def SVM(X, Y, ktype): svmScores = [] kf = KFold(n=len(Y), n_folds = nfolds) for train_index, test_index in kf: X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] y_train, y_test = Y[train_index], Y[test_index] # SVC fit clf = svm.SVC(C=1.0, kernel= ktype), y_train) svmScores.append(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) print "scores" , svmScores xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-10, 10, 500), np.linspace(-10, 10, 500)) Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=np.linspace(Z.min(), 0, 7), a = pl.contour(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0], linewidths=2, colors='red') pl.contourf(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0, Z.max()], colors='orange') colors = ['w' if i == 0 else 'k' for i in Y] plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], color = colors, alpha=1.0) # Plt that plot yoz. and make the xylim not shitty plt.xlim([np.min(X)-5,np.max(X)+5]) plt.ylim([np.min(X)-5,np.max(X)+5])
def Contour(X,Y,Z, label='', levels=None, cmapidx=0, colors=None, fmt='%g', lwd=1, fsz=10, inline=0, wire=True, cbar=True, zorder=None, markZero='', clabels=True): """ Plot contour ============ """ L = None if levels != None: if not hasattr(levels, "__iter__"): # not a list or array... levels = linspace(Z.min(), Z.max(), levels) if colors==None: c1 = contourf (X,Y,Z, cmap=Cmap(cmapidx), levels=levels, zorder=None) else: c1 = contourf (X,Y,Z, colors=colors, levels=levels, zorder=None) if wire: c2 = contour (X,Y,Z, colors=('k'), levels=levels, linewidths=[lwd], zorder=None) if clabels: clabel (c2, inline=inline, fontsize=fsz) if cbar: cb = colorbar (c1, format=fmt) (label) if markZero: c3 = contour(X,Y,Z, levels=[0], colors=[markZero], linewidths=[2]) if clabels: clabel(c3, inline=inline, fontsize=fsz)
def doSubplot(multiplier=1.0, layout=(-1, -1)): pylab.contour(xs, ys, vr_obs[0][bounds], colors='k', linestyles='-', levels=np.arange(-50, 60, 10)) pylab.contour(xs, ys, model_obs['vr'][0][bounds], colors='k', linestyles='--', levels=np.arange(-50, 60, 10)) pylab.contourf(xs, ys, (model_obs['vr'][0] - vr_obs[0])[bounds],'RdBu_r'), zorder=-1) grid.drawPolitical() return
def plotData(): marr = fetchData() textsize = 18 yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], xt, size=textsize) ylabel("Periode [s]", size=textsize) xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], yt, size=textsize) xlabel("Ausstattung [%]", size=textsize) title( "Abweichung der Geschwindigkeit zwischen FCD und des simulierten Verkehrs", size=textsize) # title("Relative Anzahl erfasster Kanten", size=textsize) figtext(0.7865, 0.92, '[%]', size=textsize) # levels=arange(mmin-mmin*.1, mmax+mmax*.1, (mmax-mmin)/10.)) contourf(marr, 50) # set fontsize and ticks for the colorbar: if showVal == EDGENO: cb = colorbar(ticks=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]) else: # cb = colorbar(ticks=range(17)) cb = colorbar() for t in # set colorbar fontsize of each tick t.set_fontsize(textsize) show()
def main(): base_path = "/caps2/tsupinie/1kmf-control/" temp = goshen_1km_temporal(start=14400, end=14400) grid = goshen_1km_grid() n_ens_members = 40 np.seterr(all='ignore') ens = loadEnsemble(base_path, [ 11 ], temp.getTimes(), ([ 'pt', 'p' ], computeDensity)) ens = ens[0, 0] zs = decompressVariable(nio.open_file("%s/ena001.hdfgrdbas" % base_path, mode='r', format='hdf').variables['zp']) xs, ys = grid.getXY() xs = xs[np.newaxis, ...].repeat(zs.shape[0], axis=0) ys = ys[np.newaxis, ...].repeat(zs.shape[0], axis=0) eff_buoy = effectiveBuoyancy(ens, (zs, ys, xs), plane={'z':10}) print eff_buoy pylab.figure() pylab.contourf(xs[0], ys[0], eff_buoy[0],'RdBu_r')) pylab.colorbar() grid.drawPolitical() pylab.suptitle("Effective Buoyancy") pylab.savefig("eff_buoy.png") pylab.close() return
def render( src: array, height: int, width: int, isostep: int, dpi: int, output_file_path: Path, ) -> None: height = height // MAP_SCALE width = width // MAP_SCALE image_size = ( (width / dpi), (height / dpi), ) data = np.array(src).reshape((height, width)) isohypses = list(range(0, data.max(), isostep)) plt.clf() plt.axis('off') plt.figure(dpi=dpi) fig = plt.figure(figsize=image_size, frameon=False) fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) contourf(data, 256, cmap=CMAP) contour(data, isohypses, colors=ISOHYPSE_COLOR, linewidths=ISOHYPSE_WIDTH) output_file_path.parent.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(str(output_file_path), bbox_inches=0, dpi=dpi)
def plotSurface(pt, td, winds, map, stride, title, file_name): pylab.figure() pylab.axes((0.05, 0.025, 0.9, 0.9)) u, v = winds nx, ny = pt.shape gs_x, gs_y = goshen_3km_gs xs, ys = np.meshgrid(gs_x * np.arange(nx), gs_y * np.arange(ny)) data_thin = tuple([ slice(None, None, stride) ] * 2) td_cmap ='Greens') td_cmap.set_under('#ffffff') pylab.contourf(xs, ys, td, levels=np.arange(40, 80, 5), cmap=td_cmap) pylab.colorbar() CS = pylab.contour(xs, ys, pt, colors='r', linestyles='-', linewidths=1.5, levels=np.arange(288, 324, 4)) pylab.clabel(CS, inline_spacing=0, fmt="%d K", fontsize='x-small') pylab.quiver(xs[data_thin], ys[data_thin], u[data_thin], v[data_thin]) drawPolitical(map, scale_len=75) pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def main(): zbar = 0.7 vbar = 500 # km/s comoving distance ncc = 1024 npp = 200000 # total mass = 1e9*2e5 M_sun/h bsz = 3.0 # Mpc/h comoving distance file_particles = sys.argv[1] sdens = call_sph_sdens(file_particles, bsz, ncc, npp) sdens.astype(np.float32).tofile("./output_files/cnfw_sdens.bin") ksz_map = ksz_based_on_sdens(zbar, vbar, sdens) # --------------------------- # Save 2d array to a binary file. ksz_map.astype(np.float32).tofile("./output_files/cnfw_ksz.bin") # --------------------------- # --------------------------- # Read the output binary files. a0 = np.fromfile("./output_files/cnfw_ksz.bin", dtype=np.float32) a0 = a0.reshape((ncc, ncc)) # --------------------------- # --------------------------- # Plot the contours import pylab as pl pl.contourf(np.log10(a0)) pl.colorbar() return 0
def __init__(self, name, nx, ng, np, opts={}): Callback.__init__(self) self.nx = nx = ng = np opts['input_scheme'] = nlpsol_out() opts['output_scheme'] = ['ret'] figure(1) subplot(111) x_,y_ = mgrid[-1:1.5:0.01,-1:1.5:0.01] z_ = DM.zeros(x_.shape) for i in range(x_.shape[0]): for j in range(x_.shape[1]): z_[i,j] = fcn(x_[i,j],y_[i,j]) contourf(x_,y_,z_) colorbar() title('Iterations of Rosenbrock') draw() self.x_sols = [] self.y_sols = [] # Initialize internal objects self.construct(name, opts)
def postplot(x,y,arr,plottitle,showplot=True): """ Post process in 2D""" levels = linspace(min(arr.ravel())*0.9,max(arr.ravel())*1.1,50) contourf(x,y,arr.T,levels=levels); title(plottitle); colorbar(); show() return
def ScatterWithLinearSVC(X_,class_,C_,TrainedSVC,Labels_): ##"Train" the data, aka fit with vectorial distance to a line, since we are using a linear kernel ## Here we essentially minimize the total distance that each point is to a decision boundary ## Based on which side of the boundary the point lies (if distance is "positive" or "negative"), the decision is made #TrainedSVC = SVC(C = C_, kernel = 'linear').fit(X_,class_) if np.shape(X_)[1] >2: print "X is larger than 2!" Xvalues=X_[:,0] Yvalues=X_[:,1] xmax, ymax, xmin,ymin =Xvalues.max(), Yvalues.max(), Xvalues.min(), Yvalues.min() binning=100. ### Make a big grid of coordinates, as a matrix of X positions and a matrix of y positions X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xmin,xmax, (xmax-xmin)/binning), np.arange(ymin,ymax, (ymax-ymin)/binning)) ### Ravel the X and Y matrices up into vectors, put them together, and feed them to the predict function GridPredictions=TrainedSVC.predict(np.c_[X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]) ### Re-form a matrix of Grid predictions GridPredictions=np.reshape(GridPredictions,np.shape(X)) ### Plot a contour, with coloring each area, fading to 1/3 of the color "strength" fig=plt.figure() plt.contourf(X,Y,GridPredictions,alpha=0.33) plt.scatter(Xvalues, Yvalues,c=class_) plt.scatter(Xvalues, Yvalues,c=class_) plt.ylabel(Labels_[0]) plt.xlabel(Labels_[1]) #plt.legend([GridPredictions], ["Training accuracy"]) fig.savefig('result.png')
def doSubplot(multiplier=1.0, layout=(-1, -1)): exp_vort = cPickle.load(open("vort_time_height_%s.pkl" % exp[5:], 'r')) vort_data[exp] = exp_vort print "Max vorticity:", exp_vort.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap('RdYlBu_r') cmap.set_under('#ffffff') # pylab.pcolormesh(boundCoordinate(np.array(temp.getTimes())), boundCoordinate(z_column / 1000.), exp_vort.T, cmap=cmap, vmin=min_vorticity, vmax=max_vorticity) pylab.contourf(temp.getTimes(), z_column / 1000., exp_vort.T, cmap=cmap, levels=np.arange(min_vorticity, max_vorticity + 0.0024, 0.0025)) pylab.xlim(temp.getTimes()[0], temp.getTimes()[-1]) pylab.ylim([z_column[0] / 1000, 10]) layout_r, layout_c = layout if layout_r == 2 and layout_c == 1 or layout_r == -1 and layout_c == -1: pylab.xlabel("Time (UTC)", size='large') pylab.ylabel("Height (km MSL)", size='large') # pylab.axvline(14400, color='k', linestyle=':') pylab.xticks(temp.getTimes(), temp.getStrings('%H%M', aslist=True), size='large') pylab.yticks(size='large') else: pylab.xticks(temp.getTimes(), [ '' for t in temp ]) pylab.yticks(pylab.yticks()[0], [ '' for z in pylab.yticks()[0] ]) pylab.text(0.05, 0.95, experiments[exp], ha='left', va='top', transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, size=18 * multiplier) pylab.xlim(temp.getTimes()[0], temp.getTimes()[3]) pylab.ylim([z_column[1] / 1000, 6]) # pylab.title(exp) return
def plot_function_contour(x, y, function, **kwargs): """Make a contour plot of a function of two variables. Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like of float The positions of the nodes of a plotting grid. function : function The function to plot. filling : bool Fill contours if True (default). num_contours : int The number of contours to plot, 50 by default. xlabel, ylabel : str, optional The axes labels. Empty by default. title : str, optional The title. Empty by default. """ X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y) Z = [] for y_value in y: Z.append([]) for x_value in x: Z[-1].append(function(x_value, y_value)) Z = numpy.array(Z) num_contours = kwargs.get('num_contours', 50) if kwargs.get('filling', True): pylab.contourf(X, Y, Z, num_contours, else: pylab.contour(X, Y, Z, num_contours, pylab.xlabel(kwargs.get('xlabel', '')) pylab.ylabel(kwargs.get('ylabel', '')) pylab.title(kwargs.get('title', ''))
def plotComparison(ens_mean, ens_ob_mean, ens_ob_std, obs, ob_locations, refl, grid, levels, cmap, title, file_name): max_std = 5.0 xs, ys = grid.getXY() obs_xs, obs_ys = grid(*ob_locations) clip_box = Bbox([[0, 0], [1, 1]]) pylab.figure() pylab.contourf(xs, ys, ens_mean, cmap=cmap, levels=levels) pylab.colorbar() pylab.contour(xs, ys, refl, colors='k', levels=np.arange(20, 80, 20)) for ob_x, ob_y, ob, ob_mean, ob_std in zip(obs_xs, obs_ys, obs, ens_ob_mean, ens_ob_std): color_bin = np.argmin(np.abs(ob - levels)) if ob > levels[color_bin]: color_bin += 1 color_level = float(color_bin) / len(levels) ob_z_score = (ob - ob_mean) / ob_std print "Ob z-score:", ob_z_score, "Ob:", ob, "Ob mean:", ob_mean, "Ob std:", ob_std pylab.plot(ob_x, ob_y, 'ko', markerfacecolor=cmap(color_level), markeredgecolor=std_cmap(ob_z_score / max_std), markersize=4, markeredgewidth=1) # pylab.text(ob_x - 1000, ob_y + 1000, "%5.1f" % temp_K, ha='right', va='bottom', size='xx-small', clip_box=clip_box, clip_on=True) grid.drawPolitical() pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def main(): buffer_width=40000 reports = loadReports("snowfall_2013022600_m.txt") # map = Basemap(projection='lcc', resolution='i', area_thresh=10000., # llcrnrlat=20., llcrnrlon=-120., urcrnrlat=48., urcrnrlon=-60., # lat_0=34.95, lon_0=-97.0, lat_1=30., lat_2=60.) map = Basemap(projection='lcc', resolution='i', area_thresh=10000., llcrnrlat=25., llcrnrlon=-110., urcrnrlat=40., urcrnrlon=-90., lat_0=34.95, lon_0=-97.0, lat_1=30., lat_2=60.) width, height = map(map.urcrnrlon, map.urcrnrlat) report_xs, report_ys = map(reports['longitude'], reports['latitude']) keep_idxs = np.where((report_xs >= -buffer_width) & (report_xs <= width + buffer_width) & (report_ys >= -buffer_width) & (report_ys <= height + buffer_width)) spacing = findAvgStationSpacing(*map(reports['longitude'][keep_idxs], reports['latitude'][keep_idxs])) dx = dy = floor(spacing * 0.75 / 2000) * 2000 print dx, dy xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, width, dx), np.arange(0, height, dy)) grid = griddata((report_xs[keep_idxs], report_ys[keep_idxs]), reports['amount'][keep_idxs], (xs, ys)) pylab.contourf(xs, ys, grid / 2.54, levels=np.arange(2, 22, 2), pylab.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') map.drawcoastlines() map.drawcountries() map.drawstates() pylab.savefig("snow.png") return
def doSubplot(multiplier=1.0, layout=(-1, -1)): data = cPickle.load(open("cold_pool_%s.pkl" % exp, 'r')) wdt = temporal.getTimes().index(time_sec) try: mo = ARPSModelObsFile("%s/%s/KCYSan%06d" % (base_path, exp, time_sec)) except AssertionError: mo = ARPSModelObsFile("%s/%s/KCYSan%06d" % (base_path, exp, time_sec), mpi_config=(2, 12)) except: print "Can't load reflectivity ..." mo = {'Z':np.zeros((1, 255, 255), dtype=np.float32)} cmap ='Blues_r') cmap.set_over('#ffffff') # cmap.set_under(tuple( cmap._segmentdata[c][0][-1] for c in ['red', 'green', 'blue'] )) # cmap.set_under(cmap[0]) xs, ys = grid.getXY() # pylab.pcolormesh(xs, ys, data['t'][2][domain_bounds], cmap=cmap, vmin=288., vmax=295.) pylab.contour(xs, ys, mo['Z'][0][domain_bounds], levels=np.arange(10, 80, 10), colors='k', zorder=10) pylab.contourf(xs, ys, data['t'][wdt][domain_bounds], levels=range(289, 296), cmap=cmap) grid.drawPolitical(scale_len=10) # pylab.plot(track_xs, track_ys, 'mv-', lw=2.5, mfc='k', ms=8) pylab.text(0.05, 0.95, experiments[exp], ha='left', va='top', transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, size=14 * multiplier) return
def main(): nnn = 512 boxsize = 4.0 dsx = boxsize/nnn xi1 = np.linspace(-boxsize/2.0,boxsize/2.0-dsx,nnn)+0.5*dsx xi2 = np.linspace(-boxsize/2.0,boxsize/2.0-dsx,nnn)+0.5*dsx xi1,xi2 = np.meshgrid(xi1,xi2) #---------------------------------------------------- # lens parameters for main halo xlc1 = 0.0 xlc2 = 0.0 ql0 = 0.799999999999 rc0 = 0.100000000001 re0 = 1.0 phi0 = 0.0 g_ycen = 0.0 g_xcen = 0.0 phi,td,ai1,ai2,kappa,mu,yi1,yi2 = nie_all(xi1,xi2,xlc1,xlc2,re0,rc0,ql0,phi0,g_ycen,g_xcen) pl.figure(figsize=(10,10)) pl.contourf(td)
def trainStep(fnn, trainer, trndata, tstdata): trainer.trainEpochs(1) trnresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(), trndata["class"]) tstresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(dataset=tstdata), tstdata["class"]) print "epoch: %4d" % trainer.totalepochs, " train error: %5.2f%%" % trnresult, " test error: %5.2f%%" % tstresult out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata) out = out.argmax(axis=1) # the highest output activation gives the class out = out.reshape(X.shape) figure(1) ioff() # interactive graphics off clf() # clear the plot hold(True) # overplot on for c in [0, 1, 2]: here, _ = where(trndata["class"] == c) plot(trndata["input"][here, 0], trndata["input"][here, 1], "o") if out.max() != out.min(): # safety check against flat field contourf(X, Y, out) # plot the contour ion() # interactive graphics on draw() # update the plot figure(2) ioff() # interactive graphics off clf() # clear the plot hold(True) # overplot on for c in [0, 1, 2]: here, _ = where(tstdata["class"] == c) plot(tstdata["input"][here, 0], tstdata["input"][here, 1], "o") if out.max() != out.min(): # safety check against flat field contourf(X, Y, out) # plot the contour ion() # interactive graphics on draw() # update the plot
def plot(self,scatter=None,screen=True,out=None): """ Plot the VLEP landscape. """ X = np.linspace(0.5,3.2,100) Y = np.linspace(-2,1.4,100) Z=np.zeros((100,100)) for i,x in enumerate(X): for j,y in enumerate(Y): Z[j,i]=self._function(x,y) pl.contourf(X,Y,Z,100) if scatter!=None: pl.scatter(scatter[0,:],scatter[1,:],color='b') #if plot!=None: #pl.plot(plot[0,:],plot[1,:],color='y') #pl.scatter(plot[0,:],plot[1,:],color='y') if screen==True: else: assert out!=None pl.savefig(out) pl.clf()
def view_pcem(self,PCEM): nbins = np.sqrt(len(PCEM)) levels=[0.0,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.35,0.4,0.45,0.5] #levels2=[0.0,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,1.0] T1 = PCEM[:,0].reshape( (nbins,nbins)) T2 = PCEM[:,1].reshape( (nbins,nbins)) E = PCEM[:,2].reshape( (nbins,nbins)) EC = PCEM[:,3].reshape( (nbins,nbins)) M = PCEM[:,4].reshape( (nbins,nbins)) pp.figure() pp.subplot(1,2,1) pp.contour( T1, T2, E, levels,linewidths=0.5,colors="k",linestyles='solid' ) pp.contourf( T1, T2, E, levels, alpha=0.75 ) pp.xlabel( "proposal") pp.ylabel( "current") pp.title( "Error" ) pp.colorbar() # pp.subplot(1,3,2) # pp.contour( T1, T2, EC, levels,linewidths=0.5,colors="k",linestyles='solid' ) # pp.contourf( T1, T2, EC, levels, alpha=0.75 ) # pp.xlabel( "proposal") # pp.ylabel( "current") # pp.colorbar() # pp.title( "Corrected Error" ) pp.subplot(1,2,2) pp.contour( T1, T2, M, 20,linewidths=1.0,colors="k",linestyles='solid' ) pp.contourf( T1, T2, M, 20 ) pp.xlabel( "proposal") pp.ylabel( "current") pp.colorbar() pp.title("MU Z")
def doSubplot(multiplier=1.0, layout=(-1, -1)): if time_sec < 16200: xs, ys = xs_1, ys_1 domain_bounds = bounds_1sthalf grid = grid_1 else: xs, ys = xs_2, ys_2 domain_bounds = bounds_2ndhalf grid = grid_2 try: mo = ARPSModelObsFile("%s/%s/KCYS%03dan%06d" % (base_path, exp, min_ens, time_sec)) except AssertionError: mo = ARPSModelObsFile("%s/%s/KCYS%03dan%06d" % (base_path, exp, min_ens, time_sec), mpi_config=(2, 12)) except: print "Can't load reflectivity ..." mo = {'Z':np.zeros((1, 255, 255), dtype=np.float32)} pylab.contour(xs, ys, wind[exp]['w'][wdt][domain_bounds], levels=np.arange(2, 102, 2), styles='-', colors='k') pylab.contour(xs, ys, wind[exp]['w'][wdt][domain_bounds], levels=np.arange(-100, 0, 2), styles='--', colors='k') pylab.quiver(xs[thin], ys[thin], wind[exp]['u'][wdt][domain_bounds][thin], wind[exp]['v'][wdt][domain_bounds][thin]) pylab.contourf(xs, ys, mo['Z'][0][domain_bounds], levels=np.arange(10, 85, 5), cmap=NWSRef, zorder=-10) grid.drawPolitical(scale_len=10) row, col = layout if col == 1: pylab.text(-0.075, 0.5, exp_names[exp], transform=pylab.gca().transAxes, rotation=90, ha='center', va='center', size=12 * multiplier)
def makemap( name, bamfile, window, stride, highest, lowest, bins ) : """ This function drives the genome map making workflow. """ import pylab logfile = name + '.mapmaker.log' mapfile = name + '.map.gff' pique.msg( logfile, 'starting mapmaker for project : ' + name ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> BAM file : ' + bamfile ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> map file : ' + mapfile ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> window : ' + str(window) ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> stride : ' + str(stride) ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> bins : ' + str(bins) ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> highest bin : ' + str(highest) ) pique.msg( logfile, ' -> lowest bin : ' + str(lowest) ) pique.msg( logfile, 'loading data...' ) data = pique.fileIO.loadBAM( bamfile ) pique.msg( logfile, ' found contigs :' ) for contig in data.keys() : pique.msg( logfile, ' ' + contig ) pique.msg( logfile, ' ' + str(len(data[contig]['forward'])) ) pique.msg( logfile, 'making spectral histograms...' ) sh = {} for contig in data.keys() : pique.msg( logfile, ' :: making sectral histogram for contig ' + contig ) d = numpy.array( data[contig]['forward'] + data[contig]['reverse'], dtype = int ) sh[contig] = pique.mapmaker.hist( d, lowest, highest, bins, window, stride ) # save images of spectral histograms pique.msg( logfile, 'saving images of spectral histograms...' ) for contig in sh.keys() : pylab.cla() # clean up crumbs from last plot pylab.clf() # clean up crumbs from last plot pique.msg( logfile, ' :: saving image for contig ' + contig ) pylab.contourf( sh[contig], bins ) pylab.title( name + ' : ' + contig ) imgname = name + '_' + contig + '.png' pylab.savefig( imgname, format='png' )
def main(): base_path = "/caps2/tsupinie/" ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--exp-name', dest='exp_name', required=True) args = ap.parse_args() n_ens_members = 40 exp_name = args.exp_name bounds_obs = (slice(100, 180), slice(90, 170)) grid_obs = goshen_1km_grid(bounds=bounds_obs) bounds = (slice(None), slice(None)) grid = goshen_1km_grid(bounds=bounds) temp = goshen_1km_temporal(start=14400) obs_file_names = ['psu_straka_mesonet.pkl', 'ttu_sticknet.pkl', 'asos.pkl'] all_obs = loadObs(obs_file_names, temp.getDatetimes(aslist=True), grid_obs, grid_obs.getWidthHeight()) obs_xy = np.vstack(grid(all_obs['longitude'], all_obs['latitude'])).T ens = loadEnsemble("/caps2/tsupinie/%s/" % exp_name, n_ens_members, temp.getTimes(), (['u', 'v', 'pt', 'p', 'qv'], getTempDewpRefl), {'sigma':2}, agl=True, wrap=True) grid_xs, grid_ys = grid.getXY() obs_t_verif = [] for wdt, (time_sec, time_epoch) in enumerate(zip(temp, temp.getEpochs())): try: mo = ARPSModelObsFile("%s/%s/KCYSan%06d" % (base_path, exp_name, time_sec)) except AssertionError: mo = ARPSModelObsFile("%s/%s/KCYSan%06d" % (base_path, exp_name, time_sec), mpi_config=(2, 12)) except: print "Can't load reflectivity ..." mo = {'Z':np.zeros((1, 255, 255), dtype=np.float32)} time_ob_idxs = np.where(all_obs['nom_time'] == time_epoch)[0] time_obs = all_obs[time_ob_idxs] time_obs_xy = obs_xy[time_ob_idxs] obs_intrp = griddata(time_obs_xy, 5. / 9. * (time_obs['temp'] - 32) + 273.15, (grid_xs, grid_ys)) print np.isfinite(obs_intrp).sum() pylab.figure() pylab.contourf(grid_xs, grid_ys, ens['t'][:, wdt].mean(axis=0)[bounds] - obs_intrp, levels=np.arange(-6, 6.5, 0.5),"RdBu_r")) pylab.colorbar() pylab.contour(grid_xs, grid_ys, mo['Z'][0][tuple(reversed(bounds))], levels=np.arange(10, 80, 10), colors='k') grid.drawPolitical() pylab.savefig("obs_verif/obs_%s_t_grid_%06d.png" % (exp_name[5:], time_sec)) pylab.close() obs_t_verif.append(ens['t'][:, wdt].mean(axis=0) - obs_intrp) cPickle.dump(np.array(obs_t_verif), open("obs_verif/obs_verif_%s.pkl" % exp_name, 'w'), -1) return
def plot_options(K_vals, sigma_vals, prices): """Make a contour plot of the option prices.""" import pylab pylab.contourf(sigma_vals, K_vals, prices) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title("Option Price") pylab.xlabel("Volatility") pylab.ylabel("Strike Price")
def ContourPlot2D(u, v, p, Y, X): pl.figure(figsize = (11,7), dpi = 100) pl.contourf(X,Y,p,alpha=0.5,cmap=cm.gist_heat)# plotting the pressure field contours pl.colorbar() pl.quiver(X[::2,::2],Y[::2,::2],u[::2,::2],v[::2,::2]) # plotting velocity vectors pl.xlabel('X') pl.ylabel('Y') pl.title('Pressure contours and velocity vectors')
def plot(H, w1, w2): eva, eve = eigh(H) Y, X = np.meshgrid(w2, w1) plt.contourf(X, Y, np.log(eva), 50) plt.colorbar() plt.xlabel(r"$\omega_1$") plt.ylabel(r"$\omega_2$") plt.title("greatest eigenvalue of second derivatives (log scale)")
def graphs_parameters_svm(filename): #reading the features and target variables from the file features, target = read_data(filename) # to normalize the data by subtracting mean and dividing by standard deviation scaler = StandardScaler() features = scaler.fit_transform(features) #setting the ranges of gamma and C C_2d_range = [1, 1e2, 1e4, 1e5] gamma_2d_range = [1e-1, 1, 1e1, 1e2] #classifiers will contain list of all the models for various ranges of C and gamma classifiers = [] for C in C_2d_range: for gamma in gamma_2d_range: clf = SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=gamma), target) classifiers.append((C, gamma, clf)) target = [int(y) for y in target] pl.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) # construct a mesh h = .02 x = np.array(features, dtype=float) y = np.array(target, dtype= int) x_min, x_max = x[:, 0].min() - 1, x[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = x[:, 1].min() - 1, x[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) #Plotting Support vectors for (k, (C, gamma, clf)) in enumerate(classifiers): Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) pl.subplot(len(C_2d_range), len(gamma_2d_range), k + 1) pl.title("gamma 10^%d, C 10^%d" % (np.log10(gamma), np.log10(C)),size='medium') pl.contourf(xx, yy, Z, pl.scatter(clf.support_vectors_[:, 0],clf.support_vectors_[:, 1], c=y[clf.support_], pl.xticks(()) pl.yticks(()) pl.axis('tight') pl.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) #plotting decision boundary for (k, (C, gamma, clf)) in enumerate(classifiers): # evaluate decision function in a grid Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) # visualize decision function for these parameters pl.subplot(len(C_2d_range), len(gamma_2d_range), k + 1) pl.title("gamma 10^%d, C 10^%d" % (np.log10(gamma), np.log10(C)), size='medium') # visualize parameter's effect on decision function pl.pcolormesh(xx, yy, -Z, pl.scatter(features[:, 0], features[:, 1], c=target, pl.xticks(()) pl.yticks(()) pl.axis('tight') optimal_model = grid_search(clf, x, y) print " the optimal parameters are (C gamma):(", optimal_model.C,optimal_model._gamma, ")"
def plot_contour(Z, fname, title): xm, tm = np.meshgrid(x, time) pl.contourf(xm, tm, Z,100) pl.title(title, fontsize=20) pl.colorbar() pl.xlabel('x') pl.ylabel('t [sec]') pl.savefig(fname+'.png') pl.clf()
def show_cmap(cmap, levs): n = 10 x = np.linspace(0,n,n) y = np.linspace(0,n,n) z = levs.min() + np.random.random((n,n)) * (levs.max() - levs.min()) pl.figure() pl.contourf(x,y,z,levs,extend='both',cmap=cmap) pl.colorbar()
def plotSpread(spread, title, file_name): pylab.clf() ny, nx = spread.shape x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) pylab.contourf(x, y, spread) pylab.colorbar() pylab.title(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) return
def TimeIntegrate(): global Nx, Nz, hx, hz, x, z, dt global U, W, P, T global Hx, Hz, Pp, Ht time = 0 fwTime = 0.0 iCnt = 1 Hx.fill(0.0) Hz.fill(0.0) Ht.fill(0.0) while True: if iCnt % opInt == 0: Re = np.mean(np.sqrt(U[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1]**2.0 + W[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1]**2.0))/nu Nu = 1.0 + np.mean(W[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1]*T[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1])/kappa maxDiv = getDiv(U, W) print("%f %f %f %f" %(time, Re, Nu, maxDiv)) Hx = computeNLinDiff_X(U, W) Hz = computeNLinDiff_Z(U, W) Ht = computeNLinDiff_T(U, W, T) # Calculating guessed values of U implicitly Hx[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] = U[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] + dt*(Hx[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] - (P[2:Nx, 1:Nz-1] - P[0:Nx-2, 1:Nz-1])/(2.0*hx)) uJacobi(Hx) # Calculating guessed values of W implicitly Hz[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] = W[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] + dt*(Hz[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] - ((P[1:Nx-1, 2:Nz] - P[1:Nx-1, 0:Nz-2])/(2.0*hz)) + T[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1]) wJacobi(Hz) # Calculating guessed values of T implicitly Ht[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] = T[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] + dt*Ht[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] TJacobi(Ht) #print(np.amax(U), np.amax(V), np.amax(W)) # Calculating pressure correction term rhs = np.zeros([Nx, Nz]) rhs[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] = ((U[2:Nx, 1:Nz-1] - U[0:Nx-2, 1:Nz-1])/(2.0*hx) + (W[1:Nx-1, 2:Nz] - W[1:Nx-1, 0:Nz-2])/(2.0*hz))/dt #ps.multigrid(Pp, rhs) Pp = PoissonSolver(rhs) # Add pressure correction. P = P + Pp # Update new values for U, V and W U[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] = U[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] - dt*(Pp[2:Nx, 1:Nz-1] - Pp[0:Nx-2, 1:Nz-1])/(2.0*hx) W[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] = W[1:Nx-1, 1:Nz-1] - dt*(Pp[1:Nx-1, 2:Nz] - Pp[1:Nx-1, 0:Nz-2])/(2.0*hz) imposeUBCs(U) imposeWBCs(W) imposePBCs(P) imposeTBCs(T) #print(np.amax(U), np.amax(W)) #if abs(fwTime - time) < 0.5*dt: if abs(time - tMax)<1e-5: writeSoln(U, W, P, T, time) Z, X = np.meshgrid(x,z) plt.contourf(X, Z, T, 500, cmap=cm.coolwarm) clb = plt.colorbar() plt.quiver(X, Z, U, W) plt.axis('scaled')'$T$', fontsize = 20) fwTime = fwTime + fwInt if time > tMax: break time = time + dt iCnt = iCnt + 1
def plot_PDF_log(data, x_, y_, z_, ZZ, var_name1, var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w, time, z): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15)) plt.subplot(3, 5, 1) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 2) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 3) ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=2).T, norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 4) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], bins=30, normed=True, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx lvls = np.logspace(-1, 6, 10) ax2 = plt.contour(x_, y_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=2).T, levels=lvls, colors='w', norm=LogNorm(), linewidths=3) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name2, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 6) plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 7) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], bins=30, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 8) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(x_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 9) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx # lvls = np.exp(np.arange(-5,6,1)) lvls = np.logspace(-1, 5, 10) ax2 = plt.contour(x_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=1).T, levels=lvls, colors='w', norm=LogNorm(), linewidths=3) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name1, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 11) plt.scatter(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], s=2, alpha=0.3) plt.title('data') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.subplot(3, 5, 12) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], bins=30, norm=LogNorm(), normed=True) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.title('data histogram') plt.subplot(3, 5, 13) # xxx ax1 = plt.contourf(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) plt.subplot(3, 5, 14) ax1 = plt.hist2d(data[:, 1], data[:, 2], bins=30, normed=True, norm=LogNorm()) # xxx lvls = np.logspace(-1, 6, 10) ax2 = plt.contour(y_, z_, np.sum(np.exp(ZZ), axis=0).T, levels=lvls, colors='w', linewidths=3, norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar(ax2, shrink=0.8) # xxx plt.title('EM2 PDF') axis_label(var_name2, var_name3, amp_qt, amp_w) # plt.colorbar(ax1, shrink=0.8) fig.suptitle('EM2 PDF: ' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + ' (t=' + str(time) + ', z=' + str(z) + 'm)', fontsize=20) plt.savefig( os.path.join( path, 'EM2_trivar_figures', 'EM2_PDF_trivariate_' + var_name1 + var_name2 + var_name3 + '_' + str(time) + '_z' + str( + 'm_log.png')) plt.close() return
X = mData[:, :, 0] * 1.475 Y = mData[:, :, 1] * 1.475 elif str(sys.argv[3]) == "yz": X = mData[:, :, 1] * 1.475 Y = mData[:, :, 2] * 1.475 else: print("only xz and xy slices supported") exit F = mData[:, :, 3] * Fscale fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) fig.set_size_inches((12, 12)) sp = subplot(111) if useLog == 1: im2 = contourf(X, Y, log10(F + F0), colouraxis, cmap=cmapname) else: im2 = contourf(X, Y, F + F0, colouraxis, cmap=cmapname) plt.xlabel("$X [km]$", fontsize=36, color=bgcolor) plt.ylabel("$Y [km]$", fontsize=36, color=bgcolor) dt = NextTime * 0.00496 titlestring = "t - $t_{\\rm merge}$ = %.02f ms" % (dt) plt.title(titlestring, fontsize=36, color=bgcolor) ax = plt.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocatorX) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocatorX) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(Xlab, fontsize=32, color=bgcolor) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', length=5, width=2) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='major', width=3, length=10)
#Pseudo density nt, atoms = read_cube('water_pseudo_density.cube', read_data=True) x = len(nt) // 2 nt = nt[x] # All electron density and bader volumes n, atoms = read_cube('water_density.cube', read_data=True) #bader, atoms2 = read_cube('AtIndex.cube', read_data=True) x = len(n) // 2 n = n[x] #bader = bader[x] # plot fig = pl.figure(figsize=(6.2, 3)) pl.subplot(121) pl.contourf(nt.T, vals, origin='lower', extend='neither', colors=colors) pl.axis('equal') pl.axis([52-25, 52+25, 52-25, 52+25]) pl.axis('off') pl.text(52.5, 55, '$7.07e$', size=20, ha='center', va='center') pl.title('Pseudo density', size=20) pl.subplot(122) pl.contourf(n.T, vals, colors=colors, origin='lower', extend='neither') #pl.contour(bader.T, [1.5], origin='lower', extend='neither', colors='k') pl.axis('equal') pl.axis([104-50, 104+50, 104-50, 104+50]) pl.axis('off') pl.text(104.0, 112.0, '$9.12e$', size=20, ha='center', va='center') pl.text( 86.5, 97.5, '$0.44e$', size=20, ha='right', va='center')
def plot_sim_reflect(): print(" SIM REFLECTIVITY") # Set Figure Size (1000 x 800) pylab.figure(figsize=(width,height),frameon=False) QR = nc.variables['QRAIN'] QS = nc.variables['QSNOW'] # Define 'constant' densities (kg m-3) rhor = 1000 rhos = 100 rhog = 400 rhoi = 917 # Define "fixed intercepts" (m-4) Norain = 8.0E6 #Nosnow = 2.0E7 Nosnow = 2.0E6*np.exp(-0.12 * (temps[time]-273)) Nograu = 4.0E6 # First, find the density at the first sigma level # above the surface density = np.divide(psfc[time],(287.0 * temps[time])) #print "Rho: ", np.mean(density) Qra = QR[time,1] Qsn = QS[time,1] Qra = np.nan_to_num(Qra) Qsn = np.nan_to_num(Qsn) # Calculate slope factor lambda lambr = np.divide((3.14159 * Norain * rhor), np.multiply(density, Qra)) lambr = lambr ** 0.25 #lambs = np.divide((3.14159 * Nosnow * rhoi), np.multiply(density, Qsn)) #lambs = lambs ** 0.25 lambs = np.exp(-0.0536 * (temps[time] - 273)) # Calculate equivalent reflectivity factor Zer = (720.0 * Norain * (lambr ** -7.0)) * 1E18 Zes = (0.224 * 720.0 * Nosnow * (lambr ** -7.0) * (rhos/rhoi) ** 2) * 1E18 Zes_int = np.divide((lambs * Qsn * density), Nosnow) Zes = ((0.224 * 720 * 1E18) / (3.14159 * rhor) ** 2) * Zes_int ** 2 Ze = np.add(Zer, Zes) #Ze = Zer # Convert to dBZ dBZ = 10 * np.log10(Ze) dBZ = np.nan_to_num(dBZ) units = 'dBZe' print " MAX: ", np.max(dBZ) # Now plot REF_LEVELS = range(5,90,5) SREFLECT=pylab.contourf(x,y,dBZ,REF_LEVELS,cmap=coltbls.reflect()) #SREFLECT=pylab.contourf(x,y,dBZ) title = 'Simulated Surface Reflectivity' prodid = 'sref' drawmap(SREFLECT, title, prodid, units)
tstresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData( dataset=tstdata), tstdata['class']) print "epoch: %4d" % trainer.totalepochs, \ " train error: %5.2f%%" % trnresult, \ " test error: %5.2f%%" % tstresult """ Run our grid data through the FNN, get the most likely class and shape it into a square array again. """ out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata) out = out.argmax(axis=1) # the highest output activation gives the class out = out.reshape(X.shape) """ Now plot the test data and the underlying grid as a filled contour. """ figure(1) ioff() # interactive graphics off clf() # clear the plot hold(True) # overplot on for c in [0, 1, 2]: here, _ = where(tstdata['class'] == c) plot(tstdata['input'][here, 0], tstdata['input'][here, 1], 'o') if out.max() != out.min(): # safety check against flat field contourf(X, Y, out) # plot the contour ion() # interactive graphics on draw() # update the plot """ Finally, keep showing the plot until user kills it. """ ioff() show()
# title for the plots titles = [ 'SVC with rbf kernel', 'SVC (linear kernel)\n with Fourier rbf feature map\n' 'n_components=100', 'SVC (linear kernel)\n with Nystroem rbf feature map\n' 'n_components=100' ] pl.tight_layout() pl.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) # predict and plot for i, clf in enumerate((kernel_svm, nystroem_approx_svm, fourier_approx_svm)): # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will asign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max]. pl.subplot(1, 3, i + 1) Z = clf.predict(flat_grid) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(grid.shape[:-1]) pl.contourf(multiples, multiples, Z, pl.axis('off') # Plot also the training points pl.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=targets_train, pl.title(titles[i]) pl.tight_layout()
def plotMixtureEntropy(mix, axis): """ @param axis: matlab-like axis coordinates: [x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end] """ # -5, 10.0, -5.0, 10.0 x = pylab.arange(axis[0], axis[1] + 0.1, 0.1) y = pylab.arange(axis[2], axis[3] + 0.1, 0.1) #print x #print y #print len(x) #print len(y) #X,Y = pylab.meshgrid(x,y) #z = pylab.exp(-(X*X + Y*Y)) + 0.6*pylab.exp(-((X+1.8)**2 + Y**2)) #pylab.contour(x,y,z) z = numpy.zeros((len(y), len(x)), dtype='Float64') for i in range(len(y)): dat = numpy.zeros((len(x), 2), dtype='Float64') dat[:, 1] = y[i] dat[:, 0] = x #print numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)) #print "---------------------------\n",dat data = mixture.DataSet() data.fromList(dat) data.internalInit(mix) l = mixture.get_posterior(mix, data, logreturn=False) #print l #print numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)).tolist() for j in range(len(x)): z[i, j] = mixture.entropy(l[:, j]) #print dat[j,:] ,":",l[:,j], "=",z[i,j] #print "---------------------------\n" #print "z", len(z),'x', len(z[0]) ,'=', len(z) * len(z[0]) print "max", z.max() #max_val = z.max() max_val = numpy.log(mix.G) # maximum entropy for a vector of length mix.G print "theor. max", max_val step = max_val / 10.0 print "step", step #pylab.figure(1) #pylab.contour(x,y,z) #pylab.figure(2) #pylab.contour(x,y,z,pylab.arange(0,max_val,step)) #pylab.legend() # pylab.colorbar() pylab.contourf( x, y, z, ) # pylab.arange(0,max_val,step) pylab.title('Posterior Entropy Plot')
def plotNormalMixtureDensity(mix, axis, title=None, newfigure=False, fill=True, alpha=1.0): """ @param axis: matlab-like axis coordinates: [x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end] """ if newfigure == True: pylab.figure() # -5, 10.0, -5.0, 10.0 x = pylab.arange(axis[0], axis[1] + 0.1, 0.1) y = pylab.arange(axis[2], axis[3] + 0.1, 0.1) #print len(x) #print len(y) #X,Y = pylab.meshgrid(x,y) #z = pylab.exp(-(X*X + Y*Y)) + 0.6*pylab.exp(-((X+1.8)**2 + Y**2)) #pylab.contour(x,y,z) z = numpy.zeros((len(y), len(x)), dtype='Float64') for i in range(len(y)): ndat = numpy.zeros((len(x), 2), dtype='Float64') ndat[:, 1] = y[i] ndat[:, 0] = x #print numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)) dat = mixture.DataSet() dat.fromList(ndat) dat.internalInit(mix) # XXX pdf is log valued, we want the true value XXX #print numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)).tolist() z[i, :] = numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)) #print "z", len(z),'x', len(z[0]) ,'=', len(z) * len(z[0]) #print "max",z.max() max_val = z.max() step = max_val / 40.0 #step = max_val / 200.0 #print "step",step #pylab.figure(1) #pylab.contour(x,y,z) if fill == True: pylab.contourf(x, y, z, pylab.arange(0, max_val, step), alpha=alpha) else: pylab.contour(x, y, z, pylab.arange(0, max_val, step), alpha=alpha) if title: pylab.title(title) else: pylab.title('Normal Mixture Density Plot')
print re0, le, ql, ph, ex_shs, ex_sha yi1 = x1 - al1 yi2 = x2 - al2 xroot1, xroot2, nroots = trf.mapping_triangles(ys1, ys2, x1, x2, yi1, yi2) if (nroots > len(ximgs[np.nonzero(ximgs)])): xroot = np.sqrt(xroot1 * xroot1 + xroot2 * xroot2) idx = xroot == xroot.min() xroot1[idx] = 0.0 xroot2[idx] = 0.0 simg = gauss_2d(x1, x2, ys1, ys2, 0.05) limg = gauss_2d(yi1, yi2, ys1, ys2, 0.05) levels_kappa = [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 2.8] levels = [0.45, 0.6, 0.75, 0.9, 1.0] pl.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) pl.contourf(x1, x2, limg, levels) pl.contour(x1, x2, np.log(kap), levels_kappa, colors=('k', )) pl.contour(x1, x2, simg, levels) pl.plot(ys1, ys2, 'rx') pl.plot(ximgs[np.nonzero(ximgs)], yimgs[np.nonzero(yimgs)], 'bo') pl.plot(xroot1[np.nonzero(xroot1)], xroot2[np.nonzero(xroot2)], 'rx') #---------------------------------------------
def make_contour(r, var, model, vel, par, mode, x): global new_r, new_zp import seaborn as sns sns.set(style="white", rc={ "figure.figsize": (8, 8), 'axes.labelsize': 16, 'ytick.labelsize': 12, 'xtick.labelsize': 12, 'axes.titlesize': 18 }) t_var = np.empty(var[x::, :].shape) t_r = np.empty(t_var.shape) for i in range(len(r[0, :])): t_var[:, i] = var[x::, i] t_r[:, i] = np.linspace(r[0, i], r[-1, i], len(t_var[:, i])) var = 1. * t_var r = 1. * t_r new_r = lint.leg_interp(r[0:-2, :], 8, "EVEN") new_zp = lint.leg_interp(var[0:-2, :], 8, "EVEN") #levels = np.linspace(np.min(new_zp),np.max(new_zp), 40) #####REMOVE 0-10deg at the pole: new_r = new_r[:, 11::] new_zp = new_zp[:, 11::] theta = np.linspace(0, np.deg2rad(90), 89) ######################################### #theta = np.linspace(0,np.deg2rad(90),100) newt, n_r = np.meshgrid(theta, new_r[:, 0]) plt.contourf((new_r * np.sin(newt)), (new_r * np.cos(newt)), new_zp, 100,, vmax=np.max(new_zp), vmin=np.min(new_zp)) plt.contourf((new_r * np.sin(newt)), -(new_r * np.cos(newt)), new_zp, 100,, vmax=np.max(new_zp), vmin=np.min(new_zp)) plt.contourf(-(new_r * np.sin(newt)), -(new_r * np.cos(newt)), new_zp, 100,, vmax=np.max(new_zp), vmin=np.min(new_zp)) plt.contourf(-(new_r * np.sin(newt)), (new_r * np.cos(newt)), new_zp, 100,, vmax=np.max(new_zp), vmin=np.min(new_zp)) #CSl = plt.contour((new_r*np.sin(newt)),(new_r*np.cos(newt)),new_zp, 20, colors="k") #CS = plt.contourf((new_r*np.cos(newt)), (new_r*np.sin(newt)), new_zp,,levels=levels) #plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') #plt.xlim(np.ceil(r[-1,-1])) plt.ylim(-plt.xlim()[1], plt.xlim()[1]) #plt.xlabel("Radius [R$_{\odot}$]") #plt.ylabel("Radius [R$_{\odot}$]") plt.axis('off') try: m = (find_name(model, vel, par, mode)).strip() except: m = "freq_%.5f" % find_sigma(model, vel, par, mode) v = find_vel(model, vel) plt.title("M" + model[0] + "_V" + v + " - mode: " + m) return
griddata._convertToOneOfMany() for i in range(20): trainer.trainEpochs(1) # usually 5 trainresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(), traindata["class"]) testresult = percentError(trainer.testOnClassData(), testdata["class"]) print("epoch %4d" % trainer.totalepochs, "trainerror %5.2f%%" % trainresult, "testerror %5.2f%%" % testresult) out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata) out = out.argmax(axis=1) out = out.reshape(X.shape) figure(1) # might be the wrong import for the following lines ioff() clf() hold(True) for c in [0,1,2]: here, _ = where(testdata["class"]==c) plot(testdata["input"][here, 0], testdata["input"][here, 1], 'o') if out.max()!=out.min(): contourf(X, Y, out) ion() draw() ioff() show()
def pair_posterior(atpy_table, weights, outfile=None, title=None, priors=None, sim_vals=None): """ pair_posterior(atpy_table) :Arguments: atpy_table: Contains 1 column for each parameter with samples. weights: The weights from the MultiNest results. Should have been removed from the table. outfile: The root name of the output file. title: priors: A dictionary of priors?? sim_vals: A dictionary containing the input values. Produces a matrix of plots. On the diagonals are the marginal posteriors of the parameters. On the off-diagonals are the marginal pairwise posteriors of the parameters. """ params = atpy_table.keys() pcnt = len(params) fontsize = 6 plt.close(10) plt.figure(10, figsize = (40,40)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.98, bottom=0.05, top=0.98) # Marginalized 1D for ii in range(pcnt): ax = plt.subplot(pcnt, pcnt, ii*(pcnt+1)+1) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) n, bins, patch = plt.hist(atpy_table[params[ii]], normed=True, histtype='step', weights=weights, bins=50) plt.xlabel(params[ii], size=fontsize) plt.ylim(0, n.max()*1.1) if (sim_vals != None) and (params[ii] in sim_vals): plt.axvline(sim_vals[params[ii]], color='red', linestyle='-') ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) x_limits = ax.get_xlim() y_limits = ax.get_ylim() x_sep = (x_limits[1] - x_limits[0]) / 2.1 y_sep = (y_limits[1] - y_limits[0]) / 2.1 x_majorLocator = MultipleLocator(x_sep) y_majorLocator = MultipleLocator(y_sep) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(x_majorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(y_majorLocator) # Bivariates for ii in range(pcnt - 1): for jj in range(ii+1, pcnt): ax = plt.subplot(pcnt, pcnt, ii*pcnt + jj+1) plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=fontsize) (H, x, y) = np.histogram2d(atpy_table[params[jj]], atpy_table[params[ii]], weights=weights, bins=50) xcenter = x[:-1] + (np.diff(x) / 2.0) ycenter = y[:-1] + (np.diff(y) / 2.0) plt.contourf(xcenter, ycenter, H.T, if (sim_vals != None) and (params[ii] in sim_vals) and (params[jj] in sim_vals): plt.plot(sim_vals[params[jj]], sim_vals[params[ii]], 'r.') plt.xlabel(params[jj], size=fontsize) plt.ylabel(params[ii], size=fontsize) ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_scientific(False) x_limits = ax.get_xlim() y_limits = ax.get_ylim() x_sep = (x_limits[1] - x_limits[0]) / 2.1 y_sep = (y_limits[1] - y_limits[0]) / 2.1 x_majorLocator = MultipleLocator(x_sep) y_majorLocator = MultipleLocator(y_sep) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(x_majorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(y_majorLocator) #if title != None: # plt.suptitle(title) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) if outfile != None: plt.savefig(outfile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05) return
density = moments[:, :, 0] j_x = moments[:, :, 1] j_y = moments[:, :, 2] lagrange_multipliers = \ io.readBinaryFile(lagrange_multiplier_files[file_number]) lagrange_multipliers = lagrange_multipliers[0].reshape(N_q2, N_q1, 5) mu = lagrange_multipliers[:, :, 0] mu_ee = lagrange_multipliers[:, :, 1] T_ee = lagrange_multipliers[:, :, 2] vel_drift_x = lagrange_multipliers[:, :, 3] vel_drift_y = lagrange_multipliers[:, :, 4] pl.contourf(q1_meshgrid, q2_meshgrid, density.T, 100, cmap='bwr') pl.title(r'Time = ' + "%.2f"%(time_array[file_number]) + " ps") pl.streamplot(q1, q2, vel_drift_x, vel_drift_y, density=2, color='k', linewidth=0.7, arrowsize=1 ) pl.xlim([q1[0], q1[-1]]) pl.ylim([q2[0], q2[-1]]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.xlabel(r'$x\;(\mu \mathrm{m})$') pl.ylabel(r'$y\;(\mu \mathrm{m})$') pl.suptitle('$\\tau_\mathrm{mc} = \infty$, $\\tau_\mathrm{mr} = \infty$') pl.savefig('images/dump_' + '%06d'%file_number + '.png')
idx = largest_indices(wcfl, max_locs) for n in np.arange(max_locs): k = idx[0][n] j = idx[1][n] i = idx[2][n] print(" N=%3.3d, K=%3.3d, LAT=%7.3f, LON=%7.3f, OMEGA_CFL=%4.2f, W=%4.2f, W+1=%4.2f, DZ=%4.1f, U=%4.1f V=%4.1f " % \ (n, k, lat[j,i], lon[j,i], wcfl[k,j,i], W[k,j,i], W[k+1,j,i], dz[k,j,i], U[k,j,i], V[k,j,i])) k = idx[0][0] _w_min = 1.0 ctable = 'viridis' scale_w_clevels = min(max([k].mean() / 1000.), 1.0), 7.0) clevels = scale_w_clevels * np.arange(-10., 11., 1.) wmask =[k], mask=[np.abs(W[k]) <= scale_w_clevels * _w_min]) plot = P.contourf(lon, lat, wmask, clevels, cmap=P.get_cmap(ctable)) #cbar = P.colorbar(plot,location='right',pad="5%") plot = P.contour(lon, lat, wmask, clevels[::2], colors='k', linewidths=0.5) #cbar.set_label('%s' % ("$m s^{-1}$")) title = ("Vertical Velocity K = %d " % (k)) P.title(title, fontsize=10) f.close() #at = AnchoredText("Max W: %4.1f \n Min W: %4.1f" % (w.max(),w.min()), loc=4, prop=dict(size=6), frameon=True,) #at.patch.set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.,rounding_size=0.2") #ax2.add_artist(at)
def plotPosteriorMax(mix, axis): """ @param axis: matlab-like axis coordinates: [x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end] """ # -5, 10.0, -5.0, 10.0 x = pylab.arange(axis[0], axis[1], 0.1) y = pylab.arange(axis[2], axis[3], 0.1) #print len(x) #print len(y) # XXX colors hard coded here XXX color = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'y'] assert mix.G <= len(color) z = numpy.zeros((len(y), len(x)), dtype='Float64') for i in range(len(y)): dat = numpy.zeros((len(x), 2), dtype='Float64') dat[:, 1] = y[i] dat[:, 0] = x #print numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)) #print "---------------------------\n",dat l = mixture.get_posterior(mix, dat) #print l # XXX pdf is log valued, we want the true value XXX #print numpy.exp(mix.pdf(dat)).tolist() for j in range(len(x)): z[i, j] = numpy.argmax(l[:, j]) #print dat[j,:] ,":",l[:,j],numpy.argmax(l[:,j]) #print dat[j,:] ,":",l[:,j], "=",z[i,j] #print "---------------------------\n" #print "z", len(z),'x', len(z[0]) ,'=', len(z) * len(z[0]) print "max", z.max() #max_val = z.max() max_val = numpy.log(mix.G) # maximum entropy for a vector of length mix.G print "theor. max", max_val step = max_val / 40.0 print "step", step #pylab.figure(1) #pylab.contour(x,y,z) #pylab.figure(2) #pylab.contour(x,y,z,pylab.arange(0,max_val,step)) #pylab.legend() pylab.figure() # pylab.colorbar() pylab.contourf(x, y, z, # pylab.arange(0,max_val,step) pylab.title('Posterior Maximum Plot')
def plot_precip_type(): print(" PRECIP TYPE") # Set Figure Size (1000 x 800) pylab.figure(figsize=(width,height),frameon=False) sr = nc.variables['SR'] tsk = nc.variables['TSK'] rainc = nc.variables['RAINC'] rainnc = nc.variables['RAINNC'] type_pct = sr[time] if time == 0: prev_total = rainc[time] + rainnc[time] else: prev_total = rainc[time-1] + rainnc[time-1] total_accum = rainc[time] + rainnc[time] precip_tend = total_accum - prev_total snow_precip = [] mix_precip = [] rain_precip = [] for j in range(len(precip_tend)): cur_col_rain = [] cur_col_mix = [] cur_col_snow = [] for i in range(len(precip_tend[0])): if (0.20 < type_pct[j,i] < 0.90): cur_col_mix.append(precip_tend[j,i]) cur_col_snow.append(0.) cur_col_rain.append(0.) elif (type_pct[j,i] >= 0.90): cur_col_mix.append(0.) cur_col_snow.append(precip_tend[j,i]) cur_col_rain.append(0.) #print type_pct[j,i] else: cur_col_mix.append(0.) cur_col_snow.append(0.) cur_col_rain.append(precip_tend[j,i]) snow_precip.append(cur_col_snow) mix_precip.append(cur_col_mix) rain_precip.append(cur_col_rain) #print snow_precip #raw_input() PCP_LEVELS = [0.01,0.03,0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90,1.00,1.25,1.50,1.75,2.00,2.50] MIXT=pylab.contourf(x,y,mix_precip,PCP_LEVELS,extend='max',cmap=coltbls.mixprecip1()) RAINT=pylab.contourf(x,y,rain_precip,PCP_LEVELS,extend='max',cmap=coltbls.rain1()) SNOWT=pylab.contourf(x,y,snow_precip,PCP_LEVELS,extend='max',cmap=coltbls.snow1()) ftemps = (9./5.)*(temps[time]-273) + 32 ftsk = (9./5.)*(tsk[time] - 273) + 32 T=pylab.contour(x,y,ftemps,[32],colors='red',linestyles='solid') TS=pylab.contour(x,y,ftsk,[32],colors='purple',linestyles='dashdot') #RAINT=pylab.contourf(x,y,type_pct,extend='max', title = 'Frozen Precipitation' prodid = 'ptype' units = 'in' drawmap(RAINT, title, prodid, 'in')
# make a plot of the centers of the cells scat = plt.plot(ra, dec, 'o', c='k', markersize=2) if straylight: if magnitudes: CS = plt.contour(xi, yi, zi, vf, linewidths=0.5, colors='k', extent=extent) CS = plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, vf,, extent=extent) else: CS = plt.contour(xi, yi, zi, vf, linewidths=0.5, colors='k', extent=extent, locator=ticker.LogLocator()) CS = plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, vf,
def plot_comp_reflect(): print(" COMP REFLECTIVITY") # Set Figure Size (1000 x 800) pylab.figure(figsize=(width,height),frameon=False) QR = nc.variables['QRAIN'] QS = nc.variables['QSNOW'] # Define 'constant' densities (kg m-3) rhor = 1000 rhos = 100 rhog = 400 rhoi = 917 # Define "fixed intercepts" (m-4) Norain = 8.0E6 #Nosnow = 2.0E7 Nosnow = 2.0E6*np.exp(-0.12 * (temps[time]-273)) Nograu = 4.0E6 # First, find the density at the first sigma level # above the surface density = np.divide(psfc[time],(287.0 * temps[time])) #print "Rho: ", np.mean(density) Qra_all = QR[time] Qsn_all = QS[time] for j in range(len(Qra_all[1,:,1])): curcol_r = [] curcol_s = [] for i in range(len(Qra_all[1,1,:])): maxrval = np.max(Qra_all[:,j,i]) maxsval = np.max(Qsn_all[:,j,i]) curcol_r.append(maxrval) curcol_s.append(maxsval) np_curcol_r = np.array(curcol_r) np_curcol_s = np.array(curcol_s) if j == 0: Qra = np_curcol_r Qsn = np_curcol_s else: Qra = np.row_stack((Qra, np_curcol_r)) Qsn = np.row_stack((Qsn, np_curcol_s)) #print "Qra shp: ", np.shape(Qra) #print "Den shp: ", np.shape(density) # Calculate slope factor lambda lambr = np.divide((3.14159 * Norain * rhor), np.multiply(density, Qra)) lambr = lambr ** 0.25 #lambs = np.divide((3.14159 * Nosnow * rhoi), np.multiply(density, Qsn)) #lambs = lambs ** 0.25 lambs = np.exp(-0.0536 * (temps[time] - 273)) # Calculate equivalent reflectivity factor Zer = (720.0 * Norain * (lambr ** -7.0)) * 1E18 Zes = (0.224 * 720.0 * Nosnow * (lambr ** -7.0) * (rhos/rhoi) ** 2) * 1E18 Zes_int = np.divide((lambs * Qsn * density), Nosnow) Zes = ((0.224 * 720 * 1E18) / (3.14159 * rhor) ** 2) * Zes_int ** 2 Ze = np.add(Zer, Zes) #Ze = Zer # Convert to dBZ dBZ = 10 * np.log10(Ze) dBZ = np.nan_to_num(dBZ) units = 'dBZe' print " MAX: ", np.max(dBZ) # Now plot REF_LEVELS = range(5,90,5) CREFLECT=pylab.contourf(x,y,dBZ,REF_LEVELS,cmap=coltbls.reflect()) #SREFLECT=pylab.contourf(x,y,dBZ) title = 'Simulated Composite Reflectivity' prodid = 'cref' drawmap(CREFLECT, title, prodid, units)
#(E_p,E_m,Qj)=IntElfield(theta,1.540562,array([1-.15E-04/2+0.35E-06j/2,1-.45E-04/2+0.60E-05j/2,1]),array([0,1000])) from paratt import Refl #c=Refl(theta,1.54,array([1-7.57e-6+1.73e-7j,1-2.24e-5+2.89e-6j,1-7.57e-6+1.73e-7j,1-2.24e-5+2.89e-6j,1-7.57e-6+1.73e-7j,1-2.24e-5+2.89e-6j,1-7.57e-6+1.73e-7j,1]),array([80,20,80,20,80,20]),0) c = Refl(theta, 1.54, array([1 - 7.57e-6 + 1.73e-7j, 1 - 2.24e-5 + 2.89e-6j, 1]), array([0, 1000, 0]), array([0, 0, 0])) #gplt.plot(theta,log10(abs(E_m[-1]/E_p[-1])**2),theta,log10(abs(c**2))) #f=f=open('Specrefl.dat','r') #t=io.read_array(f) #t=transpose(t) #gplt.plot(theta,log10(abs(E_m[-1]/E_p[-1])**2),t[0],log10(t[1])) k = 2 * math.pi / 1.54 n = [1, 1 - 2.24e-5 + 2.89e-6j, 1 - 7.57e-6 + 1.73e-7j] n = array(n) z = array([0, -1000]) #(T,R,k)=AmpElfield2(k*cos(theta*math.pi/180),k*ones(theta.shape), n,z) #(T,R,k)=IntElfield(theta,1.54, n, array([0,1000])) (T, R, zc, E) = AmpElfield_test(theta, 1.54, n, array([0, 1000, 0])) #print T[0] pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(theta, log10(abs(R)), theta, log10(abs(c)), '.-') pylab.ylabel('R') pylab.xlabel('theta [deg]') pylab.legend(('Abeles', 'Parratt')) pylab.subplot(212) pylab.contourf(theta, zc, E.transpose()) #print zc.shape, zc[-1] #print log10(E[0,:]).shape #pylab.plot(zc, (E[1,:]))
#map the consistency values into weights #weights = [] # for user_name in individualConsistency: # try: # weights.append(min(1., math.pow(individualConsistency[user_name]/0.6,8.5))) # except ValueError: # print individualConsistency[user_name] # raise weights = { user_name: min( 1., math.pow(individualConsistency[user_name] / wParam1, wParam2)) for user_name in individualConsistency } #results.append([individualConsistency[user_name] for user_name in individualConsistency]) results.append([weights[user_name] for user_name in weights]) #print len(individualConsistency) from scipy.stats import ks_2samp diff = ks_2samp(results[0], results[1]) mesh[i1][i2] = diff[0] print mesh import pylab as pl pl.contourf(param2Range, param1Range, mesh) #P.hist(results[0], 50, normed=1, histtype='step', cumulative=True) pl.colorbar()
def embed_dat_matrix_two_dimensions(low_dimension_data_matrix, y=None, labels=None, density_colormap='Blues', instance_colormap='YlOrRd'): from sklearn.preprocessing import scale low_dimension_data_matrix = scale(low_dimension_data_matrix) # make mesh x_min, x_max = low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 0].min( ), low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 0].max() y_min, y_max = low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 1].min( ), low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 1].max() step_num = 50 h = min((x_max - x_min) / step_num, (y_max - y_min) / step_num) # step size in the mesh b = h * 10 # border size x_min, x_max = low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 0].min( ) - b, low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 0].max() + b y_min, y_max = low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 1].min( ) - b, low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 1].max() + b xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) # induce a one class model to estimate densities from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM gamma = max(x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min) clf = OneClassSVM(gamma=gamma, nu=0.1) # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max] . [y_min, y_max]. if hasattr(clf, "decision_function"): score_matrix = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) else: score_matrix = clf.predict_proba(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])[:, 1] # Put the result into a color plot levels = np.linspace(min(score_matrix), max(score_matrix), 40) score_matrix = score_matrix.reshape(xx.shape) if y is None: y = 'white' plt.contourf(xx, yy, score_matrix, cmap=plt.get_cmap(density_colormap), alpha=0.9, levels=levels) plt.scatter(low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 0], low_dimension_data_matrix[:, 1], alpha=.5, s=70, edgecolors='gray', c=y, cmap=plt.get_cmap(instance_colormap)) # labels if labels is not None: for id in range(low_dimension_data_matrix.shape[0]): label = labels[id] x = low_dimension_data_matrix[id, 0] y = low_dimension_data_matrix[id, 1] plt.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points')
headerfile.close() rawFilename = header[1].split()[1] res_x = int(header[2].split()[1][:-1]) # remove the ',' at end of string res_y = int(header[2].split()[2][:-1]) # remove the ',' at end of string print 'xdim %s' % res_x print 'ydim %s' % res_y data = np.fromfile(rawFilename, dtype=np.double, count=-1, sep='') assert data.shape[ 0] == res_x * res_y, "raw data array does not match the resolution in the header" x = np.linspace(0., 1., res_x) y = np.linspace(0., 1. * res_y / res_x, res_y) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # number of contours we wish to see N = 12 pl.contourf(X, Y, data.reshape(res_y, res_x), N, alpha=.75, cmap='jet') C = pl.contour(X, Y, data.reshape(res_y, res_x), N, colors='black', linewidth=.1) #pl.clabel(C, inline=1) pl.axes().set_aspect('equal') pl.savefig("output.png", dpi=72)
2 * v[1]**0.5, 180 + angle, color=color) ell.set_clip_box(splot.bbox) ell.set_alpha(0.5) splot.add_artist(ell) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(4, 8.5, 200), np.linspace(1.5, 4.5, 200)) X_grid = np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()] zz_lda = lda.predict_proba(X_grid)[:, 1].reshape(xx.shape) zz_qda = qda.predict_proba(X_grid)[:, 1].reshape(xx.shape) pl.figure() splot = pl.subplot(1, 2, 1) pl.contourf(xx, yy, zz_lda > 0.5, alpha=0.5) pl.scatter(X[y == 0, 0], X[y == 0, 1], c='b', label=target_names[0]) pl.scatter(X[y == 1, 0], X[y == 1, 1], c='r', label=target_names[1]) pl.contour(xx, yy, zz_lda, [0.5], linewidths=2., colors='k') plot_ellipse(splot, lda.means_[0], lda.covariance_, 'b') plot_ellipse(splot, lda.means_[1], lda.covariance_, 'r') pl.legend() pl.axis('tight') pl.title('Linear Discriminant Analysis') splot = pl.subplot(1, 2, 2) pl.contourf(xx, yy, zz_qda > 0.5, alpha=0.5) pl.scatter(X[y == 0, 0], X[y == 0, 1], c='b', label=target_names[0]) pl.scatter(X[y == 1, 0], X[y == 1, 1], c='r', label=target_names[1]) pl.contour(xx, yy, zz_qda, [0.5], linewidths=2., colors='k') plot_ellipse(splot, qda.means_[0], qda.covariances_[0], 'b')
def animate(i): ## create a frame Z = get_animation_data(i) contour = pylab.contourf(X, Y, Z, plt.title('t = %.1f' % ((nT / n_frames) * (i + 1))) return contour
np.savetxt( "%s_V%d_%dd_%dm.dat" % (orbit_id, mag_max, nb_obs_day, min_t_obs_per_orbit), data_grid) np.savetxt("ra_grid.dat", ra_grid) np.savetxt("dec_grid.dat", dec_grid) data_grid = np.fliplr(data_grid) ra_grid = rah_grid v = np.arange(min_val, max_val + step_scale, step_scale) CS = plt.contour(ra_grid, dec_grid, data_grid, colors='k', levels=v) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fmt='%d', colors='k', fontsize=12) CS = plt.contourf(ra_grid, dec_grid, data_grid, levels=v, plt.yticks(np.arange(-80, 100, 20.)) if include_constellation: for co in constel.constellations: co = np.asarray(co, dtype=np.float) co[:, 1] = co[:, 1] / 1800. co[:, 2] = co[:, 2] / 60. idc = np.where(co[:, 1] < 12.) co[idc, 1] = 12. - co[idc, 1] idc = np.where(co[:, 1] > 12.)
def plot2d_contour(self, x=None, y=None, what="count(*)", limits=None, shape=256, selection=None, f="identity", figsize=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, aspect="auto", levels=None, fill=False, colorbar=False, colorbar_label=None, colormap=None, colors=None, linewidths=None, linestyles=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, grid=None, show=None, **kwargs): """ Plot conting contours on 2D grid. :param x: {expression} :param y: {expression} :param what: What to plot, count(*) will show a N-d histogram, mean('x'), the mean of the x column, sum('x') the sum, std('x') the standard deviation, correlation('vx', 'vy') the correlation coefficient. Can also be a list of values, like ['count(x)', std('vx')], (by default maps to column) :param limits: {limits} :param shape: {shape} :param selection: {selection} :param f: transform values by: 'identity' does nothing 'log' or 'log10' will show the log of the value :param figsize: (x, y) tuple passed to pylab.figure for setting the figure size :param xlabel: label of the x-axis (defaults to param x) :param ylabel: label of the y-axis (defaults to param y) :param aspect: the aspect ratio of the figure :param levels: the contour levels to be passed on pylab.contour or pylab.contourf :param colorbar: plot a colorbar or not :param colorbar_label: the label of the colourbar (defaults to param what) :param colormap: matplotlib colormap to pass on to pylab.contour or pylab.contourf :param colors: the colours of the contours :params linewidths: the widths of the contours :params linestyles: the style of the contour lines :param vmin: instead of automatic normalization, scale the data between vmin and vmax :param vmax: see vmin :param grid: {grid} :param show: """ # Get the function out of the string f = vaex.dataset._parse_f(f) # Internals on what to bin binby = [] x = vaex.dataset._ensure_strings_from_expressions(x) y = vaex.dataset._ensure_strings_from_expressions(y) for expression in [y, x]: if expression is not None: binby = [expression] + binby # The shape shape = vaex.dataset._expand_shape(shape, 2) # The limits and limits = self.limits(binby, limits) # Constructing the 2d histogram if grid is None: if what: if isinstance(what, (vaex.stat.Expression)): grid = what.calculate(self, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection) else: what = what.strip() index = what.index("(") groups = re.match("(.*)\((.*)\)", what).groups() if groups and len(groups) == 2: function = groups[0] arguments = groups[1].strip() functions = ["mean", "sum", "std", "count"] if function in functions: # grid = getattr(self, function)(arguments, binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection) grid = getattr(vaex.stat, function)(arguments).calculate( self, binby=binby, limits=limits, shape=shape, selection=selection) elif function == "count" and arguments == "*": grid = self.count(binby=binby, shape=shape, limits=limits, selection=selection) elif function == "cumulative" and arguments == "*": # TODO: comulative should also include the tails outside limits grid = self.count(binby=binby, shape=shape, limits=limits, selection=selection) grid = np.cumsum(grid) else: raise ValueError( "Could not understand method: %s, expected one of %r'" % (function, functions)) else: raise ValueError( "Could not understand 'what' argument %r, expected something in form: 'count(*)', 'mean(x)'" % what) else: grid = self.histogram(binby, size=shape, limits=limits, selection=selection) # Apply the function on the grid fgrid = f(grid) # Figure creation if figsize is not None: fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=figsize, dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') fig = plt.gcf() # labels plt.xlabel(xlabel or x) plt.ylabel(ylabel or y) # The master contour plot if fill == False: value = plt.contour(fgrid.T, origin="lower", extent=np.array(limits).ravel().tolist(), linestyles=linestyles, linewidths=linewidths, levels=levels, colors=colors, cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) else: value = plt.contourf(fgrid.T, origin="lower", extent=np.array(limits).ravel().tolist(), linestyles=linestyles, levels=levels, colors=colors, cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) if colorbar: plt.colorbar(label=colorbar_label or what) # Wrap things up if show: return value
def graph_dos_real_space_atk(self): #print "NUMBER OF LDDSO BJECTS" #print len(nlread(self.device_config_path, LocalDeviceDensityOfStates)) lddos_list = nlread(self.device_config_path, LocalDeviceDensityOfStates) if not lddos_list: self.generate_dos_real_space() lddos_list = nlread(self.device_config_path, LocalDeviceDensityOfStates) #Find the z-spacing dX, dY, dZ = lddos_list[0].volumeElement().convertTo(Ang) dz = dZ.norm() shape = lddos_list[0].shape() z = dz * numpy.arange(shape[2]) # calculate average lddos along z for each spectrum energies = [] lddos_z = [] for lddos in lddos_list: energies = energies + [] avg_z = numpy.apply_over_axes(numpy.mean, lddos[:, :, :], [0, 1]).flatten() lddos_z = lddos_z + [avg_z] # plot as contour plot # make variables energies = numpy.array(energies) X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(z, energies) Z = numpy.array(lddos_z).reshape(numpy.shape(X)) #print "X = " #print X #print "Y = " #print Y #print "Z = " #print Z #print "X min, max" #print numpy.amax(X) #print numpy.amin(X) #print "Y min, max" #print numpy.amax(Y) #print numpy.amin(Y) #print "Z min, max" #print numpy.amax(Z) #print numpy.amin(Z) import pylab #plot the LDDOS(E, z) pylab.xlabel('z (Angstrom)', fontsize=12, family='sans-serif') pylab.ylabel('Energy (eV)', fontsize=12, family='sans-serif') contour_values = numpy.linspace(0, numpy.amax(Z), 25) pylab.contourf(X, Y, Z, contour_values) pylab.colorbar() pylab.axis( [numpy.amin(X), numpy.amax(X), numpy.amin(Y), numpy.amax(Y)]) pylab.title(self.device_config_path + ": E vs. z") pylab.savefig(self.device_config_path + 'lddos.png', dpi=100)
density = density + np.flip(density, axis=1) density_min = -0.0015 #np.min(density) density_max = 0.0015 #np.max(density) J = np.sqrt(j_x**2 + j_y**2) j_x_m = < 2e-10, j_x) j_y_m = < 2e-10, j_y) print("x.shape : ", x.shape) # plot_grid(x[::1, ::1], y[::1, ::1], alpha=0.5) #im = pl.contourf(x, y, density.T, 100, norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0, vmin=density_min, vmax=density_max), cmap='bwr') im = pl.contourf(x, y, density.T, 200, norm=colors.SymLogNorm(linthresh=density.max() / 20, vmin=density_min, vmax=density_max), cmap='bwr') m ='bwr') m.set_array(density.T) m.set_clim(density_min, density_max) pl.colorbar(m, boundaries=np.linspace(density_min, density_max, 100)) pl.title(r'Time = ' + "%.2f" % (time_array[start_index + file_number]) + " ps") #pl.streamplot(x[:, 0], y[0, :], # j_x_m, j_y_m, # density=2, color='k', # linewidth=1, arrowsize=1.2 # )
y = np.arange(-1, 13, dx) x_src = np.array([1, 2.50, 2.5, 1]) y_src = np.array([1, 5, 10, 1]) x_src = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]) y_src = np.array([10, 7, 4, 1]) S = np.array([x_src, y_src]).transpose() xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) V = 0.1 * np.ones_like(xx) V[yy > 6] = 0.15 V[np.logical_and(np.abs(yy) > 7, xx > 2.5)] = 0.18 t_map = eikonal(x, y, [], V, S) #%% plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.pcolor(x, y, V) plt.axis('image') #%% for i in range(S.shape[0]): plt.subplot(1, S.shape[0] + 1, i + 1) plt.contourf(x, y, t_map[i]) plt.axis('image')