def specaud(): from datetime import date from pathlib import Path from pyexcelerate import Workbook from rfpack.validatabc import validatab from rfpack.customparamc import customparam from rfpack.pntopdc import pntopd from rfpack.graffullc import graffull from rfpack.csvfrmxlsxc import xlsxfmcsv proglabel2.config(text="") # label init datab = Path('C:/SQLite/20200522_sqlite.db') pdf_file ="%y%m%d") + '_Feat1ParAudit.pdf' pdf_path = datab.parent / pdf_file xls_file = Path(pdf_path.with_suffix('.xlsx')) wb = Workbook() # pyexcelerate Workbook fndtbl = datab.parent / Path('findtable.csv') tbcstm = datab.parent / Path('tabcustom.csv') validatab(datab, fndtbl, tbcstm) # locate input tab/parameters in dbabase pnglist, sheetsdic = customparam(datab, 'tab_par', 5, root, my_progress, proglabel2) # generates png files # print Total info in 4 pages, 3 regions per page, bar starts at 60% pnglist1 = graffull(xls_file, 'Total', 4, 60, root, my_progress, proglabel2) pnglist1.extend(pnglist) # review png at the beginning pntopd(pdf_path, pnglist1, 50, 550, 500, 500) # png to pdf xlsxfmcsv(xls_file, sheetsdic, 75, root, my_progress, proglabel2) my_progress[ 'value'] = 100 # prog bar increase a cording to i steps in loop proglabel2.config(text=my_progress['value']) response = messagebox.showinfo("Specific Audit", "Process Finished") proglabel3 = Label(root, text=response) my_progress['value'] = 0 # prog bar increase according to i steps in loop proglabel2.config(text=" ") root.update_idletasks()
pngname = 'sumrzd' + str(j + 1) + '.png' pngfile = xls_file.parent / pngname, width=20, height=10, dpi=300) pnglist1.append(pngfile) return pnglist1 rffl = 'C:/SQLite/tablasSQL.csv' today = clmntp = 'xlsxsheets' pthfnc = 'c:/sqlite/' wrkfl = 'C:/SQLite/200825_Feat1ParAudit.xlsx' xls_file = Path(wrkfl) rfflph = Path(rffl) print(xls_file.stem) print( print(xls_file.parent) print(xls_file.suffixes) tit = today.strftime("%y%m%d") + '_ParameterAudit' pdf_file = tit + ".pdf" pdf_path = xls_file.parent / pdf_file sheetsdic = get_sheet_details( xls_file) # get sheet names and ids without opening xlsx file df = get_sheetid_bynamef(rfflph, clmntp, sheetsdic) # xlsxsheets column from csv table file # df = get_sheetid_bynamei("Total", sheetsdic) # get sheet id from Total sheet csvfrmxlsx(xls_file, df) # df with sheets to be converted pnglist1 = graffull(xls_file, df, 4) # print Total info in 4 pages, 3 regions per page pntopd(pdf_path, pnglist1, 50, 550, 500, 500)
text='SQLite error: %s' % (' '.join(error.args))) feedbk.pack() c.close() conn.close() # proglabel2.config(text="") # label init datab = Path('C:/SQLite/20201121_sqlite.db') pdf_file ="%y%m%d") + '_Feat1ParAudit.pdf' pdf_path = datab.parent / pdf_file xls_file = Path(pdf_path.with_suffix('.xlsx')) wb = Workbook() # pyexcelerate Workbook fndtbl = datab.parent / Path('findtable.csv') tbcstm = datab.parent / Path('tabcustom.csv') validatab(datab, fndtbl, tbcstm) # locate input tab/parameters in dbabase pnglist, sheetsdic = customparam(datab, 'tab_par', 5) # generates png files # pnglist, sheetsdic = customparam(datab, 'tab_par', 5, root, my_progress, proglabel2) # generates png files # print Total info in 4 pages, 3 regions per page, bar starts at 60% pnglist1 = graffull(xls_file, 'Total', 4, 60, root, my_progress, proglabel2) pnglist1.extend(pnglist) # review png at the beginning pntopd(pdf_path, pnglist1, 50, 550, 500, 500) # png to pdf xlsxfmcsv(xls_file, sheetsdic, 75, root, my_progress, proglabel2) # my_progress['value'] = 100 # prog bar increase a cording to i steps in loop # proglabel2.config(text=my_progress['value']) # response = messagebox.showinfo("Specific Audit", "Process Finished") # proglabel3 = Label(root, text=response) # my_progress['value'] = 0 # prog bar increase according to i steps in loop # proglabel2.config(text=" ") # root.update_idletasks() # try to put progress inside routine and avoid to exit from app
def customparam(ruta, datb, tab_par): import pandas as pd from pathlib import Path from datetime import date import sqlite3 # from pyexcelerate import Workbook from pyexcelerate_to_excel import pyexcelerate_to_excel from pyexcelerate_to_excel import Workbook from rfpack.carriersc import carriers from rfpack.carrierlc import carrierl from rfpack.carrtextc import carrtext from rfpack.carrtexlc import carrtexl from rfpack.statzonc import statzon from rfpack.par_auditc import par_audit from rfpack.cleaniparm2c import cleaniparm2 from rfpack.pntopdc import pntopd from rfpack.tabconvc import tabconv dat_dir = Path(ruta) db_path1 = dat_dir / datb today = wb = Workbook() # pyexcelerate Workbook pnglist = [] tit = today.strftime("%y%m%d") + '_Feat1ParAudit' xls_file = tit + ".xlsx" xls_path = dat_dir / xls_file pdf_file = tit + ".pdf" pdf_path = dat_dir / pdf_file conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path1) # database connection c = conn.cursor() ftab1 = tab_par + '.csv' # tables and parameters to audit df = pd.read_csv(dat_dir / ftab1) df1 = df.groupby('table_name')['parameter'].apply(list).reset_index( name='parlist') for index, row in df1.iterrows(): # table row iteration # print(row['table_name'], row['parlist']) line = row['table_name'] namtoinx = 'LNCELname' # default values for lncel related tables carrfilt = 'earfcnDL' if line == 'RNFC' or line == 'LNBTS': # carrier count - amount of graphs 1 for BTS n = 1 # 2 individual tables else: n = 5 # 11 tables with carries to graph for i in range(0, n): # loop for each carrier paramst1 = row['parlist'] # parameter list if line == 'WCEL': paramsext = ('Prefijo', 'WBTS_id', 'UARFCN', 'WCELname', 'Banda') carr = carriers(i) cart = carrtext(i) namtoinx = 'WCELname' carrfilt = 'UARFCN' elif line == 'ANRPRL': paramsext = ('Prefijo', 'LNBTS_id', 'targetCarrierFreq', 'LNBTSname', 'Banda') carr = carrierl(i) # carrier number cart = carrtexl(i) namtoinx = 'LNBTSname' carrfilt = 'targetCarrierFreq' elif line == 'RNFC': paramsext = ('Prefijo', 'RNC_id', 'RNCname') carr = 'RNC' namtoinx = 'RNCname' elif line == 'LNBTS': paramsext = ('Prefijo', 'LNBTSname') carr = 'LNBTS' namtoinx = 'LNBTSname' else: # add columns to include in table query paramsext = ('Prefijo', 'LNBTS_id', 'earfcnDL', 'LNCELname', 'Banda') carr = carrierl(i) # carrier number cart = carrtexl(i) paramst1.extend(paramsext) parstring = ','.join(paramst1) tabsq = tabconv(line) # select reference table to get info try: # include queries for all and carrier, pending if line == 'LNBTS' or line == 'RNFC' or line == 'WBTS': df = pd.read_sql_query("select " + parstring + " from " + tabsq + ";", conn, index_col=[namtoinx, 'Prefijo']) else: # 11 carrier related tables if carr == 'all': df = pd.read_sql_query("select " + parstring + " from " + tabsq + ";", conn, index_col=[namtoinx, 'Prefijo']) else: df = pd.read_sql_query( "select " + parstring + " from " + tabsq + " where (" + str(carrfilt) + " = " + str(carr) + ");", conn, index_col=[namtoinx, 'Prefijo']) df = df.dropna(subset=[ 'Banda' ]) # drop rows with band nan REVIEW IF NECESSARY print(df) # continue to process stpref = statzon(df) # stats per parameter and prefijo st = par_audit(df) # stats per parameter full set output = 'parametros.csv' st.to_csv(dat_dir / output) pyexcelerate_to_excel(wb, st, sheet_name=str(carr), index=True) df, st = cleaniparm2( df, st) # standardized params and NaN>0.15*n removal st['topdisc'] = range(len(st)) # top disc counter by IQR-CV st['topdisc'] = st['topdisc'].floordiv( 10) # split disc in groups by 10 st.sort_values(by=['Median'], inplace=True, ascending=[False]) # for better visualization st['counter'] = range( len(st)) # counter controls number of boxplots st['counter'] = st['counter'].floordiv( 10) # split parameters in groups by 10 cols = ['StdDev', 'Mean', 'Median', 'Max', 'Min', 'CV'] st[cols] = st[cols].round( 1) # scales colums with 1 decimal digit stpref[cols] = stpref[cols].round(1) # Prefijo info # concat info to put text in boxplots st['concat'] = st['StdDev'].astype( str) + ', ' + st['NoModeQty'].astype(str) stpref['concat'] = stpref['StdDev'].astype( str) + ', ' + stpref['NoModeQty'].astype(str) ldcol = list(st.index) # parameters to include in melt command # Structuring df1 according to ‘tidy data‘ standard df.reset_index( level=(0, 1), inplace=True) # to use indexes in melt operation df1 = df.melt( id_vars=['Prefijo'], value_vars=ldcol, # WCELName is not used var_name='parameter', value_name='value') df1 = df1.dropna(subset=['value']) # drop rows with value NaN st.reset_index(inplace=True) # parameter from index to col stpref.reset_index(inplace=True) # parameter from index to col temp = st[['parameter', 'topdisc']] # topdisc to be included in stpref stpref = pd.merge(stpref, temp, on='parameter') result = pd.merge( df1, st, on='parameter') # merge by columns not by index resultzon = pd.merge(df1, stpref, on=['parameter', 'Prefijo' ]) # merge by columns not by index # graph code custom_axis = theme( axis_text_x=element_text(color="grey", size=6, angle=90, hjust=.3), axis_text_y=element_text(color="grey", size=6), plot_title=element_text(size=25, face="bold"), axis_title=element_text(size=10), panel_spacing_x=1.6, panel_spacing_y=.45, # 2nd value number of rows and colunms figure_size=(5 * 4, 3.5 * 4)) # ggplot code:value 'concat' is placed in coordinate (parameter, stddev) my_plot = ( ggplot(data=result, mapping=aes(x='parameter', y='value')) + geom_boxplot() + geom_text( data=st, mapping=aes(x='parameter', y='StdDev', label='concat'), color='red', va='top', ha='left', size=7, nudge_x=.6, nudge_y=-1.5) + facet_wrap('counter', scales='free') + custom_axis + scale_y_continuous(trans=asinh_trans) + ylab("Values") + xlab("Parameters") + labs(title=line + " Parameter Audit " + cart) + coord_flip()) pngname = str(carr) + ".png" # saveplot pngfile = dat_dir / pngname, width=20, height=10, dpi=300) pnglist.append(pngfile) # plots to be printed in pdf n = 2 # top 2 plots for j in range(0, n): toplot = resultzon.loc[ resultzon['topdisc'] == j] # filter info for parameter set to be printed toplot1 = stpref.loc[stpref['topdisc'] == j] custom_axis = theme( axis_text_x=element_text(color="grey", size=7, angle=90, hjust=.3), axis_text_y=element_text(color="grey", size=7), plot_title=element_text(size=25, face="bold"), axis_title=element_text(size=10), panel_spacing_x=0.6, panel_spacing_y=.45, # 2nd value number of rows and colunms figure_size=(5 * 4, 3.5 * 4)) top_plot = (ggplot(data=toplot, mapping=aes(x='parameter', y='value')) + geom_boxplot() + geom_text(data=toplot1, mapping=aes(x='parameter', y='StdDev', label='concat'), color='red', va='top', ha='left', size=7, nudge_x=.6, nudge_y=-1.5) + facet_wrap('Prefijo') + custom_axis + scale_y_continuous(trans=asinh_trans) + ylab("Values") + xlab("Parameters") + labs(title="Top " + str(j + 1) + " Disc Parameter per Zone. " + cart) + coord_flip()) pngname = str(carr) + str(j + 1) + ".png" pngfile = dat_dir / pngname, width=20, height=10, dpi=300) pnglist.append(pngfile) except sqlite3.Error as error: # sqlite error handling. print('SQLite error: %s' % (' '.join(error.args))) feedbk = tk.Label(top, text='SQLite error: %s' % (' '.join(error.args))) feedbk.pack() pntopd(pdf_path, pnglist, 50, 550, 500, 500) c.close() conn.close()