def plot_drawdown(nav, w, alpha=0.05, height=8, width=10, ax=None): r""" Create a chart with the evolution of portfolio prices and drawdown. Parameters ---------- nav : DataFrame Cumulative assets returns. w : DataFrame, optional A portfolio specified by the user to compare with the efficient frontier. The default is None. alpha : float, optional Significante level of DaR and CDaR. The default is 0.05. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 8. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 10. ax : matplotlib axis of size (2,1), optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis. Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: nav=port.nav ax = plf.plot_drawdown(nav=nav, w=w1, alpha=0.05, height=8, width=10, ax=None) .. image:: images/Drawdown.png """ if not isinstance(nav, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("nav must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] == 0: w = w.T elif w.shape[1] > 1 and w.shape[0] > 0: raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if nav.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(nav.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1) ax = ax.flatten() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) index = nav.index.tolist() a = np.array(nav, ndmin=2) a = np.insert(a, 0, 0, axis=0) a = np.diff(a, axis=0) a = np.array(a, ndmin=2) @ np.array(w, ndmin=2) prices = 1 + np.insert(a, 0, 0, axis=0) prices = np.cumprod(prices, axis=0) prices = np.ravel(prices).tolist() prices2 = 1 + np.array(np.cumsum(a, axis=0)) prices2 = np.ravel(prices2).tolist() del prices[0] DD = [] peak = -99999 for i in range(0, len(prices)): if prices2[i] > peak: peak = prices2[i] DD.append((peak - prices2[i])) DD = -np.array(DD) titles = [ "Historical Compounded Cumulative Returns", "Historical Uncompounded Drawdown", ] data = [prices, DD] color1 = ["b", "orange"] risk = [ -rk.MDD_Abs(a), -rk.ADD_Abs(a), -rk.DaR_Abs(a, alpha), -rk.CDaR_Abs(a, alpha), -rk.UCI_Abs(a), ] label = [ "Maximum Drawdown: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[0]), "Average Drawdown: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[1]), "{0:.2%}".format( (1 - alpha)) + " Confidence DaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[2]), "{0:.2%}".format( (1 - alpha)) + " Confidence CDaR: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[3]), "Ulcer Index: " + "{0:.2%}".format(risk[4]), ] color2 = ["r", "b", "limegreen", "dodgerblue", "fuchsia"] j = 0 ymin = np.min(DD) * 1.5 for i in ax: i.clear() i.plot_date(index, data[j], "-", color=color1[j]) if j == 1: i.fill_between(index, 0, data[j], facecolor=color1[j], alpha=0.3) for k in range(0, len(risk)): i.axhline(y=risk[k], color=color2[k], linestyle="-", label=label[k]) i.set_ylim(ymin, 0) i.legend(loc="lower right") # , fontsize = 'x-small') i.set_title(titles[j]) i.xaxis.set_major_locator( mdates.AutoDateLocator(tz=None, minticks=5, maxticks=10)) i.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m")) i.set_yticklabels(["{:3.2%}".format(x) for x in i.get_yticks()]) i.grid(linestyle=":") j = j + 1 fig = plt.gcf() fig.tight_layout() return ax
def plot_table(returns, w, MAR=0, alpha=0.05, height=9, width=12, t_factor=252, ax=None): r""" Create a table with information about risk measures and risk adjusted return ratios. Parameters ---------- returns : DataFrame Assets returns. w : DataFrame Portfolio weights. MAR: float, optional Minimum acceptable return. alpha: float, optional Significance level for VaR, CVaR, EVaR, DaR and CDaR. height : float, optional Height of the image in inches. The default is 9. width : float, optional Width of the image in inches. The default is 12. t_factor : float, optional Factor used to annualize expected return and expected risks for risk measures based on returns (not drawdowns). The default is 252. .. math:: \begin{align} \text{Annualized Return} & = \text{Return} \, \times \, \text{t_factor} \\ \text{Annualized Risk} & = \text{Risk} \, \times \, \sqrt{\text{t_factor}} \end{align} ax : matplotlib axis, optional If provided, plot on this axis. The default is None. Raises ------ ValueError When the value cannot be calculated. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib axis Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. Example ------- :: ax = plf.plot_table(returns=Y, w=w1, MAR=0, alpha=0.05, ax=None) .. image:: images/Port_Table.png """ if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("returns must be a DataFrame") if not isinstance(w, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("w must be a DataFrame") if returns.shape[1] != w.shape[0]: a1 = str(returns.shape) a2 = str(w.shape) raise ValueError("shapes " + a1 + " and " + a2 + " not aligned") if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_figwidth(width) fig.set_figheight(height) mu = returns.mean() cov = returns.cov() days = (returns.index[-1] - returns.index[0]).days + 1 X = returns @ w X = X.to_numpy().ravel() rowLabels = [ "Profitability and Other Inputs", "Mean Return (1)", "Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)", "Minimum Acceptable Return (MAR) (1)", "Significance Level", "", "Risk Measures based on Returns", "Standard Deviation (2)", "Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) (2)", "Semi Standard Deviation (2)", "First Lower Partial Moment (FLPM) (2)", "Second Lower Partial Moment (SLPM) (2)", "Value at Risk (VaR) (2)", "Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) (2)", "Entropic Value at Risk (EVaR) (2)", "Worst Realization (2)", "Skewness", "Kurtosis", "", "Risk Measures based on Drawdowns (3)", "Max Drawdown (MDD)", "Average Drawdown (ADD)", "Drawdown at Risk (DaR)", "Conditional Drawdown at Risk (CDaR)", "Ulcer Index", "(1) Annualized, multiplied by " + str(t_factor), "(2) Annualized, multiplied by √" + str(t_factor), "(3) Based on uncompounded cumulated returns", ] indicators = [ "", (mu @ w).to_numpy().item() * t_factor, np.power( + X), 360 / days) - 1, MAR, alpha, "", "", np.sqrt(w.T @ cov @ w).to_numpy().item() * t_factor**0.5, rk.MAD(X) * t_factor**0.5, rk.SemiDeviation(X) * t_factor**0.5, rk.LPM(X, MAR=MAR, p=1) * t_factor**0.5, rk.LPM(X, MAR=MAR, p=2) * t_factor**0.5, rk.VaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha) * t_factor**0.5, rk.CVaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha) * t_factor**0.5, rk.EVaR_Hist(X, alpha=alpha)[0] * t_factor**0.5, rk.WR(X) * t_factor**0.5, st.skew(X, bias=False), st.kurtosis(X, bias=False), "", "", rk.MDD_Abs(X), rk.ADD_Abs(X), rk.DaR_Abs(X), rk.CDaR_Abs(X, alpha=alpha), rk.UCI_Abs(X), "", "", "", ] ratios = [] for i in range(len(indicators)): if i < 6 or indicators[i] == "" or rowLabels[i] in [ "Skewness", "Kurtosis" ]: ratios.append("") else: ratio = (indicators[1] - MAR) / indicators[i] ratios.append(ratio) for i in range(len(indicators)): if indicators[i] != "": if rowLabels[i] in ["Skewness", "Kurtosis"]: indicators[i] = "{:.5f}".format(indicators[i]) else: indicators[i] = "{:.4%}".format(indicators[i]) if ratios[i] != "": ratios[i] = "{:.6f}".format(ratios[i]) data = pd.DataFrame({ "A": rowLabels, "B": indicators, "C": ratios }).to_numpy() ax.set_axis_off() ax.axis("tight") ax.axis("off") colLabels = ["", "Values", "(Return - MAR)/Risk"] colWidths = [0.45, 0.275, 0.275] rowHeight = 0.07 table = ax.table( cellText=data, colLabels=colLabels, colWidths=colWidths, cellLoc="center", loc="upper left", bbox=[-0.03, 0, 1, 1], ) table.auto_set_font_size(False) cellDict = table.get_celld() k = 1 rowHeight = 1 / len(rowLabels) ncols = len(colLabels) nrows = len(rowLabels) for i in range(0, ncols): cellDict[(0, i)].set_text_props(weight="bold", color="white", size="x-large") cellDict[(0, i)].set_facecolor("darkblue") cellDict[(0, i)].set_edgecolor("white") cellDict[(0, i)].set_height(rowHeight) for j in range(1, nrows + 1): cellDict[(j, 0)].set_text_props(weight="bold", color="black", size="x-large", ha="left") cellDict[(j, i)].set_text_props(color="black", size="x-large") cellDict[(j, 0)].set_edgecolor("white") cellDict[(j, i)].set_edgecolor("white") if k % 2 != 0: cellDict[(j, 0)].set_facecolor("whitesmoke") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("whitesmoke") if j in [6, 19]: cellDict[(j, 0)].set_facecolor("white") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("white") if j in [1, 7, 20]: cellDict[(j, 0)].set_text_props(color="white") cellDict[(j, 0)].set_facecolor("orange") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("orange") k = 1 k += 1 cellDict[(j, i)].set_height(rowHeight) for i in range(0, ncols): for j in range(nrows - 2, nrows + 1): cellDict[(j, i)].set_text_props(weight="normal", color="black", size="large") cellDict[(j, i)].set_facecolor("white") fig = plt.gcf() fig.tight_layout() return ax