., 0]) geom = GeometryInstance(X_FT.multiply(X_TG), Cylinder(radius, length), name + " y-axis") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties([0, 1, 0, opacity])) scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom) # z-axis X_TG = RigidTransform([0, 0, length / 2.]) geom = GeometryInstance(X_FT.multiply(X_TG), Cylinder(radius, length), name + " z-axis") geom.set_illustration_properties( MakePhongIllustrationProperties([0, 0, 1, opacity])) scene_graph.RegisterGeometry(source_id, frame_id, geom)