def wait_object_destruction(self, my_object): loop = QEventLoop() name = my_object.objectName() my_object.destroyed.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() self.assertIsNone(find_window(name)) return None
def testInvalidAuthFileDownload(self): """ Download a protected map tile without authcfg """ qs = "?" + "&".join(["%s=%s" % i for i in list({ "MAP": urllib.parse.quote(self.project_path), "SERVICE": "WMS", "VERSION": "1.1.1", "REQUEST": "GetMap", "LAYERS": "testlayer_èé".replace('_', '%20'), "STYLES": "", "FORMAT": "image/png", "BBOX": "-16817707,-4710778,5696513,14587125", "HEIGHT": "500", "WIDTH": "500", "CRS": "EPSG:3857" }.items())]) url = '%s://%s:%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.hostname, self.port, qs) destination = tempfile.mktemp() loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(url), destination, None, False) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'completed')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'exited')) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'canceled')) downloader.downloadError.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'error')) downloader.downloadProgress.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'progress')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() self.assertTrue(self.error_was_called) self.assertTrue("Download failed: Host requires authentication" in str(self.error_args), "Error args is: %s" % str(self.error_args))
def run(self): """Run the query. @raise OverpassBadRequestException,NetWorkErrorException, OverpassTimeoutException @return: The result of the query. @rtype: str """ loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader( self._url, self.result_path, delayStart=True) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) downloader.downloadError.connect(self.error) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(self.canceled) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect(self.completed) downloader.startDownload() loop.exec_() file_obj =, 'r', 'utf-8'), 2) fsize = file_obj.tell() - 1024, 0), 0) lines = file_obj.readlines() file_obj.close() lines = lines[-10:] # Get last 10 lines timeout = '<remark> runtime error: Query timed out in "[a-z]+" ' \ 'at line [\d]+ after ([\d]+) seconds. </remark>' if, ''.join(lines)): raise OverpassTimeoutException else: return self.result_path
def __sync_request(self, url): _url = QUrl(url) _request = QNetworkRequest(_url) self.__replies.append(_request) QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().sslErrors.connect(self.__supress_ssl_errors) _reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().get(_request) # wait loop = QEventLoop() _reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() _reply.finished.disconnect(loop.quit) QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().sslErrors.disconnect(self.__supress_ssl_errors) loop = None error = _reply.error() if error != QNetworkReply.NoError: raise Exception(error) result_code = _reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) result = _reply.readAll() self.__replies.append(_reply) _reply.deleteLater() if result_code in [301, 302, 307]: redirect_url = _reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute) return self.__sync_request(redirect_url) else: return result
def testValidAuthFileDownload(self): """ Download a map tile with valid authcfg """ qs = "?" + "&".join([ "%s=%s" % i for i in list({ "MAP": urllib.parse.quote(self.project_path), "SERVICE": "WMS", "VERSION": "1.1.1", "REQUEST": "GetMap", "LAYERS": "testlayer_èé".replace('_', '%20'), "STYLES": "", "FORMAT": "image/png", "BBOX": "-16817707,-4710778,5696513,14587125", "HEIGHT": "500", "WIDTH": "500", "CRS": "EPSG:3857" }.items()) ]) url = '%s://%s:%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.hostname, self.port, qs) destination = tempfile.mktemp() loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(url), destination,, False) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect( partial(self._set_slot, 'completed')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'exited')) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'canceled')) downloader.downloadError.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'error')) downloader.downloadProgress.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'progress')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() # Check the we've got a likely PNG image self.assertTrue(self.completed_was_called) self.assertTrue( os.path.getsize(destination) > 2000, "Image size: %s" % os.path.getsize(destination)) # > 1MB with open(destination, 'rb') as f: self.assertTrue(b'PNG' in # is a PNG
def fetchFiles(self, urls): self.logT("TileLayer.fetchFiles() starts") # create a QEventLoop object that belongs to the current thread (if ver. > 2.1, it is render thread) eventLoop = QEventLoop() self.logT("Create event loop: " + str(eventLoop)) # DEBUG # QObject.connect(self, SIGNAL("allRepliesFinished()"), eventLoop.quit) self.allRepliesFinished.connect(eventLoop.quit) # create a timer to watch whether rendering is stopped watchTimer = QTimer() watchTimer.timeout.connect(eventLoop.quit) # send a fetch request to the main thread # self.emit(SIGNAL("fetchRequest(QStringList)"), urls) self.fetchRequest.emit(urls) # wait for the fetch to finish tick = 0 interval = 500 timeoutTick = self.downloadTimeout / interval watchTimer.start(interval) while tick < timeoutTick: # run event loop for 0.5 seconds at maximum eventLoop.exec_() if debug_mode: qDebug("watchTimerTick: %d" % tick) qDebug("unfinished downloads: %d" % self.downloader.unfinishedCount()) if self.downloader.unfinishedCount() == 0 or self.renderContext.renderingStopped(): break tick += 1 watchTimer.stop() if tick == timeoutTick and self.downloader.unfinishedCount() > 0: self.log("fetchFiles timeout") # self.emitShowBarMessage("fetchFiles timeout", duration=5) #DEBUG self.downloader.abort() self.downloader.errorStatus = Downloader.TIMEOUT_ERROR files = self.downloader.fetchedFiles watchTimer.timeout.disconnect(eventLoop.quit) # # QObject.disconnect(self, SIGNAL("allRepliesFinished()"), eventLoop.quit) self.allRepliesFinished.disconnect(eventLoop.quit) self.logT("TileLayer.fetchFiles() ends") return files
def __init__(self, worker_class, process_name, *args): self.exception = None self.success = None self.return_val = None self.worker = worker_class(*args) pause = QEventLoop() self.worker.finished.connect(pause.quit) self.worker.successfully_finished.connect(self.save_success) self.worker.error.connect(self.save_exception) start_worker(self.worker, iface, QApplication.translate("MISLAND", u'Processing: {}'.format(process_name))) pause.exec_() if self.exception: raise self.exception
def _download_qgis(packageUrl, handle): from qgis.core import QgsNetworkAccessManager request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(packageUrl)) reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().get(request) evloop = QEventLoop() reply.finished.connect(evloop.quit) evloop.exec_(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) content_type = reply.rawHeader('Content-Type') if bytearray(content_type) == bytearray('text/plain; charset=utf-8'): handle.write(bytearray(reply.readAll())) else: msg = 'Failed to download %s\n\nPlease check your QGIS network settings and authentication db' % ( packageUrl) ret_code = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if ret_code: msg += '\n\nThe HTTP status code was %d.' % (ret_code) raise Exception(msg)
def get_available_maps(maps_uri): """Fetch the list of available and QGIS supported maps from BCS endpoint, apparently this API method does not require auth""" # For testing purposes, we can also access to a json file directly if not maps_uri.startswith('http'): j = json.load(open(maps_uri)) else: t = mktemp() q = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(maps_uri), t) loop = QEventLoop() q.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() if not os.path.isfile(t): return [] with open(t) as f: j = json.load(f) os.unlink(t) return [l for l in j if layer_is_supported(l)]
def testInvalidAuthFileDownload(self): """ Download a protected map tile without authcfg """ qs = "?" + "&".join([ "%s=%s" % i for i in list({ "MAP": urllib.parse.quote(self.project_path), "SERVICE": "WMS", "VERSION": "1.1.1", "REQUEST": "GetMap", "LAYERS": "testlayer_èé".replace('_', '%20'), "STYLES": "", "FORMAT": "image/png", "BBOX": "-16817707,-4710778,5696513,14587125", "HEIGHT": "500", "WIDTH": "500", "CRS": "EPSG:3857" }.items()) ]) url = '%s://%s:%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.hostname, self.port, qs) destination = tempfile.mktemp() loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(url), destination, None, False) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect( partial(self._set_slot, 'completed')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'exited')) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'canceled')) downloader.downloadError.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'error')) downloader.downloadProgress.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'progress')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() self.assertTrue(self.error_was_called) self.assertTrue( "Download failed: Host requires authentication" in str(self.error_args), "Error args is: %s" % str(self.error_args))
def download_image(self, url): res = False img = None msg = {'text': '', 'level': Qgis.Warning} if url:, "Downloading file from {}".format(url)) msg_status_bar = "Downloading image from document repository (this might take a while)..." with ProcessWithStatus(msg_status_bar): if is_connected(TEST_SERVER): nam = QNetworkAccessManager() request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) reply = nam.get(request) loop = QEventLoop() reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() status = reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if status == 200: res = True img = reply.readAll() else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "There was a problem connecting to the server. The server might be down or the service cannot be reached at the given URL." ) else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "There was a problem connecting to Internet.") else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate("SettingsDialog", "Not valid URL") if not res: self.logger.log_message(__name__, msg['text'], msg['level']) return res, img
def process_put_call(self, url, data=None, report_url=True): """ Run a PUT request and return reply data :param url: url for request :param data: :param report_url: True if URL should be reported to feedback :return: response or error message in json format """ if self.connection.read_only: return { "error": { "msg": "Graphium connection is set to read-only!" } } url_query = QUrl(url) if report_url: self.report_info('PUT ' + url_query.toString()) data_byte_array = QJsonDocument.fromVariant(data) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) if self.connection.auth_cfg != '': self.auth = 0 config = QgsAuthMethodConfig() QgsApplication.authManager().loadAuthenticationConfig( self.connection.auth_cfg, config, True) concatenated = config.configMap( )['username'] + ":" + config.configMap()['password'] data = base64.encodebytes(concatenated.encode("utf-8")).replace( '\n'.encode("utf-8"), ''.encode("utf-8")) request.setRawHeader("Authorization".encode("utf-8"), ("Basic %s" % data).encode("utf-8")) request.setRawHeader("Accept".encode("utf-8"), "*/*".encode("utf-8")) loop = QEventLoop() # reply = self.network_access_manager.put(request, data_byte_array.toJson()) reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() return self.process_q_reply(reply)
def _sync_get(url): global __network_manager if __network_manager is None: __network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() __network_manager.setProxy(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().proxy()) pause = QEventLoop() req = QNetworkRequest(url) req.setRawHeader(b"Accept", b"application/xml") req.setRawHeader(b"Accept-Language", bytes(settings.value("default_language", "fr"), "utf8")) req.setRawHeader(b"User-Agent", bytes(settings.value('http_user_agent', plugin_name()), "utf8")) reply = __network_manager.get(req) reply.finished.connect(pause.quit) is_ok = [True] def onError(self): is_ok[0] = False pause.quit() reply.error.connect(onError) pause.exec_() return reply, is_ok[0]
def test_api_usage_async(self): """Test standard async API usage""" api = NzElectoralApi('http://localhost:%s' % self.port) nam = api.status() self.last_result = '' expected = { "version": self.API_VERSION, "gmsVersion": "LINZ_Output_20180108_2018_V1_00" } el = QEventLoop() def f(nam): """Wrapper""" self.last_result = api.parse_async(nam)['content'] nam.reply.finished.connect(partial(f, nam)) nam.reply.finished.connect(el.quit) el.exec_(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) self.assertEqual(self.last_result, expected)
def _sync_get(url): global __network_manager if __network_manager is None: __network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() __network_manager.setProxy(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().proxy()) pause = QEventLoop() req = QNetworkRequest(url) req.setRawHeader(b"Accept", b"application/xml") req.setRawHeader(b"Accept-Language", b"fr") reply = __network_manager.get(req) reply.finished.connect(pause.quit) is_ok = [True] def onError(self): is_ok[0] = False pause.quit() reply.error.connect(onError) pause.exec_() return reply, is_ok[0]
def run(self): """Run the query. @raise OverpassBadRequestException,NetWorkErrorException, OverpassTimeoutException @return: The result of the query. @rtype: str """ loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(self._url, self.result_path, delayStart=True) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) downloader.downloadError.connect(self.error) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(self.canceled) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect(self.completed) downloader.startDownload() loop.exec_() osm_file = QFileInfo(self.result_path) if not osm_file.exists() and not osm_file.isFile(): raise OverpassTimeoutException # The download is done, checking for not complete OSM file. # Overpass might aborted the request with HTTP 200. file_obj =, 'r', 'utf-8'), 2) fsize = file_obj.tell() - 1024, 0), 0) lines = file_obj.readlines() file_obj.close() lines = lines[-10:] # Get last 10 lines timeout = ( '<remark> runtime error: Query timed out in "[a-z]+" at line ' '[\d]+ after ([\d]+) seconds. </remark>') if, ''.join(lines)): raise OverpassTimeoutException # Everything went fine return self.result_path
def get_available_providers(providers_uri): """Fetch the list of available providers from BCS endpoint, apparently this API method does not require auth""" # For testing purposes, we can also access to a json file directly if not providers_uri.startswith('http'): try: j = json.load(open(providers_uri, encoding='utf-8')) except: j = json.load(open(providers_uri)) else: t = mktemp() q = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(providers_uri), t) loop = QEventLoop() q.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() if not os.path.isfile(t): return [] with open(t) as f: j = json.load(f) os.unlink(t) return j
class OpenlayersRenderer(QgsMapLayerRenderer): def __init__(self, layer, context, webPage, layerType): """ Initialize the object. This function is still run in the GUI thread. Should refrain from doing any heavy work. """ QgsMapLayerRenderer.__init__(self, self.context = context self.controller = OpenlayersController(None, context, webPage, layerType) self.loop = None def render(self): """ do the rendering. This function is called in the worker thread """ debug("[WORKER THREAD] Calling request() asynchronously", 3) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.controller, "request") # setup a timer that checks whether the rendering has not been stopped # in the meanwhile timer = QTimer() timer.setInterval(50) timer.timeout.connect(self.onTimeout) timer.start() debug("[WORKER THREAD] Waiting for the async request to complete", 3) self.loop = QEventLoop() self.controller.finished.connect(self.loop.exit) self.loop.exec_() debug("[WORKER THREAD] Async request finished", 3) painter = self.context.painter() painter.drawImage(0, 0, self.controller.img) return True def onTimeout(self): """ periodically check whether the rendering should not be stopped """ if self.context.renderingStopped(): debug("[WORKER THREAD] Cancelling rendering", 3) self.loop.exit()
def process_delete_call(self, url, report_url=True): """ Run a DELETE request and return reply data :param url: url for request :param report_url: True if URL should be reported to feedback :return: response or error message in json format """ if self.connection.read_only: return { "error": { "msg": "Graphium connection is set to read-only!" } } url_query = QUrl(url) if report_url: self.report_info('DELETE ' + url_query.toString()) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) if self.connection.auth_cfg != '': self.auth = 0 config = QgsAuthMethodConfig() QgsApplication.authManager().loadAuthenticationConfig( self.connection.auth_cfg, config, True) concatenated = config.configMap( )['username'] + ":" + config.configMap()['password'] data = base64.encodebytes(concatenated.encode("utf-8")).replace( '\n'.encode("utf-8"), ''.encode("utf-8")) request.setRawHeader("Authorization".encode("utf-8"), ("Basic %s" % data).encode("utf-8")) request.setRawHeader("Accept".encode("utf-8"), "*/*".encode("utf-8")) loop = QEventLoop() reply = self.network_access_manager.deleteResource(request) reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() return self.process_q_reply(reply)
def _make_download(self, url, destination, cancel=False): self.completed_was_called = False self.error_was_called = False self.canceled_was_called = False self.progress_was_called = False self.exited_was_called = False loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(url), destination) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'completed')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'exited')) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'canceled')) downloader.downloadError.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'error')) downloader.downloadProgress.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'progress')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) if cancel: downloader.downloadProgress.connect(downloader.cancelDownload) loop.exec_()
def run(self): """Run the query. @raise OverpassBadRequestException,NetWorkErrorException, OverpassTimeoutException @return: The result of the query. @rtype: str """ loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(self._url, self.result_path, delayStart=True) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) downloader.downloadError.connect(self.error) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(self.canceled) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect(self.completed) downloader.startDownload() loop.exec_() for message in self.errors: self.is_query_timed_out(message) self.is_bad_request(message) LOGGER.error(message) if len(self.errors): raise NetWorkErrorException('Overpass API', ', '.join(self.errors)) osm_file = QFileInfo(self.result_path) if not osm_file.exists() and not osm_file.isFile(): # Do not raise a QuickOSM exception here # It must be a bug from QuickOSM raise FileNotFoundError self.check_file(self.result_path) # Everything went fine return self.result_path
def testValidAuthFileDownload(self): """ Download a map tile with valid authcfg """ qs = "?" + "&".join(["%s=%s" % i for i in list({ "MAP": urllib.parse.quote(self.project_path), "SERVICE": "WMS", "VERSION": "1.1.1", "REQUEST": "GetMap", "LAYERS": "testlayer_èé".replace('_', '%20'), "STYLES": "", "FORMAT": "image/png", "BBOX": "-16817707,-4710778,5696513,14587125", "HEIGHT": "500", "WIDTH": "500", "CRS": "EPSG:3857" }.items())]) url = '%s://%s:%s/%s' % (self.protocol, self.hostname, self.port, qs) destination = tempfile.mktemp() loop = QEventLoop() downloader = QgsFileDownloader(QUrl(url), destination,, False) downloader.downloadCompleted.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'completed')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'exited')) downloader.downloadCanceled.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'canceled')) downloader.downloadError.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'error')) downloader.downloadProgress.connect(partial(self._set_slot, 'progress')) downloader.downloadExited.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() # Check the we've got a likely PNG image self.assertTrue(self.completed_was_called) self.assertTrue(os.path.getsize(destination) > 700000, "Image size: %s" % os.path.getsize(destination)) # > 1MB with open(destination, 'rb') as f: self.assertTrue(b'PNG' in # is a PNG
def loadModel(self): imd = None try: loader = ModelLoader(self.ui.mDataLineEdit.text()) models = loader.detect_models() model_names = map(lambda m:, models) self._log_output("Looking up models: " + ', '.join(model_names)) ili = loader.gen_lookup_ili() qDebug(ili) wpsreq = self._create_wps_request(ili) url = self.ui.mIlisMetaUrlLineEdit.text() req = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) req.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.ContentTypeHeader, 'application/xml') reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().post(req, wpsreq) # Wait for reply or timeout loop = QEventLoop() reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) QTimer.singleShot(15000, reply.abort) loop.exec_() if reply.isFinished() and reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: result = reply.readAll() imd = self._parse_wps_response(result) except: qDebug("Exception during IlisModel download") if imd is None: self._show_log_window() QgsApplication.messageLog().logMessage( "Couldn't download Ilismeta model", "Interlis", Qgis.MessageLevel(1)) self.ui.mModelLineEdit.setText("") else: fh, imdfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.imd') os.close(fh) with, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(imd) self.ui.mModelLineEdit.setText(imdfn)
def _sync_get(url): global __network_manager if __network_manager is None: __network_manager = QNetworkAccessManager() __network_manager.setProxy(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().proxy()) pause = QEventLoop() req = QNetworkRequest(url) req.setRawHeader(b"Accept", b"application/xml") req.setRawHeader(b"Accept-Language", bytes(settings.value("default_language", "fr"), "utf8")) req.setRawHeader( b"User-Agent", bytes(settings.value("http_user_agent", plugin_name()), "utf8")) reply = __network_manager.get(req) reply.finished.connect(pause.quit) is_ok = [True] def onError(self): is_ok[0] = False pause.quit() reply.error.connect(onError) pause.exec_() return reply, is_ok[0]
def testPythonCreateChildrenCalledFromCplusplus(self): """ test createChildren() method implemented in Python, called from C++ """ loop = QEventLoop() NUM_ITERS = 10 # set more to detect memory leaks for i in range(NUM_ITERS): tabSetDestroyedFlag = [False] item = PyQgsDataConnectionItem(None, "name", "", "my_provider") item.tabSetDestroyedFlag = tabSetDestroyedFlag # Causes PyQgsDataConnectionItem.createChildren() to be called item.populate() # wait for populate() to have done its job item.stateChanged.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() # Python object PyQgsLayerItem should still be alive self.assertFalse(tabSetDestroyedFlag[0]) children = item.children() self.assertEqual(len(children), 2) self.assertEqual(children[0].name(), "name") self.assertEqual(children[1].name(), "name2") del (children) # Delete the object and make sure all deferred deletions are processed item.destroyed.connect(loop.quit) item.deleteLater() loop.exec_() # Check that the PyQgsLayerItem Python object is now destroyed self.assertTrue(tabSetDestroyedFlag[0]) tabSetDestroyedFlag[0] = False
def is_source_service_valid(self): res = False msg = {'text': '', 'level': Qgis.Warning} url = self.txt_service_endpoint.text().strip() if url: with OverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor): self.qgis_utils.status_bar_message_emitted.emit( "Checking source service availability (this might take a while)...", 0) QCoreApplication.processEvents() if self.qgis_utils.is_connected(TEST_SERVER): nam = QNetworkAccessManager() request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) reply = nam.get(request) loop = QEventLoop() reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() allData = reply.readAll() response = QTextStream(allData, QIODevice.ReadOnly) status = reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if status == 200: try: data = json.loads(response.readAll()) if 'id' in data and data[ 'id'] == SOURCE_SERVICE_EXPECTED_ID: res = True msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "The tested service is valid to upload files!" ) msg['level'] = Qgis.Info else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "The tested upload service is not compatible: no valid 'id' found in response." ) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "Response from the tested service is not compatible: not valid JSON found." ) else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "There was a problem connecting to the server. The server might be down or the service cannot be reached at the given URL." ) else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "There was a problem connecting to Internet.") self.qgis_utils.clear_status_bar_emitted.emit() else: res = False msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SettingsDialog", "Not valid service URL to test!") return (res, msg)
class NetworkAccessManager(): """ This class mimicks httplib2 by using QgsNetworkAccessManager for all network calls. The return value is a tuple of (response, content), the first being and instance of the Response class, the second being a string that contains the response entity body. Parameters ---------- debug : bool verbose logging if True exception_class : Exception Custom exception class Usage ----- :: nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: (response, content) = nam.request('') except RequestsException, e: # Handle exception pass """ def __init__(self, authid=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, exception_class=None, debug=True): self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = disable_ssl_certificate_validation self.authid = authid self.reply = None self.debug = debug self.exception_class = exception_class self.cookie = None self.basicauth = None def setBasicauth(self, encodedString): self.basicauth = encodedString def setCookie(self, cookie): self.cookie = cookie def msg_log(self, msg): if self.debug: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, "NetworkAccessManager") def request(self, url, method="GET", body=None, headers=None, redirections=DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None): """ Make a network request by calling QgsNetworkAccessManager. redirections argument is ignored and is here only for httplib2 compatibility. """ self.msg_log(u'http_call request: {0}'.format(url)) self.http_call_result = Response({ 'status': 0, 'status_code': 0, 'status_message': '', 'text': '', 'ok': False, 'headers': {}, 'reason': '', 'exception': None, }) req = QNetworkRequest() # Avoid double quoting form QUrl if PYTHON_VERSION >= 3: url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) else: url = urllib2.unquote(url) req.setUrl(QUrl(url)) if self.cookie is not None: if headers is not None: headers['Cookie'] = self.cookie else: headers = {'Cookie': self.cookie} if self.basicauth is not None: if headers is not None: headers['Authorization'] = self.basicauth else: headers = {'Authorization': self.basicauth} if headers is not None: # This fixes a wierd error with compressed content not being correctly # inflated. # If you set the header on the QNetworkRequest you are basically telling # QNetworkAccessManager "I know what I'm doing, please don't do any content # encoding processing". # See: try: del headers['Accept-Encoding'] except KeyError: pass for k, v in headers.items(): if PYTHON_VERSION >= 3: if isinstance(k, str): k = k.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str): v = v.encode('utf-8') req.setRawHeader(k, v) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update request w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) QgsAuthManager.instance().updateNetworkRequest(req, self.authid) if self.reply is not None and self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() if method.lower() == 'delete': func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), 'deleteResource') else: func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), method.lower()) # Calling the server ... # Let's log the whole call for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Sending %s request to %s" % (method.upper(), req.url().toString())) headers = {str(h): str(req.rawHeader(h)) for h in req.rawHeaderList()} for k, v in headers.items(): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if method.lower() in ['post', 'put']: if PYTHON_VERSION >= 3: if isinstance(body, str): body = body.encode('utf-8') self.reply = func(req, body) else: self.reply = func(req) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update reply w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) QgsAuthManager.instance().updateNetworkReply( self.reply, self.authid) self.reply.sslErrors.connect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.connect(self.replyFinished) # Call and block self.el = QEventLoop() self.reply.finished.connect(self.el.quit) self.reply.downloadProgress.connect(self.downloadProgress) # Catch all exceptions (and clean up requests) try: self.el.exec_() # Let's log the whole response for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Got response %s %s from %s" % \ (self.http_call_result.status_code, self.http_call_result.status_message, self.reply.url().toString())) headers = { str(h): str(self.reply.rawHeader(h)) for h in self.reply.rawHeaderList() } for k, v in headers.items(): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if len(self.http_call_result.text) < 1024: self.msg_log("Payload :\n%s" % self.http_call_result.text) else: self.msg_log("Payload is > 1 KB ...") except Exception as e: raise e finally: if self.reply is not None: if self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() self.msg_log("Deleting reply ...") self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None else: self.msg_log("Reply was already deleted ...") if not self.http_call_result.ok: if self.http_call_result.exception and not self.exception_class: raise self.http_call_result.exception else: raise self.exception_class(self.http_call_result.reason) return (self.http_call_result, self.http_call_result.text) #@pyqtSlot() def downloadProgress(self, bytesReceived, bytesTotal): """Keep track of the download progress""" #self.msg_log("downloadProgress %s of %s ..." % (bytesReceived, bytesTotal)) pass #@pyqtSlot() def replyFinished(self): err = self.reply.error() httpStatus = self.reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) httpStatusMessage = self.reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) self.http_call_result.status_code = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status_message = httpStatusMessage for k, v in self.reply.rawHeaderPairs(): self.http_call_result.headers[str(k)] = str(v) self.http_call_result.headers[str(k).lower()] = str(v) if err != QNetworkReply.NoError: msg = "Network error #{0}: {1}".format(self.reply.error(), self.reply.errorString()) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.http_call_result.ok = False self.msg_log(msg) if err == QNetworkReply.TimeoutError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionTimeout(msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.ConnectionRefusedError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionConnectionError( msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) else: # since Python 3 readAll() returns a PyQt5.QByteArray, we # want only the data if PYTHON_VERSION >= 3: self.http_call_result.text = self.reply.readAll().data( ).decode('utf-8') else: self.http_call_result.text = str(self.reply.readAll()) self.http_call_result.ok = True self.reply.deleteLater() #@pyqtSlot() def sslErrors(self, reply, ssl_errors): """ Handle SSL errors, logging them if debug is on and ignoring them if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is set. """ if ssl_errors: for v in ssl_errors: self.msg_log("SSL Error: %s" % v) if self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation: reply.ignoreSslErrors()
def getVideoLocationInfo(videoPath, dataFile=False): """ Get basic location info about the video """ location = [] try: if dataFile == False: p = _spawn([ '-i', videoPath, '-ss', '00:00:00', '-to', '00:00:01', '-map', 'data-re', '-f', 'data', '-' ]) stdout_data, _ = p.communicate() ################ else: global listOfMetadata stdout_data = listOfMetadata[0] ################ if stdout_data == b'': return for packet in StreamParser(stdout_data): if isinstance(packet, UnknownElement): qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage( "Error interpreting klv data, metadata cannot be read.", "the parser did not recognize KLV data", level=QGis.Warning) continue packet.MetadataList() frameCenterLat = packet.FrameCenterLatitude frameCenterLon = packet.FrameCenterLongitude loc = "-" if Reverse_geocoding_url != "": try: url = QUrl( Reverse_geocoding_url.format(str(frameCenterLat), str(frameCenterLon))) request = QNetworkRequest(url) reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().get(request) loop = QEventLoop() reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() reply.finished.disconnect(loop.quit) loop = None result = reply.readAll() data = json.loads( if "village" in data["address"] and "state" in data[ "address"]: loc = data["address"]["village"] + \ ", " + data["address"]["state"] elif "town" in data["address"] and "state" in data[ "address"]: loc = data["address"]["town"] + \ ", " + data["address"]["state"] else: loc = data["display_name"] except Exception: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage( "", "getVideoLocationInfo: failed to get address from reverse geocoding service.", onlyLog=True) location = [frameCenterLat, frameCenterLon, loc] qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage( "", "Got Location: lon: " + str(frameCenterLon) + " lat: " + str(frameCenterLat) + " location: " + str(loc), onlyLog=True) break else: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage( QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvUtils", "This video doesn't have Metadata ! : ")) except Exception as e: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage( QCoreApplication.translate("QgsFmvUtils", "Video info callback failed! : "), str(e)) return location
class Nominatim(object): """Manage connexion to Nominatim.""" def __init__(self, url=""): """ Constructor @param url:URL of Nominatim @type url:str """ self.__url = url = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance() = None self.network_reply = None self.loop = None def query(self, query): """ Perform a nominatim query @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NetWorkErrorException @return: the result of the query @rtype: str """ url_query = QUrl(self.__url) # query = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(query) query_string = QUrlQuery() query_string.addQueryItem('q', query) query_string.addQueryItem('format', 'json') query_string.addQueryItem('info', 'QgisQuickOSMPlugin') url_query.setQuery(query_string) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) # request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "QuickOSM") self.network_reply = self.loop = QEventLoop() self.loop.exec_() if self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: return json.loads( else: raise NetWorkErrorException(suffix="Nominatim API") def _end_of_request(self): = self.network_reply.readAll().data().decode('utf-8') self.loop.quit() def get_first_polygon_from_query(self, query): """ Get first OSM_ID of a Nominatim area @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "relation": return result['osm_id'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException def get_first_point_from_query(self, query): """ Get first longitude, latitude of a Nominatim point @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "node": return result['lon'], result['lat'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException
from import net_handler from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QEventLoop from XYZHubConnector.xyz_qgis.models.connection import SpaceConnectionInfo conn_info = SpaceConnectionInfo() conn_info.set_(space_id="DicZ8XTR", token="AdOZrFlyIrXLzbAJeN5Lzts") # minimize total number of features # by generate tags for all levels # smallest step for coord currently is 1 (can be smaller) lst_tags = [format_tags(t, prefix="point") for t in precompute_tags()] # print(lst_tags) print("len tags", len(lst_tags)) tags_lst_obj = make_point_json(lst_tags) print("len set tags", len(set(lst_tags))) print("len tags_lst_obj", len(tags_lst_obj)) loop = QEventLoop() network = NetManager(app) total = sum(len(lst) for lst in tags_lst_obj.values()) print("total obj", total), loop.quit)) for i, (tags, lst_obj) in enumerate(tags_lst_obj.items()): # print(len(lst_obj[0]["features"]), tags) for obj in lst_obj: pass reply = network.add_features(conn_info, obj, tags=tags) loop.exec_()
class Downloader(QObject): NOT_FOUND = 0 NO_ERROR = 0 TIMEOUT_ERROR = 4 UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1 replyFinished = pyqtSignal(str, int, int) def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.queue = [] self.redirected_urls = {} self.requestingUrls = [] self.replies = [] self.eventLoop = QEventLoop() self.sync = False self.fetchedFiles = {} self.clearCounts() self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setSingleShot(True) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.fetchTimedOut) # network settings self.userAgent = "QuickMapServices tile layer (+" self.max_connection = 4 self.default_cache_expiration = 24 self.errorStatus = Downloader.NO_ERROR def clearCounts(self): self.fetchSuccesses = 0 self.fetchErrors = 0 self.cacheHits = 0 def fetchTimedOut(self): self.log("Downloader.timeOut()") self.abort() self.errorStatus = Downloader.TIMEOUT_ERROR def abort(self): # clear queue and abort sent requests self.queue = [] self.timer.stop() for reply in self.replies: reply.abort() self.errorStatus = Downloader.UNKNOWN_ERROR def replyFinishedSlot(self): reply = self.sender() url = reply.request().url().toString() self.log("replyFinishedSlot: %s" % url) if not url in self.fetchedFiles: self.fetchedFiles[url] = None self.requestingUrls.remove(url) self.replies.remove(reply) isFromCache = 0 httpStatusCode = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: if httpStatusCode == 301: new_url = str(reply.rawHeader("Location")) self.addToQueue(new_url, url) else: self.fetchSuccesses += 1 if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.SourceIsFromCacheAttribute): self.cacheHits += 1 isFromCache = 1 elif not reply.hasRawHeader("Cache-Control"): cache = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().cache() if cache: metadata = cache.metaData(reply.request().url()) # self.log("Expiration date: " + metadata.expirationDate().toString().encode("utf-8")) if metadata.expirationDate().isNull(): metadata.setExpirationDate( QDateTime.currentDateTime().addSecs(self.default_cache_expiration * 60 * 60)) cache.updateMetaData(metadata) self.log( "Default expiration date has been set: %s (%d h)" % (url, self.default_cache_expiration)) if reply.isReadable(): data = reply.readAll() if self.redirected_urls.has_key(url): url = self.redirected_urls[url] self.fetchedFiles[url] = data else: qDebug("http status code: " + str(httpStatusCode)) # self.emit(SIGNAL('replyFinished(QString, int, int)'), url, reply.error(), isFromCache) self.replyFinished.emit(url, reply.error(), isFromCache) else: if self.sync and httpStatusCode == 404: self.fetchedFiles[url] = self.NOT_FOUND self.fetchErrors += 1 if self.errorStatus == self.NO_ERROR: self.errorStatus = self.UNKNOWN_ERROR reply.deleteLater() if debug_mode: qDebug("queue: %d, requesting: %d" % (len(self.queue), len(self.requestingUrls))) if len(self.queue) + len(self.requestingUrls) == 0: # all replies have been received if self.sync: self.logT("eventLoop.quit()") self.eventLoop.quit() else: self.timer.stop() elif len(self.queue) > 0: # start fetching the next file self.fetchNext() self.log("replyFinishedSlot End: %s" % url) def fetchNext(self): if len(self.queue) == 0: return url = self.queue.pop(0) self.log("fetchNext: %s" % url) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", self.userAgent) reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().get(request) reply.finished.connect(self.replyFinishedSlot) self.requestingUrls.append(url) self.replies.append(reply) return reply def fetchFiles(self, urlList, timeout_ms=0): self.log("fetchFiles()") self.sync = True self.queue = [] self.redirected_urls = {} self.clearCounts() self.errorStatus = Downloader.NO_ERROR self.fetchedFiles = {} if len(urlList) == 0: return self.fetchedFiles for url in urlList: self.addToQueue(url) for i in range(self.max_connection): self.fetchNext() if timeout_ms > 0: self.timer.setInterval(timeout_ms) self.timer.start() self.logT("eventLoop.exec_(): " + str(self.eventLoop)) self.eventLoop.exec_() self.log("fetchFiles() End: %d" % self.errorStatus) if timeout_ms > 0: self.timer.stop() return self.fetchedFiles def addToQueue(self, url, redirected_from=None): if url in self.queue: return False self.queue.append(url) if redirected_from is not None: self.redirected_urls[url] = redirected_from return True def queueCount(self): return len(self.queue) def finishedCount(self): return len(self.fetchedFiles) def unfinishedCount(self): return len(self.queue) + len(self.requestingUrls) def log(self, msg): if debug_mode: qDebug(msg) def logT(self, msg): if debug_mode: qDebug("%s: %s" % (str(threading.current_thread()), msg)) def fetchFilesAsync(self, urlList, timeout_ms=0): self.log("fetchFilesAsync()") self.sync = False self.queue = [] self.clearCounts() self.errorStatus = Downloader.NO_ERROR self.fetchedFiles = {} if len(urlList) == 0: return self.fetchedFiles for url in urlList: self.addToQueue(url) for i in range(self.max_connection): self.fetchNext() if timeout_ms > 0: self.timer.setInterval(timeout_ms) self.timer.start()
class BaseTestAsync(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): = start_app() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass # # useless # stop_app() # NameError: name 'QGISAPP' is not defined # # crash when run unittest (all module) # del def setUp(self): if isinstance(super(), BaseTestAsync) and hasattr( super(), self._testMethodName): self.skipTest("duplicated test") # self.loop = self.loop = QEventLoop() self._output = list() self._idx = 0 self._lst_error = list() self.startTime = time.time() self._log_debug("Test start. ###################") def tearDown(self): self._stop_async() # useless ? self._log_debug("Test ended. ################### \n") self._log_info("%s: %.3fs" % (self._id(), time.time() - self.startTime)) def _add_output(self, output): self._output.append(output) def output(self, idx=None): if idx is None: idx = self._idx self._idx = min(idx + 1, len(self._output)) return self._output[idx] if idx < len(self._output) else None def _stop_async(self): self.loop.quit() self._log_debug("Stop Async. ###################") def _handle_error(self, e): pretty_print_error(e) self._stop_async() self._lst_error.append(e) # raise ErrorDuringTest(e) def _process_async(self): self.loop.processEvents() def _wait_async(self): t0 = time.time() self.loop.exec_() self._log_info("%s: wait_async end: %.3fs" % (self._id(), time.time() - t0)) if self._lst_error: raise AllErrorsDuringTest(self._lst_error) def _make_async_fun(self, fun): return AsyncFun(fun) def _log_error(self, *a, **kw): print(*a, file=sys.stderr, **kw) def _log_info(self, *a, **kw): log_truncate(*a, **kw) def _log_debug(self, *a, **kw): fn_name = "{}:".format(self._id()) # fn_name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name log_truncate(fn_name, *a, **kw) def _id(self): return if self._subtest else def assertMultiInput(self, expected, lst_input, msg="multi input"): for i, actual in enumerate(lst_input): self.assertEqual(expected, actual, "{} [{}]".format(msg, i)) #unused def assertPairEqual(self, *a): pairs = [a[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(a), 2)] return self.assertEqual(*zip(*pairs))
class NetworkAccessManager(object): """ This class mimicks httplib2 by using QgsNetworkAccessManager for all network calls. The return value is a tuple of (response, content), the first being and instance of the Response class, the second being a string that contains the response entity body. Parameters ---------- debug : bool verbose logging if True exception_class : Exception Custom exception class Usage 1 (blocking mode) ----- :: nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: (response, content) = nam.request('') except RequestsException as e: # Handle exception pass Usage 2 (Non blocking mode) ------------------------- :: NOTE! if blocking mode returns immediatly it's up to the caller to manage listeners in case of non blocking mode nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: nam.request('', blocking=False) nam.reply.finished.connect(a_signal_listener) except RequestsException as e: # Handle exception pass Get response using method: nam.httpResult() that return a dictionary with keys: 'status' - http code result come from reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) 'status_code' - http code result come from reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) 'status_message' - reply message string from reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) 'content' - bytearray returned from reply 'ok' - request success [True, False] 'headers' - Dicionary containing the reply header 'reason' - fomatted message string with reply.errorString() 'exception' - the exception returne dduring execution """ def __init__(self, authid=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, exception_class=None, debug=False): self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = disable_ssl_certificate_validation self.authid = authid self.reply = None self.debug = debug self.exception_class = exception_class self.on_abort = False self.blocking_mode = False self.http_call_result = Response({ 'status': 0, 'status_code': 0, 'status_message': '', 'content' : '', 'ok': False, 'headers': {}, 'reason': '', 'exception': None, }) def msg_log(self, msg): if self.debug: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, "NetworkAccessManager") def httpResult(self): return self.http_call_result def request(self, url, method="GET", body=None, headers=None, redirections=DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None, blocking=True): """ Make a network request by calling QgsNetworkAccessManager. redirections argument is ignored and is here only for httplib2 compatibility. """ self.msg_log(u'http_call request: {0}'.format(url)) self.blocking_mode = blocking req = QNetworkRequest() # Avoid double quoting form QUrl url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) req.setUrl(QUrl(url)) if headers is not None: # This fixes a wierd error with compressed content not being correctly # inflated. # If you set the header on the QNetworkRequest you are basically telling # QNetworkAccessManager "I know what I'm doing, please don't do any content # encoding processing". # See: try: del headers['Accept-Encoding'] except KeyError: pass for k, v in list(headers.items()): self.msg_log("Setting header %s to %s" % (k, v)) req.setRawHeader(k, v) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update request w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) QgsAuthManager.instance().updateNetworkRequest(req, self.authid) if self.reply is not None and self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() if method.lower() == 'delete': func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), 'deleteResource') else: func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), method.lower()) # Calling the server ... # Let's log the whole call for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Sending %s request to %s" % (method.upper(), req.url().toString())) self.on_abort = False headers = {str(h): str(req.rawHeader(h)) for h in req.rawHeaderList()} for k, v in list(headers.items()): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if method.lower() in ['post', 'put']: if isinstance(body, file): body = self.reply = func(req, body) else: self.reply = func(req) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update reply w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) QgsAuthManager.instance().updateNetworkReply(self.reply, self.authid) # necessary to trap local timout manage by QgsNetworkAccessManager # calling QgsNetworkAccessManager::abortRequest QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().requestTimedOut.connect(self.requestTimedOut) self.reply.sslErrors.connect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.connect(self.replyFinished) self.reply.downloadProgress.connect(self.downloadProgress) # block if blocking mode otherwise return immediatly # it's up to the caller to manage listeners in case of no blocking mode if not self.blocking_mode: return (None, None) # Call and block self.el = QEventLoop() self.reply.finished.connect(self.el.quit) # Catch all exceptions (and clean up requests) try: self.el.exec_(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) except Exception as e: raise e if self.reply: self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.el.quit) # emit exception in case of error if not self.http_call_result.ok: if self.http_call_result.exception and not self.exception_class: raise self.http_call_result.exception else: raise self.exception_class(self.http_call_result.reason) return (self.http_call_result, self.http_call_result.content) #@pyqtSlot() def downloadProgress(self, bytesReceived, bytesTotal): """Keep track of the download progress""" #self.msg_log("downloadProgress %s of %s ..." % (bytesReceived, bytesTotal)) pass #@pyqtSlot(QNetworkReply) def requestTimedOut(self, QNetworkReply): """Trap the timeout. In Async mode requestTimedOut is called after replyFinished""" # adapt http_call_result basing on receiving qgs timer timout signal self.exception_class = RequestsExceptionTimeout self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionTimeout("Timeout error") #@pyqtSlot(QObject) def replyFinished(self): err = self.reply.error() httpStatus = self.reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) httpStatusMessage = self.reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) self.http_call_result.status_code = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status_message = httpStatusMessage for k, v in self.reply.rawHeaderPairs(): self.http_call_result.headers[str(k)] = str(v) self.http_call_result.headers[str(k).lower()] = str(v) if err != QNetworkReply.NoError: # handle error # check if errorString is empty, if so, then set err string as # reply dump if re.match('(.)*server replied: $', self.reply.errorString()): errString = self.reply.errorString() + self.http_call_result.content else: errString = self.reply.errorString() # check if self.http_call_result.status_code is available (client abort # does not produce http.status_code) if self.http_call_result.status_code: msg = "Network error #{0}: {1}".format( self.http_call_result.status_code, errString) else: msg = "Network error: {0}".format(errString) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.http_call_result.ok = False self.msg_log(msg) # set return exception if err == QNetworkReply.TimeoutError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionTimeout(msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.ConnectionRefusedError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionConnectionError(msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.OperationCanceledError: # request abort by calling NAM.abort() => cancelled by the user if self.on_abort: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionUserAbort(msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) # overload exception to the custom exception if available if self.exception_class: self.http_call_result.exception = self.exception_class(msg) else: # Handle redirections redirectionUrl = self.reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute) if redirectionUrl is not None and redirectionUrl != self.reply.url(): if redirectionUrl.isRelative(): redirectionUrl = self.reply.url().resolved(redirectionUrl) msg = "Redirected from '{}' to '{}'".format( self.reply.url().toString(), redirectionUrl.toString()) self.msg_log(msg) self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None self.request(redirectionUrl.toString()) # really end request else: msg = "Network success #{0}".format(self.reply.error()) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.msg_log(msg) ba = self.reply.readAll() self.http_call_result.content = bytes(ba) self.http_call_result.ok = True # Let's log the whole response for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Got response %s %s from %s" % \ (self.http_call_result.status_code, self.http_call_result.status_message, self.reply.url().toString())) for k, v in list(self.http_call_result.headers.items()): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if len(self.http_call_result.content) < 1024: self.msg_log("Payload :\n%s" % self.http_call_result.content) else: self.msg_log("Payload is > 1 KB ...") # clean reply if self.reply is not None: if self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() self.msg_log("Deleting reply ...") # Disconnect all slots self.reply.sslErrors.disconnect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.replyFinished) self.reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self.downloadProgress) self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None else: self.msg_log("Reply was already deleted ...") #@pyqtSlot() def sslErrors(self, ssl_errors): """ Handle SSL errors, logging them if debug is on and ignoring them if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is set. """ if ssl_errors: for v in ssl_errors: self.msg_log("SSL Error: %s" % v.errorString()) if self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation: self.reply.ignoreSslErrors() #@pyqtSlot() def abort(self): """ Handle request to cancel HTTP call """ if (self.reply and self.reply.isRunning()): self.on_abort = True self.reply.abort()
def importgeopkg(self, layer, branch, message, authorName, authorEmail, interchange): QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) filename, layername = namesFromLayer(layer) r = requests.get(self.url + "beginTransaction", params={"output_format": "json"}) r.raise_for_status() transactionId = r.json()["response"]["Transaction"]["ID"] self._checkoutbranch(branch, transactionId) payload = { "authorEmail": authorEmail, "authorName": authorName, "message": message, 'destPath': layername, "format": "gpkg", "transactionId": transactionId } # fix_print_with_import if interchange: payload["interchange"] = True filename = self.saveaudittables(filename, layername) files = { 'fileUpload': (os.path.basename(filename), open(filename, 'rb')) } encoder = MultipartEncoder(files) total = float(encoder.len) def callback(m): done = int(100 * m.bytes_read / total) iface.mainWindow().statusBar().showMessage( "Transferring geopkg to GeoGig server [{}%]".format(done)) monitor = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, callback) r = + "import.json", params=payload, data=monitor, headers={'Content-Type': monitor.content_type}) self.__log(r.url, r.text, payload, "POST") r.raise_for_status() resp = r.json() taskId = resp["task"]["id"] checker = TaskChecker(self.rootUrl, taskId) loop = QEventLoop() checker.taskIsFinished.connect(loop.exit, Qt.QueuedConnection) checker.start() loop.exec_(flags=QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() iface.mainWindow().statusBar().showMessage("") if not checker.ok and "error" in checker.response["task"]: errorMessage = checker.response["task"]["error"]["message"] raise GeoGigException("Cannot import layer: %s" % errorMessage) if interchange: try: nconflicts = checker.response["task"]["result"]["Merge"][ "conflicts"] except KeyError, e: nconflicts = 0 if nconflicts: mergeCommitId = self.HEAD importCommitId = checker.response["task"]["result"]["import"][ "importCommit"]["id"] ancestor = checker.response["task"]["result"]["Merge"][ "ancestor"] remote = checker.response["task"]["result"]["Merge"]["ours"] try: featureIds = checker.response["task"]["result"]["import"][ "NewFeatures"]["type"][0].get("ids", []) except: featureIds = [] con = sqlite3.connect(filename) cursor = con.cursor() geomField = cursor.execute( "SELECT column_name FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE table_name='%s';" % layername).fetchone()[0] def _local(fid): cursor.execute( "SELECT gpkg_fid FROM %s_fids WHERE geogig_fid='%s';" % (layername, fid)) gpkgfid = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) request = QgsFeatureRequest() request.setFilterFid(gpkgfid) try: feature = next(layer.getFeatures(request)) except: return None def _ensureNone(v): if v == NULL: return None else: return v local = { _ensureNone(feature[]) for f in layer.pendingFields() } try: local[geomField] = feature.geometry().exportToWkt() except: local[geomField] = None return local conflicts = [] conflictsResponse = _ensurelist( checker.response["task"]["result"]["Merge"]["Feature"]) for c in conflictsResponse: if c["change"] == "CONFLICT": remoteFeatureId = c["ourvalue"] localFeatureId = c["theirvalue"] localFeature = _local(c["id"].split("/")[-1]) conflicts.append( ConflictDiff(self, c["id"], ancestor, remote, importCommitId, localFeature, localFeatureId, remoteFeatureId, transactionId)) cursor.close() con.close() else: #self._checkoutbranch("master", transactionId) self.closeTransaction(transactionId) mergeCommitId = checker.response["task"]["result"][ "newCommit"]["id"] importCommitId = checker.response["task"]["result"][ "importCommit"]["id"] try: featureIds = checker.response["task"]["result"][ "NewFeatures"]["type"][0].get("id", []) except: featureIds = [] conflicts = [] featureIds = [(f["provided"], f["assigned"]) for f in featureIds] return mergeCommitId, importCommitId, conflicts, featureIds
class ConnexionOAPI(object): """ Manage connexion to the overpass API """ def __init__(self, url="", output=None): """ Constructor @param url:URL of OverPass @type url:str @param output:Output desired (XML or JSON) @type output:str """ if not url: url = "" self.__url = url self.result_path = None if output not in (None, "json", "xml"): raise OutPutFormatException self.__output = output = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance() self.network_reply = None self.loop = None def query(self, query): """ Make a query to the overpass @param query:Query to execute @type query:str @raise OverpassBadRequestException,NetWorkErrorException, OverpassTimeoutException @return: the result of the query @rtype: str """ url_query = QUrl(self.__url + 'interpreter') # The output format can be forced (JSON or XML) if self.__output: query = re.sub(r'output="[a-z]*"', 'output="' + self.__output + '"', query) query = re.sub(r'\[out:[a-z]*', '[out:' + self.__output, query) # noinspection PyCallByClass # encoded_query = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(query) query_string = QUrlQuery() query_string.addQueryItem('data', query) query_string.addQueryItem('info', 'QgisQuickOSMPlugin') url_query.setQuery(query_string) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) # request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "QuickOSM") self.network_reply = self.loop = QEventLoop() self.loop.exec_() if self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: file_obj =, 'r', 'utf-8'), 2) fsize = file_obj.tell() - 1024, 0), 0) lines = file_obj.readlines() lines = lines[-10:] # Get last 10 lines timeout = '<remark> runtime error: Query timed out in "[a-z]+" ' \ 'at line [\d]+ after ([\d]+) seconds. </remark>' if, ''.join(lines)): raise OverpassTimeoutException else: return self.result_path elif self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.UnknownContentError: raise OverpassBadRequestException else: raise NetWorkErrorException(suffix="Overpass OSM API") def _end_of_request(self): tf = QTemporaryFile(os.path.join(QDir.tempPath(), 'request-XXXXXX.osm')) tf.setAutoRemove(False) | QIODevice.Text) tf.write(self.network_reply.readAll().simplified()) tf.close() self.result_path = tf.fileName() self.loop.quit()
class AsyncNetworkAccessManager(object): """ This class is an Async version of NetworkAccessManager trying to mimicks QgsNetworkAccessManager insteqad of blocking httplib2. The main reason of using AsyncNetworkAccessManager respect QgsNetworkAccessManager is that this class manage AuthId in the constructor and offer wrapper for updateNetworkReply used to update SSH reply basing on authid stored credentials in QGIS AuthDB This class mimicks httplib2 by using QgsNetworkAccessManager for all network calls. The return value is a tuple of (response, content), the first being and instance of the Response class, the second being a string that contains the response entity body. Parameters ---------- debug : bool verbose logging if True exception_class : Exception Custom exception class Usage 1 (bloking mode) ---------------------- :: nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: (response, content) = nam.request('') except RequestsException, e: # Handle exception pass Usage 2 (No bloking mode) ------------------------- :: nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: nam.request('', blocking=False) nam.reply.finished.connect(a_signal_listener) except RequestsException, e: # Handle exception pass """ def __init__(self, authid=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, exception_class=None, debug=True): self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = disable_ssl_certificate_validation self.authid = authid self.reply = None self.debug = debug self.onAbort = False self.blockingMode = False self.exception_class = exception_class self.http_call_result = Response({ 'status': 0, 'status_code': 0, 'status_message': '', 'text' : '', 'ok': False, 'headers': {}, 'reason': '', 'exception': None, }) def msg_log(self, msg): if self.debug: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, "AsyncNetworkAccessManager") def httpResult(self): return self.http_call_result def request(self, url, method="GET", body=None, headers=None, redirections=DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None, blocking=True): """ Make a network request by calling QgsNetworkAccessManager. redirections argument is ignored and is here only for httplib2 compatibility. """ self.msg_log(u'http_call request: {0}'.format(url)) self.blockingMode = blocking req = QNetworkRequest() # Avoid double quoting form QUrl url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) req.setUrl(QUrl(url)) if headers is not None: # This fixes a wierd error with compressed content not being correctly # inflated. # If you set the header on the QNetworkRequest you are basically telling # QNetworkAccessManager "I know what I'm doing, please don't do any content # encoding processing". # See: try: del headers['Accept-Encoding'] except KeyError: pass for k, v in list(headers.items()): self.msg_log("Setting header %s to %s" % (k, v)) req.setRawHeader(k, v) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update request w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) QgsAuthManager.instance().updateNetworkRequest(req, self.authid) if self.reply is not None and self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() if method.lower() == 'delete': func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), 'deleteResource') else: func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), method.lower()) # Calling the server ... # Let's log the whole call for debugging purposes: self.onAbort = False self.msg_log("Sending %s request to %s" % (method.upper(), req.url().toString())) headers = {str(h): str(req.rawHeader(h)) for h in req.rawHeaderList()} for k, v in list(headers.items()): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if method.lower() in ['post', 'put']: if isinstance(body, file): body = self.reply = func(req, body) else: self.reply = func(req) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update reply w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) QgsAuthManager.instance().updateNetworkReply(self.reply, self.authid) self.reply.sslErrors.connect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.connect(self.replyFinished) # Call self.reply.downloadProgress.connect(self.downloadProgress) # block if blocking mode otherwise return immediately # it's up to the caller to manage listeners in case of no blocking mode if not self.blockingMode: return (None, None) self.el = QEventLoop() self.reply.finished.connect(self.el.quit) # Catch all exceptions (and clean up requests) try: self.el.exec_(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) except Exception as e: raise e finally: if self.reply is not None: if self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() self.msg_log("Deleting reply ...") # Disconnect all slots self.reply.sslErrors.disconnect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.replyFinished) self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.el.quit) self.reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self.downloadProgress) self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None else: self.msg_log("Reply was already deleted ...") if not self.http_call_result.ok: if self.http_call_result.exception and not self.exception_class: raise self.http_call_result.exception else: raise self.exception_class(self.http_call_result.reason) return (self.http_call_result, self.http_call_result.text) @pyqtSlot() def downloadProgress(self, bytesReceived, bytesTotal): """Keep track of the download progress""" self.msg_log("downloadProgress %s of %s ..." % (bytesReceived, bytesTotal)) @pyqtSlot() def replyFinished(self): err = self.reply.error() httpStatus = self.reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) httpStatusMessage = self.reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) self.http_call_result.status_code = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status_message = httpStatusMessage # get result ba = self.reply.readAll() self.http_call_result.text = bytes(ba) # dump header for k, v in self.reply.rawHeaderPairs(): self.http_call_result.headers[str(k)] = str(v) self.http_call_result.headers[str(k).lower()] = str(v) if err != QNetworkReply.NoError: # check if errorString is empty, if so, then set err string as # reply dump if re.match('(.)*server replied: $', self.reply.errorString()): errString = self.reply.errorString() + self.http_call_result.text else: errString = self.reply.errorString() msg = "Network error #{0}: {1}".format( self.http_call_result.status_code, errString) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.http_call_result.ok = False self.msg_log(msg) if err == QNetworkReply.TimeoutError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionTimeout(msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.ConnectionRefusedError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionConnectionError(msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.OperationCanceledError: # request abort by calling ANAM.abort() => cancelling by the user if self.onAbort: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionUserAbort(msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) else: msg = "Network success #{0}".format(self.reply.error()) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.msg_log(msg) self.http_call_result.ok = True # Let's log the whole response for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Got response %s %s from %s" % \ (self.http_call_result.status_code, self.http_call_result.status_message, self.reply.url().toString())) for k, v in list(self.http_call_result.headers.items()): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if len(self.http_call_result.text) < 1024: self.msg_log("Payload :\n%s" % self.http_call_result.text) else: self.msg_log("Payload is > 1 KB ...") @pyqtSlot() def sslErrors(self, reply, ssl_errors): """ Handle SSL errors, logging them if debug is on and ignoring them if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is set. """ if ssl_errors: for v in ssl_errors: self.msg_log("SSL Error: %s" % v) if self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation: reply.ignoreSslErrors() @pyqtSlot() def abort(self): """ Handle request to cancel HTTP call """ if (self.reply and self.reply.isRunning()): self.onAbort = True self.reply.abort()
class TestPyQgsWFSProviderGUI(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Run before all tests""" QCoreApplication.setOrganizationName("QGIS_Test") QCoreApplication.setOrganizationDomain("") QCoreApplication.setApplicationName("QGIS_TestPyQgsWFSProviderGUI") QSettings().clear() start_app() cls.basetestpath = tempfile.mkdtemp().replace('\\', '/') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Run after all tests""" QSettings().clear() if cls.basetestpath is not None: shutil.rmtree(cls.basetestpath, True) def get_button(self, main_dialog, text): buttonBox = main_dialog.findChild(QDialogButtonBox, "buttonBox") self.assertIsNotNone(buttonBox) button = None for button in buttonBox.buttons(): if str(button.text()) == text: return button self.assertIsNotNone(None) return None def get_button_add(self, main_dialog): return self.get_button(main_dialog, "&Add") def get_button_build_query(self, main_dialog): return self.get_button(main_dialog, "&Build query") def wait_object_destruction(self, my_object): loop = QEventLoop() name = my_object.objectName() my_object.destroyed.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() self.assertIsNone(find_window(name)) return None def test(self): # This test is quite fragile as it depends on windows manager behaviour # regarding focus, so not surprising it doesn't pass # on other platforms than Linux. #if 'TRAVIS_OS_NAME' in os.environ and os.environ['TRAVIS_OS_NAME'] == 'osx': # return main_dialog = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().selectWidget("WFS") main_dialog.setProperty("hideDialogs", True) self.assertIsNotNone(main_dialog) # Create new connection btnNew = main_dialog.findChild(QWidget, "btnNew") self.assertIsNotNone(btnNew) QTest.mouseClick(btnNew, Qt.LeftButton) new_conn = find_window('QgsNewHttpConnectionBase') self.assertIsNotNone(new_conn) txtName = new_conn.findChild(QLineEdit, "txtName") self.assertIsNotNone(txtName) txtName.setText("test_connection") txtUrl = new_conn.findChild(QLineEdit, "txtUrl") self.assertIsNotNone(txtUrl) txtUrl.setText("test_url") new_conn.accept() # Wait for object to be destroyed new_conn = self.wait_object_destruction(new_conn) # Try to connect btnConnect = main_dialog.findChild(QWidget, "btnConnect") self.assertIsNotNone(btnConnect) QTest.mouseClick(btnConnect, Qt.LeftButton) # Depends on asynchronous signal QApplication.processEvents() error_box = find_window('WFSCapabilitiesErrorBox') self.assertIsNotNone(error_box) # Close error box error_box.accept() # Wait for object to be destroyed error_box = self.wait_object_destruction(error_box) # Edit connection btnEdit = main_dialog.findChild(QWidget, "btnEdit") self.assertIsNotNone(btnEdit) QTest.mouseClick(btnEdit, Qt.LeftButton) new_conn = find_window('QgsNewHttpConnectionBase',) self.assertIsNotNone(new_conn) txtName = new_conn.findChild(QLineEdit, "txtName") self.assertIsNotNone(txtName) txtName.setText("test_connection") txtUrl = new_conn.findChild(QLineEdit, "txtUrl") self.assertIsNotNone(txtUrl) endpoint = self.basetestpath + '/fake_qgis_http_endpoint' expected_endpoint = endpoint if sys.platform == 'win32' and expected_endpoint[1] == ':': expected_endpoint = expected_endpoint[0] + expected_endpoint[2:] with open(sanitize(endpoint, '?SERVICE=WFS?REQUEST=GetCapabilities?ACCEPTVERSIONS=2.0.0,1.1.0,1.0.0'), 'wb') as f: f.write(""" <wfs:WFS_Capabilities version="2.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:wfs="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:fes=""> <FeatureTypeList> <FeatureType> <Name>my:typename</Name> <Title>Title</Title> <Abstract>Abstract</Abstract> <DefaultCRS>urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326</DefaultCRS> <ows:WGS84BoundingBox> <ows:LowerCorner>-71.123 66.33</ows:LowerCorner> <ows:UpperCorner>-65.32 78.3</ows:UpperCorner> </ows:WGS84BoundingBox> </FeatureType> </FeatureTypeList> <fes:Filter_Capabilities> <fes:Spatial_Capabilities> <fes:GeometryOperands> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:Envelope"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:Point"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:MultiPoint"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:LineString"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:MultiLineString"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:Polygon"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:MultiPolygon"/> <fes:GeometryOperand name="gml:MultiGeometry"/> </fes:GeometryOperands> <fes:SpatialOperators> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Disjoint"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Equals"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="DWithin"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Beyond"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Intersects"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Touches"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Crosses"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Within"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Contains"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="Overlaps"/> <fes:SpatialOperator name="BBOX"/> </fes:SpatialOperators> </fes:Spatial_Capabilities> <fes:Functions> <fes:Function name="abs"> <fes:Returns>xs:int</fes:Returns> <fes:Arguments> <fes:Argument name="param"> <fes:Type>xs:int</fes:Type> </fes:Argument> </fes:Arguments> </fes:Function> </fes:Functions> </fes:Filter_Capabilities> </wfs:WFS_Capabilities>""".encode('UTF-8')) txtUrl.setText("http://" + endpoint) new_conn.accept() # Wait for object to be destroyed new_conn = self.wait_object_destruction(new_conn) # Try to connect btnConnect = main_dialog.findChild(QWidget, "btnConnect") self.assertIsNotNone(btnConnect) QTest.mouseClick(btnConnect, Qt.LeftButton) # We need to show (and raise for Mac) the dialog so that the focus changes self.loop = QEventLoop() treeView = main_dialog.findChild(QTreeView, "treeView") treeView.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect(main_dialog.hide) treeView.selectionModel().currentRowChanged.connect(self.loop.quit) main_dialog.raise_() self.loop.exec_() # Add layer buttonAdd = self.get_button_add(main_dialog) self.assertTrue(buttonAdd.isEnabled()) self.addWfsLayer_uri = None self.addWfsLayer_layer_name = None main_dialog.addWfsLayer.connect(self.slotAddWfsLayer) QTest.mouseClick(buttonAdd, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(self.addWfsLayer_uri, ' retrictToRequestBBOX=\'1\' srsname=\'EPSG:4326\' typename=\'my:typename\' url=\'' + "http://" + expected_endpoint + '\' version=\'auto\' table="" sql=') self.assertEqual(self.addWfsLayer_layer_name, 'my:typename') # Click on Build Query buttonBuildQuery = self.get_button_build_query(main_dialog) self.assertTrue(buttonBuildQuery.isEnabled()) QTest.mouseClick(buttonBuildQuery, Qt.LeftButton) error_box = find_window('WFSFeatureTypeErrorBox') self.assertIsNotNone(error_box) # Close error box error_box.accept() # Wait for object to be destroyed error_box = self.wait_object_destruction(error_box) # Click again but with valid DescribeFeatureType with open(sanitize(endpoint, '?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&VERSION=2.0.0&TYPENAME=my:typename'), 'wb') as f: f.write(""" <xsd:schema xmlns:my="http://my" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsd="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://my"> <xsd:import namespace=""/> <xsd:complexType name="typenameType"> <xsd:complexContent> <xsd:extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="intfield" nillable="true" type="xsd:int"/> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="geometryProperty" nillable="true" type="gml:PolygonPropertyType"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:extension> </xsd:complexContent> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:element name="typename" substitutionGroup="gml:_Feature" type="my:typenameType"/> </xsd:schema> """.encode('UTF-8')) QTest.mouseClick(buttonBuildQuery, Qt.LeftButton) # Check that the combos are properly initialized dialog = find_window('QgsSQLComposerDialogBase') self.assertIsNotNone(dialog) mTablesCombo = dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "mTablesCombo") self.assertIsNotNone(mTablesCombo) self.assertEqual(mTablesCombo.itemText(1), 'typename (Title)') mColumnsCombo = dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "mColumnsCombo") self.assertIsNotNone(mColumnsCombo) self.assertEqual(mColumnsCombo.itemText(1), 'intfield (int)') self.assertEqual(mColumnsCombo.itemText(mColumnsCombo.count() - 2), 'geometryProperty (geometry)') self.assertEqual(mColumnsCombo.itemText(mColumnsCombo.count() - 1), '*') mFunctionsCombo = dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "mFunctionsCombo") self.assertIsNotNone(mFunctionsCombo) self.assertEqual(mFunctionsCombo.itemText(1), 'abs(param: int): int') mSpatialPredicatesCombo = dialog.findChild(QComboBox, "mSpatialPredicatesCombo") self.assertIsNotNone(mSpatialPredicatesCombo) self.assertEqual(mSpatialPredicatesCombo.itemText(1), 'ST_Disjoint(geometry, geometry): boolean') mWhereEditor = dialog.findChild(QTextEdit, "mWhereEditor") self.assertIsNotNone(mWhereEditor) mWhereEditor.setText('1 = 1') dialog.accept() # Wait for object to be destroyed dialog = self.wait_object_destruction(dialog) # Add layer buttonAdd = self.get_button_add(main_dialog) self.assertTrue(buttonAdd.isEnabled()) self.addWfsLayer_uri = None self.addWfsLayer_layer_name = None main_dialog.addWfsLayer.connect(self.slotAddWfsLayer) QTest.mouseClick(buttonAdd, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertEqual(self.addWfsLayer_uri, ' retrictToRequestBBOX=\'1\' srsname=\'EPSG:4326\' typename=\'my:typename\' url=\'' + "http://" + expected_endpoint + '\' version=\'auto\' table="" sql=SELECT * FROM typename WHERE 1 = 1') self.assertEqual(self.addWfsLayer_layer_name, 'my:typename') #main_dialog.setProperty("hideDialogs", None) #main_dialog.exec_() def slotAddWfsLayer(self, uri, layer_name): self.addWfsLayer_uri = uri self.addWfsLayer_layer_name = layer_name
class Nominatim: """Manage connexion to Nominatim.""" def __init__(self, url=""): """ Constructor @param url:URL of Nominatim @type url:str """ self.__url = url = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance() = None self.network_reply = None self.loop = None def query(self, query): """ Perform a nominatim query @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NetWorkErrorException @return: the result of the query @rtype: str """ url_query = QUrl(self.__url) # query = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(query) query_string = QUrlQuery() query_string.addQueryItem('q', query) query_string.addQueryItem('format', 'json') query_string.addQueryItem('info', 'QgisQuickOSMPlugin') url_query.setQuery(query_string) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) # request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "QuickOSM") self.network_reply = self.loop = QEventLoop() self.loop.exec_() if self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: return json.loads( else: raise NetWorkErrorException(suffix="Nominatim API") def _end_of_request(self): = self.network_reply.readAll().data().decode('utf-8') self.loop.quit() def get_first_polygon_from_query(self, query): """ Get first OSM_ID of a Nominatim area @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "relation": return result['osm_id'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException def get_first_point_from_query(self, query): """ Get first longitude, latitude of a Nominatim point @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "node": return result['lon'], result['lat'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException
class NetworkAccessManager(object): """ This class mimicks httplib2 by using QgsNetworkAccessManager for all network calls. The return value is a tuple of (response, content), the first being and instance of the Response class, the second being a string that contains the response entity body. Parameters ---------- debug : bool verbose logging if True exception_class : Exception Custom exception class Usage 1 (blocking mode) ----- :: nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: (response, content) = nam.request('') except RequestsException as e: # Handle exception pass Usage 2 (Non blocking mode) ------------------------- :: NOTE! if blocking mode returns immediatly it's up to the caller to manage listeners in case of non blocking mode nam = NetworkAccessManager(authcgf) try: nam.request('', blocking=False) nam.reply.finished.connect(a_signal_listener) except RequestsException as e: # Handle exception pass Get response using method: nam.httpResult() that return a dictionary with keys: 'status' - http code result come from reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) 'status_code' - http code result come from reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) 'status_message' - reply message string from reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) 'content' - bytearray returned from reply 'ok' - request success [True, False] 'headers' - Dicionary containing the reply header 'reason' - fomatted message string with reply.errorString() 'exception' - the exception returne dduring execution """ def __init__(self, authid=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False, exception_class=None, debug=True, timeout=None): self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = disable_ssl_certificate_validation self.authid = authid self.reply = None self.debug = debug self.exception_class = exception_class self.on_abort = False self.blocking_mode = False self.http_call_result = Response({ 'status': 0, 'status_code': 0, 'status_message': '', 'content': '', 'ok': False, 'headers': {}, 'reason': '', 'exception': None, }) if timeout is None: timeout = 60 self.timeout = timeout def msg_log(self, msg): if self.debug: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, "NetworkAccessManager") def httpResult(self): return self.http_call_result def auth_manager(self): return QgsApplication.authManager() def request(self, url, method="GET", body=None, headers=None, redirections=DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None, blocking=True): """ Make a network request by calling QgsNetworkAccessManager. redirections argument is ignored and is here only for httplib2 compatibility. """ self.msg_log(u'http_call request: {0}'.format(url)) self.blocking_mode = blocking req = QNetworkRequest() # Avoid double quoting form QUrl url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) req.setUrl(QUrl(url)) if headers is not None: # This fixes a wierd error with compressed content not being correctly # inflated. # If you set the header on the QNetworkRequest you are basically telling # QNetworkAccessManager "I know what I'm doing, please don't do any content # encoding processing". # See: try: del headers['Accept-Encoding'] except KeyError: pass for k, v in list(headers.items()): self.msg_log("Setting header %s to %s" % (k, v)) if k and v: req.setRawHeader(k.encode(), v.encode()) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update request w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) self.auth_manager().updateNetworkRequest(req, self.authid) if self.reply is not None and self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() if method.lower() == 'delete': func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), 'deleteResource') else: func = getattr(QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance(), method.lower()) # Calling the server ... # Let's log the whole call for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Sending %s request to %s" % (method.upper(), req.url().toString())) self.on_abort = False headers = {str(h): str(req.rawHeader(h)) for h in req.rawHeaderList()} for k, v in list(headers.items()): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if method.lower() in ['post', 'put']: if isinstance(body, io.IOBase): body = if isinstance(body, str): body = body.encode() if isinstance(body, dict): body = str(json.dumps(body)).encode(encoding='utf-8') self.reply = func(req, body) else: self.reply = func(req) if self.authid: self.msg_log("Update reply w/ authid: {0}".format(self.authid)) self.auth_manager().updateNetworkReply(self.reply, self.authid) QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().setTimeout(int(self.timeout) * 1000) # necessary to trap local timeout manage by QgsNetworkAccessManager # calling QgsNetworkAccessManager::abortRequest QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().requestTimedOut.connect( self.requestTimedOut) self.reply.sslErrors.connect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.connect(self.replyFinished) self.reply.downloadProgress.connect(self.downloadProgress) # block if blocking mode otherwise return immediatly # it's up to the caller to manage listeners in case of no blocking mode if not self.blocking_mode: return (None, None) # Call and block self.el = QEventLoop() self.reply.finished.connect(self.el.quit) # Catch all exceptions (and clean up requests) try: self.el.exec_(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) except Exception as e: raise e if self.reply: self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.el.quit) # emit exception in case of error if not self.http_call_result.ok: if self.http_call_result.exception and not self.exception_class: raise self.http_call_result.exception else: raise self.exception_class(self.http_call_result.reason) return (self.http_call_result, self.http_call_result.content) def downloadProgress(self, bytesReceived, bytesTotal): """Keep track of the download progress""" #self.msg_log("downloadProgress %s of %s ..." % (bytesReceived, bytesTotal)) pass def requestTimedOut(self, reply): """Trap the timeout. In Async mode requestTimedOut is called after replyFinished""" # adapt http_call_result basing on receiving qgs timer timout signal self.exception_class = RequestsExceptionTimeout self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionTimeout( "Timeout error") def replyFinished(self): err = self.reply.error() httpStatus = self.reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) httpStatusMessage = self.reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpReasonPhraseAttribute) self.http_call_result.status_code = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status = httpStatus self.http_call_result.status_message = httpStatusMessage for k, v in self.reply.rawHeaderPairs(): self.http_call_result.headers[str(, encoding='utf-8')] = str(, encoding='utf-8') self.http_call_result.headers[str(, encoding='utf-8').lower()] = str(, encoding='utf-8') if err != QNetworkReply.NoError: # handle error # check if errorString is empty, if so, then set err string as # reply dump if re.match('(.)*server replied: $', self.reply.errorString()): errString = self.reply.errorString( ) + self.http_call_result.content else: errString = self.reply.errorString() # check if self.http_call_result.status_code is available (client abort # does not produce http.status_code) if self.http_call_result.status_code: msg = "Network error #{0}: {1}".format( self.http_call_result.status_code, errString) else: msg = "Network error: {0}".format(errString) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.http_call_result.text = str(self.reply.readAll().data(), encoding='utf-8') self.http_call_result.ok = False self.msg_log(msg) # set return exception if err == QNetworkReply.TimeoutError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionTimeout(msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.ConnectionRefusedError: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionConnectionError( msg) elif err == QNetworkReply.OperationCanceledError: # request abort by calling NAM.abort() => cancelled by the user if self.on_abort: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsExceptionUserAbort( msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) else: self.http_call_result.exception = RequestsException(msg) # overload exception to the custom exception if available if self.exception_class: self.http_call_result.exception = self.exception_class(msg) else: # Handle redirections redirectionUrl = self.reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute) if redirectionUrl is not None and redirectionUrl != self.reply.url( ): if redirectionUrl.isRelative(): redirectionUrl = self.reply.url().resolved(redirectionUrl) msg = "Redirected from '{}' to '{}'".format( self.reply.url().toString(), redirectionUrl.toString()) self.msg_log(msg) self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None self.request(redirectionUrl.toString()) # really end request else: msg = "Network success #{0}".format(self.reply.error()) self.http_call_result.reason = msg self.msg_log(msg) ba = self.reply.readAll() self.http_call_result.content = bytes(ba) self.http_call_result.text = str(, encoding='utf-8') self.http_call_result.ok = True # Let's log the whole response for debugging purposes: self.msg_log("Got response %s %s from %s" % \ (self.http_call_result.status_code, self.http_call_result.status_message, self.reply.url().toString())) for k, v in list(self.http_call_result.headers.items()): self.msg_log("%s: %s" % (k, v)) if len(self.http_call_result.content) < 1024: self.msg_log("Payload :\n%s" % self.http_call_result.text) else: self.msg_log("Payload is > 1 KB ...") # clean reply if self.reply is not None: if self.reply.isRunning(): self.reply.close() self.msg_log("Deleting reply ...") # Disconnect all slots self.reply.sslErrors.disconnect(self.sslErrors) self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.replyFinished) self.reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self.downloadProgress) self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None else: self.msg_log("Reply was already deleted ...") def sslErrors(self, ssl_errors): """ Handle SSL errors, logging them if debug is on and ignoring them if disable_ssl_certificate_validation is set. """ if ssl_errors: for v in ssl_errors: self.msg_log("SSL Error: %s" % v.errorString()) if self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation: self.reply.ignoreSslErrors() def abort(self): """ Handle request to cancel HTTP call """ if (self.reply and self.reply.isRunning()): self.on_abort = True self.reply.abort()
def upload_files(self, layer, field_index, features): """ Upload given features' source files to remote server and return a dict formatted as changeAttributeValues expects to update 'datos' attribute to a remote location. """ if not QSettings().value( 'Asistente-LADM_COL/sources/document_repository', False, bool): self.message_with_duration_emitted.emit( QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "The source files were not uploaded to the document repository because you have that option unchecked. You can still upload the source files later using the 'Upload Pending Source Files' menu." ), Qgis.Info, 10) return dict() # Test if we have Internet connection and a valid service dlg = self.qgis_utils.get_settings_dialog() res, msg = dlg.is_source_service_valid() if not res: msg['text'] = QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "No file could be uploaded to the document repository. You can do it later from the 'Upload Pending Source Files' menu. Reason: {}" ).format(msg['text']) self.message_with_duration_emitted.emit( msg['text'], Qgis.Info, 20) # The data is still saved, so always show Info msg return dict() file_features = [ feature for feature in features if not feature[field_index] == NULL and os.path.isfile(feature[field_index]) ] total = len(features) not_found = total - len(file_features) upload_dialog = UploadProgressDialog(len(file_features), not_found) count = 0 upload_errors = 0 new_values = dict() for feature in file_features: data_url = feature[field_index] file_name = os.path.basename(data_url) nam = QNetworkAccessManager() #reply.downloadProgress.connect(upload_dialog.update_current_progress) multiPart = QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart.FormDataType) textPart = QHttpPart() textPart.setHeader(QNetworkRequest.ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"driver\"")) textPart.setBody(QByteArray().append('Local')) filePart = QHttpPart() filePart.setHeader( QNetworkRequest.ContentDispositionHeader, QVariant("form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"{}\"".format( file_name))) file = QFile(data_url) filePart.setBodyDevice(file) file.setParent( multiPart ) # we cannot delete the file now, so delete it with the multiPart multiPart.append(filePart) multiPart.append(textPart) service_url = '/'.join([ QSettings().value( 'Asistente-LADM_COL/sources/service_endpoint', DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_SOURCE_SERVICE), SOURCE_SERVICE_UPLOAD_SUFFIX ]) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(service_url)) reply =, multiPart) #reply.uploadProgress.connect(upload_dialog.update_current_progress) reply.error.connect(self.error_returned) multiPart.setParent(reply) # We'll block execution until we get response from the server loop = QEventLoop() reply.finished.connect(loop.quit) loop.exec_() response = reply.readAll() data = QTextStream(response, QIODevice.ReadOnly) content = data.readAll() if content is None: self.log.logMessage( "There was an error uploading file '{}'".format(data_url), PLUGIN_NAME, Qgis.Critical) upload_errors += 1 continue try: response = json.loads(content) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: self.log.logMessage( "Couldn't parse JSON response from server for file '{}'!!!" .format(data_url), PLUGIN_NAME, Qgis.Critical) upload_errors += 1 continue if 'error' in response: self.log.logMessage( "STATUS: {}. ERROR: {} MESSAGE: {} FILE: {}".format( response['status'], response['error'], response['message'], data_url), PLUGIN_NAME, Qgis.Critical) upload_errors += 1 continue reply.deleteLater() if 'url' not in response: self.log.logMessage( "'url' attribute not found in JSON response for file '{}'!" .format(data_url), PLUGIN_NAME, Qgis.Critical) upload_errors += 1 continue url = self.get_file_url(response['url']) new_values[] = {field_index: url} count += 1 upload_dialog.update_total_progress(count) if not_found > 0: self.message_with_duration_emitted.emit( QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "{} out of {} records {} not uploaded to the document repository because {} file path is NULL or it couldn't be found in the local disk!" ).format( not_found, total, QCoreApplication.translate("SourceHandler", "was") if not_found == 1 else QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "were"), QCoreApplication.translate("SourceHandler", "its") if not_found == 1 else QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "their")), Qgis.Info, 0) if len(new_values): self.message_with_duration_emitted.emit( QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "{} out of {} files {} uploaded to the document repository and {} remote location stored in the database!" ).format( len(new_values), total, QCoreApplication.translate("SourceHandler", "was") if len(new_values) == 1 else QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "were"), QCoreApplication.translate("SourceHandler", "its") if len(new_values) == 1 else QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "their")), Qgis.Info, 0) if upload_errors: self.message_with_duration_emitted.emit( QCoreApplication.translate( "SourceHandler", "{} out of {} files could not be uploaded to the document repository because of upload errors! See log for details." ).format(upload_errors, total), Qgis.Info, 0) return new_values