Пример #1
def stackSimRes(simRes):
    input: a *list* of single steps
    returns: an array that contains the complete gait (consecutive time & way)
    resDat = []
    res_t = []
    for part in simRes:
        if len(resDat) == 0:
            resDat.append(vstack( [ part['x'],
            res_t.append(part['t'][1:] + res_t[-1][-1])
            # compensate x and z translation
            resDat.append(vstack( [ part['x'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1,0],
                                    part['z'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1,2],
    return hstack(res_t), vstack(resDat)
Пример #2
def stackSimRes(simRes):
    input: a *list* of single steps
    returns: an array that contains the complete gait (consecutive time & way)
    resDat = []
    res_t = []
    for part in simRes:
        if len(resDat) == 0:
            res_t.append(part['t'][1:] + res_t[-1][-1])
            # compensate x and z translation
                    part['x'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1, 0],
                    part['z'][1:] + resDat[-1][-1, 2],
    return hstack(res_t), vstack(resDat)
Пример #3
def RecalcPhase(data):
    this function re-computes the phase of a given artificial Floquet system
    analog to the way the phases are computed in the original systen.
    Data must be given in a D x N-format, 
        D: number of Dimensions, 
        N: number of samples

    p1 = -1. * data[0, :]  # R_Kne_y - L_kne_y
    p2 = data[5, :] - data[2, :]  # R_Trc_y - R_Anl_y
    p3 = data[6, :] - data[1, :]  # L_trc_y - L_Anl_y
    p4 = data[2, :] - data[1, :] - data[0, :]  # R_anl_y - L_anl_y

    allPhrIn_TDR = [
        vstack((p1, p2, p3, p4)),
    psec_TDR = [
    phrIn = vstack((p1, p2, p3, p4))
    psecIn = p4.copy()

    print 'building phaser ...\n'
    Phaser = phaser2.Phaser2(y=allPhrIn_TDR, psecData=psec_TDR)
    print 'computing phases ...\n'
    return Phaser.phaserEval(phrIn, psecIn).squeeze()
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, scanList, stateArray):
     if len(scanList)!=stateArray.shape[0]:
         raise Exception('number of scan and state should be the same')
     times = [scan.timestamp for scan in scanList]
     self.avgTime = times[int(pl.floor(len(times)/2))]
     #self.avgTime = pl.mean([scan.timestamp for scan in scanList])
     #transform the 3d coordinates of each scan
     #and numpy.vstack all the output m*3 array together
     #find average Lidar frame
     avgBodyState = stateArray[int(pl.floor(len(stateArray)/2))]
     #avgBodyState=pl.mean(stateArray, 0)
     w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L = self._bodyState2LidarState(avgBodyState)
     self.avgLidarState = self._matrix2State(w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L)
     transform = self._transformPointsFromBodyToAvgLidar                
     #from data points with transformation to avgState
     self.dataPoints = pl.vstack([transform(scan.dataArray, state, w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L)  for scan, state in zip(scanList, stateArray) if scan.hasValidData()])
     self.intensity = pl.vstack([scan.intensityArray for scan in scanList if scan.hasValidData()]).flatten()
     if self.dataPoints.shape[0]!=self.intensity.shape[0]:
         raise Exception('dist and intensity have different size')
Пример #5
    def extrude_mesh(self, l, z_offset):
        # accepts the number of layers and the length of extrusion

        mesh = self.mesh

        # Extrude vertices
        all_coords = []
        for i in linspace(0, z_offset, l):
                hstack((mesh.coordinates(), i * ones((self.n_v2, 1)))))
        self.global_vertices = vstack(all_coords)

        # Extrude cells (tris to tetrahedra)
        for i in range(l - 1):
            for c in self.mesh.cells():
                # Make a prism out of 2 stacked triangles
                vertices = hstack((c + i * self.n_v2, c + (i + 1) * self.n_v2))

                # Determine prism orientation
                smallest_vertex_index = argmin(vertices)

                # Map to I-ordering of Dompierre et al.
                mapping = self.indirection_table[smallest_vertex_index]

                # Determine which subdivision scheme to use.
                if min(vertices[mapping][[1, 5]]) < min(
                        vertices[mapping][[2, 4]]):
                    local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,5]],\
                    local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,4]],\
                # Concatenate local tet to cell array
                self.global_tets = vstack((self.global_tets, local_tets))

        # Eliminate phantom initialization tet
        self.global_tets = self.global_tets[1:, :]

        # Query number of vertices and tets in new mesh
        self.n_verts = self.global_vertices.shape[0]
        self.n_tets = self.global_tets.shape[0]

        # Initialize new dolfin mesh of dimension 3
        self.new_mesh = Mesh()
        m = MeshEditor()
        m.open(self.new_mesh, 3, 3)
        m.init_vertices(self.n_verts, self.n_verts)
        m.init_cells(self.n_tets, self.n_tets)

        # Copy vertex data into new mesh
        for i, v in enumerate(self.global_vertices):
            m.add_vertex(i, Point(*v))

        # Copy cell data into new mesh
        for j, c in enumerate(self.global_tets):
            m.add_cell(j, *c)

Пример #6
    def __init__(self, scanList, stateArray):
        if len(scanList) != stateArray.shape[0]:
            raise Exception('number of scan and state should be the same')
        times = [scan.timestamp for scan in scanList]
        self.avgTime = times[int(pl.floor(len(times) / 2))]
        #self.avgTime = pl.mean([scan.timestamp for scan in scanList])

        #transform the 3d coordinates of each scan
        #and numpy.vstack all the output m*3 array together

        #find average Lidar frame
        avgBodyState = stateArray[int(pl.floor(len(stateArray) / 2))]
        #avgBodyState=pl.mean(stateArray, 0)

        w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L = self._bodyState2LidarState(avgBodyState)
        self.avgLidarState = self._matrix2State(w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L)

        transform = self._transformPointsFromBodyToAvgLidar
        #from data points with transformation to avgState
        self.dataPoints = pl.vstack([
            transform(scan.dataArray, state, w_R_avg_L, w_T_avg_L)
            for scan, state in zip(scanList, stateArray)
            if scan.hasValidData()
        self.intensity = pl.vstack([
            scan.intensityArray for scan in scanList if scan.hasValidData()

        if self.dataPoints.shape[0] != self.intensity.shape[0]:
            raise Exception('dist and intensity have different size')
Пример #7
  def extrude_mesh(self,l,z_offset):
    # accepts the number of layers and the length of extrusion

    # Extrude vertices
    all_coords = []
    for i in linspace(0,z_offset,l):
    self.global_vertices = vstack(all_coords)

    # Extrude cells (tris to tetrahedra)
    for i in range(l-1):
      for c in self.mesh.cells():
        # Make a prism out of 2 stacked triangles
        vertices = hstack((c+i*self.n_v2,c+(i+1)*self.n_v2))

        # Determine prism orientation
        smallest_vertex_index = argmin(vertices)

        # Map to I-ordering of Dompierre et al.
        mapping = self.indirection_table[smallest_vertex_index]

        # Determine which subdivision scheme to use.
        if min(vertices[mapping][[1,5]]) < min(vertices[mapping][[2,4]]):
          local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,5]],\
          local_tets = vstack((vertices[mapping][[0,1,2,4]],\
        # Concatenate local tet to cell array
        self.global_tets = vstack((self.global_tets,local_tets))

    # Eliminate phantom initialization tet
    self.global_tets = self.global_tets[1:,:]

    # Query number of vertices and tets in new mesh
    self.n_verts = self.global_vertices.shape[0]
    self.n_tets = self.global_tets.shape[0]

    # Initialize new dolfin mesh of dimension 3
    self.new_mesh = Mesh()
    m = MeshEditor()

    # Copy vertex data into new mesh
    for i,v in enumerate(self.global_vertices):

    # Copy cell data into new mesh
    for j,c in enumerate(self.global_tets):

Пример #8
 def color_by_level(current_data):
     from pylab import vstack, contourf, plot, ones, arange, colorbar
     fs = current_data.framesoln
     pout, level = gridtools1.grid_output_1d(fs, 0, xout, return_level=True)
     Xout = vstack((xout, xout))
     Yout = vstack((-1.1 * ones(xout.shape), 1.1 * ones(xout.shape)))
     L = vstack((level, level))
     contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels)
     cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1))
     cb.set_label('AMR Level')
     plot(xout, pout, 'k')
Пример #9
def getPeriodicOrbit(statesL,
                     startParams=[14000, 1.16, 1, 0.]):
    returns a tuple of SLIP parameters, that result in the two-step periodic
    solution defined by <statesL> -> <statesR> -> >statesL>,
    with step time left (right) = <T_L> (<T_R>)
    minimal vertical position left (right) = <ymin_L> (<ymin_R>)
    statesL/R: a list of (left/right) apex states y, vx, vz
    baseParams: dict of base SLIP parameters: g, m (gravity acceleration, mass)
    returns: [SL, paramsL, dEL], [SR, paramsR, dER] 
             two tuples of initial apex states and corresponding SLIP
             parameters that yield the two-step periodic solution
             (dE: energy fluctuation)
    SL = mean(vstack(statesL), axis=0) if len(statesL) > 1 else statesL
    SR = mean(vstack(statesR), axis=0) if len(statesR) > 1 else statesR
    tr = mean(hstack(T_R))
    tl = mean(hstack(T_L))
    yminl = mean(hstack(ymin_L))
    yminr = mean(hstack(ymin_R))
    m = baseParams['m']
    g = baseParams['g']
    # energy input right (left) step
    dER = (SL[0] - SR[0]) * m * abs(g) + .5 * m * (SL[1]**2 + SL[2]**2 -
                                                   SR[1]**2 - SR[2]**2)
    dEL = -dER

    # initialize parameters
    PR = copy.deepcopy(baseParams)
    PL = copy.deepcopy(baseParams)
    PL['IC'] = SL
    PL['dE'] = dEL
    PR['IC'] = SR
    PR['dE'] = dER

    # define step params: (y_apex2, T, y_min, vz_apex2)
    spL = (SR[0], tl, yminl, SR[2])
    spR = (SL[0], tr, yminr, SL[2])

    # compute necessary model parameters
    paramsL = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spL, PL, startParams)
    paramsR = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spR, PR, startParams)

    return ([SL, paramsL, dEL], [SR, paramsR, dER])
Пример #10
    def plot_finest(current_data):
        from pylab import vstack,contourf,plot,ones,arange,colorbar,\

        fs = current_data.framesoln
        t = current_data.t
        print('+++ plot_finest at t = %.4f' % t)
        pout, level = gridtools1.grid_output_1d(fs, 0, xout, return_level=True)
        err = abs(pout - p_true_fcn(xout, t))
        Xout = vstack((xout, xout))
        L = vstack((level, level))
        figure(3, figsize=(12, 8))

        Yout = vstack((-1.1 * ones(xout.shape), 1.1 * ones(xout.shape)))
        contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels)
        cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1))
        cb.set_label('AMR Level')
        plot(xout, pout, 'k')
        ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
        title('Pressure at t = %.4f' % t)

        Yout = vstack((ylimits_error[0] * ones(xout.shape),
                       ylimits_error[1] * ones(xout.shape)))
        contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels)
        cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1))
        cb.set_label('AMR Level')
        semilogy(xout, err, 'k')
        if tolerance is not None:
            plot(xout, tolerance * ones(xout.shape), 'r--')

        Yout = vstack(
            (0 * ones(xout.shape), (maxlevels + 1) * ones(xout.shape)))
        contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels)
        cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1))
        cb.set_label('AMR Level')
        plot(xout, level, 'k')
        ylim(0, maxlevels + 1)
        ylabel('AMR Level')
Пример #11
def getPeriodicOrbit(statesL, T_L, ymin_L,
                     statesR, T_R, ymin_R,
                     baseParams ,
                     startParams=[14000, 1.16, 1, 0.] ):
    returns a tuple of SLIP parameters, that result in the two-step periodic
    solution defined by <statesL> -> <statesR> -> >statesL>,
    with step time left (right) = <T_L> (<T_R>)
    minimal vertical position left (right) = <ymin_L> (<ymin_R>)
    statesL/R: a list of (left/right) apex states y, vx, vz
    baseParams: dict of base SLIP parameters: g, m (gravity acceleration, mass)
    returns: [SL, paramsL, dEL], [SR, paramsR, dER] 
             two tuples of initial apex states and corresponding SLIP
             parameters that yield the two-step periodic solution
             (dE: energy fluctuation)
    SL = mean(vstack(statesL), axis=0) if len(statesL) > 1 else statesL
    SR = mean(vstack(statesR), axis=0) if len(statesR) > 1 else statesR
    tr = mean(hstack(T_R))
    tl = mean(hstack(T_L))
    yminl = mean(hstack(ymin_L))
    yminr = mean(hstack(ymin_R))
    m = baseParams['m']
    g = baseParams['g']
    # energy input right (left) step
    dER = (SL[0]-SR[0])*m*abs(g) + .5*m*(SL[1]**2 + SL[2]**2 
                                       - SR[1]**2 - SR[2]**2)
    dEL = -dER

    # initialize parameters
    PR = copy.deepcopy( baseParams )
    PL = copy.deepcopy( baseParams )
    PL['IC'] = SL    
    PL['dE'] = dEL
    PR['IC'] = SR
    PR['dE'] = dER
    # define step params: (y_apex2, T, y_min, vz_apex2)
    spL = (SR[0], tl, yminl, SR[2])
    spR = (SL[0], tr, yminr, SL[2])
    # compute necessary model parameters
    paramsL = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spL, PL, startParams)
    paramsR = fl.calcSlipParams3D(spR, PR, startParams)
    return ([SL, paramsL, dEL],[SR, paramsR, dER])
Пример #12
def homog2D(xPrime, x):
    Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous 
    points (3xN) to another set (3xN)


    numPoints = xPrime.shape[1]
    assert numPoints >= 4

    A = None
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = xPrime[:, i]
        xi = x[:, i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(3), -xiPrime[0] * xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd(A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:, -1]
    H = pl.reshape(h, (3, 3))
    return H
Пример #13
def homog3D(points2d, points3d):
    Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous
    2D points (3xN)

    Not sure why anyone would do this.  Note that the returned transformation 
    *NOT* an isometry.  But it's here... so deal with it.


    numPoints = points2d.shape[1]
    assert numPoints >= 4

    A = None
    for i in range(0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = points2d[:, i]
        xi = points3d[:, i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate((pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[2] * xi, xiPrime[1] * xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate((xiPrime[2] * xi, pl.zeros(4), -xiPrime[0] * xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd(A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:, -1]
    P = pl.reshape(h, (3, 4))
    return P
Пример #14
def main():
	shifts = [
		[-1,  1], [0,  1], [1,  1],
		[-1,  0],          [1,  0],
		[-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1]

	num_atoms = 100
	num_dims = 2 # dimensions
	coords = pl.random((num_atoms, num_dims))
	chosen = pl.random_integers(num_atoms) # from 1 to num_atoms
	chosen -= 1 # from 0 to num_atoms - 1

	for i in range(len(shifts)):
		coords = pl.vstack((coords, coords[:num_atoms] + shifts[i]))
	num_atoms *= 9 # after 8 shifts added

	max_distance = 0.9
	for i in range(num_atoms):
		if i != chosen:
			dx = coords[chosen, 0] - coords[i, 0]
			dy = coords[chosen, 1] - coords[i, 1]
			distance = pl.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
			if distance < max_distance:
				pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "bo")
				pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "ko")

	# plot last for visibility
	pl.plot([coords[chosen, 0]], [coords[chosen, 1]], "ro")
Пример #15
def homog3D (points2d, points3d):

    Compute a matrix relating homogeneous 3D points (4xN) to homogeneous
    2D points (3xN)

    Not sure why anyone would do this.  Note that the returned transformation
    *NOT* an isometry.  But it's here... so deal with it.


    numPoints = points2d.shape[1]
    assert (numPoints >= 4)

    A = None
    for i in range (0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = points2d[:,i]
        xi = points3d[:,i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate ((pl.zeros (4,), -xiPrime[2]*xi, xiPrime[1]*xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate ((xiPrime[2]*xi, pl.zeros (4,), -xiPrime[0]*xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack ((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack ((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd (A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:,-1]
    P = pl.reshape (h, (3, 4))
    return P
Пример #16
def calcJacobian(fun, x0, h=.0001):
    calculates the jacobian of a given function fun with respect to its
    parameters at the point (array or list) x0.

        fun (function): the function to calcualte the jacobian from
        x0 (iterable, e.g. array): position to evaluate the jacobian at
        h (float): step size 

        J (n-by-n array): the jacobian of f at x0
    J = []
    x = array(x0)
    for elem, val in enumerate(x0):

        ICp = x.copy()
        ICp[elem] += h
        resp = fun(ICp)
        ICn = x.copy()
        ICn[elem] -= h
        resn = fun(ICn)
        J.append((resp - resn) / (2. * h))

    J = vstack(J).T
    return J
Пример #17
def dS_dP(x0, PR, keys = [('k',750.),('alpha',0.05),('L0',0.05),
                                ('beta',0.05), ('dE', 7.5) ], r_mag = .005):
    calculates the SLIP derivative with respect to 'keys'
    keys is a list of tuples with the keys of PR that should be changed,
    and the order of magnitude of deviation (i.e. something like std(x))
    -- only for a single step --
    df = []
    # r_mag = .005 # here: relative magnitude of disturbance in standrad dev's
    for elem,mag in keys:
        h = r_mag*mag
        # positive direction
        PRp = copy.deepcopy(PR)
        PRp[elem] += h
        resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRp)
        SRp = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]])
        #fhp = array(SR2 - x0)
        # positive direction
        PRn = copy.deepcopy(PR)            
        PRn[elem] -= h
        resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRn)
        SRn = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]])
        #fhn = array(SR2 - x0)
        # derivative: difference quotient
        df.append( (SRp - SRn)/(2.*h) )
    return vstack(df).T
Пример #18
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years):
    For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly
    temperatures for each city in multi_cities.

        climate: instance of Climate
        multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str)
        years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int)

        a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in
        this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual
        city temperatures for the given cities in a given year.
    std_dev = []
    for year in years:
        yearly_temps = None
        for city in multi_cities:
            if yearly_temps is None:
                yearly_temps = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year)
                yearly_temp = climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year)
                yearly_temps = pylab.vstack((yearly_temps, yearly_temp))
        if yearly_temps.ndim > 1:
            yearly_temps = pylab.average(yearly_temps, axis=0)
    return pylab.array(std_dev)
Пример #19
def homog2D (xPrime, x):

    Compute the 3x3 homography matrix mapping a set of N 2D homogeneous
    points (3xN) to another set (3xN)


    numPoints = xPrime.shape[1]
    assert (numPoints >= 4)

    A = None
    for i in range (0, numPoints):
        xiPrime = xPrime[:,i]
        xi = x[:,i]

        Ai_row0 = pl.concatenate ((pl.zeros (3,), -xiPrime[2]*xi, xiPrime[1]*xi))
        Ai_row1 = pl.concatenate ((xiPrime[2]*xi, pl.zeros (3,), -xiPrime[0]*xi))
        Ai = pl.row_stack ((Ai_row0, Ai_row1))

        if A is None:
            A = Ai
            A = pl.vstack ((A, Ai))

    U, S, V = pl.svd (A)
    V = V.T
    h = V[:,-1]
    H = pl.reshape (h, (3, 3))
    return H
Пример #20
def plot_matches(im1, im2, locs1, locs2, matchscores, show_below=True):
    Show a figure with lines joining the accepted matches
    input: im1, im2 (images as arrays), locs1, locs2 (feature locations),
    matchscores (as output from the match() method)
    show_below (if images should be shown below matches).
    :param im1:
    :param im2:
    :param locs1:
    :param locs2:
    :param matchscores:
    :param show_below:

    im3 = appendImages(im1, im2)
    if show_below:
        im3 = vstack((im3, im3))

        cols1 = im1.shape[1]
        for i,m in enumerate(matchscores):
            if m>0:
                plot([locs1[i][1], locs2[m][1]+cols1], [locs1[i][0],locs2[m][0]],'c')
Пример #21
def dS_dX(x0, PR, h_mag = .0005):
    calculates the Jacobian of the SLIP at the given point x0,
    with PR beeing the parameters for that step
    coordinates under consideration are:
    only for a single step!
    df = []
    for dim in range(len(x0)):
        delta = zeros_like(x0)
        delta[dim] = 1.            
        h = h_mag * delta      
        # in positive direction           
        resRp = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 + h, PR)
        SRp = array([resRp['y'][-1], resRp['vx'][-1], resRp['vz'][-1]])
        #fhp = array(SR2 - x0)
        # in negative direction
        resRn = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 - h, PR)
        SRn = array([resRn['y'][-1], resRn['vx'][-1], resRn['vz'][-1]])
        #fhn = array(SR2 - x0)
        # derivative: difference quotient
        df.append( (SRp - SRn)/(2.*h_mag) )
    return vstack(df).T
Пример #22
def dS_dP(x0,
          keys=[('k', 750.), ('alpha', 0.05), ('L0', 0.05), ('beta', 0.05),
                ('dE', 7.5)],
    calculates the SLIP derivative with respect to 'keys'
    keys is a list of tuples with the keys of PR that should be changed,
    and the order of magnitude of deviation (i.e. something like std(x))
    -- only for a single step --
    df = []
    # r_mag = .005 # here: relative magnitude of disturbance in standrad dev's

    for elem, mag in keys:
        h = r_mag * mag
        # positive direction
        PRp = copy.deepcopy(PR)
        PRp[elem] += h
        resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRp)
        SRp = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]])
        #fhp = array(SR2 - x0)
        # positive direction
        PRn = copy.deepcopy(PR)
        PRn[elem] -= h
        resR = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0, PRn)
        SRn = array([resR['y'][-1], resR['vx'][-1], resR['vz'][-1]])
        #fhn = array(SR2 - x0)
        # derivative: difference quotient
        df.append((SRp - SRn) / (2. * h))

    return vstack(df).T
def main():
    shifts = [[-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1],
              [1, -1]]

    num_atoms = 100
    num_dims = 2  # dimensions
    coords = pl.random((num_atoms, num_dims))
    chosen = pl.random_integers(num_atoms)  # from 1 to num_atoms
    chosen -= 1  # from 0 to num_atoms - 1

    for i in range(len(shifts)):
        coords = pl.vstack((coords, coords[:num_atoms] + shifts[i]))
    num_atoms *= 9  # after 8 shifts added

    max_distance = 0.9
    for i in range(num_atoms):
        if i != chosen:
            dx = coords[chosen, 0] - coords[i, 0]
            dy = coords[chosen, 1] - coords[i, 1]
            distance = pl.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
            if distance < max_distance:
                pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "bo")
                pl.plot([coords[i, 0]], [coords[i, 1]], "ko")

    # plot last for visibility
    pl.plot([coords[chosen, 0]], [coords[chosen, 1]], "ro")
Пример #24
def dS_dX(x0, PR, h_mag=.0005):
    calculates the Jacobian of the SLIP at the given point x0,
    with PR beeing the parameters for that step
    coordinates under consideration are:
    only for a single step!
    df = []
    for dim in range(len(x0)):
        delta = zeros_like(x0)
        delta[dim] = 1.
        h = h_mag * delta
        # in positive direction
        resRp = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 + h, PR)
        SRp = array([resRp['y'][-1], resRp['vx'][-1], resRp['vz'][-1]])
        #fhp = array(SR2 - x0)
        # in negative direction
        resRn = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 - h, PR)
        SRn = array([resRn['y'][-1], resRn['vx'][-1], resRn['vz'][-1]])
        #fhn = array(SR2 - x0)
        # derivative: difference quotient
        df.append((SRp - SRn) / (2. * h_mag))

    return vstack(df).T
Пример #25
def calcJacobian(fun, x0, h=.0001):
    calculates the jacobian of a given function fun with respect to its
    parameters at the point (array or list) x0.

        fun (function): the function to calcualte the jacobian from
        x0 (iterable, e.g. array): position to evaluate the jacobian at
        h (float): step size 

        J (n-by-n array): the jacobian of f at x0
    J = []
    x = array(x0)
    for elem, val in enumerate(x0):
        ICp = x.copy()
        ICp[elem] += h
        resp = fun(ICp)
        ICn = x.copy()
        ICn[elem] -= h
        resn = fun(ICn)
        J.append((resp - resn)  / (2. * h))
    J = vstack(J).T    
    return J
Пример #26
def perspectiveTransform(xy, xaya):
    M = array([], dtype=float64).reshape(0, 9)
    # Make matrix M for arbritatry amount of points
    for i in range(len(xy)):
        xi = xy[i][0]
        yi = xy[i][1]
        xi_ = xaya[i][0]
        yi_ = xaya[i][1]
        M = vstack([M, array([xi, yi, 1, 0, 0, 0, -xi_*xi, -xi_*yi, -xi_])])
        M = vstack([M, array([0, 0, 0, xi, yi, 1, -yi_*xi, -yi_*yi, -yi_])])
    # Take SVD
    U, S, Vt = sclin.svd(M, full_matrices=True)
    # p = last column of V, and because Vt is V transposed, the last row is
    # taken.
    p = Vt[-1]
    return p.reshape((3, 3))
Пример #27
def prepare_line(line, pad=16):
    line = line * 1.0 / amax(line)
    line = amax(line) - line
    line = line.T
    if pad > 0:
        w = line.shape[1]
        line = vstack([zeros((pad, w)), line, zeros((pad, w))])
    return line
Пример #28
Файл: io.py Проект: MMaus/mutils
 def get_kin(self, fps=250.):
     returns a list of the selected kinematics (one list item for each repetition)
         self: kin object
         fps (float, default 250): sampling frequency. Required to correctly compute the velocities.
         a list. Each element contains the selected (-> self.selection) data with corresponding 
            velocities (i.e. 2d x n elements per item)
     # walk through each element of "selection"
     all_pos = []
     all_vel = []
     for raw in self.raw_dat:
         curr_pos = []
         curr_vel = []
         for elem in self.selection:
             items = [x.strip() for x in elem.split('-')] # 1 item if no "-" present
             dims = []
             markers = []
             for item in items:                
                 if item.endswith('_x'):
                 elif item.endswith('_y'):
                 elif item.endswith('_z'):
                     print "invalid marker suffix: ", item
             if len(items) == 1: # single marker
                 curr_pos.append(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]])
                 curr_vel.append(gradient(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]]) * fps)
             else: # difference between two markers
                 curr_pos.append(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]] - raw[markers[1]][:, dims[1]])
                 curr_vel.append(gradient(raw[markers[0]][:, dims[0]] - raw[markers[1]][:, dims[1]]) * fps)
         all_pos.append(vstack(curr_pos + curr_vel))
     return all_pos        
Пример #29
 def error_color_by_level(current_data):
     from pylab import vstack,contourf,plot,ones,arange,colorbar,\
     fs = current_data.framesoln
     t = current_data.t
     pout, level = gridtools1.grid_output_1d(fs, 0, xout, return_level=True)
     err = abs(pout - p_true_fcn(xout, t))
     Xout = vstack((xout, xout))
     Yout = vstack((ylimits_error[0] * ones(xout.shape),
                    ylimits_error[1] * ones(xout.shape)))
     L = vstack((level, level))
     contourf(Xout, Yout, L, v_levels, colors=c_levels)
     cb = colorbar(ticks=range(1, maxlevels + 1))
     cb.set_label('AMR Level')
     semilogy(xout, err, 'k')
     if tolerance is not None:
         plot(xout, tolerance * ones(xout.shape), 'r--')
Пример #30
 def _generate_labeled_correlation_matrix(self, label):
     """ Concatenates the feature names to the actual correlation matrices.
         This is for better overview in stored txt files later on."""
     labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.array([])
     for i in pylab.array(self.corr_important_feats[label]):
         if len(labeled_corr_matrix) == 0:
             labeled_corr_matrix = [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]]
             labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack((labeled_corr_matrix,
                                 [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]]))
     labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.c_[self.corr_important_feat_names,
     labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack((pylab.hstack(('          ',
     return labeled_corr_matrix
Пример #31
 def getAllPrecNoise(self,timePreceedingSignal=-1):
     #returns the concatenated Preceeding Noise
     for tdData in self._thzdata_raw:
         if precNoise.shape[0]==0:
     return precNoise
Пример #32
    def _generate_labeled_correlation_matrix(self, label):
        """ Concatenates the feature names to the actual correlation matrices.
            This is for better overview in stored txt files later on."""
        labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.array([])
        for i in pylab.array(self.corr_important_feats[label]):
            if len(labeled_corr_matrix) == 0:
                labeled_corr_matrix = [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10) for j in i]]
                labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack(
                    (labeled_corr_matrix, [[('% .2f' % j).rjust(10)
                                            for j in i]]))

        labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.c_[self.corr_important_feat_names,
        labeled_corr_matrix = pylab.vstack((pylab.hstack(
            ('          ', self.corr_important_feat_names)),

        return labeled_corr_matrix
Пример #33
Файл: io.py Проект: MMaus/mutils
    def get_kin_apex(self, phases, return_times = False):
        returns the kinematic state at the apices which are close to the given phases. Apex is re-calculated.
            self: kin object (-> later: "self")
            phases (list): list of lists of apex phases. must match with length of "kin.raw_data". 
               The n'th list of apex phases will be assigned to the nth "<object>.raw_data" element.
            return_times (bool): if true, return only the times at which apex occurred.
           if lr_split is True:
              [[r_apices], [l_apices]]
              [[apices], ]
              where apices is the kinematic (from <object>.selection at the apices *around* the given phases.
              *NOTE* The apices themselves are re-computed for higher accuracy.
        all_kin = []
        all_kin_orig = self.get_kin()
        all_apex_times = []
        if len(self.raw_dat) != len(phases):
            raise ValueError("length of phases list does not match number of datasets")
        for raw, phase, kin_orig in zip(self.raw_dat, phases, all_kin_orig):
            kin_apex = []
            kin_time = arange(len(raw['phi2'].squeeze()), dtype=float) / 250.
            # 1st: compute apex *times*
            apex_times = []
            for phi_apex in phase:
                # 1a: get "rough" estimate
                idx_apex = argmin(abs(raw['phi2'].squeeze() - phi_apex))
                # 1b: fit quadratic function to com_y
                idx_low = max(0, idx_apex - 4)
                idx_high = min(raw['com'].shape[0] - 1, idx_apex + 4)
                com_y_pt = raw['com'][idx_low:idx_high + 1, 2]            
                tp = arange(idx_high - idx_low + 1) # improve numerical accuracy: do not take absolute time
                p = polyfit(tp, com_y_pt, 2) # p: polynomial, highest power coeff first
                t0 = -p[1] / (2.*p[0]) # "real" index of apex (offset is 2: a value of 2
                           # indicates that apex is exactly at the measured frame
                t_apex = kin_time[idx_apex] + (t0 - 4.) / 250.
            if return_times:
                # 2nd: interpolate data
                dat = vstack([interp(apex_times, kin_time, kin_orig[row, :]) for row in arange(kin_orig.shape[0])])

        if return_times:
	    return all_apex_times

        return all_kin
Пример #34
def sinDistort(data,twisting=1.):
    a distortion of the data:
        x will be mapped to sin(x/max(abs(x))), for every coordinate
    this is to distort a lower dimensional system so that it is not
    restricted to a lower-dimensional subspace any longer
    data must be given in NxD - Format
    the optional twisting factor increases the twisting strength
    return vstack([sin( data[:,x]*twisting/max(abs(data[:,x])))*max(abs(data[:,x]))
                   for x in range(data.shape[1])]).T
Пример #35
 def test_sim_data_2(self): 
     sims = 10000 
     return # skip for now
     test1 = pl.zeros(3, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)
     for i in range(sims): 
         temp = data.sim_data(1, [0.1,0.1,0.8], [0.01,0.01,0.01])
         test1 = pl.vstack((test1, temp))
     test1 = test1[1:,]
     test2 = data.sim_data(sims, [0.1,0.1,0.8], [0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
     diff = (test1.mean(0) - test2.mean(0))/test1.mean(0)
     assert pl.allclose(diff, 0, atol=0.01), 'should be close to zero, (%s found)' % str(diff)
Пример #36
def block_hankel(data, f):
    Create a block hankel matrix.
    f : number of rows
    data = pl.matrix(data)
    assert len(data.shape) == 2
    n = data.shape[1] - f
    return pl.matrix(pl.hstack([
        pl.vstack([data[:, i+j] for i in range(f)])
        for j in range(n)]))
Пример #37
def block_hankel(data, f):
    Create a block hankel matrix.
    f : number of rows
    data = np.matrix(data)
    assert len(data.shape) == 2
    n = data.shape[1] - f
    return np.matrix(pl.hstack([
        pl.vstack([data[:, i+j] for i in range(f)])
        for j in range(n)]))
Пример #38
	def LS(self,X):

			estimate the connectivity kernel parameters and the time constant parameter using Least Square method
			X: list of matrix
				state vectors

			Least Square estimation of the the connectivity kernel parameters and the time constant parameter 
		return [float( W[0]),float(W[1]),float(W[2]),float(W[3])]
Пример #39
 def save_rsj_params(self):
     mat = pl.vstack((pl.array(self.idx), pl.transpose(self.c),\
       self.icarr, self.rnarr, self.ioarr, self.voarr,\
       self.ic_err_arr, self.rn_err_arr, self.io_err_arr, self.vo_err_arr))
     header_c = ''
     for n in range(self.cdim):
         header_c = header_c + 'Control%d '%(n+1)
     header_ = 'Index ' + header_c + \
       'Ic Rn Io Vo Ic_err Rn_err Io_err Vo_err'
     pl.savetxt(self.get_fullpath(self.fn_rsjparams), pl.transpose(mat),\
Пример #40
 def dewarp(self, img, cval=0, dtype=dtype('f')):
     assert img.shape == self.shape
     h, w = img.shape
     hpadding = self.r
     padded = vstack(
         [cval * ones((hpadding, w)), img, cval * ones((hpadding, w))])
     center = self.center + hpadding
     dewarped = [
         padded[center[i] - self.r:center[i] + self.r, i] for i in range(w)
     dewarped = array(dewarped, dtype=dtype).T
     return dewarped
Пример #41
def approximate(x,y):
    Linear approximation of y=f(x) using least square estimator.
        x : ndarray
        y : ndarray
        a, b : float, as in a*x+b=y
    assert pl.shape(x) == pl.shape(y)
    A = pl.vstack([x, pl.ones(len(x))]).T
    a, b = pl.lstsq(A, y)[0]
    return a, b
Пример #42
def sinDistort(data, twisting=1.):
    a distortion of the data:
        x will be mapped to sin(x/max(abs(x))), for every coordinate
    this is to distort a lower dimensional system so that it is not
    restricted to a lower-dimensional subspace any longer
    data must be given in NxD - Format
    the optional twisting factor increases the twisting strength
    return vstack([
        sin(data[:, x] * twisting / max(abs(data[:, x]))) *
        max(abs(data[:, x])) for x in range(data.shape[1])
Пример #43
 def test_sim_data_2(self):
     sims = 10000
     return  # skip for now
     test1 = pl.zeros(3, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)
     for i in range(sims):
         temp = data.sim_data(1, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
         test1 = pl.vstack((test1, temp))
     test1 = test1[1:, ]
     test2 = data.sim_data(sims, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
     diff = (test1.mean(0) - test2.mean(0)) / test1.mean(0)
     assert pl.allclose(
         diff, 0,
         atol=0.01), 'should be close to zero, (%s found)' % str(diff)
Пример #44
def twoD_oneD(data2D,nps):
    transforms the 2D format into the 1D-format used here
        a single row represents one stride; 
        the first (nps) frames represent coordinate 1, the second (nps)
        frames represent coordinate 2, ...
        a single row represents one coordinate.
        The k-th stride is represented by the subsection [:,k*(nps):(k+1)*nps]
    data1D = vstack([hstack(data2D[:,x*nps:(x+1)*nps]) for x in range(data2D.shape[1]/nps)])
    return data1D
    def get_coords_for_frame(self, frame, root_offset=None):
        coords = []

        def draw_line_to_children(bone, ppos, P, rpos, ppindex):
            for child in self.hierarchy[bone]:
                cbone = self.bones[child]
                C = self.__local_matrices[child + '__C']
                Cinv = self.__local_matrices[child + '__Cinv']
                B = self.__local_matrices[child + '__B']

                #Motion matrix
                M = eye(4)
                    for dof, val in zip(cbone.dof, frame[child]):
                        val = pl.deg2rad(val)
                        R = eye(4)
                        if dof == 'rx':
                            R = Rx(val)
                        elif dof == 'ry':
                            R = Ry(val)
                        elif dof == 'rz':
                            R = Rz(val)

                        M = dot(R, M)
                except:  #We might not have dof data for the current bone

                L = C.dot(M).dot(Cinv).dot(B)

                #Full transform
                A = dot(P, L)

                cpos = dot(A, [0, 0, 0, 1]) + rpos

                draw_line_to_children(child, cpos, A, rpos, len(coords) - 1)

        #Root orientation and translation
        transf = frame['root'].copy()
        if root_offset is not None:
            transf[0:3] += root_offset

        R = dot(Rz(pl.deg2rad(transf[5])),
                dot(Ry(pl.deg2rad(transf[4])), Rx(pl.deg2rad(transf[3]))))
        B = T(transf[0:3])
        rpos = dot(B, [0, 0, 0, 1]) / 0.45 * Skeleton.SCALE

        draw_line_to_children('root', rpos, R, rpos, 0)

        return pl.vstack(coords).T
Пример #46
def predTest(idat, odat, out_of_sample=True, nboot=50, totvar=False, rcond=1e-7):
    .. note::

      computes how well odat can be predicted (in terms of variance reduction)
      using idat, using the bootstrap method

    Some formatting test: :py:func:`mutils.statistics.vred`

    idat : array_like
        format: n x d , d-dimensional data in n rows
        used to predict odat
    odat : array_like
        format: n x q, q-dimensional data in n rows
        to be predicted from idat
    out_of_sample : bool
        if True, perform an out-of-sample prediction
    nboot : int
        the number of bootstrap repetitions to be performed for prediction
    totvar : bool
        if `True`, the total relative remaining variance will be computed,
        otherwise the relative remaining variance for each coordinate
        to be predict will be computed

        Return value and format depends on whether or not **totvar** is *True*

        * if **totvar** is *True*:
                returns an array of dimension nboot x 1, which contains
                the relative remaining variance after prediciton
                (in nboot bootstrap repetitions)
        * if **totvar** is *False*:
                returns an array of dimension nboot x q, which contains the
                relative remaining variance after  prediction for each
                coordinate (in nboot bootstrap repetitions)


    _, mapsT, idcs = fitData(idat, odat, nps=1, nrep=nboot, rcond=rcond)
    maps = [x.T for x in mapsT]
    # indices will be "swapped" to "NOT(indices)" in vRedPartial
    indices = idcs if out_of_sample else [otheridx(x, idat.shape[0]) for x in idcs]
    vaxis = None if totvar else 0
    res = vRedPartial(idat, odat, maps, indices, vaxis)
    return vstack(res)
Пример #47
	def estimate_kernel(self,X):

			estimate the ide parameters using least squares method
			X: list of ndarray
				state vectors

			least squares estimation of the IDE parameters

		parameters=[float(theta[i]) for i in range(theta.shape[0])]
		return parameters
Пример #48
def oneD_twoD(data1D,nps):
    transforms the 1D-format used here into the 2D-format
        a single row represents one stride; 
        the first (nps) frames represent coordinate 1, the second (nps)
        frames represent coordinate 2, ...
        a single row represents one coordinate.
        The k-th stride is represented by the subsection [:,k*(nps):(k+1)*nps]    
    ncoords = data1D.shape[1]/nps
    data2D = vstack([hstack(data1D[:,nps*x:nps*(x+1)]) for x in range(ncoords)])
    return data2D
Пример #49
def combine_output(J, T, model, dir, reps, save=False):
    Combine output on absolute error, relative error, csmf_accuracy, and coverage from from
    multiple runs of validate_once. Either saves the output to the disk, or returns arays
    for each. 

    cause = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)
    time = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)
    abs_err = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray) 
    rel_err = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)
    coverage = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)
    csmf_accuracy = pl.zeros(J*T, dtype='f').view(pl.recarray)

    for i in range(reps): 
        metrics = pl.csv2rec('%s/metrics_%s_%i.csv' % (dir, model, i))
        cause = pl.vstack((cause, metrics.cause))
        time = pl.vstack((time, metrics.time))
        abs_err = pl.vstack((abs_err, metrics.abs_err))
        rel_err = pl.vstack((rel_err, metrics.rel_err))
        coverage = pl.vstack((coverage, metrics.coverage))
        csmf_accuracy = pl.vstack((csmf_accuracy, metrics.csmf_accuracy))

    cause = cause[1:,]
    time = time[1:,]    
    abs_err = abs_err[1:,]
    rel_err = rel_err[1:,]
    coverage = coverage[1:,]
    csmf_accuracy = csmf_accuracy[1:,]

    mean_abs_err = abs_err.mean(0)
    median_abs_err =  pl.median(abs_err, 0)
    mean_rel_err = rel_err.mean(0)
    median_rel_err = pl.median(rel_err, 0)
    mean_csmf_accuracy = csmf_accuracy.mean(0)
    median_csmf_accuracy = pl.median(csmf_accuracy, 0)
    mean_coverage_bycause = coverage.mean(0)
    mean_coverage = coverage.reshape(reps, T, J).mean(0).mean(1)
    percent_total_coverage = (coverage.reshape(reps, T, J).sum(2)==3).mean(0)
    mean_coverage = pl.array([[i for j in range(J)] for i in mean_coverage]).ravel()
    percent_total_coverage = pl.array([[i for j in range(J)] for i in percent_total_coverage]).ravel()

    models = pl.array([[model for j in range(J)] for i in range(T)]).ravel()
    true_cf = metrics.true_cf
    true_std = metrics.true_std
    std_bias = metrics.std_bias

    all = pl.np.core.records.fromarrays([models, cause[0], time[0], true_cf, true_std, std_bias, mean_abs_err, median_abs_err, mean_rel_err, median_rel_err, 
                                         mean_csmf_accuracy, median_csmf_accuracy, mean_coverage_bycause, mean_coverage, percent_total_coverage], 
                                        names=['model', 'cause', 'time', 'true_cf', 'true_std', 'std_bias', 'mean_abs_err', 'median_abs_err', 
                                         'mean_rel_err', 'median_rel_err', 'mean_csmf_accuracy', 'median_csmf_accuracy', 
                                         'mean_covearge_bycause', 'mean_coverage', 'percent_total_coverage'])   
    if save: 
        pl.rec2csv(all, '%s/%s_summary.csv' % (dir, model)) 
        return all
Пример #50
def oneD_twoD(data1D, nps):
    transforms the 1D-format used here into the 2D-format
        a single row represents one stride; 
        the first (nps) frames represent coordinate 1, the second (nps)
        frames represent coordinate 2, ...
        a single row represents one coordinate.
        The k-th stride is represented by the subsection [:,k*(nps):(k+1)*nps]    
    ncoords = data1D.shape[1] / nps
    data2D = vstack(
        [hstack(data1D[:, nps * x:nps * (x + 1)]) for x in range(ncoords)])
    return data2D
Пример #51
def my_stats(node):
    """ Convenience function to generate a stats dict even if the pymc.Node has no trace
      - `node` : pymc.PyMCObjects.Deterministic

      - dictionary of statistics

        return node.stats()
    except AttributeError:
        return {'mean': node.value,
                '95% HPD interval': pl.vstack((node.value, node.value)).T}
Пример #52
def my_stats(node):
    """ Convenience function to generate a stats dict even if the pymc.Node has no trace
      - `node` : pymc.PyMCObjects.Deterministic

      - dictionary of statistics

        return node.stats()
    except AttributeError:
        return {'mean': node.value,
                '95% HPD interval': pl.vstack((node.value, node.value)).T}
Пример #53
def RecalcPhase(data):    
    this function re-computes the phase of a given artificial Floquet system
    analog to the way the phases are computed in the original systen.
    Data must be given in a D x N-format, 
        D: number of Dimensions, 
        N: number of samples
    p1 = -1.*data[0,:]              # R_Kne_y - L_kne_y
    p2 = data[5,:] - data[2,:]      # R_Trc_y - R_Anl_y
    p3 = data[6,:] - data[1,:]      # L_trc_y - L_Anl_y
    p4 = data[2,:] - data[1,:] - data[0,:]   # R_anl_y - L_anl_y   
    allPhrIn_TDR = [vstack((p1,p2,p3,p4)),]
    psec_TDR = [p4.copy(),]    
    phrIn = vstack((p1,p2,p3,p4))
    psecIn = p4.copy()  

    print 'building phaser ...\n'
    Phaser = phaser2.Phaser2(y = allPhrIn_TDR, psecData = psec_TDR)
    print 'computing phases ...\n'
    return Phaser.phaserEval(phrIn,psecIn).squeeze()
Пример #54
Файл: io.py Проект: MMaus/mutils
def read_kistler(fname):
    reads the output text files from Kistler force plate data.

        fname (str): file name of the data file (typically .txt export from
            Kistler bioware)

        dat (dict): dictionary containing the data ("Matlab(r)"-workspace)
    data = []
    fieldnames = []

    desc_found = False
    n_past_desc = 0
    with open(fname) as f:
        for line in f:
            if desc_found:
                n_past_desc += 1
            elif 'description' in line.lower():
                desc_found = True

            if n_past_desc == 1:
                fieldnames = [fn.strip() for fn in line.split('\t')]
                if 'time' in fieldnames[0].lower(): # remove invalide name
                    fieldnames[0] = 'time'

            elif n_past_desc == 2:
                units = line.split('\t') # actually - this is ignored
            elif n_past_desc > 2:
                    numbers =[float(elem.replace(',','.')) for elem in
                except ValueError:
    if not desc_found:
        raise ValueError('Line with "Description" not found - does not appear'
        ' to be a valid file!')

    data = vstack(data)
    d = {}
    for nr, fn in enumerate(fieldnames):
        d[fn] = data[:, nr]

    return d
Пример #55
def main():
    pH, pMg, I, T = (7.0, 3, 0.1, 298.15)

    db = SqliteDatabase('../res/gibbs.sqlite')
    kegg = Kegg.getInstance()
    alberty = PsuedoisomerTableThermodynamics(

    cids = alberty.get_all_cids()
    dG0_f = pylab.zeros((len(cids), 1))

    for i, cid in enumerate(cids):
        dG0_f[i, 0] = alberty.cid2dG0_tag(cid, pH=pH, pMg=pMg, I=I, T=T)

    S = pylab.zeros((0, len(cids)))
    rids = []
    ec_numbers = []

    for rid in kegg.get_all_rids():
        sparse = kegg.rid2sparse_reaction(rid)
        if not set(cids).issuperset(sparse.keys()):

        S_row = pylab.zeros((1, len(cids)))
        for cid, coeff in sparse.iteritems():
            S_row[0, cids.index(cid)] = coeff
        S = pylab.vstack([S, S_row])

    dG0_r = pylab.dot(S, dG0_f)

    s_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/stoichiomety.csv', 'w'))
    r_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/reactions.csv', 'w'))
    e_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/ec_numbers.csv', 'w'))
    r_writer.writerow(['rid', 'dG0_r'])
    e_writer.writerow(['rid', 'ec0', 'ec1', 'ec2', 'ec3'])
    for i in xrange(S.shape[0]):
        s_writer.writerow(["%d" % x for x in S[i, :]])
        for ec in ec_numbers[i].split(';'):
            e_writer.writerow(['%d' % rids[i]] + ec.split('.'))
        r_writer.writerow(["%d" % rids[i], '%.1f' % dG0_r[i, 0]])

    c_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/compounds.csv', 'w'))
    c_writer.writerow(['cid', 'dG0_f'])
    for j in xrange(len(cids)):
        c_writer.writerow(['%d' % cids[j], '%.1f' % dG0_f[j, 0]])
Пример #56
def plot_color_gradients(cmap_category, cmap_list):
    global ncolums, number, DBtable
    axes[0][ncolums].set_title(cmap_category + ' Monitoring', fontsize=14)
    for ax, name in zip(axes, cmap_list):
        gradient_vstack = pylab.vstack((value[number], value[number]))
        ax[ncolums].imshow(gradient_vstack, aspect='auto', cmap='Blues')
        pos = list(ax[ncolums].get_position().bounds)
        x_text = pos[0] - 0.01
        y_text = pos[1] + pos[3]/2.
        fig.text(x_text, y_text, name, va='center', ha='right', fontsize=10)
        # Turn off *all* ticks & spines, not just the ones with colormaps.
        for ax in axes:
Пример #57
def main():
    pH, pMg, I, T = (7.0, 3, 0.1, 298.15)
    db = SqliteDatabase('../res/gibbs.sqlite')
    kegg = Kegg.getInstance()
    alberty = PsuedoisomerTableThermodynamics('../data/thermodynamics/alberty_pseudoisomers.csv')
    cids = alberty.get_all_cids()
    dG0_f = pylab.zeros((len(cids), 1))

    for i, cid in enumerate(cids):
        dG0_f[i, 0] = alberty.cid2dG0_tag(cid, pH=pH, pMg=pMg, I=I, T=T)
    S = pylab.zeros((0, len(cids)))
    rids = []
    ec_numbers = []
    for rid in kegg.get_all_rids():
        sparse = kegg.rid2sparse_reaction(rid)
        if not set(cids).issuperset(sparse.keys()):
        S_row = pylab.zeros((1, len(cids)))
        for cid, coeff in sparse.iteritems():
            S_row[0, cids.index(cid)] = coeff
        S = pylab.vstack([S, S_row])
    dG0_r = pylab.dot(S, dG0_f)

    s_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/stoichiomety.csv', 'w'))
    r_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/reactions.csv', 'w'))
    e_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/ec_numbers.csv', 'w'))
    r_writer.writerow(['rid', 'dG0_r'])
    e_writer.writerow(['rid', 'ec0', 'ec1', 'ec2', 'ec3'])
    for i in xrange(S.shape[0]):
        s_writer.writerow(["%d" % x for x in S[i,:]])
        for ec in ec_numbers[i].split(';'):
            e_writer.writerow(['%d' % rids[i]] + ec.split('.'))
        r_writer.writerow(["%d" % rids[i], '%.1f' % dG0_r[i,0]])
    c_writer = csv.writer(open('../res/arren/compounds.csv', 'w'))
    c_writer.writerow(['cid', 'dG0_f'])
    for j in xrange(len(cids)):
        c_writer.writerow(['%d' % cids[j], '%.1f' % dG0_f[j, 0]])