def writemeca(self,ID,time,p,v,a): """ write mecanic information into the mysql db """ self.insertitem1("TruePosition",('NodeID', 'Timestamp', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'ReferencePointID'), (eval(ID), pyu.timestamp(time), p[0], p[1], 'NULL', 'NULL')) self.insertitem1("CEASensorMeasurements",('NodeID', 'Timestamp', 'CEA_MagX', 'CEA_MagY', 'CEA_AccX', 'CEA_AccY'), (eval(ID), pyu.timestamp(time), v[0], v[1], a[0], a[1] ))
def dual_save(self,S): """ save txt Attributes: ---------- S : Simulation Scipy.Simulation object """ pos=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'p') pclust = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'pe_clust') typ = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'type') if self.idx == 0: entete = 'Timestamp, True Position x, True Position y, Est Position1 x, Est Position1 y,Est Position2 x, Est Position2 y\n' file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/toa.txt','write') file.write(entete) file.close() file2=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/rsslink.txt','write') entete2 = 'Timestamp, link, linkid, Pr, Prstd\n' file2.write(entete2) file2.close() file3=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/anchorposition.txt','write') data3 = 'node,pos x, pos y\n' file3.write(data3) for n in self.nodes(): data3= n + ',' + str(self.node[n]['p'][0]) + ',' + str(self.node[n]['p'][1]) + '\n' file3.write(data3) file3.close() try: file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/toa.txt','a') file2=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/rsslink.txt','a') for n in self.nodes(): if n == '1': data = pyu.timestamp( +','+ str(pos[n][0]) + ',' + str(pos[n][1]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][0,0]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][0,1]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][1,0]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][1,1]) +'\n' for e in self.edge[n].keys(): if e != '6' and e !='7': try: data2 = data2 +',link,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][0]) +',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][1]) except: data2 = pyu.timestamp( + ',link,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][0]) +',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][1]) data2=data2 + '\n' file.write(data) file2.write(data2) file.close() file2.close() self.idx = self.idx +1 except: pass
def writenet(self, net, t): """ write mecanic information into the mysql db """ for e in net.edges_iter(data=True): self.insertitem1( "ACOLinkMeasurements", ('NodeID', 'ACO_PeerID', 'ACO_RSSI', 'Timestamp'), (eval(e[0]), eval(e[1]), e[2]['Pr'][0], pyu.timestamp(t))) self.insertitem1( "CEALinkMeasurements", ('NodeID', 'Timestamp', 'CEA_PeerID', 'CEA_Dist'), (eval(e[0]), pyu.timestamp(t), eval(e[1]), e[2]['d']))
def writemeca(self, ID, time, p, v, a): """ write mecanic information into the mysql db """ self.insertitem1( "TruePosition", ("NodeID", "Timestamp", "X", "Y", "Z", "ReferencePointID"), (eval(ID), pyu.timestamp(time), p[0], p[1], "NULL", "NULL"), ) self.insertitem1( "CEASensorMeasurements", ("NodeID", "Timestamp", "CEA_MagX", "CEA_MagY", "CEA_AccX", "CEA_AccY"), (eval(ID), pyu.timestamp(time), v[0], v[1], a[0], a[1]), )
def writenet(self, net, t): """ write mecanic information into the mysql db """ for e in net.edges_iter(data=True): self.insertitem1( "ACOLinkMeasurements", ("NodeID", "ACO_PeerID", "ACO_RSSI", "Timestamp"), (eval(e[0]), eval(e[1]), e[2]["Pr"][0], pyu.timestamp(t)), ) self.insertitem1( "CEALinkMeasurements", ("NodeID", "Timestamp", "CEA_PeerID", "CEA_Dist"), (eval(e[0]), pyu.timestamp(t), eval(e[1]), e[2]["d"]), )
def ini_save(self,S,filename='simulnet_data.ini',height=1.5): """ ---------- DEPRECATED ---------- Save an .ini file of node position . Only links which involve mobile nodes (type 'ag') are kept. The produced init file is filled as follow: [timestamp] nodeID1_nodeID2 = x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 nodeID2_nodeID4 = x2,y2,z2,x4,y4,z4 .... Attributes: ---------- S : Simulation Scipy.Simulation object filename : string name of the saved ini file height : float height of the nodes """ assert len(self.SubNet.keys()) == 1 , NameError('when network.ini_save() \ is used , only 1 rat must be involved in the Network.\ Please modify agent.ini') if self.idx == 0: file=open(pyu.getlong(filename ,'output'),'w') else: file=open(pyu.getlong(filename ,'output'),'a') config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() timestamp = pyu.timestamp( config.add_section(timestamp) for e in self.edges(): if not ((self.node[e[0][0]]['type'] == 'ap') and (self.node[e[1][0]]['type'] == 'ap')): key=str(e[0]) +'_' +str(e[1]) value1 = str(self.node[e[0][0]]['p'][0])+ ',' +str(self.node[e[0][0]]['p'][1])+','+str(height) value2 = str(self.node[e[1][0]]['p'][0])+ ',' +str(self.node[e[1][0]]['p'][1])+','+str(height) config.set(timestamp, key, value1 + ' , ' + value2) config.write(file) file.close() self.idx=self.idx+1
def writenet(self,net,t): """ write mecanic information into the mysql db """ for e in net.edges_iter(data=True): self.insertitem1("ACOLinkMeasurements",('NodeID', 'ACO_PeerID', 'ACO_RSSI', 'Timestamp'), (eval(e[0]), eval(e[1]), e[2]['Pr'][0], pyu.timestamp(t))) self.insertitem1("CEALinkMeasurements",('NodeID', 'Timestamp', 'CEA_PeerID', 'CEA_Dist'), (eval(e[0]), pyu.timestamp(t), eval(e[1]), e[2]['d']))
def dual_save(self,S): """ DEPRECATED REPLACED BY DEPRECATED save txt Parameters ---------- S : Simulation Scipy.Simulation object """ pos=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'p') pclust = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'pe_clust') typ = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'type') if self.idx == 0: entete = 'Timestamp, True Position x, True Position y, Est Position1 x, Est Position1 y,Est Position2 x, Est Position2 y\n' file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/pos.txt','write') file.write(entete) file.close() file2=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/rsslink.txt','write') entete2 = 'Timestamp, link, linkid, Pr, distance\n' file2.write(entete2) file2.close() file3=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/anchorposition.txt','write') data3 = 'node,pos x, pos y\n' file3.write(data3) for n in self.nodes(): data3= n + ',' + str(self.node[n]['p'][0]) + ',' + str(self.node[n]['p'][1]) + '\n' file3.write(data3) file3.close() file4=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/toa.txt','w') entete4 = 'Timestamp, type, toaid, toa,distance\n' file4.write(entete4) file4.close() try: file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/pos.txt','a') file2=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/rsslink.txt','a') file4=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/toa.txt','a') for n in self.nodes(): if n == '1': data = pyu.timestamp( +','+ str(pos[n][0]) + ',' + str(pos[n][1]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][0,0]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][0,1]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][1,0]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][1,1]) +'\n' for e in self.edge[n].keys(): if e != '6' and e !='7': try: data2 = data2 +',link,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][0]) +',' + str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) except: data2 = pyu.timestamp( + ',link,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][0]) +',' + str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) else : try: data4 = data4 +',toa,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['TOA'][0]) +',' + str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) except: data4 = pyu.timestamp( + ',toa,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['TOA'][0]) +',' +str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) data2=data2 + '\n' data4=data4 + '\n' file.write(data) file2.write(data2) file4.write(data4) file.close() file2.close() file4.close() self.idx = self.idx +1 except: pass
def loc_save(self,S): """ DEPRECATED REPLACED BY DEPRECATED save txt node ID , True pos x , True pos y , est pos x , est pos y , timestamp Parameters ---------- S : Simulation Scipy.Simulation object """ pos=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'p') pe=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'pe_alg') typ = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'type') if self.idx == 0: entete = 'NodeID, True Position x, True Position y, Est Position x, Est Position y, Timestamp\n' file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/simulation.txt','write') file.write(entete) file.close() try: file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/simulation.txt','a') for n in self.nodes(): if typ[n] != 'ap': data = n + ',' + str(pos[n][0]) + ',' + str(pos[n][1]) + ',' + str(pe[n][0][0]) + ',' + str(pe[n][0][1]) + ',' +pyu.timestamp( +',\n' file.write(data) file.close() self.idx = self.idx +1 except: pass
def dual_save(self,S): """ DEPRECATED REPLACED BY DEPRECATED save txt Attributes: ---------- S : Simulation Scipy.Simulation object """ pos=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'p') pclust = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'pe_clust') typ = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'type') if self.idx == 0: entete = 'Timestamp, True Position x, True Position y, Est Position1 x, Est Position1 y,Est Position2 x, Est Position2 y\n' file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/pos.txt','write') file.write(entete) file.close() file2=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/rsslink.txt','write') entete2 = 'Timestamp, link, linkid, Pr, distance\n' file2.write(entete2) file2.close() file3=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/anchorposition.txt','write') data3 = 'node,pos x, pos y\n' file3.write(data3) for n in self.nodes(): data3= n + ',' + str(self.node[n]['p'][0]) + ',' + str(self.node[n]['p'][1]) + '\n' file3.write(data3) file3.close() file4=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/toa.txt','w') entete4 = 'Timestamp, type, toaid, toa,distance\n' file4.write(entete4) file4.close() try: file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/pos.txt','a') file2=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/rsslink.txt','a') file4=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/toa.txt','a') for n in self.nodes(): if n == '1': data = pyu.timestamp( +','+ str(pos[n][0]) + ',' + str(pos[n][1]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][0,0]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][0,1]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][1,0]) + ',' + str(pclust[n][1,1]) +'\n' for e in self.edge[n].keys(): if e != '6' and e !='7': try: data2 = data2 +',link,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][0]) +',' + str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) except: data2 = pyu.timestamp( + ',link,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['Pr'][0]) +',' + str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) else : try: data4 = data4 +',toa,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['TOA'][0]) +',' + str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) except: data4 = pyu.timestamp( + ',toa,' + str(e) + ',' + str(self.edge[n][e]['rat1']['TOA'][0]) +',' +str(np.sqrt(np.sum((pos[n]-pos[e])**2))) data2=data2 + '\n' data4=data4 + '\n' file.write(data) file2.write(data2) file4.write(data4) file.close() file2.close() file4.close() self.idx = self.idx +1 except: pass
def loc_save(self,S): """ DEPRECATED REPLACED BY DEPRECATED save txt node ID , True pos x , True pos y , est pos x , est pos y , timestamp Attributes: ---------- S : Simulation Scipy.Simulation object """ pos=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'p') pe=nx.get_node_attributes(self,'pe_alg') typ = nx.get_node_attributes(self,'type') if self.idx == 0: entete = 'NodeID, True Position x, True Position y, Est Position x, Est Position y, Timestamp\n' file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/simulation.txt','write') file.write(entete) file.close() try: file=open(basename+'/' + pstruc['DIRNETSAVE'] +'/simulation.txt','a') for n in self.nodes(): if typ[n] != 'ap': data = n + ',' + str(pos[n][0]) + ',' + str(pos[n][1]) + ',' + str(pe[n][0][0]) + ',' + str(pe[n][0][1]) + ',' +pyu.timestamp( +',\n' file.write(data) file.close() self.idx = self.idx +1 except: pass