def use_pyprep(srcPath, dstPath): summaryFile = open("./summary.txt", 'a') src = Path(srcPath) dst = Path(dstPath) session_list = [1, 4] for file in src.glob("*.txt"): status, uid, session, trial, task, preprocess = get_file_info(file) # print(file) if status: x = 0 # if task != 'Baseline' and int(session) in session_list: dst_file = dst / (file.with_suffix('').name[:-3] + 'pyprep.edf') print("Processsing ", raw, montage = load_to_mne(file) # # #Only for debugging purposes # raw = raw.crop(0, 15).load_data() raw.crop(tmin=(raw.times[-1] - 120)) #Get only last two minutes # Extract some info eeg_index = mne.pick_types(, eeg=True, eog=False, meg=False) ch_names =["ch_names"] ch_names_eeg = list(np.asarray(ch_names)[eeg_index]) sample_rate =["sfreq"] # Make a copy of the data raw_copy = raw.copy() # Fit prep prep_params = { 'ref_chs': ch_names_eeg, 'reref_chs': ch_names_eeg, 'line_freqs': np.arange(60, sample_rate / 2, 60) } prep = PrepPipeline(raw_copy, prep_params, montage) final_eeg = prep.raw # Write pyprep summary of interpolation summaryFile.write( + "\n") summaryFile.write(str(prep.interpolated_channels) + "\n") summaryFile.flush() write_data_edf(final_eeg, dst_file, uid, task)
def test_prep_pipeline_filter_kwargs(raw, montage): """Test prep pipeline with filter kwargs.""" eeg_index = mne.pick_types(, eeg=True, eog=False, meg=False) raw_copy = raw.copy() ch_names =["ch_names"] ch_names_eeg = list(np.asarray(ch_names)[eeg_index]) sample_rate =["sfreq"] prep_params = { "ref_chs": ch_names_eeg, "reref_chs": ch_names_eeg, "line_freqs": np.arange(60, sample_rate / 2, 60), } filter_kwargs = { "method": "fir", "phase": "zero-double", } prep = PrepPipeline( raw_copy, prep_params, montage, random_state=42, filter_kwargs=filter_kwargs )
def test_prep_pipeline_non_eeg(raw, montage): """Test prep pipeline with non eeg channels.""" raw_copy = raw.copy() # make arbitrary non eeg channels from the register sfreq =["sfreq"] # Sampling frequency times = np.array(list(range(raw_copy._data.shape[1]))) ch_names_non_eeg = ["misc" + str(i) for i in range(4)] ch_types_non_eeg = ["misc" for i in range(4)] raw_non_eeg, _, _ = make_random_mne_object( ch_names_non_eeg, ch_types_non_eeg, times, sfreq, RNG=np.random.RandomState(1337), ) raw_copy.add_channels([raw_non_eeg], force_update_info=True) prep_params = { "ref_chs": "eeg", "reref_chs": "eeg", "line_freqs": np.arange(60, sfreq / 2, 60), } prep = PrepPipeline(raw_copy, prep_params, montage, random_state=42) # correct non-eeg channels configured in init assert set(prep.ch_names_non_eeg) == set(ch_names_non_eeg) # original (all) channel names same as full_raw names assert set(prep.raw.ch_names) == set(raw_copy.ch_names) # names of raw (only eeg) same as full names - non eeg names assert set(prep.raw_eeg.ch_names) == set(raw_copy.ch_names) - set(ch_names_non_eeg) # quantity of raw (only eeg) same as quantity of all - non eeg lists assert prep.raw_eeg._data.shape[0] == len(raw_copy.ch_names) - len( prep.ch_names_non_eeg ) # quantity of channels in is the same as qty of full raw assert raw_copy._data.shape[0] == prep.raw._data.shape[0]
def perform_prep(self): """ perform_prep Calls pyprep's PrepPipeline and detects bad channels in the data. Returns ------- bad_chs : List List of all the bad channel names """ self.automagic["prep"]["performed"] = True montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage( self.params["interpolation_params"]["montage"]) montage.ch_names = [ 'E37', 'E44', 'E86', 'E39', 'E87', 'E93', 'E60', 'E77', 'E61', 'E72', 'E75', 'E50', 'E112', 'E34', 'E2', 'E51', 'E98', 'E4', 'E42', 'E101', 'E36', 'E17', 'E88', 'E7', 'E25', 'E5', 'E18', 'E84', 'E21', 'E49', 'E103', 'E97', 'E122', 'E71', 'E53', 'E54', 'E32', 'E67', 'E38', 'E22', 'E114', 'E92', 'E108', 'E121', 'E3', 'E14', 'E13', 'E64', 'E90', 'E20', 'E27', 'E107', 'E100', 'E119', 'E47', 'E110', 'E83', 'E40', 'E117', 'E48', 'E15', 'E30', 'E26', 'E55', 'E69', 'E79', 'E125', 'E76', 'E128', 'E41', 'E43', 'E74', 'E24', 'E45', 'E9', 'E73', 'E102', 'E29', 'E65', 'E63', 'E12', 'E82', 'E127', 'E56', 'E52', 'E91', 'E80', 'E95', 'E124', 'E58', 'E31', 'E106', 'E46', 'E78', 'E6', 'E115', 'E126', 'E89', 'E96', 'E123', 'E8', 'E66', 'E104', 'E10', 'E11', 'E118', 'E57', 'E120', 'E99', 'E116', 'E16', 'E94', 'E111', 'E105', 'E19', 'E35', 'E109', 'E1', 'E33', 'E68', 'E28', 'E59', 'E70', 'E113', 'E81', 'E23', 'E85', 'E62' ] prep = PrepPipeline(self.eeg, self.params["interpolation_params"], montage) prep = self.bad_chs = list( set(prep.still_noisy_channels) | set(prep.interpolated_channels) | set(prep.bad_before_interpolation)) self.automagic.update({"auto_bad_chans": self.bad_chs}) return self.bad_chs
def perform_prep(self): """ perform_prep Calls pyprep's PrepPipeline and detects bad channels in the data. Returns ------- bad_chs : List List of all the bad channel names """ self.automagic["prep"]["performed"] = True montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage( self.params["interpolation_params"]["montage"] ) prep = PrepPipeline(self.eeg, self.params["interpolation_params"], montage) prep = self.bad_chs = list( set(prep.still_noisy_channels) | set(prep.interpolated_channels) | set(prep.bad_before_interpolation) ) self.automagic.update({"auto_bad_chans": self.bad_chs}) return self.bad_chs
def test_prep_pipeline(raw, montage): """Test prep pipeline.""" eeg_index = mne.pick_types(, eeg=True, eog=False, meg=False) raw_copy = raw.copy() ch_names =["ch_names"] ch_names_eeg = list(np.asarray(ch_names)[eeg_index]) sample_rate =["sfreq"] prep_params = { "ref_chs": ch_names_eeg, "reref_chs": ch_names_eeg, "line_freqs": np.arange(60, sample_rate / 2, 60), } prep = PrepPipeline(raw_copy, prep_params, montage, random_state=42) EEG_raw = raw_copy.get_data(picks="eeg") * 1e6 EEG_raw_max = np.max(abs(EEG_raw), axis=None) EEG_raw_matlab = sio.loadmat("./examples/matlab_results/EEG_raw.mat") EEG_raw_matlab = EEG_raw_matlab["save_data"] EEG_raw_diff = EEG_raw - EEG_raw_matlab # EEG_raw_mse = (EEG_raw_diff / EEG_raw_max ** 2).mean(axis=None) fig, axs = plt.subplots(5, 3, sharex="all") plt.setp(fig, facecolor=[1, 1, 1]) fig.suptitle("Python versus Matlab PREP results", fontsize=16) im = axs[0, 0].imshow( EEG_raw / EEG_raw_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_raw.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[0, 0].set_title("Python", fontsize=14) axs[0, 1].imshow( EEG_raw_matlab / EEG_raw_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_raw_matlab.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[0, 1].set_title("Matlab", fontsize=14) axs[0, 2].imshow( EEG_raw_diff / EEG_raw_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_raw_diff.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[0, 2].set_title("Difference", fontsize=14) # axs[0, 0].set_title('Original EEG', loc='left', fontsize=14) # axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('Channel Number', fontsize=14) cb = fig.colorbar(im, ax=axs, fraction=0.05, pad=0.04) cb.set_label("\u03BCVolt", fontsize=14) EEG_new_matlab = sio.loadmat("./examples/matlab_results/EEGNew.mat") EEG_new_matlab = EEG_new_matlab["save_data"] EEG_new = prep.EEG_new EEG_new_max = np.max(abs(EEG_new), axis=None) EEG_new_diff = EEG_new - EEG_new_matlab # EEG_new_mse = ((EEG_new_diff / EEG_new_max) ** 2).mean(axis=None) axs[1, 0].imshow( EEG_new / EEG_new_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_new.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[1, 1].imshow( EEG_new_matlab / EEG_new_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_new_matlab.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[1, 2].imshow( EEG_new_diff / EEG_new_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_new_diff.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) # axs[1, 0].set_title('High pass filter', loc='left', fontsize=14) # axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('Channel Number', fontsize=14) EEG_clean_matlab = sio.loadmat("./examples/matlab_results/EEG.mat") EEG_clean_matlab = EEG_clean_matlab["save_data"] EEG_clean = prep.EEG EEG_max = np.max(abs(EEG_clean), axis=None) EEG_diff = EEG_clean - EEG_clean_matlab # EEG_mse = ((EEG_diff / EEG_max) ** 2).mean(axis=None) axs[2, 0].imshow( EEG_clean / EEG_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_clean.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[2, 1].imshow( EEG_clean_matlab / EEG_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_clean_matlab.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[2, 2].imshow( EEG_diff / EEG_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_diff.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) # axs[2, 0].set_title('Line-noise removal', loc='left', fontsize=14) axs[2, 0].set_ylabel("Channel Number", fontsize=14) EEG = prep.EEG_before_interpolation EEG_max = np.max(abs(EEG), axis=None) EEG_ref_mat = sio.loadmat("./examples/matlab_results/EEGref.mat") EEG_ref_matlab = EEG_ref_mat["save_EEG"] # reference_matlab = EEG_ref_mat["save_reference"] EEG_ref_diff = EEG - EEG_ref_matlab # EEG_ref_mse = ((EEG_ref_diff / EEG_max) ** 2).mean(axis=None) # reference_signal = prep.reference_before_interpolation # reference_max = np.max(abs(reference_signal), axis=None) # reference_diff = reference_signal - reference_matlab # reference_mse = ((reference_diff / reference_max) ** 2).mean(axis=None) axs[3, 0].imshow( EEG / EEG_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[3, 1].imshow( EEG_ref_matlab / EEG_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_ref_matlab.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[3, 2].imshow( EEG_ref_diff / EEG_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_ref_diff.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) # axs[3, 0].set_title('Referencing', loc='left', fontsize=14) # axs[3, 0].set_ylabel('Channel Number', fontsize=14) EEG_final = prep.raw.get_data() * 1e6 EEG_final_max = np.max(abs(EEG_final), axis=None) EEG_final_matlab = sio.loadmat("./examples/matlab_results/EEGinterp.mat") EEG_final_matlab = EEG_final_matlab["save_data"] EEG_final_diff = EEG_final - EEG_final_matlab # EEG_final_mse = ((EEG_final_diff / EEG_final_max) ** 2).mean(axis=None) axs[4, 0].imshow( EEG_final / EEG_final_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_final.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[4, 1].imshow( EEG_final_matlab / EEG_final_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_final_matlab.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) axs[4, 2].imshow( EEG_final_diff / EEG_final_max, aspect="auto", extent=[0, (EEG_final_diff.shape[1] / sample_rate), 63, 0], vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu"), ) # axs[4, 0].set_title('Interpolation', loc='left', fontsize=14) # axs[4, 0].set_ylabel('Channel Number', fontsize=14) axs[4, 1].set_xlabel("Time(s)", fontsize=14)
# -------------------------------- # # Notes: we keep all the default parameter settings as described in the PREP # paper except one, the fraction of bad time windows # (we change it from 0.01 to 0.1), because the EEG data is 60s long, which # means it gots only 60 time windows. We think the algorithm will be too # sensitive if using the default setting. # Fit prep prep_params = { "ref_chs": ch_names_eeg, "reref_chs": ch_names_eeg, "line_freqs": np.arange(60, sample_rate / 2, 60), } prep = PrepPipeline(raw_copy, prep_params, montage) ############################################################################### # Results # ------- # # You can check the detected bad channels in each step of PREP. print("Bad channels: {}".format(prep.interpolated_channels)) print("Bad channels original: {}".format( prep.noisy_channels_original["bad_all"])) print("Bad channels after interpolation: {}".format(prep.still_noisy_channels)) # Matlab's results # ---------------- # Bad channels: Fc5, Fc3, Fc1, C3, Cp3, Cp4, Af3, Afz, Af8, F7, F5, F6, F8,