def update_referecedata_cache_model(self, filter_models, type): # updates the model and waits for the end loop = QEventLoop() self.ilireferencedatacache.model_refreshed.connect(lambda: loop.quit()) timer = QTimer() timer.setSingleShot(True) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: loop.quit()) timer.start(10000) self.refresh_referencedata_cache(filter_models, type) loop.exec() return self.ilireferencedatacache.model
def _run(self): loop = QEventLoop() for session_widget in self.session_widget_list: session_widget.on_done_or_skipped.connect(lambda: loop.quit()) # fall in a loop on fail untill the user skipped it or it has been successful if not loop.exec()
def get_topping_file_model(self, id_list): topping_file_cache = IliToppingFileCache( self.import_schema_configuration.base_configuration, id_list) # we wait for the download or we timeout after 30 seconds and we apply what we have loop = QEventLoop() topping_file_cache.download_finished.connect(lambda: loop.quit()) timer = QTimer() timer.setSingleShot(True) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: loop.quit()) timer.start(30000) topping_file_cache.refresh() self.log_panel.print_info("- - Downloading…"), LogColor.COLOR_TOPPING) if len(topping_file_cache.downloaded_files) != len(id_list): loop.exec() if len(topping_file_cache.downloaded_files) == len(id_list): self.log_panel.print_info("- - All topping files successfully downloaded"), LogColor.COLOR_TOPPING, ) else: missing_file_ids = id_list for downloaded_file_id in topping_file_cache.downloaded_files: if downloaded_file_id in missing_file_ids: missing_file_ids.remove(downloaded_file_id) self.log_panel.print_info( self. tr("- - Some topping files where not successfully downloaded: {}" ).format(" ".join(missing_file_ids)), LogColor.COLOR_TOPPING, ) return topping_file_cache.model
class Downloader(QObject): NOT_FOUND = 0 NO_ERROR = 0 TIMEOUT_ERROR = 4 UNKNOWN_ERROR = -1 replyFinished = pyqtSignal(str, int, int) def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.queue = [] self.redirected_urls = {} self.requestingUrls = [] self.replies = [] self.eventLoop = QEventLoop() self.sync = False self.fetchedFiles = {} self.clearCounts() self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setSingleShot(True) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.fetchTimedOut) # network settings self.userAgent = "QuickMapServices tile layer (+" self.max_connection = 4 self.default_cache_expiration = 24 self.errorStatus = Downloader.NO_ERROR def clearCounts(self): self.fetchSuccesses = 0 self.fetchErrors = 0 self.cacheHits = 0 def fetchTimedOut(self): self.log("Downloader.timeOut()") self.abort() self.errorStatus = Downloader.TIMEOUT_ERROR def abort(self): # clear queue and abort sent requests self.queue = [] self.timer.stop() for reply in self.replies: reply.abort() self.errorStatus = Downloader.UNKNOWN_ERROR def replyFinishedSlot(self): reply = self.sender() url = reply.request().url().toString() self.log("replyFinishedSlot: %s" % url) if not url in self.fetchedFiles: self.fetchedFiles[url] = None self.requestingUrls.remove(url) self.replies.remove(reply) isFromCache = 0 httpStatusCode = reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: if httpStatusCode == 301: new_url = str(reply.rawHeader("Location")) self.addToQueue(new_url, url) else: self.fetchSuccesses += 1 if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.SourceIsFromCacheAttribute): self.cacheHits += 1 isFromCache = 1 elif not reply.hasRawHeader("Cache-Control"): cache = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().cache() if cache: metadata = cache.metaData(reply.request().url()) # self.log("Expiration date: " + metadata.expirationDate().toString().encode("utf-8")) if metadata.expirationDate().isNull(): metadata.setExpirationDate( QDateTime.currentDateTime().addSecs(self.default_cache_expiration * 60 * 60)) cache.updateMetaData(metadata) self.log( "Default expiration date has been set: %s (%d h)" % (url, self.default_cache_expiration)) if reply.isReadable(): data = reply.readAll() if self.redirected_urls.has_key(url): url = self.redirected_urls[url] self.fetchedFiles[url] = data else: qDebug("http status code: " + str(httpStatusCode)) # self.emit(SIGNAL('replyFinished(QString, int, int)'), url, reply.error(), isFromCache) self.replyFinished.emit(url, reply.error(), isFromCache) else: if self.sync and httpStatusCode == 404: self.fetchedFiles[url] = self.NOT_FOUND self.fetchErrors += 1 if self.errorStatus == self.NO_ERROR: self.errorStatus = self.UNKNOWN_ERROR reply.deleteLater() if debug_mode: qDebug("queue: %d, requesting: %d" % (len(self.queue), len(self.requestingUrls))) if len(self.queue) + len(self.requestingUrls) == 0: # all replies have been received if self.sync: self.logT("eventLoop.quit()") self.eventLoop.quit() else: self.timer.stop() elif len(self.queue) > 0: # start fetching the next file self.fetchNext() self.log("replyFinishedSlot End: %s" % url) def fetchNext(self): if len(self.queue) == 0: return url = self.queue.pop(0) self.log("fetchNext: %s" % url) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", self.userAgent) reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().get(request) reply.finished.connect(self.replyFinishedSlot) self.requestingUrls.append(url) self.replies.append(reply) return reply def fetchFiles(self, urlList, timeout_ms=0): self.log("fetchFiles()") self.sync = True self.queue = [] self.redirected_urls = {} self.clearCounts() self.errorStatus = Downloader.NO_ERROR self.fetchedFiles = {} if len(urlList) == 0: return self.fetchedFiles for url in urlList: self.addToQueue(url) for i in range(self.max_connection): self.fetchNext() if timeout_ms > 0: self.timer.setInterval(timeout_ms) self.timer.start() self.logT("eventLoop.exec_(): " + str(self.eventLoop)) self.eventLoop.exec_() self.log("fetchFiles() End: %d" % self.errorStatus) if timeout_ms > 0: self.timer.stop() return self.fetchedFiles def addToQueue(self, url, redirected_from=None): if url in self.queue: return False self.queue.append(url) if redirected_from is not None: self.redirected_urls[url] = redirected_from return True def queueCount(self): return len(self.queue) def finishedCount(self): return len(self.fetchedFiles) def unfinishedCount(self): return len(self.queue) + len(self.requestingUrls) def log(self, msg): if debug_mode: qDebug(msg) def logT(self, msg): if debug_mode: qDebug("%s: %s" % (str(threading.current_thread()), msg)) def fetchFilesAsync(self, urlList, timeout_ms=0): self.log("fetchFilesAsync()") self.sync = False self.queue = [] self.clearCounts() self.errorStatus = Downloader.NO_ERROR self.fetchedFiles = {} if len(urlList) == 0: return self.fetchedFiles for url in urlList: self.addToQueue(url) for i in range(self.max_connection): self.fetchNext() if timeout_ms > 0: self.timer.setInterval(timeout_ms) self.timer.start()
class ConnexionOAPI(object): """ Manage connexion to the overpass API """ def __init__(self, url="", output=None): """ Constructor @param url:URL of OverPass @type url:str @param output:Output desired (XML or JSON) @type output:str """ if not url: url = "" self.__url = url self.result_path = None if output not in (None, "json", "xml"): raise OutPutFormatException self.__output = output = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance() self.network_reply = None self.loop = None def query(self, query): """ Make a query to the overpass @param query:Query to execute @type query:str @raise OverpassBadRequestException,NetWorkErrorException, OverpassTimeoutException @return: the result of the query @rtype: str """ url_query = QUrl(self.__url + 'interpreter') # The output format can be forced (JSON or XML) if self.__output: query = re.sub(r'output="[a-z]*"', 'output="' + self.__output + '"', query) query = re.sub(r'\[out:[a-z]*', '[out:' + self.__output, query) # noinspection PyCallByClass # encoded_query = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(query) query_string = QUrlQuery() query_string.addQueryItem('data', query) query_string.addQueryItem('info', 'QgisQuickOSMPlugin') url_query.setQuery(query_string) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) # request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "QuickOSM") self.network_reply = self.loop = QEventLoop() self.loop.exec_() if self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: file_obj =, 'r', 'utf-8'), 2) fsize = file_obj.tell() - 1024, 0), 0) lines = file_obj.readlines() lines = lines[-10:] # Get last 10 lines timeout = '<remark> runtime error: Query timed out in "[a-z]+" ' \ 'at line [\d]+ after ([\d]+) seconds. </remark>' if, ''.join(lines)): raise OverpassTimeoutException else: return self.result_path elif self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.UnknownContentError: raise OverpassBadRequestException else: raise NetWorkErrorException(suffix="Overpass OSM API") def _end_of_request(self): tf = QTemporaryFile(os.path.join(QDir.tempPath(), 'request-XXXXXX.osm')) tf.setAutoRemove(False) | QIODevice.Text) tf.write(self.network_reply.readAll().simplified()) tf.close() self.result_path = tf.fileName() self.loop.quit()
class BaseTestAsync(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): = start_app() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass # # useless # stop_app() # NameError: name 'QGISAPP' is not defined # # crash when run unittest (all module) # del def setUp(self): if isinstance(super(), BaseTestAsync) and hasattr( super(), self._testMethodName): self.skipTest("duplicated test") # self.loop = self.loop = QEventLoop() self._output = list() self._idx = 0 self._lst_error = list() self.startTime = time.time() self._log_debug("Test start. ###################") def tearDown(self): self._stop_async() # useless ? self._log_debug("Test ended. ################### \n") self._log_info("%s: %.3fs" % (self._id(), time.time() - self.startTime)) def _add_output(self, output): self._output.append(output) def output(self, idx=None): if idx is None: idx = self._idx self._idx = min(idx + 1, len(self._output)) return self._output[idx] if idx < len(self._output) else None def _stop_async(self): self.loop.quit() self._log_debug("Stop Async. ###################") def _handle_error(self, e): pretty_print_error(e) self._stop_async() self._lst_error.append(e) # raise ErrorDuringTest(e) def _process_async(self): self.loop.processEvents() def _wait_async(self): t0 = time.time() self.loop.exec_() self._log_info("%s: wait_async end: %.3fs" % (self._id(), time.time() - t0)) if self._lst_error: raise AllErrorsDuringTest(self._lst_error) def _make_async_fun(self, fun): return AsyncFun(fun) def _log_error(self, *a, **kw): print(*a, file=sys.stderr, **kw) def _log_info(self, *a, **kw): log_truncate(*a, **kw) def _log_debug(self, *a, **kw): fn_name = "{}:".format(self._id()) # fn_name = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name log_truncate(fn_name, *a, **kw) def _id(self): return if self._subtest else def assertMultiInput(self, expected, lst_input, msg="multi input"): for i, actual in enumerate(lst_input): self.assertEqual(expected, actual, "{} [{}]".format(msg, i)) #unused def assertPairEqual(self, *a): pairs = [a[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(a), 2)] return self.assertEqual(*zip(*pairs))
class Nominatim: """Manage connexion to Nominatim.""" def __init__(self, url=""): """ Constructor @param url:URL of Nominatim @type url:str """ self.__url = url = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance() = None self.network_reply = None self.loop = None def query(self, query): """ Perform a nominatim query @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NetWorkErrorException @return: the result of the query @rtype: str """ url_query = QUrl(self.__url) # query = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(query) query_string = QUrlQuery() query_string.addQueryItem('q', query) query_string.addQueryItem('format', 'json') query_string.addQueryItem('info', 'QgisQuickOSMPlugin') url_query.setQuery(query_string) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) # request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "QuickOSM") self.network_reply = self.loop = QEventLoop() self.loop.exec_() if self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: return json.loads( else: raise NetWorkErrorException(suffix="Nominatim API") def _end_of_request(self): = self.network_reply.readAll().data().decode('utf-8') self.loop.quit() def get_first_polygon_from_query(self, query): """ Get first OSM_ID of a Nominatim area @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "relation": return result['osm_id'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException def get_first_point_from_query(self, query): """ Get first longitude, latitude of a Nominatim point @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "node": return result['lon'], result['lat'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException
class Nominatim(object): """Manage connexion to Nominatim.""" def __init__(self, url=""): """ Constructor @param url:URL of Nominatim @type url:str """ self.__url = url = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance() = None self.network_reply = None self.loop = None def query(self, query): """ Perform a nominatim query @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NetWorkErrorException @return: the result of the query @rtype: str """ url_query = QUrl(self.__url) # query = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(query) query_string = QUrlQuery() query_string.addQueryItem('q', query) query_string.addQueryItem('format', 'json') query_string.addQueryItem('info', 'QgisQuickOSMPlugin') url_query.setQuery(query_string) request = QNetworkRequest(url_query) # request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "QuickOSM") self.network_reply = self.loop = QEventLoop() self.loop.exec_() if self.network_reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: return json.loads( else: raise NetWorkErrorException(suffix="Nominatim API") def _end_of_request(self): = self.network_reply.readAll().data().decode('utf-8') self.loop.quit() def get_first_polygon_from_query(self, query): """ Get first OSM_ID of a Nominatim area @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "relation": return result['osm_id'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException def get_first_point_from_query(self, query): """ Get first longitude, latitude of a Nominatim point @param query: Query to execute @type query: str @raise NominatimAreaException: @return: First relation's osm_id @rtype: str """ data = self.query(query) for result in data: if result['osm_type'] == "node": return result['lon'], result['lat'] # If no result has been return raise NominatimAreaException
class BaseTestAsync(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): = start_app() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass # # useless # stop_app() # NameError: name 'QGISAPP' is not defined # # crash when run unittest (all module) # del def setUp(self): if isinstance(super(), BaseTestAsync) and hasattr( super(), self._testMethodName): self.skipTest("duplicated test") # self.loop = self.loop = QEventLoop() self._output = list() self._idx = 0 self.flag_error = False self.startTime = time.time() def tearDown(self): self._stop_async() # useless ? self._log_debug("Test ended. ################### \n") self._log_info("%s: %.3fs" % (, time.time() - self.startTime)) def _add_output(self, output): self._output.append(output) def output(self, idx=None): if idx is None: idx = self._idx self._idx += 1 return self._output[idx] if idx < len(self._output) else None def _stop_async(self): self.loop.quit() self._log_debug("Stop Async. ################### \n") def _handle_error(self, e): pretty_print_error(e) self._stop_async() self.flag_error = True def _wait_async(self): t0 = time.time() self.loop.exec_() self._log_info("%s: wait_async end: %.3fs" % (, time.time() - t0)) self.assertFalse(self.flag_error, "error") def _make_async_fun(self, fun): return AsyncFun(fun) def _log_info(self, *a, **kw): print(*a, file=sys.stderr, **kw) def _log_debug(self, *a, **kw): log_debug(str(, *a, **kw) #unused def assertPairEqual(self, *a): pairs = [a[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(a), 2)] return self.assertEqual(*zip(*pairs))