def scheduler_loop(timestamp_dictionary, stack): global now while active: now = pgtime.get_ticks() # now schedule pending events ... thus we're having a fixed point of time ('now') while len(stack) > 0: delayed_event = stack.pop() # correct future time if wait was not precise future_time = delayed_event[1] if future_time not in timestamp_dictionary: timestamp_dictionary[future_time] = {} # get objects uuid key = delayed_event[0] # store function to be scheduled under the object uuid (necessary for cleaning) timestamp_dictionary[future_time][key] = delayed_event[2] # after everything has been said and done, check if there's any garbage left ... time_points = timestamp_dictionary.keys() past_time_points = [x for x in time_points if x < now] for time_point in past_time_points: #print(str(len(timestamp_dictionary[past])) + " EVENTS at " + str(past)) for past_event in timestamp_dictionary[time_point]: try: async = threading.Thread(target=timestamp_dictionary[time_point][past_event], args=(time_point, now)) async.start() except Exception as e: print(e) raise e del timestamp_dictionary[time_point] # wait one microsecond pgtime.wait(1)
def ledoff(): print("LED OFF") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(206, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(206, 0, 3)
def authenticate(self): """ call this before opening the game gets the current tick from the server and synchronizes the game state """ def threaded_recv(retlist): response, addr = self.client.recv() retlist.append(response) pkg_request = Packet(0) self.client.send(pkg_request) retlist = [] t = Thread(target=lambda: threaded_recv(retlist)) t.daemon = True t.start() wait_start = time.get_ticks() wait_end = wait_start + 1000 while len(retlist) <= 0 and time.get_ticks() < wait_end: time.wait(1) if len(retlist) > 0: response = retlist[0] pkg_response = Packet.unpack(response) self.start_tick = pkg_response.tick if len(pkg_response.players) <= 0: raise RuntimeError("Invalid response: %s" % pkg_response) = pkg_response.players[0][0] self.set_state(pkg_response, backtrack=False) else: raise RuntimeError("Server not responding")
def stopTripod(t, turnAngle=0, back=False, duty_turn=0): """ Adds an ending point to the tripod gait and returns to a standing position. """ xjusAnalysis.endAccel(PLOT_ANALYSIS) xjusAnalysis.endAvgVelocity() #acc = xjusAnalysis.getAvgAbsZAccel() #print("===============================================") #print("Stability measure: %.4f" % (acc)) current = xjusAnalysis.getAvgCurrent() #print("Power usage measure: %.4f" % (current)) #print("===============================================") pytime.wait(DT) for node in nodes: [nA, pA, vA, tA] = addTripodPoint(t, turnAngle, back=back, end=True, duty_turn=duty_turn) addPvtArray(nA, pA, vA, tA) for node in nodes: xjus.stopIPM(node) xjus.printIpmStatus(node) wait() returnToStand()
def nice(): z = 0 while z < 1200: time.wait(random.randint(0, 30)) lp.LedCtrlRaw(random.randint(0, 127), random.randint(0, 3), random.randint(0, 3)) z = z + 1
def main(file_path=None): """Play an audio file as a buffered sound sample Option argument: the name of an audio file (default data/secosmic_low.wav """ if file_path is None: file_path = os.path.join(main_dir, 'data', 'secosmic_lo.wav') #choose a desired audio format mixer.init(11025) #raises exception on fail #load the sound sound = mixer.Sound(file_path) #start playing print('Playing Sound...') channel = #poll until finished while channel.get_busy(): #still playing print(' ...still going...') time.wait(1000) print('...Finished')
def setup(): random.seed() mixer.init() #screen = pygame.display.set_mode ((640, 480), 0, 32) samples = get_samples("./samples") init_playfield(samples) tick() print_playfield() pygame.init () #screen.fill ((100, 100, 100)) #pygame.display.flip () #pygame.key.set_repeat (500, 30) #mixer.init(11025) #mixer.init(44100) #sample = samples[random.randint(0,len(samples)-1)] #print("playing sample:",sample) #sound = mixer.Sound(sample) #channel = while True: play_sounds() #for i in range(2): mutate_playfield() tick() print_playfield() #time.wait(int((1000*60)/80)) # 128bpm time.wait(50) #while channel.get_busy(): #still playing # print(" ...still going...") # time.wait(1000) #print("...Finished") pygame.quit()
def run(self): self.net_tick = 0 self.clients = {} self.lock = Lock() self.server = UdpServer(25000) self.socket_thread = SocketThread(self) self.socket_thread.start() print "Server up and running." self.input_thread = InputThread(self) self.input_thread.start() ticks_start = time.get_ticks() while not self.quit: ticks = time.get_ticks() - ticks_start - self.net_tick * FRAMETIME update_count = ticks / FRAMETIME with self.lock: for i in xrange(update_count): self.update() self.send_new_state() dead_clients = [] for addr, client in self.clients.items(): client.countdown() if client.is_dead(): dead_clients.append(addr) for addr in dead_clients: print "removing client %s (timeout)" % str(addr) del self.clients[addr] time.wait(1)
def normal(): print("Wled normal") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(204, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(204, 0, 3)
def ledctrlfn(dev, list, buffer_time_lists, buffer_time_numbers, red, green): from pygame import time for i in list: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i, red, green) print(i) time.wait(buffer_time_numbers) dev.Reset()
def stop(): print("stop") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(0, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(0, 0, 3)
def main(): LP = launchpad.Launchpad( ) # creates a Launchpad instance (first Launchpad found) LP.Open() # start it LP.LedCtrlString('HELLO ', 0, 3, -1) # scroll "HELLO" from right to left # random output until button "arm" (lower right) is pressed print("---\nRandom madness. Stop by hitting the ARM button (lower right)") print("Remember the PyGame MIDI bug:") print("If the ARM button has no effect, hit an automap button (top row)") print("and try again...") while 1: LP.LedCtrlRaw(random.randint(0, 127), random.randint(0, 3), random.randint(0, 3)) time.wait(5) but = LP.ButtonStateRaw() if but != []: print(but) if but[0] == 120: break LP.Reset() # turn all LEDs off LP.Close() # close the Launchpad
def draw_initial_chips(self, chip_array): for row in reversed(range(len(chip_array))): for col in range(len(chip_array)): time.wait(7) chip_array[row][col].update(self.__display.get_display()) pygame.display.update() self.update_effects()
def update(self): self.tick = get_ticks() delta = self.tick - self.last_tick if self.slow_motion_delay > 0: self.slow_motion_delay -= 1 if self.slow_motion_delay <= 0: self.frecuency = self.normal_frecuency if delta > self.frecuency: skips = delta / self.frecuency if skips > self.maxframeskip: skips = self.maxframeskip self.last_tick = self.tick else: self.last_tick += skips * self.frecuency self._update_status() return skips else: wait(1) return 0
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) ball_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR_PATH, "ball.png") ball_img = pygame.image.load(ball_image_path).convert_alpha() ball_rect = ball_img.get_rect() ball_rect.centery = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 ball_rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 paddle_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR_PATH, "paddle.png") paddle_img = pygame.image.load(paddle_image_path).convert_alpha() paddle_rect = paddle_img.get_rect() paddle_rect.centery = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 paddle_img_2 = paddle_img.copy() paddle_rect_2 = paddle_img_2.get_rect() paddle_rect_2.right = SCREEN_WIDTH paddle_rect_2.centery = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 background_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR_PATH, "background.jpg") background = pygame.image.load(background_image_path) move_x = RECT_STEP move_y = 0 while True: screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) screen.blit(ball_img, ball_rect) screen.blit(paddle_img, paddle_rect) screen.blit(paddle_img_2, paddle_rect_2) ball_rect.move_ip(move_x, move_y) pygame.display.flip() wait(TIME)
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) ball_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR_PATH, "ball.png") ball_img = pygame.image.load(ball_image_path).convert_alpha() ball_rect = ball_img.get_rect() paddle_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR_PATH, "paddle.png") paddle_img = pygame.image.load(paddle_image_path).convert_alpha() paddle_rect = paddle_img.get_rect() background_image_path = os.path.join(IMAGES_DIR_PATH, "background.jpg") background = pygame.image.load(background_image_path) move_x = RECT_STEP move_y = 0 while True: screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) screen.blit(ball_img, ball_rect) screen.blit(paddle_img, paddle_rect) wall = draw_wall(100, 300, 0, True, RECT_COLOR, screen) if strike(ball_rect, wall): move_x = -RECT_STEP move_y = RECT_STEP ball_rect.move_ip(move_x, move_y) pygame.display.flip() wait(TIME)
def ledctrlc(dev, list, buffer_time_lists, buffer_time_numbers): from pygame import time franum_total = 0 for frame in list: franum_total += 1 franum = 1 print("#####ANIMATION START#####") for frame in list: colnum = 1 print("+++++FRAME " + str(franum) + " / " + str(franum_total) + " +++++") for color in frame: for i in color: if colnum == 1: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i, 3, 0) print(str(i) + " -> red") elif colnum == 2: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i, 3, 3) print(str(i) + " -> yellow") elif colnum == 3: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i, 0, 3) print(str(i) + " -> green") else: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i, 3, 3) print(str(i) + " -> yellow by else case") colnum += 1 time.wait(buffer_time_numbers) time.wait(buffer_time_lists) dev.Reset() franum += 1 print("#####ANIMATION END#####\n")
def rauf(): print("rauf") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(200, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(200, 0, 3)
def update(self): if self.rect.centery < Game.current.background.get_rect().centery: self.rect.centery = min(self.rect.centery + self.__frame_step, Game.current.background.get_rect().centery) else: wait(self.game_over_delay) Game.current.shutdown()
def ledon(): print("LED ON") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(205, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(205, 0, 3)
def main(): LP = launchpad.Launchpad() # creates a Launchpad instance (first Launchpad found) LP.Open() # start it LP.LedCtrlString("HELLO ", 0, 3, -1) # scroll "HELLO" from right to left # random output until button "arm" (lower right) is pressed print("---\nRandom madness. Stop by hitting the ARM button (lower right)") print("Remember the PyGame MIDI bug:") print("If the ARM button has no effect, hit an automap button (top row)") print("and try again...") while 1: LP.LedCtrlRaw(random.randint(0, 127), random.randint(0, 3), random.randint(0, 3)) # some extra time to give the button events a chance to come through... time.wait(5) but = LP.ButtonStateRaw() if but != []: print(but) if but[0] == 120: break LP.Reset() # turn all LEDs off LP.Close() # close the Launchpad
def mpdctrl(bs): if len(bs) > 1: if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 8 and bs[2] == 127: call(["mpc", "toggle"]) lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 8, 0, 20, 100 ) if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 7 and bs[2] == 127: call(["mpc", "next"]) lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 7, 0, 0, 255 ) time.wait(50) if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 7 and bs[2] == 0: lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 7, 0, 0, 10 ) if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 6 and bs[2] == 127: call(["mpc", "prev"]) lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 6, 0, 0, 255 ) time.wait(50) if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 6 and bs[2] == 0: lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 6, 0, 0, 10 ) if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 5 and bs[2] == 127: call(["mpc", "single","on"]) lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 5, 0, 20, 0 ) single = 1 if bs[0] == 1 and bs[1] == 4 and bs[2] == 127: call(["mpc", "single","off"]) lp.LedCtrlXY( 1, 4, 20, 0, 0 ) single = 0
def runter(): print("runter") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(201, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(201, 0, 3)
def main(): # create two Launchpad instances lp1 = launchpad.Launchpad() lp2 = launchpad.Launchpad() # open them lp1.Open(0) lp2.Open(1) while 1: # random light show lp1.LedCtrlRaw( random.randint(0,127), random.randint(0,3), random.randint(0,3) ) lp2.LedCtrlRaw( random.randint(0,127), random.randint(0,3), random.randint(0,3) ) # some extra time to give the button events a chance to come through... time.wait( 5 ) # wait until the arm button (lower right) is hit but = lp1.ButtonStateRaw() if but != []: print( but ) if but[0] == 120: break
def start(LP): snake = {} init_snake(LP, snake) LP.LedCtrlXY(0, 0, 0, 1) LP.LedCtrlXY(1, 0, 0, 1) LP.LedCtrlXY(8, 8, 1, 0) time.wait(500) while True: time.wait(500) but = LP.ButtonStateXY() while but != [] and not but[2]: but = LP.ButtonStateXY() if but != [] and but[2]: if but[0:2] == [8, 8]: break if but[0:2] == snake["food"]: snake["head"] = [3, 3] elif but[0:2] == [0, 0]: snake["dir"] = (snake["dir"] - 1) % 4 elif but[0:2] == [1, 0]: snake["dir"] = (snake["dir"] + 1) % 4 update(LP, snake)
def rainbow(): print("WLED RAINBOW") uff = requests.get( "") lp.LedCtrlRaw(207, 3, 1) time.wait(560) lp.LedCtrlRaw(207, 0, 3)
def main(file_path=None): """Play an audio file as a buffered sound sample Option argument: the name of an audio file (default data/secosmic_low.wav """ if file_path is None: file_path = os.path.join(main_dir, 'data', 'secosmic_lo.wav') #choose a desired audio format mixer.init(11025) #raises exception on fail #load the sound sound = mixer.Sound(file_path) #start playing print ('Playing Sound...') channel = #poll until finished while channel.get_busy(): #still playing print (' ...still going...') time.wait(1000) print ('...Finished')
def play(self, obj_sonido): sonido = mixer.Sound(obj_sonido["path_archivo"]) if obj_sonido["nombre"] != "": self.__sonido_actual = obj_sonido["nombre"] if obj_sonido["caracteristicas"] != "": if "loop" in obj_sonido["caracteristicas"]:, -1) elif "volumen" in obj_sonido["caracteristicas"]: derecha = obj_sonido["caracteristicas"]["volumen"]["derecha"] izquierda = obj_sonido["caracteristicas"]["volumen"][ "izquierda"] self.__canal.set_volume(izquierda, derecha) elif "grupo_sonido" in obj_sonido["caracteristicas"]: self.nombre_grupo_sonido = obj_sonido["caracteristicas"][ "grupo_sonido"] if self.__sonido_actual == "wait_input": self.nombre_grupo_sonido = "" else: log.warn("Faltan acciones para las demas caracteristicas") else: while self.__canal.get_busy(): time.wait(100) self.__end_sound_event = True
def progress(): global posX global posY global colour global delay # Progress by a random number between 2 and 6 blocks progression = random.randint(2,6) # Run 3 times, one for each state. for x in range(0, 3): for y in range(0, progression): # If progression has reached the 8th column, increase the row number and reset the column number. if posX[x] == 8: posY[x] += 1 posX[x] = 0 # Set LED Colours according to the state and colour var in setup. LP.LedCtrlXY(posX[x], posY[x], colour[x][0], colour[x][1]) # Increase column number. posX[x] = posX[x]+1 # Wait a rancom number of milliseconds according to the delay var. time.wait(random.randint(delay[x][0],delay[x][1]))
def ledctrlfn(dev,list,buffer_time_lists,buffer_time_numbers,red,green): from pygame import time for i in list: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i,red,green) print(i) time.wait(buffer_time_numbers) dev.Reset()
def ledctrlc(dev,list,buffer_time_lists,buffer_time_numbers): from pygame import time franum_total = 0 for frame in list: franum_total += 1 franum = 1 print("#####ANIMATION START#####") for frame in list: colnum = 1 print("+++++FRAME " + str(franum) + " / " + str(franum_total) + " +++++") for color in frame: for i in color: if colnum == 1: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i,3,0) print(str(i) + " -> red") elif colnum == 2: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i,3,3) print(str(i) + " -> yellow") elif colnum == 3: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i,0,3) print(str(i) + " -> green") else: dev.LedCtrlRaw(i,3,3) print(str(i) + " -> yellow by else case") colnum += 1 time.wait(buffer_time_numbers) time.wait(buffer_time_lists) dev.Reset() franum += 1 print("#####ANIMATION END#####\n")
def test(): sp = SoundPlayer() for i in range(8): sp.load(i) t = sp.sounds[1].get_length() * 1000 time.wait(t)
def game_loop(): """basic game loop""" # now setup and initialize everything scr = display.set_mode(size=(800, 600)) d = display d.set_caption("Pysnake") init() # make some black `background` bkg = Surface(scr.get_size()) bkg = bkg.convert() # font to be incorporated TODO: fn = font.Font(None, 36) tex = fn.render("Hello world", 1, (255, 255, 255)) tex_pos = tex.get_rect() tex_pos.centerx = bkg.get_rect().centerx tex.blit(bkg, tex_pos) # basic _not so_ `global` variables position = (0, 0) # current snake position vector = (20, 0) # mr. Snakes moves to right snakes = [(0, 0)] # snake is array of cells length = 5 # initial snake's lenght appleh = spawn_apple(scr, snakes) # initial apple while 1: # game loop for e in event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: quit() if e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_d: vector = (20, 0) if e.key == K_a: vector = (-20, 0) if e.key == K_w: vector = 0, -20 if e.key == K_s: vector = 0, 20 bkg.fill((0, 0, 0)) position = position[0] + vector[0], position[1] + vector[1] # move the snake if position in snakes: # collision detected vector = (0, 0) # TODO: if appleh == position: # collision with apple length += 1 appleh = spawn_apple(scr, snakes) snakes.insert(0, position) # add current position to snake array if len(snakes) > length: # if the snake is longer, than he should be snakes.pop() # pop his tail for pos in snakes: # for each cell in snake's list draw_cell(pos, bkg) # draw the cell draw_appleh(appleh, bkg) scr.blit(bkg, (0, 0)) d.flip() # print(snakes) print(appleh) time.wait(125) # you may set this to smaller number
def check_for_exit(poll_time=KEY_PRESS_POLL_TIME): time.wait(poll_time) if not event.peek(): return ev = event.poll() if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_SPACE: sys.exit(0)
def play(self, filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') while # still playing time.wait(1000) f.close() list_free.append(filename)
def gameover(self): """Display a screen of end.""" game_over = image.load(GAME_OVER_IMG).convert() self.screen.blit(game_over, (0, 0)) display.flip() time.wait(1500) self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
def play(self): f = open(, 'rb'), start=0.0) while # still playing time.wait(600) f.close() list_free.append(
def plan_mr(self): [r1, r2, r3, r4] = [[50, 100], [50, 130], [750, 100], [750, 130]] payload = [43, 80] game_display = self.pygame.display_game(self.display_mode, self.caption) game_exit = False while not game_exit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_exit = True if self.count_steps < 250: r1[0] += 1 r2[0] += 1 r3[0] -= 1 r4[0] -= 1 payload[0] += 1 self.count_steps += 1 if self.count_steps == 250: r1 = [r1[0], r1[1]] r2 = [r2[0], r2[1]] p_center = self.math.find_center(r1, r2) #print p_center traj_r1 = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory( r1, p_center, self.angle_unit) traj_r2 = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory( r2, p_center, self.angle_unit) self.count_steps += 1 if ((self.count_steps > 250) and (self.traj_steps < 18)): r1 = traj_r1[self.traj_steps] r2 = traj_r2[self.traj_steps] r3[0] -= 1 r4[0] -= 1 payload[0] += 1 self.count_steps += 1 self.traj_steps += 1 if ((self.traj_steps >= 18) and (self.traj_steps < 400)): r1[1] += 1 r2[1] += 1 r3[0] -= 1 r4[0] -= 1 payload[0] += 1 self.count_steps += 1 self.traj_steps += 1 game_display.fill(self.color[0]), self.color[3], r1, 12), self.color[3], r2, 12), self.color[1], r3, 12), self.color[1], r4, 12) pygame.draw.rect(game_display, self.color[2], [payload[0], payload[1], 14, 70]) pygame.display.update() time.wait(50) pygame.quit() quit()
def plan_mr_img(self): [r1, r2, r3, r4] = [[50, 95],[50,135], [750, 100], [750, 130]] payload = [30,95] payload_img = pygame.image.load('payload.jpg') payload_img = pygame.transform.scale(payload_img, (45, 40)) game_display = self.pygame.display_game(self.display_mode, self.caption) game_exit = False while not game_exit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_exit = True if self.count_steps < 90: r1[0] +=3 r2[0] +=3 r3[0] -=3 r4[0] -=3 payload[0] +=3 self.count_steps +=1 if self.count_steps == 90: r1 = [r1[0], r1[1]] r2 = [r2[0], r2[1]] p_center = self.math.find_center(r1, r2) #print p_center traj_r1 = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory(r1, p_center, self.angle_unit) traj_r2 = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory(r2, p_center, self.angle_unit) traj_payload = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory(payload, p_center, self.angle_unit) self.count_steps +=1 if ((self.count_steps > 90) and (self.traj_steps < 30)): r1 = traj_r1[self.traj_steps] r2 = traj_r2[self.traj_steps] r3[0] -=1 r4[0] -=1 payload = traj_payload[self.traj_steps] self.count_steps +=1 self.traj_steps +=1 if ( (self.traj_steps >= 30) and (self.traj_steps < 150) ): r1[1] +=3 r2[1] +=3 r3[0] -=3 r4[0] -=3 payload[1] +=3 self.count_steps +=1 self.traj_steps +=1 payload_tuple = (payload[0], payload[1]) game_display.fill(self.color[0]), self.color[3], r1,12), self.color[3], r2,12), self.color[1], r3,12), self.color[1], r4,12) game_display.blit(payload_img, payload_tuple), self.color[2], payload,25) pygame.display.update() time.wait(100) pygame.quit() quit()
def step(self): """Step forwards one frame.""" t = time() dt = self.t + self.frame - t if dt > 0: wait(int(1000 * dt)) self.t = t + dt else: self.t = t
def show(self): if not self.__power: return else: self.__screen_buffer[:] = self.buffer self.__pygame_signal(REQUEST_ACTION_REFRESH, rect=(0, 0, self.width, self.height)) # sleep(0.05) # emu refresh speed wait(50)
def tick(): global turntime, totaltime, totalturns, fps totalturns+=1 turntime = clock.tick()# / steptime if turntime > maxturntime:turntime = maxturntime time.wait(maxturntime-turntime) totaltime = time.get_ticks() #fps = 1000/(fps*0.1+(totaltime/totalturns)*0.9) #print fps
def start(LP): while True: LP.LedCtrlXY(random.randint(0,8), random.randint(0,8), random.randint(0,3), random.randint(0,3)) time.wait(5) but = LP.ButtonStateXY() if but != [] and but[0:2] == [8, 8]: break
def step (self): """Step forwards one frame.""" t = time() dt = self.t + self.frame - t if dt > 0: wait(int(1000 * dt)) self.t = t + dt else: self.t = t
def step(self): """Step forwards one frame.""" t = time() t_left = self.t + self.frame - t if t_left > 0: wait(int(1000 * t_left)) self.t = t + t_left else: self.t = t
def run(self): while(recording): if self.inst.poll(): midi_events = for note in midi_events: if note[0][2] > 0: # filter out notes with velocity 0 self.noteList.append(midi_events[0]) time.wait(10) self.inst.close()
def run(self, cb, *args, **kwargs): """Run indefinitely or for a specified amount of time. run(cb, *args[, seconds][, frames]) -> remain cb: a function to call every frame. args: extra arguments to pass to cb. seconds, frames: keyword-only arguments that determine how long to run for. If seconds is passed, frames is ignored; if neither is given, run forever (until Timer.stop is called). Either can be a float. Time passed is based on the number of frames that have passed, so it does not necessarily reflect real time. remain: the number of frames/seconds left until the timer has been running for the requested amount of time (or None, if neither were given). This may be less than 0 if cb took a long time to run. """ self.stopped = False seconds = kwargs.get("seconds") frames = kwargs.get("frames") if seconds is not None: seconds = max(seconds, 0) elif frames is not None: frames = max(frames, 0) # main loop t0 = time() while 1: frame = self.frame cb(*args) t = time() t_gone = min(t - t0, frame) if self.stopped: if seconds is not None: return seconds - t_gone elif frames is not None: return frames - t_gone / frame else: return None t_left = frame - t_gone # until next frame if seconds is not None: t_left = min(seconds, t_left) elif frames is not None: t_left = min(frames, t_left / frame) if t_left > 0: wait(int(1000 * t_left)) t0 = t + t_left else: t0 = t if seconds is not None: seconds -= t_gone + t_left if seconds <= 0: return seconds elif frames is not None: frames -= (t_gone + t_left) / frame if frames <= 0: return frames
def main(): # create an instance lp = launchpad.Launchpad(); # try the first Mk2 if lp.Check( 0, "mk2" ): lp = launchpad.LaunchpadMk2() if lp.Open( 0, "mk2" ): print( " - Launchpad Mk2: OK" ) else: print( " - Launchpad Mk2: ERROR") return # try the first Mk3 elif lp.Check( 1, "mk3" ): lp = launchpad.LaunchpadMk3() if lp.Open( 1, "mk3" ): print( " - Launchpad Mk3: OK" ) else: print( " - Launchpad Mk3: ERROR") return # try the first Pro elif lp.Check( 0, "pro" ): lp = launchpad.LaunchpadPro() if lp.Open( 0, "pro" ): print( " - Launchpad Pro: OK" ) else: print( " - Launchpad Pro: ERROR") return else: print( " - No Launchpad available" ) return lp.ButtonFlush() for i in [ 5, 21, 79, 3]: lp.LedAllOn( i ) time.wait(500) lp.LedAllOn( 0 ) colors = [ [63,0,0],[0,63,0],[0,0,63],[63,63,0],[63,0,63],[0,63,63],[63,63,63] ] for i in range(4): for y in range( i + 1, 8 - i + 1 ): for x in range( i, 8 - i ): lp.LedCtrlXY( x, y, colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]) time.wait(500) # turn all LEDs off lp.Reset() # close this instance lp.Close()
def main(con="conf",dat="data",pic="pix",cf="wx.json"): print "pyg start" global screen,scr,tdata,defont,ren,load # configuration #bogus_config(con,cf) # initialize pygame pygame.init() screen=dsp.set_mode((320,240)) # the display object dsp.set_caption('Weather Demo') defont=pygame.font.Font(None,20) ren=defont.render load=pygame.image.load # run test code # testing(tdata) # initialize screen # fields are defined # fields are not displayed yet wxf=scr() ccff=con+'/'+cf wxf.config(ccff) #############print "(fields)" , wxf.fields # set data directory and data file name ddd="data" wxf.set_data_dir(ddd) wxf.set_data_file_name("wxdata.json") wxf.get_data() screen.fill((200,0,200)) dsp.flip() print "::::::::::::",wxf.ddict # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # the main loop is a do-forever onward=True while(onward): ###################### button check # data acquisition wxf.get_data() ###################### data format # display new screen data wxf.display_fields() dsp.flip() tm.wait(3000) # onward=False # exit test? # end of main loop print "I'm waiting..." tm.wait(wait_time) pygame.quit() sys.exit(100)
def message(self, m): t = Drawable.String(self.window, m) p = CirclePath(duration=10) t.set_path(p) try: t.runPath() except: pass wait(2000) os._exit(0)
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((320, 240)) rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 10, 10) while True: pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), rect) rect.right += 20 pygame.display.flip() wait(1000)
def plan_mr(self): [r1, r2, r3, r4] = [[50, 100],[50,130], [750, 100], [750, 130]] payload = [43,80] game_display = self.pygame.display_game(self.display_mode, self.caption) game_exit = False while not game_exit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_exit = True if self.count_steps < 250: r1[0] +=1 r2[0] +=1 r3[0] -=1 r4[0] -=1 payload[0] +=1 self.count_steps +=1 if self.count_steps == 250: r1 = [r1[0], r1[1]] r2 = [r2[0], r2[1]] p_center = self.math.find_center(r1, r2) #print p_center traj_r1 = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory(r1, p_center, self.angle_unit) traj_r2 = self.math.plan_circular_trajectory(r2, p_center, self.angle_unit) self.count_steps +=1 if ((self.count_steps > 250) and (self.traj_steps < 18)): r1 = traj_r1[self.traj_steps] r2 = traj_r2[self.traj_steps] r3[0] -=1 r4[0] -=1 payload[0] +=1 self.count_steps +=1 self.traj_steps +=1 if ( (self.traj_steps >= 18) and (self.traj_steps < 400) ): r1[1] +=1 r2[1] +=1 r3[0] -=1 r4[0] -=1 payload[0] +=1 self.count_steps +=1 self.traj_steps +=1 game_display.fill(self.color[0]), self.color[3], r1,12), self.color[3], r2,12), self.color[1], r3,12), self.color[1], r4,12) pygame.draw.rect(game_display, self.color[2], [payload[0], payload[1],14,70]) pygame.display.update() time.wait(50) pygame.quit() quit()
def run(self): self.Renderer(None) #make a default renderer if there is not event_update = self._event_manager.update draw = self.renderer.draw updateWorld = self._updateWorld while self.continue_pyguane: wait(2) #don't waste the cpu event_update() updateWorld() draw()
def main(): # some basic info print( "\nRunning..." ) print( " - Python " + str( sys.version.split()[0] ) ) print( " - PyGame " + str( pygame.ver ) ) # create an instance lp = launchpad.LaunchpadMk2(); # open the first Launchpad Mk2 if lp.Open( 0, "mk2" ): print( " - Launchpad Mk2: OK" ) else: print( " - Launchpad Mk2: ERROR" ) return # Clear the buffer because the Launchpad remembers everything lp.ButtonFlush() # List the class's methods print( " - Available methods:" ) for mName in sorted( dir( lp ) ): if mName.find( "__") >= 0: continue if callable( getattr( lp, mName ) ): print( " " + str( mName ) + "()" ) # LedAllOn() test print( " - Testing LedAllOn()" ) for i in [ 5, 21, 79, 3]: lp.LedAllOn( i ) time.wait(500) lp.LedAllOn( 0 ) # LedCtrlXY() test # -> LedCtrlRaw() # -> midi.RawWriteSysEx() # -> devOut.write_sys_ex() print( " - Testing LedCtrlXY()" ) colors = [ [63,0,0],[0,63,0],[0,0,63],[63,63,0],[63,0,63],[0,63,63],[63,63,63] ] for i in range(4): for y in range( i + 1, 8 - i + 1 ): for x in range( i, 8 - i ): lp.LedCtrlXY( x, y, colors[i][0], colors[i][1], colors[i][2]) time.wait(500) # turn all LEDs off print( " - Testing Reset()" ) lp.Reset() # close this instance print( " - More to come, goodbye...\n" ) lp.Close()
def audio_preguntas(foo): if foo == 'a': aud_inicio() elif foo == 'b': pytime.wait(1000) sound = py.mixer.Sound("imagenes/autores.ogg") elif foo == 'c': pytime.wait(1000) sound = py.mixer.Sound("imagenes/instrucciones2.ogg")
def play(self, *args, **kwargs): current_pitch = self.pitch.pitch.midi pg_time.wait(self.additional_latency) if current_pitch not in notes_on: notes_on[current_pitch] = True velocity = int(127.0 * self.gain) midi_out.note_on(current_pitch, velocity) pg_time.wait(int(self.dur)) if not self.portamento: midi_out.note_off(current_pitch, velocity) del notes_on[current_pitch]
def handleButton(but, drone, currentV, currentY): scale = 0.2 #what scale is this (from example) vert = 0.4 #what scale is this (from example) # print 'navdata: ', drone.navdata if (but[1] > 0 and but[0] < 8): if (but[0] < 4): sX = (but[0] - 4)*scale else: sX = (but[0] - 3)*scale if (but[1] < 5): sY = (but[1] - 5)*scale else: sY = (but[1] - 4)*scale if (sX == currentV[0] and sY == currentV[1]): currentV[0] = 0 currentV[1] = 0 else: currentV[0] = sX currentV[1] = sY print 'change XY' elif (but[0] < 2 and but[1] == 0): sZ = -(but[0]*2-1)*vert if (sZ == currentV[2]): currentV[2] = 0 else: currentV[2] = sZ print 'change height' elif ((but[0] == 2 or but[0] == 3) and but[1] == 0): sR = ((but[0]-2)*2-1)*scale if sR == currentY: currentY = 0 else: currentY = sR print 'change yaw' elif (but == [4, 0, True]): currentV, currentY = stabilizeParrot(drone) print 'stabilize' elif (but == [8, 8, True]): while drone.navdata['drone_state']['fly_mask'] == 0: print('taking off') drone.takeoff() # REPEAT UNTIL TAKEOFF time.wait(16) print 'takeoff successful' elif (but == [8, 5, True]): while drone.navdata['drone_state']['fly_mask'] == 1: print('landing') # REPEAT UNTIL LANDING time.wait(16) print 'landing successful', True, currentV[0], currentV[1], currentV[2], currentY) return currentV, currentY
def main(): # Intro pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 400)) pygame.display.set_caption('Fire Balls') background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size()) background = background.convert() bgcolor = (250, 250, 200) background.fill(bgcolor) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) text = write('Ready?', None, 50, (0,0,0), background.get_rect().centerx, background.get_rect().centery) screen.blit(text["surface"], text["rect"]) # Init the game balls = pygame.sprite.Group() ispeed = (15, -60) fireball(ispeed, balls) dirty = pygame.Surface(balls.sprites()[0].get_size()).convert() dirty.fill(bgcolor) pygame.display.flip() time.wait(1000) text["surface"].fill(bgcolor) screen.blit(text["surface"], text["rect"]) text = write('Press F to fire a ball, and q to quit', None, 25, (0,0,0), background.get_rect().centerx, background.get_rect().y) screen.blit(text["surface"], text["rect"]) #Game Loop #pygame.time.Clock.tick(25) n = 0 while 1: n += 1 # actually tick does not work for me, so it's orribly patched :( if n == 499999: # n = 0 # for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_q): return if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_f: fireball(ispeed, balls) #Recalculate the image to be displayed i = 0 for b in balls.sprites(): screen.blit(dirty, b.position) b.update(screen) screen.blit(b.image, b.position) screen.blit(text["surface"], text["rect"]) pygame.display.flip()