예제 #1
def validate_cluster_creating(pctx, cluster):
    nn_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'namenode')
    if nn_count != 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('namenode', 1, nn_count)

    snn_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'secondarynamenode')
    if snn_count not in [0, 1]:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('secondarynamenode',
                                                _('0 or 1'), snn_count)

    rm_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'resourcemanager')
    if rm_count not in [0, 1]:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('resourcemanager', _('0 or 1'),

    hs_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'historyserver')
    if hs_count not in [0, 1]:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('historyserver', _('0 or 1'),

    nm_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'nodemanager')
    if rm_count == 0:
        if nm_count > 0:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('resourcemanager',

    oo_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'oozie')
    dn_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'datanode')
    if oo_count not in [0, 1]:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('oozie', _('0 or 1'), oo_count)

    if oo_count == 1:
        if dn_count < 1:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('datanode',

        if nm_count < 1:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('nodemanager',

        if hs_count != 1:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('historyserver',

    rep_factor = cu.get_config_value(pctx, 'HDFS', 'dfs.replication', cluster)
    if dn_count < rep_factor:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException(
            'datanode', rep_factor, dn_count,
            _('Number of datanodes must be '
              'not less than '

    hive_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'hiveserver')
    if hive_count not in [0, 1]:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('hive', _('0 or 1'),
예제 #2
def validate_cluster_creating(pctx, cluster):
    nn_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'namenode')
    if nn_count != 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('namenode', 1, nn_count)

    snn_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'secondarynamenode')
    if snn_count > 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('secondarynamenode',
                                                _('0 or 1'), snn_count)

    rm_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'resourcemanager')
    if rm_count > 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('resourcemanager', _('0 or 1'),

    hs_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'historyserver')
    if hs_count > 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('historyserver', _('0 or 1'),

    nm_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'nodemanager')
    if rm_count == 0:
        if nm_count > 0:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('resourcemanager',

    oo_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'oozie')
    dn_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'datanode')
    if oo_count > 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('oozie', _('0 or 1'), oo_count)

    if oo_count == 1:
        if dn_count < 1:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('datanode',

        if nm_count < 1:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('nodemanager',

        if hs_count != 1:
            raise ex.RequiredServiceMissingException('historyserver',

    rep_factor = cu.get_config_value(pctx, 'HDFS', 'dfs.replication', cluster)
    if dn_count < rep_factor:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException(
            'datanode', rep_factor, dn_count, _('Number of datanodes must be '
                                                'not less than '

    hive_count = _get_inst_count(cluster, 'hiveserver')
    if hive_count > 1:
        raise ex.InvalidComponentCountException('hive', _('0 or 1'),
예제 #3
    def test_get_config_value(self):
        cluster = mock.Mock()
        ng = mock.Mock()
        ng.configuration.return_value = mock.Mock()
        ng.configuration.return_value.get.return_value = mock.Mock()
        cl = 'test'
        ng.configuration.return_value.get.return_value.get.return_value = cl
        cluster.node_groups = [ng]
        cl_param = c_helper.get_config_value('pctx', 'service',
                                             'name', cluster)
        self.assertEqual(cl, cl_param)

        all_confs = mock.Mock()
        all_confs.applicable_target = 'service'
        all_confs.name = 'name'
        all_confs.default_value = 'default'
        pctx = {'all_confs': [all_confs]}
        value = c_helper.get_config_value(pctx, 'service', 'name')
        self.assertEqual(value, 'default')

        pctx = {'all_confs': []}
        self.assertRaises(ex.NotFoundException, c_helper.get_config_value,
                          pctx, 'service', 'name')
예제 #4
def validate_existing_ng_scaling(pctx, cluster, existing):
    scalable_processes = _get_scalable_processes()
    dn_to_delete = 0
    for ng in cluster.node_groups:
        if ng.id in existing:
            if ng.count > existing[ng.id] and "datanode" in ng.node_processes:
                dn_to_delete += ng.count - existing[ng.id]

            if not set(ng.node_processes).issubset(scalable_processes):
                msg = _("Vanilla plugin cannot scale nodegroup "
                        "with processes: %s")
                raise ex.NodeGroupCannotBeScaled(
                    ng.name, msg % ' '.join(ng.node_processes))

    dn_amount = len(vu.get_datanodes(cluster))
    rep_factor = cu.get_config_value(pctx, 'HDFS', 'dfs.replication', cluster)

    if dn_to_delete > 0 and dn_amount - dn_to_delete < rep_factor:
        msg = _("Vanilla plugin cannot shrink cluster because it would be "
                "not enough nodes for replicas (replication factor is %s)")
        raise ex.ClusterCannotBeScaled(cluster.name, msg % rep_factor)
예제 #5
def validate_existing_ng_scaling(pctx, cluster, existing):
    scalable_processes = _get_scalable_processes()
    dn_to_delete = 0
    for ng in cluster.node_groups:
        if ng.id in existing:
            if ng.count > existing[ng.id] and "datanode" in ng.node_processes:
                dn_to_delete += ng.count - existing[ng.id]

            if not set(ng.node_processes).issubset(scalable_processes):
                msg = _("Vanilla plugin cannot scale nodegroup "
                        "with processes: %s")
                raise ex.NodeGroupCannotBeScaled(
                    ng.name, msg % ' '.join(ng.node_processes))

    dn_amount = len(vu.get_datanodes(cluster))
    rep_factor = cu.get_config_value(pctx, 'HDFS', 'dfs.replication', cluster)

    if dn_to_delete > 0 and dn_amount - dn_to_delete < rep_factor:
        msg = _("Vanilla plugin cannot shrink cluster because it would be "
                "not enough nodes for replicas (replication factor is %s)")
        raise ex.ClusterCannotBeScaled(
            cluster.name, msg % rep_factor)