예제 #1
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: gavine199/pymt
from OpenGL.GLU import gluNewQuadric, gluDisk, gluPartialDisk
from pymt.graphx.paint import *
from pymt.graphx.statement import *
from pymt.graphx.colors import *

    import pymt.c_ext.c_graphx as c_graphx
    pymt.pymt_logger.info('Graphx: Using accelerate graphx module')
except ImportError, e:
    c_graphx = None
    pymt.pymt_logger.warning('Extensions: c_graphx not available: <%s>' % e)

# create a cache for label
_temp_label = None
if not 'PYMT_DOC' in os.environ:
    Cache.register('pymt.label', timeout=1., limit=1000)

def _make_point_list(points):
    t = type(points)
    if not t in (tuple, list):
        raise Exception('Point list must be tuple or list of' +
                        'coordinates or points(tuple/list of 2D coords)')
    if type(points[0]) in (tuple, list, Vector):
        return [coord for point in points for coord in point]
        return list(points)

def getLabel(label, **kwargs):
    '''Get a cached label object
예제 #2
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: imc/pymt
from OpenGL.GLU import gluNewQuadric, gluDisk, gluPartialDisk
from paint import *
from statement import *
from colors import *

    import _graphx
    pymt.pymt_logger.info('Graphx: Using accelerate graphx module')
except ImportError, e:
    _graphx = None
    pymt.pymt_logger.warning('Extensions: _graphx not available: <%s>' % e)

# create a cache for label
_temp_label = None
if not 'PYMT_DOC' in os.environ:
    Cache.register('pymt.label', timeout=1., limit=1000)

def _make_point_list(points):
    t = type(points)
    if not t in (tuple, list):
        raise Exception('Point list must be tuple or list of' +
                        'coordinates or points(tuple/list of 2D coords)')
    if type(points[0]) in (tuple, list, Vector):
        return [coord for point in points for coord in point]
        return list(points)

def getLabel(label, **kwargs):
    '''Get a cached label object

예제 #3
파일: loader.py 프로젝트: bernt/pymt
from pymt import pymt_data_dir
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
from pymt.clock import getClock
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.utils import SafeList
from pymt.core.image import ImageLoader, Image
from pymt.event import EventDispatcher
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import time
import collections
import os

# Register a cache for loader
Cache.register('pymt.loader', limit=500, timeout=60)

class ProxyImage(Image, EventDispatcher):
    '''Image returned by the Loader.image() function.

        `loaded`: bool, default to False
            It can be True if the image is already cached

            Fired when the image is loaded and changed
    def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('loaded', False)
        super(ProxyImage, self).__init__(arg, **kwargs)
예제 #4
파일: loader.py 프로젝트: triselectif/pymt
from pymt import pymt_data_dir
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
from pymt.clock import getClock
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.utils import SafeList
from pymt.core.image import ImageLoader, Image
from pymt.event import EventDispatcher
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import time
import collections
import os

# Register a cache for loader
Cache.register('loader', limit=500)

class ProxyImage(Image, EventDispatcher):
    '''Image returned by the Loader.image() function.

            Fired when the image is loaded and changed
    def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
        Image.__init__(self, arg, **kwargs)


    def on_load(self):
예제 #5
SVG: handle loading of svg data

__all__ = ('Svg',)

from pymt.core import core_register_libs
from pymt.baseobject import BaseObject
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx.statement import gx_matrix
from OpenGL.GL import glTranslate, glScale

Cache.register('_pymt_core_svg_cache', limit=500, timeout=None)

class SvgBase(object):
    '''Base to implement an svg loader.'''

    __slots__ = ('filename')

    def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
        self.filename = filename

        self.svg_data = Cache.get('_pymt_core_svg_cache', filename)
        if not self.svg_data:
            new_svg = self.load(filename)
            Cache.append('_pymt_core_svg_cache', filename, new_svg)
            self.svg_data = new_svg

    def load(self, filename):
        '''Load an svg'''
        raise NotimplementedError("abstract class SvgLoaderBase: subclass must be implemented by svg provider")
예제 #6
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: imc/pymt
SVG: handle loading of svg data

__all__ = ('Svg',)

from pymt.core import core_register_libs
from pymt.baseobject import BaseObject
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx.statement import gx_matrix
from OpenGL.GL import glTranslate, glScale

Cache.register('pymt.svg', limit=50)

class SvgBase(object):
    '''Base to implement an svg loader.'''

    __slots__ = ('filename')

    def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
        self.filename = filename

        self.svg_data = Cache.get('pymt.svg', filename)
        if not self.svg_data:
            new_svg = self.load(filename)
            Cache.append('pymt.svg', filename, new_svg)
            self.svg_data = new_svg

    def load(self, filename):
        '''Load an svg'''
        raise NotimplementedError("abstract class SvgLoaderBase: subclass must be implemented by svg provider")
예제 #7
파일: css.py 프로젝트: triselectif/pymt
CSS: Draw shapes with css attributes !

__all__ = ['drawCSSRectangle']

import os
from draw import *
from colors import set_color
from pymt.cache import Cache
from statement import GlDisplayList, gx_color
from OpenGL.GL import *
from pymt.core.svg import Svg

if not 'PYMT_DOC' in os.environ:
    Cache.register('css_rect', limit=100, timeout=500)

def drawCSSRectangle(pos=(0,0), size=(100,100), style={}, prefix=None, state=None):
    '''Draw a rectangle with CSS
        `state`: if a certain state string is passed, we will use styles with this postifx instead.
            for example:  style[bg-color] and style[bg-color-down] are both set.
            if state == "down", we wil use bg-color-down instead of bg-color

        * alpha-background (color)
        * border-radius (float)
        * border-radius-precision (float)
        * border-width (float)
예제 #8
파일: loader.py 프로젝트: vidriloco/pymt
from pymt import pymt_data_dir
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
from pymt.clock import getClock
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.utils import SafeList
from pymt.core.image import ImageLoader, Image
from pymt.event import EventDispatcher
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import time
import collections
import os

# Register a cache for loader
Cache.register("loader", limit=500)

class ProxyImage(Image, EventDispatcher):
    """Image returned by the Loader.image() function.
            Fired when the image is loaded and changed

    def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
        Image.__init__(self, arg, **kwargs)

예제 #9
__all__ = ('MTTextArea', )

import re
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx import set_color, drawLine
from pymt.base import getFrameDt, getWindow
from pymt.graphx import drawRectangle
from pymt.core.text import Label
from pymt.core.clipboard import Clipboard
from pymt.utils import boundary
from pymt.ui.widgets.composed.textinput import MTTextInput


# add a cache, really not sure about the usage right now.
Cache.register('textarea.label', timeout=60.)

class MTTextArea(MTTextInput):
    '''A multi line text input widget

        `tab_width`: int, default to 4
            Indicate how much space should take a tabulation. 1 = size of one
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._glyph_size = {}
        self._scroll_x = 0
        self._scroll_y = 5
        self._selection = False
        self._selection_text = ''
예제 #10
파일: draw.py 프로젝트: triselectif/pymt

import os
import math
import pymt
from pymt.cache import Cache
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import gluNewQuadric, gluDisk, gluPartialDisk
from paint import *
from statement import *
from colors import *

# create a cache for label
_temp_label = None
if not 'PYMT_DOC' in os.environ:
    Cache.register('drawlabel', timeout=1., limit=100)

def _make_point_list(points):
    t = type(points)
    if not t in (tuple, list):
        raise Exception("Point list must be tuple or list of coordinates or points(tuple/list of 2D coords)")
    if type(points[0]) in (tuple, list): #flatten the points
        return [coord for point in points for coord in point]
        return list(points)

def getLabel(label, **kwargs):
    '''Get a cached label object
예제 #11
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.resources import resource_add_path
from pymt.parser import parse_color, parse_image, parse_float4, \
        parse_float, parse_bool, parse_int, parse_int2, parse_string, \
from pymt import pymt_data_dir, pymt_home_dir
import os
import sys
import shutil
import logging
import re
import weakref

# Register CSS cache
Cache.register('pymt.css', limit=500, timeout=60)

#: Instance of the CSS sheet
pymt_sheet = None

#: State allowed to CSS rules (bg-color[-state] for eg)
pymt_css_states = ['-down', '-move', '-dragging', '-active', '-error',
                   '-validated', '-syskey']

#: Prefix allowed to CSS rules
pymt_css_prefix = ['key-', 'slider-', 'title-', 'cursor-', 'selection-']

# Privates vars for reload features
_css_sources = []
_css_widgets = set()
예제 #12
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: gavine199/pymt
SVG: handle loading of svg data

__all__ = ('Svg', )

from pymt.core import core_register_libs
from pymt.baseobject import BaseObject
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx.statement import gx_matrix
from OpenGL.GL import glTranslate, glScale

Cache.register('pymt.svg', limit=50)

class SvgBase(object):
    '''Base to implement an svg loader.'''

    __slots__ = ('filename', )

    def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
        self.filename = filename

        self.svg_data = Cache.get('pymt.svg', filename)
        if not self.svg_data:
            new_svg = self.load(filename)
            Cache.append('pymt.svg', filename, new_svg)
            self.svg_data = new_svg

    def load(self, filename):
        '''Load an svg'''
예제 #13
파일: css.py 프로젝트: gavine199/pymt
CSS: Draw shapes with css attributes !

__all__ = ('drawCSSRectangle', )

import os
from pymt.graphx.draw import drawRectangleAlpha, drawRectangle, \
        drawRoundedRectangle, drawRoundedRectangleAlpha
from pymt.graphx.colors import set_color
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx.statement import GlDisplayList, gx_color
from OpenGL.GL import GL_LINE_BIT, GL_LINE_LOOP, \
        glPushAttrib, glPopAttrib, glLineWidth

if not 'PYMT_DOC' in os.environ:
    Cache.register('pymt.cssrect', limit=100, timeout=60)

def drawCSSRectangle(pos=(0, 0), size=(100, 100), style=dict(), prefix=None, state=None):
    '''Draw a rectangle with CSS
        `state`: if a certain state string is passed, we will use styles with this postifx instead.
            for example:  style[bg-color] and style[bg-color-down] are both set.
            if state == "down", we wil use bg-color-down instead of bg-color

        * alpha-background (color)
        * border-radius (float)
        * border-radius-precision (float)
        * border-width (float)
예제 #14
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: hansent/pymt
SVG: handle loading of svg data

__all__ = ("Svg",)

from pymt.core import core_register_libs
from pymt.baseobject import BaseObject
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.graphx.statement import gx_matrix
from OpenGL.GL import glTranslate, glScale

Cache.register("pymt.svg", limit=50)

class SvgBase(object):
    """Base to implement an svg loader."""

    __slots__ = ("filename",)

    def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
        self.filename = filename

        self.svg_data = Cache.get("pymt.svg", filename)
        if not self.svg_data:
            new_svg = self.load(filename)
            Cache.append("pymt.svg", filename, new_svg)
            self.svg_data = new_svg

    def load(self, filename):
        """Load an svg"""
예제 #15
파일: css.py 프로젝트: bernt/pymt
CSS: Draw shapes with css attributes !

__all__ = ["drawCSSRectangle"]

import os
from draw import *
from colors import set_color
from pymt.cache import Cache
from statement import GlDisplayList, gx_color
from OpenGL.GL import *
from pymt.core.svg import Svg

if not "PYMT_DOC" in os.environ:
    Cache.register("pymt.cssrect", limit=100, timeout=60)

def drawCSSRectangle(pos=(0, 0), size=(100, 100), style={}, prefix=None, state=None):
    """Draw a rectangle with CSS
        `state`: if a certain state string is passed, we will use styles with this postifx instead.
            for example:  style[bg-color] and style[bg-color-down] are both set.
            if state == "down", we wil use bg-color-down instead of bg-color

        * alpha-background (color)
        * border-radius (float)
        * border-radius-precision (float)
        * border-width (float)
예제 #16
from pymt import pymt_data_dir
from pymt.logger import pymt_logger
from pymt.clock import getClock
from pymt.cache import Cache
from pymt.utils import SafeList
from pymt.core.image import ImageLoader, Image
from pymt.event import EventDispatcher
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import time
import collections
import os

# Register a cache for loader
Cache.register('pymt.loader', limit=500, timeout=60)

class ProxyImage(Image, EventDispatcher):
    '''Image returned by the Loader.image() function.

        `loaded`: bool, default to False
            It can be True if the image is already cached

            Fired when the image is loaded and changed
    def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('loaded', False)
        super(ProxyImage, self).__init__(arg, **kwargs)