def stackSimRes(simRes): """ input: a *list* of single steps returns: an array that contains the complete gait (consecutive time & way) """ resDat = [] res_t = [] for part in simRes: if len(resDat) == 0: res_t.append(part['t']) resDat.append(vstack( [ part['x'], part['y'], part['z'], part['vx'], part['vy'], part['vz'], ]).T) else: res_t.append(part['t'][1:] + res_t[-1][-1]) # compensate x and z translation resDat.append(vstack( [ part['x'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1,0], part['y'][1:], part['z'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1,2], part['vx'][1:], part['vy'][1:], part['vz'][1:], ]).T) return hstack(res_t), vstack(resDat)
def stackSimRes(simRes): """ input: a *list* of single steps returns: an array that contains the complete gait (consecutive time & way) """ resDat = [] res_t = [] for part in simRes: if len(resDat) == 0: res_t.append(part['t']) resDat.append( vstack([ part['x'], part['y'], part['z'], part['vx'], part['vy'], part['vz'], ]).T) else: res_t.append(part['t'][1:] + res_t[-1][-1]) # compensate x and z translation resDat.append( vstack([ part['x'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1, 0], part['y'][1:], part['z'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1, 2], part['vx'][1:], part['vy'][1:], part['vz'][1:], ]).T) return hstack(res_t), vstack(resDat)
def RecalcPhase(data): """ this function re-computes the phase of a given artificial Floquet system analog to the way the phases are computed in the original systen. Data must be given in a D x N-format, D: number of Dimensions, N: number of samples """ p1 = -1. * data[0, :] # R_Kne_y - L_kne_y p2 = data[5, :] - data[2, :] # R_Trc_y - R_Anl_y p3 = data[6, :] - data[1, :] # L_trc_y - L_Anl_y p4 = data[2, :] - data[1, :] - data[0, :] # R_anl_y - L_anl_y allPhrIn_TDR = [ vstack((p1, p2, p3, p4)), ] psec_TDR = [ p4.copy(), ] phrIn = vstack((p1, p2, p3, p4)) psecIn = p4.copy() print 'building phaser ...\n' Phaser = phaser2.Phaser2(y=allPhrIn_TDR, psecData=psec_TDR) print 'computing phases ...\n' return Phaser.phaserEval(phrIn, psecIn).squeeze()
def __init__(self, scanList, stateArray): if len(scanList)!=stateArray.shape[0]: raise Exception('number of scan and state should be the same') times = [scan.timestamp for scan in scanList] self.avgTime = times[int(pl.floor(len(times)/2))] #self.avgTime = pl.mean([scan.timestamp for scan in scanList]) #transform the 3d coordinates of each scan #and numpy.vstack all the output m*3 array together #find average Lidar frame avgBodyState = stateArray[int(pl.floor(len(stateArray)/2))] #avgBodyState=pl.mean(stateArray, 0) w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L = self._bodyState2LidarState(avgBodyState) self.avgLidarState = self._matrix2State(w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L) transform = self._transformPointsFromBodyToAvgLidar #from data points with transformation to avgState self.dataPoints = pl.vstack([transform(scan.dataArray, state, w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L) for scan, state in zip(scanList, stateArray) if scan.hasValidData()]) self.intensity = pl.vstack([scan.intensityArray for scan in scanList if scan.hasValidData()]).flatten() if self.dataPoints.shape[0]!=self.intensity.shape[0]: raise Exception('dist and intensity have different size')
def extrude_mesh(self, l, z_offset): # accepts the number of layers and the length of extrusion mesh = self.mesh # Extrude vertices all_coords = [] for i in linspace(0, z_offset, l): all_coords.append( hstack((mesh.coordinates(), i * ones((self.n_v2, 1))))) self.global_vertices = vstack(all_coords) # Extrude cells (tris to tetrahedra) for i in range(l - 1): for c in self.mesh.cells(): # Make a prism out of 2 stacked triangles vertices = hstack((c + i * self.n_v2, c + (i + 1) * self.n_v2)) # Determine prism orientation smallest_vertex_index = argmin(vertices) # Map to I-ordering of Dompierre et al. mapping = self.indirection_table[smallest_vertex_index] # Determine which subdivision scheme to use. if min(vertices[mapping][[1, 5]]) < min( vertices[mapping][[2, 4]]): local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,5]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,1,5,4]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,4,5,3]])) else: local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,4]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,4,2,5]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,4,5,3]])) # Concatenate local tet to cell array self.global_tets = vstack((self.global_tets, local_tets)) # Eliminate phantom initialization tet self.global_tets = self.global_tets[1:, :] # Query number of vertices and tets in new mesh self.n_verts = self.global_vertices.shape[0] self.n_tets = self.global_tets.shape[0] # Initialize new dolfin mesh of dimension 3 self.new_mesh = Mesh() m = MeshEditor(), 3, 3) m.init_vertices(self.n_verts, self.n_verts) m.init_cells(self.n_tets, self.n_tets) # Copy vertex data into new mesh for i, v in enumerate(self.global_vertices): m.add_vertex(i, Point(*v)) # Copy cell data into new mesh for j, c in enumerate(self.global_tets): m.add_cell(j, *c) m.close()
def __init__(self, scanList, stateArray): if len(scanList) != stateArray.shape[0]: raise Exception('number of scan and state should be the same') times = [scan.timestamp for scan in scanList] self.avgTime = times[int(pl.floor(len(times) / 2))] #self.avgTime = pl.mean([scan.timestamp for scan in scanList]) #transform the 3d coordinates of each scan #and numpy.vstack all the output m*3 array together #find average Lidar frame avgBodyState = stateArray[int(pl.floor(len(stateArray) / 2))] #avgBodyState=pl.mean(stateArray, 0) w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L = self._bodyState2LidarState(avgBodyState) self.avgLidarState = self._matrix2State(w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L) transform = self._transformPointsFromBodyToAvgLidar #from data points with transformation to avgState self.dataPoints = pl.vstack([ transform(scan.dataArray, state, w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L) for scan, state in zip(scanList, stateArray) if scan.hasValidData() ]) self.intensity = pl.vstack([ scan.intensityArray for scan in scanList if scan.hasValidData() ]).flatten() if self.dataPoints.shape[0] != self.intensity.shape[0]: raise Exception('dist and intensity have different size')
def extrude_mesh(self,l,z_offset): # accepts the number of layers and the length of extrusion # Extrude vertices all_coords = [] for i in linspace(0,z_offset,l): all_coords.append(hstack((mesh.coordinates(),i*ones((self.n_v2,1))))) self.global_vertices = vstack(all_coords) # Extrude cells (tris to tetrahedra) for i in range(l-1): for c in self.mesh.cells(): # Make a prism out of 2 stacked triangles vertices = hstack((c+i*self.n_v2,c+(i+1)*self.n_v2)) # Determine prism orientation smallest_vertex_index = argmin(vertices) # Map to I-ordering of Dompierre et al. mapping = self.indirection_table[smallest_vertex_index] # Determine which subdivision scheme to use. if min(vertices[mapping][[1,5]]) < min(vertices[mapping][[2,4]]): local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,5]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,1,5,4]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,4,5,3]])) else: local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,4]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,4,2,5]],\ vertices[mapping][[0,4,5,3]])) # Concatenate local tet to cell array self.global_tets = vstack((self.global_tets,local_tets)) # Eliminate phantom initialization tet self.global_tets = self.global_tets[1:,:] # Query number of vertices and tets in new mesh self.n_verts = self.global_vertices.shape[0] self.n_tets = self.global_tets.shape[0] # Initialize new dolfin mesh of dimension 3 self.new_mesh = Mesh() m = MeshEditor(),3,3) m.init_vertices(self.n_verts,self.n_verts) m.init_cells(self.n_tets,self.n_tets) # Copy vertex data into new mesh for i,v in enumerate(self.global_vertices): m.add_vertex(i,Point(*v)) # Copy cell data into new mesh for j,c in enumerate(self.global_tets): m.add_cell(j,*c) m.close()
def color_by_level(current_data): from pylab import vstack, contourf, plot, ones, arange, colorbar fs = current_data.framesoln pout, level = gridtools1.grid_output_1d(fs, 0, xout, return_level=True) Xout = vstack((xout, xout)) Yout = vstack((-1.1 * ones(xout.shape), 1.1 * ones(xout.shape))) L = vstack((level, level)) contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels) cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1)) cb.set_label('AMR Level') plot(xout, pout, 'k')
def getPeriodicOrbit(statesL, T_L, ymin_L, statesR, T_R, ymin_R, baseParams, startParams=[14000, 1.16, 1, 0.]): """ returns a tuple of SLIP parameters, that result in the two-step periodic solution defined by <statesL> -> <statesR> -> >statesL>, with step time left (right) = <T_L> (<T_R>) minimal vertical position left (right) = <ymin_L> (<ymin_R>) statesL/R: a list of (left/right) apex states y, vx, vz baseParams: dict of base SLIP parameters: g, m (gravity acceleration, mass) returns: [SL, paramsL, dEL], [SR, paramsR, dER] two tuples of initial apex states and corresponding SLIP parameters that yield the two-step periodic solution (dE: energy fluctuation) """ SL = mean(vstack(statesL), axis=0) if len(statesL) > 1 else statesL SR = mean(vstack(statesR), axis=0) if len(statesR) > 1 else statesR tr = mean(hstack(T_R)) tl = mean(hstack(T_L)) yminl = mean(hstack(ymin_L)) yminr = mean(hstack(ymin_R)) m = baseParams['m'] g = baseParams['g'] # energy input right (left) step dER = (SL[0] - SR[0]) * m * abs(g) + .5 * m * (SL[1]**2 + SL[2]**2 - SR[1]**2 - SR[2]**2) dEL = -dER # initialize parameters PR = copy.deepcopy(baseParams) PL = copy.deepcopy(baseParams) PL['IC'] = SL PL['dE'] = dEL PR['IC'] = SR PR['dE'] = dER # define step params: (y_apex2, T, y_min, vz_apex2) spL = (SR[0], tl, yminl, SR[2]) spR = (SL[0], tr, yminr, SL[2]) # compute necessary model parameters paramsL = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spL, PL, startParams) paramsR = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spR, PR, startParams) return ([SL, paramsL, dEL], [SR, paramsR, dER])
def plot_finest(current_data): from pylab import vstack,contourf,plot,ones,arange,colorbar,\ xlim,ylim,semilogy,figure,title,clf,subplot,show,draw,\ tight_layout,ylabel,grid fs = current_data.framesoln t = current_data.t print('+++ plot_finest at t = %.4f' % t) pout, level = gridtools1.grid_output_1d(fs, 0, xout, return_level=True) err = abs(pout - p_true_fcn(xout, t)) Xout = vstack((xout, xout)) L = vstack((level, level)) figure(3, figsize=(12, 8)) clf() subplot(311) Yout = vstack((-1.1 * ones(xout.shape), 1.1 * ones(xout.shape))) contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels) cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1)) cb.set_label('AMR Level') plot(xout, pout, 'k') xlim(xlimits) ylim(-1.1, 1.1) title('Pressure at t = %.4f' % t) subplot(312) Yout = vstack((ylimits_error[0] * ones(xout.shape), ylimits_error[1] * ones(xout.shape))) contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels) cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1)) cb.set_label('AMR Level') semilogy(xout, err, 'k') if tolerance is not None: plot(xout, tolerance * ones(xout.shape), 'r--') xlim(xlimits) ylim(ylimits_error) ylabel('abs(error)') grid(True) subplot(313) Yout = vstack( (0 * ones(xout.shape), (maxlevels + 1) * ones(xout.shape))) contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels) cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1)) cb.set_label('AMR Level') plot(xout, level, 'k') xlim(xlimits) ylim(0, maxlevels + 1) ylabel('AMR Level') tight_layout() grid(True) draw()
def getPeriodicOrbit(statesL, T_L, ymin_L, statesR, T_R, ymin_R, baseParams , startParams=[14000, 1.16, 1, 0.] ): """ returns a tuple of SLIP parameters, that result in the two-step periodic solution defined by <statesL> -> <statesR> -> >statesL>, with step time left (right) = <T_L> (<T_R>) minimal vertical position left (right) = <ymin_L> (<ymin_R>) statesL/R: a list of (left/right) apex states y, vx, vz baseParams: dict of base SLIP parameters: g, m (gravity acceleration, mass) returns: [SL, paramsL, dEL], [SR, paramsR, dER] two tuples of initial apex states and corresponding SLIP parameters that yield the two-step periodic solution (dE: energy fluctuation) """ SL = mean(vstack(statesL), axis=0) if len(statesL) > 1 else statesL SR = mean(vstack(statesR), axis=0) if len(statesR) > 1 else statesR tr = mean(hstack(T_R)) tl = mean(hstack(T_L)) yminl = mean(hstack(ymin_L)) yminr = mean(hstack(ymin_R)) m = baseParams['m'] g = baseParams['g'] # energy input right (left) step dER = (SL[0]-SR[0])*m*abs(g) + .5*m*(SL[1]**2 + SL[2]**2 - SR[1]**2 - SR[2]**2) dEL = -dER # initialize parameters PR = copy.deepcopy( baseParams ) PL = copy.deepcopy( baseParams ) PL['IC'] = SL PL['dE'] = dEL PR['IC'] = SR PR['dE'] = dER # define step params: (y_apex2, T, y_min, vz_apex2) spL = (SR[0], tl, yminl, SR[2]) spR = (SL[0], tr, yminr, SL[2]) # compute necessary model parameters paramsL = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spL, PL, startParams) paramsR = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spR, PR, startParams) return ([SL, paramsL, dEL],[SR, paramsR, dER])
def homog2D(xPrime, x): """ Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous points (3xN) to another set (3xN) """ numPoints = xPrime.shape[1] assert numPoints >= 4 A = None for i in range(0, numPoints): xiPrime = xPrime[:, i] xi = x[:, i] Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi)) Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[0] * xi)) Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1)) if A is None: A = Ai else: A = pl.vstack((A, Ai)) U, S, V = pl.svd(A) V = V.T h = V[:, -1] H = pl.reshape(h, (3, 3)) return H
def homog3D(points2d, points3d): """ Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous 2D points (3xN) Not sure why anyone would do this. Note that the returned transformation *NOT* an isometry. But it's here... so deal with it. """ numPoints = points2d.shape[1] assert numPoints >= 4 A = None for i in range(0, numPoints): xiPrime = points2d[:, i] xi = points3d[:, i] Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi)) Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[0] * xi)) Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1)) if A is None: A = Ai else: A = pl.vstack((A, Ai)) U, S, V = pl.svd(A) V = V.T h = V[:, -1] P = pl.reshape(h, (3, 4)) return P
def main(): shifts = [ [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1] ] num_atoms = 100 num_dims = 2 # dimensions coords = pl.random((num_atoms, num_dims)) chosen = pl.random_integers(num_atoms) # from 1 to num_atoms chosen -= 1 # from 0 to num_atoms - 1 for i in range(len(shifts)): coords = pl.vstack((coords, coords[:num_atoms] + shifts[i])) num_atoms *= 9 # after 8 shifts added max_distance = 0.9 for i in range(num_atoms): if i != chosen: dx = coords[chosen, 0] - coords[i, 0] dy = coords[chosen, 1] - coords[i, 1] distance = pl.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) if distance < max_distance: pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "bo") else: pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "ko") # plot last for visibility pl.plot([coords[chosen, 0]], [coords[chosen, 1]], "ro") pl.grid(True)
def homog3D (points2d, points3d): """ Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous 2D points (3xN) Not sure why anyone would do this. Note that the returned transformation *NOT* an isometry. But it's here... so deal with it. """ numPoints = points2d.shape[1] assert (numPoints >= 4) A = None for i in range (0, numPoints): xiPrime = points2d[:,i] xi = points3d[:,i] Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate ((pl.zeros (4,), -xiPrime[2]*xi, xiPrime[1]*xi)) Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate ((xiPrime[2]*xi, pl.zeros (4,), -xiPrime[0]*xi)) Ai = pl.row_stack ((Ai_row0, Ai_row1)) if A is None: A = Ai else: A = pl.vstack ((A, Ai)) U, S, V = pl.svd (A) V = V.T h = V[:,-1] P = pl.reshape (h, (3, 4)) return P
def calcJacobian(fun, x0, h=.0001): """ calculates the jacobian of a given function fun with respect to its parameters at the point (array or list) x0. :args: fun (function): the function to calcualte the jacobian from x0 (iterable, e.g. array): position to evaluate the jacobian at h (float): step size :returns: J (n-by-n array): the jacobian of f at x0 """ J = [] x = array(x0) for elem, val in enumerate(x0): ICp = x.copy() ICp[elem] += h resp = fun(ICp) ICn = x.copy() ICn[elem] -= h resn = fun(ICn) J.append((resp - resn) / (2. * h)) J = vstack(J).T return J
def dS_dP(x0, PR, keys = [('k',750.),('alpha',0.05),('L0',0.05), ('beta',0.05), ('dE', 7.5) ], r_mag = .005): """ calculates the SLIP derivative with respect to 'keys' keys is a list of tuples with the keys of PR that should be changed, and the order of magnitude of deviation (i.e. something like std(x)) -- only for a single step -- """ df = [] # r_mag = .005 # here: relative magnitude of disturbance in standrad dev's for elem,mag in keys: h = r_mag*mag # positive direction PRp = copy.deepcopy(PR) PRp[elem] += h resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRp) SRp = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]]) #fhp = array(SR2 - x0) # positive direction PRn = copy.deepcopy(PR) PRn[elem] -= h resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRn) SRn = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]]) #fhn = array(SR2 - x0) # derivative: difference quotient df.append( (SRp - SRn)/(2.*h) ) return vstack(df).T
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years): """ For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly temperatures for each city in multi_cities. Args: climate: instance of Climate multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str) years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int) Returns: a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual city temperatures for the given cities in a given year. """ std_dev = [] for year in years: yearly_temps = None for city in multi_cities: if yearly_temps is None: yearly_temps = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) else: yearly_temp = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year) yearly_temps = pylab.vstack((yearly_temps, yearly_temp)) if yearly_temps.ndim > 1: yearly_temps = pylab.average(yearly_temps, axis=0) std_dev.append(pylab.std(yearly_temps)) return pylab.array(std_dev)
def homog2D (xPrime, x): """ Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous points (3xN) to another set (3xN) """ numPoints = xPrime.shape[1] assert (numPoints >= 4) A = None for i in range (0, numPoints): xiPrime = xPrime[:,i] xi = x[:,i] Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate ((pl.zeros (3,), -xiPrime[2]*xi, xiPrime[1]*xi)) Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate ((xiPrime[2]*xi, pl.zeros (3,), -xiPrime[0]*xi)) Ai = pl.row_stack ((Ai_row0, Ai_row1)) if A is None: A = Ai else: A = pl.vstack ((A, Ai)) U, S, V = pl.svd (A) V = V.T h = V[:,-1] H = pl.reshape (h, (3, 3)) return H
def plot_matches(im1, im2, locs1, locs2, matchscores, show_below=True): """ Show a figure with lines joining the accepted matches input: im1, im2 (images as arrays), locs1, locs2 (feature locations), matchscores (as output from the match() method) show_below (if images should be shown below matches). :param im1: :param im2: :param locs1: :param locs2: :param matchscores: :param show_below: :return: """ im3 = appendImages(im1, im2) if show_below: im3 = vstack((im3, im3)) imshow(im3) cols1 = im1.shape[1] for i,m in enumerate(matchscores): if m>0: plot([locs1[i][1], locs2[m][1]+cols1], [locs1[i][0],locs2[m][0]],'c') axis('off')
def dS_dX(x0, PR, h_mag = .0005): """ calculates the Jacobian of the SLIP at the given point x0, with PR beeing the parameters for that step coordinates under consideration are: y vx vz only for a single step! """ df = [] for dim in range(len(x0)): delta = zeros_like(x0) delta[dim] = 1. h = h_mag * delta # in positive direction resRp = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 + h, PR) SRp = array([resRp['y'][-1], resRp['vx'][-1], resRp['vz'][-1]]) #fhp = array(SR2 - x0) # in negative direction resRn = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 - h, PR) SRn = array([resRn['y'][-1], resRn['vx'][-1], resRn['vz'][-1]]) #fhn = array(SR2 - x0) # derivative: difference quotient df.append( (SRp - SRn)/(2.*h_mag) ) return vstack(df).T
def dS_dP(x0, PR, keys=[('k', 750.), ('alpha', 0.05), ('L0', 0.05), ('beta', 0.05), ('dE', 7.5)], r_mag=.005): """ calculates the SLIP derivative with respect to 'keys' keys is a list of tuples with the keys of PR that should be changed, and the order of magnitude of deviation (i.e. something like std(x)) -- only for a single step -- """ df = [] # r_mag = .005 # here: relative magnitude of disturbance in standrad dev's for elem, mag in keys: h = r_mag * mag # positive direction PRp = copy.deepcopy(PR) PRp[elem] += h resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRp) SRp = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]]) #fhp = array(SR2 - x0) # positive direction PRn = copy.deepcopy(PR) PRn[elem] -= h resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRn) SRn = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]]) #fhn = array(SR2 - x0) # derivative: difference quotient df.append((SRp - SRn) / (2. * h)) return vstack(df).T
def main(): shifts = [[-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1]] num_atoms = 100 num_dims = 2 # dimensions coords = pl.random((num_atoms, num_dims)) chosen = pl.random_integers(num_atoms) # from 1 to num_atoms chosen -= 1 # from 0 to num_atoms - 1 for i in range(len(shifts)): coords = pl.vstack((coords, coords[:num_atoms] + shifts[i])) num_atoms *= 9 # after 8 shifts added max_distance = 0.9 for i in range(num_atoms): if i != chosen: dx = coords[chosen, 0] - coords[i, 0] dy = coords[chosen, 1] - coords[i, 1] distance = pl.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if distance < max_distance: pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "bo") else: pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "ko") # plot last for visibility pl.plot([coords[chosen, 0]], [coords[chosen, 1]], "ro") pl.grid(True)
def dS_dX(x0, PR, h_mag=.0005): """ calculates the Jacobian of the SLIP at the given point x0, with PR beeing the parameters for that step coordinates under consideration are: y vx vz only for a single step! """ df = [] for dim in range(len(x0)): delta = zeros_like(x0) delta[dim] = 1. h = h_mag * delta # in positive direction resRp = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 + h, PR) SRp = array([resRp['y'][-1], resRp['vx'][-1], resRp['vz'][-1]]) #fhp = array(SR2 - x0) # in negative direction resRn = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 - h, PR) SRn = array([resRn['y'][-1], resRn['vx'][-1], resRn['vz'][-1]]) #fhn = array(SR2 - x0) # derivative: difference quotient df.append((SRp - SRn) / (2. * h_mag)) return vstack(df).T
def perspectiveTransform(xy, xaya): M = array([], dtype=float64).reshape(0, 9) # Make matrix M for arbritatry amount of points for i in range(len(xy)): xi = xy[i][0] yi = xy[i][1] xi_ = xaya[i][0] yi_ = xaya[i][1] M = vstack([M, array([xi, yi, 1, 0, 0, 0, -xi_*xi, -xi_*yi, -xi_])]) M = vstack([M, array([0, 0, 0, xi, yi, 1, -yi_*xi, -yi_*yi, -yi_])]) # Take SVD U, S, Vt = sclin.svd(M, full_matrices=True) # p = last column of V, and because Vt is V transposed, the last row is # taken. p = Vt[-1] return p.reshape((3, 3))
def prepare_line(line, pad=16): line = line * 1.0 / amax(line) line = amax(line) - line line = line.T if pad > 0: w = line.shape[1] line = vstack([zeros((pad, w)), line, zeros((pad, w))]) return line
def get_kin(self, fps=250.): """ returns a list of the selected kinematics (one list item for each repetition) :args: self: kin object fps (float, default 250): sampling frequency. Required to correctly compute the velocities. :returns: a list. Each element contains the selected (-> self.selection) data with corresponding velocities (i.e. 2d x n elements per item) """ # walk through each element of "selection" all_pos = [] all_vel = [] for raw in self.raw_dat: curr_pos = [] curr_vel = [] for elem in self.selection: items = [x.strip() for x in elem.split('-')] # 1 item if no "-" present dims = [] markers = [] for item in items: if item.endswith('_x'): dims.append(0) elif item.endswith('_y'): dims.append(1) elif item.endswith('_z'): dims.append(2) else: print "invalid marker suffix: ", item continue markers.append(item[:-2]) if len(items) == 1: # single marker curr_pos.append(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]]) curr_vel.append(gradient(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]]) * fps) else: # difference between two markers curr_pos.append(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]] - raw[markers[1]][:, dims[1]]) curr_vel.append(gradient(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]] - raw[markers[1]][:, dims[1]]) * fps) all_pos.append(vstack(curr_pos + curr_vel)) all_vel.append(vstack(curr_vel)) return all_pos
def error_color_by_level(current_data): from pylab import vstack,contourf,plot,ones,arange,colorbar,\ ylim,semilogy fs = current_data.framesoln t = current_data.t pout, level = gridtools1.grid_output_1d(fs, 0, xout, return_level=True) err = abs(pout - p_true_fcn(xout, t)) Xout = vstack((xout, xout)) Yout = vstack((ylimits_error[0] * ones(xout.shape), ylimits_error[1] * ones(xout.shape))) L = vstack((level, level)) contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels) cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1)) cb.set_label('AMR Level') semilogy(xout, err, 'k') #semilogy(xout,level,'k') if tolerance is not None: plot(xout, tolerance * ones(xout.shape), 'r--')
def _generate_labeled_correlation_matrix(self, label): """ Concatenates the feature names to the actual correlation matrices. This is for better overview in stored txt files later on.""" labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.array([]) for i in pylab.array(self.corr_important_feats[label]): if len(labeled_corr_matrix) == 0: labeled_corr_matrix = [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]] else: labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack((labeled_corr_matrix, [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]])) labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.c_[self.corr_important_feat_names, labeled_corr_matrix] labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack((pylab.hstack((' ', self.corr_important_feat_names)), labeled_corr_matrix)) return labeled_corr_matrix
def getAllPrecNoise(self,timePreceedingSignal=-1): #returns the concatenated Preceeding Noise precNoise=py.array([]) for tdData in self._thzdata_raw: tN=self.getPreceedingNoise(tdData,timePreceedingSignal) if precNoise.shape[0]==0: precNoise=tN else: precNoise=py.vstack((precNoise,tN)) return precNoise
def _generate_labeled_correlation_matrix(self, label): """ Concatenates the feature names to the actual correlation matrices. This is for better overview in stored txt files later on.""" labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.array([]) for i in pylab.array(self.corr_important_feats[label]): if len(labeled_corr_matrix) == 0: labeled_corr_matrix = [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]] else: labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack( (labeled_corr_matrix, [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]])) labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.c_[self.corr_important_feat_names, labeled_corr_matrix] labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack((pylab.hstack( (' ', self.corr_important_feat_names)), labeled_corr_matrix)) return labeled_corr_matrix
def get_kin_apex(self, phases, return_times = False): """ returns the kinematic state at the apices which are close to the given phases. Apex is re-calculated. :args: self: kin object (-> later: "self") phases (list): list of lists of apex phases. must match with length of "kin.raw_data". The n'th list of apex phases will be assigned to the nth "<object>.raw_data" element. return_times (bool): if true, return only the times at which apex occurred. :returns: if lr_split is True: [[r_apices], [l_apices]] else: [[apices], ] where apices is the kinematic (from <object>.selection at the apices *around* the given phases. *NOTE* The apices themselves are re-computed for higher accuracy. """ all_kin = [] all_kin_orig = self.get_kin() all_apex_times = [] if len(self.raw_dat) != len(phases): raise ValueError("length of phases list does not match number of datasets") for raw, phase, kin_orig in zip(self.raw_dat, phases, all_kin_orig): kin_apex = [] kin_time = arange(len(raw['phi2'].squeeze()), dtype=float) / 250. # 1st: compute apex *times* apex_times = [] for phi_apex in phase: # 1a: get "rough" estimate idx_apex = argmin(abs(raw['phi2'].squeeze() - phi_apex)) # 1b: fit quadratic function to com_y idx_low = max(0, idx_apex - 4) idx_high = min(raw['com'].shape[0] - 1, idx_apex + 4) com_y_pt = raw['com'][idx_low:idx_high + 1, 2] tp = arange(idx_high - idx_low + 1) # improve numerical accuracy: do not take absolute time p = polyfit(tp, com_y_pt, 2) # p: polynomial, highest power coeff first t0 = -p[1] / (2.*p[0]) # "real" index of apex (offset is 2: a value of 2 # indicates that apex is exactly at the measured frame t_apex = kin_time[idx_apex] + (t0 - 4.) / 250. apex_times.append(t_apex) if return_times: all_apex_times.append(array(apex_times)) else: # 2nd: interpolate data dat = vstack([interp(apex_times, kin_time, kin_orig[row, :]) for row in arange(kin_orig.shape[0])]) all_kin.append(dat) if return_times: return all_apex_times return all_kin
def sinDistort(data,twisting=1.): """ a distortion of the data: x will be mapped to sin(x/max(abs(x))), for every coordinate this is to distort a lower dimensional system so that it is not restricted to a lower-dimensional subspace any longer data must be given in NxD - Format the optional twisting factor increases the twisting strength """ return vstack([sin( data[:,x]*twisting/max(abs(data[:,x])))*max(abs(data[:,x])) for x in range(data.shape[1])]).T
def test_sim_data_2(self): sims = 10000 return # skip for now test1 = pl.zeros(3, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) for i in range(sims): temp = data.sim_data(1, [0.1,0.1,0.8], [0.01,0.01,0.01]) test1 = pl.vstack((test1, temp)) test1 = test1[1:,] test2 = data.sim_data(sims, [0.1,0.1,0.8], [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) diff = (test1.mean(0) - test2.mean(0))/test1.mean(0) assert pl.allclose(diff, 0, atol=0.01), 'should be close to zero, (%s found)' % str(diff)
def block_hankel(data, f): """ Create a block hankel matrix. f : number of rows """ data = pl.matrix(data) assert len(data.shape) == 2 n = data.shape[1] - f return pl.matrix(pl.hstack([ pl.vstack([data[:, i+j] for i in range(f)]) for j in range(n)]))
def block_hankel(data, f): """ Create a block hankel matrix. f : number of rows """ data = np.matrix(data) assert len(data.shape) == 2 n = data.shape[1] - f return np.matrix(pl.hstack([ pl.vstack([data[:, i+j] for i in range(f)]) for j in range(n)]))
def LS(self,X): """ estimate the connectivity kernel parameters and the time constant parameter using Least Square method Arguments ---------- X: list of matrix state vectors Returns --------- Least Square estimation of the the connectivity kernel parameters and the time constant parameter """ q=self.q_calc(X) Z=pb.vstack(X[1:]) X_t_1=pb.vstack(X[:-1]) q_t_1=pb.vstack(q[:-1]) X_ls=pb.hstack((q_t_1,X_t_1)) W=(X_ls.T*X_ls).I*X_ls.T*Z return [float( W[0]),float(W[1]),float(W[2]),float(W[3])]
def save_rsj_params(self): mat = pl.vstack((pl.array(self.idx), pl.transpose(self.c),\ self.icarr, self.rnarr, self.ioarr, self.voarr,\ self.ic_err_arr, self.rn_err_arr, self.io_err_arr, self.vo_err_arr)) header_c = '' for n in range(self.cdim): header_c = header_c + 'Control%d '%(n+1) header_ = 'Index ' + header_c + \ 'Ic Rn Io Vo Ic_err Rn_err Io_err Vo_err' pl.savetxt(self.get_fullpath(self.fn_rsjparams), pl.transpose(mat),\ header=header_)
def dewarp(self, img, cval=0, dtype=dtype('f')): assert img.shape == self.shape h, w = img.shape hpadding = self.r padded = vstack( [cval * ones((hpadding, w)), img, cval * ones((hpadding, w))]) center = + hpadding dewarped = [ padded[center[i] - self.r:center[i] + self.r, i] for i in range(w) ] dewarped = array(dewarped, dtype=dtype).T return dewarped
def approximate(x,y): """ Linear approximation of y=f(x) using least square estimator. In: x : ndarray y : ndarray Out: a, b : float, as in a*x+b=y """ assert pl.shape(x) == pl.shape(y) A = pl.vstack([x, pl.ones(len(x))]).T a, b = pl.lstsq(A, y)[0] return a, b
def sinDistort(data, twisting=1.): """ a distortion of the data: x will be mapped to sin(x/max(abs(x))), for every coordinate this is to distort a lower dimensional system so that it is not restricted to a lower-dimensional subspace any longer data must be given in NxD - Format the optional twisting factor increases the twisting strength """ return vstack([ sin(data[:, x] * twisting / max(abs(data[:, x]))) * max(abs(data[:, x])) for x in range(data.shape[1]) ]).T
def test_sim_data_2(self): sims = 10000 return # skip for now test1 = pl.zeros(3, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) for i in range(sims): temp = data.sim_data(1, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) test1 = pl.vstack((test1, temp)) test1 = test1[1:, ] test2 = data.sim_data(sims, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) diff = (test1.mean(0) - test2.mean(0)) / test1.mean(0) assert pl.allclose( diff, 0, atol=0.01), 'should be close to zero, (%s found)' % str(diff)
def twoD_oneD(data2D,nps): """ transforms the 2D format into the 1D-format used here 1D-format: a single row represents one stride; the first (nps) frames represent coordinate 1, the second (nps) frames represent coordinate 2, ... 2D-format: a single row represents one coordinate. The k-th stride is represented by the subsection [:,k*(nps):(k+1)*nps] """ data1D = vstack([hstack(data2D[:,x*nps:(x+1)*nps]) for x in range(data2D.shape[1]/nps)]) return data1D
def get_coords_for_frame(self, frame, root_offset=None): coords = [] def draw_line_to_children(bone, ppos, P, rpos, ppindex): for child in self.hierarchy[bone]: cbone = self.bones[child] C = self.__local_matrices[child + '__C'] Cinv = self.__local_matrices[child + '__Cinv'] B = self.__local_matrices[child + '__B'] #Motion matrix M = eye(4) try: for dof, val in zip(cbone.dof, frame[child]): val = pl.deg2rad(val) R = eye(4) if dof == 'rx': R = Rx(val) elif dof == 'ry': R = Ry(val) elif dof == 'rz': R = Rz(val) M = dot(R, M) except: #We might not have dof data for the current bone pass L = #Full transform A = dot(P, L) cpos = dot(A, [0, 0, 0, 1]) + rpos coords.append(cpos[:3]) draw_line_to_children(child, cpos, A, rpos, len(coords) - 1) #Root orientation and translation transf = frame['root'].copy() if root_offset is not None: transf[0:3] += root_offset R = dot(Rz(pl.deg2rad(transf[5])), dot(Ry(pl.deg2rad(transf[4])), Rx(pl.deg2rad(transf[3])))) B = T(transf[0:3]) rpos = dot(B, [0, 0, 0, 1]) / 0.45 * Skeleton.SCALE coords.append(rpos[:3]) draw_line_to_children('root', rpos, R, rpos, 0) return pl.vstack(coords).T
def predTest(idat, odat, out_of_sample=True, nboot=50, totvar=False, rcond=1e-7): """ .. note:: computes how well odat can be predicted (in terms of variance reduction) using idat, using the bootstrap method Some formatting test: :py:func:`mutils.statistics.vred` Parameters ---------- idat : array_like format: n x d , d-dimensional data in n rows used to predict odat odat : array_like format: n x q, q-dimensional data in n rows to be predicted from idat out_of_sample : bool if True, perform an out-of-sample prediction nboot : int the number of bootstrap repetitions to be performed for prediction totvar : bool if `True`, the total relative remaining variance will be computed, otherwise the relative remaining variance for each coordinate to be predict will be computed Returns ------- Return value and format depends on whether or not **totvar** is *True* * if **totvar** is *True*: returns an array of dimension nboot x 1, which contains the relative remaining variance after prediciton (in nboot bootstrap repetitions) * if **totvar** is *False*: returns an array of dimension nboot x q, which contains the relative remaining variance after prediction for each coordinate (in nboot bootstrap repetitions) """ _, mapsT, idcs = fitData(idat, odat, nps=1, nrep=nboot, rcond=rcond) maps = [x.T for x in mapsT] # indices will be "swapped" to "NOT(indices)" in vRedPartial indices = idcs if out_of_sample else [otheridx(x, idat.shape[0]) for x in idcs] vaxis = None if totvar else 0 res = vRedPartial(idat, odat, maps, indices, vaxis) return vstack(res)
def estimate_kernel(self,X): """ estimate the ide parameters using least squares method Arguments ---------- X: list of ndarray state vectors Returns --------- least squares estimation of the IDE parameters """ Q=self.Q_calc(X) Z=pb.vstack(X[1:]) X_t_1=pb.vstack(X[:-1]) Q_t_1=pb.vstack(Q[:-1]) X_ls=pb.hstack((Q_t_1,X_t_1)) theta=dots(pb.inv(,X_ls)),X_ls.T,Z) parameters=[float(theta[i]) for i in range(theta.shape[0])] return parameters
def oneD_twoD(data1D,nps): """ transforms the 1D-format used here into the 2D-format 1D-format: a single row represents one stride; the first (nps) frames represent coordinate 1, the second (nps) frames represent coordinate 2, ... 2D-format: a single row represents one coordinate. The k-th stride is represented by the subsection [:,k*(nps):(k+1)*nps] """ ncoords = data1D.shape[1]/nps data2D = vstack([hstack(data1D[:,nps*x:nps*(x+1)]) for x in range(ncoords)]) return data2D
def combine_output(J, T, model, dir, reps, save=False): """ Combine output on absolute error, relative error, csmf_accuracy, and coverage from from multiple runs of validate_once. Either saves the output to the disk, or returns arays for each. """ cause = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) time = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) abs_err = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) rel_err = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) coverage = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) csmf_accuracy = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) for i in range(reps): metrics = pl.csv2rec('%s/metrics_%s_%i.csv' % (dir, model, i)) cause = pl.vstack((cause, metrics.cause)) time = pl.vstack((time, metrics.time)) abs_err = pl.vstack((abs_err, metrics.abs_err)) rel_err = pl.vstack((rel_err, metrics.rel_err)) coverage = pl.vstack((coverage, metrics.coverage)) csmf_accuracy = pl.vstack((csmf_accuracy, metrics.csmf_accuracy)) cause = cause[1:,] time = time[1:,] abs_err = abs_err[1:,] rel_err = rel_err[1:,] coverage = coverage[1:,] csmf_accuracy = csmf_accuracy[1:,] mean_abs_err = abs_err.mean(0) median_abs_err = pl.median(abs_err, 0) mean_rel_err = rel_err.mean(0) median_rel_err = pl.median(rel_err, 0) mean_csmf_accuracy = csmf_accuracy.mean(0) median_csmf_accuracy = pl.median(csmf_accuracy, 0) mean_coverage_bycause = coverage.mean(0) mean_coverage = coverage.reshape(reps, T, J).mean(0).mean(1) percent_total_coverage = (coverage.reshape(reps, T, J).sum(2)==3).mean(0) mean_coverage = pl.array([[i for j in range(J)] for i in mean_coverage]).ravel() percent_total_coverage = pl.array([[i for j in range(J)] for i in percent_total_coverage]).ravel() models = pl.array([[model for j in range(J)] for i in range(T)]).ravel() true_cf = metrics.true_cf true_std = metrics.true_std std_bias = metrics.std_bias all =[models, cause[0], time[0], true_cf, true_std, std_bias, mean_abs_err, median_abs_err, mean_rel_err, median_rel_err, mean_csmf_accuracy, median_csmf_accuracy, mean_coverage_bycause, mean_coverage, percent_total_coverage], names=['model', 'cause', 'time', 'true_cf', 'true_std', 'std_bias', 'mean_abs_err', 'median_abs_err', 'mean_rel_err', 'median_rel_err', 'mean_csmf_accuracy', 'median_csmf_accuracy', 'mean_covearge_bycause', 'mean_coverage', 'percent_total_coverage']) if save: pl.rec2csv(all, '%s/%s_summary.csv' % (dir, model)) else: return all
def oneD_twoD(data1D, nps): """ transforms the 1D-format used here into the 2D-format 1D-format: a single row represents one stride; the first (nps) frames represent coordinate 1, the second (nps) frames represent coordinate 2, ... 2D-format: a single row represents one coordinate. The k-th stride is represented by the subsection [:,k*(nps):(k+1)*nps] """ ncoords = data1D.shape[1] / nps data2D = vstack( [hstack(data1D[:, nps * x:nps * (x + 1)]) for x in range(ncoords)]) return data2D
def my_stats(node): """ Convenience function to generate a stats dict even if the pymc.Node has no trace :Parameters: - `node` : pymc.PyMCObjects.Deterministic :Results: - dictionary of statistics """ try: return node.stats() except AttributeError: return {'mean': node.value, '95% HPD interval': pl.vstack((node.value, node.value)).T}
def RecalcPhase(data): """ this function re-computes the phase of a given artificial Floquet system analog to the way the phases are computed in the original systen. Data must be given in a D x N-format, D: number of Dimensions, N: number of samples """ p1 = -1.*data[0,:] # R_Kne_y - L_kne_y p2 = data[5,:] - data[2,:] # R_Trc_y - R_Anl_y p3 = data[6,:] - data[1,:] # L_trc_y - L_Anl_y p4 = data[2,:] - data[1,:] - data[0,:] # R_anl_y - L_anl_y allPhrIn_TDR = [vstack((p1,p2,p3,p4)),] psec_TDR = [p4.copy(),] phrIn = vstack((p1,p2,p3,p4)) psecIn = p4.copy() print 'building phaser ...\n' Phaser = phaser2.Phaser2(y = allPhrIn_TDR, psecData = psec_TDR) print 'computing phases ...\n' return Phaser.phaserEval(phrIn,psecIn).squeeze()
def read_kistler(fname): """ reads the output text files from Kistler force plate data. :args: fname (str): file name of the data file (typically .txt export from Kistler bioware) :returns: dat (dict): dictionary containing the data ("Matlab(r)"-workspace) """ data = [] fieldnames = [] desc_found = False n_past_desc = 0 with open(fname) as f: for line in f: if desc_found: n_past_desc += 1 elif 'description' in line.lower(): desc_found = True if n_past_desc == 1: fieldnames = [fn.strip() for fn in line.split('\t')] if 'time' in fieldnames[0].lower(): # remove invalide name fieldnames[0] = 'time' elif n_past_desc == 2: units = line.split('\t') # actually - this is ignored elif n_past_desc > 2: try: numbers =[float(elem.replace(',','.')) for elem in line.split('\t')] data.append(numbers) except ValueError: pass if not desc_found: raise ValueError('Line with "Description" not found - does not appear' ' to be a valid file!') data = vstack(data) d = {} for nr, fn in enumerate(fieldnames): d[fn] = data[:, nr] return d
def main(): pH, pMg, I, T = (7.0, 3, 0.1, 298.15) db = SqliteDatabase('../res/gibbs.sqlite') kegg = Kegg.getInstance() alberty = PsuedoisomerTableThermodynamics( '../data/thermodynamics/alberty_pseudoisomers.csv') cids = alberty.get_all_cids() dG0_f = pylab.zeros((len(cids), 1)) for i, cid in enumerate(cids): dG0_f[i, 0] = alberty.cid2dG0_tag(cid, pH=pH, pMg=pMg, I=I, T=T) S = pylab.zeros((0, len(cids))) rids = [] ec_numbers = [] for rid in kegg.get_all_rids(): sparse = kegg.rid2sparse_reaction(rid) if not set(cids).issuperset(sparse.keys()): continue rids.append(rid) ec_numbers.append(kegg.rid2ec_list(rid)) S_row = pylab.zeros((1, len(cids))) for cid, coeff in sparse.iteritems(): S_row[0, cids.index(cid)] = coeff S = pylab.vstack([S, S_row]) dG0_r =, dG0_f) util._mkdir('../res/arren') s_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/stoichiomety.csv', 'w')) r_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/reactions.csv', 'w')) e_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/ec_numbers.csv', 'w')) r_writer.writerow(['rid', 'dG0_r']) e_writer.writerow(['rid', 'ec0', 'ec1', 'ec2', 'ec3']) for i in xrange(S.shape[0]): s_writer.writerow(["%d" % x for x in S[i, :]]) for ec in ec_numbers[i].split(';'): e_writer.writerow(['%d' % rids[i]] + ec.split('.')) r_writer.writerow(["%d" % rids[i], '%.1f' % dG0_r[i, 0]]) c_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/compounds.csv', 'w')) c_writer.writerow(['cid', 'dG0_f']) for j in xrange(len(cids)): c_writer.writerow(['%d' % cids[j], '%.1f' % dG0_f[j, 0]])
def plot_color_gradients(cmap_category, cmap_list): global ncolums, number, DBtable axes[0][ncolums].set_title(cmap_category + ' Monitoring', fontsize=14) for ax, name in zip(axes, cmap_list): gradient_vstack = pylab.vstack((value[number], value[number])) number+=1 ax[ncolums].imshow(gradient_vstack, aspect='auto', cmap='Blues') pos = list(ax[ncolums].get_position().bounds) x_text = pos[0] - 0.01 y_text = pos[1] + pos[3]/2. fig.text(x_text, y_text, name, va='center', ha='right', fontsize=10) # Turn off *all* ticks & spines, not just the ones with colormaps. for ax in axes: ax[ncolums].set_axis_off() ncolums=ncolums+1
def main(): pH, pMg, I, T = (7.0, 3, 0.1, 298.15) db = SqliteDatabase('../res/gibbs.sqlite') kegg = Kegg.getInstance() alberty = PsuedoisomerTableThermodynamics('../data/thermodynamics/alberty_pseudoisomers.csv') cids = alberty.get_all_cids() dG0_f = pylab.zeros((len(cids), 1)) for i, cid in enumerate(cids): dG0_f[i, 0] = alberty.cid2dG0_tag(cid, pH=pH, pMg=pMg, I=I, T=T) S = pylab.zeros((0, len(cids))) rids = [] ec_numbers = [] for rid in kegg.get_all_rids(): sparse = kegg.rid2sparse_reaction(rid) if not set(cids).issuperset(sparse.keys()): continue rids.append(rid) ec_numbers.append(kegg.rid2ec_list(rid)) S_row = pylab.zeros((1, len(cids))) for cid, coeff in sparse.iteritems(): S_row[0, cids.index(cid)] = coeff S = pylab.vstack([S, S_row]) dG0_r =, dG0_f) util._mkdir('../res/arren') s_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/stoichiomety.csv', 'w')) r_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/reactions.csv', 'w')) e_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/ec_numbers.csv', 'w')) r_writer.writerow(['rid', 'dG0_r']) e_writer.writerow(['rid', 'ec0', 'ec1', 'ec2', 'ec3']) for i in xrange(S.shape[0]): s_writer.writerow(["%d" % x for x in S[i,:]]) for ec in ec_numbers[i].split(';'): e_writer.writerow(['%d' % rids[i]] + ec.split('.')) r_writer.writerow(["%d" % rids[i], '%.1f' % dG0_r[i,0]]) c_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/compounds.csv', 'w')) c_writer.writerow(['cid', 'dG0_f']) for j in xrange(len(cids)): c_writer.writerow(['%d' % cids[j], '%.1f' % dG0_f[j, 0]])